/* src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/connect.c */ #define POSTGRES_ECPG_INTERNAL #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "ecpg-pthread-win32.h" #include "ecpgtype.h" #include "ecpglib.h" #include "ecpgerrno.h" #include "extern.h" #include "sqlca.h" #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY static pthread_mutex_t connections_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_key_t actual_connection_key; static pthread_once_t actual_connection_key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; #endif static struct connection *actual_connection = NULL; static struct connection *all_connections = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY static void ecpg_actual_connection_init(void) { pthread_key_create(&actual_connection_key, NULL); } void ecpg_pthreads_init(void) { pthread_once(&actual_connection_key_once, ecpg_actual_connection_init); } #endif static struct connection * ecpg_get_connection_nr(const char *connection_name) { struct connection *ret = NULL; if ((connection_name == NULL) || (strcmp(connection_name, "CURRENT") == 0)) { #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY ret = pthread_getspecific(actual_connection_key); /* * if no connection in TSD for this thread, get the global default * connection and hope the user knows what they're doing (i.e. using * their own mutex to protect that connection from concurrent accesses */ /* if !ret then we got the connection from TSD */ if (NULL == ret) /* no TSD connection, going for global */ ret = actual_connection; #else ret = actual_connection; #endif } else { struct connection *con; for (con = all_connections; con != NULL; con = con->next) { if (strcmp(connection_name, con->name) == 0) break; } ret = con; } return ret; } struct connection * ecpg_get_connection(const char *connection_name) { struct connection *ret = NULL; if ((connection_name == NULL) || (strcmp(connection_name, "CURRENT") == 0)) { #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY ret = pthread_getspecific(actual_connection_key); /* * if no connection in TSD for this thread, get the global default * connection and hope the user knows what they're doing (i.e. using * their own mutex to protect that connection from concurrent accesses */ /* if !ret then we got the connection from TSD */ if (NULL == ret) /* no TSD connection here either, using global */ ret = actual_connection; #else ret = actual_connection; #endif } else { #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_lock(&connections_mutex); #endif ret = ecpg_get_connection_nr(connection_name); #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_unlock(&connections_mutex); #endif } return ret; } static void ecpg_finish(struct connection *act) { if (act != NULL) { struct ECPGtype_information_cache *cache, *ptr; ecpg_deallocate_all_conn(0, ECPG_COMPAT_PGSQL, act); PQfinish(act->connection); /* * no need to lock connections_mutex - we're always called by * ECPGdisconnect or ECPGconnect, which are holding the lock */ /* remove act from the list */ if (act == all_connections) all_connections = act->next; else { struct connection *con; for (con = all_connections; con->next && con->next != act; con = con->next); if (con->next) con->next = act->next; } #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY if (pthread_getspecific(actual_connection_key) == act) pthread_setspecific(actual_connection_key, all_connections); #endif if (actual_connection == act) actual_connection = all_connections; ecpg_log("ecpg_finish: connection %s closed\n", act->name ? act->name : "(null)"); for (cache = act->cache_head; cache; ptr = cache, cache = cache->next, ecpg_free(ptr)); ecpg_free(act->name); ecpg_free(act); /* delete cursor variables when last connection gets closed */ if (all_connections == NULL) { struct var_list *iv_ptr; for (; ivlist; iv_ptr = ivlist, ivlist = ivlist->next, ecpg_free(iv_ptr)); } } else ecpg_log("ecpg_finish: called an extra time\n"); } bool ECPGsetcommit(int lineno, const char *mode, const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con = ecpg_get_connection(connection_name); PGresult *results; if (!ecpg_init(con, connection_name, lineno)) return false; ecpg_log("ECPGsetcommit on line %d: action \"%s\"; connection \"%s\"\n", lineno, mode, con->name); if (con->autocommit && strncmp(mode, "off", strlen("off")) == 0) { if (PQtransactionStatus(con->connection) == PQTRANS_IDLE) { results = PQexec(con->connection, "begin transaction"); if (!ecpg_check_PQresult(results, lineno, con->connection, ECPG_COMPAT_PGSQL)) return false; PQclear(results); } con->autocommit = false; } else if (!con->autocommit && strncmp(mode, "on", strlen("on")) == 0) { if (PQtransactionStatus(con->connection) != PQTRANS_IDLE) { results = PQexec(con->connection, "commit"); if (!ecpg_check_PQresult(results, lineno, con->connection, ECPG_COMPAT_PGSQL)) return false; PQclear(results); } con->autocommit = true; } return true; } bool ECPGsetconn(int lineno, const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con = ecpg_get_connection(connection_name); if (!ecpg_init(con, connection_name, lineno)) return false; #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_setspecific(actual_connection_key, con); #else actual_connection = con; #endif return true; } static void ECPGnoticeReceiver(void *arg, const PGresult *result) { char *sqlstate = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE); char *message = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY); struct sqlca_t *sqlca = ECPGget_sqlca(); int sqlcode; if (sqlca == NULL) { ecpg_log("out of memory"); return; } (void) arg; /* keep the compiler quiet */ if (sqlstate == NULL) sqlstate = ECPG_SQLSTATE_ECPG_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (message == NULL) /* Shouldn't happen, but need to be sure */ message = ecpg_gettext("empty message text"); /* these are not warnings */ if (strncmp(sqlstate, "00", 2) == 0) return; ecpg_log("ECPGnoticeReceiver: %s\n", message); /* map to SQLCODE for backward compatibility */ if (strcmp(sqlstate, ECPG_SQLSTATE_INVALID_CURSOR_NAME) == 0) sqlcode = ECPG_WARNING_UNKNOWN_PORTAL; else if (strcmp(sqlstate, ECPG_SQLSTATE_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION) == 0) sqlcode = ECPG_WARNING_IN_TRANSACTION; else if (strcmp(sqlstate, ECPG_SQLSTATE_NO_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION) == 0) sqlcode = ECPG_WARNING_NO_TRANSACTION; else if (strcmp(sqlstate, ECPG_SQLSTATE_DUPLICATE_CURSOR) == 0) sqlcode = ECPG_WARNING_PORTAL_EXISTS; else sqlcode = 0; strncpy(sqlca->sqlstate, sqlstate, sizeof(sqlca->sqlstate)); sqlca->sqlcode = sqlcode; sqlca->sqlwarn[2] = 'W'; sqlca->sqlwarn[0] = 'W'; strncpy(sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrmc, message, sizeof(sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrmc)); sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[sizeof(sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrmc) - 1] = 0; sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrml = strlen(sqlca->sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); ecpg_log("raising sqlcode %d\n", sqlcode); } /* this contains some quick hacks, needs to be cleaned up, but it works */ bool ECPGconnect(int lineno, int c, const char *name, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *connection_name, int autocommit) { struct sqlca_t *sqlca = ECPGget_sqlca(); enum COMPAT_MODE compat = c; struct connection *this; int i, connect_params = 0; char *dbname = name ? ecpg_strdup(name, lineno) : NULL, *host = NULL, *tmp, *port = NULL, *realname = NULL, *options = NULL; const char **conn_keywords; const char **conn_values; if (sqlca == NULL) { ecpg_raise(lineno, ECPG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ECPG_SQLSTATE_ECPG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); ecpg_free(dbname); return false; } ecpg_init_sqlca(sqlca); /* * clear auto_mem structure because some error handling functions might * access it */ ecpg_clear_auto_mem(); if (INFORMIX_MODE(compat)) { char *envname; /* * Informix uses an environment variable DBPATH that overrides the * connection parameters given here. We do the same with PG_DBPATH as * the syntax is different. */ envname = getenv("PG_DBPATH"); if (envname) { ecpg_free(dbname); dbname = ecpg_strdup(envname, lineno); } } if (dbname == NULL && connection_name == NULL) connection_name = "DEFAULT"; #if ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY ecpg_pthreads_init(); #endif /* check if the identifier is unique */ if (ecpg_get_connection(connection_name)) { ecpg_free(dbname); ecpg_log("ECPGconnect: connection identifier %s is already in use\n", connection_name); return false; } if ((this = (struct connection *) ecpg_alloc(sizeof(struct connection), lineno)) == NULL) { ecpg_free(dbname); return false; } if (dbname != NULL) { /* get the detail information from dbname */ if (strncmp(dbname, "tcp:", 4) == 0 || strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) { int offset = 0; /* * only allow protocols tcp and unix */ if (strncmp(dbname, "tcp:", 4) == 0) offset = 4; else if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) offset = 5; if (strncmp(dbname + offset, "postgresql://", strlen("postgresql://")) == 0) { /*------ * new style: * :postgresql://server[:port|:/unixsocket/path:] * [/db-name][?options] *------ */ offset += strlen("postgresql://"); tmp = strrchr(dbname + offset, '?'); if (tmp != NULL) /* options given */ { options = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = last_dir_separator(dbname + offset); if (tmp != NULL) /* database name given */ { if (tmp[1] != '\0') /* non-empty database name */ { realname = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); connect_params++; } *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = strrchr(dbname + offset, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) /* port number or Unix socket path given */ { char *tmp2; *tmp = '\0'; if ((tmp2 = strchr(tmp + 1, ':')) != NULL) { *tmp2 = '\0'; host = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); connect_params++; if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) != 0) { ecpg_log("ECPGconnect: socketname %s given for TCP connection on line %d\n", host, lineno); ecpg_raise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, ECPG_SQLSTATE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION, realname ? realname : ecpg_gettext("")); if (host) ecpg_free(host); /* * port not set yet if (port) ecpg_free(port); */ if (options) ecpg_free(options); if (realname) ecpg_free(realname); if (dbname) ecpg_free(dbname); free(this); return false; } } else { port = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); connect_params++; } } if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) { if (strcmp(dbname + offset, "localhost") != 0 && strcmp(dbname + offset, "") != 0) { ecpg_log("ECPGconnect: non-localhost access via sockets on line %d\n", lineno); ecpg_raise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, ECPG_SQLSTATE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION, realname ? realname : ecpg_gettext("")); if (host) ecpg_free(host); if (port) ecpg_free(port); if (options) ecpg_free(options); if (realname) ecpg_free(realname); if (dbname) ecpg_free(dbname); free(this); return false; } } else { if (*(dbname + offset) != '\0') { host = ecpg_strdup(dbname + offset, lineno); connect_params++; } } } } else { /* old style: dbname[@server][:port] */ tmp = strrchr(dbname, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) /* port number given */ { port = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); connect_params++; *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = strrchr(dbname, '@'); if (tmp != NULL) /* host name given */ { host = ecpg_strdup(tmp + 1, lineno); connect_params++; *tmp = '\0'; } if (strlen(dbname) > 0) { realname = ecpg_strdup(dbname, lineno); connect_params++; } else realname = NULL; } } else realname = NULL; /* add connection to our list */ #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_lock(&connections_mutex); #endif if (connection_name != NULL) this->name = ecpg_strdup(connection_name, lineno); else this->name = ecpg_strdup(realname, lineno); this->cache_head = NULL; this->prep_stmts = NULL; if (all_connections == NULL) this->next = NULL; else this->next = all_connections; all_connections = this; #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_setspecific(actual_connection_key, all_connections); #endif actual_connection = all_connections; ecpg_log("ECPGconnect: opening database %s on %s port %s %s%s %s%s\n", realname ? realname : "", host ? host : "", port ? (ecpg_internal_regression_mode ? "" : port) : "", options ? "with options " : "", options ? options : "", (user && strlen(user) > 0) ? "for user " : "", user ? user : ""); if (options) for (i = 0; options[i]; i++) /* count options */ if (options[i] == '=') connect_params++; if (user && strlen(user) > 0) connect_params++; if (passwd && strlen(passwd) > 0) connect_params++; /* allocate enough space for all connection parameters */ conn_keywords = (const char **) ecpg_alloc((connect_params + 1) * sizeof(char *), lineno); conn_values = (const char **) ecpg_alloc(connect_params * sizeof(char *), lineno); if (conn_keywords == NULL || conn_values == NULL) { if (host) ecpg_free(host); if (port) ecpg_free(port); if (options) ecpg_free(options); if (realname) ecpg_free(realname); if (dbname) ecpg_free(dbname); if (conn_keywords) ecpg_free(conn_keywords); if (conn_values) ecpg_free(conn_values); free(this); return false; } i = 0; if (realname) { conn_keywords[i] = "dbname"; conn_values[i] = realname; i++; } if (host) { conn_keywords[i] = "host"; conn_values[i] = host; i++; } if (port) { conn_keywords[i] = "port"; conn_values[i] = port; i++; } if (user && strlen(user) > 0) { conn_keywords[i] = "user"; conn_values[i] = user; i++; } if (passwd && strlen(passwd) > 0) { conn_keywords[i] = "password"; conn_values[i] = passwd; i++; } if (options) { char *str; /* options look like this "option1 = value1 option2 = value2 ... */ /* we have to break up the string into single options */ for (str = options; *str;) { int e, a; char *token1, *token2; for (token1 = str; *token1 && *token1 == ' '; token1++); for (e = 0; token1[e] && token1[e] != '='; e++); if (token1[e]) /* found "=" */ { token1[e] = '\0'; for (token2 = token1 + e + 1; *token2 && *token2 == ' '; token2++); for (a = 0; token2[a] && token2[a] != '&'; a++); if (token2[a]) /* found "&" => another option follows */ { token2[a] = '\0'; str = token2 + a + 1; } else str = token2 + a; conn_keywords[i] = token1; conn_values[i] = token2; i++; } else /* the parser should not be able to create this invalid option */ str = token1 + e; } } conn_keywords[i] = NULL; /* terminator */ this->connection = PQconnectdbParams(conn_keywords, conn_values, 0); if (host) ecpg_free(host); if (port) ecpg_free(port); if (options) ecpg_free(options); if (dbname) ecpg_free(dbname); ecpg_free(conn_values); ecpg_free(conn_keywords); if (PQstatus(this->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD) { const char *errmsg = PQerrorMessage(this->connection); const char *db = realname ? realname : ecpg_gettext(""); ecpg_log("ECPGconnect: could not open database: %s\n", errmsg); ecpg_finish(this); #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_unlock(&connections_mutex); #endif ecpg_raise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, ECPG_SQLSTATE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION, db); if (realname) ecpg_free(realname); return false; } if (realname) ecpg_free(realname); #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_unlock(&connections_mutex); #endif this->autocommit = autocommit; PQsetNoticeReceiver(this->connection, &ECPGnoticeReceiver, (void *) this); return true; } bool ECPGdisconnect(int lineno, const char *connection_name) { struct sqlca_t *sqlca = ECPGget_sqlca(); struct connection *con; if (sqlca == NULL) { ecpg_raise(lineno, ECPG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ECPG_SQLSTATE_ECPG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); return false; } #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_lock(&connections_mutex); #endif if (strcmp(connection_name, "ALL") == 0) { ecpg_init_sqlca(sqlca); for (con = all_connections; con;) { struct connection *f = con; con = con->next; ecpg_finish(f); } } else { con = ecpg_get_connection_nr(connection_name); if (!ecpg_init(con, connection_name, lineno)) { #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_unlock(&connections_mutex); #endif return false; } else ecpg_finish(con); } #ifdef ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY pthread_mutex_unlock(&connections_mutex); #endif return true; } PGconn * ECPGget_PGconn(const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con; con = ecpg_get_connection(connection_name); if (con == NULL) return NULL; return con->connection; }