ELF>I@@UHSHHH(HH@Ht#HH[HuHPH[]fHH[]ecpg-11--help-?Options:--version-V11.2ecpg (PostgreSQL) %s -wINFORMIXINFORMIX_SE%s/informix/esqlORACLEno_indicatorpreparequestionmarks1vcio:I:tD:dC:r:h./usr/local/include/usr/include %s end of search list %s: no input files specified rstdin/* Processed by ecpg (%s) */ regression%s: could not locate my own executable path %s is the PostgreSQL embedded SQL preprocessor for C programs. Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE... -c automatically generate C code from embedded SQL code; this affects EXEC SQL TYPE -C MODE set compatibility mode; MODE can be one of "INFORMIX", "INFORMIX_SE", "ORACLE" -D SYMBOL define SYMBOL -h parse a header file, this option includes option "-c" -i parse system include files as well -I DIRECTORY search DIRECTORY for include files -o OUTFILE write result to OUTFILE -r OPTION specify run-time behavior; OPTION can be: "no_indicator", "prepare", "questionmarks" --regression run in regression testing mode -t turn on autocommit of transactions -V, --version output version information, then exit -?, --help show this help, then exit If no output file is specified, the name is formed by adding .c to the input file name, after stripping off .pgc if present. Report bugs to .%s: could not open file "%s": %s Try "%s --help" for more information. %s: parser debug support (-d) not available %s, the PostgreSQL embedded C preprocessor, version %s EXEC SQL INCLUDE ... search starts here: /* Processed by ecpg (regression mode) */ /* These include files are added by the preprocessor */ #include #include #include /* Needed for informix compatibility */ #include /* End of automatic include section */ #define ECPGdebug(X,Y) ECPGdebug((X)+100,(Y)) cursor "%s" has been declared but not openedcould not remove output file "%s" AWAVAUATAUSHH5H( H;Ll$ H;H;LIAMHkH5HtYH5HtFH5HtH5HH=H511LH=1LH=1H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=H=1D$H-HD$D$@E1H HDHC3w"HcDHH=LH51HH=H51H( []A\A]A^A_D$h\H=KHH=HD$(I=LHHD$HL$HHH z H@uf.H8 t@HHL0HHPHT$@H@HP H=H5tFH=H5t/H=H5HH=H5L$ H$ LHHL$HL$L1HLL5H5LH5LH=H5HHIHHH=cD$HH5L[HHxH5HHH=.L$H5@HH=HH8H HT$H5H=I1H=H=H4HHD$fE.pEgEEH-H-.H8H LH=IH51HL1H=L5IFHH CH=0H=H L1H5H-)H H=HHH1H[H=HuHH=1XGCC: (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110zRx 0^AID v AAJ KAAPP BBB B(D0A8Q& 8A0A(B BBBA ^ @  (-27=%C-I(O0TxY^chmsy0h@x`GPm\tCEx &,2 8>DhJPV \bhHn t  ( 4!5,3;ELZb i}031!8CM_gr82ecpg.cadd_include_pathecpg_options.0.LC0.LC2.LC3.LC21.LC22.LC24.LC23.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC38.LC46.LC32.LC28.LC29.LC31.LC30.LC33.LC34.LC25.LC37.LC1.LC26.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC48.LC49.LC55.LC47.LC27.LC56.LC50.LC54.LC51.LC53.LC35.LC36.LC52.LC42.LC44.LC43.LC45include_paths_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_mm_allocmainset_pglocale_pgserviceget_prognamefind_my_execstrcmpexitputsoutput_filenamegetopt_longstderrfprintfauto_create_cautocommitoptargdefinesmm_strdupstrchrpg_strcasecmpstrncmpcompatget_pkginclude_pathsnprintfauto_preparestdoutbase_yyoutsystem_includesregression_modeforce_indicatorfopenget_include_pathoptindinput_filenamestdinbase_yyincurfreetypesECPGfree_struct_memberwhen_errorwhen_warnecpg_internal_varwhen_nfconnectionstruct_member_listlex_initfwriteoutput_line_numberbase_yyparsemmerrorfcloseret_valuestrlenstrcpylast_dir_separatorstrrchr__errno_locationstrerrorunlinkquestionmarksHJSH'L/M=NZbOmuOOOPQPPRRR RR$)R05R<ARHMRT YR`!eRl"qRx#}R$R%RQ S &T U'V&U-(4VVWbXoYtZY[JZ\ZZ&Y-)2]=YD*I]TY`+e^s_Y)]_`,aY-O .O b-Y2[9/CSKOZcadhdeU0VfgU1V2hd 34$/i7>5CUj/OJklmk6Ocdmn%o.o7oPopooZnZoooZp!o*q3o?oRrYpgsmtzuvwxfd7yfz8{ n@|Pm\lc}sdzc}~SoSko~ooo  J' k2 9 k> T [ kk 9s hz m   : U V S ~ S / O  S U ; V d$ + <2 V> dO =T y` dq >v y| _ d ? y @ O   J k S  S  2 S$ h+ d9 @ G SS :Z Ud Vk Sp ow k~ S o  k k    S U : V S A! Z& [1 Z= dN BS y_ Uf r Cy D~ V U E y H V U F y#( ,04< @$D(H,L0P4T8X<\@`DdHhLlPpTtXx\|`dhlptx|$) T.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rela.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.8.rela.text.startup.rela.rodata.rela.data.rel.local.comment.note.GNU-stack.rela.eh_frame @^@(H&,<124@2T O@(gb@C t@ o@H 0(((@H0 H p$&I