/* header */ /* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.header */ /* Copyright comment */ %{ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "extern.h" #include "ecpg_config.h" #include /* Location tracking support --- simpler than bison's default */ #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ do { \ if (N) \ (Current) = (Rhs)[1]; \ else \ (Current) = (Rhs)[0]; \ } while (0) /* * The %name-prefix option below will make bison call base_yylex, but we * really want it to call filtered_base_yylex (see parser.c). */ #define base_yylex filtered_base_yylex /* * This is only here so the string gets into the POT. Bison uses it * internally. */ #define bison_gettext_dummy gettext_noop("syntax error") /* * Variables containing simple states. */ int struct_level = 0; int braces_open; /* brace level counter */ char *current_function; int ecpg_internal_var = 0; char *connection = NULL; char *input_filename = NULL; static int FoundInto = 0; static int initializer = 0; static int pacounter = 1; static char pacounter_buffer[sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3]; /* a rough guess at the size we need */ static struct this_type actual_type[STRUCT_DEPTH]; static char *actual_startline[STRUCT_DEPTH]; static int varchar_counter = 1; /* temporarily store struct members while creating the data structure */ struct ECPGstruct_member *struct_member_list[STRUCT_DEPTH] = { NULL }; /* also store struct type so we can do a sizeof() later */ static char *ECPGstruct_sizeof = NULL; /* for forward declarations we have to store some data as well */ static char *forward_name = NULL; struct ECPGtype ecpg_no_indicator = {ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, 0}; struct variable no_indicator = {"no_indicator", &ecpg_no_indicator, 0, NULL}; static struct ECPGtype ecpg_query = {ECPGt_char_variable, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL}, 0}; static void vmmerror(int error_code, enum errortype type, const char *error, va_list ap) pg_attribute_printf(3, 0); /* * Handle parsing errors and warnings */ static void vmmerror(int error_code, enum errortype type, const char *error, va_list ap) { /* localize the error message string */ error = _(error); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", input_filename, base_yylineno); switch(type) { case ET_WARNING: fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING: ")); break; case ET_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR: ")); break; } vfprintf(stderr, error, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); switch(type) { case ET_WARNING: break; case ET_ERROR: ret_value = error_code; break; } } void mmerror(int error_code, enum errortype type, const char *error, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, error); vmmerror(error_code, type, error, ap); va_end(ap); } void mmfatal(int error_code, const char *error, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, error); vmmerror(error_code, ET_ERROR, error, ap); va_end(ap); if (base_yyin) fclose(base_yyin); if (base_yyout) fclose(base_yyout); if (strcmp(output_filename, "-") != 0 && unlink(output_filename) != 0) fprintf(stderr, _("could not remove output file \"%s\"\n"), output_filename); exit(error_code); } /* * string concatenation */ static char * cat2_str(char *str1, char *str2) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 2); strcpy(res_str, str1); if (strlen(str1) != 0 && strlen(str2) != 0) strcat(res_str, " "); strcat(res_str, str2); free(str1); free(str2); return res_str; } static char * cat_str(int count, ...) { va_list args; int i; char *res_str; va_start(args, count); res_str = va_arg(args, char *); /* now add all other strings */ for (i = 1; i < count; i++) res_str = cat2_str(res_str, va_arg(args, char *)); va_end(args); return res_str; } static char * make2_str(char *str1, char *str2) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); free(str1); free(str2); return res_str; } static char * make3_str(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3) { char * res_str = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) +strlen(str3) + 1); strcpy(res_str, str1); strcat(res_str, str2); strcat(res_str, str3); free(str1); free(str2); free(str3); return res_str; } /* and the rest */ static char * make_name(void) { return mm_strdup(base_yytext); } static char * create_questionmarks(char *name, bool array) { struct variable *p = find_variable(name); int count; char *result = EMPTY; /* In case we have a struct, we have to print as many "?" as there are attributes in the struct * An array is only allowed together with an element argument * This is essentially only used for inserts, but using a struct as input parameter is an error anywhere else * so we don't have to worry here. */ if (p->type->type == ECPGt_struct || (array && p->type->type == ECPGt_array && p->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_struct)) { struct ECPGstruct_member *m; if (p->type->type == ECPGt_struct) m = p->type->u.members; else m = p->type->u.element->u.members; for (count = 0; m != NULL; m=m->next, count++); } else count = 1; for (; count > 0; count --) { sprintf(pacounter_buffer, "$%d", pacounter++); result = cat_str(3, result, mm_strdup(pacounter_buffer), mm_strdup(" , ")); } /* removed the trailing " ," */ result[strlen(result)-3] = '\0'; return result; } static char * adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(struct cursor *cur) { /* Informix accepts DECLARE with variables that are out of scope when OPEN is called. * For instance you can DECLARE a cursor in one function, and OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE * it in another functions. This is very useful for e.g. event-driver programming, * but may also lead to dangerous programming. The limitation when this is allowed * and doesn't cause problems have to be documented, like the allocated variables * must not be realloc()'ed. * * We have to change the variables to our own struct and just store the pointer * instead of the variable. Do it only for local variables, not for globals. */ char *result = EMPTY; int insert; for (insert = 1; insert >= 0; insert--) { struct arguments *list; struct arguments *ptr; struct arguments *newlist = NULL; struct variable *newvar, *newind; list = (insert ? cur->argsinsert : cur->argsresult); for (ptr = list; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { char var_text[20]; char *original_var; bool skip_set_var = false; bool var_ptr = false; /* change variable name to "ECPGget_var()" */ original_var = ptr->variable->name; sprintf(var_text, "%d))", ecpg_internal_var); /* Don't emit ECPGset_var() calls for global variables */ if (ptr->variable->brace_level == 0) { newvar = ptr->variable; skip_set_var = true; } else if ((ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_char_variable) && (strncmp(ptr->variable->name, "ECPGprepared_statement", strlen("ECPGprepared_statement")) == 0)) { newvar = ptr->variable; skip_set_var = true; } else if ((ptr->variable->type->type != ECPGt_varchar && ptr->variable->type->type != ECPGt_char && ptr->variable->type->type != ECPGt_unsigned_char && ptr->variable->type->type != ECPGt_string) && atoi(ptr->variable->type->size) > 1) { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->variable->type->u.element->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->variable->type->u.element->type, mm_strdup("1"), ptr->variable->type->u.element->counter), ptr->variable->type->size), 0); } else if ((ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_varchar || ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_char || ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_unsigned_char || ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_string) && atoi(ptr->variable->type->size) > 1) { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->variable->type->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->variable->type->type, ptr->variable->type->size, ptr->variable->type->counter), 0); if (ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_varchar) var_ptr = true; } else if (ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_struct || ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_union) { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("(*("), mm_strdup(ptr->variable->type->type_name), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(")")), ECPGmake_struct_type(ptr->variable->type->u.members, ptr->variable->type->type, ptr->variable->type->type_name, ptr->variable->type->struct_sizeof), 0); var_ptr = true; } else if (ptr->variable->type->type == ECPGt_array) { if (ptr->variable->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_struct || ptr->variable->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_union) { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("(*("), mm_strdup(ptr->variable->type->u.element->type_name), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(")")), ECPGmake_struct_type(ptr->variable->type->u.element->u.members, ptr->variable->type->u.element->type, ptr->variable->type->u.element->type_name, ptr->variable->type->u.element->struct_sizeof), 0); } else { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->variable->type->u.element->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->variable->type->u.element->type, ptr->variable->type->u.element->size, ptr->variable->type->u.element->counter), ptr->variable->type->size), 0); var_ptr = true; } } else { newvar = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("*("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->variable->type->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->variable->type->type, ptr->variable->type->size, ptr->variable->type->counter), 0); var_ptr = true; } /* create call to "ECPGset_var(, , . )" */ if (!skip_set_var) { sprintf(var_text, "%d, %s", ecpg_internal_var++, var_ptr ? "&(" : "("); result = cat_str(5, result, mm_strdup("ECPGset_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(original_var), mm_strdup("), __LINE__);\n")); } /* now the indicator if there is one and it's not a global variable */ if ((ptr->indicator->type->type == ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) || (ptr->indicator->brace_level == 0)) { newind = ptr->indicator; } else { /* change variable name to "ECPGget_var()" */ original_var = ptr->indicator->name; sprintf(var_text, "%d))", ecpg_internal_var); var_ptr = false; if (ptr->indicator->type->type == ECPGt_struct || ptr->indicator->type->type == ECPGt_union) { newind = new_variable(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("(*("), mm_strdup(ptr->indicator->type->type_name), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(")")), ECPGmake_struct_type(ptr->indicator->type->u.members, ptr->indicator->type->type, ptr->indicator->type->type_name, ptr->indicator->type->struct_sizeof), 0); var_ptr = true; } else if (ptr->indicator->type->type == ECPGt_array) { if (ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_struct || ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_union) { newind = new_variable(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("(*("), mm_strdup(ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type_name), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(")")), ECPGmake_struct_type(ptr->indicator->type->u.element->u.members, ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type, ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type_name, ptr->indicator->type->u.element->struct_sizeof), 0); } else { newind = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->indicator->type->u.element->type, ptr->indicator->type->u.element->size, ptr->indicator->type->u.element->counter), ptr->indicator->type->size), 0); var_ptr = true; } } else if (atoi(ptr->indicator->type->size) > 1) { newind = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->indicator->type->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->indicator->type->type, ptr->indicator->type->size, ptr->variable->type->counter), 0); } else { newind = new_variable(cat_str(4, mm_strdup("*("), mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name(ptr->indicator->type->type)), mm_strdup(" *)(ECPGget_var("), mm_strdup(var_text)), ECPGmake_simple_type(ptr->indicator->type->type, ptr->indicator->type->size, ptr->variable->type->counter), 0); var_ptr = true; } /* create call to "ECPGset_var(, . )" */ sprintf(var_text, "%d, %s", ecpg_internal_var++, var_ptr ? "&(" : "("); result = cat_str(5, result, mm_strdup("ECPGset_var("), mm_strdup(var_text), mm_strdup(original_var), mm_strdup("), __LINE__);\n")); } add_variable_to_tail(&newlist, newvar, newind); } if (insert) cur->argsinsert_oos = newlist; else cur->argsresult_oos = newlist; } return result; } /* This tests whether the cursor was declared and opened in the same function. */ #define SAMEFUNC(cur) \ ((cur->function == NULL) || \ (cur->function != NULL && strcmp(cur->function, current_function) == 0)) static struct cursor * add_additional_variables(char *name, bool insert) { struct cursor *ptr; struct arguments *p; int (* strcmp_fn)(const char *, const char *) = ((name[0] == ':' || name[0] == '"') ? strcmp : pg_strcasecmp); for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr=ptr->next) { if (strcmp_fn(ptr->name, name) == 0) break; } if (ptr == NULL) { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "cursor \"%s\" does not exist", name); return NULL; } if (insert) { /* add all those input variables that were given earlier * note that we have to append here but have to keep the existing order */ for (p = (SAMEFUNC(ptr) ? ptr->argsinsert : ptr->argsinsert_oos); p; p = p->next) add_variable_to_tail(&argsinsert, p->variable, p->indicator); } /* add all those output variables that were given earlier */ for (p = (SAMEFUNC(ptr) ? ptr->argsresult : ptr->argsresult_oos); p; p = p->next) add_variable_to_tail(&argsresult, p->variable, p->indicator); return ptr; } static void add_typedef(char *name, char *dimension, char *length, enum ECPGttype type_enum, char *type_dimension, char *type_index, int initializer, int array) { /* add entry to list */ struct typedefs *ptr, *this; if ((type_enum == ECPGt_struct || type_enum == ECPGt_union) && initializer == 1) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "initializer not allowed in type definition"); else if (INFORMIX_MODE && strcmp(name, "string") == 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "type name \"string\" is reserved in Informix mode"); else { for (ptr = types; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp(name, ptr->name) == 0) /* re-definition is a bug */ mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "type \"%s\" is already defined", name); } adjust_array(type_enum, &dimension, &length, type_dimension, type_index, array, true); this = (struct typedefs *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct typedefs)); /* initial definition */ this->next = types; this->name = name; this->brace_level = braces_open; this->type = (struct this_type *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct this_type)); this->type->type_enum = type_enum; this->type->type_str = mm_strdup(name); this->type->type_dimension = dimension; /* dimension of array */ this->type->type_index = length; /* length of string */ this->type->type_sizeof = ECPGstruct_sizeof; this->struct_member_list = (type_enum == ECPGt_struct || type_enum == ECPGt_union) ? ECPGstruct_member_dup(struct_member_list[struct_level]) : NULL; if (type_enum != ECPGt_varchar && type_enum != ECPGt_char && type_enum != ECPGt_unsigned_char && type_enum != ECPGt_string && atoi(this->type->type_index) >= 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "multidimensional arrays for simple data types are not supported"); types = this; } } %} %expect 0 %name-prefix="base_yy" %locations %union { double dval; char *str; int ival; struct when action; struct index index; int tagname; struct this_type type; enum ECPGttype type_enum; enum ECPGdtype dtype_enum; struct fetch_desc descriptor; struct su_symbol struct_union; struct prep prep; } /* tokens */ /* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.tokens */ /* special embedded SQL tokens */ %token SQL_ALLOCATE SQL_AUTOCOMMIT SQL_BOOL SQL_BREAK SQL_CARDINALITY SQL_CONNECT SQL_COUNT SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION SQL_DESCRIBE SQL_DESCRIPTOR SQL_DISCONNECT SQL_FOUND SQL_FREE SQL_GET SQL_GO SQL_GOTO SQL_IDENTIFIED SQL_INDICATOR SQL_KEY_MEMBER SQL_LENGTH SQL_LONG SQL_NULLABLE SQL_OCTET_LENGTH SQL_OPEN SQL_OUTPUT SQL_REFERENCE SQL_RETURNED_LENGTH SQL_RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH SQL_SCALE SQL_SECTION SQL_SHORT SQL_SIGNED SQL_SQLERROR SQL_SQLPRINT SQL_SQLWARNING SQL_START SQL_STOP SQL_STRUCT SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_VAR SQL_WHENEVER /* C tokens */ %token S_ADD S_AND S_ANYTHING S_AUTO S_CONST S_DEC S_DIV S_DOTPOINT S_EQUAL S_EXTERN S_INC S_LSHIFT S_MEMPOINT S_MEMBER S_MOD S_MUL S_NEQUAL S_OR S_REGISTER S_RSHIFT S_STATIC S_SUB S_VOLATILE S_TYPEDEF %token CSTRING CVARIABLE CPP_LINE IP %token DOLCONST ECONST NCONST UCONST UIDENT /* types */ %type stmt %type CallStmt %type CreateRoleStmt %type opt_with %type OptRoleList %type AlterOptRoleList %type AlterOptRoleElem %type CreateOptRoleElem %type CreateUserStmt %type AlterRoleStmt %type opt_in_database %type AlterRoleSetStmt %type DropRoleStmt %type CreateGroupStmt %type AlterGroupStmt %type add_drop %type CreateSchemaStmt %type OptSchemaName %type OptSchemaEltList %type schema_stmt %type VariableSetStmt %type set_rest %type generic_set %type set_rest_more %type var_name %type var_list %type var_value %type iso_level %type opt_boolean_or_string %type zone_value %type opt_encoding %type NonReservedWord_or_Sconst %type VariableResetStmt %type reset_rest %type generic_reset %type SetResetClause %type FunctionSetResetClause %type VariableShowStmt %type ConstraintsSetStmt %type constraints_set_list %type constraints_set_mode %type CheckPointStmt %type DiscardStmt %type AlterTableStmt %type alter_table_cmds %type partition_cmd %type index_partition_cmd %type alter_table_cmd %type alter_column_default %type opt_drop_behavior %type opt_collate_clause %type alter_using %type replica_identity %type reloptions %type opt_reloptions %type reloption_list %type reloption_elem %type alter_identity_column_option_list %type alter_identity_column_option %type PartitionBoundSpec %type hash_partbound_elem %type hash_partbound %type partbound_datum %type partbound_datum_list %type range_datum_list %type PartitionRangeDatum %type AlterCompositeTypeStmt %type alter_type_cmds %type alter_type_cmd %type ClosePortalStmt %type CopyStmt %type copy_from %type opt_program %type copy_file_name %type copy_options %type copy_opt_list %type copy_opt_item %type opt_binary %type opt_oids %type copy_delimiter %type opt_using %type copy_generic_opt_list %type copy_generic_opt_elem %type copy_generic_opt_arg %type copy_generic_opt_arg_list %type copy_generic_opt_arg_list_item %type CreateStmt %type OptTemp %type OptTableElementList %type OptTypedTableElementList %type TableElementList %type TypedTableElementList %type TableElement %type TypedTableElement %type columnDef %type columnOptions %type ColQualList %type ColConstraint %type ColConstraintElem %type generated_when %type ConstraintAttr %type TableLikeClause %type TableLikeOptionList %type TableLikeOption %type TableConstraint %type ConstraintElem %type opt_no_inherit %type opt_column_list %type columnList %type columnElem %type opt_c_include %type key_match %type ExclusionConstraintList %type ExclusionConstraintElem %type ExclusionWhereClause %type key_actions %type key_update %type key_delete %type key_action %type OptInherit %type OptPartitionSpec %type PartitionSpec %type part_strategy %type part_params %type part_elem %type OptWith %type OnCommitOption %type OptTableSpace %type OptConsTableSpace %type ExistingIndex %type CreateStatsStmt %type create_as_target %type opt_with_data %type CreateMatViewStmt %type create_mv_target %type OptNoLog %type RefreshMatViewStmt %type CreateSeqStmt %type AlterSeqStmt %type OptSeqOptList %type OptParenthesizedSeqOptList %type SeqOptList %type SeqOptElem %type opt_by %type NumericOnly %type NumericOnly_list %type CreatePLangStmt %type opt_trusted %type handler_name %type opt_inline_handler %type validator_clause %type opt_validator %type DropPLangStmt %type opt_procedural %type CreateTableSpaceStmt %type OptTableSpaceOwner %type DropTableSpaceStmt %type CreateExtensionStmt %type create_extension_opt_list %type create_extension_opt_item %type AlterExtensionStmt %type alter_extension_opt_list %type alter_extension_opt_item %type AlterExtensionContentsStmt %type CreateFdwStmt %type fdw_option %type fdw_options %type opt_fdw_options %type AlterFdwStmt %type create_generic_options %type generic_option_list %type alter_generic_options %type alter_generic_option_list %type alter_generic_option_elem %type generic_option_elem %type generic_option_name %type generic_option_arg %type CreateForeignServerStmt %type opt_type %type foreign_server_version %type opt_foreign_server_version %type AlterForeignServerStmt %type CreateForeignTableStmt %type AlterForeignTableStmt %type ImportForeignSchemaStmt %type import_qualification_type %type import_qualification %type CreateUserMappingStmt %type auth_ident %type DropUserMappingStmt %type AlterUserMappingStmt %type CreatePolicyStmt %type AlterPolicyStmt %type RowSecurityOptionalExpr %type RowSecurityOptionalWithCheck %type RowSecurityDefaultToRole %type RowSecurityOptionalToRole %type RowSecurityDefaultPermissive %type RowSecurityDefaultForCmd %type row_security_cmd %type CreateAmStmt %type CreateTrigStmt %type TriggerActionTime %type TriggerEvents %type TriggerOneEvent %type TriggerReferencing %type TriggerTransitions %type TriggerTransition %type TransitionOldOrNew %type TransitionRowOrTable %type TransitionRelName %type TriggerForSpec %type TriggerForOptEach %type TriggerForType %type TriggerWhen %type FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE %type TriggerFuncArgs %type TriggerFuncArg %type OptConstrFromTable %type ConstraintAttributeSpec %type ConstraintAttributeElem %type CreateEventTrigStmt %type event_trigger_when_list %type event_trigger_when_item %type event_trigger_value_list %type AlterEventTrigStmt %type enable_trigger %type CreateAssertStmt %type DropAssertStmt %type DefineStmt %type definition %type def_list %type def_elem %type def_arg %type old_aggr_definition %type old_aggr_list %type old_aggr_elem %type opt_enum_val_list %type enum_val_list %type AlterEnumStmt %type opt_if_not_exists %type CreateOpClassStmt %type opclass_item_list %type opclass_item %type opt_default %type opt_opfamily %type opclass_purpose %type opt_recheck %type CreateOpFamilyStmt %type AlterOpFamilyStmt %type opclass_drop_list %type opclass_drop %type DropOpClassStmt %type DropOpFamilyStmt %type DropOwnedStmt %type ReassignOwnedStmt %type DropStmt %type drop_type_any_name %type drop_type_name %type drop_type_name_on_any_name %type any_name_list %type any_name %type attrs %type type_name_list %type TruncateStmt %type opt_restart_seqs %type CommentStmt %type comment_type_any_name %type comment_type_name %type comment_text %type SecLabelStmt %type opt_provider %type security_label_type_any_name %type security_label_type_name %type security_label %type FetchStmt %type fetch_args %type from_in %type opt_from_in %type GrantStmt %type RevokeStmt %type privileges %type privilege_list %type privilege %type privilege_target %type grantee_list %type grantee %type opt_grant_grant_option %type GrantRoleStmt %type RevokeRoleStmt %type opt_grant_admin_option %type opt_granted_by %type AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt %type DefACLOptionList %type DefACLOption %type DefACLAction %type defacl_privilege_target %type IndexStmt %type opt_unique %type opt_concurrently %type opt_index_name %type access_method_clause %type index_params %type index_elem %type opt_include %type index_including_params %type opt_collate %type opt_class %type opt_asc_desc %type opt_nulls_order %type CreateFunctionStmt %type opt_or_replace %type func_args %type func_args_list %type function_with_argtypes_list %type function_with_argtypes %type func_args_with_defaults %type func_args_with_defaults_list %type func_arg %type arg_class %type param_name %type func_return %type func_type %type func_arg_with_default %type aggr_arg %type aggr_args %type aggr_args_list %type aggregate_with_argtypes %type aggregate_with_argtypes_list %type createfunc_opt_list %type common_func_opt_item %type createfunc_opt_item %type func_as %type transform_type_list %type opt_definition %type table_func_column %type table_func_column_list %type AlterFunctionStmt %type alterfunc_opt_list %type opt_restrict %type RemoveFuncStmt %type RemoveAggrStmt %type RemoveOperStmt %type oper_argtypes %type any_operator %type operator_with_argtypes_list %type operator_with_argtypes %type DoStmt %type dostmt_opt_list %type dostmt_opt_item %type CreateCastStmt %type cast_context %type DropCastStmt %type opt_if_exists %type CreateTransformStmt %type transform_element_list %type DropTransformStmt %type ReindexStmt %type reindex_target_type %type reindex_target_multitable %type reindex_option_list %type reindex_option_elem %type AlterTblSpcStmt %type RenameStmt %type opt_column %type opt_set_data %type AlterObjectDependsStmt %type AlterObjectSchemaStmt %type AlterOperatorStmt %type operator_def_list %type operator_def_elem %type operator_def_arg %type AlterOwnerStmt %type CreatePublicationStmt %type opt_publication_for_tables %type publication_for_tables %type AlterPublicationStmt %type CreateSubscriptionStmt %type publication_name_list %type publication_name_item %type AlterSubscriptionStmt %type DropSubscriptionStmt %type RuleStmt %type RuleActionList %type RuleActionMulti %type RuleActionStmt %type RuleActionStmtOrEmpty %type event %type opt_instead %type NotifyStmt %type notify_payload %type ListenStmt %type UnlistenStmt %type TransactionStmt %type opt_transaction %type transaction_mode_item %type transaction_mode_list %type transaction_mode_list_or_empty %type ViewStmt %type opt_check_option %type LoadStmt %type CreatedbStmt %type createdb_opt_list %type createdb_opt_items %type createdb_opt_item %type createdb_opt_name %type opt_equal %type AlterDatabaseStmt %type AlterDatabaseSetStmt %type DropdbStmt %type AlterCollationStmt %type AlterSystemStmt %type CreateDomainStmt %type AlterDomainStmt %type opt_as %type AlterTSDictionaryStmt %type AlterTSConfigurationStmt %type any_with %type CreateConversionStmt %type ClusterStmt %type cluster_index_specification %type VacuumStmt %type vacuum_option_list %type vacuum_option_elem %type AnalyzeStmt %type analyze_option_list %type analyze_option_elem %type analyze_keyword %type opt_analyze %type opt_verbose %type opt_full %type opt_freeze %type opt_name_list %type vacuum_relation %type vacuum_relation_list %type opt_vacuum_relation_list %type ExplainStmt %type ExplainableStmt %type explain_option_list %type explain_option_elem %type explain_option_name %type explain_option_arg %type PrepareStmt %type prep_type_clause %type PreparableStmt %type ExecuteStmt %type execute_param_clause %type InsertStmt %type insert_target %type insert_rest %type override_kind %type insert_column_list %type insert_column_item %type opt_on_conflict %type opt_conf_expr %type returning_clause %type DeleteStmt %type using_clause %type LockStmt %type opt_lock %type lock_type %type opt_nowait %type opt_nowait_or_skip %type UpdateStmt %type set_clause_list %type set_clause %type set_target %type set_target_list %type DeclareCursorStmt %type cursor_name %type cursor_options %type opt_hold %type SelectStmt %type select_with_parens %type select_no_parens %type select_clause %type simple_select %type with_clause %type cte_list %type common_table_expr %type opt_with_clause %type into_clause %type OptTempTableName %type opt_table %type all_or_distinct %type distinct_clause %type opt_all_clause %type opt_sort_clause %type sort_clause %type sortby_list %type sortby %type select_limit %type opt_select_limit %type limit_clause %type offset_clause %type select_limit_value %type select_offset_value %type select_fetch_first_value %type I_or_F_const %type row_or_rows %type first_or_next %type group_clause %type group_by_list %type group_by_item %type empty_grouping_set %type rollup_clause %type cube_clause %type grouping_sets_clause %type having_clause %type for_locking_clause %type opt_for_locking_clause %type for_locking_items %type for_locking_item %type for_locking_strength %type locked_rels_list %type values_clause %type from_clause %type from_list %type table_ref %type joined_table %type alias_clause %type opt_alias_clause %type func_alias_clause %type join_type %type join_outer %type join_qual %type relation_expr %type relation_expr_list %type relation_expr_opt_alias %type tablesample_clause %type opt_repeatable_clause %type func_table %type rowsfrom_item %type rowsfrom_list %type opt_col_def_list %type opt_ordinality %type where_clause %type where_or_current_clause %type OptTableFuncElementList %type TableFuncElementList %type TableFuncElement %type xmltable %type xmltable_column_list %type xmltable_column_el %type xmltable_column_option_list %type xmltable_column_option_el %type xml_namespace_list %type xml_namespace_el %type Typename %type opt_array_bounds %type SimpleTypename %type ConstTypename %type GenericType %type opt_type_modifiers %type Numeric %type opt_float %type Bit %type ConstBit %type BitWithLength %type BitWithoutLength %type Character %type ConstCharacter %type CharacterWithLength %type CharacterWithoutLength %type character %type opt_varying %type ConstDatetime %type ConstInterval %type opt_timezone %type opt_interval %type interval_second %type a_expr %type b_expr %type c_expr %type func_application %type func_expr %type func_expr_windowless %type func_expr_common_subexpr %type xml_root_version %type opt_xml_root_standalone %type xml_attributes %type xml_attribute_list %type xml_attribute_el %type document_or_content %type xml_whitespace_option %type xmlexists_argument %type within_group_clause %type filter_clause %type window_clause %type window_definition_list %type window_definition %type over_clause %type window_specification %type opt_existing_window_name %type opt_partition_clause %type opt_frame_clause %type frame_extent %type frame_bound %type opt_window_exclusion_clause %type row %type explicit_row %type implicit_row %type sub_type %type all_Op %type MathOp %type qual_Op %type qual_all_Op %type subquery_Op %type expr_list %type func_arg_list %type func_arg_expr %type type_list %type array_expr %type array_expr_list %type extract_list %type extract_arg %type overlay_list %type overlay_placing %type position_list %type substr_list %type substr_from %type substr_for %type trim_list %type in_expr %type case_expr %type when_clause_list %type when_clause %type case_default %type case_arg %type columnref %type indirection_el %type opt_slice_bound %type indirection %type opt_indirection %type opt_asymmetric %type opt_target_list %type target_list %type target_el %type qualified_name_list %type qualified_name %type name_list %type name %type database_name %type access_method %type attr_name %type index_name %type file_name %type func_name %type AexprConst %type Iconst %type SignedIconst %type RoleId %type RoleSpec %type role_list %type NonReservedWord %type unreserved_keyword %type col_name_keyword %type type_func_name_keyword %type reserved_keyword /* ecpgtype */ /* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.type */ %type ECPGAllocateDescr %type ECPGCKeywords %type ECPGColId %type ECPGColLabel %type ECPGColLabelCommon %type ECPGConnect %type ECPGCursorStmt %type ECPGDeallocateDescr %type ECPGDeclaration %type ECPGDeclare %type ECPGDescribe %type ECPGDisconnect %type ECPGExecuteImmediateStmt %type ECPGFree %type ECPGGetDescHeaderItem %type ECPGGetDescItem %type ECPGGetDescriptorHeader %type ECPGKeywords %type ECPGKeywords_rest %type ECPGKeywords_vanames %type ECPGOpen %type ECPGSetAutocommit %type ECPGSetConnection %type ECPGSetDescHeaderItem %type ECPGSetDescItem %type ECPGSetDescriptorHeader %type ECPGTypeName %type ECPGTypedef %type ECPGVar %type ECPGVarDeclaration %type ECPGWhenever %type ECPGunreserved_interval %type UsingConst %type UsingValue %type all_unreserved_keyword %type c_anything %type c_args %type c_list %type c_stuff %type c_stuff_item %type c_term %type c_thing %type char_variable %type char_civar %type civar %type civarind %type ColId %type ColLabel %type connect_options %type connection_object %type connection_target %type coutputvariable %type cvariable %type db_prefix %type CreateAsStmt %type DeallocateStmt %type dis_name %type ecpg_bconst %type ecpg_fconst %type ecpg_ident %type ecpg_interval %type ecpg_into %type ecpg_fetch_into %type ecpg_param %type ecpg_sconst %type ecpg_using %type ecpg_xconst %type enum_definition %type enum_type %type execstring %type execute_rest %type indicator %type into_descriptor %type into_sqlda %type Iresult %type on_off %type opt_bit_field %type opt_connection_name %type opt_database_name %type opt_ecpg_into %type opt_ecpg_fetch_into %type opt_ecpg_using %type opt_initializer %type opt_options %type opt_output %type opt_pointer %type opt_port %type opt_reference %type opt_scale %type opt_server %type opt_user %type opt_opt_value %type ora_user %type precision %type prepared_name %type quoted_ident_stringvar %type s_struct_union %type server %type server_name %type single_vt_declaration %type storage_clause %type storage_declaration %type storage_modifier %type struct_union_type %type struct_union_type_with_symbol %type symbol %type type_declaration %type type_function_name %type user_name %type using_descriptor %type var_declaration %type var_type_declarations %type variable %type variable_declarations %type variable_list %type vt_declarations %type Op %type IntConstVar %type AllConstVar %type CSTRING %type CPP_LINE %type CVARIABLE %type DOLCONST %type ECONST %type NCONST %type SCONST %type UCONST %type UIDENT %type s_struct_union_symbol %type ECPGGetDescriptor %type ECPGSetDescriptor %type simple_type %type signed_type %type unsigned_type %type descriptor_item %type desc_header_item %type var_type %type action /* orig_tokens */ %token IDENT FCONST SCONST BCONST XCONST Op %token ICONST PARAM %token TYPECAST DOT_DOT COLON_EQUALS EQUALS_GREATER %token LESS_EQUALS GREATER_EQUALS NOT_EQUALS %token ABORT_P ABSOLUTE_P ACCESS ACTION ADD_P ADMIN AFTER AGGREGATE ALL ALSO ALTER ALWAYS ANALYSE ANALYZE AND ANY ARRAY AS ASC ASSERTION ASSIGNMENT ASYMMETRIC AT ATTACH ATTRIBUTE AUTHORIZATION BACKWARD BEFORE BEGIN_P BETWEEN BIGINT BINARY BIT BOOLEAN_P BOTH BY CACHE CALL CALLED CASCADE CASCADED CASE CAST CATALOG_P CHAIN CHAR_P CHARACTER CHARACTERISTICS CHECK CHECKPOINT CLASS CLOSE CLUSTER COALESCE COLLATE COLLATION COLUMN COLUMNS COMMENT COMMENTS COMMIT COMMITTED CONCURRENTLY CONFIGURATION CONFLICT CONNECTION CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTS CONTENT_P CONTINUE_P CONVERSION_P COPY COST CREATE CROSS CSV CUBE CURRENT_P CURRENT_CATALOG CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_ROLE CURRENT_SCHEMA CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR CYCLE DATA_P DATABASE DAY_P DEALLOCATE DEC DECIMAL_P DECLARE DEFAULT DEFAULTS DEFERRABLE DEFERRED DEFINER DELETE_P DELIMITER DELIMITERS DEPENDS DESC DETACH DICTIONARY DISABLE_P DISCARD DISTINCT DO DOCUMENT_P DOMAIN_P DOUBLE_P DROP EACH ELSE ENABLE_P ENCODING ENCRYPTED END_P ENUM_P ESCAPE EVENT EXCEPT EXCLUDE EXCLUDING EXCLUSIVE EXECUTE EXISTS EXPLAIN EXTENSION EXTERNAL EXTRACT FALSE_P FAMILY FETCH FILTER FIRST_P FLOAT_P FOLLOWING FOR FORCE FOREIGN FORWARD FREEZE FROM FULL FUNCTION FUNCTIONS GENERATED GLOBAL GRANT GRANTED GREATEST GROUP_P GROUPING GROUPS HANDLER HAVING HEADER_P HOLD HOUR_P IDENTITY_P IF_P ILIKE IMMEDIATE IMMUTABLE IMPLICIT_P IMPORT_P IN_P INCLUDE INCLUDING INCREMENT INDEX INDEXES INHERIT INHERITS INITIALLY INLINE_P INNER_P INOUT INPUT_P INSENSITIVE INSERT INSTEAD INT_P INTEGER INTERSECT INTERVAL INTO INVOKER IS ISNULL ISOLATION JOIN KEY LABEL LANGUAGE LARGE_P LAST_P LATERAL_P LEADING LEAKPROOF LEAST LEFT LEVEL LIKE LIMIT LISTEN LOAD LOCAL LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LOCATION LOCK_P LOCKED LOGGED MAPPING MATCH MATERIALIZED MAXVALUE METHOD MINUTE_P MINVALUE MODE MONTH_P MOVE NAME_P NAMES NATIONAL NATURAL NCHAR NEW NEXT NO NONE NOT NOTHING NOTIFY NOTNULL NOWAIT NULL_P NULLIF NULLS_P NUMERIC OBJECT_P OF OFF OFFSET OIDS OLD ON ONLY OPERATOR OPTION OPTIONS OR ORDER ORDINALITY OTHERS OUT_P OUTER_P OVER OVERLAPS OVERLAY OVERRIDING OWNED OWNER PARALLEL PARSER PARTIAL PARTITION PASSING PASSWORD PLACING PLANS POLICY POSITION PRECEDING PRECISION PRESERVE PREPARE PREPARED PRIMARY PRIOR PRIVILEGES PROCEDURAL PROCEDURE PROCEDURES PROGRAM PUBLICATION QUOTE RANGE READ REAL REASSIGN RECHECK RECURSIVE REF REFERENCES REFERENCING REFRESH REINDEX RELATIVE_P RELEASE RENAME REPEATABLE REPLACE REPLICA RESET RESTART RESTRICT RETURNING RETURNS REVOKE RIGHT ROLE ROLLBACK ROLLUP ROUTINE ROUTINES ROW ROWS RULE SAVEPOINT SCHEMA SCHEMAS SCROLL SEARCH SECOND_P SECURITY SELECT SEQUENCE SEQUENCES SERIALIZABLE SERVER SESSION SESSION_USER SET SETS SETOF SHARE SHOW SIMILAR SIMPLE SKIP SMALLINT SNAPSHOT SOME SQL_P STABLE STANDALONE_P START STATEMENT STATISTICS STDIN STDOUT STORAGE STRICT_P STRIP_P SUBSCRIPTION SUBSTRING SYMMETRIC SYSID SYSTEM_P TABLE TABLES TABLESAMPLE TABLESPACE TEMP TEMPLATE TEMPORARY TEXT_P THEN TIES TIME TIMESTAMP TO TRAILING TRANSACTION TRANSFORM TREAT TRIGGER TRIM TRUE_P TRUNCATE TRUSTED TYPE_P TYPES_P UNBOUNDED UNCOMMITTED UNENCRYPTED UNION UNIQUE UNKNOWN UNLISTEN UNLOGGED UNTIL UPDATE USER USING VACUUM VALID VALIDATE VALIDATOR VALUE_P VALUES VARCHAR VARIADIC VARYING VERBOSE VERSION_P VIEW VIEWS VOLATILE WHEN WHERE WHITESPACE_P WINDOW WITH WITHIN WITHOUT WORK WRAPPER WRITE XML_P XMLATTRIBUTES XMLCONCAT XMLELEMENT XMLEXISTS XMLFOREST XMLNAMESPACES XMLPARSE XMLPI XMLROOT XMLSERIALIZE XMLTABLE YEAR_P YES_P ZONE %token NOT_LA NULLS_LA WITH_LA %nonassoc SET %left UNION EXCEPT %left INTERSECT %left OR %left AND %right NOT %nonassoc IS ISNULL NOTNULL %nonassoc '<' '>' '=' LESS_EQUALS GREATER_EQUALS NOT_EQUALS %nonassoc BETWEEN IN_P LIKE ILIKE SIMILAR NOT_LA %nonassoc ESCAPE %left POSTFIXOP %nonassoc UNBOUNDED %nonassoc IDENT %nonassoc CSTRING %nonassoc UIDENT GENERATED NULL_P PARTITION RANGE ROWS GROUPS PRECEDING FOLLOWING CUBE ROLLUP %left Op OPERATOR %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '^' %left AT %left COLLATE %right UMINUS %left '[' ']' %left '(' ')' %left TYPECAST %left '.' %left JOIN CROSS LEFT FULL RIGHT INNER_P NATURAL %right PRESERVE STRIP_P %% prog: statements; /* rules */ stmt: AlterEventTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterCollationStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterDatabaseStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterDatabaseSetStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterDomainStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterEnumStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterExtensionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterExtensionContentsStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterFdwStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterForeignServerStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterForeignTableStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterFunctionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterGroupStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterObjectDependsStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterObjectSchemaStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterOwnerStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterOperatorStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterPolicyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterSeqStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterSystemStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterTableStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterTblSpcStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterCompositeTypeStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterPublicationStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterRoleSetStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterRoleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterSubscriptionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterTSConfigurationStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterTSDictionaryStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterUserMappingStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AnalyzeStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CallStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CheckPointStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ClosePortalStmt { if (INFORMIX_MODE) { if (pg_strcasecmp($1+strlen("close "), "database") == 0) { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in CLOSE DATABASE statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, \"CURRENT\");"); whenever_action(2); free($1); break; } } output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ClusterStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CommentStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ConstraintsSetStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CopyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateAmStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateAsStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateAssertStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateCastStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateConversionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateDomainStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateExtensionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateFdwStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateForeignServerStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateForeignTableStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateFunctionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateGroupStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateMatViewStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateOpClassStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateOpFamilyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreatePublicationStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | AlterOpFamilyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreatePolicyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreatePLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateSchemaStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateSeqStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateSubscriptionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateStatsStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateTableSpaceStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateTransformStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateEventTrigStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateRoleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateUserStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreateUserMappingStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | CreatedbStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DeallocateStmt { output_deallocate_prepare_statement($1); } | DeclareCursorStmt { output_simple_statement($1); } | DefineStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DeleteStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_prepnormal); } | DiscardStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_normal); } | DoStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropAssertStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropCastStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropOpClassStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropOpFamilyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropOwnedStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropPLangStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropSubscriptionStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropTableSpaceStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropTransformStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropRoleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropUserMappingStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | DropdbStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ExecuteStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_execute); } | ExplainStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | FetchStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_normal); } | GrantStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | GrantRoleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ImportForeignSchemaStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | IndexStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | InsertStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_prepnormal); } | ListenStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RefreshMatViewStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | LoadStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | LockStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | NotifyStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | PrepareStmt { if ($1.type == NULL || strlen($1.type) == 0) output_prepare_statement($1.name, $1.stmt); else output_statement(cat_str(5, mm_strdup("prepare"), $1.name, $1.type, mm_strdup("as"), $1.stmt), 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ReassignOwnedStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ReindexStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RemoveAggrStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RemoveFuncStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RemoveOperStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RenameStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RevokeStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RevokeRoleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | RuleStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | SecLabelStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | SelectStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_prepnormal); } | TransactionStmt { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGtrans(__LINE__, %s, \"%s\");", connection ? connection : "NULL", $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | TruncateStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | UnlistenStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | UpdateStmt { output_statement($1, 1, ECPGst_prepnormal); } | VacuumStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | VariableResetStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | VariableSetStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | VariableShowStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ViewStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_normal); } | ECPGAllocateDescr { fprintf(base_yyout,"ECPGallocate_desc(__LINE__, %s);",$1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGConnect { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in CONNECT statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGconnect(__LINE__, %d, %s, %d); ", compat, $1, autocommit); reset_variables(); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGCursorStmt { output_simple_statement($1); } | ECPGDeallocateDescr { fprintf(base_yyout,"ECPGdeallocate_desc(__LINE__, %s);",$1); whenever_action(0); free($1); } | ECPGDeclare { output_simple_statement($1); } | ECPGDescribe { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdescribe(__LINE__, %d, %s,", compat, $1); dump_variables(argsresult, 1); fputs("ECPGt_EORT);", base_yyout); fprintf(base_yyout, "}"); output_line_number(); free($1); } | ECPGDisconnect { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in DISCONNECT statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdisconnect(__LINE__, %s);", $1 ? $1 : "\"CURRENT\""); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGExecuteImmediateStmt { output_statement($1, 0, ECPGst_exec_immediate); } | ECPGFree { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; if (strcmp($1, "all") == 0) fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate_all(__LINE__, %d, %s);", compat, con); else if ($1[0] == ':') fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate(__LINE__, %d, %s, %s);", compat, con, $1+1); else fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGdeallocate(__LINE__, %d, %s, \"%s\");", compat, con, $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGGetDescriptor { lookup_descriptor($1.name, connection); output_get_descr($1.name, $1.str); free($1.name); free($1.str); } | ECPGGetDescriptorHeader { lookup_descriptor($1, connection); output_get_descr_header($1); free($1); } | ECPGOpen { struct cursor *ptr; if ((ptr = add_additional_variables($1, true)) != NULL) { connection = ptr->connection ? mm_strdup(ptr->connection) : NULL; output_statement(mm_strdup(ptr->command), 0, ECPGst_normal); ptr->opened = true; } } | ECPGSetAutocommit { fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGsetcommit(__LINE__, \"%s\", %s);", $1, connection ? connection : "NULL"); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGSetConnection { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in SET CONNECTION statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "{ ECPGsetconn(__LINE__, %s);", $1); whenever_action(2); free($1); } | ECPGSetDescriptor { lookup_descriptor($1.name, connection); output_set_descr($1.name, $1.str); free($1.name); free($1.str); } | ECPGSetDescriptorHeader { lookup_descriptor($1, connection); output_set_descr_header($1); free($1); } | ECPGTypedef { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in TYPE statement"); fprintf(base_yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); output_line_number(); } | ECPGVar { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in VAR statement"); output_simple_statement($1); } | ECPGWhenever { if (connection) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "AT option not allowed in WHENEVER statement"); output_simple_statement($1); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; CallStmt: CALL func_application { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("call"),$2); } ; CreateRoleStmt: CREATE ROLE RoleId opt_with OptRoleList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create role"),$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_with: WITH { $$ = mm_strdup("with"); } | WITH_LA { $$ = mm_strdup("with"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptRoleList: OptRoleList CreateOptRoleElem { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterOptRoleList: AlterOptRoleList AlterOptRoleElem { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterOptRoleElem: PASSWORD ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("password"),$2); } | PASSWORD NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("password null"); } | ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("encrypted password"),$3); } | UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD ecpg_sconst { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("unencrypted password"),$3); } | INHERIT { $$ = mm_strdup("inherit"); } | CONNECTION LIMIT SignedIconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("connection limit"),$3); } | VALID UNTIL ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("valid until"),$3); } | USER role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("user"),$2); } | ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } ; CreateOptRoleElem: AlterOptRoleElem { $$ = $1; } | SYSID Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("sysid"),$2); } | ADMIN role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("admin"),$2); } | ROLE role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("role"),$2); } | IN_P ROLE role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("in role"),$3); } | IN_P GROUP_P role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("in group"),$3); } ; CreateUserStmt: CREATE USER RoleId opt_with OptRoleList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create user"),$3,$4,$5); } ; AlterRoleStmt: ALTER ROLE RoleSpec opt_with AlterOptRoleList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter role"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER USER RoleSpec opt_with AlterOptRoleList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter user"),$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_in_database: { $$=EMPTY; } | IN_P DATABASE database_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("in database"),$3); } ; AlterRoleSetStmt: ALTER ROLE RoleSpec opt_in_database SetResetClause { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter role"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER ROLE ALL opt_in_database SetResetClause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter role all"),$4,$5); } | ALTER USER RoleSpec opt_in_database SetResetClause { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter user"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER USER ALL opt_in_database SetResetClause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter user all"),$4,$5); } ; DropRoleStmt: DROP ROLE role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop role"),$3); } | DROP ROLE IF_P EXISTS role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop role if exists"),$5); } | DROP USER role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop user"),$3); } | DROP USER IF_P EXISTS role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop user if exists"),$5); } | DROP GROUP_P role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop group"),$3); } | DROP GROUP_P IF_P EXISTS role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop group if exists"),$5); } ; CreateGroupStmt: CREATE GROUP_P RoleId opt_with OptRoleList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create group"),$3,$4,$5); } ; AlterGroupStmt: ALTER GROUP_P RoleSpec add_drop USER role_list { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter group"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("user"),$6); } ; add_drop: ADD_P { $$ = mm_strdup("add"); } | DROP { $$ = mm_strdup("drop"); } ; CreateSchemaStmt: CREATE SCHEMA OptSchemaName AUTHORIZATION RoleSpec OptSchemaEltList { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create schema"),$3,mm_strdup("authorization"),$5,$6); } | CREATE SCHEMA ColId OptSchemaEltList { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create schema"),$3,$4); } | CREATE SCHEMA IF_P NOT EXISTS OptSchemaName AUTHORIZATION RoleSpec OptSchemaEltList { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create schema if not exists"),$6,mm_strdup("authorization"),$8,$9); } | CREATE SCHEMA IF_P NOT EXISTS ColId OptSchemaEltList { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create schema if not exists"),$6,$7); } ; OptSchemaName: ColId { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptSchemaEltList: OptSchemaEltList schema_stmt { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; schema_stmt: CreateStmt { $$ = $1; } | IndexStmt { $$ = $1; } | CreateSeqStmt { $$ = $1; } | CreateTrigStmt { $$ = $1; } | GrantStmt { $$ = $1; } | ViewStmt { $$ = $1; } ; VariableSetStmt: SET set_rest { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | SET LOCAL set_rest { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set local"),$3); } | SET SESSION set_rest { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set session"),$3); } ; set_rest: TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("transaction"),$2); } | SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("session characteristics as transaction"),$5); } | set_rest_more { $$ = $1; } ; generic_set: var_name TO var_list { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("to"),$3); } | var_name '=' var_list { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | var_name TO DEFAULT { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("to default")); } | var_name '=' DEFAULT set_rest_more: generic_set { $$ = $1; } | var_name FROM CURRENT_P { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("from current")); } | TIME ZONE zone_value { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("time zone"),$3); } | CATALOG_P ecpg_sconst { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("catalog"),$2); } | SCHEMA ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("schema"),$2); } | NAMES opt_encoding { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("names"),$2); } | ROLE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("role"),$2); } | SESSION AUTHORIZATION NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("session authorization"),$3); } | SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("session authorization default"); } | XML_P OPTION document_or_content { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("xml option"),$3); } | TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("transaction snapshot"),$3); } ; var_name: ECPGColId { $$ = $1; } | var_name '.' ColId { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("."),$3); } ; var_list: var_value { $$ = $1; } | var_list ',' var_value { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; var_value: opt_boolean_or_string { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { if ($1[0] == '$') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = $1; } ; iso_level: READ UNCOMMITTED { $$ = mm_strdup("read uncommitted"); } | READ COMMITTED { $$ = mm_strdup("read committed"); } | REPEATABLE READ { $$ = mm_strdup("repeatable read"); } | SERIALIZABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("serializable"); } ; opt_boolean_or_string: TRUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("true"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("false"); } | ON { $$ = mm_strdup("on"); } | NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = $1; } ; zone_value: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | ConstInterval ecpg_sconst opt_interval { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } | LOCAL { $$ = mm_strdup("local"); } ; opt_encoding: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; NonReservedWord_or_Sconst: NonReservedWord { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } ; VariableResetStmt: RESET reset_rest { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("reset"),$2); } ; reset_rest: generic_reset { $$ = $1; } | TIME ZONE { $$ = mm_strdup("time zone"); } | TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { $$ = mm_strdup("transaction isolation level"); } | SESSION AUTHORIZATION { $$ = mm_strdup("session authorization"); } ; generic_reset: var_name { $$ = $1; } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; SetResetClause: SET set_rest { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | VariableResetStmt { $$ = $1; } ; FunctionSetResetClause: SET set_rest_more { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | VariableResetStmt { $$ = $1; } ; VariableShowStmt: SHOW var_name ecpg_into { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("show"),$2); } | SHOW TIME ZONE ecpg_into { $$ = mm_strdup("show time zone"); } | SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ecpg_into { $$ = mm_strdup("show transaction isolation level"); } | SHOW SESSION AUTHORIZATION ecpg_into { $$ = mm_strdup("show session authorization"); } | SHOW ALL { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "SHOW ALL is not implemented"); $$ = EMPTY; } ; ConstraintsSetStmt: SET CONSTRAINTS constraints_set_list constraints_set_mode { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("set constraints"),$3,$4); } ; constraints_set_list: ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | qualified_name_list { $$ = $1; } ; constraints_set_mode: DEFERRED { $$ = mm_strdup("deferred"); } | IMMEDIATE { $$ = mm_strdup("immediate"); } ; CheckPointStmt: CHECKPOINT { $$ = mm_strdup("checkpoint"); } ; DiscardStmt: DISCARD ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("discard all"); } | DISCARD TEMP { $$ = mm_strdup("discard temp"); } | DISCARD TEMPORARY { $$ = mm_strdup("discard temporary"); } | DISCARD PLANS { $$ = mm_strdup("discard plans"); } | DISCARD SEQUENCES { $$ = mm_strdup("discard sequences"); } ; AlterTableStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_expr alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,$4); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,$6); } | ALTER TABLE relation_expr partition_cmd { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,$4); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr partition_cmd { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,$6); } | ALTER TABLE ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter table all in tablespace"),$6,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$9,$10); } | ALTER TABLE ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name OWNED BY role_list SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter table all in tablespace"),$6,mm_strdup("owned by"),$9,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$12,$13); } | ALTER INDEX qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter index"),$3,$4); } | ALTER INDEX IF_P EXISTS qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter index if exists"),$5,$6); } | ALTER INDEX qualified_name index_partition_cmd { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter index"),$3,$4); } | ALTER INDEX ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter index all in tablespace"),$6,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$9,$10); } | ALTER INDEX ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name OWNED BY role_list SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter index all in tablespace"),$6,mm_strdup("owned by"),$9,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$12,$13); } | ALTER SEQUENCE qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter sequence"),$3,$4); } | ALTER SEQUENCE IF_P EXISTS qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter sequence if exists"),$5,$6); } | ALTER VIEW qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter view"),$3,$4); } | ALTER VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter view if exists"),$5,$6); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter materialized view"),$4,$5); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter materialized view if exists"),$6,$7); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter materialized view all in tablespace"),$7,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$10,$11); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW ALL IN_P TABLESPACE name OWNED BY role_list SET TABLESPACE name opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter materialized view all in tablespace"),$7,mm_strdup("owned by"),$10,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$13,$14); } ; alter_table_cmds: alter_table_cmd { $$ = $1; } | alter_table_cmds ',' alter_table_cmd { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; partition_cmd: ATTACH PARTITION qualified_name PartitionBoundSpec { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("attach partition"),$3,$4); } | DETACH PARTITION qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("detach partition"),$3); } ; index_partition_cmd: ATTACH PARTITION qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("attach partition"),$3); } ; alter_table_cmd: ADD_P columnDef { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add"),$2); } | ADD_P IF_P NOT EXISTS columnDef { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add if not exists"),$5); } | ADD_P COLUMN columnDef { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add column"),$3); } | ADD_P COLUMN IF_P NOT EXISTS columnDef { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add column if not exists"),$6); } | ALTER opt_column ColId alter_column_default { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,$4); } | ALTER opt_column ColId DROP NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("drop not null")); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("set not null")); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET STATISTICS SignedIconst { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("set statistics"),$6); } | ALTER opt_column Iconst SET STATISTICS SignedIconst { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("set statistics"),$6); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("set"),$5); } | ALTER opt_column ColId RESET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("reset"),$5); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET STORAGE ColId { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("set storage"),$6); } | ALTER opt_column ColId ADD_P GENERATED generated_when AS IDENTITY_P OptParenthesizedSeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("add generated"),$6,mm_strdup("as identity"),$9); } | ALTER opt_column ColId alter_identity_column_option_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,$4); } | ALTER opt_column ColId DROP IDENTITY_P { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("drop identity")); } | ALTER opt_column ColId DROP IDENTITY_P IF_P EXISTS { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("drop identity if exists")); } | DROP opt_column IF_P EXISTS ColId opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP opt_column ColId opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,$3,$4); } | ALTER opt_column ColId opt_set_data TYPE_P Typename opt_collate_clause alter_using { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,$4,mm_strdup("type"),$6,$7,$8); } | ALTER opt_column ColId alter_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,$3,$4); } | ADD_P TableConstraint { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add"),$2); } | ALTER CONSTRAINT name ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter constraint"),$3,$4); } | VALIDATE CONSTRAINT name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("validate constraint"),$3); } | DROP CONSTRAINT IF_P EXISTS name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop constraint if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP CONSTRAINT name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop constraint"),$3,$4); } | SET WITH OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("set with oids"); } | SET WITHOUT OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("set without oids"); } | CLUSTER ON name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("cluster on"),$3); } | SET WITHOUT CLUSTER { $$ = mm_strdup("set without cluster"); } | SET LOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("set logged"); } | SET UNLOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("set unlogged"); } | ENABLE_P TRIGGER name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable trigger"),$3); } | ENABLE_P ALWAYS TRIGGER name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable always trigger"),$4); } | ENABLE_P REPLICA TRIGGER name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable replica trigger"),$4); } | ENABLE_P TRIGGER ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("enable trigger all"); } | ENABLE_P TRIGGER USER { $$ = mm_strdup("enable trigger user"); } | DISABLE_P TRIGGER name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("disable trigger"),$3); } | DISABLE_P TRIGGER ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("disable trigger all"); } | DISABLE_P TRIGGER USER { $$ = mm_strdup("disable trigger user"); } | ENABLE_P RULE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable rule"),$3); } | ENABLE_P ALWAYS RULE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable always rule"),$4); } | ENABLE_P REPLICA RULE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("enable replica rule"),$4); } | DISABLE_P RULE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("disable rule"),$3); } | INHERIT qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("inherit"),$2); } | NO INHERIT qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("no inherit"),$3); } | OF any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("of"),$2); } | NOT OF { $$ = mm_strdup("not of"); } | OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("owner to"),$3); } | SET TABLESPACE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$3); } | SET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | RESET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("reset"),$2); } | REPLICA IDENTITY_P replica_identity { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("replica identity"),$3); } | ENABLE_P ROW LEVEL SECURITY { $$ = mm_strdup("enable row level security"); } | DISABLE_P ROW LEVEL SECURITY { $$ = mm_strdup("disable row level security"); } | FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY { $$ = mm_strdup("force row level security"); } | NO FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY { $$ = mm_strdup("no force row level security"); } | alter_generic_options { $$ = $1; } ; alter_column_default: SET DEFAULT a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set default"),$3); } | DROP DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("drop default"); } ; opt_drop_behavior: CASCADE { $$ = mm_strdup("cascade"); } | RESTRICT { $$ = mm_strdup("restrict"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_collate_clause: COLLATE any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("collate"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; alter_using: USING a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; replica_identity: NOTHING { $$ = mm_strdup("nothing"); } | FULL { $$ = mm_strdup("full"); } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } | USING INDEX name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using index"),$3); } ; reloptions: '(' reloption_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; opt_reloptions: WITH reloptions { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; reloption_list: reloption_elem { $$ = $1; } | reloption_list ',' reloption_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; reloption_elem: ColLabel '=' def_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | ColLabel { $$ = $1; } | ColLabel '.' ColLabel '=' def_arg { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("."),$3,mm_strdup("="),$5); } | ColLabel '.' ColLabel { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("."),$3); } ; alter_identity_column_option_list: alter_identity_column_option { $$ = $1; } | alter_identity_column_option_list alter_identity_column_option { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; alter_identity_column_option: RESTART { $$ = mm_strdup("restart"); } | RESTART opt_with NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("restart"),$2,$3); } | SET SeqOptElem { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | SET GENERATED generated_when { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set generated"),$3); } ; PartitionBoundSpec: FOR VALUES WITH '(' hash_partbound ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("for values with ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | FOR VALUES IN_P '(' partbound_datum_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("for values in ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | FOR VALUES FROM '(' range_datum_list ')' TO '(' range_datum_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("for values from ("),$5,mm_strdup(") to ("),$9,mm_strdup(")")); } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } ; hash_partbound_elem: NonReservedWord Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; hash_partbound: hash_partbound_elem { $$ = $1; } | hash_partbound ',' hash_partbound_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; partbound_datum: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | TRUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("true"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("false"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } ; partbound_datum_list: partbound_datum { $$ = $1; } | partbound_datum_list ',' partbound_datum { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; range_datum_list: PartitionRangeDatum { $$ = $1; } | range_datum_list ',' PartitionRangeDatum { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; PartitionRangeDatum: MINVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("minvalue"); } | MAXVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("maxvalue"); } | partbound_datum { $$ = $1; } ; AlterCompositeTypeStmt: ALTER TYPE_P any_name alter_type_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,$4); } ; alter_type_cmds: alter_type_cmd { $$ = $1; } | alter_type_cmds ',' alter_type_cmd { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; alter_type_cmd: ADD_P ATTRIBUTE TableFuncElement opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("add attribute"),$3,$4); } | DROP ATTRIBUTE IF_P EXISTS ColId opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop attribute if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP ATTRIBUTE ColId opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop attribute"),$3,$4); } | ALTER ATTRIBUTE ColId opt_set_data TYPE_P Typename opt_collate_clause opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter attribute"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("type"),$6,$7,$8); } ; ClosePortalStmt: CLOSE cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $2[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $2; $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("close"), cursor_marker); } | CLOSE ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("close all"); } ; CopyStmt: COPY opt_binary qualified_name opt_column_list opt_oids copy_from opt_program copy_file_name copy_delimiter opt_with copy_options { if (strcmp($6, "from") == 0 && (strcmp($7, "stdin") == 0 || strcmp($7, "stdout") == 0)) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "COPY FROM STDIN is not implemented"); $$ = cat_str(11,mm_strdup("copy"),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11); } | COPY '(' PreparableStmt ')' TO opt_program copy_file_name opt_with copy_options { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("copy ("),$3,mm_strdup(") to"),$6,$7,$8,$9); } ; copy_from: FROM { $$ = mm_strdup("from"); } | TO { $$ = mm_strdup("to"); } ; opt_program: PROGRAM { $$ = mm_strdup("program"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; copy_file_name: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | STDIN { $$ = mm_strdup("stdin"); } | STDOUT { $$ = mm_strdup("stdout"); } ; copy_options: copy_opt_list { $$ = $1; } | '(' copy_generic_opt_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; copy_opt_list: copy_opt_list copy_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; copy_opt_item: BINARY { $$ = mm_strdup("binary"); } | OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("oids"); } | FREEZE { $$ = mm_strdup("freeze"); } | DELIMITER opt_as ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("delimiter"),$2,$3); } | NULL_P opt_as ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("null"),$2,$3); } | CSV { $$ = mm_strdup("csv"); } | HEADER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("header"); } | QUOTE opt_as ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("quote"),$2,$3); } | ESCAPE opt_as ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("escape"),$2,$3); } | FORCE QUOTE columnList { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("force quote"),$3); } | FORCE QUOTE '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("force quote *"); } | FORCE NOT NULL_P columnList { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("force not null"),$4); } | FORCE NULL_P columnList { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("force null"),$3); } | ENCODING ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("encoding"),$2); } ; opt_binary: BINARY { $$ = mm_strdup("binary"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_oids: WITH OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("with oids"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; copy_delimiter: opt_using DELIMITERS ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("delimiters"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_using: USING { $$ = mm_strdup("using"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; copy_generic_opt_list: copy_generic_opt_elem { $$ = $1; } | copy_generic_opt_list ',' copy_generic_opt_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; copy_generic_opt_elem: ColLabel copy_generic_opt_arg { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; copy_generic_opt_arg: opt_boolean_or_string { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("*"); } | '(' copy_generic_opt_arg_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; copy_generic_opt_arg_list: copy_generic_opt_arg_list_item { $$ = $1; } | copy_generic_opt_arg_list ',' copy_generic_opt_arg_list_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; copy_generic_opt_arg_list_item: opt_boolean_or_string { $$ = $1; } ; CreateStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(12,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table"),$4,mm_strdup("("),$6,mm_strdup(")"),$8,$9,$10,$11,$12); } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(12,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("("),$9,mm_strdup(")"),$11,$12,$13,$14,$15); } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name OF any_name OptTypedTableElementList OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(11,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table"),$4,mm_strdup("of"),$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11); } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name OF any_name OptTypedTableElementList OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(11,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("of"),$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14); } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name PARTITION OF qualified_name OptTypedTableElementList PartitionBoundSpec OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(12,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table"),$4,mm_strdup("partition of"),$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13); } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name PARTITION OF qualified_name OptTypedTableElementList PartitionBoundSpec OptPartitionSpec OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(12,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("partition of"),$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16); } ; OptTemp: TEMPORARY { $$ = mm_strdup("temporary"); } | TEMP { $$ = mm_strdup("temp"); } | LOCAL TEMPORARY { $$ = mm_strdup("local temporary"); } | LOCAL TEMP { $$ = mm_strdup("local temp"); } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY { $$ = mm_strdup("global temporary"); } | GLOBAL TEMP { $$ = mm_strdup("global temp"); } | UNLOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("unlogged"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptTableElementList: TableElementList { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptTypedTableElementList: '(' TypedTableElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TableElementList: TableElement { $$ = $1; } | TableElementList ',' TableElement { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; TypedTableElementList: TypedTableElement { $$ = $1; } | TypedTableElementList ',' TypedTableElement { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; TableElement: columnDef { $$ = $1; } | TableLikeClause { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; TypedTableElement: columnOptions { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; columnDef: ColId Typename create_generic_options ColQualList { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } ; columnOptions: ColId ColQualList { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | ColId WITH OPTIONS ColQualList { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("with options"),$4); } ; ColQualList: ColQualList ColConstraint { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ColConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ColConstraintElem { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("constraint"),$2,$3); } | ColConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } | ConstraintAttr { $$ = $1; } | COLLATE any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("collate"),$2); } ; ColConstraintElem: NOT NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("not null"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } | UNIQUE opt_definition OptConsTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("unique"),$2,$3); } | PRIMARY KEY opt_definition OptConsTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("primary key"),$3,$4); } | CHECK '(' a_expr ')' opt_no_inherit { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("check ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | DEFAULT b_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("default"),$2); } | GENERATED generated_when AS IDENTITY_P OptParenthesizedSeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("generated"),$2,mm_strdup("as identity"),$5); } | REFERENCES qualified_name opt_column_list key_match key_actions { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("references"),$2,$3,$4,$5); } ; generated_when: ALWAYS { $$ = mm_strdup("always"); } | BY DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("by default"); } ; ConstraintAttr: DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("deferrable"); } | NOT DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("not deferrable"); } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { $$ = mm_strdup("initially deferred"); } | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { $$ = mm_strdup("initially immediate"); } ; TableLikeClause: LIKE qualified_name TableLikeOptionList { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("like"),$2,$3); } ; TableLikeOptionList: TableLikeOptionList INCLUDING TableLikeOption { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("including"),$3); } | TableLikeOptionList EXCLUDING TableLikeOption { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("excluding"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TableLikeOption: COMMENTS { $$ = mm_strdup("comments"); } | CONSTRAINTS { $$ = mm_strdup("constraints"); } | DEFAULTS { $$ = mm_strdup("defaults"); } | IDENTITY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("identity"); } | INDEXES { $$ = mm_strdup("indexes"); } | STATISTICS { $$ = mm_strdup("statistics"); } | STORAGE { $$ = mm_strdup("storage"); } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; TableConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ConstraintElem { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("constraint"),$2,$3); } | ConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ConstraintElem: CHECK '(' a_expr ')' ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("check ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | UNIQUE '(' columnList ')' opt_c_include opt_definition OptConsTableSpace ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("unique ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5,$6,$7,$8); } | UNIQUE ExistingIndex ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("unique"),$2,$3); } | PRIMARY KEY '(' columnList ')' opt_c_include opt_definition OptConsTableSpace ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("primary key ("),$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6,$7,$8,$9); } | PRIMARY KEY ExistingIndex ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("primary key"),$3,$4); } | EXCLUDE access_method_clause '(' ExclusionConstraintList ')' opt_c_include opt_definition OptConsTableSpace ExclusionWhereClause ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(10,mm_strdup("exclude"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6,$7,$8,$9,$10); } | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("foreign key ("),$4,mm_strdup(") references"),$7,$8,$9,$10,$11); } ; opt_no_inherit: NO INHERIT { $$ = mm_strdup("no inherit"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_column_list: '(' columnList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; columnList: columnElem { $$ = $1; } | columnList ',' columnElem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; columnElem: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; opt_c_include: INCLUDE '(' columnList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("include ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; key_match: MATCH FULL { $$ = mm_strdup("match full"); } | MATCH PARTIAL { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = mm_strdup("match partial"); } | MATCH SIMPLE { $$ = mm_strdup("match simple"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ExclusionConstraintList: ExclusionConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } | ExclusionConstraintList ',' ExclusionConstraintElem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; ExclusionConstraintElem: index_elem WITH any_operator { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("with"),$3); } | index_elem WITH OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("with operator ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } ; ExclusionWhereClause: WHERE '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("where ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; key_actions: key_update { $$ = $1; } | key_delete { $$ = $1; } | key_update key_delete { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | key_delete key_update { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; key_update: ON UPDATE key_action { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("on update"),$3); } ; key_delete: ON DELETE_P key_action { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("on delete"),$3); } ; key_action: NO ACTION { $$ = mm_strdup("no action"); } | RESTRICT { $$ = mm_strdup("restrict"); } | CASCADE { $$ = mm_strdup("cascade"); } | SET NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("set null"); } | SET DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("set default"); } ; OptInherit: INHERITS '(' qualified_name_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("inherits ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptPartitionSpec: PartitionSpec { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; PartitionSpec: PARTITION BY part_strategy '(' part_params ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("partition by"),$3,mm_strdup("("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } ; part_strategy: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; part_params: part_elem { $$ = $1; } | part_params ',' part_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; part_elem: ColId opt_collate opt_class { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | func_expr_windowless opt_collate opt_class { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | '(' a_expr ')' opt_collate opt_class { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4,$5); } ; OptWith: WITH reloptions { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with"),$2); } | WITH OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("with oids"); } | WITHOUT OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("without oids"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OnCommitOption: ON COMMIT DROP { $$ = mm_strdup("on commit drop"); } | ON COMMIT DELETE_P ROWS { $$ = mm_strdup("on commit delete rows"); } | ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS { $$ = mm_strdup("on commit preserve rows"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptTableSpace: TABLESPACE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("tablespace"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptConsTableSpace: USING INDEX TABLESPACE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using index tablespace"),$4); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ExistingIndex: USING INDEX index_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using index"),$3); } ; CreateStatsStmt: CREATE STATISTICS any_name opt_name_list ON expr_list FROM from_list { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create statistics"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("from"),$8); } | CREATE STATISTICS IF_P NOT EXISTS any_name opt_name_list ON expr_list FROM from_list { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create statistics if not exists"),$6,$7,mm_strdup("on"),$9,mm_strdup("from"),$11); } ; create_as_target: qualified_name opt_column_list OptWith OnCommitOption OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_with_data: WITH DATA_P { $$ = mm_strdup("with data"); } | WITH NO DATA_P { $$ = mm_strdup("with no data"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateMatViewStmt: CREATE OptNoLog MATERIALIZED VIEW create_mv_target AS SelectStmt opt_with_data { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("materialized view"),$5,mm_strdup("as"),$7,$8); } | CREATE OptNoLog MATERIALIZED VIEW IF_P NOT EXISTS create_mv_target AS SelectStmt opt_with_data { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("materialized view if not exists"),$8,mm_strdup("as"),$10,$11); } ; create_mv_target: qualified_name opt_column_list opt_reloptions OptTableSpace { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } ; OptNoLog: UNLOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("unlogged"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RefreshMatViewStmt: REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW opt_concurrently qualified_name opt_with_data { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("refresh materialized view"),$4,$5,$6); } ; CreateSeqStmt: CREATE OptTemp SEQUENCE qualified_name OptSeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("sequence"),$4,$5); } | CREATE OptTemp SEQUENCE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name OptSeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("sequence if not exists"),$7,$8); } ; AlterSeqStmt: ALTER SEQUENCE qualified_name SeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter sequence"),$3,$4); } | ALTER SEQUENCE IF_P EXISTS qualified_name SeqOptList { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter sequence if exists"),$5,$6); } ; OptSeqOptList: SeqOptList { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptParenthesizedSeqOptList: '(' SeqOptList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; SeqOptList: SeqOptElem { $$ = $1; } | SeqOptList SeqOptElem { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; SeqOptElem: AS SimpleTypename { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("as"),$2); } | CACHE NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("cache"),$2); } | CYCLE { $$ = mm_strdup("cycle"); } | NO CYCLE { $$ = mm_strdup("no cycle"); } | INCREMENT opt_by NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("increment"),$2,$3); } | MAXVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("maxvalue"),$2); } | MINVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("minvalue"),$2); } | NO MAXVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("no maxvalue"); } | NO MINVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("no minvalue"); } | OWNED BY any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("owned by"),$3); } | SEQUENCE NAME_P any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("sequence name"),$3); } | START opt_with NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("start"),$2,$3); } | RESTART { $$ = mm_strdup("restart"); } | RESTART opt_with NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("restart"),$2,$3); } ; opt_by: BY { $$ = mm_strdup("by"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; NumericOnly: ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } | '+' ecpg_fconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("+"),$2); } | '-' ecpg_fconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("-"),$2); } | SignedIconst { $$ = $1; } ; NumericOnly_list: NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly_list ',' NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; CreatePLangStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace opt_trusted opt_procedural LANGUAGE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create"),$2,$3,$4,mm_strdup("language"),$6); } | CREATE opt_or_replace opt_trusted opt_procedural LANGUAGE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst HANDLER handler_name opt_inline_handler opt_validator { $$ = cat_str(10,mm_strdup("create"),$2,$3,$4,mm_strdup("language"),$6,mm_strdup("handler"),$8,$9,$10); } ; opt_trusted: TRUSTED { $$ = mm_strdup("trusted"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; handler_name: name { $$ = $1; } | name attrs { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_inline_handler: INLINE_P handler_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("inline"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; validator_clause: VALIDATOR handler_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("validator"),$2); } | NO VALIDATOR { $$ = mm_strdup("no validator"); } ; opt_validator: validator_clause { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; DropPLangStmt: DROP opt_procedural LANGUAGE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("language"),$4,$5); } | DROP opt_procedural LANGUAGE IF_P EXISTS NonReservedWord_or_Sconst opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("language if exists"),$6,$7); } ; opt_procedural: PROCEDURAL { $$ = mm_strdup("procedural"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateTableSpaceStmt: CREATE TABLESPACE name OptTableSpaceOwner LOCATION ecpg_sconst opt_reloptions { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create tablespace"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("location"),$6,$7); } ; OptTableSpaceOwner: OWNER RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("owner"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; DropTableSpaceStmt: DROP TABLESPACE name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop tablespace"),$3); } | DROP TABLESPACE IF_P EXISTS name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop tablespace if exists"),$5); } ; CreateExtensionStmt: CREATE EXTENSION name opt_with create_extension_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create extension"),$3,$4,$5); } | CREATE EXTENSION IF_P NOT EXISTS name opt_with create_extension_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create extension if not exists"),$6,$7,$8); } ; create_extension_opt_list: create_extension_opt_list create_extension_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; create_extension_opt_item: SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("schema"),$2); } | VERSION_P NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("version"),$2); } | FROM NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from"),$2); } | CASCADE { $$ = mm_strdup("cascade"); } ; AlterExtensionStmt: ALTER EXTENSION name UPDATE alter_extension_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,mm_strdup("update"),$5); } ; alter_extension_opt_list: alter_extension_opt_list alter_extension_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; alter_extension_opt_item: TO NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("to"),$2); } ; AlterExtensionContentsStmt: ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop ACCESS METHOD name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("access method"),$7); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("aggregate"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop CAST '(' Typename AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("cast ("),$7,mm_strdup("as"),$9,mm_strdup(")")); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop COLLATION any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("collation"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop CONVERSION_P any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("conversion"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop DOMAIN_P Typename { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("domain"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop FUNCTION function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("function"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop opt_procedural LANGUAGE name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,$5,mm_strdup("language"),$7); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("operator"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("operator class"),$7,mm_strdup("using"),$9); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("operator family"),$7,mm_strdup("using"),$9); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("procedure"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop ROUTINE function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("routine"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("schema"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop EVENT TRIGGER name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("event trigger"),$7); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TABLE any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("table"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("text search parser"),$8); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("text search dictionary"),$8); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("text search template"),$8); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("text search configuration"),$8); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop SEQUENCE any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("sequence"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop VIEW any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("view"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop MATERIALIZED VIEW any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("materialized view"),$7); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop FOREIGN TABLE any_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("foreign table"),$7); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"),$8); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop SERVER name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("server"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TRANSFORM FOR Typename LANGUAGE name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("transform for"),$7,mm_strdup("language"),$9); } | ALTER EXTENSION name add_drop TYPE_P Typename { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("type"),$6); } ; CreateFdwStmt: CREATE FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name opt_fdw_options create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create foreign data wrapper"),$5,$6,$7); } ; fdw_option: HANDLER handler_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("handler"),$2); } | NO HANDLER { $$ = mm_strdup("no handler"); } | VALIDATOR handler_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("validator"),$2); } | NO VALIDATOR { $$ = mm_strdup("no validator"); } ; fdw_options: fdw_option { $$ = $1; } | fdw_options fdw_option { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_fdw_options: fdw_options { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterFdwStmt: ALTER FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name opt_fdw_options alter_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign data wrapper"),$5,$6,$7); } | ALTER FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name fdw_options { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter foreign data wrapper"),$5,$6); } ; create_generic_options: OPTIONS '(' generic_option_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("options ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; generic_option_list: generic_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | generic_option_list ',' generic_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; alter_generic_options: OPTIONS '(' alter_generic_option_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("options ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; alter_generic_option_list: alter_generic_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | alter_generic_option_list ',' alter_generic_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; alter_generic_option_elem: generic_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | SET generic_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("set"),$2); } | ADD_P generic_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("add"),$2); } | DROP generic_option_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop"),$2); } ; generic_option_elem: generic_option_name generic_option_arg { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; generic_option_name: ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; generic_option_arg: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } ; CreateForeignServerStmt: CREATE SERVER name opt_type opt_foreign_server_version FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create server"),$3,$4,$5,mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"),$9,$10); } | CREATE SERVER IF_P NOT EXISTS name opt_type opt_foreign_server_version FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create server if not exists"),$6,$7,$8,mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"),$12,$13); } ; opt_type: TYPE_P ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("type"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; foreign_server_version: VERSION_P ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("version"),$2); } | VERSION_P NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("version null"); } ; opt_foreign_server_version: foreign_server_version { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterForeignServerStmt: ALTER SERVER name foreign_server_version alter_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter server"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER SERVER name foreign_server_version { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter server"),$3,$4); } | ALTER SERVER name alter_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter server"),$3,$4); } ; CreateForeignTableStmt: CREATE FOREIGN TABLE qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create foreign table"),$4,mm_strdup("("),$6,mm_strdup(")"),$8,mm_strdup("server"),$10,$11); } | CREATE FOREIGN TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create foreign table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("("),$9,mm_strdup(")"),$11,mm_strdup("server"),$13,$14); } | CREATE FOREIGN TABLE qualified_name PARTITION OF qualified_name OptTypedTableElementList PartitionBoundSpec SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create foreign table"),$4,mm_strdup("partition of"),$7,$8,$9,mm_strdup("server"),$11,$12); } | CREATE FOREIGN TABLE IF_P NOT EXISTS qualified_name PARTITION OF qualified_name OptTypedTableElementList PartitionBoundSpec SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create foreign table if not exists"),$7,mm_strdup("partition of"),$10,$11,$12,mm_strdup("server"),$14,$15); } ; AlterForeignTableStmt: ALTER FOREIGN TABLE relation_expr alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter foreign table"),$4,$5); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr alter_table_cmds { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter foreign table if exists"),$6,$7); } ; ImportForeignSchemaStmt: IMPORT_P FOREIGN SCHEMA name import_qualification FROM SERVER name INTO name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("import foreign schema"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("from server"),$8,mm_strdup("into"),$10,$11); } ; import_qualification_type: LIMIT TO { $$ = mm_strdup("limit to"); } | EXCEPT { $$ = mm_strdup("except"); } ; import_qualification: import_qualification_type '(' relation_expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateUserMappingStmt: CREATE USER MAPPING FOR auth_ident SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create user mapping for"),$5,mm_strdup("server"),$7,$8); } | CREATE USER MAPPING IF_P NOT EXISTS FOR auth_ident SERVER name create_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create user mapping if not exists for"),$8,mm_strdup("server"),$10,$11); } ; auth_ident: RoleSpec { $$ = $1; } | USER { $$ = mm_strdup("user"); } ; DropUserMappingStmt: DROP USER MAPPING FOR auth_ident SERVER name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("drop user mapping for"),$5,mm_strdup("server"),$7); } | DROP USER MAPPING IF_P EXISTS FOR auth_ident SERVER name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("drop user mapping if exists for"),$7,mm_strdup("server"),$9); } ; AlterUserMappingStmt: ALTER USER MAPPING FOR auth_ident SERVER name alter_generic_options { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter user mapping for"),$5,mm_strdup("server"),$7,$8); } ; CreatePolicyStmt: CREATE POLICY name ON qualified_name RowSecurityDefaultPermissive RowSecurityDefaultForCmd RowSecurityDefaultToRole RowSecurityOptionalExpr RowSecurityOptionalWithCheck { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create policy"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10); } ; AlterPolicyStmt: ALTER POLICY name ON qualified_name RowSecurityOptionalToRole RowSecurityOptionalExpr RowSecurityOptionalWithCheck { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter policy"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,$6,$7,$8); } ; RowSecurityOptionalExpr: USING '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("using ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RowSecurityOptionalWithCheck: WITH CHECK '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("with check ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RowSecurityDefaultToRole: TO role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("to"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RowSecurityOptionalToRole: TO role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("to"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RowSecurityDefaultPermissive: AS ecpg_ident { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("as"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RowSecurityDefaultForCmd: FOR row_security_cmd { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; row_security_cmd: ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | SELECT { $$ = mm_strdup("select"); } | INSERT { $$ = mm_strdup("insert"); } | UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("update"); } | DELETE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("delete"); } ; CreateAmStmt: CREATE ACCESS METHOD name TYPE_P INDEX HANDLER handler_name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create access method"),$4,mm_strdup("type index handler"),$8); } ; CreateTrigStmt: CREATE TRIGGER name TriggerActionTime TriggerEvents ON qualified_name TriggerReferencing TriggerForSpec TriggerWhen EXECUTE FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE func_name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { $$ = cat_str(15,mm_strdup("create trigger"),$3,$4,$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,$8,$9,$10,mm_strdup("execute"),$12,$13,mm_strdup("("),$15,mm_strdup(")")); } | CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER name AFTER TriggerEvents ON qualified_name OptConstrFromTable ConstraintAttributeSpec FOR EACH ROW TriggerWhen EXECUTE FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE func_name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { $$ = cat_str(16,mm_strdup("create constraint trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("after"),$6,mm_strdup("on"),$8,$9,$10,mm_strdup("for each row"),$14,mm_strdup("execute"),$16,$17,mm_strdup("("),$19,mm_strdup(")")); } ; TriggerActionTime: BEFORE { $$ = mm_strdup("before"); } | AFTER { $$ = mm_strdup("after"); } | INSTEAD OF { $$ = mm_strdup("instead of"); } ; TriggerEvents: TriggerOneEvent { $$ = $1; } | TriggerEvents OR TriggerOneEvent { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("or"),$3); } ; TriggerOneEvent: INSERT { $$ = mm_strdup("insert"); } | DELETE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("delete"); } | UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("update"); } | UPDATE OF columnList { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("update of"),$3); } | TRUNCATE { $$ = mm_strdup("truncate"); } ; TriggerReferencing: REFERENCING TriggerTransitions { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("referencing"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TriggerTransitions: TriggerTransition { $$ = $1; } | TriggerTransitions TriggerTransition { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; TriggerTransition: TransitionOldOrNew TransitionRowOrTable opt_as TransitionRelName { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } ; TransitionOldOrNew: NEW { $$ = mm_strdup("new"); } | OLD { $$ = mm_strdup("old"); } ; TransitionRowOrTable: TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("row"); } ; TransitionRelName: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; TriggerForSpec: FOR TriggerForOptEach TriggerForType { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("for"),$2,$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TriggerForOptEach: EACH { $$ = mm_strdup("each"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TriggerForType: ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("row"); } | STATEMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("statement"); } ; TriggerWhen: WHEN '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("when ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE: FUNCTION { $$ = mm_strdup("function"); } | PROCEDURE { $$ = mm_strdup("procedure"); } ; TriggerFuncArgs: TriggerFuncArg { $$ = $1; } | TriggerFuncArgs ',' TriggerFuncArg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TriggerFuncArg: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; OptConstrFromTable: FROM qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ConstraintAttributeSpec: { $$=EMPTY; } | ConstraintAttributeSpec ConstraintAttributeElem { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; ConstraintAttributeElem: NOT DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("not deferrable"); } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("deferrable"); } | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { $$ = mm_strdup("initially immediate"); } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { $$ = mm_strdup("initially deferred"); } | NOT VALID { $$ = mm_strdup("not valid"); } | NO INHERIT { $$ = mm_strdup("no inherit"); } ; CreateEventTrigStmt: CREATE EVENT TRIGGER name ON ColLabel EXECUTE FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("create event trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("execute"),$8,$9,mm_strdup("( )")); } | CREATE EVENT TRIGGER name ON ColLabel WHEN event_trigger_when_list EXECUTE FUNCTION_or_PROCEDURE func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat_str(10,mm_strdup("create event trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("when"),$8,mm_strdup("execute"),$10,$11,mm_strdup("( )")); } ; event_trigger_when_list: event_trigger_when_item { $$ = $1; } | event_trigger_when_list AND event_trigger_when_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("and"),$3); } ; event_trigger_when_item: ColId IN_P '(' event_trigger_value_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("in ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; event_trigger_value_list: SCONST { $$ = mm_strdup("sconst"); } | event_trigger_value_list ',' SCONST { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup(", sconst")); } ; AlterEventTrigStmt: ALTER EVENT TRIGGER name enable_trigger { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter event trigger"),$4,$5); } ; enable_trigger: ENABLE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("enable"); } | ENABLE_P REPLICA { $$ = mm_strdup("enable replica"); } | ENABLE_P ALWAYS { $$ = mm_strdup("enable always"); } | DISABLE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("disable"); } ; CreateAssertStmt: CREATE ASSERTION name CHECK '(' a_expr ')' ConstraintAttributeSpec { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create assertion"),$3,mm_strdup("check ("),$6,mm_strdup(")"),$8); } ; DropAssertStmt: DROP ASSERTION name opt_drop_behavior { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop assertion"),$3,$4); } ; DefineStmt: CREATE AGGREGATE func_name aggr_args definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create aggregate"),$3,$4,$5); } | CREATE AGGREGATE func_name old_aggr_definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create aggregate"),$3,$4); } | CREATE OPERATOR any_operator definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create operator"),$3,$4); } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create type"),$3,$4); } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("create type"),$3); } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name AS '(' OptTableFuncElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create type"),$3,mm_strdup("as ("),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name AS ENUM_P '(' opt_enum_val_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create type"),$3,mm_strdup("as enum ("),$7,mm_strdup(")")); } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name AS RANGE definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create type"),$3,mm_strdup("as range"),$6); } | CREATE TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create text search parser"),$5,$6); } | CREATE TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create text search dictionary"),$5,$6); } | CREATE TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create text search template"),$5,$6); } | CREATE TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create text search configuration"),$5,$6); } | CREATE COLLATION any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create collation"),$3,$4); } | CREATE COLLATION IF_P NOT EXISTS any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("create collation if not exists"),$6,$7); } | CREATE COLLATION any_name FROM any_name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create collation"),$3,mm_strdup("from"),$5); } | CREATE COLLATION IF_P NOT EXISTS any_name FROM any_name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create collation if not exists"),$6,mm_strdup("from"),$8); } ; definition: '(' def_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; def_list: def_elem { $$ = $1; } | def_list ',' def_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; def_elem: ColLabel '=' def_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; def_arg: func_type { $$ = $1; } | reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | qual_all_Op { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | NONE { $$ = mm_strdup("none"); } ; old_aggr_definition: '(' old_aggr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; old_aggr_list: old_aggr_elem { $$ = $1; } | old_aggr_list ',' old_aggr_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; old_aggr_elem: ecpg_ident '=' def_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } ; opt_enum_val_list: enum_val_list { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; enum_val_list: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | enum_val_list ',' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; AlterEnumStmt: ALTER TYPE_P any_name ADD_P VALUE_P opt_if_not_exists ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("add value"),$6,$7); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name ADD_P VALUE_P opt_if_not_exists ecpg_sconst BEFORE ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("add value"),$6,$7,mm_strdup("before"),$9); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name ADD_P VALUE_P opt_if_not_exists ecpg_sconst AFTER ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("add value"),$6,$7,mm_strdup("after"),$9); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name RENAME VALUE_P ecpg_sconst TO ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("rename value"),$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8); } ; opt_if_not_exists: IF_P NOT EXISTS { $$ = mm_strdup("if not exists"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateOpClassStmt: CREATE OPERATOR CLASS any_name opt_default FOR TYPE_P Typename USING access_method opt_opfamily AS opclass_item_list { $$ = cat_str(10,mm_strdup("create operator class"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("for type"),$8,mm_strdup("using"),$10,$11,mm_strdup("as"),$13); } ; opclass_item_list: opclass_item { $$ = $1; } | opclass_item_list ',' opclass_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; opclass_item: OPERATOR Iconst any_operator opclass_purpose opt_recheck { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("operator"),$2,$3,$4,$5); } | OPERATOR Iconst operator_with_argtypes opclass_purpose opt_recheck { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("operator"),$2,$3,$4,$5); } | FUNCTION Iconst function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("function"),$2,$3); } | FUNCTION Iconst '(' type_list ')' function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("function"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6); } | STORAGE Typename { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("storage"),$2); } ; opt_default: DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_opfamily: FAMILY any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("family"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opclass_purpose: FOR SEARCH { $$ = mm_strdup("for search"); } | FOR ORDER BY any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for order by"),$4); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_recheck: RECHECK { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = mm_strdup("recheck"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateOpFamilyStmt: CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6); } ; AlterOpFamilyStmt: ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method ADD_P opclass_item_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("add"),$8); } | ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method DROP opclass_drop_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("drop"),$8); } ; opclass_drop_list: opclass_drop { $$ = $1; } | opclass_drop_list ',' opclass_drop { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; opclass_drop: OPERATOR Iconst '(' type_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("operator"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | FUNCTION Iconst '(' type_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("function"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; DropOpClassStmt: DROP OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop operator class"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,$7); } | DROP OPERATOR CLASS IF_P EXISTS any_name USING access_method opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop operator class if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("using"),$8,$9); } ; DropOpFamilyStmt: DROP OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,$7); } | DROP OPERATOR FAMILY IF_P EXISTS any_name USING access_method opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop operator family if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("using"),$8,$9); } ; DropOwnedStmt: DROP OWNED BY role_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop owned by"),$4,$5); } ; ReassignOwnedStmt: REASSIGN OWNED BY role_list TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("reassign owned by"),$4,mm_strdup("to"),$6); } ; DropStmt: DROP drop_type_any_name IF_P EXISTS any_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP drop_type_any_name any_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,$3,$4); } | DROP drop_type_name IF_P EXISTS name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP drop_type_name name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,$3,$4); } | DROP drop_type_name_on_any_name name ON any_name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,$6); } | DROP drop_type_name_on_any_name IF_P EXISTS name ON any_name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("drop"),$2,mm_strdup("if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,$8); } | DROP TYPE_P type_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop type"),$3,$4); } | DROP TYPE_P IF_P EXISTS type_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop type if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP DOMAIN_P type_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop domain"),$3,$4); } | DROP DOMAIN_P IF_P EXISTS type_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop domain if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY any_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop index concurrently"),$4,$5); } | DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF_P EXISTS any_name_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop index concurrently if exists"),$6,$7); } ; drop_type_any_name: TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | SEQUENCE { $$ = mm_strdup("sequence"); } | VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("view"); } | MATERIALIZED VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("materialized view"); } | INDEX { $$ = mm_strdup("index"); } | FOREIGN TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign table"); } | COLLATION { $$ = mm_strdup("collation"); } | CONVERSION_P { $$ = mm_strdup("conversion"); } | STATISTICS { $$ = mm_strdup("statistics"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER { $$ = mm_strdup("text search parser"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY { $$ = mm_strdup("text search dictionary"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE { $$ = mm_strdup("text search template"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION { $$ = mm_strdup("text search configuration"); } ; drop_type_name: ACCESS METHOD { $$ = mm_strdup("access method"); } | EVENT TRIGGER { $$ = mm_strdup("event trigger"); } | EXTENSION { $$ = mm_strdup("extension"); } | FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"); } | PUBLICATION { $$ = mm_strdup("publication"); } | SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("schema"); } | SERVER { $$ = mm_strdup("server"); } ; drop_type_name_on_any_name: POLICY { $$ = mm_strdup("policy"); } | RULE { $$ = mm_strdup("rule"); } | TRIGGER { $$ = mm_strdup("trigger"); } ; any_name_list: any_name { $$ = $1; } | any_name_list ',' any_name { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; any_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId attrs { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; attrs: '.' attr_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("."),$2); } | attrs '.' attr_name { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("."),$3); } ; type_name_list: Typename { $$ = $1; } | type_name_list ',' Typename TruncateStmt: TRUNCATE opt_table relation_expr_list opt_restart_seqs opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("truncate"),$2,$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_restart_seqs: CONTINUE_P IDENTITY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("continue identity"); } | RESTART IDENTITY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("restart identity"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CommentStmt: COMMENT ON comment_type_any_name any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("comment on"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON comment_type_name name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("comment on"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON TYPE_P Typename IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on type"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON DOMAIN_P Typename IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on domain"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on aggregate"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON FUNCTION function_with_argtypes IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on function"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on operator"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT name ON any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on constraint"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT name ON DOMAIN_P any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on constraint"),$4,mm_strdup("on domain"),$7,mm_strdup("is"),$9); } | COMMENT ON POLICY name ON any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on policy"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | COMMENT ON PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on procedure"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON ROUTINE function_with_argtypes IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on routine"),$4,mm_strdup("is"),$6); } | COMMENT ON RULE name ON any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on rule"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | COMMENT ON TRANSFORM FOR Typename LANGUAGE name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on transform for"),$5,mm_strdup("language"),$7,mm_strdup("is"),$9); } | COMMENT ON TRIGGER name ON any_name IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("on"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | COMMENT ON OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on operator class"),$5,mm_strdup("using"),$7,mm_strdup("is"),$9); } | COMMENT ON OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on operator family"),$5,mm_strdup("using"),$7,mm_strdup("is"),$9); } | COMMENT ON LARGE_P OBJECT_P NumericOnly IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("comment on large object"),$5,mm_strdup("is"),$7); } | COMMENT ON CAST '(' Typename AS Typename ')' IS comment_text { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("comment on cast ("),$5,mm_strdup("as"),$7,mm_strdup(") is"),$10); } ; comment_type_any_name: COLUMN { $$ = mm_strdup("column"); } | INDEX { $$ = mm_strdup("index"); } | SEQUENCE { $$ = mm_strdup("sequence"); } | STATISTICS { $$ = mm_strdup("statistics"); } | TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("view"); } | MATERIALIZED VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("materialized view"); } | COLLATION { $$ = mm_strdup("collation"); } | CONVERSION_P { $$ = mm_strdup("conversion"); } | FOREIGN TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign table"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION { $$ = mm_strdup("text search configuration"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY { $$ = mm_strdup("text search dictionary"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER { $$ = mm_strdup("text search parser"); } | TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE { $$ = mm_strdup("text search template"); } ; comment_type_name: ACCESS METHOD { $$ = mm_strdup("access method"); } | DATABASE { $$ = mm_strdup("database"); } | EVENT TRIGGER { $$ = mm_strdup("event trigger"); } | EXTENSION { $$ = mm_strdup("extension"); } | FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"); } | opt_procedural LANGUAGE { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("language")); } | PUBLICATION { $$ = mm_strdup("publication"); } | ROLE { $$ = mm_strdup("role"); } | SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("schema"); } | SERVER { $$ = mm_strdup("server"); } | SUBSCRIPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("subscription"); } | TABLESPACE { $$ = mm_strdup("tablespace"); } ; comment_text: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } ; SecLabelStmt: SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON security_label_type_any_name any_name IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON security_label_type_name name IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON TYPE_P Typename IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on type"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON DOMAIN_P Typename IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on domain"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on aggregate"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON FUNCTION function_with_argtypes IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on function"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON LARGE_P OBJECT_P NumericOnly IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on large object"),$7,mm_strdup("is"),$9); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on procedure"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } | SECURITY LABEL opt_provider ON ROUTINE function_with_argtypes IS security_label { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("security label"),$3,mm_strdup("on routine"),$6,mm_strdup("is"),$8); } ; opt_provider: FOR NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; security_label_type_any_name: COLUMN { $$ = mm_strdup("column"); } | FOREIGN TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign table"); } | SEQUENCE { $$ = mm_strdup("sequence"); } | TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("view"); } | MATERIALIZED VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("materialized view"); } ; security_label_type_name: DATABASE { $$ = mm_strdup("database"); } | EVENT TRIGGER { $$ = mm_strdup("event trigger"); } | opt_procedural LANGUAGE { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("language")); } | PUBLICATION { $$ = mm_strdup("publication"); } | ROLE { $$ = mm_strdup("role"); } | SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("schema"); } | SUBSCRIPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("subscription"); } | TABLESPACE { $$ = mm_strdup("tablespace"); } ; security_label: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } ; FetchStmt: FETCH fetch_args { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("fetch"),$2); } | MOVE fetch_args { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("move"),$2); } | FETCH fetch_args ecpg_fetch_into { $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("fetch"), $2); } | FETCH FORWARD cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; add_additional_variables($3, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch forward"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH FORWARD from_in cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; add_additional_variables($4, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch forward from"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH BACKWARD cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; add_additional_variables($3, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch backward"), cursor_marker); } | FETCH BACKWARD from_in cursor_name opt_ecpg_fetch_into { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; add_additional_variables($4, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("fetch backward from"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE FORWARD cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; add_additional_variables($3, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move forward"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE FORWARD from_in cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; add_additional_variables($4, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move forward from"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE BACKWARD cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $3[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $3; add_additional_variables($3, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move backward"), cursor_marker); } | MOVE BACKWARD from_in cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; add_additional_variables($4, false); $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("move backward from"), cursor_marker); } ; fetch_args: cursor_name { add_additional_variables($1, false); if ($1[0] == ':') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = $1; } | from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($2, false); if ($2[0] == ':') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | NEXT opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("next"),$2,$3); } | PRIOR opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("prior"),$2,$3); } | FIRST_P opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("first"),$2,$3); } | LAST_P opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("last"),$2,$3); } | ABSOLUTE_P SignedIconst opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($2[0] == '$') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("absolute"),$2,$3,$4); } | RELATIVE_P SignedIconst opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($2[0] == '$') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("relative"),$2,$3,$4); } | SignedIconst opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($1[0] == '$') { free($1); $1 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | ALL opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($3, false); if ($3[0] == ':') { free($3); $3 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("all"),$2,$3); } | FORWARD SignedIconst opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($2[0] == '$') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("forward"),$2,$3,$4); } | FORWARD ALL opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("forward all"),$3,$4); } | BACKWARD SignedIconst opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } if ($2[0] == '$') { free($2); $2 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("backward"),$2,$3,$4); } | BACKWARD ALL opt_from_in cursor_name { add_additional_variables($4, false); if ($4[0] == ':') { free($4); $4 = mm_strdup("$0"); } $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("backward all"),$3,$4); } ; from_in: FROM { $$ = mm_strdup("from"); } | IN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("in"); } ; opt_from_in: from_in { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; GrantStmt: GRANT privileges ON privilege_target TO grantee_list opt_grant_grant_option { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("grant"),$2,mm_strdup("on"),$4,mm_strdup("to"),$6,$7); } ; RevokeStmt: REVOKE privileges ON privilege_target FROM grantee_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("revoke"),$2,mm_strdup("on"),$4,mm_strdup("from"),$6,$7); } | REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR privileges ON privilege_target FROM grantee_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("revoke grant option for"),$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,mm_strdup("from"),$9,$10); } ; privileges: privilege_list { $$ = $1; } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | ALL PRIVILEGES { $$ = mm_strdup("all privileges"); } | ALL '(' columnList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("all ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | ALL PRIVILEGES '(' columnList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("all privileges ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; privilege_list: privilege { $$ = $1; } | privilege_list ',' privilege { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; privilege: SELECT opt_column_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("select"),$2); } | REFERENCES opt_column_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("references"),$2); } | CREATE opt_column_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("create"),$2); } | ColId opt_column_list { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; privilege_target: qualified_name_list { $$ = $1; } | TABLE qualified_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("table"),$2); } | SEQUENCE qualified_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("sequence"),$2); } | FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("foreign data wrapper"),$4); } | FOREIGN SERVER name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("foreign server"),$3); } | FUNCTION function_with_argtypes_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("function"),$2); } | PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("procedure"),$2); } | ROUTINE function_with_argtypes_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("routine"),$2); } | DATABASE name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("database"),$2); } | DOMAIN_P any_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("domain"),$2); } | LANGUAGE name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("language"),$2); } | LARGE_P OBJECT_P NumericOnly_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("large object"),$3); } | SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("schema"),$2); } | TABLESPACE name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("tablespace"),$2); } | TYPE_P any_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("type"),$2); } | ALL TABLES IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("all tables in schema"),$5); } | ALL SEQUENCES IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("all sequences in schema"),$5); } | ALL FUNCTIONS IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("all functions in schema"),$5); } | ALL PROCEDURES IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("all procedures in schema"),$5); } | ALL ROUTINES IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("all routines in schema"),$5); } ; grantee_list: grantee { $$ = $1; } | grantee_list ',' grantee { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; grantee: RoleSpec { $$ = $1; } | GROUP_P RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("group"),$2); } ; opt_grant_grant_option: WITH GRANT OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("with grant option"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; GrantRoleStmt: GRANT privilege_list TO role_list opt_grant_admin_option opt_granted_by { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("grant"),$2,mm_strdup("to"),$4,$5,$6); } ; RevokeRoleStmt: REVOKE privilege_list FROM role_list opt_granted_by opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("revoke"),$2,mm_strdup("from"),$4,$5,$6); } | REVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR privilege_list FROM role_list opt_granted_by opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("revoke admin option for"),$5,mm_strdup("from"),$7,$8,$9); } ; opt_grant_admin_option: WITH ADMIN OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("with admin option"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_granted_by: GRANTED BY RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("granted by"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt: ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES DefACLOptionList DefACLAction { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter default privileges"),$4,$5); } ; DefACLOptionList: DefACLOptionList DefACLOption { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; DefACLOption: IN_P SCHEMA name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("in schema"),$3); } | FOR ROLE role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for role"),$3); } | FOR USER role_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for user"),$3); } ; DefACLAction: GRANT privileges ON defacl_privilege_target TO grantee_list opt_grant_grant_option { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("grant"),$2,mm_strdup("on"),$4,mm_strdup("to"),$6,$7); } | REVOKE privileges ON defacl_privilege_target FROM grantee_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("revoke"),$2,mm_strdup("on"),$4,mm_strdup("from"),$6,$7); } | REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR privileges ON defacl_privilege_target FROM grantee_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("revoke grant option for"),$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,mm_strdup("from"),$9,$10); } ; defacl_privilege_target: TABLES { $$ = mm_strdup("tables"); } | FUNCTIONS { $$ = mm_strdup("functions"); } | ROUTINES { $$ = mm_strdup("routines"); } | SEQUENCES { $$ = mm_strdup("sequences"); } | TYPES_P { $$ = mm_strdup("types"); } | SCHEMAS { $$ = mm_strdup("schemas"); } ; IndexStmt: CREATE opt_unique INDEX opt_concurrently opt_index_name ON relation_expr access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' opt_include opt_reloptions OptTableSpace where_clause { $$ = cat_str(15,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("index"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,$8,mm_strdup("("),$10,mm_strdup(")"),$12,$13,$14,$15); } | CREATE opt_unique INDEX opt_concurrently IF_P NOT EXISTS index_name ON relation_expr access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' opt_include opt_reloptions OptTableSpace where_clause { $$ = cat_str(16,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("index"),$4,mm_strdup("if not exists"),$8,mm_strdup("on"),$10,$11,mm_strdup("("),$13,mm_strdup(")"),$15,$16,$17,$18); } ; opt_unique: UNIQUE { $$ = mm_strdup("unique"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_concurrently: CONCURRENTLY { $$ = mm_strdup("concurrently"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_index_name: index_name { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; access_method_clause: USING access_method { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; index_params: index_elem { $$ = $1; } | index_params ',' index_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; index_elem: ColId opt_collate opt_class opt_asc_desc opt_nulls_order { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); } | func_expr_windowless opt_collate opt_class opt_asc_desc opt_nulls_order { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); } | '(' a_expr ')' opt_collate opt_class opt_asc_desc opt_nulls_order { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4,$5,$6,$7); } ; opt_include: INCLUDE '(' index_including_params ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("include ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; index_including_params: index_elem { $$ = $1; } | index_including_params ',' index_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; opt_collate: COLLATE any_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("collate"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_class: any_name { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_asc_desc: ASC { $$ = mm_strdup("asc"); } | DESC { $$ = mm_strdup("desc"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_nulls_order: NULLS_LA FIRST_P { $$ = mm_strdup("nulls first"); } | NULLS_LA LAST_P { $$ = mm_strdup("nulls last"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateFunctionStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace FUNCTION func_name func_args_with_defaults RETURNS func_return createfunc_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("function"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("returns"),$7,$8); } | CREATE opt_or_replace FUNCTION func_name func_args_with_defaults RETURNS TABLE '(' table_func_column_list ')' createfunc_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("function"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("returns table ("),$9,mm_strdup(")"),$11); } | CREATE opt_or_replace FUNCTION func_name func_args_with_defaults createfunc_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("function"),$4,$5,$6); } | CREATE opt_or_replace PROCEDURE func_name func_args_with_defaults createfunc_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("procedure"),$4,$5,$6); } ; opt_or_replace: OR REPLACE { $$ = mm_strdup("or replace"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; func_args: '(' func_args_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("( )"); } ; func_args_list: func_arg { $$ = $1; } | func_args_list ',' func_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; function_with_argtypes_list: function_with_argtypes { $$ = $1; } | function_with_argtypes_list ',' function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; function_with_argtypes: func_name func_args { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; func_args_with_defaults: '(' func_args_with_defaults_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("( )"); } ; func_args_with_defaults_list: func_arg_with_default { $$ = $1; } | func_args_with_defaults_list ',' func_arg_with_default { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; func_arg: arg_class param_name func_type { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | param_name arg_class func_type { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | param_name func_type { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | arg_class func_type { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | func_type { $$ = $1; } ; arg_class: IN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("in"); } | OUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("out"); } | INOUT { $$ = mm_strdup("inout"); } | IN_P OUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("in out"); } | VARIADIC { $$ = mm_strdup("variadic"); } ; param_name: type_function_name { $$ = $1; } ; func_return: func_type { $$ = $1; } ; func_type: Typename { $$ = $1; } | type_function_name attrs '%' TYPE_P { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,mm_strdup("% type")); } | SETOF type_function_name attrs '%' TYPE_P { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("setof"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("% type")); } ; func_arg_with_default: func_arg { $$ = $1; } | func_arg DEFAULT a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("default"),$3); } | func_arg '=' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } ; aggr_arg: func_arg { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = $1; } ; aggr_args: '(' '*' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("( * )"); } | '(' aggr_args_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' ORDER BY aggr_args_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("( order by"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' aggr_args_list ORDER BY aggr_args_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup("order by"),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } ; aggr_args_list: aggr_arg { $$ = $1; } | aggr_args_list ',' aggr_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; aggregate_with_argtypes: func_name aggr_args { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; aggregate_with_argtypes_list: aggregate_with_argtypes { $$ = $1; } | aggregate_with_argtypes_list ',' aggregate_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; createfunc_opt_list: createfunc_opt_item { $$ = $1; } | createfunc_opt_list createfunc_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; common_func_opt_item: CALLED ON NULL_P INPUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("called on null input"); } | RETURNS NULL_P ON NULL_P INPUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("returns null on null input"); } | STRICT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("strict"); } | IMMUTABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("immutable"); } | STABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("stable"); } | VOLATILE { $$ = mm_strdup("volatile"); } | EXTERNAL SECURITY DEFINER { $$ = mm_strdup("external security definer"); } | EXTERNAL SECURITY INVOKER { $$ = mm_strdup("external security invoker"); } | SECURITY DEFINER { $$ = mm_strdup("security definer"); } | SECURITY INVOKER { $$ = mm_strdup("security invoker"); } | LEAKPROOF { $$ = mm_strdup("leakproof"); } | NOT LEAKPROOF { $$ = mm_strdup("not leakproof"); } | COST NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("cost"),$2); } | ROWS NumericOnly { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("rows"),$2); } | FunctionSetResetClause { $$ = $1; } | PARALLEL ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("parallel"),$2); } ; createfunc_opt_item: AS func_as { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("as"),$2); } | LANGUAGE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("language"),$2); } | TRANSFORM transform_type_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("transform"),$2); } | WINDOW { $$ = mm_strdup("window"); } | common_func_opt_item { $$ = $1; } ; func_as: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst ',' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; transform_type_list: FOR TYPE_P Typename { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for type"),$3); } | transform_type_list ',' FOR TYPE_P Typename { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(", for type"),$5); } ; opt_definition: WITH definition { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; table_func_column: param_name func_type { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; table_func_column_list: table_func_column { $$ = $1; } | table_func_column_list ',' table_func_column { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; AlterFunctionStmt: ALTER FUNCTION function_with_argtypes alterfunc_opt_list opt_restrict { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter function"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes alterfunc_opt_list opt_restrict { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter procedure"),$3,$4,$5); } | ALTER ROUTINE function_with_argtypes alterfunc_opt_list opt_restrict { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter routine"),$3,$4,$5); } ; alterfunc_opt_list: common_func_opt_item { $$ = $1; } | alterfunc_opt_list common_func_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_restrict: RESTRICT { $$ = mm_strdup("restrict"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; RemoveFuncStmt: DROP FUNCTION function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop function"),$3,$4); } | DROP FUNCTION IF_P EXISTS function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop function if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop procedure"),$3,$4); } | DROP PROCEDURE IF_P EXISTS function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop procedure if exists"),$5,$6); } | DROP ROUTINE function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop routine"),$3,$4); } | DROP ROUTINE IF_P EXISTS function_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop routine if exists"),$5,$6); } ; RemoveAggrStmt: DROP AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop aggregate"),$3,$4); } | DROP AGGREGATE IF_P EXISTS aggregate_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop aggregate if exists"),$5,$6); } ; RemoveOperStmt: DROP OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop operator"),$3,$4); } | DROP OPERATOR IF_P EXISTS operator_with_argtypes_list opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop operator if exists"),$5,$6); } ; oper_argtypes: '(' Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' Typename ',' Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(","),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' NONE ',' Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("( none ,"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' Typename ',' NONE ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(", none )")); } ; any_operator: all_Op { $$ = $1; } | ColId '.' any_operator { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("."),$3); } ; operator_with_argtypes_list: operator_with_argtypes { $$ = $1; } | operator_with_argtypes_list ',' operator_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; operator_with_argtypes: any_operator oper_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; DoStmt: DO dostmt_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("do"),$2); } ; dostmt_opt_list: dostmt_opt_item { $$ = $1; } | dostmt_opt_list dostmt_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; dostmt_opt_item: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | LANGUAGE NonReservedWord_or_Sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("language"),$2); } ; CreateCastStmt: CREATE CAST '(' Typename AS Typename ')' WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes cast_context { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create cast ("),$4,mm_strdup("as"),$6,mm_strdup(") with function"),$10,$11); } | CREATE CAST '(' Typename AS Typename ')' WITHOUT FUNCTION cast_context { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create cast ("),$4,mm_strdup("as"),$6,mm_strdup(") without function"),$10); } | CREATE CAST '(' Typename AS Typename ')' WITH INOUT cast_context { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("create cast ("),$4,mm_strdup("as"),$6,mm_strdup(") with inout"),$10); } ; cast_context: AS IMPLICIT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("as implicit"); } | AS ASSIGNMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("as assignment"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; DropCastStmt: DROP CAST opt_if_exists '(' Typename AS Typename ')' opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("drop cast"),$3,mm_strdup("("),$5,mm_strdup("as"),$7,mm_strdup(")"),$9); } ; opt_if_exists: IF_P EXISTS { $$ = mm_strdup("if exists"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; CreateTransformStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace TRANSFORM FOR Typename LANGUAGE name '(' transform_element_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("transform for"),$5,mm_strdup("language"),$7,mm_strdup("("),$9,mm_strdup(")")); } ; transform_element_list: FROM SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes ',' TO SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("from sql with function"),$5,mm_strdup(", to sql with function"),$11); } | TO SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes ',' FROM SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("to sql with function"),$5,mm_strdup(", from sql with function"),$11); } | FROM SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from sql with function"),$5); } | TO SQL_P WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("to sql with function"),$5); } ; DropTransformStmt: DROP TRANSFORM opt_if_exists FOR Typename LANGUAGE name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("drop transform"),$3,mm_strdup("for"),$5,mm_strdup("language"),$7,$8); } ; ReindexStmt: REINDEX reindex_target_type qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("reindex"),$2,$3); } | REINDEX reindex_target_multitable name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("reindex"),$2,$3); } | REINDEX '(' reindex_option_list ')' reindex_target_type qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("reindex ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5,$6); } | REINDEX '(' reindex_option_list ')' reindex_target_multitable name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("reindex ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5,$6); } ; reindex_target_type: INDEX { $$ = mm_strdup("index"); } | TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } ; reindex_target_multitable: SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("schema"); } | SYSTEM_P { $$ = mm_strdup("system"); } | DATABASE { $$ = mm_strdup("database"); } ; reindex_option_list: reindex_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | reindex_option_list ',' reindex_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; reindex_option_elem: VERBOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("verbose"); } ; AlterTblSpcStmt: ALTER TABLESPACE name SET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter tablespace"),$3,mm_strdup("set"),$5); } | ALTER TABLESPACE name RESET reloptions { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter tablespace"),$3,mm_strdup("reset"),$5); } ; RenameStmt: ALTER AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter aggregate"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER COLLATION any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter collation"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER CONVERSION_P any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter conversion"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER DATABASE database_name RENAME TO database_name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name RENAME CONSTRAINT name TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("rename constraint"),$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8); } | ALTER FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign data wrapper"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER FUNCTION function_with_argtypes RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter function"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER GROUP_P RoleId RENAME TO RoleId { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter group"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER opt_procedural LANGUAGE name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,mm_strdup("language"),$4,mm_strdup("rename to"),$7); } | ALTER OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator class"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("rename to"),$9); } | ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("rename to"),$9); } | ALTER POLICY name ON qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter policy"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER POLICY IF_P EXISTS name ON qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter policy if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("on"),$7,mm_strdup("rename to"),$10); } | ALTER PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter procedure"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER PUBLICATION name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER ROUTINE function_with_argtypes RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter routine"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER SCHEMA name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter schema"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER SERVER name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter server"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER TABLE relation_expr RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER SEQUENCE qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter sequence"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER SEQUENCE IF_P EXISTS qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter sequence if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER VIEW qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter view"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter view if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter materialized view"),$4,mm_strdup("rename to"),$7); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter materialized view if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("rename to"),$9); } | ALTER INDEX qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter index"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER INDEX IF_P EXISTS qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter index if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE relation_expr RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign table"),$4,mm_strdup("rename to"),$7); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign table if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("rename to"),$9); } | ALTER TABLE relation_expr RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,mm_strdup("rename"),$5,$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename"),$7,$8,mm_strdup("to"),$10); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW qualified_name RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter materialized view"),$4,mm_strdup("rename"),$6,$7,mm_strdup("to"),$9); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter materialized view if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("rename"),$8,$9,mm_strdup("to"),$11); } | ALTER TABLE relation_expr RENAME CONSTRAINT name TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,mm_strdup("rename constraint"),$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr RENAME CONSTRAINT name TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("rename constraint"),$8,mm_strdup("to"),$10); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE relation_expr RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter foreign table"),$4,mm_strdup("rename"),$6,$7,mm_strdup("to"),$9); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr RENAME opt_column name TO name { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter foreign table if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("rename"),$8,$9,mm_strdup("to"),$11); } | ALTER RULE name ON qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter rule"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER TRIGGER name ON qualified_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter trigger"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER EVENT TRIGGER name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter event trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("rename to"),$7); } | ALTER ROLE RoleId RENAME TO RoleId { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter role"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER USER RoleId RENAME TO RoleId { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter user"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER TABLESPACE name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter tablespace"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER STATISTICS any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter statistics"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search parser"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search dictionary"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search template"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("rename to"),$8); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name RENAME TO name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("rename to"),$6); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name RENAME ATTRIBUTE name TO name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("rename attribute"),$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8,$9); } ; opt_column: COLUMN { $$ = mm_strdup("column"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_set_data: SET DATA_P { $$ = mm_strdup("set data"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterObjectDependsStmt: ALTER FUNCTION function_with_argtypes DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter function"),$3,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$7); } | ALTER PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter procedure"),$3,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$7); } | ALTER ROUTINE function_with_argtypes DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter routine"),$3,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$7); } | ALTER TRIGGER name ON qualified_name DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter trigger"),$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$9); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW qualified_name DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter materialized view"),$4,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$8); } | ALTER INDEX qualified_name DEPENDS ON EXTENSION name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter index"),$3,mm_strdup("depends on extension"),$7); } ; AlterObjectSchemaStmt: ALTER AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter aggregate"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER COLLATION any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter collation"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER CONVERSION_P any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter conversion"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER EXTENSION name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter extension"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER FUNCTION function_with_argtypes SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter function"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter operator"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator class"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("set schema"),$9); } | ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("set schema"),$9); } | ALTER PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter procedure"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER ROUTINE function_with_argtypes SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter routine"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER TABLE relation_expr SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter table"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter table if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER STATISTICS any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter statistics"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH PARSER any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search parser"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search dictionary"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH TEMPLATE any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search template"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER SEQUENCE qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter sequence"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER SEQUENCE IF_P EXISTS qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter sequence if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER VIEW qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter view"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } | ALTER VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter view if exists"),$5,mm_strdup("set schema"),$8); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter materialized view"),$4,mm_strdup("set schema"),$7); } | ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW IF_P EXISTS qualified_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter materialized view if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("set schema"),$9); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE relation_expr SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign table"),$4,mm_strdup("set schema"),$7); } | ALTER FOREIGN TABLE IF_P EXISTS relation_expr SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign table if exists"),$6,mm_strdup("set schema"),$9); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name SET SCHEMA name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("set schema"),$6); } ; AlterOperatorStmt: ALTER OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes SET '(' operator_def_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter operator"),$3,mm_strdup("set ("),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } ; operator_def_list: operator_def_elem { $$ = $1; } | operator_def_list ',' operator_def_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; operator_def_elem: ColLabel '=' NONE { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("= none")); } | ColLabel '=' operator_def_arg { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } ; operator_def_arg: func_type { $$ = $1; } | reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | qual_all_Op { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } ; AlterOwnerStmt: ALTER AGGREGATE aggregate_with_argtypes OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter aggregate"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER COLLATION any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter collation"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER CONVERSION_P any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter conversion"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER DATABASE database_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER FUNCTION function_with_argtypes OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter function"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER opt_procedural LANGUAGE name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter"),$2,mm_strdup("language"),$4,mm_strdup("owner to"),$7); } | ALTER LARGE_P OBJECT_P NumericOnly OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter large object"),$4,mm_strdup("owner to"),$7); } | ALTER OPERATOR operator_with_argtypes OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter operator"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator class"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("owner to"),$9); } | ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY any_name USING access_method OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter operator family"),$4,mm_strdup("using"),$6,mm_strdup("owner to"),$9); } | ALTER PROCEDURE function_with_argtypes OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter procedure"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER ROUTINE function_with_argtypes OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter routine"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER SCHEMA name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter schema"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER TYPE_P any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter type"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER TABLESPACE name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter tablespace"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER STATISTICS any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter statistics"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search dictionary"),$5,mm_strdup("owner to"),$8); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("owner to"),$8); } | ALTER FOREIGN DATA_P WRAPPER name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter foreign data wrapper"),$5,mm_strdup("owner to"),$8); } | ALTER SERVER name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter server"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER EVENT TRIGGER name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter event trigger"),$4,mm_strdup("owner to"),$7); } | ALTER PUBLICATION name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name OWNER TO RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("owner to"),$6); } ; CreatePublicationStmt: CREATE PUBLICATION name opt_publication_for_tables opt_definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create publication"),$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_publication_for_tables: publication_for_tables { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; publication_for_tables: FOR TABLE relation_expr_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for table"),$3); } | FOR ALL TABLES { $$ = mm_strdup("for all tables"); } ; AlterPublicationStmt: ALTER PUBLICATION name SET definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("set"),$5); } | ALTER PUBLICATION name ADD_P TABLE relation_expr_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("add table"),$6); } | ALTER PUBLICATION name SET TABLE relation_expr_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("set table"),$6); } | ALTER PUBLICATION name DROP TABLE relation_expr_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter publication"),$3,mm_strdup("drop table"),$6); } ; CreateSubscriptionStmt: CREATE SUBSCRIPTION name CONNECTION ecpg_sconst PUBLICATION publication_name_list opt_definition { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("create subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("connection"),$5,mm_strdup("publication"),$7,$8); } ; publication_name_list: publication_name_item { $$ = $1; } | publication_name_list ',' publication_name_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; publication_name_item: ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; AlterSubscriptionStmt: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name SET definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("set"),$5); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name CONNECTION ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("connection"),$5); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name REFRESH PUBLICATION opt_definition { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("refresh publication"),$6); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name SET PUBLICATION publication_name_list opt_definition { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("set publication"),$6,$7); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name ENABLE_P { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("enable")); } | ALTER SUBSCRIPTION name DISABLE_P { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter subscription"),$3,mm_strdup("disable")); } ; DropSubscriptionStmt: DROP SUBSCRIPTION name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop subscription"),$3,$4); } | DROP SUBSCRIPTION IF_P EXISTS name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("drop subscription if exists"),$5,$6); } ; RuleStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace RULE name AS ON event TO qualified_name where_clause DO opt_instead RuleActionList { $$ = cat_str(12,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("rule"),$4,mm_strdup("as on"),$7,mm_strdup("to"),$9,$10,mm_strdup("do"),$12,$13); } ; RuleActionList: NOTHING { $$ = mm_strdup("nothing"); } | RuleActionStmt { $$ = $1; } | '(' RuleActionMulti ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; RuleActionMulti: RuleActionMulti ';' RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(";"),$3); } | RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { $$ = $1; } ; RuleActionStmt: SelectStmt { $$ = $1; } | InsertStmt { $$ = $1; } | UpdateStmt { $$ = $1; } | DeleteStmt { $$ = $1; } | NotifyStmt { $$ = $1; } ; RuleActionStmtOrEmpty: RuleActionStmt { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; event: SELECT { $$ = mm_strdup("select"); } | UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("update"); } | DELETE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("delete"); } | INSERT { $$ = mm_strdup("insert"); } ; opt_instead: INSTEAD { $$ = mm_strdup("instead"); } | ALSO { $$ = mm_strdup("also"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; NotifyStmt: NOTIFY ColId notify_payload { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("notify"),$2,$3); } ; notify_payload: ',' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup(","),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ListenStmt: LISTEN ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("listen"),$2); } ; UnlistenStmt: UNLISTEN ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("unlisten"),$2); } | UNLISTEN '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("unlisten *"); } ; TransactionStmt: ABORT_P opt_transaction { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("abort"),$2); } | BEGIN_P opt_transaction transaction_mode_list_or_empty { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("begin"),$2,$3); } | START TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list_or_empty { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("start transaction"),$3); } | COMMIT opt_transaction { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("commit"),$2); } | END_P opt_transaction { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("end"),$2); } | ROLLBACK opt_transaction { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("rollback"),$2); } | SAVEPOINT ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("savepoint"),$2); } | RELEASE SAVEPOINT ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("release savepoint"),$3); } | RELEASE ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("release"),$2); } | ROLLBACK opt_transaction TO SAVEPOINT ColId { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("rollback"),$2,mm_strdup("to savepoint"),$5); } | ROLLBACK opt_transaction TO ColId { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("rollback"),$2,mm_strdup("to"),$4); } | PREPARE TRANSACTION ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("prepare transaction"),$3); } | COMMIT PREPARED ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("commit prepared"),$3); } | ROLLBACK PREPARED ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("rollback prepared"),$3); } ; opt_transaction: WORK { $$ = mm_strdup("work"); } | TRANSACTION { $$ = mm_strdup("transaction"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; transaction_mode_item: ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("isolation level"),$3); } | READ ONLY { $$ = mm_strdup("read only"); } | READ WRITE { $$ = mm_strdup("read write"); } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("deferrable"); } | NOT DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("not deferrable"); } ; transaction_mode_list: transaction_mode_item { $$ = $1; } | transaction_mode_list ',' transaction_mode_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } | transaction_mode_list transaction_mode_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; transaction_mode_list_or_empty: transaction_mode_list { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ViewStmt: CREATE OptTemp VIEW qualified_name opt_column_list opt_reloptions AS SelectStmt opt_check_option { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("view"),$4,$5,$6,mm_strdup("as"),$8,$9); } | CREATE OR REPLACE OptTemp VIEW qualified_name opt_column_list opt_reloptions AS SelectStmt opt_check_option { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("create or replace"),$4,mm_strdup("view"),$6,$7,$8,mm_strdup("as"),$10,$11); } | CREATE OptTemp RECURSIVE VIEW qualified_name '(' columnList ')' opt_reloptions AS SelectStmt opt_check_option { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(11,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("recursive view"),$5,mm_strdup("("),$7,mm_strdup(")"),$9,mm_strdup("as"),$11,$12); } | CREATE OR REPLACE OptTemp RECURSIVE VIEW qualified_name '(' columnList ')' opt_reloptions AS SelectStmt opt_check_option { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(11,mm_strdup("create or replace"),$4,mm_strdup("recursive view"),$7,mm_strdup("("),$9,mm_strdup(")"),$11,mm_strdup("as"),$13,$14); } ; opt_check_option: WITH CHECK OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("with check option"); } | WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("with cascaded check option"); } | WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("with local check option"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; LoadStmt: LOAD file_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("load"),$2); } ; CreatedbStmt: CREATE DATABASE database_name opt_with createdb_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("create database"),$3,$4,$5); } ; createdb_opt_list: createdb_opt_items { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; createdb_opt_items: createdb_opt_item { $$ = $1; } | createdb_opt_items createdb_opt_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; createdb_opt_item: createdb_opt_name opt_equal SignedIconst { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | createdb_opt_name opt_equal opt_boolean_or_string { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | createdb_opt_name opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,mm_strdup("default")); } ; createdb_opt_name: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | CONNECTION LIMIT { $$ = mm_strdup("connection limit"); } | ENCODING { $$ = mm_strdup("encoding"); } | LOCATION { $$ = mm_strdup("location"); } | OWNER { $$ = mm_strdup("owner"); } | TABLESPACE { $$ = mm_strdup("tablespace"); } | TEMPLATE { $$ = mm_strdup("template"); } ; opt_equal: '=' { $$ = mm_strdup("="); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterDatabaseStmt: ALTER DATABASE database_name WITH createdb_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,mm_strdup("with"),$5); } | ALTER DATABASE database_name createdb_opt_list { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,$4); } | ALTER DATABASE database_name SET TABLESPACE name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,mm_strdup("set tablespace"),$6); } ; AlterDatabaseSetStmt: ALTER DATABASE database_name SetResetClause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter database"),$3,$4); } ; DropdbStmt: DROP DATABASE database_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop database"),$3); } | DROP DATABASE IF_P EXISTS database_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("drop database if exists"),$5); } ; AlterCollationStmt: ALTER COLLATION any_name REFRESH VERSION_P { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter collation"),$3,mm_strdup("refresh version")); } ; AlterSystemStmt: ALTER SYSTEM_P SET generic_set { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("alter system set"),$4); } | ALTER SYSTEM_P RESET generic_reset { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("alter system reset"),$4); } ; CreateDomainStmt: CREATE DOMAIN_P any_name opt_as Typename ColQualList { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("create domain"),$3,$4,$5,$6); } ; AlterDomainStmt: ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name alter_column_default { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,$4); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name DROP NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("drop not null")); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name SET NOT NULL_P { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("set not null")); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name ADD_P TableConstraint { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("add"),$5); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name DROP CONSTRAINT name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("drop constraint"),$6,$7); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name DROP CONSTRAINT IF_P EXISTS name opt_drop_behavior { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("drop constraint if exists"),$8,$9); } | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name VALIDATE CONSTRAINT name { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter domain"),$3,mm_strdup("validate constraint"),$6); } ; opt_as: AS { $$ = mm_strdup("as"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; AlterTSDictionaryStmt: ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH DICTIONARY any_name definition { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("alter text search dictionary"),$5,$6); } ; AlterTSConfigurationStmt: ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name ADD_P MAPPING FOR name_list any_with any_name_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("add mapping for"),$9,$10,$11); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name ALTER MAPPING FOR name_list any_with any_name_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("alter mapping for"),$9,$10,$11); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name ALTER MAPPING REPLACE any_name any_with any_name { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("alter mapping replace"),$9,$10,$11); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name ALTER MAPPING FOR name_list REPLACE any_name any_with any_name { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("alter mapping for"),$9,mm_strdup("replace"),$11,$12,$13); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name DROP MAPPING FOR name_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("drop mapping for"),$9); } | ALTER TEXT_P SEARCH CONFIGURATION any_name DROP MAPPING IF_P EXISTS FOR name_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("alter text search configuration"),$5,mm_strdup("drop mapping if exists for"),$11); } ; any_with: WITH { $$ = mm_strdup("with"); } | WITH_LA { $$ = mm_strdup("with"); } ; CreateConversionStmt: CREATE opt_default CONVERSION_P any_name FOR ecpg_sconst TO ecpg_sconst FROM any_name { $$ = cat_str(10,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("conversion"),$4,mm_strdup("for"),$6,mm_strdup("to"),$8,mm_strdup("from"),$10); } ; ClusterStmt: CLUSTER opt_verbose qualified_name cluster_index_specification { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("cluster"),$2,$3,$4); } | CLUSTER opt_verbose { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("cluster"),$2); } | CLUSTER opt_verbose index_name ON qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("cluster"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("on"),$5); } ; cluster_index_specification: USING index_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; VacuumStmt: VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose opt_analyze opt_vacuum_relation_list { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("vacuum"),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); } | VACUUM '(' vacuum_option_list ')' opt_vacuum_relation_list { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("vacuum ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } ; vacuum_option_list: vacuum_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | vacuum_option_list ',' vacuum_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; vacuum_option_elem: analyze_keyword { $$ = $1; } | VERBOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("verbose"); } | FREEZE { $$ = mm_strdup("freeze"); } | FULL { $$ = mm_strdup("full"); } | ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } ; AnalyzeStmt: analyze_keyword opt_verbose opt_vacuum_relation_list { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | analyze_keyword '(' analyze_option_list ')' opt_vacuum_relation_list { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } ; analyze_option_list: analyze_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | analyze_option_list ',' analyze_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; analyze_option_elem: VERBOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("verbose"); } ; analyze_keyword: ANALYZE { $$ = mm_strdup("analyze"); } | ANALYSE { $$ = mm_strdup("analyse"); } ; opt_analyze: analyze_keyword { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_verbose: VERBOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("verbose"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_full: FULL { $$ = mm_strdup("full"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_freeze: FREEZE { $$ = mm_strdup("freeze"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_name_list: '(' name_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; vacuum_relation: qualified_name opt_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; vacuum_relation_list: vacuum_relation { $$ = $1; } | vacuum_relation_list ',' vacuum_relation { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; opt_vacuum_relation_list: vacuum_relation_list { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN ExplainableStmt { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("explain"),$2); } | EXPLAIN analyze_keyword opt_verbose ExplainableStmt { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("explain"),$2,$3,$4); } | EXPLAIN VERBOSE ExplainableStmt { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("explain verbose"),$3); } | EXPLAIN '(' explain_option_list ')' ExplainableStmt { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("explain ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } ; ExplainableStmt: SelectStmt { $$ = $1; } | InsertStmt { $$ = $1; } | UpdateStmt { $$ = $1; } | DeleteStmt { $$ = $1; } | DeclareCursorStmt { $$ = $1; } | CreateAsStmt { $$ = $1; } | CreateMatViewStmt { $$ = $1; } | RefreshMatViewStmt { $$ = $1; } | ExecuteStmt { $$ = $1; } ; explain_option_list: explain_option_elem { $$ = $1; } | explain_option_list ',' explain_option_elem { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; explain_option_elem: explain_option_name explain_option_arg { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; explain_option_name: NonReservedWord { $$ = $1; } | analyze_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; explain_option_arg: opt_boolean_or_string { $$ = $1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; PrepareStmt: PREPARE prepared_name prep_type_clause AS PreparableStmt { $$.name = $2; $$.type = $3; $$.stmt = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("\""), $5, mm_strdup("\"")); } | PREPARE prepared_name FROM execstring { $$.name = $2; $$.type = NULL; $$.stmt = $4; } ; prep_type_clause: '(' type_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; PreparableStmt: SelectStmt { $$ = $1; } | InsertStmt { $$ = $1; } | UpdateStmt { $$ = $1; } | DeleteStmt { $$ = $1; } ; ExecuteStmt: EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause execute_rest { $$ = $2; } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE create_as_target AS EXECUTE name execute_param_clause opt_with_data { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("create"),$2,mm_strdup("table"),$4,mm_strdup("as execute"),$7,$8,$9); } ; execute_param_clause: '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; InsertStmt: opt_with_clause INSERT INTO insert_target insert_rest opt_on_conflict returning_clause { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,mm_strdup("insert into"),$4,$5,$6,$7); } ; insert_target: qualified_name { $$ = $1; } | qualified_name AS ColId { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } ; insert_rest: SelectStmt { $$ = $1; } | OVERRIDING override_kind VALUE_P SelectStmt { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("overriding"),$2,mm_strdup("value"),$4); } | '(' insert_column_list ')' SelectStmt { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4); } | '(' insert_column_list ')' OVERRIDING override_kind VALUE_P SelectStmt { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(") overriding"),$5,mm_strdup("value"),$7); } | DEFAULT VALUES { $$ = mm_strdup("default values"); } ; override_kind: USER { $$ = mm_strdup("user"); } | SYSTEM_P { $$ = mm_strdup("system"); } ; insert_column_list: insert_column_item { $$ = $1; } | insert_column_list ',' insert_column_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; insert_column_item: ColId opt_indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_on_conflict: ON CONFLICT opt_conf_expr DO UPDATE SET set_clause_list where_clause { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("on conflict"),$3,mm_strdup("do update set"),$7,$8); } | ON CONFLICT opt_conf_expr DO NOTHING { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("on conflict"),$3,mm_strdup("do nothing")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_conf_expr: '(' index_params ')' where_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4); } | ON CONSTRAINT name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("on constraint"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; returning_clause: RETURNING target_list opt_ecpg_into { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("returning"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; DeleteStmt: opt_with_clause DELETE_P FROM relation_expr_opt_alias using_clause where_or_current_clause returning_clause { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,mm_strdup("delete from"),$4,$5,$6,$7); } ; using_clause: USING from_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("using"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; LockStmt: LOCK_P opt_table relation_expr_list opt_lock opt_nowait { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("lock"),$2,$3,$4,$5); } ; opt_lock: IN_P lock_type MODE { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("in"),$2,mm_strdup("mode")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; lock_type: ACCESS SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("access share"); } | ROW SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("row share"); } | ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("row exclusive"); } | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("share update exclusive"); } | SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("share"); } | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("share row exclusive"); } | EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("exclusive"); } | ACCESS EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("access exclusive"); } ; opt_nowait: NOWAIT { $$ = mm_strdup("nowait"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_nowait_or_skip: NOWAIT { $$ = mm_strdup("nowait"); } | SKIP LOCKED { $$ = mm_strdup("skip locked"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; UpdateStmt: opt_with_clause UPDATE relation_expr_opt_alias SET set_clause_list from_clause where_or_current_clause returning_clause { $$ = cat_str(8,$1,mm_strdup("update"),$3,mm_strdup("set"),$5,$6,$7,$8); } ; set_clause_list: set_clause { $$ = $1; } | set_clause_list ',' set_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; set_clause: set_target '=' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | '(' set_target_list ')' '=' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(") ="),$5); } ; set_target: ColId opt_indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; set_target_list: set_target { $$ = $1; } | set_target_list ',' set_target { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; DeclareCursorStmt: DECLARE cursor_name cursor_options CURSOR opt_hold FOR SelectStmt { struct cursor *ptr, *this; char *cursor_marker = $2[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : mm_strdup($2); char *comment, *c1, *c2; int (* strcmp_fn)(const char *, const char *) = (($2[0] == ':' || $2[0] == '"') ? strcmp : pg_strcasecmp); for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp_fn($2, ptr->name) == 0) { if ($2[0] == ':') mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "using variable \"%s\" in different declare statements is not supported", $2+1); else mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "cursor \"%s\" is already defined", $2); } } this = (struct cursor *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct cursor)); this->next = cur; this->name = $2; this->function = (current_function ? mm_strdup(current_function) : NULL); this->connection = connection; this->opened = false; this->command = cat_str(7, mm_strdup("declare"), cursor_marker, $3, mm_strdup("cursor"), $5, mm_strdup("for"), $7); this->argsinsert = argsinsert; this->argsinsert_oos = NULL; this->argsresult = argsresult; this->argsresult_oos = NULL; argsinsert = argsresult = NULL; cur = this; c1 = mm_strdup(this->command); if ((c2 = strstr(c1, "*/")) != NULL) { /* We put this text into a comment, so we better remove [*][/]. */ c2[0] = '.'; c2[1] = '.'; } comment = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/*"), c1, mm_strdup("*/")); if ((braces_open > 0) && INFORMIX_MODE) /* we're in a function */ $$ = cat_str(3, adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(this), mm_strdup("ECPG_informix_reset_sqlca();"), comment); else $$ = cat2_str(adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(this), comment); } ; cursor_name: name { $$ = $1; } | char_civar { char *curname = mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 2); sprintf(curname, ":%s", $1); free($1); $1 = curname; $$ = $1; } ; cursor_options: { $$=EMPTY; } | cursor_options NO SCROLL { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("no scroll")); } | cursor_options SCROLL { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("scroll")); } | cursor_options BINARY { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("binary")); } | cursor_options INSENSITIVE { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("insensitive")); } ; opt_hold: { if (compat == ECPG_COMPAT_INFORMIX_SE && autocommit) $$ = mm_strdup("with hold"); else $$ = EMPTY; } | WITH HOLD { $$ = mm_strdup("with hold"); } | WITHOUT HOLD { $$ = mm_strdup("without hold"); } ; SelectStmt: select_no_parens %prec UMINUS { $$ = $1; } | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS { $$ = $1; } ; select_with_parens: '(' select_no_parens ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | '(' select_with_parens ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; select_no_parens: simple_select { $$ = $1; } | select_clause sort_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | select_clause opt_sort_clause for_locking_clause opt_select_limit { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } | select_clause opt_sort_clause select_limit opt_for_locking_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } | with_clause select_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | with_clause select_clause sort_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | with_clause select_clause opt_sort_clause for_locking_clause opt_select_limit { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); } | with_clause select_clause opt_sort_clause select_limit opt_for_locking_clause { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5); } ; select_clause: simple_select { $$ = $1; } | select_with_parens { $$ = $1; } ; simple_select: SELECT opt_all_clause opt_target_list into_clause from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause window_clause { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("select"),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9); } | SELECT distinct_clause target_list into_clause from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause window_clause { $$ = cat_str(9,mm_strdup("select"),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9); } | values_clause { $$ = $1; } | TABLE relation_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("table"),$2); } | select_clause UNION all_or_distinct select_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("union"),$3,$4); } | select_clause INTERSECT all_or_distinct select_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("intersect"),$3,$4); } | select_clause EXCEPT all_or_distinct select_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("except"),$3,$4); } ; with_clause: WITH cte_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with"),$2); } | WITH_LA cte_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with"),$2); } | WITH RECURSIVE cte_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("with recursive"),$3); } ; cte_list: common_table_expr { $$ = $1; } | cte_list ',' common_table_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; common_table_expr: name opt_name_list AS '(' PreparableStmt ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,mm_strdup("as ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } ; opt_with_clause: with_clause { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; into_clause: INTO OptTempTableName { FoundInto = 1; $$= cat2_str(mm_strdup("into"), $2); } | ecpg_into { $$ = EMPTY; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptTempTableName: TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("temporary"),$2,$3); } | TEMP opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("temp"),$2,$3); } | LOCAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("local temporary"),$3,$4); } | LOCAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("local temp"),$3,$4); } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("global temporary"),$3,$4); } | GLOBAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("global temp"),$3,$4); } | UNLOGGED opt_table qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("unlogged"),$2,$3); } | TABLE qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("table"),$2); } | qualified_name { $$ = $1; } ; opt_table: TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; all_or_distinct: ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | DISTINCT { $$ = mm_strdup("distinct"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; distinct_clause: DISTINCT { $$ = mm_strdup("distinct"); } | DISTINCT ON '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("distinct on ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; opt_all_clause: ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_sort_clause: sort_clause { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; sort_clause: ORDER BY sortby_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("order by"),$3); } ; sortby_list: sortby { $$ = $1; } | sortby_list ',' sortby { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; sortby: a_expr USING qual_all_Op opt_nulls_order { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("using"),$3,$4); } | a_expr opt_asc_desc opt_nulls_order { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } ; select_limit: limit_clause offset_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | offset_clause limit_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | limit_clause { $$ = $1; } | offset_clause { $$ = $1; } ; opt_select_limit: select_limit { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; limit_clause: LIMIT select_limit_value { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("limit"),$2); } | LIMIT select_limit_value ',' select_offset_value { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "no longer supported LIMIT #,# syntax passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(4, mm_strdup("limit"), $2, mm_strdup(","), $4); } | FETCH first_or_next select_fetch_first_value row_or_rows ONLY { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("fetch"),$2,$3,$4,mm_strdup("only")); } | FETCH first_or_next row_or_rows ONLY { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("fetch"),$2,$3,mm_strdup("only")); } ; offset_clause: OFFSET select_offset_value { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("offset"),$2); } | OFFSET select_fetch_first_value row_or_rows { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("offset"),$2,$3); } ; select_limit_value: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; select_offset_value: a_expr { $$ = $1; } ; select_fetch_first_value: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | '+' I_or_F_const { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("+"),$2); } | '-' I_or_F_const { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("-"),$2); } ; I_or_F_const: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } ; row_or_rows: ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("row"); } | ROWS { $$ = mm_strdup("rows"); } ; first_or_next: FIRST_P { $$ = mm_strdup("first"); } | NEXT { $$ = mm_strdup("next"); } ; group_clause: GROUP_P BY group_by_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("group by"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; group_by_list: group_by_item { $$ = $1; } | group_by_list ',' group_by_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; group_by_item: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | empty_grouping_set { $$ = $1; } | cube_clause { $$ = $1; } | rollup_clause { $$ = $1; } | grouping_sets_clause { $$ = $1; } ; empty_grouping_set: '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("( )"); } ; rollup_clause: ROLLUP '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("rollup ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; cube_clause: CUBE '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("cube ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; grouping_sets_clause: GROUPING SETS '(' group_by_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("grouping sets ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; having_clause: HAVING a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("having"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; for_locking_clause: for_locking_items { $$ = $1; } | FOR READ ONLY { $$ = mm_strdup("for read only"); } ; opt_for_locking_clause: for_locking_clause { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; for_locking_items: for_locking_item { $$ = $1; } | for_locking_items for_locking_item { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; for_locking_item: for_locking_strength locked_rels_list opt_nowait_or_skip { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } ; for_locking_strength: FOR UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("for update"); } | FOR NO KEY UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("for no key update"); } | FOR SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("for share"); } | FOR KEY SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("for key share"); } ; locked_rels_list: OF qualified_name_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("of"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; values_clause: VALUES '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("values ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | values_clause ',' '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup(", ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; from_clause: FROM from_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; from_list: table_ref { $$ = $1; } | from_list ',' table_ref { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; table_ref: relation_expr opt_alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | relation_expr opt_alias_clause tablesample_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | func_table func_alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | LATERAL_P func_table func_alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("lateral"),$2,$3); } | xmltable opt_alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | LATERAL_P xmltable opt_alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("lateral"),$2,$3); } | select_with_parens opt_alias_clause { if ($2 == NULL) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias"); $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | LATERAL_P select_with_parens opt_alias_clause { if ($3 == NULL) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias"); $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("lateral"),$2,$3); } | joined_table { $$ = $1; } | '(' joined_table ')' alias_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4); } ; joined_table: '(' joined_table ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | table_ref CROSS JOIN table_ref { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("cross join"),$4); } | table_ref join_type JOIN table_ref join_qual { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,$2,mm_strdup("join"),$4,$5); } | table_ref JOIN table_ref join_qual { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("join"),$3,$4); } | table_ref NATURAL join_type JOIN table_ref { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("natural"),$3,mm_strdup("join"),$5); } | table_ref NATURAL JOIN table_ref { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("natural join"),$4); } ; alias_clause: AS ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("as"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | AS ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("as"),$2); } | ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | ColId { $$ = $1; } ; opt_alias_clause: alias_clause { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; func_alias_clause: alias_clause { $$ = $1; } | AS '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("as ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | AS ColId '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("as"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | ColId '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; join_type: FULL join_outer { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("full"),$2); } | LEFT join_outer { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("left"),$2); } | RIGHT join_outer { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("right"),$2); } | INNER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("inner"); } ; join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("outer"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; join_qual: USING '(' name_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("using ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | ON a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("on"),$2); } ; relation_expr: qualified_name { $$ = $1; } | qualified_name '*' { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("*")); } | ONLY qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("only"),$2); } | ONLY '(' qualified_name ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("only ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; relation_expr_list: relation_expr { $$ = $1; } | relation_expr_list ',' relation_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; relation_expr_opt_alias: relation_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = $1; } | relation_expr ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | relation_expr AS ColId { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } ; tablesample_clause: TABLESAMPLE func_name '(' expr_list ')' opt_repeatable_clause { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("tablesample"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6); } ; opt_repeatable_clause: REPEATABLE '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("repeatable ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; func_table: func_expr_windowless opt_ordinality { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | ROWS FROM '(' rowsfrom_list ')' opt_ordinality { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("rows from ("),$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6); } ; rowsfrom_item: func_expr_windowless opt_col_def_list { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; rowsfrom_list: rowsfrom_item { $$ = $1; } | rowsfrom_list ',' rowsfrom_item { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; opt_col_def_list: AS '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("as ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_ordinality: WITH_LA ORDINALITY { $$ = mm_strdup("with ordinality"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("where"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; where_or_current_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("where"),$2); } | WHERE CURRENT_P OF cursor_name { char *cursor_marker = $4[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : $4; $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("where current of"), cursor_marker); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; OptTableFuncElementList: TableFuncElementList { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; TableFuncElementList: TableFuncElement { $$ = $1; } | TableFuncElementList ',' TableFuncElement { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; TableFuncElement: ColId Typename opt_collate_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } ; xmltable: XMLTABLE '(' c_expr xmlexists_argument COLUMNS xmltable_column_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("xmltable ("),$3,$4,mm_strdup("columns"),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLTABLE '(' XMLNAMESPACES '(' xml_namespace_list ')' ',' c_expr xmlexists_argument COLUMNS xmltable_column_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(8,mm_strdup("xmltable ( xmlnamespaces ("),$5,mm_strdup(") ,"),$8,$9,mm_strdup("columns"),$11,mm_strdup(")")); } ; xmltable_column_list: xmltable_column_el { $$ = $1; } | xmltable_column_list ',' xmltable_column_el { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; xmltable_column_el: ColId Typename { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | ColId Typename xmltable_column_option_list { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | ColId FOR ORDINALITY { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("for ordinality")); } ; xmltable_column_option_list: xmltable_column_option_el { $$ = $1; } | xmltable_column_option_list xmltable_column_option_el { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; xmltable_column_option_el: ecpg_ident b_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | DEFAULT b_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("default"),$2); } | NOT NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("not null"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } ; xml_namespace_list: xml_namespace_el { $$ = $1; } | xml_namespace_list ',' xml_namespace_el { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; xml_namespace_el: b_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } | DEFAULT b_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("default"),$2); } ; Typename: SimpleTypename opt_array_bounds { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2.str); } | SETOF SimpleTypename opt_array_bounds { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("setof"), $2, $3.str); } | SimpleTypename ARRAY '[' Iconst ']' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("array ["),$4,mm_strdup("]")); } | SETOF SimpleTypename ARRAY '[' Iconst ']' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("setof"),$2,mm_strdup("array ["),$5,mm_strdup("]")); } | SimpleTypename ARRAY { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("array")); } | SETOF SimpleTypename ARRAY { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("setof"),$2,mm_strdup("array")); } ; opt_array_bounds: opt_array_bounds '[' ']' { $$.index1 = $1.index1; $$.index2 = $1.index2; if (strcmp($$.index1, "-1") == 0) $$.index1 = mm_strdup("0"); else if (strcmp($1.index2, "-1") == 0) $$.index2 = mm_strdup("0"); $$.str = cat_str(2, $1.str, mm_strdup("[]")); } | opt_array_bounds '[' Iresult ']' { $$.index1 = $1.index1; $$.index2 = $1.index2; if (strcmp($1.index1, "-1") == 0) $$.index1 = mm_strdup($3); else if (strcmp($1.index2, "-1") == 0) $$.index2 = mm_strdup($3); $$.str = cat_str(4, $1.str, mm_strdup("["), $3, mm_strdup("]")); } | { $$.index1 = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.index2 = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.str= EMPTY; } ; SimpleTypename: GenericType { $$ = $1; } | Numeric { $$ = $1; } | Bit { $$ = $1; } | Character { $$ = $1; } | ConstDatetime { $$ = $1; } | ConstInterval opt_interval { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; ConstTypename: Numeric { $$ = $1; } | ConstBit { $$ = $1; } | ConstCharacter { $$ = $1; } | ConstDatetime { $$ = $1; } ; GenericType: type_function_name opt_type_modifiers { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | type_function_name attrs opt_type_modifiers { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } ; opt_type_modifiers: '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; Numeric: INT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("int"); } | INTEGER { $$ = mm_strdup("integer"); } | SMALLINT { $$ = mm_strdup("smallint"); } | BIGINT { $$ = mm_strdup("bigint"); } | REAL { $$ = mm_strdup("real"); } | FLOAT_P opt_float { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("float"),$2); } | DOUBLE_P PRECISION { $$ = mm_strdup("double precision"); } | DECIMAL_P opt_type_modifiers { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("decimal"),$2); } | DEC opt_type_modifiers { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("dec"),$2); } | NUMERIC opt_type_modifiers { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("numeric"),$2); } | BOOLEAN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("boolean"); } ; opt_float: '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; Bit: BitWithLength { $$ = $1; } | BitWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; ConstBit: BitWithLength { $$ = $1; } | BitWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; BitWithLength: BIT opt_varying '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("bit"),$2,mm_strdup("("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; BitWithoutLength: BIT opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("bit"),$2); } ; Character: CharacterWithLength { $$ = $1; } | CharacterWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; ConstCharacter: CharacterWithLength { $$ = $1; } | CharacterWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; CharacterWithLength: character '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; CharacterWithoutLength: character { $$ = $1; } ; character: CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("character"),$2); } | CHAR_P opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("char"),$2); } | VARCHAR { $$ = mm_strdup("varchar"); } | NATIONAL CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("national character"),$3); } | NATIONAL CHAR_P opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("national char"),$3); } | NCHAR opt_varying { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("nchar"),$2); } ; opt_varying: VARYING { $$ = mm_strdup("varying"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; ConstDatetime: TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("timestamp ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("timestamp"),$2); } | TIME '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("time ("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | TIME opt_timezone { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("time"),$2); } ; ConstInterval: INTERVAL { $$ = mm_strdup("interval"); } ; opt_timezone: WITH_LA TIME ZONE { $$ = mm_strdup("with time zone"); } | WITHOUT TIME ZONE { $$ = mm_strdup("without time zone"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_interval: YEAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year"); } | MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("month"); } | DAY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day"); } | HOUR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("hour"); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("minute"); } | interval_second { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year to month"); } | DAY_P TO HOUR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day to hour"); } | DAY_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day to minute"); } | DAY_P TO interval_second { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("day to"),$3); } | HOUR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("hour to minute"); } | HOUR_P TO interval_second { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("hour to"),$3); } | MINUTE_P TO interval_second { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("minute to"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; interval_second: SECOND_P { $$ = mm_strdup("second"); } | SECOND_P '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("second ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; a_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("::"),$3); } | a_expr COLLATE any_name { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("collate"),$3); } | a_expr AT TIME ZONE a_expr %prec AT { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("at time zone"),$5); } | '+' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("+"),$2); } | '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("-"),$2); } | a_expr '+' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("+"),$3); } | a_expr '-' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("-"),$3); } | a_expr '*' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("*"),$3); } | a_expr '/' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("/"),$3); } | a_expr '%' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("%"),$3); } | a_expr '^' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("^"),$3); } | a_expr '<' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<"),$3); } | a_expr '>' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(">"),$3); } | a_expr '=' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | a_expr LESS_EQUALS a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<="),$3); } | a_expr GREATER_EQUALS a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(">="),$3); } | a_expr NOT_EQUALS a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<>"),$3); } | a_expr qual_Op a_expr %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | qual_Op a_expr %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | a_expr qual_Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | a_expr AND a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("and"),$3); } | a_expr OR a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("or"),$3); } | NOT a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("not"),$2); } | NOT_LA a_expr %prec NOT { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("not"),$2); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("like"),$3); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec LIKE { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("like"),$3,mm_strdup("escape"),$5); } | a_expr NOT_LA LIKE a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("not like"),$4); } | a_expr NOT_LA LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("not like"),$4,mm_strdup("escape"),$6); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("ilike"),$3); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec ILIKE { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("ilike"),$3,mm_strdup("escape"),$5); } | a_expr NOT_LA ILIKE a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("not ilike"),$4); } | a_expr NOT_LA ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("not ilike"),$4,mm_strdup("escape"),$6); } | a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec SIMILAR { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("similar to"),$4); } | a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec SIMILAR { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("similar to"),$4,mm_strdup("escape"),$6); } | a_expr NOT_LA SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("not similar to"),$5); } | a_expr NOT_LA SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("not similar to"),$5,mm_strdup("escape"),$7); } | a_expr IS NULL_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is null")); } | a_expr ISNULL { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("isnull")); } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not null")); } | a_expr NOTNULL { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("notnull")); } | row OVERLAPS row { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("overlaps"),$3); } | a_expr IS TRUE_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is true")); } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not true")); } | a_expr IS FALSE_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is false")); } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not false")); } | a_expr IS UNKNOWN %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is unknown")); } | a_expr IS NOT UNKNOWN %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not unknown")); } | a_expr IS DISTINCT FROM a_expr %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("is distinct from"),$5); } | a_expr IS NOT DISTINCT FROM a_expr %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("is not distinct from"),$6); } | a_expr IS OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("is of ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | a_expr IS NOT OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("is not of ("),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | a_expr BETWEEN opt_asymmetric b_expr AND a_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,mm_strdup("between"),$3,$4,mm_strdup("and"),$6); } | a_expr NOT_LA BETWEEN opt_asymmetric b_expr AND a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,mm_strdup("not between"),$4,$5,mm_strdup("and"),$7); } | a_expr BETWEEN SYMMETRIC b_expr AND a_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("between symmetric"),$4,mm_strdup("and"),$6); } | a_expr NOT_LA BETWEEN SYMMETRIC b_expr AND a_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("not between symmetric"),$5,mm_strdup("and"),$7); } | a_expr IN_P in_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("in"),$3); } | a_expr NOT_LA IN_P in_expr %prec NOT_LA { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("not in"),$4); } | a_expr subquery_Op sub_type select_with_parens %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } | a_expr subquery_Op sub_type '(' a_expr ')' %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,$2,$3,mm_strdup("("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | UNIQUE select_with_parens { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "unsupported feature will be passed to server"); $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("unique"),$2); } | a_expr IS DOCUMENT_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is document")); } | a_expr IS NOT DOCUMENT_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not document")); } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } ; b_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | b_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("::"),$3); } | '+' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("+"),$2); } | '-' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("-"),$2); } | b_expr '+' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("+"),$3); } | b_expr '-' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("-"),$3); } | b_expr '*' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("*"),$3); } | b_expr '/' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("/"),$3); } | b_expr '%' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("%"),$3); } | b_expr '^' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("^"),$3); } | b_expr '<' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<"),$3); } | b_expr '>' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(">"),$3); } | b_expr '=' b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("="),$3); } | b_expr LESS_EQUALS b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<="),$3); } | b_expr GREATER_EQUALS b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(">="),$3); } | b_expr NOT_EQUALS b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("<>"),$3); } | b_expr qual_Op b_expr %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | qual_Op b_expr %prec Op { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | b_expr qual_Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | b_expr IS DISTINCT FROM b_expr %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("is distinct from"),$5); } | b_expr IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b_expr %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("is not distinct from"),$6); } | b_expr IS OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("is of ("),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | b_expr IS NOT OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,mm_strdup("is not of ("),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | b_expr IS DOCUMENT_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is document")); } | b_expr IS NOT DOCUMENT_P %prec IS { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("is not document")); } ; c_expr: columnref { $$ = $1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_param opt_indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | '(' a_expr ')' opt_indirection { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")"),$4); } | case_expr { $$ = $1; } | func_expr { $$ = $1; } | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS { $$ = $1; } | select_with_parens indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | EXISTS select_with_parens { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("exists"),$2); } | ARRAY select_with_parens { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("array"),$2); } | ARRAY array_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("array"),$2); } | explicit_row { $$ = $1; } | implicit_row { $$ = $1; } | GROUPING '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("grouping ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; func_application: func_name '(' ')' { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("( )")); } | func_name '(' func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | func_name '(' VARIADIC func_arg_expr opt_sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("( variadic"),$4,$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | func_name '(' func_arg_list ',' VARIADIC func_arg_expr opt_sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(7,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(", variadic"),$6,$7,mm_strdup(")")); } | func_name '(' ALL func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("( all"),$4,$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | func_name '(' DISTINCT func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("( distinct"),$4,$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | func_name '(' '*' ')' { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("( * )")); } ; func_expr: func_application within_group_clause filter_clause over_clause { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } | func_expr_common_subexpr { $$ = $1; } ; func_expr_windowless: func_application { $$ = $1; } | func_expr_common_subexpr { $$ = $1; } ; func_expr_common_subexpr: COLLATION FOR '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("collation for ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = mm_strdup("current_date"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = mm_strdup("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("current_time ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = mm_strdup("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("current_timestamp ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | LOCALTIME { $$ = mm_strdup("localtime"); } | LOCALTIME '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("localtime ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | LOCALTIMESTAMP { $$ = mm_strdup("localtimestamp"); } | LOCALTIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("localtimestamp ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | CURRENT_ROLE { $$ = mm_strdup("current_role"); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("current_user"); } | SESSION_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("session_user"); } | USER { $$ = mm_strdup("user"); } | CURRENT_CATALOG { $$ = mm_strdup("current_catalog"); } | CURRENT_SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("current_schema"); } | CAST '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("cast ("),$3,mm_strdup("as"),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("extract ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | OVERLAY '(' overlay_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("overlay ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("position ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("substring ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | TREAT '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("treat ("),$3,mm_strdup("as"),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("trim ( both"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("trim ( leading"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("trim ( trailing"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("trim ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | NULLIF '(' a_expr ',' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("nullif ("),$3,mm_strdup(","),$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | COALESCE '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("coalesce ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | GREATEST '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("greatest ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | LEAST '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("least ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLCONCAT '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("xmlconcat ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLELEMENT '(' NAME_P ColLabel ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("xmlelement ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLELEMENT '(' NAME_P ColLabel ',' xml_attributes ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("xmlelement ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(","),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLELEMENT '(' NAME_P ColLabel ',' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("xmlelement ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(","),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLELEMENT '(' NAME_P ColLabel ',' xml_attributes ',' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(7,mm_strdup("xmlelement ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(","),$6,mm_strdup(","),$8,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLEXISTS '(' c_expr xmlexists_argument ')' { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("xmlexists ("),$3,$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLFOREST '(' xml_attribute_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("xmlforest ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLPARSE '(' document_or_content a_expr xml_whitespace_option ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("xmlparse ("),$3,$4,$5,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLPI '(' NAME_P ColLabel ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("xmlpi ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLPI '(' NAME_P ColLabel ',' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("xmlpi ( name"),$4,mm_strdup(","),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLROOT '(' a_expr ',' xml_root_version opt_xml_root_standalone ')' { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("xmlroot ("),$3,mm_strdup(","),$5,$6,mm_strdup(")")); } | XMLSERIALIZE '(' document_or_content a_expr AS SimpleTypename ')' { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("xmlserialize ("),$3,$4,mm_strdup("as"),$6,mm_strdup(")")); } ; xml_root_version: VERSION_P a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("version"),$2); } | VERSION_P NO VALUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("version no value"); } ; opt_xml_root_standalone: ',' STANDALONE_P YES_P { $$ = mm_strdup(", standalone yes"); } | ',' STANDALONE_P NO { $$ = mm_strdup(", standalone no"); } | ',' STANDALONE_P NO VALUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup(", standalone no value"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; xml_attributes: XMLATTRIBUTES '(' xml_attribute_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("xmlattributes ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; xml_attribute_list: xml_attribute_el { $$ = $1; } | xml_attribute_list ',' xml_attribute_el { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; xml_attribute_el: a_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } | a_expr { $$ = $1; } ; document_or_content: DOCUMENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("document"); } | CONTENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("content"); } ; xml_whitespace_option: PRESERVE WHITESPACE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("preserve whitespace"); } | STRIP_P WHITESPACE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("strip whitespace"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; xmlexists_argument: PASSING c_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("passing"),$2); } | PASSING c_expr BY REF { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("passing"),$2,mm_strdup("by ref")); } | PASSING BY REF c_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("passing by ref"),$4); } | PASSING BY REF c_expr BY REF { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("passing by ref"),$4,mm_strdup("by ref")); } ; within_group_clause: WITHIN GROUP_P '(' sort_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("within group ("),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; filter_clause: FILTER '(' WHERE a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("filter ( where"),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; window_clause: WINDOW window_definition_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("window"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; window_definition_list: window_definition { $$ = $1; } | window_definition_list ',' window_definition { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; window_definition: ColId AS window_specification { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } ; over_clause: OVER window_specification { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("over"),$2); } | OVER ColId { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("over"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; window_specification: '(' opt_existing_window_name opt_partition_clause opt_sort_clause opt_frame_clause ')' { $$ = cat_str(6,mm_strdup("("),$2,$3,$4,$5,mm_strdup(")")); } ; opt_existing_window_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } | %prec Op { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_partition_clause: PARTITION BY expr_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("partition by"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_frame_clause: RANGE frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("range"),$2,$3); } | ROWS frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("rows"),$2,$3); } | GROUPS frame_extent opt_window_exclusion_clause { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("groups"),$2,$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; frame_extent: frame_bound { $$ = $1; } | BETWEEN frame_bound AND frame_bound { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("between"),$2,mm_strdup("and"),$4); } ; frame_bound: UNBOUNDED PRECEDING { $$ = mm_strdup("unbounded preceding"); } | UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING { $$ = mm_strdup("unbounded following"); } | CURRENT_P ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("current row"); } | a_expr PRECEDING { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("preceding")); } | a_expr FOLLOWING { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,mm_strdup("following")); } ; opt_window_exclusion_clause: EXCLUDE CURRENT_P ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("exclude current row"); } | EXCLUDE GROUP_P { $$ = mm_strdup("exclude group"); } | EXCLUDE TIES { $$ = mm_strdup("exclude ties"); } | EXCLUDE NO OTHERS { $$ = mm_strdup("exclude no others"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; row: ROW '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("row ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | ROW '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("row ( )"); } | '(' expr_list ',' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(","),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; explicit_row: ROW '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("row ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | ROW '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("row ( )"); } ; implicit_row: '(' expr_list ',' a_expr ')' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(","),$4,mm_strdup(")")); } ; sub_type: ANY { $$ = mm_strdup("any"); } | SOME { $$ = mm_strdup("some"); } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; all_Op: Op { $$ = $1; } | MathOp { $$ = $1; } ; MathOp: '+' { $$ = mm_strdup("+"); } | '-' { $$ = mm_strdup("-"); } | '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("*"); } | '/' { $$ = mm_strdup("/"); } | '%' { $$ = mm_strdup("%"); } | '^' { $$ = mm_strdup("^"); } | '<' { $$ = mm_strdup("<"); } | '>' { $$ = mm_strdup(">"); } | '=' { $$ = mm_strdup("="); } | LESS_EQUALS { $$ = mm_strdup("<="); } | GREATER_EQUALS { $$ = mm_strdup(">="); } | NOT_EQUALS { $$ = mm_strdup("<>"); } ; qual_Op: Op { $$ = $1; } | OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("operator ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; qual_all_Op: all_Op { $$ = $1; } | OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("operator ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } ; subquery_Op: all_Op { $$ = $1; } | OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("operator ("),$3,mm_strdup(")")); } | LIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("like"); } | NOT_LA LIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("not like"); } | ILIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("ilike"); } | NOT_LA ILIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("not ilike"); } ; expr_list: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | expr_list ',' a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; func_arg_list: func_arg_expr { $$ = $1; } | func_arg_list ',' func_arg_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; func_arg_expr: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | param_name COLON_EQUALS a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(":="),$3); } | param_name EQUALS_GREATER a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("=>"),$3); } ; type_list: Typename { $$ = $1; } | type_list ',' Typename { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; array_expr: '[' expr_list ']' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("["),$2,mm_strdup("]")); } | '[' array_expr_list ']' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("["),$2,mm_strdup("]")); } | '[' ']' { $$ = mm_strdup("[ ]"); } ; array_expr_list: array_expr { $$ = $1; } | array_expr_list ',' array_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; extract_list: extract_arg FROM a_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("from"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; extract_arg: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year"); } | MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("month"); } | DAY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day"); } | HOUR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("hour"); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("minute"); } | SECOND_P { $$ = mm_strdup("second"); } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } ; overlay_list: a_expr overlay_placing substr_from substr_for { $$ = cat_str(4,$1,$2,$3,$4); } | a_expr overlay_placing substr_from { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } ; overlay_placing: PLACING a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("placing"),$2); } ; position_list: b_expr IN_P b_expr { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("in"),$3); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; substr_list: a_expr substr_from substr_for { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | a_expr substr_for substr_from { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | a_expr substr_from { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | a_expr substr_for { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; substr_from: FROM a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from"),$2); } ; substr_for: FOR a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("for"),$2); } ; trim_list: a_expr FROM expr_list { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("from"),$3); } | FROM expr_list { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("from"),$2); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr: select_with_parens { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("("),$2,mm_strdup(")")); } ; case_expr: CASE case_arg when_clause_list case_default END_P { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("case"),$2,$3,$4,mm_strdup("end")); } ; when_clause_list: when_clause { $$ = $1; } | when_clause_list when_clause { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; when_clause: WHEN a_expr THEN a_expr { $$ = cat_str(4,mm_strdup("when"),$2,mm_strdup("then"),$4); } ; case_default: ELSE a_expr { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("else"),$2); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; case_arg: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; columnref: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; indirection_el: '.' attr_name { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("."),$2); } | '.' '*' { $$ = mm_strdup(". *"); } | '[' a_expr ']' { $$ = cat_str(3,mm_strdup("["),$2,mm_strdup("]")); } | '[' opt_slice_bound ':' opt_slice_bound ']' { $$ = cat_str(5,mm_strdup("["),$2,mm_strdup(":"),$4,mm_strdup("]")); } ; opt_slice_bound: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; indirection: indirection_el { $$ = $1; } | indirection indirection_el { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_indirection: { $$=EMPTY; } | opt_indirection indirection_el { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; opt_asymmetric: ASYMMETRIC { $$ = mm_strdup("asymmetric"); } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; opt_target_list: target_list { $$ = $1; } | { $$=EMPTY; } ; target_list: target_el { $$ = $1; } | target_list ',' target_el { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; target_el: a_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup("as"),$3); } | a_expr ecpg_ident { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | a_expr { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("*"); } ; qualified_name_list: qualified_name { $$ = $1; } | qualified_name_list ',' qualified_name { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; qualified_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; name_list: name { $$ = $1; } | name_list ',' name { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; name: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; database_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; access_method: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; attr_name: ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; index_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } ; file_name: ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } ; func_name: type_function_name { $$ = $1; } | ColId indirection { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } ; AexprConst: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_bconst { $$ = $1; } | XCONST { $$ = mm_strdup("xconst"); } | func_name ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | func_name '(' func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(6,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,$4,mm_strdup(")"),$6); } | ConstTypename ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(2,$1,$2); } | ConstInterval ecpg_sconst opt_interval { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,$2,$3); } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' ecpg_sconst { $$ = cat_str(5,$1,mm_strdup("("),$3,mm_strdup(")"),$5); } | TRUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("true"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("false"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } | civar { $$ = $1; } | civarind { $$ = $1; } ; Iconst: ICONST { $$ = make_name(); } ; SignedIconst: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | civar { $$ = $1; } | '+' Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("+"),$2); } | '-' Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2,mm_strdup("-"),$2); } ; RoleId: RoleSpec { $$ = $1; } ; RoleSpec: NonReservedWord { $$ = $1; } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("current_user"); } | SESSION_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("session_user"); } ; role_list: RoleSpec { $$ = $1; } | role_list ',' RoleSpec { $$ = cat_str(3,$1,mm_strdup(","),$3); } ; NonReservedWord: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; unreserved_keyword: ABORT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("abort"); } | ABSOLUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("absolute"); } | ACCESS { $$ = mm_strdup("access"); } | ACTION { $$ = mm_strdup("action"); } | ADD_P { $$ = mm_strdup("add"); } | ADMIN { $$ = mm_strdup("admin"); } | AFTER { $$ = mm_strdup("after"); } | AGGREGATE { $$ = mm_strdup("aggregate"); } | ALSO { $$ = mm_strdup("also"); } | ALTER { $$ = mm_strdup("alter"); } | ALWAYS { $$ = mm_strdup("always"); } | ASSERTION { $$ = mm_strdup("assertion"); } | ASSIGNMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("assignment"); } | AT { $$ = mm_strdup("at"); } | ATTACH { $$ = mm_strdup("attach"); } | ATTRIBUTE { $$ = mm_strdup("attribute"); } | BACKWARD { $$ = mm_strdup("backward"); } | BEFORE { $$ = mm_strdup("before"); } | BEGIN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("begin"); } | BY { $$ = mm_strdup("by"); } | CACHE { $$ = mm_strdup("cache"); } | CALL { $$ = mm_strdup("call"); } | CALLED { $$ = mm_strdup("called"); } | CASCADE { $$ = mm_strdup("cascade"); } | CASCADED { $$ = mm_strdup("cascaded"); } | CATALOG_P { $$ = mm_strdup("catalog"); } | CHAIN { $$ = mm_strdup("chain"); } | CHARACTERISTICS { $$ = mm_strdup("characteristics"); } | CHECKPOINT { $$ = mm_strdup("checkpoint"); } | CLASS { $$ = mm_strdup("class"); } | CLOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("close"); } | CLUSTER { $$ = mm_strdup("cluster"); } | COLUMNS { $$ = mm_strdup("columns"); } | COMMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("comment"); } | COMMENTS { $$ = mm_strdup("comments"); } | COMMIT { $$ = mm_strdup("commit"); } | COMMITTED { $$ = mm_strdup("committed"); } | CONFIGURATION { $$ = mm_strdup("configuration"); } | CONFLICT { $$ = mm_strdup("conflict"); } | CONSTRAINTS { $$ = mm_strdup("constraints"); } | CONTENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("content"); } | CONTINUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("continue"); } | CONVERSION_P { $$ = mm_strdup("conversion"); } | COPY { $$ = mm_strdup("copy"); } | COST { $$ = mm_strdup("cost"); } | CSV { $$ = mm_strdup("csv"); } | CUBE { $$ = mm_strdup("cube"); } | CURSOR { $$ = mm_strdup("cursor"); } | CYCLE { $$ = mm_strdup("cycle"); } | DATA_P { $$ = mm_strdup("data"); } | DATABASE { $$ = mm_strdup("database"); } | DEALLOCATE { $$ = mm_strdup("deallocate"); } | DECLARE { $$ = mm_strdup("declare"); } | DEFAULTS { $$ = mm_strdup("defaults"); } | DEFERRED { $$ = mm_strdup("deferred"); } | DEFINER { $$ = mm_strdup("definer"); } | DELETE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("delete"); } | DELIMITER { $$ = mm_strdup("delimiter"); } | DELIMITERS { $$ = mm_strdup("delimiters"); } | DEPENDS { $$ = mm_strdup("depends"); } | DETACH { $$ = mm_strdup("detach"); } | DICTIONARY { $$ = mm_strdup("dictionary"); } | DISABLE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("disable"); } | DISCARD { $$ = mm_strdup("discard"); } | DOCUMENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("document"); } | DOMAIN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("domain"); } | DOUBLE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("double"); } | DROP { $$ = mm_strdup("drop"); } | EACH { $$ = mm_strdup("each"); } | ENABLE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("enable"); } | ENCODING { $$ = mm_strdup("encoding"); } | ENCRYPTED { $$ = mm_strdup("encrypted"); } | ENUM_P { $$ = mm_strdup("enum"); } | ESCAPE { $$ = mm_strdup("escape"); } | EVENT { $$ = mm_strdup("event"); } | EXCLUDE { $$ = mm_strdup("exclude"); } | EXCLUDING { $$ = mm_strdup("excluding"); } | EXCLUSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("exclusive"); } | EXECUTE { $$ = mm_strdup("execute"); } | EXPLAIN { $$ = mm_strdup("explain"); } | EXTENSION { $$ = mm_strdup("extension"); } | EXTERNAL { $$ = mm_strdup("external"); } | FAMILY { $$ = mm_strdup("family"); } | FILTER { $$ = mm_strdup("filter"); } | FIRST_P { $$ = mm_strdup("first"); } | FOLLOWING { $$ = mm_strdup("following"); } | FORCE { $$ = mm_strdup("force"); } | FORWARD { $$ = mm_strdup("forward"); } | FUNCTION { $$ = mm_strdup("function"); } | FUNCTIONS { $$ = mm_strdup("functions"); } | GENERATED { $$ = mm_strdup("generated"); } | GLOBAL { $$ = mm_strdup("global"); } | GRANTED { $$ = mm_strdup("granted"); } | GROUPS { $$ = mm_strdup("groups"); } | HANDLER { $$ = mm_strdup("handler"); } | HEADER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("header"); } | HOLD { $$ = mm_strdup("hold"); } | IDENTITY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("identity"); } | IF_P { $$ = mm_strdup("if"); } | IMMEDIATE { $$ = mm_strdup("immediate"); } | IMMUTABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("immutable"); } | IMPLICIT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("implicit"); } | IMPORT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("import"); } | INCLUDE { $$ = mm_strdup("include"); } | INCLUDING { $$ = mm_strdup("including"); } | INCREMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("increment"); } | INDEX { $$ = mm_strdup("index"); } | INDEXES { $$ = mm_strdup("indexes"); } | INHERIT { $$ = mm_strdup("inherit"); } | INHERITS { $$ = mm_strdup("inherits"); } | INLINE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("inline"); } | INSENSITIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("insensitive"); } | INSERT { $$ = mm_strdup("insert"); } | INSTEAD { $$ = mm_strdup("instead"); } | INVOKER { $$ = mm_strdup("invoker"); } | ISOLATION { $$ = mm_strdup("isolation"); } | KEY { $$ = mm_strdup("key"); } | LABEL { $$ = mm_strdup("label"); } | LANGUAGE { $$ = mm_strdup("language"); } | LARGE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("large"); } | LAST_P { $$ = mm_strdup("last"); } | LEAKPROOF { $$ = mm_strdup("leakproof"); } | LEVEL { $$ = mm_strdup("level"); } | LISTEN { $$ = mm_strdup("listen"); } | LOAD { $$ = mm_strdup("load"); } | LOCAL { $$ = mm_strdup("local"); } | LOCATION { $$ = mm_strdup("location"); } | LOCK_P { $$ = mm_strdup("lock"); } | LOCKED { $$ = mm_strdup("locked"); } | LOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("logged"); } | MAPPING { $$ = mm_strdup("mapping"); } | MATCH { $$ = mm_strdup("match"); } | MATERIALIZED { $$ = mm_strdup("materialized"); } | MAXVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("maxvalue"); } | METHOD { $$ = mm_strdup("method"); } | MINVALUE { $$ = mm_strdup("minvalue"); } | MODE { $$ = mm_strdup("mode"); } | MOVE { $$ = mm_strdup("move"); } | NAME_P { $$ = mm_strdup("name"); } | NAMES { $$ = mm_strdup("names"); } | NEW { $$ = mm_strdup("new"); } | NEXT { $$ = mm_strdup("next"); } | NO { $$ = mm_strdup("no"); } | NOTHING { $$ = mm_strdup("nothing"); } | NOTIFY { $$ = mm_strdup("notify"); } | NOWAIT { $$ = mm_strdup("nowait"); } | NULLS_P { $$ = mm_strdup("nulls"); } | OBJECT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("object"); } | OF { $$ = mm_strdup("of"); } | OFF { $$ = mm_strdup("off"); } | OIDS { $$ = mm_strdup("oids"); } | OLD { $$ = mm_strdup("old"); } | OPERATOR { $$ = mm_strdup("operator"); } | OPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("option"); } | OPTIONS { $$ = mm_strdup("options"); } | ORDINALITY { $$ = mm_strdup("ordinality"); } | OTHERS { $$ = mm_strdup("others"); } | OVER { $$ = mm_strdup("over"); } | OVERRIDING { $$ = mm_strdup("overriding"); } | OWNED { $$ = mm_strdup("owned"); } | OWNER { $$ = mm_strdup("owner"); } | PARALLEL { $$ = mm_strdup("parallel"); } | PARSER { $$ = mm_strdup("parser"); } | PARTIAL { $$ = mm_strdup("partial"); } | PARTITION { $$ = mm_strdup("partition"); } | PASSING { $$ = mm_strdup("passing"); } | PASSWORD { $$ = mm_strdup("password"); } | PLANS { $$ = mm_strdup("plans"); } | POLICY { $$ = mm_strdup("policy"); } | PRECEDING { $$ = mm_strdup("preceding"); } | PREPARE { $$ = mm_strdup("prepare"); } | PREPARED { $$ = mm_strdup("prepared"); } | PRESERVE { $$ = mm_strdup("preserve"); } | PRIOR { $$ = mm_strdup("prior"); } | PRIVILEGES { $$ = mm_strdup("privileges"); } | PROCEDURAL { $$ = mm_strdup("procedural"); } | PROCEDURE { $$ = mm_strdup("procedure"); } | PROCEDURES { $$ = mm_strdup("procedures"); } | PROGRAM { $$ = mm_strdup("program"); } | PUBLICATION { $$ = mm_strdup("publication"); } | QUOTE { $$ = mm_strdup("quote"); } | RANGE { $$ = mm_strdup("range"); } | READ { $$ = mm_strdup("read"); } | REASSIGN { $$ = mm_strdup("reassign"); } | RECHECK { $$ = mm_strdup("recheck"); } | RECURSIVE { $$ = mm_strdup("recursive"); } | REF { $$ = mm_strdup("ref"); } | REFERENCING { $$ = mm_strdup("referencing"); } | REFRESH { $$ = mm_strdup("refresh"); } | REINDEX { $$ = mm_strdup("reindex"); } | RELATIVE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("relative"); } | RELEASE { $$ = mm_strdup("release"); } | RENAME { $$ = mm_strdup("rename"); } | REPEATABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("repeatable"); } | REPLACE { $$ = mm_strdup("replace"); } | REPLICA { $$ = mm_strdup("replica"); } | RESET { $$ = mm_strdup("reset"); } | RESTART { $$ = mm_strdup("restart"); } | RESTRICT { $$ = mm_strdup("restrict"); } | RETURNS { $$ = mm_strdup("returns"); } | REVOKE { $$ = mm_strdup("revoke"); } | ROLE { $$ = mm_strdup("role"); } | ROLLBACK { $$ = mm_strdup("rollback"); } | ROLLUP { $$ = mm_strdup("rollup"); } | ROUTINE { $$ = mm_strdup("routine"); } | ROUTINES { $$ = mm_strdup("routines"); } | ROWS { $$ = mm_strdup("rows"); } | RULE { $$ = mm_strdup("rule"); } | SAVEPOINT { $$ = mm_strdup("savepoint"); } | SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("schema"); } | SCHEMAS { $$ = mm_strdup("schemas"); } | SCROLL { $$ = mm_strdup("scroll"); } | SEARCH { $$ = mm_strdup("search"); } | SECURITY { $$ = mm_strdup("security"); } | SEQUENCE { $$ = mm_strdup("sequence"); } | SEQUENCES { $$ = mm_strdup("sequences"); } | SERIALIZABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("serializable"); } | SERVER { $$ = mm_strdup("server"); } | SESSION { $$ = mm_strdup("session"); } | SET { $$ = mm_strdup("set"); } | SETS { $$ = mm_strdup("sets"); } | SHARE { $$ = mm_strdup("share"); } | SHOW { $$ = mm_strdup("show"); } | SIMPLE { $$ = mm_strdup("simple"); } | SKIP { $$ = mm_strdup("skip"); } | SNAPSHOT { $$ = mm_strdup("snapshot"); } | SQL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("sql"); } | STABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("stable"); } | STANDALONE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("standalone"); } | START { $$ = mm_strdup("start"); } | STATEMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("statement"); } | STATISTICS { $$ = mm_strdup("statistics"); } | STDIN { $$ = mm_strdup("stdin"); } | STDOUT { $$ = mm_strdup("stdout"); } | STORAGE { $$ = mm_strdup("storage"); } | STRICT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("strict"); } | STRIP_P { $$ = mm_strdup("strip"); } | SUBSCRIPTION { $$ = mm_strdup("subscription"); } | SYSID { $$ = mm_strdup("sysid"); } | SYSTEM_P { $$ = mm_strdup("system"); } | TABLES { $$ = mm_strdup("tables"); } | TABLESPACE { $$ = mm_strdup("tablespace"); } | TEMP { $$ = mm_strdup("temp"); } | TEMPLATE { $$ = mm_strdup("template"); } | TEMPORARY { $$ = mm_strdup("temporary"); } | TEXT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("text"); } | TIES { $$ = mm_strdup("ties"); } | TRANSACTION { $$ = mm_strdup("transaction"); } | TRANSFORM { $$ = mm_strdup("transform"); } | TRIGGER { $$ = mm_strdup("trigger"); } | TRUNCATE { $$ = mm_strdup("truncate"); } | TRUSTED { $$ = mm_strdup("trusted"); } | TYPE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("type"); } | TYPES_P { $$ = mm_strdup("types"); } | UNBOUNDED { $$ = mm_strdup("unbounded"); } | UNCOMMITTED { $$ = mm_strdup("uncommitted"); } | UNENCRYPTED { $$ = mm_strdup("unencrypted"); } | UNKNOWN { $$ = mm_strdup("unknown"); } | UNLISTEN { $$ = mm_strdup("unlisten"); } | UNLOGGED { $$ = mm_strdup("unlogged"); } | UNTIL { $$ = mm_strdup("until"); } | UPDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("update"); } | VACUUM { $$ = mm_strdup("vacuum"); } | VALID { $$ = mm_strdup("valid"); } | VALIDATE { $$ = mm_strdup("validate"); } | VALIDATOR { $$ = mm_strdup("validator"); } | VALUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("value"); } | VARYING { $$ = mm_strdup("varying"); } | VERSION_P { $$ = mm_strdup("version"); } | VIEW { $$ = mm_strdup("view"); } | VIEWS { $$ = mm_strdup("views"); } | VOLATILE { $$ = mm_strdup("volatile"); } | WHITESPACE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("whitespace"); } | WITHIN { $$ = mm_strdup("within"); } | WITHOUT { $$ = mm_strdup("without"); } | WORK { $$ = mm_strdup("work"); } | WRAPPER { $$ = mm_strdup("wrapper"); } | WRITE { $$ = mm_strdup("write"); } | XML_P { $$ = mm_strdup("xml"); } | YES_P { $$ = mm_strdup("yes"); } | ZONE { $$ = mm_strdup("zone"); } ; col_name_keyword: BETWEEN { $$ = mm_strdup("between"); } | BIGINT { $$ = mm_strdup("bigint"); } | BIT { $$ = mm_strdup("bit"); } | BOOLEAN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("boolean"); } | CHARACTER { $$ = mm_strdup("character"); } | COALESCE { $$ = mm_strdup("coalesce"); } | DEC { $$ = mm_strdup("dec"); } | DECIMAL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("decimal"); } | EXISTS { $$ = mm_strdup("exists"); } | EXTRACT { $$ = mm_strdup("extract"); } | FLOAT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("float"); } | GREATEST { $$ = mm_strdup("greatest"); } | GROUPING { $$ = mm_strdup("grouping"); } | INOUT { $$ = mm_strdup("inout"); } | INTEGER { $$ = mm_strdup("integer"); } | INTERVAL { $$ = mm_strdup("interval"); } | LEAST { $$ = mm_strdup("least"); } | NATIONAL { $$ = mm_strdup("national"); } | NCHAR { $$ = mm_strdup("nchar"); } | NONE { $$ = mm_strdup("none"); } | NULLIF { $$ = mm_strdup("nullif"); } | NUMERIC { $$ = mm_strdup("numeric"); } | OUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("out"); } | OVERLAY { $$ = mm_strdup("overlay"); } | POSITION { $$ = mm_strdup("position"); } | PRECISION { $$ = mm_strdup("precision"); } | REAL { $$ = mm_strdup("real"); } | ROW { $$ = mm_strdup("row"); } | SETOF { $$ = mm_strdup("setof"); } | SMALLINT { $$ = mm_strdup("smallint"); } | SUBSTRING { $$ = mm_strdup("substring"); } | TIME { $$ = mm_strdup("time"); } | TIMESTAMP { $$ = mm_strdup("timestamp"); } | TREAT { $$ = mm_strdup("treat"); } | TRIM { $$ = mm_strdup("trim"); } | VARCHAR { $$ = mm_strdup("varchar"); } | XMLATTRIBUTES { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlattributes"); } | XMLCONCAT { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlconcat"); } | XMLELEMENT { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlelement"); } | XMLEXISTS { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlexists"); } | XMLFOREST { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlforest"); } | XMLNAMESPACES { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlnamespaces"); } | XMLPARSE { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlparse"); } | XMLPI { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlpi"); } | XMLROOT { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlroot"); } | XMLSERIALIZE { $$ = mm_strdup("xmlserialize"); } | XMLTABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("xmltable"); } ; type_func_name_keyword: AUTHORIZATION { $$ = mm_strdup("authorization"); } | BINARY { $$ = mm_strdup("binary"); } | COLLATION { $$ = mm_strdup("collation"); } | CONCURRENTLY { $$ = mm_strdup("concurrently"); } | CROSS { $$ = mm_strdup("cross"); } | CURRENT_SCHEMA { $$ = mm_strdup("current_schema"); } | FREEZE { $$ = mm_strdup("freeze"); } | FULL { $$ = mm_strdup("full"); } | ILIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("ilike"); } | INNER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("inner"); } | IS { $$ = mm_strdup("is"); } | ISNULL { $$ = mm_strdup("isnull"); } | JOIN { $$ = mm_strdup("join"); } | LEFT { $$ = mm_strdup("left"); } | LIKE { $$ = mm_strdup("like"); } | NATURAL { $$ = mm_strdup("natural"); } | NOTNULL { $$ = mm_strdup("notnull"); } | OUTER_P { $$ = mm_strdup("outer"); } | OVERLAPS { $$ = mm_strdup("overlaps"); } | RIGHT { $$ = mm_strdup("right"); } | SIMILAR { $$ = mm_strdup("similar"); } | TABLESAMPLE { $$ = mm_strdup("tablesample"); } | VERBOSE { $$ = mm_strdup("verbose"); } ; reserved_keyword: ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | ANALYSE { $$ = mm_strdup("analyse"); } | ANALYZE { $$ = mm_strdup("analyze"); } | AND { $$ = mm_strdup("and"); } | ANY { $$ = mm_strdup("any"); } | ARRAY { $$ = mm_strdup("array"); } | AS { $$ = mm_strdup("as"); } | ASC { $$ = mm_strdup("asc"); } | ASYMMETRIC { $$ = mm_strdup("asymmetric"); } | BOTH { $$ = mm_strdup("both"); } | CASE { $$ = mm_strdup("case"); } | CAST { $$ = mm_strdup("cast"); } | CHECK { $$ = mm_strdup("check"); } | COLLATE { $$ = mm_strdup("collate"); } | COLUMN { $$ = mm_strdup("column"); } | CONSTRAINT { $$ = mm_strdup("constraint"); } | CREATE { $$ = mm_strdup("create"); } | CURRENT_CATALOG { $$ = mm_strdup("current_catalog"); } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = mm_strdup("current_date"); } | CURRENT_ROLE { $$ = mm_strdup("current_role"); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = mm_strdup("current_time"); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = mm_strdup("current_timestamp"); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("current_user"); } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("default"); } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("deferrable"); } | DESC { $$ = mm_strdup("desc"); } | DISTINCT { $$ = mm_strdup("distinct"); } | DO { $$ = mm_strdup("do"); } | ELSE { $$ = mm_strdup("else"); } | END_P { $$ = mm_strdup("end"); } | EXCEPT { $$ = mm_strdup("except"); } | FALSE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("false"); } | FETCH { $$ = mm_strdup("fetch"); } | FOR { $$ = mm_strdup("for"); } | FOREIGN { $$ = mm_strdup("foreign"); } | FROM { $$ = mm_strdup("from"); } | GRANT { $$ = mm_strdup("grant"); } | GROUP_P { $$ = mm_strdup("group"); } | HAVING { $$ = mm_strdup("having"); } | IN_P { $$ = mm_strdup("in"); } | INITIALLY { $$ = mm_strdup("initially"); } | INTERSECT { $$ = mm_strdup("intersect"); } | INTO { $$ = mm_strdup("into"); } | LATERAL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("lateral"); } | LEADING { $$ = mm_strdup("leading"); } | LIMIT { $$ = mm_strdup("limit"); } | LOCALTIME { $$ = mm_strdup("localtime"); } | LOCALTIMESTAMP { $$ = mm_strdup("localtimestamp"); } | NOT { $$ = mm_strdup("not"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("null"); } | OFFSET { $$ = mm_strdup("offset"); } | ON { $$ = mm_strdup("on"); } | ONLY { $$ = mm_strdup("only"); } | OR { $$ = mm_strdup("or"); } | ORDER { $$ = mm_strdup("order"); } | PLACING { $$ = mm_strdup("placing"); } | PRIMARY { $$ = mm_strdup("primary"); } | REFERENCES { $$ = mm_strdup("references"); } | RETURNING { $$ = mm_strdup("returning"); } | SELECT { $$ = mm_strdup("select"); } | SESSION_USER { $$ = mm_strdup("session_user"); } | SOME { $$ = mm_strdup("some"); } | SYMMETRIC { $$ = mm_strdup("symmetric"); } | TABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("table"); } | THEN { $$ = mm_strdup("then"); } | TRAILING { $$ = mm_strdup("trailing"); } | TRUE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("true"); } | UNIQUE { $$ = mm_strdup("unique"); } | USER { $$ = mm_strdup("user"); } | USING { $$ = mm_strdup("using"); } | VARIADIC { $$ = mm_strdup("variadic"); } | WHEN { $$ = mm_strdup("when"); } | WHERE { $$ = mm_strdup("where"); } | WINDOW { $$ = mm_strdup("window"); } | WITH { $$ = mm_strdup("with"); } ; /* trailer */ /* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.trailer */ statements: /*EMPTY*/ | statements statement ; statement: ecpgstart at stmt ';' { connection = NULL; } | ecpgstart stmt ';' | ecpgstart ECPGVarDeclaration { fprintf(base_yyout, "%s", $2); free($2); output_line_number(); } | ECPGDeclaration | c_thing { fprintf(base_yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); } | CPP_LINE { fprintf(base_yyout, "%s", $1); free($1); } | '{' { braces_open++; fputs("{", base_yyout); } | '}' { remove_typedefs(braces_open); remove_variables(braces_open--); if (braces_open == 0) { free(current_function); current_function = NULL; } fputs("}", base_yyout); } ; CreateAsStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE create_as_target AS {FoundInto = 0;} SelectStmt opt_with_data { if (FoundInto == 1) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "CREATE TABLE AS cannot specify INTO"); $$ = cat_str(6, mm_strdup("create"), $2, mm_strdup("table"), $4, mm_strdup("as"), $7); } ; at: AT connection_object { connection = $2; /* * Do we have a variable as connection target? Remove the variable * from the variable list or else it will be used twice. */ if (argsinsert != NULL) argsinsert = NULL; } ; /* * the exec sql connect statement: connect to the given database */ ECPGConnect: SQL_CONNECT TO connection_target opt_connection_name opt_user { $$ = cat_str(5, $3, mm_strdup(","), $5, mm_strdup(","), $4); } | SQL_CONNECT TO DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("NULL, NULL, NULL, \"DEFAULT\""); } /* also allow ORACLE syntax */ | SQL_CONNECT ora_user { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("NULL,"), $2, mm_strdup(", NULL")); } | DATABASE connection_target { $$ = cat2_str($2, mm_strdup(", NULL, NULL, NULL")); } ; connection_target: opt_database_name opt_server opt_port { /* old style: dbname[@server][:port] */ if (strlen($2) > 0 && *($2) != '@') mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "expected \"@\", found \"%s\"", $2); /* C strings need to be handled differently */ if ($1[0] == '\"') $$ = $1; else $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), make3_str($1, $2, $3), mm_strdup("\"")); } | db_prefix ':' server opt_port '/' opt_database_name opt_options { /* new style: :postgresql://server[:port][/dbname] */ if (strncmp($1, "unix:postgresql", strlen("unix:postgresql")) != 0 && strncmp($1, "tcp:postgresql", strlen("tcp:postgresql")) != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "only protocols \"tcp\" and \"unix\" and database type \"postgresql\" are supported"); if (strncmp($3, "//", strlen("//")) != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "expected \"://\", found \"%s\"", $3); if (strncmp($1, "unix", strlen("unix")) == 0 && strncmp($3 + strlen("//"), "localhost", strlen("localhost")) != 0 && strncmp($3 + strlen("//"), "", strlen("")) != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "Unix-domain sockets only work on \"localhost\" but not on \"%s\"", $3 + strlen("//")); $$ = make3_str(make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup(":")), $3, make3_str(make3_str($4, mm_strdup("/"), $6), $7, mm_strdup("\""))); } | char_variable { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { /* We can only process double quoted strings not single quotes ones, * so we change the quotes. * Note, that the rule for ecpg_sconst adds these single quotes. */ $1[0] = '\"'; $1[strlen($1)-1] = '\"'; $$ = $1; } ; opt_database_name: database_name { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; db_prefix: ecpg_ident cvariable { if (strcmp($2, "postgresql") != 0 && strcmp($2, "postgres") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "expected \"postgresql\", found \"%s\"", $2); if (strcmp($1, "tcp") != 0 && strcmp($1, "unix") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "invalid connection type: %s", $1); $$ = make3_str($1, mm_strdup(":"), $2); } ; server: Op server_name { if (strcmp($1, "@") != 0 && strcmp($1, "//") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "expected \"@\" or \"://\", found \"%s\"", $1); $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } ; opt_server: server { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; server_name: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId '.' server_name { $$ = make3_str($1, mm_strdup("."), $3); } | IP { $$ = make_name(); } ; opt_port: ':' Iconst { $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup(":"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; opt_connection_name: AS connection_object { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = mm_strdup("NULL"); } ; opt_user: USER ora_user { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = mm_strdup("NULL, NULL"); } ; ora_user: user_name { $$ = cat2_str($1, mm_strdup(", NULL")); } | user_name '/' user_name { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(","), $3); } | user_name SQL_IDENTIFIED BY user_name { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(","), $4); } | user_name USING user_name { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(","), $3); } ; user_name: RoleId { if ($1[0] == '\"') $$ = $1; else $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } | ecpg_sconst { if ($1[0] == '\"') $$ = $1; else $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } | civar { enum ECPGttype type = argsinsert->variable->type->type; /* if array see what's inside */ if (type == ECPGt_array) type = argsinsert->variable->type->u.element->type; /* handle varchars */ if (type == ECPGt_varchar) $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup(argsinsert->variable->name), mm_strdup(".arr")); else $$ = mm_strdup(argsinsert->variable->name); } ; char_variable: cvariable { /* check if we have a string variable */ struct variable *p = find_variable($1); enum ECPGttype type = p->type->type; /* If we have just one character this is not a string */ if (atol(p->type->size) == 1) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "invalid data type"); else { /* if array see what's inside */ if (type == ECPGt_array) type = p->type->u.element->type; switch (type) { case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: case ECPGt_string: $$ = $1; break; case ECPGt_varchar: $$ = make2_str($1, mm_strdup(".arr")); break; default: mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "invalid data type"); $$ = $1; break; } } } ; opt_options: Op connect_options { if (strlen($1) == 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "incomplete statement"); if (strcmp($1, "?") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "unrecognized token \"%s\"", $1); $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup("?"), $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; connect_options: ColId opt_opt_value { $$ = make2_str($1, $2); } | ColId opt_opt_value Op connect_options { if (strlen($3) == 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "incomplete statement"); if (strcmp($3, "&") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "unrecognized token \"%s\"", $3); $$ = cat_str(3, make2_str($1, $2), $3, $4); } ; opt_opt_value: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | '=' Iconst { $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup("="), $2); } | '=' ecpg_ident { $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup("="), $2); } | '=' civar { $$ = make2_str(mm_strdup("="), $2); } ; prepared_name: name { if ($1[0] == '\"' && $1[strlen($1)-1] == '\"') /* already quoted? */ $$ = $1; else /* not quoted => convert to lowercase */ { size_t i; for (i = 0; i< strlen($1); i++) $1[i] = tolower((unsigned char) $1[i]); $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } } | char_variable { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Declare a prepared cursor. The syntax is different from the standard * declare statement, so we create a new rule. */ ECPGCursorStmt: DECLARE cursor_name cursor_options CURSOR opt_hold FOR prepared_name { struct cursor *ptr, *this; char *cursor_marker = $2[0] == ':' ? mm_strdup("$0") : mm_strdup($2); int (* strcmp_fn)(const char *, const char *) = (($2[0] == ':' || $2[0] == '"') ? strcmp : pg_strcasecmp); struct variable *thisquery = (struct variable *)mm_alloc(sizeof(struct variable)); const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; char *comment; for (ptr = cur; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp_fn($2, ptr->name) == 0) { /* re-definition is a bug */ if ($2[0] == ':') mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "using variable \"%s\" in different declare statements is not supported", $2+1); else mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "cursor \"%s\" is already defined", $2); } } this = (struct cursor *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct cursor)); /* initial definition */ this->next = cur; this->name = $2; this->function = (current_function ? mm_strdup(current_function) : NULL); this->connection = connection; this->command = cat_str(6, mm_strdup("declare"), cursor_marker, $3, mm_strdup("cursor"), $5, mm_strdup("for $1")); this->argsresult = NULL; this->argsresult_oos = NULL; thisquery->type = &ecpg_query; thisquery->brace_level = 0; thisquery->next = NULL; thisquery->name = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("ECPGprepared_statement(, , __LINE__)") + strlen(con) + strlen($7)); sprintf(thisquery->name, "ECPGprepared_statement(%s, %s, __LINE__)", con, $7); this->argsinsert = NULL; this->argsinsert_oos = NULL; if ($2[0] == ':') { struct variable *var = find_variable($2 + 1); remove_variable_from_list(&argsinsert, var); add_variable_to_head(&(this->argsinsert), var, &no_indicator); } add_variable_to_head(&(this->argsinsert), thisquery, &no_indicator); cur = this; comment = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/*"), mm_strdup(this->command), mm_strdup("*/")); if ((braces_open > 0) && INFORMIX_MODE) /* we're in a function */ $$ = cat_str(3, adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(this), mm_strdup("ECPG_informix_reset_sqlca();"), comment); else $$ = cat2_str(adjust_outofscope_cursor_vars(this), comment); } ; ECPGExecuteImmediateStmt: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE execstring { /* execute immediate means prepare the statement and * immediately execute it */ $$ = $3; }; /* * variable declaration outside exec sql declare block */ ECPGVarDeclaration: single_vt_declaration; single_vt_declaration: type_declaration { $$ = $1; } | var_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; precision: NumericOnly { $$ = $1; }; opt_scale: ',' NumericOnly { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; ecpg_interval: opt_interval { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year to minute"); } | YEAR_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year to second"); } | DAY_P TO DAY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day to day"); } | MONTH_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("month to month"); } ; /* * variable declaration inside exec sql declare block */ ECPGDeclaration: sql_startdeclare { fputs("/* exec sql begin declare section */", base_yyout); } var_type_declarations sql_enddeclare { fprintf(base_yyout, "%s/* exec sql end declare section */", $3); free($3); output_line_number(); } ; sql_startdeclare: ecpgstart BEGIN_P DECLARE SQL_SECTION ';' {}; sql_enddeclare: ecpgstart END_P DECLARE SQL_SECTION ';' {}; var_type_declarations: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | vt_declarations { $$ = $1; } ; vt_declarations: single_vt_declaration { $$ = $1; } | CPP_LINE { $$ = $1; } | vt_declarations single_vt_declaration { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } | vt_declarations CPP_LINE { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; variable_declarations: var_declaration { $$ = $1; } | variable_declarations var_declaration { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; type_declaration: S_TYPEDEF { /* reset this variable so we see if there was */ /* an initializer specified */ initializer = 0; } var_type opt_pointer ECPGColLabelCommon opt_array_bounds ';' { add_typedef($5, $6.index1, $6.index2, $3.type_enum, $3.type_dimension, $3.type_index, initializer, *$4 ? 1 : 0); fprintf(base_yyout, "typedef %s %s %s %s;\n", $3.type_str, *$4 ? "*" : "", $5, $6.str); output_line_number(); $$ = mm_strdup(""); }; var_declaration: storage_declaration var_type { actual_type[struct_level].type_enum = $2.type_enum; actual_type[struct_level].type_str = $2.type_str; actual_type[struct_level].type_dimension = $2.type_dimension; actual_type[struct_level].type_index = $2.type_index; actual_type[struct_level].type_sizeof = $2.type_sizeof; actual_startline[struct_level] = hashline_number(); } variable_list ';' { $$ = cat_str(5, actual_startline[struct_level], $1, $2.type_str, $4, mm_strdup(";\n")); } | var_type { actual_type[struct_level].type_enum = $1.type_enum; actual_type[struct_level].type_str = $1.type_str; actual_type[struct_level].type_dimension = $1.type_dimension; actual_type[struct_level].type_index = $1.type_index; actual_type[struct_level].type_sizeof = $1.type_sizeof; actual_startline[struct_level] = hashline_number(); } variable_list ';' { $$ = cat_str(4, actual_startline[struct_level], $1.type_str, $3, mm_strdup(";\n")); } | struct_union_type_with_symbol ';' { $$ = cat2_str($1, mm_strdup(";")); } ; opt_bit_field: ':' Iconst { $$ =cat2_str(mm_strdup(":"), $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; storage_declaration: storage_clause storage_modifier {$$ = cat2_str ($1, $2); } | storage_clause {$$ = $1; } | storage_modifier {$$ = $1; } ; storage_clause : S_EXTERN { $$ = mm_strdup("extern"); } | S_STATIC { $$ = mm_strdup("static"); } | S_REGISTER { $$ = mm_strdup("register"); } | S_AUTO { $$ = mm_strdup("auto"); } ; storage_modifier : S_CONST { $$ = mm_strdup("const"); } | S_VOLATILE { $$ = mm_strdup("volatile"); } ; var_type: simple_type { $$.type_enum = $1; $$.type_str = mm_strdup(ecpg_type_name($1)); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } | struct_union_type { $$.type_str = $1; $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); if (strncmp($1, "struct", sizeof("struct")-1) == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_struct; $$.type_sizeof = ECPGstruct_sizeof; } else { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_union; $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } } | enum_type { $$.type_str = $1; $$.type_enum = ECPGt_int; $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } | ECPGColLabelCommon '(' precision opt_scale ')' { if (strcmp($1, "numeric") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_numeric; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("numeric"); } else if (strcmp($1, "decimal") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_decimal; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("decimal"); } else { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "only data types numeric and decimal have precision/scale argument"); $$.type_enum = ECPGt_numeric; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("numeric"); } $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } | ECPGColLabelCommon ecpg_interval { if (strlen($2) != 0 && strcmp ($1, "datetime") != 0 && strcmp ($1, "interval") != 0) mmerror (PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "interval specification not allowed here"); /* * Check for type names that the SQL grammar treats as * unreserved keywords */ if (strcmp($1, "varchar") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_varchar; $$.type_str = EMPTY; /*mm_strdup("varchar");*/ $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "float") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_float; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("float"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "double") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_double; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("double"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "numeric") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_numeric; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("numeric"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "decimal") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_decimal; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("decimal"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "date") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_date; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("date"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "timestamp") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_timestamp; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("timestamp"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "interval") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_interval; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("interval"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if (strcmp($1, "datetime") == 0) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_timestamp; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("timestamp"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else if ((strcmp($1, "string") == 0) && INFORMIX_MODE) { $$.type_enum = ECPGt_string; $$.type_str = mm_strdup("char"); $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = NULL; } else { /* this is for typedef'ed types */ struct typedefs *this = get_typedef($1); $$.type_str = (this->type->type_enum == ECPGt_varchar) ? EMPTY : mm_strdup(this->name); $$.type_enum = this->type->type_enum; $$.type_dimension = this->type->type_dimension; $$.type_index = this->type->type_index; if (this->type->type_sizeof && strlen(this->type->type_sizeof) != 0) $$.type_sizeof = this->type->type_sizeof; else $$.type_sizeof = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("sizeof("), mm_strdup(this->name), mm_strdup(")")); struct_member_list[struct_level] = ECPGstruct_member_dup(this->struct_member_list); } } | s_struct_union_symbol { /* this is for named structs/unions */ char *name; struct typedefs *this; bool forward = (forward_name != NULL && strcmp($1.symbol, forward_name) == 0 && strcmp($1.su, "struct") == 0); name = cat2_str($1.su, $1.symbol); /* Do we have a forward definition? */ if (!forward) { /* No */ this = get_typedef(name); $$.type_str = mm_strdup(this->name); $$.type_enum = this->type->type_enum; $$.type_dimension = this->type->type_dimension; $$.type_index = this->type->type_index; $$.type_sizeof = this->type->type_sizeof; struct_member_list[struct_level] = ECPGstruct_member_dup(this->struct_member_list); free(name); } else { $$.type_str = name; $$.type_enum = ECPGt_long; $$.type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); $$.type_sizeof = mm_strdup(""); struct_member_list[struct_level] = NULL; } } ; enum_type: ENUM_P symbol enum_definition { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("enum"), $2, $3); } | ENUM_P enum_definition { $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("enum"), $2); } | ENUM_P symbol { $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("enum"), $2); } ; enum_definition: '{' c_list '}' { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("{"), $2, mm_strdup("}")); }; struct_union_type_with_symbol: s_struct_union_symbol { struct_member_list[struct_level++] = NULL; if (struct_level >= STRUCT_DEPTH) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "too many levels in nested structure/union definition"); forward_name = mm_strdup($1.symbol); } '{' variable_declarations '}' { struct typedefs *ptr, *this; struct this_type su_type; ECPGfree_struct_member(struct_member_list[struct_level]); struct_member_list[struct_level] = NULL; struct_level--; if (strncmp($1.su, "struct", sizeof("struct")-1) == 0) su_type.type_enum = ECPGt_struct; else su_type.type_enum = ECPGt_union; su_type.type_str = cat2_str($1.su, $1.symbol); free(forward_name); forward_name = NULL; /* This is essentially a typedef but needs the keyword struct/union as well. * So we create the typedef for each struct definition with symbol */ for (ptr = types; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (strcmp(su_type.type_str, ptr->name) == 0) /* re-definition is a bug */ mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "type \"%s\" is already defined", su_type.type_str); } this = (struct typedefs *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct typedefs)); /* initial definition */ this->next = types; this->name = mm_strdup(su_type.type_str); this->brace_level = braces_open; this->type = (struct this_type *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct this_type)); this->type->type_enum = su_type.type_enum; this->type->type_str = mm_strdup(su_type.type_str); this->type->type_dimension = mm_strdup("-1"); /* dimension of array */ this->type->type_index = mm_strdup("-1"); /* length of string */ this->type->type_sizeof = ECPGstruct_sizeof; this->struct_member_list = struct_member_list[struct_level]; types = this; $$ = cat_str(4, su_type.type_str, mm_strdup("{"), $4, mm_strdup("}")); } ; struct_union_type: struct_union_type_with_symbol { $$ = $1; } | s_struct_union { struct_member_list[struct_level++] = NULL; if (struct_level >= STRUCT_DEPTH) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "too many levels in nested structure/union definition"); } '{' variable_declarations '}' { ECPGfree_struct_member(struct_member_list[struct_level]); struct_member_list[struct_level] = NULL; struct_level--; $$ = cat_str(4, $1, mm_strdup("{"), $4, mm_strdup("}")); } ; s_struct_union_symbol: SQL_STRUCT symbol { $$.su = mm_strdup("struct"); $$.symbol = $2; ECPGstruct_sizeof = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("sizeof("), cat2_str(mm_strdup($$.su), mm_strdup($$.symbol)), mm_strdup(")")); } | UNION symbol { $$.su = mm_strdup("union"); $$.symbol = $2; } ; s_struct_union: SQL_STRUCT { ECPGstruct_sizeof = mm_strdup(""); /* This must not be NULL to distinguish from simple types. */ $$ = mm_strdup("struct"); } | UNION { $$ = mm_strdup("union"); } ; simple_type: unsigned_type { $$=$1; } | opt_signed signed_type { $$=$2; } ; unsigned_type: SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_SHORT { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_short; } | SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_SHORT INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_short; } | SQL_UNSIGNED { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_int; } | SQL_UNSIGNED INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_int; } | SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_LONG { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long; } | SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_LONG INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long; } | SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_LONG SQL_LONG { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long_long; #else $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long; #endif } | SQL_UNSIGNED SQL_LONG SQL_LONG INT_P { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long_long; #else $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_long; #endif } | SQL_UNSIGNED CHAR_P { $$ = ECPGt_unsigned_char; } ; signed_type: SQL_SHORT { $$ = ECPGt_short; } | SQL_SHORT INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_short; } | INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_int; } | SQL_LONG { $$ = ECPGt_long; } | SQL_LONG INT_P { $$ = ECPGt_long; } | SQL_LONG SQL_LONG { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT $$ = ECPGt_long_long; #else $$ = ECPGt_long; #endif } | SQL_LONG SQL_LONG INT_P { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT $$ = ECPGt_long_long; #else $$ = ECPGt_long; #endif } | SQL_BOOL { $$ = ECPGt_bool; } | CHAR_P { $$ = ECPGt_char; } | DOUBLE_P { $$ = ECPGt_double; } ; opt_signed: SQL_SIGNED | /* EMPTY */ ; variable_list: variable { $$ = $1; } | variable_list ',' variable { if (actual_type[struct_level].type_enum == ECPGt_varchar) $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(";"), $3); else $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(","), $3); } ; variable: opt_pointer ECPGColLabel opt_array_bounds opt_bit_field opt_initializer { struct ECPGtype * type; char *dimension = $3.index1; /* dimension of array */ char *length = $3.index2; /* length of string */ char *dim_str; char *vcn; adjust_array(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, &dimension, &length, actual_type[struct_level].type_dimension, actual_type[struct_level].type_index, strlen($1), false); switch (actual_type[struct_level].type_enum) { case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: if (atoi(dimension) < 0) type = ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level], actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, actual_type[struct_level].type_str, actual_type[struct_level].type_sizeof); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level], actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, actual_type[struct_level].type_str, actual_type[struct_level].type_sizeof), dimension); $$ = cat_str(5, $1, mm_strdup($2), $3.str, $4, $5); break; case ECPGt_varchar: if (atoi(dimension) < 0) type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, length, varchar_counter); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, length, varchar_counter), dimension); if (strcmp(dimension, "0") == 0 || abs(atoi(dimension)) == 1) dim_str=mm_strdup(""); else dim_str=cat_str(3, mm_strdup("["), mm_strdup(dimension), mm_strdup("]")); /* cannot check for atoi <= 0 because a defined constant will yield 0 here as well */ if (atoi(length) < 0 || strcmp(length, "0") == 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "pointers to varchar are not implemented"); /* make sure varchar struct name is unique by adding a unique counter to its definition */ vcn = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); sprintf(vcn, "%d", varchar_counter); if (strcmp(dimension, "0") == 0) $$ = cat_str(7, make2_str(mm_strdup(" struct varchar_"), vcn), mm_strdup(" { int len; char arr["), mm_strdup(length), mm_strdup("]; } *"), mm_strdup($2), $4, $5); else $$ = cat_str(8, make2_str(mm_strdup(" struct varchar_"), vcn), mm_strdup(" { int len; char arr["), mm_strdup(length), mm_strdup("]; } "), mm_strdup($2), dim_str, $4, $5); varchar_counter++; break; case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: case ECPGt_string: if (atoi(dimension) == -1) { int i = strlen($5); if (atoi(length) == -1 && i > 0) /* char [] = "string" */ { /* if we have an initializer but no string size set, let's use the initializer's length */ free(length); length = mm_alloc(i+sizeof("sizeof()")); sprintf(length, "sizeof(%s)", $5+2); } type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, length, 0); } else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, length, 0), dimension); $$ = cat_str(5, $1, mm_strdup($2), $3.str, $4, $5); break; default: if (atoi(dimension) < 0) type = ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, mm_strdup("1"), 0); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(actual_type[struct_level].type_enum, mm_strdup("1"), 0), dimension); $$ = cat_str(5, $1, mm_strdup($2), $3.str, $4, $5); break; } if (struct_level == 0) new_variable($2, type, braces_open); else ECPGmake_struct_member($2, type, &(struct_member_list[struct_level - 1])); free($2); } ; opt_initializer: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | '=' c_term { initializer = 1; $$ = cat2_str(mm_strdup("="), $2); } ; opt_pointer: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("*"); } | '*' '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("**"); } ; /* * We try to simulate the correct DECLARE syntax here so we get dynamic SQL */ ECPGDeclare: DECLARE STATEMENT ecpg_ident { /* this is only supported for compatibility */ $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/* declare statement"), $3, mm_strdup("*/")); } ; /* * the exec sql disconnect statement: disconnect from the given database */ ECPGDisconnect: SQL_DISCONNECT dis_name { $$ = $2; } ; dis_name: connection_object { $$ = $1; } | CURRENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("\"CURRENT\""); } | ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("\"ALL\""); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = mm_strdup("\"CURRENT\""); } ; connection_object: database_name { $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } | DEFAULT { $$ = mm_strdup("\"DEFAULT\""); } | char_variable { $$ = $1; } ; execstring: char_variable { $$ = $1; } | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } ; /* * the exec sql free command to deallocate a previously * prepared statement */ ECPGFree: SQL_FREE cursor_name { $$ = $2; } | SQL_FREE ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; /* * open is an open cursor, at the moment this has to be removed */ ECPGOpen: SQL_OPEN cursor_name opt_ecpg_using { if ($2[0] == ':') remove_variable_from_list(&argsinsert, find_variable($2 + 1)); $$ = $2; } ; opt_ecpg_using: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_using { $$ = $1; } ; ecpg_using: USING using_list { $$ = EMPTY; } | using_descriptor { $$ = $1; } ; using_descriptor: USING SQL_P SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar { add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, descriptor_variable($4,0), &no_indicator); $$ = EMPTY; } | USING SQL_DESCRIPTOR name { add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, sqlda_variable($3), &no_indicator); $$ = EMPTY; } ; into_descriptor: INTO SQL_P SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar { add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, descriptor_variable($4,1), &no_indicator); $$ = EMPTY; } | INTO SQL_DESCRIPTOR name { add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, sqlda_variable($3), &no_indicator); $$ = EMPTY; } ; into_sqlda: INTO name { add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, sqlda_variable($2), &no_indicator); $$ = EMPTY; } ; using_list: UsingValue | UsingValue ',' using_list; UsingValue: UsingConst { char *length = mm_alloc(32); sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen($1)); add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, new_variable($1, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0), &no_indicator); } | civar { $$ = EMPTY; } | civarind { $$ = EMPTY; } ; UsingConst: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | '+' Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("+"), $2); } | '-' Iconst { $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("-"), $2); } | ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } | '+' ecpg_fconst { $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("+"), $2); } | '-' ecpg_fconst { $$ = cat_str(2, mm_strdup("-"), $2); } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_bconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_xconst { $$ = $1; } ; /* * We accept DESCRIBE [OUTPUT] but do nothing with DESCRIBE INPUT so far. */ ECPGDescribe: SQL_DESCRIBE INPUT_P prepared_name using_descriptor { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "using unsupported DESCRIBE statement"); $$ = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("1, , ") + strlen(con) + strlen($3)); sprintf($$, "1, %s, %s", con, $3); } | SQL_DESCRIBE opt_output prepared_name using_descriptor { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; struct variable *var; var = argsinsert->variable; remove_variable_from_list(&argsinsert, var); add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, var, &no_indicator); $$ = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("0, , ") + strlen(con) + strlen($3)); sprintf($$, "0, %s, %s", con, $3); } | SQL_DESCRIBE opt_output prepared_name into_descriptor { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; $$ = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("0, , ") + strlen(con) + strlen($3)); sprintf($$, "0, %s, %s", con, $3); } | SQL_DESCRIBE INPUT_P prepared_name into_sqlda { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "using unsupported DESCRIBE statement"); $$ = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("1, , ") + strlen(con) + strlen($3)); sprintf($$, "1, %s, %s", con, $3); } | SQL_DESCRIBE opt_output prepared_name into_sqlda { const char *con = connection ? connection : "NULL"; $$ = (char *) mm_alloc(sizeof("0, , ") + strlen(con) + strlen($3)); sprintf($$, "0, %s, %s", con, $3); } ; opt_output: SQL_OUTPUT { $$ = mm_strdup("output"); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; /* * dynamic SQL: descriptor based access * originally written by Christof Petig * and Peter Eisentraut */ /* * allocate a descriptor */ ECPGAllocateDescr: SQL_ALLOCATE SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar { add_descriptor($3,connection); $$ = $3; } ; /* * deallocate a descriptor */ ECPGDeallocateDescr: DEALLOCATE SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar { drop_descriptor($3,connection); $$ = $3; } ; /* * manipulate a descriptor header */ ECPGGetDescriptorHeader: SQL_GET SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar ECPGGetDescHeaderItems { $$ = $3; } ; ECPGGetDescHeaderItems: ECPGGetDescHeaderItem | ECPGGetDescHeaderItems ',' ECPGGetDescHeaderItem ; ECPGGetDescHeaderItem: cvariable '=' desc_header_item { push_assignment($1, $3); } ; ECPGSetDescriptorHeader: SET SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar ECPGSetDescHeaderItems { $$ = $3; } ; ECPGSetDescHeaderItems: ECPGSetDescHeaderItem | ECPGSetDescHeaderItems ',' ECPGSetDescHeaderItem ; ECPGSetDescHeaderItem: desc_header_item '=' IntConstVar { push_assignment($3, $1); } ; IntConstVar: Iconst { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen($1)); new_variable($1, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0); $$ = $1; } | cvariable { $$ = $1; } ; desc_header_item: SQL_COUNT { $$ = ECPGd_count; } ; /* * manipulate a descriptor */ ECPGGetDescriptor: SQL_GET SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar VALUE_P IntConstVar ECPGGetDescItems { $$.str = $5; $$.name = $3; } ; ECPGGetDescItems: ECPGGetDescItem | ECPGGetDescItems ',' ECPGGetDescItem ; ECPGGetDescItem: cvariable '=' descriptor_item { push_assignment($1, $3); }; ECPGSetDescriptor: SET SQL_DESCRIPTOR quoted_ident_stringvar VALUE_P IntConstVar ECPGSetDescItems { $$.str = $5; $$.name = $3; } ; ECPGSetDescItems: ECPGSetDescItem | ECPGSetDescItems ',' ECPGSetDescItem ; ECPGSetDescItem: descriptor_item '=' AllConstVar { push_assignment($3, $1); } ; AllConstVar: ecpg_fconst { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen($1)); new_variable($1, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0); $$ = $1; } | IntConstVar { $$ = $1; } | '-' ecpg_fconst { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); char *var = cat2_str(mm_strdup("-"), $2); sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen(var)); new_variable(var, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0); $$ = var; } | '-' Iconst { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); char *var = cat2_str(mm_strdup("-"), $2); sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen(var)); new_variable(var, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0); $$ = var; } | ecpg_sconst { char *length = mm_alloc(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); char *var = $1 + 1; var[strlen(var) - 1] = '\0'; sprintf(length, "%d", (int) strlen(var)); new_variable(var, ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_const, length, 0), 0); $$ = var; } ; descriptor_item: SQL_CARDINALITY { $$ = ECPGd_cardinality; } | DATA_P { $$ = ECPGd_data; } | SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE { $$ = ECPGd_di_code; } | SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION { $$ = ECPGd_di_precision; } | SQL_INDICATOR { $$ = ECPGd_indicator; } | SQL_KEY_MEMBER { $$ = ECPGd_key_member; } | SQL_LENGTH { $$ = ECPGd_length; } | NAME_P { $$ = ECPGd_name; } | SQL_NULLABLE { $$ = ECPGd_nullable; } | SQL_OCTET_LENGTH { $$ = ECPGd_octet; } | PRECISION { $$ = ECPGd_precision; } | SQL_RETURNED_LENGTH { $$ = ECPGd_length; } | SQL_RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH { $$ = ECPGd_ret_octet; } | SQL_SCALE { $$ = ECPGd_scale; } | TYPE_P { $$ = ECPGd_type; } ; /* * set/reset the automatic transaction mode, this needs a different handling * as the other set commands */ ECPGSetAutocommit: SET SQL_AUTOCOMMIT '=' on_off { $$ = $4; } | SET SQL_AUTOCOMMIT TO on_off { $$ = $4; } ; on_off: ON { $$ = mm_strdup("on"); } | OFF { $$ = mm_strdup("off"); } ; /* * set the actual connection, this needs a different handling as the other * set commands */ ECPGSetConnection: SET CONNECTION TO connection_object { $$ = $4; } | SET CONNECTION '=' connection_object { $$ = $4; } | SET CONNECTION connection_object { $$ = $3; } ; /* * define a new type for embedded SQL */ ECPGTypedef: TYPE_P { /* reset this variable so we see if there was */ /* an initializer specified */ initializer = 0; } ECPGColLabelCommon IS var_type opt_array_bounds opt_reference { add_typedef($3, $6.index1, $6.index2, $5.type_enum, $5.type_dimension, $5.type_index, initializer, *$7 ? 1 : 0); if (auto_create_c == false) $$ = cat_str(7, mm_strdup("/* exec sql type"), mm_strdup($3), mm_strdup("is"), mm_strdup($5.type_str), mm_strdup($6.str), $7, mm_strdup("*/")); else $$ = cat_str(6, mm_strdup("typedef "), mm_strdup($5.type_str), *$7?mm_strdup("*"):mm_strdup(""), mm_strdup($3), mm_strdup($6.str), mm_strdup(";")); } ; opt_reference: SQL_REFERENCE { $$ = mm_strdup("reference"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } ; /* * define the type of one variable for embedded SQL */ ECPGVar: SQL_VAR { /* reset this variable so we see if there was */ /* an initializer specified */ initializer = 0; } ColLabel IS var_type opt_array_bounds opt_reference { struct variable *p = find_variable($3); char *dimension = $6.index1; char *length = $6.index2; struct ECPGtype * type; if (($5.type_enum == ECPGt_struct || $5.type_enum == ECPGt_union) && initializer == 1) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "initializer not allowed in EXEC SQL VAR command"); else { adjust_array($5.type_enum, &dimension, &length, $5.type_dimension, $5.type_index, *$7?1:0, false); switch ($5.type_enum) { case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: if (atoi(dimension) < 0) type = ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level], $5.type_enum, $5.type_str, $5.type_sizeof); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_struct_type(struct_member_list[struct_level], $5.type_enum, $5.type_str, $5.type_sizeof), dimension); break; case ECPGt_varchar: if (atoi(dimension) == -1) type = ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, length, 0); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, length, 0), dimension); break; case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: case ECPGt_string: if (atoi(dimension) == -1) type = ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, length, 0); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, length, 0), dimension); break; default: if (atoi(length) >= 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "multidimensional arrays for simple data types are not supported"); if (atoi(dimension) < 0) type = ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, mm_strdup("1"), 0); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type($5.type_enum, mm_strdup("1"), 0), dimension); break; } ECPGfree_type(p->type); p->type = type; } $$ = cat_str(7, mm_strdup("/* exec sql var"), mm_strdup($3), mm_strdup("is"), mm_strdup($5.type_str), mm_strdup($6.str), $7, mm_strdup("*/")); } ; /* * whenever statement: decide what to do in case of error/no data found * according to SQL standards we lack: SQLSTATE, CONSTRAINT and SQLEXCEPTION */ ECPGWhenever: SQL_WHENEVER SQL_SQLERROR action { when_error.code = $3.code; when_error.command = $3.command; $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/* exec sql whenever sqlerror "), $3.str, mm_strdup("; */")); } | SQL_WHENEVER NOT SQL_FOUND action { when_nf.code = $4.code; when_nf.command = $4.command; $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/* exec sql whenever not found "), $4.str, mm_strdup("; */")); } | SQL_WHENEVER SQL_SQLWARNING action { when_warn.code = $3.code; when_warn.command = $3.command; $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("/* exec sql whenever sql_warning "), $3.str, mm_strdup("; */")); } ; action : CONTINUE_P { $$.code = W_NOTHING; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = mm_strdup("continue"); } | SQL_SQLPRINT { $$.code = W_SQLPRINT; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = mm_strdup("sqlprint"); } | SQL_STOP { $$.code = W_STOP; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = mm_strdup("stop"); } | SQL_GOTO name { $$.code = W_GOTO; $$.command = mm_strdup($2); $$.str = cat2_str(mm_strdup("goto "), $2); } | SQL_GO TO name { $$.code = W_GOTO; $$.command = mm_strdup($3); $$.str = cat2_str(mm_strdup("goto "), $3); } | DO name '(' c_args ')' { $$.code = W_DO; $$.command = cat_str(4, $2, mm_strdup("("), $4, mm_strdup(")")); $$.str = cat2_str(mm_strdup("do"), mm_strdup($$.command)); } | DO SQL_BREAK { $$.code = W_BREAK; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = mm_strdup("break"); } | DO CONTINUE_P { $$.code = W_CONTINUE; $$.command = NULL; $$.str = mm_strdup("continue"); } | CALL name '(' c_args ')' { $$.code = W_DO; $$.command = cat_str(4, $2, mm_strdup("("), $4, mm_strdup(")")); $$.str = cat2_str(mm_strdup("call"), mm_strdup($$.command)); } | CALL name { $$.code = W_DO; $$.command = cat2_str($2, mm_strdup("()")); $$.str = cat2_str(mm_strdup("call"), mm_strdup($$.command)); } ; /* some other stuff for ecpg */ /* additional unreserved keywords */ ECPGKeywords: ECPGKeywords_vanames { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords_rest { $$ = $1; } ; ECPGKeywords_vanames: SQL_BREAK { $$ = mm_strdup("break"); } | SQL_CARDINALITY { $$ = mm_strdup("cardinality"); } | SQL_COUNT { $$ = mm_strdup("count"); } | SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE { $$ = mm_strdup("datetime_interval_code"); } | SQL_DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION { $$ = mm_strdup("datetime_interval_precision"); } | SQL_FOUND { $$ = mm_strdup("found"); } | SQL_GO { $$ = mm_strdup("go"); } | SQL_GOTO { $$ = mm_strdup("goto"); } | SQL_IDENTIFIED { $$ = mm_strdup("identified"); } | SQL_INDICATOR { $$ = mm_strdup("indicator"); } | SQL_KEY_MEMBER { $$ = mm_strdup("key_member"); } | SQL_LENGTH { $$ = mm_strdup("length"); } | SQL_NULLABLE { $$ = mm_strdup("nullable"); } | SQL_OCTET_LENGTH { $$ = mm_strdup("octet_length"); } | SQL_RETURNED_LENGTH { $$ = mm_strdup("returned_length"); } | SQL_RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH { $$ = mm_strdup("returned_octet_length"); } | SQL_SCALE { $$ = mm_strdup("scale"); } | SQL_SECTION { $$ = mm_strdup("section"); } | SQL_SQLERROR { $$ = mm_strdup("sqlerror"); } | SQL_SQLPRINT { $$ = mm_strdup("sqlprint"); } | SQL_SQLWARNING { $$ = mm_strdup("sqlwarning"); } | SQL_STOP { $$ = mm_strdup("stop"); } ; ECPGKeywords_rest: SQL_CONNECT { $$ = mm_strdup("connect"); } | SQL_DESCRIBE { $$ = mm_strdup("describe"); } | SQL_DISCONNECT { $$ = mm_strdup("disconnect"); } | SQL_OPEN { $$ = mm_strdup("open"); } | SQL_VAR { $$ = mm_strdup("var"); } | SQL_WHENEVER { $$ = mm_strdup("whenever"); } ; /* additional keywords that can be SQL type names (but not ECPGColLabels) */ ECPGTypeName: SQL_BOOL { $$ = mm_strdup("bool"); } | SQL_LONG { $$ = mm_strdup("long"); } | SQL_OUTPUT { $$ = mm_strdup("output"); } | SQL_SHORT { $$ = mm_strdup("short"); } | SQL_STRUCT { $$ = mm_strdup("struct"); } | SQL_SIGNED { $$ = mm_strdup("signed"); } | SQL_UNSIGNED { $$ = mm_strdup("unsigned"); } ; symbol: ColLabel { $$ = $1; } ; ECPGColId: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } | CHAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("char"); } | VALUES { $$ = mm_strdup("values"); } ; /* * Name classification hierarchy. * * These productions should match those in the core grammar, except that * we use all_unreserved_keyword instead of unreserved_keyword, and * where possible include ECPG keywords as well as core keywords. */ /* Column identifier --- names that can be column, table, etc names. */ ColId: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | all_unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } | CHAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("char"); } | VALUES { $$ = mm_strdup("values"); } ; /* Type/function identifier --- names that can be type or function names. */ type_function_name: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | all_unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGTypeName { $$ = $1; } ; /* Column label --- allowed labels in "AS" clauses. * This presently includes *all* Postgres keywords. */ ColLabel: ECPGColLabel { $$ = $1; } | ECPGTypeName { $$ = $1; } | CHAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("char"); } | CURRENT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("current"); } | INPUT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("input"); } | INT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("int"); } | TO { $$ = mm_strdup("to"); } | UNION { $$ = mm_strdup("union"); } | VALUES { $$ = mm_strdup("values"); } | ECPGCKeywords { $$ = $1; } | ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; } ; ECPGColLabel: ECPGColLabelCommon { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords_rest { $$ = $1; } | CONNECTION { $$ = mm_strdup("connection"); } ; ECPGColLabelCommon: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | type_func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGKeywords_vanames { $$ = $1; } ; ECPGCKeywords: S_AUTO { $$ = mm_strdup("auto"); } | S_CONST { $$ = mm_strdup("const"); } | S_EXTERN { $$ = mm_strdup("extern"); } | S_REGISTER { $$ = mm_strdup("register"); } | S_STATIC { $$ = mm_strdup("static"); } | S_TYPEDEF { $$ = mm_strdup("typedef"); } | S_VOLATILE { $$ = mm_strdup("volatile"); } ; /* "Unreserved" keywords --- available for use as any kind of name. */ /* * The following symbols must be excluded from ECPGColLabel and directly * included into ColLabel to enable C variables to get names from ECPGColLabel: * DAY_P, HOUR_P, MINUTE_P, MONTH_P, SECOND_P, YEAR_P. * * We also have to exclude CONNECTION, CURRENT, and INPUT for various reasons. * CONNECTION can be added back in all_unreserved_keyword, but CURRENT and * INPUT are reserved for ecpg purposes. * * The mentioned exclusions are done by $replace_line settings in parse.pl. */ all_unreserved_keyword: unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | ECPGunreserved_interval { $$ = $1; } | CONNECTION { $$ = mm_strdup("connection"); } ; ECPGunreserved_interval: DAY_P { $$ = mm_strdup("day"); } | HOUR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("hour"); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("minute"); } | MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("month"); } | SECOND_P { $$ = mm_strdup("second"); } | YEAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year"); } ; into_list : coutputvariable | into_list ',' coutputvariable ; ecpgstart: SQL_START { reset_variables(); pacounter = 1; } ; c_args: /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = EMPTY; } | c_list { $$ = $1; } ; coutputvariable: cvariable indicator { add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, find_variable($1), find_variable($2)); } | cvariable { add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, find_variable($1), &no_indicator); } ; civarind: cvariable indicator { if (find_variable($2)->type->type == ECPGt_array) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "arrays of indicators are not allowed on input"); add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, find_variable($1), find_variable($2)); $$ = create_questionmarks($1, false); } ; char_civar: char_variable { char *ptr = strstr($1, ".arr"); if (ptr) /* varchar, we need the struct name here, not the struct element */ *ptr = '\0'; add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, find_variable($1), &no_indicator); $$ = $1; } ; civar: cvariable { add_variable_to_head(&argsinsert, find_variable($1), &no_indicator); $$ = create_questionmarks($1, false); } ; indicator: cvariable { check_indicator((find_variable($1))->type); $$ = $1; } | SQL_INDICATOR cvariable { check_indicator((find_variable($2))->type); $$ = $2; } | SQL_INDICATOR name { check_indicator((find_variable($2))->type); $$ = $2; } ; cvariable: CVARIABLE { /* As long as multidimensional arrays are not implemented we have to check for those here */ char *ptr = $1; int brace_open=0, brace = false; for (; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case '[': if (brace) mmfatal(PARSE_ERROR, "multidimensional arrays for simple data types are not supported"); brace_open++; break; case ']': brace_open--; if (brace_open == 0) brace = true; break; case '\t': case ' ': break; default: if (brace_open == 0) brace = false; break; } } $$ = $1; } ; ecpg_param: PARAM { $$ = make_name(); } ; ecpg_bconst: BCONST { $$ = make_name(); } ; ecpg_fconst: FCONST { $$ = make_name(); } ; ecpg_sconst: SCONST { /* could have been input as '' or $$ */ $$ = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 3); $$[0]='\''; strcpy($$+1, $1); $$[strlen($1)+1]='\''; $$[strlen($1)+2]='\0'; free($1); } | ECONST { $$ = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 4); $$[0]='E'; $$[1]='\''; strcpy($$+2, $1); $$[strlen($1)+2]='\''; $$[strlen($1)+3]='\0'; free($1); } | NCONST { $$ = (char *)mm_alloc(strlen($1) + 4); $$[0]='N'; $$[1]='\''; strcpy($$+2, $1); $$[strlen($1)+2]='\''; $$[strlen($1)+3]='\0'; free($1); } | UCONST { $$ = $1; } | DOLCONST { $$ = $1; } ; ecpg_xconst: XCONST { $$ = make_name(); } ; ecpg_ident: IDENT { $$ = make_name(); } | CSTRING { $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } | UIDENT { $$ = $1; } ; quoted_ident_stringvar: name { $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("\""), $1, mm_strdup("\"")); } | char_variable { $$ = make3_str(mm_strdup("("), $1, mm_strdup(")")); } ; /* * C stuff */ c_stuff_item: c_anything { $$ = $1; } | '(' ')' { $$ = mm_strdup("()"); } | '(' c_stuff ')' { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("("), $2, mm_strdup(")")); } ; c_stuff: c_stuff_item { $$ = $1; } | c_stuff c_stuff_item { $$ = cat2_str($1, $2); } ; c_list: c_term { $$ = $1; } | c_list ',' c_term { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup(","), $3); } ; c_term: c_stuff { $$ = $1; } | '{' c_list '}' { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("{"), $2, mm_strdup("}")); } ; c_thing: c_anything { $$ = $1; } | '(' { $$ = mm_strdup("("); } | ')' { $$ = mm_strdup(")"); } | ',' { $$ = mm_strdup(","); } | ';' { $$ = mm_strdup(";"); } ; c_anything: ecpg_ident { $$ = $1; } | Iconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_fconst { $$ = $1; } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = mm_strdup("*"); } | '+' { $$ = mm_strdup("+"); } | '-' { $$ = mm_strdup("-"); } | '/' { $$ = mm_strdup("/"); } | '%' { $$ = mm_strdup("%"); } | NULL_P { $$ = mm_strdup("NULL"); } | S_ADD { $$ = mm_strdup("+="); } | S_AND { $$ = mm_strdup("&&"); } | S_ANYTHING { $$ = make_name(); } | S_AUTO { $$ = mm_strdup("auto"); } | S_CONST { $$ = mm_strdup("const"); } | S_DEC { $$ = mm_strdup("--"); } | S_DIV { $$ = mm_strdup("/="); } | S_DOTPOINT { $$ = mm_strdup(".*"); } | S_EQUAL { $$ = mm_strdup("=="); } | S_EXTERN { $$ = mm_strdup("extern"); } | S_INC { $$ = mm_strdup("++"); } | S_LSHIFT { $$ = mm_strdup("<<"); } | S_MEMBER { $$ = mm_strdup("->"); } | S_MEMPOINT { $$ = mm_strdup("->*"); } | S_MOD { $$ = mm_strdup("%="); } | S_MUL { $$ = mm_strdup("*="); } | S_NEQUAL { $$ = mm_strdup("!="); } | S_OR { $$ = mm_strdup("||"); } | S_REGISTER { $$ = mm_strdup("register"); } | S_RSHIFT { $$ = mm_strdup(">>"); } | S_STATIC { $$ = mm_strdup("static"); } | S_SUB { $$ = mm_strdup("-="); } | S_TYPEDEF { $$ = mm_strdup("typedef"); } | S_VOLATILE { $$ = mm_strdup("volatile"); } | SQL_BOOL { $$ = mm_strdup("bool"); } | ENUM_P { $$ = mm_strdup("enum"); } | HOUR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("hour"); } | INT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("int"); } | SQL_LONG { $$ = mm_strdup("long"); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = mm_strdup("minute"); } | MONTH_P { $$ = mm_strdup("month"); } | SECOND_P { $$ = mm_strdup("second"); } | SQL_SHORT { $$ = mm_strdup("short"); } | SQL_SIGNED { $$ = mm_strdup("signed"); } | SQL_STRUCT { $$ = mm_strdup("struct"); } | SQL_UNSIGNED { $$ = mm_strdup("unsigned"); } | YEAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("year"); } | CHAR_P { $$ = mm_strdup("char"); } | FLOAT_P { $$ = mm_strdup("float"); } | TO { $$ = mm_strdup("to"); } | UNION { $$ = mm_strdup("union"); } | VARCHAR { $$ = mm_strdup("varchar"); } | '[' { $$ = mm_strdup("["); } | ']' { $$ = mm_strdup("]"); } | '=' { $$ = mm_strdup("="); } | ':' { $$ = mm_strdup(":"); } ; DeallocateStmt: DEALLOCATE prepared_name { $$ = $2; } | DEALLOCATE PREPARE prepared_name { $$ = $3; } | DEALLOCATE ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } | DEALLOCATE PREPARE ALL { $$ = mm_strdup("all"); } ; Iresult: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | '(' Iresult ')' { $$ = cat_str(3, mm_strdup("("), $2, mm_strdup(")")); } | Iresult '+' Iresult { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup("+"), $3); } | Iresult '-' Iresult { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup("-"), $3); } | Iresult '*' Iresult { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup("*"), $3); } | Iresult '/' Iresult { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup("/"), $3); } | Iresult '%' Iresult { $$ = cat_str(3, $1, mm_strdup("%"), $3); } | ecpg_sconst { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | ColId '(' var_type ')' { if (pg_strcasecmp($1, "sizeof") != 0) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "operator not allowed in variable definition"); else $$ = cat_str(4, $1, mm_strdup("("), $3.type_str, mm_strdup(")")); } ; execute_rest: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_using opt_ecpg_into { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_into ecpg_using { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_into { $$ = EMPTY; } ; ecpg_into: INTO into_list { $$ = EMPTY; } | into_descriptor { $$ = $1; } ; opt_ecpg_into: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_into { $$ = $1; } ; ecpg_fetch_into: ecpg_into { $$ = $1; } | using_descriptor { struct variable *var; var = argsinsert->variable; remove_variable_from_list(&argsinsert, var); add_variable_to_head(&argsresult, var, &no_indicator); $$ = $1; } ; opt_ecpg_fetch_into: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = EMPTY; } | ecpg_fetch_into { $$ = $1; } ; %% void base_yyerror(const char *error) { /* translator: %s is typically the translation of "syntax error" */ mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "%s at or near \"%s\"", _(error), token_start ? token_start : base_yytext); } void parser_init(void) { /* This function is empty. It only exists for compatibility with the backend parser right now. */ }