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XRUTF-8COLUMNShVvdtc:w:B:E:Usage: fribidi [OPTION]... [FILE]... A command line interface for the GNU FriBidi library. Convert a logical string to visual. -h, --help Display this information and exit -V, --version Display version information and exit -v, --verbose Verbose mode, same as --basedir --ltov --vtol --levels -d, --debug Output debug information -t, --test Test GNU FriBidi, same as --clean --nobreak --showinput --reordernsm --width %d -c, --charset CS Specify character set, default is %s --charsetdesc CS Show descriptions for character set CS and exit --caprtl Old style: set character set to CapRTL --showinput Output the input string too --nopad Do not right justify RTL lines --nobreak Do not break long lines -w, --width W Screen width for padding, default is %d, but if environment variable COLUMNS is defined, its value will be used, --width overrides both of them. -B, --bol BOL Output string BOL before the visual string -E, --eol EOL Output string EOL after the visual string --rtl Force base direction to RTL --ltr Force base direction to LTR --wrtl Set base direction to RTL if no strong character found --wltr Set base direction to LTR if no strong character found (default) --nomirror Turn mirroring off, to do it later --reordernsm Reorder NSM sequences to follow their base character --clean Remove explicit format codes in visual string output, currently does not affect other outputs --basedir Output Base Direction --ltov Output Logical to Visual position map --vtol Output Visual to Logical position map --levels Output Embedding Levels --novisual Do not output the visual string, to be used with --basedir, --ltov, --vtol, --levels All string indexes are zero based Output: For each line of input, output something like this: [input-str` => '][BOL][[padding space]visual-str][EOL] [\n base-dir][\n ltov-map][\n vtol-map][\n levels] Available character sets: * %-10s: %-25s%1s X: Character set has descriptions, use --charsetdesc to see Report bugs online at .fribidi %sinvalid screen width `%s' libfribidi must be compiled with DEBUG option to enable turn debug info on. memory allocation failed for char_set!CapRTLunrecognized character set `%s' no description available for character set `%s' Descriptions for character set %s: %s%s: %s: no such file or directory %-*s => %*sBase direction: %s%ld %d helpversionverbosedebugtestcharsetcharsetdesccaprtlshowinputnopadnobreakwidthboleolnomirrorreordernsmcleanwltrwrtlbasedirltovvtolnovisualPPOSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument ;h  ,BT9C K ^<iPzRx $FJ w?;*3$"DX$\aBIO A(D0d8 BBB B(A0A8GDFAd8A0A(B BBB8BEB A(A0(I BEBH(^BDB B(A0A8D8A0A(B BBBtTD` o9 /#DB L DB O6F 8o0Hp k nh  oo*\(m& 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!pKhKVKvKdKtKcKKKHtKXtK\tLw LBLELTtLPt&LLt-LtKt,Lt 1Lt!6L@t>L