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protectionCorrupted protectionAmbiguous nameCard errorCard reset requiredCard removedInvalid cardCard not presentNo PKCS15 applicationNot confirmedConfiguration errorNo policy matchInvalid indexInvalid IDNo SmartCard daemonSmartCard daemon errorUnsupported protocolBad PIN methodCard not initializedUnsupported operationWrong key usageNothing foundWrong blob typeMissing valueHardware problemPIN blockedConditions of use not satisfiedPINs are not syncedInvalid CRLBER errorInvalid BERElement not foundIdentifier not foundInvalid tagInvalid lengthInvalid key infoUnexpected tagNot DER encodedNo CMS objectInvalid CMS objectUnknown CMS objectUnsupported CMS objectUnsupported encodingUnsupported CMS versionUnknown algorithmInvalid crypto enginePublic key not trustedDecryption failedKey expiredSignature expiredEncoding problemInvalid stateDuplicated valueMissing actionASN.1 module not foundInvalid OID stringInvalid timeInvalid CRL objectUnsupported CRL versionInvalid certificate objectUnknown nameA locale function failedNot lockedProtocol violationInvalid MACInvalid requestUnknown extensionUnknown critical extensionLockedUnknown optionUnknown commandNot operationalNo passphrase givenNo PIN givenNot enabledNo crypto engineMissing keyToo many objectsLimit reachedNot initializedMissing issuer certificateNo keyserver availableInvalid elliptic curveUnknown elliptic curveDuplicated keyAmbiguous resultNo crypto contextWrong crypto contextBad crypto contextConflict in the crypto contextBroken public keyBroken secret keyInvalid MAC algorithmOperation fully cancelledOperation not yet finishedBuffer too shortInvalid length specifier in S-expressionString too long in S-expressionUnmatched parentheses in S-expressionS-expression not canonicalBad character in S-expressionBad quotation in S-expressionZero prefix in S-expressionNested display hints in S-expressionUnmatched display hintsUnexpected reserved punctuation in S-expressionBad hexadecimal character in S-expressionOdd hexadecimal numbers in S-expressionBad octal character in S-expressionAll subkeys are expired or revokedDatabase is corruptedServer indicated a failureNo nameNo keyLegacy keyRequest too shortRequest too longObject is in termination stateNo certificate chainCertificate is too largeInvalid recordThe MAC does not verifyUnexpected messageCompression or decompression failedA counter would wrapFatal alert message receivedNo cipher algorithmMissing client certificateClose notification receivedTicket expiredBad ticketUnknown identityBad certificate message in handshakeBad certificate request message in handshakeBad certificate verify message in handshakeBad change cipher message in handshakeBad client hello message in handshakeBad server hello message in handshakeBad server hello done message in handshakeBad finished message in handshakeBad server key exchange message in handshakeBad client key exchange message in handshakeBogus stringForbiddenKey disabledNot possible with a card based keyInvalid lock 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TimeoutGeneral LDAP errorGeneral LDAP attribute errorGeneral LDAP name errorGeneral LDAP security errorGeneral LDAP service errorGeneral LDAP update errorExperimental LDAP error codePrivate LDAP error codeOther general LDAP errorLDAP connecting failed (X)LDAP referral limit exceededLDAP client loopNo LDAP results returnedLDAP control not foundNot supported by LDAPLDAP connect errorOut of memory in LDAPBad parameter to an LDAP routineUser cancelled LDAP operationBad LDAP search filterUnknown LDAP authentication methodTimeout in LDAPLDAP decoding errorLDAP encoding errorLDAP local errorCannot contact LDAP serverLDAP successLDAP operations errorLDAP protocol errorTime limit exceeded in LDAPSize limit exceeded in LDAPLDAP compare falseLDAP compare trueLDAP authentication method not supportedStrong(er) LDAP authentication requiredPartial LDAP results+referral receivedLDAP referralAdministrative LDAP limit exceededCritical LDAP extension is unavailableConfidentiality required by LDAPLDAP 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