#!/usr/bin/perl -wl # # written by Arjen Bax # # Contributed to the public domain. This software is provided in # the hope that it will be useful, but without warranty. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp "tempdir"; my ($FALSE, $TRUE) = (0,1); (my $myname = $0) =~ s#\A.*/##; my ($Twid, $Thgt, $tmpdir, $verbose); # set defaults $Twid = 600; $Thgt = 8; $verbose = $FALSE; (my $usage = < \$Twid, "height=i" => \$Thgt, "tmpdir=s" => \$tmpdir, "verbose!" => \$verbose); die "invalid width and/or height\n" unless $Twid >= 1 && $Thgt >= 1; my $verboseCommand = $verbose ? "set -x;" : ""; if (@ARGV < 1) { die("You must specify at least one color as an argument"); } my $numcol = scalar @ARGV; push @ARGV, $ARGV[0]; my $tempdir = tempdir("$myname.XXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1) || die "Cant create tmpdir"; #219019 my @outlist = (); my $n = 0; while (@ARGV >= 2) { push @outlist, my $outfile = sprintf "%s/%03u.ppm", $tmpdir, $n; my $w = int(($Twid-1)/$numcol)+1; 0 == system qq{$verboseCommand pgmramp -lr $w $Thgt | pgmtoppm "$ARGV[0]-$ARGV[1]" >$outfile} or exit 1; $Twid -= $w; $numcol--; $n++; shift @ARGV; } 0 == system qq{$verboseCommand pnmcat -lr @outlist} or exit 1; exit 0; # no need to delete anything, as this is automatically done via tempdir