#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Package tex4ebook. Author Michal Hoftich -- This package is subject of LPPL license, version 1.3 -- kpse.set_program_name("luatex") require("lapp-mk4") -- require("ebookutils") local ebookutils = require "mkutils" local mkparams = require "mkparams" -- Setting local latex_cmd="latex" local copy_cmd="copy" local move_cmd="move" local env_param="%%" local htlatex_call="" -- These correspond to htlatex parameters local tex4ht_sty_par="" local tex4ht_par="" local t4ht_par="" local latex_par="" local output_formats={epub=true,mobi=true,epub3=true} local executor=nil local tidy = false local include_fonts = false local arg_message = [[ tex4ebook - ebook generation support for LaTeX Usage: tex4ebook [switches] filename ["tex4ht.sty op." "tex4ht op." "t4ht op" "latex op"] -c,--config (default xhtml) Custom config file -e,--build-file (default nil) If build file is different than `filename`.mk4 -f,--format (default epub) Output format. Supported values: epub, epub3, mobi -h,--help Display help message -l,--lua Runs htlualatex instead of htlatex -m,--mode (default default) Switch which can be used in the makefile -r,--resolution (default 167) -s,--shell-escape Enable shell escape in htlatex run -t,--tidy Run html tidy on html output. May result in wrong spacing! -v,--version Display version number (string) Input file name ]] -- This option is no longer available, all files must be unicode -- -u,--utf8 local args=lapp(arg_message) if args["filename"] == nil and args["version"] == false then print(arg_message) return else input_file=args["filename"] end if args.version then print "tex4ebook version 0.1d" return end if args.lua then print("Mame lua") latex_cmd="dvilualatex" end if args["shell-escape"] then latex_par = latex_par .. " -shell-escape" end if args["include-fonts"] then include_fonts = true end -- local mathml = "," -- if args["mathml"] then -- -- mathml = ",mathml," -- tex4ht_sty_par = tex4ht_sty_par .. ",mathml" -- end local mode = args.mode or "default" if os.type=="unix" then env_param="$" copy_cmd="cp" move_cmd="mv" t4ht_dir_format="%s/" else env_param="%%" copy_cmd="copy" move_cmd="move" t4ht_dir_format="%s" end if args.tidy then tidy = true else tidy = false end -- Env file copying --[[if not ebookutils.file_exists("tex4ht.env") then local env_file = kpse.find_file("epub2.env") ebookutils.copy_filter(env_file,"tex4ht.env",function(s) return s % { move = move_cmd, copy = copy_cmd, resolution = args.resolution } end) end--]] --print ("nazdar ${world}" % {world="svete"}) --print(args.config) local input = ebookutils.remove_extension(input_file) local config=ebookutils.remove_extension(args.config) -- local tex4ht_sty_par = config ..tex4ht_sty_par..","+args.format --local sty_args = args[2] and ", " .. args[2] or "" local sty_args = "" if args[2] then sty_args = "," .. args[2] end local tex4ht_sty_par = tex4ht_sty_par + sty_args --args[2] local tex4ht_par = tex4ht_par +args[3] local t4ht_par = t4ht_par + args[4] local latex_par = latex_par + args[5] -- use default parameter processing from make4ht -- add some needed args args.filename=input_file local params = mkparams.process_args(args) -- but also support tex4ebook!s own parameters local oldparams = { -- htlatex=latex_cmd -- ,input=input -- ,tex_file = tex_file format=args.format -- ,latex_par=latex_par -- ,tex4ht_sty_par=tex4ht_sty_par -- ,tex4ht_par=tex4ht_par -- ,t4ht_par=t4ht_par -- ,mode = mode ,t4ht_dir_format=t4ht_dir_format ,tidy = tidy ,include_fonts = include_fonts ,resolution=args.resolution ,mathml=mathml ,packages="\\RequirePackage{tex4ebook}" } -- extend params for k,v in pairs(oldparams) do params[k] = v end params.tex4ht_sty_par=params.tex4ht_sty_par .. ",charset=utf-8,"..args.format params.tex4ht_par= " -cmozhtf -utf8" .. params.tex4ht_par if output_formats[args.format] then executor=require("exec_"..args.format) params=executor.prepare(params) else print("Unknown output format: "..args.format) return end local build_file = input.. ".mk4" if args["build-file"] and args["build-file"] ~= "nil" then build_file = args["build-file"] end local config_file = ebookutils.load_config(nil, build_file) params["config_file"] = config_file --config_file.Make:run() print("${htlatex} ${input} \"${tex4ht_sty_par}\" \"${tex4ht_par}\" \"${t4ht_par}\" \"${latex_par}\"" % params) executor.run(input,params) executor.writeContainer() executor.clean() --print(args[1])