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There is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software is covered by the terms of both the pdfTeX copyright and the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING and the pdfTeX source. Primary author of ttf2afm: Han The Thanh. can't open font file for readingunsupported format (%.8X) of `post' table, assuming 3.0no names available in `post' table, print glyph names as indicesXHeight is too big (%i) This is likely a font bug, so I discarded this parameter.CapHeight is too big (%i) This is likely a font bug, so I discarded this parameter.cmap: glyph index out of range [0..%i)cmap: unicode %.4X is mapped to multiple glyphsInvalid argument `-m %i': out of range [1..%i]warning: only format 0 supported of `kern' subtables, others are ignored format %i of encoding subtable unsupportedcannot open file for writing (%s) %% Encoding table from font file %s (segment mapping to delta values) Warning: ttf2afm (file %s): Error: ttf2afmunexpected end of filegetc() failedunexpected EOFcan't find table `%s'index%s%liuni%s%.4X%s%.4X C %i ; WX %i ; N ; B %i %i %i %i ; truefalseStartFontMetrics 2.0 FontName %s FullName %s FamilyName %s Weight %s ItalicAngle %.1fItalicAngle %liIsFixedPitch %s FontBBox %i %i %i %i UnderlinePosition %i UnderlineThickness %i Version %s Notice %s EncodingScheme FontSpecific CapHeight %i XHeight %i Ascender %i Descender %i StartCharMetrics %u EndCharMetrics uni%4Xindex%uKPX EndKernPairs EndKernData EndFontMetrics glyph `%s' not found] defwbcannot open file for writingiucve:o:m:headmaxphheahmtxpostcan't find table `post'locaglyfcan't find table `glyf'namePCLTOS/2ThinExtraLightNormalMediumSemiBoldExtraBoldBlackcmapk >= 0 && k < nkern.e%i%i%% Platform ID %i (Apple Unicode) (Macintosh) (ISO) (Microsoft)%% Encoding ID %i (Roman) (Symbol) (Unicode)%% Format %i (byte encoding table)/Encoding%i [ (trimmed table mapping)%% Glyph %li -> /%s % ] def DeltaOmegaPiSigmadmacronperiodcentered.nullCRexclamquotedblnumbersigndollarpercentampersandquotesingleparenleftparenrightasteriskpluscommahyphenperiodzeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightsemicolonlessgreaterquestionatABCDGHIJKLMNOPQSUVWYZbracketleftbackslashbracketrightasciicircumunderscorejqvwzbraceleftbracerightasciitildeAdieresisAringCcedillaEacuteNtildeOdieresisUdieresisaacuteagraveacircumflexadieresisatildearingccedillaeacuteegraveecircumflexedieresisiacuteigraveicircumflexidieresisntildeoacuteograveocircumflexodieresisotildeuacuteugraveucircumflexudieresisdaggerdegreesterlingsectionbulletparagraphgermandblsregisteredcopyrighttrademarknotequalAEOslashinfinityplusminuslessequalgreaterequalyenmupartialdiffpiintegralordfeminineordmasculineaeoslashquestiondownexclamdownlogicalnotradicalflorinapproxequalguillemotleftguillemotrightellipsisnbspaceAgraveAtildeOtildeOEoeendashemdashquotedblleftquotedblrightquoteleftquoterightdividelozengeydieresisYdieresisfractioncurrencyguilsinglleftguilsinglrightfifldaggerdblquotesinglbasequotedblbaseperthousandAcircumflexEcircumflexAacuteEdieresisEgraveIacuteIcircumflexIdieresisIgraveOacuteOcircumflexapplelogoOgraveUacuteUcircumflexUgravedotlessidotaccenthungarumlautogonekLslashlslashScaronscaronZcaronzcaronbrokenbarEthethYacuteyacuteThornthornmultiplyonesuperiortwosuperiorthreesuperioronehalfonequarterthreequartersfrancGbrevegbreveIdotScedillascedillaCacutecacuteCcaronccaron)8ܵ888͵8888y88888mIvj print_glyph_nameprint_char_metricread_cmap>?;hȳسh(hXh((XXx(0Hp hzRx +zRx $x`FJ w?;*3$"D<\hsBBJ A(A0W (A BBBA 6D$;AJ) AA 'AJ,AAK , AAE ,,h\AAD p DAA ,\SAAI e AAA ,AY A ,yAAD i DAA (ABBA A(D0d (A ABBD M (K ABBK D (K ABB\  (K ABBR b (G ABBE <dEAA &(L0M(A A ABE \1 BBG B(A0A8YFMUA 8A0A(B BBBD LBBE B(D0A8U  8A0A(B BBBA DT`eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBBJpJ ( Db} } o `  x%  oo oo8 o } (((())&)6)F)V)f)v)))))))))**&*6*F*V*f*v*********+H .notdefpp!p$p*p+p2pP ApGpsJpQpZpeplptp~ppppppppupppppppppospppCspqqqqqqsBlqqqq!q#q%q'q)q+q-qHp/qn1q3q5qm7q9q;qGqQq^qjqsnQn=v~nsmrrouqosOp'oIuowquqqnyq{q^lt}qquqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr rrr"r.r8r?rFrRr\rcrjrqr}rrrrrrrrzurrrrrrrstq ssss(s2s F`No8 8 j[o `j  tB%%x~((y((`++ + +"7DbDb PbPbHwHwww} }} }} }} } 0 @@ @p  @ 4