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There are %d KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from %d to %d. KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ... Value Value (Name) ... There are %d pointer buttons defined. %s: please release the following buttons within %d seconds: %s: bad return %d from XSetPointerMapping %s: unable to set pointer mapping  @%ld%loBADKEYSYM keycode 0x%lx =keycode any =add %s =remove %s = 0x%lxclear %s pointer = default %d! unknown opcode %d %s: %s:%d: bad buttons input lineclear modifier input lineclear modifier name '%s'keysym name listadd modifier input lineadd modifier name %s%okeycode input lineanykeycode valuekeycode value (out of range)keysym input linetarget keysym namekeysym target key symbol '%s' 0x%x?remove modifier input lineremove modifier name %sinput line '%s'! dump of work queue!! executing work queue%s: unknown event %ld %s: unknown opcode %d mod1mod2mod3mod4mod5ctrlkeycodekeysymaddremoveclearpointer\Tattempt to allocate %d byte scratch buffer buttons pointer code list, missing equal signskip of word in buttons line: %svalue %s given for buttons listWarning: Only changing the first %d of %d buttons. attempt to allocate a %ld byte pointer opcodeextra argument '%s' to clear modifierattempt to allocate %ld byte clearmodifier opcodeattempt to allocate %ld byte initial keysymlistkeysym name '%s' in keysym listattempt to grow keysym list to %ld bytesadd modifier name '%s', not allowedadd modifier keysym list (empty)attempt to allocate %ld byte addmodifier opcodekeycode command (missing keysym list),attempt to allocate a %ld byte keycode opcodekeysym target keysym '%s', no corresponding keycodes! Keysym %s (0x%lx) corresponds to keycode(s)remove modifier name '%s', not allowedremove modifier keysym list (empty)attempt to allocate %ld byte keycode listkeysym in remove modifier list '%s', no corresponding keycodesattempt to allocate %ld byte removemodifier opcode%s: unknown command on line %s:%d %s: no available keycode for assignment %s: Could not allocate %d bytes %s: unable to open file '%s' for reading ! %d: %s stdin! %s: commandlineusage: %s [-options ...] [filename] %s: unrecognized argument %s %s accepts the following input expressions: %s: unable to open display '%s' Could not allocate memory for remove cmdCould not allocate memory for add cmd%s: %d error%s encountered, aborting. %s: %s requires an argument %s: %s -versionxmodmap 1.0.9clear shiftclear lockclear controlremove %s = %sadd mod%c = %sadd %s = %sclear modX pointer = default reset pointer buttons to default pointer = NUMBER ... set pointer button codes keycode NUMBER = [KEYSYM ...] map keycode to given keysyms keysym KEYSYM = [KEYSYM ...] look up keysym and do a keycode operation clear MODIFIER remove all keys for this modifier add MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... add the keysyms to the modifier remove MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... remove the keysyms from the modifier where NUMBER is a decimal, octal, or hex constant; KEYSYM is a valid Key Symbol name; and MODIFIER is one of the eight modifier names: Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, or Mod5. Lines beginning with an exclamation mark (!) are taken as comments. Case is significant except for MODIFIER names. Keysyms on the left hand side of the = sign are looked up before any changes are made; keysyms on the right are looked up after all of those on the left have been resolved. This makes it possible to swap modifier keys. where options include: -display host:dpy X server to use -verbose, -quiet turn logging on or off -n don't execute changes, just show like make -e expression execute string -pm print modifier map -pk print keymap table -pke print keymap table as expressions -pp print pointer map -help print this usage message -grammar print out short help on allowable input -version print program version - read standard input ;/\ t 2 d Ļ \Խ|4T44dttd|TlD t\D dT$ d< 4 D  D T zRx +zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"DL\BBB B(D0A8R 8A0A(B BBBD @&FUP&FU`*LxBBE B(D0A8Gp 8A0A(B BBBA LTBBB B(D0A8Gp# 8A0A(B BBBG DXBBG A(D0G 0A(A BBBA dtBBB B(A0A8L 8A0A(B BBBE bFFS,T(AN Y DD cFdBBH A(N0H (C ABBE S (F ABBJ l (M ABBG H\BBB B(D0A8G@ 8A0A(B BBBF D8F0A(B BBBLdXBBB B(A0A8DPt 8A0A(B BBBD BD},@BCA l ABK <~AAJ g FAF i DAB DDA,<FBAE zABLl0yBBA A(D0O (D ABBF D(D DBBL`BBB B(A0A8Gv 8A0A(B BBBG L  \BBA A(D0 (F ABBL  (A ABBR L\0%BBB B(A0A8N# 8A0A(B BBBK <UBBA A(DPQ (A ABBG <0BBA A(DP (A ABBA ,,AAD0o AAI D\0BBB A(A0DPm 0A(A BBBG LBBB B(A0A8DM 8A0A(B BBBA HDW\ PBBE A(D0g (E BBBH s (H BBBA c(A BBBl3AqL >BBB B(A0A8Gm 8A0A(B BBBA    <$IBBA A(G0 (D ABBI ,dGAAG@ AAD 8&APLA2D2DMD @2D4$ "BBE B(D0A8FD\ 0eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB X   DP} } o g  X( 0 oo ooH o} &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv& c]o]z]VVVVVVV =V>V9V@Vp5V`2[55bd29c53cc70e90658dd85b26e9a6efbf172c.debug.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oD> FgNoH H [o `j( ( 0tBXX~y 00@@8DPDP `P`P, ddff } }} }} }} } 0  p   4D