// Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011 Tel-Aviv University (Israel). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s): Ron Wein // Efi Fogel // Eric Berberich // (based on old version by: Iddo Hanniel, // Eyal Flato, // Oren Nechushtan, // Ester Ezra, // Shai Hirsch, // and Eugene Lipovetsky) #ifndef CGAL_ARRANGEMENT_ON_SURFACE_2_H #define CGAL_ARRANGEMENT_ON_SURFACE_2_H /*! \file * The header file for the Arrangement_on_surface_2 class. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { /*! \class Arrangement_on_surface_2 * The arrangement class, representing 2-dimensional subdivisions induced on * an arbitrary surface by a set of arbitrary planar. * The GeomTraits parameter corresponds to a geometry-traits class that * is defines the Point_2 and X_monotone_curve_2 types and implements the * geometric predicates and constructions for the family of curves it defines. * The TopTraits parameter corresponds to a topology-traits class that defines * the topological structure of the surface. Note that the geometry traits * class should also be aware of the kind of surface on which its curves and * points are defined. */ template class Arrangement_on_surface_2 { public: typedef GeomTraits_ Geometry_traits_2; typedef TopTraits_ Topology_traits; // first define adaptor ... typedef Arr_traits_basic_adaptor_2 Traits_adaptor_2; // .. as it completes (potentially) missing side tags typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Left_side_category Left_side_category; typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Bottom_side_category Bottom_side_category; typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Top_side_category Top_side_category; typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Right_side_category Right_side_category; BOOST_MPL_ASSERT( (typename Arr_sane_identified_tagging::result) ); public: typedef Arrangement_on_surface_2 Self; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2; // maybe remove this in a future version (that supports complete handling // of all sides) typedef typename Arr_are_all_sides_oblivious_tag::result Are_all_sides_oblivious_category; typedef typename Arr_has_identified_sides::result Has_identified_sides_category; typedef typename Arr_two_sides_category::result Top_or_bottom_sides_category; public: typedef typename Topology_traits::Dcel Dcel; typedef typename Dcel::Size Size; protected: friend class Arr_observer; friend class Arr_accessor; // Internal DCEL types: typedef typename Dcel::Vertex DVertex; typedef typename Dcel::Halfedge DHalfedge; typedef typename Dcel::Face DFace; typedef typename Dcel::Outer_ccb DOuter_ccb; typedef typename Dcel::Inner_ccb DInner_ccb; typedef typename Dcel::Isolated_vertex DIso_vertex; typedef typename Dcel::difference_type DDifference; typedef typename Dcel::iterator_category DIterator_category; typedef typename Dcel::Vertex_iterator DVertex_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Vertex_const_iterator DVertex_const_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Halfedge_iterator DHalfedge_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Halfedge_const_iterator DHalfedge_const_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Edge_iterator DEdge_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Edge_const_iterator DEdge_const_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Face_iterator DFace_iter; typedef typename Dcel::Face_const_iterator DFace_const_iter; typedef typename DFace::Outer_ccb_iterator DOuter_ccb_iter; typedef typename DFace::Outer_ccb_const_iterator DOuter_ccb_const_iter; typedef typename DFace::Inner_ccb_iterator DInner_ccb_iter; typedef typename DFace::Inner_ccb_const_iterator DInner_ccb_const_iter; typedef typename DFace::Isolated_vertex_iterator DIso_vertex_iter; typedef typename DFace::Isolated_vertex_const_iterator DIso_vertex_const_iter; protected: /*! \class * A functor for filtering DCEL vertices at infinity. */ class _Is_concrete_vertex { private: const Topology_traits* m_topol_traits; public: _Is_concrete_vertex() : m_topol_traits(NULL) {} _Is_concrete_vertex(const Topology_traits* topol_traits) : m_topol_traits(topol_traits) {} bool operator()(const DVertex& v) const { if (m_topol_traits == NULL) return true; return (m_topol_traits->is_concrete_vertex(&v)); } }; /*! \class * A functor for filtering fictitious DCEL vertices. */ class _Is_valid_vertex { private: const Topology_traits* m_topol_traits; public: _Is_valid_vertex() : m_topol_traits(NULL) {} _Is_valid_vertex(const Topology_traits* topol_traits) : m_topol_traits(topol_traits) {} bool operator()(const DVertex& v) const { if (m_topol_traits == NULL) return true; return (m_topol_traits->is_valid_vertex(&v)); } }; /*! \struct * A functor for filtering fictitious DCEL halfedges. */ class _Is_valid_halfedge { private: const Topology_traits* m_topol_traits; public: _Is_valid_halfedge() : m_topol_traits(NULL) {} _Is_valid_halfedge(const Topology_traits* topol_traits) : m_topol_traits(topol_traits) {} bool operator()(const DHalfedge& he) const { if (m_topol_traits == NULL) return true; return (m_topol_traits->is_valid_halfedge(&he)); } }; /*! \struct * A functor for filtering the fictitious faces. */ class _Is_valid_face { private: const Topology_traits* m_topol_traits; public: _Is_valid_face() : m_topol_traits(NULL) {} _Is_valid_face(const Topology_traits* topol_traits) : m_topol_traits(topol_traits) {} bool operator()(const DFace& f) const { if (m_topol_traits == NULL) return true; return (m_topol_traits->is_valid_face(&f)); } }; /*! \struct * A functor for filtering bounded faces. */ class _Is_unbounded_face { private: const Topology_traits* m_topol_traits; public: _Is_unbounded_face() : m_topol_traits(NULL) {} _Is_unbounded_face(const Topology_traits* topol_traits) : m_topol_traits(topol_traits) {} const Topology_traits* topology_traits() const { return m_topol_traits; } bool operator()(const DFace& f) const { return (m_topol_traits->is_valid_face(&f) && m_topol_traits->is_unbounded(&f)); } }; public: // Forward declerations: class Vertex; class Halfedge; class Face; // Definition of the halfedge data-structure itereators and circulators: typedef I_Filtered_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef I_Filtered_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef I_Filtered_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef I_Filtered_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; /*! \class * Edges iterator - defined as a derived class to make it assignable * to the halfedge iterator type. */ class Edge_iterator : public I_Filtered_iterator { typedef I_Filtered_iterator Base; public: Edge_iterator() {} Edge_iterator(DEdge_iter iter, DEdge_iter iend, const _Is_valid_halfedge& pred) : Base(iter, iend, pred) {} // Casting to a halfedge iterator. operator Halfedge_iterator() const { return (Halfedge_iterator(DHalfedge_iter(this->current_iterator()))); } operator Halfedge_const_iterator() const { return (Halfedge_const_iterator (DHalfedge_const_iter(this->current_iterator()))); } }; class Edge_const_iterator : public I_Filtered_const_iterator { typedef I_Filtered_const_iterator Base; public: Edge_const_iterator() {} Edge_const_iterator(Edge_iterator iter) : Base(iter.current_iterator(), iter.past_the_end(), iter.filter()) {} Edge_const_iterator(DEdge_const_iter iter, DEdge_const_iter iend, const _Is_valid_halfedge& pred) : Base(iter, iend, pred) {} // Casting to a halfedge iterator. operator Halfedge_const_iterator() const { return (Halfedge_const_iterator (DHalfedge_const_iter(this->current_iterator()))); } }; typedef I_Filtered_iterator Face_iterator; typedef I_Filtered_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef _HalfedgeDS_vertex_circ Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef _HalfedgeDS_vertex_const_circ Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator; typedef _HalfedgeDS_facet_circ Ccb_halfedge_circulator; typedef _HalfedgeDS_facet_const_circ Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator; /*! \class * Unbounded faces iterator - defined as a derived class to make it * assignable to the face iterator type. */ class Unbounded_face_iterator : public I_Filtered_iterator { typedef I_Filtered_iterator Base; public: Unbounded_face_iterator() {} Unbounded_face_iterator(DFace_iter iter, DFace_iter iend, const _Is_unbounded_face& is_unbounded) : Base(iter, iend, is_unbounded) {} // Casting to a face iterator. operator Face_iterator() const { return (Face_iterator(DFace_iter(this->current_iterator()), DFace_iter(this->past_the_end()), _Is_valid_face(this->filter().topology_traits()))); } operator Face_const_iterator() const { return (Face_const_iterator (DFace_const_iter(this->current_iterator()), DFace_const_iter(this->past_the_end()), _Is_valid_face(this->filter().topology_traits()))); } }; class Unbounded_face_const_iterator : public I_Filtered_const_iterator { typedef I_Filtered_const_iterator Base; public: Unbounded_face_const_iterator() {} Unbounded_face_const_iterator(Unbounded_face_iterator iter) : Base(iter) {} Unbounded_face_const_iterator(DFace_const_iter iter, DFace_const_iter iend, const _Is_unbounded_face& is_unbounded) : Base(iter, iend, is_unbounded) {} // Casting to a face iterator. operator Face_const_iterator() const { return (Face_const_iterator(DFace_const_iter(this->current_iterator()), DFace_const_iter(this->past_the_end()))); } }; protected: struct _Halfedge_to_ccb_circulator { typedef DHalfedge* argument_type; typedef Ccb_halfedge_circulator result_type; result_type operator()(argument_type s) const { return Ccb_halfedge_circulator(Halfedge_iterator(s)); } }; struct _Const_halfedge_to_ccb_circulator { typedef const DHalfedge* argument_type; typedef Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator result_type; result_type operator()(argument_type s) const { return Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator(Halfedge_const_iterator(s)); } }; typedef Cast_function_object _Vertex_to_vertex; public: typedef Iterator_transform Outer_ccb_iterator; typedef Iterator_transform Outer_ccb_const_iterator; typedef Iterator_transform Inner_ccb_iterator; typedef Iterator_transform Inner_ccb_const_iterator; /*! \class * Isolated vertices iterator - defined as a class to make it assignable * to the vertex iterator type. */ class Isolated_vertex_iterator : public Iterator_project { typedef Iterator_project Base; public: Isolated_vertex_iterator() {} Isolated_vertex_iterator(DIso_vertex_iter iter) : Base(iter) {} // Casting to a vertex iterator. operator Vertex_iterator() const { return (Vertex_iterator(DVertex_iter(this->ptr()))); } operator Vertex_const_iterator() const { return (Vertex_const_iterator(DVertex_const_iter(this->ptr()))); } }; class Isolated_vertex_const_iterator : public Iterator_project { typedef Iterator_project Base; public: Isolated_vertex_const_iterator() {} Isolated_vertex_const_iterator(Isolated_vertex_iterator iter) : Base(iter) {} Isolated_vertex_const_iterator(DIso_vertex_const_iter iter) : Base(iter) {} // Casting to a vertex iterator. operator Vertex_const_iterator() const { return (Vertex_const_iterator(DVertex_const_iter(this->ptr()))); } }; protected: class _Valid_vertex_iterator : public I_Filtered_iterator { typedef I_Filtered_iterator Base; public: _Valid_vertex_iterator() {} _Valid_vertex_iterator(DVertex_iter iter, DVertex_iter iend, const _Is_valid_vertex& pred) : Base(iter, iend, pred) {} // Casting to a vertex iterator. operator Vertex_iterator() const { return (Vertex_iterator(DVertex_iter(this->current_iterator()))); } operator Vertex_const_iterator() const { return (Vertex_const_iterator(DVertex_const_iter (this->current_iterator()))); } }; public: // Definition of handles (equivalent to iterators): typedef Vertex_iterator Vertex_handle; typedef Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_handle; typedef Face_iterator Face_handle; typedef Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_handle; typedef Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_handle; typedef Face_const_iterator Face_const_handle; /*! \class * The arrangement vertex class. */ class Vertex : public DVertex { typedef DVertex Base; public: /*! Default constrcutor. */ Vertex() {} /*! Check whether the vertex lies on an open boundary. */ bool is_at_open_boundary() const { return (Base::has_null_point()); } /*! Get the vertex degree (number of incident edges). */ Size degree() const { if (this->is_isolated()) return (0); // Go around the vertex and count the incident halfedges. const DHalfedge* he_first = Base::halfedge(); const DHalfedge* he_curr = he_first; Size n = 0; if (he_curr != NULL) { do { ++n; he_curr = he_curr->next()->opposite(); } while (he_curr != he_first); } return (n); } /*! * Get the incident halfedges (non-const version). * \pre The vertex is not isolated. */ Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator incident_halfedges() { CGAL_precondition(! this->is_isolated()); return Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator (DHalfedge_iter(Base::halfedge())); } /*! * Get the incident halfedges (const version). * \pre The vertex is not isolated. */ Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator incident_halfedges() const { CGAL_precondition(! this->is_isolated()); return Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator (DHalfedge_const_iter(Base::halfedge())); } /*! * Get the face that contains the vertex (non-const version). * \pre The vertex is isolated. */ Face_handle face() { CGAL_precondition(this->is_isolated()); return (DFace_iter(Base::isolated_vertex()->face())); } /*! * Get the face that contains the vertex (const version). * \pre The vertex is isolated. */ Face_const_handle face() const { CGAL_precondition(this->is_isolated()); return (DFace_const_iter(Base::isolated_vertex()->face())); } private: // Blocking access to inherited functions from the Dcel::Vertex. bool has_null_point() const; void set_point(Point_2* ); void set_boundary(Arr_parameter_space , Arr_parameter_space ); const DHalfedge* halfedge() const; DHalfedge* halfedge(); void set_halfedge(DHalfedge* ); const DIso_vertex* isolated_vertex() const; DIso_vertex* isolated_vertex(); void set_isolated_vertex(DIso_vertex* ); }; /*! * \class The arrangement halfedge class. */ class Halfedge : public DHalfedge { typedef DHalfedge Base; public: /*! Default constrcutor. */ Halfedge() {} /*! Check whether the halfedge is fictitious. */ bool is_fictitious() const { return (Base::has_null_curve()); } /*! Get the source vertex (non-const version). */ Vertex_handle source() { return (DVertex_iter(Base::opposite()->vertex())); } /*! Get the source vertex (const version). */ Vertex_const_handle source() const { return (DVertex_const_iter(Base::opposite()->vertex())); } /*! Get the target vertex (non-const version). */ Vertex_handle target() { return (DVertex_iter(Base::vertex())); } /*! Get the target vertex (const version). */ Vertex_const_handle target() const { return (DVertex_const_iter(Base::vertex())); } /*! Get the incident face (non-const version). */ Face_handle face() { return (! Base::is_on_inner_ccb()) ? DFace_iter(Base::outer_ccb()->face()) : DFace_iter(Base::inner_ccb()->face()); } /*! Get the incident face (const version). */ Face_const_handle face() const { return (! Base::is_on_inner_ccb()) ? DFace_const_iter(Base::outer_ccb()->face()) : DFace_const_iter(Base::inner_ccb()->face()); } /*! Get the twin halfedge (non-const version). */ Halfedge_handle twin() { return (DHalfedge_iter(Base::opposite())); } /*! Get the twin halfedge (const version). */ Halfedge_const_handle twin() const { return (DHalfedge_const_iter(Base::opposite())); } /*! Get the previous halfegde in the chain (non-const version). */ Halfedge_handle prev() { return (DHalfedge_iter(Base::prev())); } /*! Get the previous halfegde in the chain (const version). */ Halfedge_const_handle prev() const { return (DHalfedge_const_iter(Base::prev())); } /*! Get the next halfegde in the chain (non-const version). */ Halfedge_handle next() { return (DHalfedge_iter(Base::next())); } /*! Get the next halfegde in the chain (const version). */ Halfedge_const_handle next() const { return (DHalfedge_const_iter(Base::next())); } /*! Get the connected component of the halfedge (non-const version). */ Ccb_halfedge_circulator ccb() { return Ccb_halfedge_circulator(DHalfedge_iter(this)); } /*! Get the connected component of the halfedge (const version). */ Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator ccb() const { return Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator(DHalfedge_const_iter(this)); } private: // Blocking access to inherited functions from the Dcel::Halfedge. bool has_null_curve() const; void set_curve(X_monotone_curve_2* ); const DHalfedge* opposite() const; DHalfedge* opposite(); void set_opposite(DHalfedge* ); void set_direction(Arr_halfedge_direction ); void set_prev(DHalfedge* ); void set_next(DHalfedge* ); const DVertex* vertex() const ; DVertex* vertex(); void set_vertex(DVertex* ); const DOuter_ccb* outer_ccb() const; DOuter_ccb* outer_ccb(); void set_outer_ccb(DOuter_ccb* ); const DInner_ccb* inner_ccb() const; DInner_ccb* inner_ccb(); void set_inner_ccb(DInner_ccb* ); }; /*! * \class The arrangement face class. */ class Face : public DFace { typedef DFace Base; public: /*! Default constrcutor. */ Face() {} /*! Get an iterator for the outer CCBs of the face (non-const version). */ Outer_ccb_iterator outer_ccbs_begin() { return (DOuter_ccb_iter(Base::outer_ccbs_begin())); } /*! Get an iterator for the outer CCBs the face (const version). */ Outer_ccb_const_iterator outer_ccbs_begin() const { return (DOuter_ccb_const_iter(Base::outer_ccbs_begin())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the outer CCBs (non-const version). */ Outer_ccb_iterator outer_ccbs_end() { return (DOuter_ccb_iter(Base::outer_ccbs_end())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the outer CCBs (const version). */ Outer_ccb_const_iterator outer_ccbs_end() const { return (DOuter_ccb_const_iter(Base::outer_ccbs_end())); } /*! Get an iterator for the inner CCBs of the face (non-const version). */ Inner_ccb_iterator inner_ccbs_begin() { return (DInner_ccb_iter(Base::inner_ccbs_begin())); } /*! Get an iterator for the inner CCBs the face (const version). */ Inner_ccb_const_iterator inner_ccbs_begin() const { return (DInner_ccb_const_iter(Base::inner_ccbs_begin())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the inner CCBs (non-const version). */ Inner_ccb_iterator inner_ccbs_end() { return (DInner_ccb_iter(Base::inner_ccbs_end())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the inner CCBs (const version). */ Inner_ccb_const_iterator inner_ccbs_end() const { return (DInner_ccb_const_iter(Base::inner_ccbs_end())); } /*! Get an iterator for the isolated_vertices inside the face * (non-const version). */ Isolated_vertex_iterator isolated_vertices_begin() { return (DIso_vertex_iter(Base::isolated_vertices_begin())); } /*! Get an iterator for the isolated_vertices inside the face * (const version). */ Isolated_vertex_const_iterator isolated_vertices_begin() const { return (DIso_vertex_const_iter(Base::isolated_vertices_begin())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the isolated_vertices * (non-const version). */ Isolated_vertex_iterator isolated_vertices_end() { return (DIso_vertex_iter(Base::isolated_vertices_end())); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the isolated_vertices * (const version). */ Isolated_vertex_const_iterator isolated_vertices_end() const { return (DIso_vertex_const_iter(Base::isolated_vertices_end())); } /// \name These functions are kept for Arrangement_2 compatibility: //@{ /*! * Check whether the face has an outer CCB. */ bool has_outer_ccb() const { return (Base::number_of_outer_ccbs() > 0); } /*! * Get a circulator for the outer boundary (non-const version). * \pre The face has a single outer CCB. */ Ccb_halfedge_circulator outer_ccb() { CGAL_precondition(Base::number_of_outer_ccbs() == 1); DOuter_ccb_iter iter = Base::outer_ccbs_begin(); DHalfedge* he = *iter; return Ccb_halfedge_circulator(DHalfedge_iter(he)); } /*! * Get a circulator for the outer boundary (const version). * \pre The face has a single outer CCB. */ Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator outer_ccb() const { CGAL_precondition(Base::number_of_outer_ccbs() == 1); DOuter_ccb_const_iter iter = Base::outer_ccbs_begin(); const DHalfedge* he = *iter; return Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator(DHalfedge_const_iter(he)); } /*! Get the number of holes (inner CCBs) inside the face. */ Size number_of_holes() const { return (Base::number_of_inner_ccbs()); } /*! Get an iterator for the holes inside the face (non-const version). */ Inner_ccb_iterator holes_begin() { return (this->inner_ccbs_begin()); } /*! Get an iterator for the holes inside the face (const version). */ Inner_ccb_const_iterator holes_begin() const { return (this->inner_ccbs_begin()); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the holes (non-const version). */ Inner_ccb_iterator holes_end() { return (this->inner_ccbs_end()); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the holes (const version). */ Inner_ccb_const_iterator holes_end() const { return (this->inner_ccbs_end()); } //@} private: // Blocking access to inherited functions from the Dcel::Face. void set_unbounded(bool); void set_fictitious(bool); void add_outer_ccb(DOuter_ccb*, Halfedge*); void erase_outer_ccb(DOuter_ccb*); void add_inner_ccb(DInner_ccb*, Halfedge*); void erase_inner_ccb(DInner_ccb*); void add_isolated_vertex(DIso_vertex*, DVertex*); void erase_isolated_vertex(DIso_vertex*); }; protected: typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(Point_2) Points_alloc; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(X_monotone_curve_2) Curves_alloc; typedef Arr_observer Observer; typedef std::list Observers_container; typedef typename Observers_container::iterator Observers_iterator; typedef typename Observers_container::reverse_iterator Observers_rev_iterator; // Data members: Topology_traits m_topol_traits; // the topology traits. Points_alloc m_points_alloc; // allocator for the points. Curves_alloc m_curves_alloc; // allocator for the curves. Observers_container m_observers; // pointers to existing observers. const Traits_adaptor_2* m_geom_traits; // the geometry-traits adaptor. bool m_own_traits; // inidicates whether the geometry // traits should be freed up. public: /// \name Constructors. //@{ /*! Default constructor. */ Arrangement_on_surface_2(); /*! Copy constructor. */ Arrangement_on_surface_2(const Self & arr); /*! Constructor given a traits object. */ Arrangement_on_surface_2(const Geometry_traits_2* geom_traits); //@} /// \name Assignment functions. //@{ /*! Assignment operator. */ Self& operator=(const Self& arr); /*! Assign an arrangement. */ void assign(const Self& arr); //@} /// \name Destruction functions. //@{ /*! Destructor. */ virtual ~Arrangement_on_surface_2(); /*! Clear the arrangement. */ virtual void clear(); //@} /// \name Access the traits-class objects. //@{ /*! Access the geometry-traits object (const version). */ inline const Traits_adaptor_2* traits_adaptor() const { return (m_geom_traits); } /*! Access the geometry-traits object (const version). */ inline const Geometry_traits_2* geometry_traits() const { return (m_geom_traits); } /*! Access the topology-traits object (non-const version). */ inline Topology_traits* topology_traits() { return (&m_topol_traits); } /*! Access the topology-traits object (const version). */ inline const Topology_traits* topology_traits() const { return (&m_topol_traits); } //@} /// \name Access the arrangement dimensions. //@{ /*! Check whether the arrangement is empty. */ bool is_empty() const { return (m_topol_traits.is_empty_dcel()); } /*! * Check whether the arrangement is valid. In particular, check the * validity of each vertex, halfedge and face, their incidence relations * and the geometric properties of the arrangement. */ bool is_valid() const; /*! Get the number of arrangement vertices. */ Size number_of_vertices() const { return (m_topol_traits.number_of_concrete_vertices()); } /*! Get the number of isolated arrangement vertices. */ Size number_of_isolated_vertices() const { return (_dcel().size_of_isolated_vertices()); } /*! Get the number of arrangement halfedges (the result is always even). */ Size number_of_halfedges() const { return (m_topol_traits.number_of_valid_halfedges()); } /*! Get the number of arrangement edges. */ Size number_of_edges() const { return (m_topol_traits.number_of_valid_halfedges() / 2); } /*! Get the number of arrangement faces. */ Size number_of_faces() const { return (m_topol_traits.number_of_valid_faces()); } /*! Get the number of unbounded faces in the arrangement. */ Size number_of_unbounded_faces() const { Unbounded_face_const_iterator iter = unbounded_faces_begin(); Unbounded_face_const_iterator end = unbounded_faces_end(); Size n_unb = 0; while (iter != end) { ++n_unb; ++iter; } return (n_unb); } //@} /// \name Traversal functions for the arrangement vertices. //@{ /*! Get an iterator for the first vertex in the arrangement. */ Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() { return (Vertex_iterator(_dcel().vertices_begin(), _dcel().vertices_end(), _Is_concrete_vertex(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the arrangement vertices. */ Vertex_iterator vertices_end() { return (Vertex_iterator(_dcel().vertices_end(), _dcel().vertices_end(), _Is_concrete_vertex(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a const iterator for the first vertex in the arrangement. */ Vertex_const_iterator vertices_begin() const { return (Vertex_const_iterator(_dcel().vertices_begin(), _dcel().vertices_end(), _Is_concrete_vertex(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end const iterator for the arrangement vertices. */ Vertex_const_iterator vertices_end() const { return (Vertex_const_iterator(_dcel().vertices_end(), _dcel().vertices_end(), _Is_concrete_vertex(&m_topol_traits))); } //@} /// \name Traversal functions for the arrangement halfedges. //@{ /*! Get an iterator for the first halfedge in the arrangement. */ Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin() { return (Halfedge_iterator(_dcel().halfedges_begin(), _dcel().halfedges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the arrangement halfedges. */ Halfedge_iterator halfedges_end() { return (Halfedge_iterator(_dcel().halfedges_end(), _dcel().halfedges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a const iterator for the first halfedge in the arrangement. */ Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_begin() const { return (Halfedge_const_iterator(_dcel().halfedges_begin(), _dcel().halfedges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end const iterator for the arrangement halfedges. */ Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_end() const { return (Halfedge_const_iterator(_dcel().halfedges_end(), _dcel().halfedges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } //@} /// \name Traversal functions for the arrangement edges. //@{ /*! Get an iterator for the first edge in the arrangement. */ Edge_iterator edges_begin() { return (Edge_iterator(_dcel().edges_begin(), _dcel().edges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the arrangement edges. */ Edge_iterator edges_end() { return (Edge_iterator(_dcel().edges_end(), _dcel().edges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a const iterator for the first edge in the arrangement. */ Edge_const_iterator edges_begin() const { return (Edge_const_iterator(_dcel().edges_begin(), _dcel().edges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end const iterator for the arrangement edges. */ Edge_const_iterator edges_end() const { return (Edge_const_iterator(_dcel().edges_end(), _dcel().edges_end(), _Is_valid_halfedge(&m_topol_traits))); } //@} /// \name Traversal functions for the arrangement faces. //@{ /*! Get an iterator for the first face in the arrangement. */ Face_iterator faces_begin() { return (Face_iterator(_dcel().faces_begin(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_valid_face(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the arrangement faces. */ Face_iterator faces_end() { return (Face_iterator(_dcel().faces_end(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_valid_face(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a const iterator for the first face in the arrangement. */ Face_const_iterator faces_begin() const { return (Face_const_iterator(_dcel().faces_begin(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_valid_face(&m_topol_traits))); } /*! Get a past-the-end const iterator for the arrangement faces. */ Face_const_iterator faces_end() const { return (Face_const_iterator(_dcel().faces_end(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_valid_face(&m_topol_traits))); } //! reference_face (const version). /*! The function returns a reference face of the arrangement. * All reference faces of arrangements of the same type have a common * point. * \return A const handle to the reference face. */ Face_const_handle reference_face() const { return _const_handle_for(this->topology_traits()->reference_face()); } //! reference_face (non-const version). /*! The function returns a reference face of the arrangement. All reference faces of arrangements of the same type have a common point. \return A handle to the reference face. */ Face_handle reference_face() { return _handle_for(this->topology_traits()->reference_face()); } //@} /// \name Traversal functions for the unbounded faces of the arrangement. //@{ /*! Get an iterator for the first unbounded face in the arrangement. */ Unbounded_face_iterator unbounded_faces_begin() { return Unbounded_face_iterator(_dcel().faces_begin(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_unbounded_face(&m_topol_traits)); } /*! Get a past-the-end iterator for the unbounded arrangement faces. */ Unbounded_face_iterator unbounded_faces_end() { return Unbounded_face_iterator(_dcel().faces_end(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_unbounded_face(&m_topol_traits)); } /*! Get a const iterator for the first unbounded face in the arrangement. */ Unbounded_face_const_iterator unbounded_faces_begin() const { return Unbounded_face_const_iterator(_dcel().faces_begin(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_unbounded_face(&m_topol_traits)); } /*! Get a past-the-end const iterator for the unbounded arrangement faces. */ Unbounded_face_const_iterator unbounded_faces_end() const { return Unbounded_face_const_iterator(_dcel().faces_end(), _dcel().faces_end(), _Is_unbounded_face(&m_topol_traits)); } /*! Get the fictitious face (non-const version). */ Face_handle fictitious_face() { // The fictitious contains all other faces in a single hole inside it. return Face_handle(const_cast(this->topology_traits()->initial_face())); } /*! * Get the unbounded face (const version). * The fictitious contains all other faces in a single hole inside it. */ Face_const_handle fictitious_face() const { return DFace_const_iter(this->topology_traits()->initial_face()); } //@} /// \name Casting away constness for handle types. //@{ Vertex_handle non_const_handle(Vertex_const_handle vh) { DVertex* p_v = (DVertex*)&(*vh); return (Vertex_handle(p_v)); } Halfedge_handle non_const_handle(Halfedge_const_handle hh) { DHalfedge* p_he = (DHalfedge*)&(*hh); return (Halfedge_handle(p_he)); } Face_handle non_const_handle(Face_const_handle fh) { DFace* p_f = (DFace*) &(*fh); return (Face_handle(p_f)); } //@} /// \name Specilaized insertion functions. //@{ /*! * Insert a point that forms an isolated vertex in the interior of a given * face. * \param p The given point. * \param f The face into which we insert the new isolated vertex. * \return A handle for the isolated vertex that has been created. */ Vertex_handle insert_in_face_interior(const Point_2& p, Face_handle f); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement as a new hole (inner * component) inside the given face. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param f The face into which we insert the new hole. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, directed (lexicographically) from left to right. */ Halfedge_handle insert_in_face_interior(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Face_handle f); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that its left * endpoint corresponds to a given arrangement vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param v The given vertex. * \param f The face that contains v (in case it has no incident edges). * \pre The left endpoint of cv is incident to the vertex v. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, whose target is the new vertex. */ Halfedge_handle insert_from_left_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that its left * endpoints corresponds to a given arrangement vertex, given the exact * place for the curve in the circular list around this vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param prev The reference halfedge. We should represent cv as a pair * of edges, one of them should become prev's successor. * \pre The target vertex of prev is cv's left endpoint. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, whose target is the new vertex that was created. */ Halfedge_handle insert_from_left_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Halfedge_handle prev); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that its right * endpoint corresponds to a given arrangement vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param v The given vertex. * \param f The face that contains v (in case it has no incident edges). * \pre The right endpoint of cv is incident to the vertex v. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, whose target is the new vertex. */ Halfedge_handle insert_from_right_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that its right * endpoints corresponds to a given arrangement vertex, given the exact * place for the curve in the circular list around this vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param prev The reference halfedge. We should represent cv as a pair * of edges, one of them should become prev's successor. * \pre The target vertex of prev is cv's right endpoint. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, whose target is the new vertex that was created. */ Halfedge_handle insert_from_right_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Halfedge_handle prev); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that both its * endpoints correspond to given arrangement vertices. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param v1 The first vertex. * \param v2 The second vertex. * \param f The face that contains v1 and v2 * (in case both have no incident edges). * \pre v1 and v2 corresponds to cv's endpoints. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve directed from v1 to v2. */ Halfedge_handle insert_at_vertices(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Face_handle f = Face_handle()); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that both its * endpoints correspond to given arrangement vertices, given the exact * place for the curve in one of the circular lists around a vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param prev1 The reference halfedge for the first vertex. * \param v2 The second vertex. * \pre The target vertex of prev1 and v2 corresponds to cv's endpoints. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve directed from prev1 to v2. */ Halfedge_handle insert_at_vertices(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Halfedge_handle prev1, Vertex_handle v2); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that both its * endpoints correspond to given arrangement vertices, given the exact * place for the curve in both circular lists around these two vertices. * \param cv the given curve. * \param prev1 The reference halfedge for the first vertex. * \param prev2 The reference halfedge for the second vertex. * \pre The target vertices of prev1 and prev2 are cv's endpoints. * \return A handle for one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve directed from prev1's target to prev2's target. */ Halfedge_handle insert_at_vertices(const X_monotone_curve_2 & cv, Halfedge_handle prev1, Halfedge_handle prev2); //@} /// \name Vertex manipulation functions. //@{ /*! * Replace the point associated with the given vertex. * \param v The vertex to modify. * \param p The point that should be associated with the edge. * \pre p is geometrically equivalent to the current point * associated with v. * \return A handle for a the modified vertex (same as v). */ Vertex_handle modify_vertex(Vertex_handle v, const Point_2& p); /*! * Remove an isolated vertex from the interior of a given face. * \param v The vertex to remove. * \pre v is an isolated vertex (it has no incident halfedges). * \return A handle for the face containing v. */ Face_handle remove_isolated_vertex(Vertex_handle v); ///@} /// \name Halfedge manipulation functions. //@{ /*! * Replace the x-monotone curve associated with the given edge. * \param e The edge to modify. * \param cv The curve that should be associated with the edge. * \pre cv is geometrically equivalent to the current curve * associated with e. * \return A handle for a the modified halfedge (same as e). */ Halfedge_handle modify_edge(Halfedge_handle e, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv); /*! * Split a given edge into two, and associate the given x-monotone * curves with the split edges. * \param e The edge to split (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param cv1 The curve that should be associated with the first split edge. * \param cv2 The curve that should be associated with the second split edge. * \pre cv1's source and cv2's target equal the endpoints of the curve * currently assoicated with e (respectively), and cv1's target equals * cv2's target, and this is the split point (ot vice versa). * \return A handle for the halfedge whose source is the source of the the * original halfedge e, and whose target is the split point. */ Halfedge_handle split_edge(Halfedge_handle e, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2); /*! * Merge two edges to form a single edge, and associate the given x-monotone * curve with the merged edge. * \param e1 The first edge to merge (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param e2 The second edge to merge (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param cv The curve that should be associated with merged edge. * \return A handle for the merged halfedge. */ Halfedge_handle merge_edge(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv); /*! * Remove an edge from the arrangement. * \param e The edge to remove (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param remove_source Should the source vertex of e be removed if it * becomes isolated (true by default). * \param remove_target Should the target vertex of e be removed if it * becomes isolated (true by default). * \return A handle for the remaining face. */ Face_handle remove_edge(Halfedge_handle e, bool remove_source = true, bool remove_target = true); //@} protected: /// \name Determining the boundary-side conditions. //@{ /*! Determines whether a boundary-side categoty indicates an open side. */ inline bool is_open(Arr_boundary_side_tag) const { return false; } inline bool is_open(Arr_open_side_tag) const { return true; } /*! Determines whether the given x and y parameter spaces are open. * These parameter spaces are typically associated with a particular curve * end. * \param ps_x The parameter space in x. * \param ps_y The parameter space in y. */ inline bool is_open(Arr_parameter_space ps_x, Arr_parameter_space ps_y) const { return (((ps_x == ARR_LEFT_BOUNDARY) && is_open(Left_side_category())) || ((ps_x == ARR_RIGHT_BOUNDARY) && is_open(Right_side_category())) || ((ps_y == ARR_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY) && is_open(Bottom_side_category())) || ((ps_y == ARR_TOP_BOUNDARY) && is_open(Top_side_category()))); } /*! Determines whether a boundary-side categoty indicates a constracted side. */ inline bool is_contracted(Arr_boundary_side_tag) const { return false; } inline bool is_contracted(Arr_contracted_side_tag) const { return true; } /*! Determines whether a boundary-side categoty indicates a constracted side. */ inline bool is_identified(Arr_boundary_side_tag) const { return false; } inline bool is_identified(Arr_identified_side_tag) const { return true; } //@} /// \name Allocating and de-allocating points and curves. //@{ /*! Allocate a new point. */ Point_2*_new_point(const Point_2& pt) { Point_2* p_pt = m_points_alloc.allocate(1); m_points_alloc.construct(p_pt, pt); return (p_pt); } /*! De-allocate a point. */ void _delete_point(Point_2& pt) { Point_2* p_pt = &pt; m_points_alloc.destroy(p_pt); m_points_alloc.deallocate(p_pt, 1); } /*! Allocate a new curve. */ X_monotone_curve_2* _new_curve(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv) { X_monotone_curve_2* p_cv = m_curves_alloc.allocate(1); m_curves_alloc.construct(p_cv, cv); return (p_cv); } /*! De-allocate a curve. */ void _delete_curve(X_monotone_curve_2& cv) { X_monotone_curve_2* p_cv = &cv; m_curves_alloc.destroy(p_cv); m_curves_alloc.deallocate(p_cv, 1); } //@} /// \name Converting handles to pointers (for the arrangement accessor). //@{ /*! Access the DCEL (non-const version). */ inline Dcel& _dcel() { return (m_topol_traits.dcel()); } /*! Access the DCEL (const version). */ inline const Dcel& _dcel() const { return (m_topol_traits.dcel()); } /*! Convert a vertex handle to a pointer to a DCEL vertex. */ inline DVertex* _vertex(Vertex_handle vh) const { return (&(*vh)); } /*! Convert a constant vertex handle to a pointer to a DCEL vertex. */ inline const DVertex* _vertex(Vertex_const_handle vh) const { return (&(*vh)); } /*! Convert a halfedge handle to a pointer to a DCEL halfedge. */ inline DHalfedge* _halfedge(Halfedge_handle hh) const { return (&(*hh)); } /*! Convert a constant halfedge handle to a pointer to a DCEL halfedge. */ inline const DHalfedge* _halfedge(Halfedge_const_handle hh) const { return (&(*hh)); } /*! Convert a face handle to a pointer to a DCEL face. */ inline DFace* _face(Face_handle fh) const { return (&(*fh)); } /*! Convert a constant face handle to a pointer to a DCEL face. */ inline const DFace* _face(Face_const_handle fh) const { return (&(*fh)); } //@} /// \name Converting pointers to handles (for the arrangement accessor). //@{ /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL vertex to a vertex handle. */ Vertex_handle _handle_for(DVertex* v) { return (Vertex_handle(v)); } /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL vertex to a constant vertex handle. */ Vertex_const_handle _const_handle_for(const DVertex* v) const { return (Vertex_const_handle(v)); } /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL halfedge to a halfedge handle. */ Halfedge_handle _handle_for(DHalfedge* he) { return (Halfedge_handle(he)); } /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL halfedge to a constant halfedge handle. */ Halfedge_const_handle _const_handle_for(const DHalfedge* he) const { return (Halfedge_const_handle(he)); } /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL face to a face handle. */ Face_handle _handle_for(DFace* f) { return (Face_handle(f)); } /*! Convert a pointer to a DCEL face to a constant face handle. */ Face_const_handle _const_handle_for(const DFace* f) const { return (Face_const_handle(f)); } //@} /// \name Auxiliary (protected) functions. //@{ /*! Is the vertex incident to a given halfedge lexicographically smaller than * the vertex incident to another given halfedge. Recall that the incident * vertex is the target vertex. This function is used, for example, in the * search for lexicographically smallest vertex in a CCB, when an edge is * about to be removed from the DCEL. * * This is the implementation for the case where all 4 boundary sides are * oblivious. * * \param he1 the given first halfedge * \param ps_x1 the parameter space in x of the vertex incident to he1 * \param ps_y1 the parameter space in y of the vertex incident to he1 * \param he2 the given second halfedge * \param ps_x2 the parameter space in x of the vertex incident to he2 * \param ps_y2 the parameter space in y of the vertex incident to he2 * \precondition he1 is directed from right to left * \precondition he2 is directed from right to left * \precondition the vertex incident to he1 (he1->vertex()) is different * than the vertex incident to he1 (he2->vertex()), and thus their * geometric mappings (he1->vertex()->point() and * he2->vertex()->point()) are not equal. */ bool _is_smaller(const DHalfedge* he1, Arr_parameter_space ps_x1, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, const DHalfedge* he2, Arr_parameter_space ps_x2, Arr_parameter_space ps_y2, Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! This is a wrapper for the case where any boundary side is not * necessarily oblivious. */ bool _is_smaller(const DHalfedge* he1, Arr_parameter_space ps_x1, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, const DHalfedge* he2, Arr_parameter_space ps_x2, Arr_parameter_space ps_y2, Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! Is the lexicographically minimal vertex of a given x-monotone curve * lexicographically smaller than the lexicographically minimal vertex of * another given x-monotone curve. This function is used, for example, when * a new curve is to be inserted into the arrangement. In this case the * search is conducted over the curves that will comprise a new CCB. * * This is the implementation for the case where all 4 boundary sides are * oblivious. * * \param cv1 the given first x-monotone curve * \param ps_x1 the parameter space in x of the minimal point of cv1 * \param ps_y1 the parameter space in y of the minimal point of cv1 * \param cv2 the given second x-monotone curve * \param ps_x2 the parameter space in x of the minimal point of cv2 * \param ps_y2 the parameter space in y of the minimal point of cv2 * \precondition the minimal points of cv1 and cv2 are not equal. */ bool _is_smaller(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const Point_2& p1, Arr_parameter_space ps_x1, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2, const Point_2& p2, Arr_parameter_space ps_x2, Arr_parameter_space ps_y2, Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! This is the implementation for the case where any one of the 4 boundary * sides can be of any type. */ bool _is_smaller(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const Point_2& p1, Arr_parameter_space ps_x1, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2, const Point_2& p2, Arr_parameter_space ps_x2, Arr_parameter_space ps_y2, Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! Given two x-monotone curves that share their minimal end point. * The function return true if the y-coordinate of the first curve curve * near its minimal end smaller than the y-coordinate of the second curve * (near its minimal end). This function is used, for example, when * a new curve is to be inserted into the arrangement. In this case the * search is conducted over the curves that will comprise a new CCB. * * This is the implementation for the case where all 4 boundary sides are * oblivious. * * \param cv1 the given first x-monotone curve * \param cv2 the given second x-monotone curve * \param p the shared minimal point of cv1 and cv2 * \param ps_x the parameter space in x of the minimal point of cv1 * \param ps_y the parameter space in y of the minimal point of cv1 * \precondition the minimal points of cv1 and cv2 are equal. */ bool _is_smaller_near_right(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2, const Point_2& p, Arr_parameter_space ps_x, Arr_parameter_space ps_y, Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! This is the implementation for the case where any one of the 4 boundary * sides can be of any type. */ bool _is_smaller_near_right(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2, const Point_2& p, Arr_parameter_space ps_x, Arr_parameter_space ps_y, Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const; /*! * Locate the place for the given curve around the given vertex. * \param v The given arrangement vertex. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param ind Whether we refer to the minimal or maximal end of cv. * \return A pointer to a halfedge whose target is v, where cv should be * inserted between this halfedge and the next halfedge around this * vertex (in a clockwise order). * A NULL return value indicates a precondition violation. */ DHalfedge* _locate_around_vertex(DVertex* v, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_curve_end ind) const; /*! * Compute the distance (in halfedges) between two halfedges. * \param e1 The source halfedge. * \param e2 The destination halfedge. * \pre e1 and e2 belong to the same connected component * \return The number of halfedges along the component boundary between the * two halfedges. */ unsigned int _halfedge_distance(const DHalfedge* e1, const DHalfedge* e2) const; /*! * Compare the length of the induced paths from e1 to e2 and * from e2 to e1. * \pre e1 and e2 belong to the same connected component * \return The comparison result */ Comparison_result _compare_induced_path_length(const DHalfedge* e1, const DHalfedge* e2) const; /* * Updates the indices according to boundary locations */ void _compute_indices(Arr_parameter_space ps_x_curr, Arr_parameter_space ps_y_curr, Arr_parameter_space ps_x_next, Arr_parameter_space ps_y_next, int& x_index, int& y_index, boost::mpl::bool_) const; /* * Updates the indices according to boundary locations (i.e. does nothing) */ void _compute_indices(Arr_parameter_space ps_x_curr, Arr_parameter_space ps_y_curr, Arr_parameter_space ps_x_next, Arr_parameter_space ps_y_next, int& x_index, int& y_index, boost::mpl::bool_) const; /* * Is the first given x-monotone curve above the second given? * \param xcv1 the first given curve * \param ps_y1 the parameter space in y of xcv1 * \param xcv2 the second given curve * \param Arr_identified_side_tag used for dispatching to ensure that this * function is invoked when the bottom and top boundaries are * identified */ bool _is_above(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, const Point_2& point, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, Arr_has_identified_side_tag) const; /* * Is the first given x-monotone curve above the second given? * \param xcv1 the first given curve * \param ps_y1 the parameter space in y of xcv1 * \param xcv2 the second given curve * \param Arr_contracted_side_tag used for dispatching to ensure that this * function is invoked when the bottom or top boundaries are * contracted */ bool _is_above(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, const Point_2& point, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, Arr_has_contracted_side_tag) const; /* * Is the first given x-monotone curve above the second given? * \param xcv1 the first given curve * \param ps_y1 the parameter space in y of xcv1 * \param xcv2 the second given curve * \param Arr_oblivious_side_tag used for dispatching to ensure that this * function is invoked when the bottom and top boundaries are neither * identified nor contracted */ bool _is_above(const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& xcv2, const Point_2& point, Arr_parameter_space ps_y1, Arr_boundary_cond_tag) const; /*! * Computes the signs (in left/right and bottom/top) of a path * induced by the sequence he_to=>cv,cv_dir=>he_away, and reports * as side-effect the halfedges pointing to local minima copied * to an outputiterator. * \param he_to The predecessor halfedge. * \param cv The x-monotone curve we use to connect he_to's target and * he_away's source vertex. * \param cv_dir the direction of the curve between he_to and he_away * \param he_away The succcessor halfedge. * \param local_mins_it the outputiterator * (value_type = std::pair< DHalfedge*, int >, where the int denotes the * index) to report the halfedges pointing to local minima (<-shaped * situation) * \return A pair of signs for the induced path (ZERO if non-perimetric, * POSITIVE if perimetric ccb is oriented in positive direction, * NEGATIVE if perimetric ccb is oriented in negative direction). */ template std::pair _compute_signs_and_local_minima(const DHalfedge* he_to, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_halfedge_direction cv_dir, const DHalfedge* he_away, OutputIterator local_mins_it) const; /*! * Compute the signs (in left/right and bottom/top) of a closed ccb (loop) * represented by a given halfedge, and the halfedge pointing to the smallest * vertex on the ccb. * \param he The representative halfedge on the ccb. * \param ps_x_min The parameter space in x of the smallest vertex. * \param ps_y_min The parameter space in y of the smallest vertex. * \param index_min The index of the smallest vertex. * \return A pair of, a pair of signs for the induced path, and the halfedge * pointing to the smallest vertex. * A sign ZERO is if the ccb is non-perimetric, * POSITIVE if the ccb is perimetric and oriented in positive direction, * NEGATIVE if the ccb is perimetric and oriented in negative direction). */ std::pair, const DHalfedge*> _compute_signs_and_min(const DHalfedge* he, Arr_parameter_space& ps_x_min, Arr_parameter_space& ps_y_min, int& index_min) const; /*! * Compute the signs (in left/right and bottom/top) of a closed ccb (loop) * represented by a given halfedge. * \param he The representative halfedge on the ccb. * \return A pair of signs for the induced path. * A sign ZERO is if the ccb is non-perimetric, * POSITIVE if the ccb is perimetric and oriented in positive direction, * NEGATIVE if the ccb is perimetric and oriented in negative direction). */ std::pair _compute_signs(const DHalfedge* he, boost::mpl::bool_) const; /*! Compute the signs (in left/right and bottom/top) of a closed ccb (loop) * represented by a given halfedge for the case where non of the boundaries * is identified. * \return the pair (ZERO, ZERO) */ std::pair _compute_signs(const DHalfedge* he, boost::mpl::bool_) const; /*! * Given two predecessor halfedges that will be used for inserting a * new halfedge pair (he_to is the predecessor of the directed curve * cv, cv_dir and he_away will be the successor), such that the * insertion will create a new face that forms a hole inside an existing * face, determine whether he_to=>cv,cv_dir=>he_away will be part * of the new outer ccb of the new face. * \param he_to The predecessor halfedge. * \param cv The x-monotone curve we use to connect he_to's target and * he_away's source vertex. * \param cv_dir the direction of the curve between he_to and he_away * \param he_away The succcessor halfedge. * \pre he_to and he_away belong to the same inner CCB. * \return true if he_to=>cv,cv_dir=>he_away lie in the interior of the face we * are about to create (i.e.~are part of the new outer ccb), * false otherwise - in which case the subsequence * he_away->next()=>cv,opposite(cv_dir)=>he_to->next() * must be incident to this new face (i.e.~are part * of the new outer ccb). */ template bool _defines_outer_ccb_of_new_face(const DHalfedge* he_to, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, const DHalfedge* he_away, InputIterator lm_begin, InputIterator lm_end) const; /*! * Move a given outer CCB from one face to another. * \param from_face The face currently containing the component. * \param to_face The face into which we should move the component. * \param he A halfedge lying on the outer component. */ void _move_outer_ccb(DFace* from_face, DFace* to_face, DHalfedge* he); /*! * Move a given inner CCB (hole) from one face to another. * \param from_face The face currently containing the component. * \param to_face The face into which we should move the component. * \param he A halfedge lying on the inner component. */ void _move_inner_ccb(DFace* from_face, DFace* to_face, DHalfedge* he); /*! * Move all inner CCBs (holes) from one face to another. * \param from_face The face currently containing the components. * \param to_face The face into which we should move the components. */ void _move_all_inner_ccb(DFace* from_face, DFace* to_face); /*! * Insert the given vertex as an isolated vertex inside the given face. * \param f The face that should contain the isolated vertex. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ void _insert_isolated_vertex(DFace* f, DVertex* v); /*! * Move a given isolated vertex from one face to another. * \param from_face The face currently containing the isolated vertex. * \param to_face The face into which we should move the isolated vertex. * \param v The isolated vertex. */ void _move_isolated_vertex(DFace* from_face, DFace* to_face, DVertex* v); /*! * Move all isolated vertices from one face to another. * \param from_face The face currently containing the isolated vertices. * \param to_face The face into which we should move the isolated vertices. */ void _move_all_isolated_vertices(DFace* from_face, DFace* to_face); /*! * Create a new vertex and associate it with the given point. * \param p The point. * \return A pointer to the newly created vertex. */ DVertex* _create_vertex(const Point_2& p); /*! * Create a new boundary vertex. * \param cv The curve incident to the boundary. * \param ind The relevant curve-end. * \param bx The boundary condition in x. * \param by The boundary condition in y. * \pre Either bx or by does not equal ARR_INTERIOR. * \return A pointer to the newly created vertex. */ DVertex* _create_boundary_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_curve_end ind, Arr_parameter_space bx, Arr_parameter_space by); /*! * Locate the DCEL features that will be used for inserting the given curve * end, which has a boundary condition, and set a proper vertex there. * \param f The face that contains the curve end. * \param cv The x-monotone curve. * \param ind The curve end. * \param bx The boundary condition at the x-coordinate. * \param by The boundary condition at the y-coordinate. * \param p_pred Output: The predecessor halfedge around this vertex * (may be NULL, if no such halfedge exists). * \return The vertex that corresponds to the curve end. */ DVertex* _place_and_set_curve_end(DFace* f, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_curve_end ind, Arr_parameter_space bx, Arr_parameter_space by, DHalfedge** p_pred); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that both its * endpoints correspond to free arrangement vertices (newly created vertices * or existing isolated vertices), so a new inner CCB is formed in the face * that contains the two vertices. * \param f The face containing the two end vertices. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param cv_dir The direction of the curve * \param v1 The free vertex that corresponds to the left endpoint of cv. * \param v2 The free vertex that corresponds to the right endpoint of cv. * \return A pointer to one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, directed from v1 to v2. */ DHalfedge* _insert_in_face_interior(DFace* f, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_halfedge_direction cv_dir, DVertex* v1, DVertex* v2); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that one of its * endpoints corresponds to a given arrangement vertex, given the exact * place for the curve in the circular list around this vertex. The other * endpoint corrsponds to a free vertex (a newly created vertex or an * isolated vertex). * \param he_to The reference halfedge. We should represent cv as a pair * of edges, one of them should become he_to's successor. * \param cv The given x-monotone curve. * \param cv_dir The direction of cv. * \param v The free vertex that corresponds to the other endpoint. * \return A pointer to one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, whose target is the vertex v. */ DHalfedge* _insert_from_vertex(DHalfedge* he_to, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_halfedge_direction cv_dir, DVertex* v); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, where the end vertices * are given by the target points of two given halfedges. * The two halfedges should be given such that in case a new face is formed, * it will be the incident face of the halfedge directed from the first * vertex to the second vertex. * \param he_to The reference halfedge pointing to the insertion vertex * \param cv the given curve. * \param cv_dir the direction of the curve * \param he_away the reference halfedge for the second vertex. * \param res the comparison result of the points associated with prev1's * target vertex and prev2's target vertex. * \param new_face (Output) indicates whether a new face has been created. * \param swapped_predecessors (Output) indicates whether roles of prev1 and * prev2 have been switched * \param allow_swap_of_predecessors set to false if no swapping should * take place at all * \return A pointer to one of the halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve directed from prev1's target to prev2's target. * In case a new face has been created, it is given as the incident * face of this halfedge. */ DHalfedge* _insert_at_vertices(DHalfedge* he_to, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_halfedge_direction cv_dir, DHalfedge* he_away, bool& new_face, bool& swapped_predecessors, bool allow_swap_of_predecessors = true); /*! * Relocate all inner CCBs and isolated vertices to their proper position, * immediately after a face has split due to the insertion of a new halfedge. * \param new_he The new halfedge that caused the split, such that the new * face lies to its left and the old face to its right. */ void _relocate_in_new_face(DHalfedge* new_he); /*! * Relocate all inner CCBs to their proper position, * immediately after a face has split due to the insertion of a new halfedge. * \param new_he The new halfedge that caused the split, such that the new * face lies to its left and the old face to its right. */ void _relocate_inner_ccbs_in_new_face(DHalfedge* new_he); /*! * Relocate all vertices to their proper position, * immediately after a face has split due to the insertion of a new halfedge. * \param new_he The new halfedge that caused the split, such that the new * face lies to its left and the old face to its right. */ void _relocate_isolated_vertices_in_new_face(DHalfedge* new_he); /*! * Replace the point associated with the given vertex. * \param v The vertex to modify. * \param p The point that should be associated with the edge. */ void _modify_vertex(DVertex* v, const Point_2& p); /*! * Replace the x-monotone curve associated with the given edge. * \param e The edge to modify. * \param cv The curve that should be associated with the edge. */ void _modify_edge(DHalfedge* he, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv); /*! * Check if the given vertex represents one of the ends of a given curve. * \param v The vertex. * \param cv The curve. * \param ind Indicates whether the minimal or the maximal end of cv is * refereed to. * \return Whether v represents the left (or right) end of cv. */ bool _are_equal(const DVertex* v, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_curve_end ind) const; /*! * Split a given edge into two at a given point, and associate the given * x-monotone curves with the split edges. * \param e The edge to split (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param p The split point. * \param cv1 The curve that should be associated with the first split edge, * whose source equals e's source and its target is p. * \param cv2 The curve that should be associated with the second split edge, * whose source is p and its target equals e's target. * \return A pointer to the first split halfedge, whose source equals the * source of e, and whose target is the split point. */ DHalfedge* _split_edge(DHalfedge* e, const Point_2& p, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2); /*! * Split a given edge into two at a given vertex, and associate the given * x-monotone curves with the split edges. * \param e The edge to split (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \param v The split vertex. * \param cv1 The curve that should be associated with the first split edge, * whose source equals e's source and its target is v. * \param cv2 The curve that should be associated with the second split edge, * whose source is v and its target equals e's target. * \return A pointer to the first split halfedge, whose source equals the * source of e, and whose target is v. */ DHalfedge* _split_edge(DHalfedge* e, DVertex* v, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv1, const X_monotone_curve_2& cv2); /*! * Remove a pair of twin halfedges from the arrangement. * \param e One of the halfedges to be removed. * \param remove_source Should the source vertex of e be removed if it * becomes isolated. * \param remove_target Should the target vertex of e be removed if it * becomes isolated. * \pre In case the removal causes the creation of a new inner CCB (hole), * e should point at this hole. * \return A pointer to the remaining face. */ DFace* _remove_edge(DHalfedge* e, bool remove_source, bool remove_target); /*! * Decides whether a hole is created when an edge is removed. * * \param signs1 signs of future ccb1 * \param signs2 signs of future ccb2 * \param same_face to he and he->opposite() belong to same face * return true, in case a new hole is created, false otherwise */ bool _hole_creation_on_edge_removal(std::pair< CGAL::Sign, CGAL::Sign > signs1, std::pair< CGAL::Sign, CGAL::Sign > signs2, bool same_face); /*! * Remove a vertex in case it becomes redundant after the deletion of an * incident edge. * \param v The vertex. * \param f The face that contains v (in case it becomes isolated). */ void _remove_vertex_if_redundant(DVertex* v, DFace* f); /*! * Remove an isolated vertex from the interior of its face (but not from * the DCEL). * \param v The isolated vertex to remove. */ void _remove_isolated_vertex(DVertex* v); //@} /// \name Auxiliary (protected) functions for validity checking. //@{ /*! Check the validity of a given vertex. */ bool _is_valid(Vertex_const_handle v) const; /*! Check the validity of a given halfedge. */ bool _is_valid(Halfedge_const_handle he) const; /*! Check the validity of a given face. */ bool _is_valid(Face_const_handle f) const; /*! Check the validity of an outer CCB. */ bool _is_outer_ccb_valid(const DOuter_ccb* oc, const DHalfedge* first) const; /*! Check the validity of an inner CCB. */ bool _is_inner_ccb_valid(const DInner_ccb* ic, const DHalfedge* first) const; /*! * Check that all vertices are unique (no two vertices with the same * geometric point. */ bool _are_vertices_unique() const; /*! Check that the curves around a given vertex are ordered clockwise. */ bool _are_curves_ordered_cw_around_vertrex(Vertex_const_handle v) const; //@} protected: /// \name Managing and notifying the arrangement observers. //@{ /*! * Register a new observer (so it starts receiving notifications). * \param p_obs A pointer to the observer object. */ void _register_observer(Observer* p_obs) { m_observers.push_back(p_obs); } /*! * Unregister a new observer (so it stops receiving notifications). * \param p_obs A pointer to the observer object. * \return Whether the observer was successfully unregistered. */ bool _unregister_observer(Observer* p_obs) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { if ((*iter) == p_obs) { // Remove the p_ob pointer from the list of observers. m_observers.erase (iter); return true; } } // If we reached here, the observer was not registered. return false; } protected: /* Notify the observers on global arrangement operations: */ void _notify_before_assign(const Self& arr) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_assign(arr); } void _notify_after_assign() { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_assign(); } void _notify_before_clear() { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_clear(); } void _notify_after_clear() { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_clear(); } void _notify_before_global_change() { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_global_change(); } void _notify_after_global_change() { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_global_change(); } /* Notify the observers on local changes in the arrangement: */ void _notify_before_create_vertex(const Point_2& p) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_create_vertex(p); } void _notify_after_create_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_create_vertex(v); } void _notify_before_create_boundary_vertex(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv, Arr_curve_end ind, Arr_parameter_space bx, Arr_parameter_space by) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_create_boundary_vertex(cv, ind, bx, by); } void _notify_after_create_boundary_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_create_boundary_vertex(v); } void _notify_before_create_edge(const X_monotone_curve_2& c, Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_create_edge(c, v1, v2); } void _notify_after_create_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_create_edge(e); } void _notify_before_modify_vertex(Vertex_handle v, const Point_2& p) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_modify_vertex(v, p); } void _notify_after_modify_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_modify_vertex(v); } void _notify_before_modify_edge(Halfedge_handle e, const X_monotone_curve_2& c) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_modify_edge(e, c); } void _notify_after_modify_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_modify_edge(e); } void _notify_before_split_edge(Halfedge_handle e, Vertex_handle v, const X_monotone_curve_2& c1, const X_monotone_curve_2& c2) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_split_edge(e, v, c1, c2); } void _notify_after_split_edge(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_split_edge(e1, e2); } void _notify_before_split_fictitious_edge(Halfedge_handle e, Vertex_handle v) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_split_fictitious_edge(e, v); } void _notify_after_split_fictitious_edge(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_split_fictitious_edge(e1, e2); } void _notify_before_split_face(Face_handle f, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_split_face(f, e); } void _notify_after_split_face(Face_handle f, Face_handle new_f, bool is_hole) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_split_face(f, new_f, is_hole); } void _notify_before_split_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_split_outer_ccb(f, h, e); } void _notify_after_split_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h1, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h2) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_split_outer_ccb(f, h1, h2); } void _notify_before_split_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_split_inner_ccb(f, h, e); } void _notify_after_split_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h1, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h2) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_split_inner_ccb(f, h1, h2); } void _notify_before_add_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_add_outer_ccb(f, e); } void _notify_after_add_outer_ccb(Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_add_outer_ccb(h); } void _notify_before_add_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_add_inner_ccb(f, e); } void _notify_after_add_inner_ccb(Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_add_inner_ccb(h); } void _notify_before_add_isolated_vertex(Face_handle f, Vertex_handle v) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_add_isolated_vertex(f, v); } void _notify_after_add_isolated_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_add_isolated_vertex(v); } void _notify_before_merge_edge(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2, const X_monotone_curve_2& c) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_merge_edge(e1, e2, c); } void _notify_after_merge_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_merge_edge(e); } void _notify_before_merge_fictitious_edge(Halfedge_handle e1, Halfedge_handle e2) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_merge_fictitious_edge(e1, e2); } void _notify_after_merge_fictitious_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_merge_fictitious_edge(e); } void _notify_before_merge_face(Face_handle f1, Face_handle f2, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_merge_face(f1, f2, e); } void _notify_after_merge_face(Face_handle f) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_merge_face(f); } void _notify_before_merge_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h1, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h2, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_merge_outer_ccb(f, h1, h2, e); } void _notify_after_merge_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_merge_outer_ccb(f, h); } void _notify_before_merge_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h1, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h2, Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_merge_inner_ccb(f, h1, h2, e); } void _notify_after_merge_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_merge_inner_ccb(f, h); } void _notify_before_move_outer_ccb(Face_handle from_f, Face_handle to_f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_move_outer_ccb(from_f, to_f, h); } void _notify_after_move_outer_ccb(Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_move_outer_ccb(h); } void _notify_before_move_inner_ccb(Face_handle from_f, Face_handle to_f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_move_inner_ccb(from_f, to_f, h); } void _notify_after_move_inner_ccb(Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_move_inner_ccb(h); } void _notify_before_move_isolated_vertex(Face_handle from_f, Face_handle to_f, Vertex_handle v) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_move_isolated_vertex(from_f, to_f, v); } void _notify_after_move_isolated_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_move_isolated_vertex(v); } void _notify_before_remove_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_remove_vertex(v); } void _notify_after_remove_vertex() { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_remove_vertex(); } void _notify_before_remove_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_remove_edge(e); } void _notify_after_remove_edge() { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_remove_edge(); } void _notify_before_remove_outer_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_remove_outer_ccb(f, h); } void _notify_after_remove_outer_ccb(Face_handle f) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_remove_outer_ccb(f); } void _notify_before_remove_inner_ccb(Face_handle f, Ccb_halfedge_circulator h) { Observers_iterator iter; Observers_iterator end = m_observers.end(); for (iter = m_observers.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->before_remove_inner_ccb(f, h); } void _notify_after_remove_inner_ccb(Face_handle f) { Observers_rev_iterator iter; Observers_rev_iterator end = m_observers.rend(); for (iter = m_observers.rbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->after_remove_inner_ccb(f); } //@} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declarations of the various global insertion and removal functions. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In some compilers there is a template deduction disambiguity between this // function and the following function receiving two InputIterator. // For now the solution is to add a dummy variable at the end (referring // to point-location). Maybe the proper solution is to use boost::enable_if // together with appropriate tag. /*! * Insert a curve or x-monotone curve into the arrangement (incremental * insertion). * The inserted curve can be x-monotone (or not) and may intersect the * existing arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param cv The curve to be inserted. * \param pl A point-location object associated with the arrangement. */ template void insert(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const Curve& c, const PointLocation& pl, typename PointLocation::Point_2* = 0); /*! * Insert a curve or x-monotone curve into the arrangement (incremental * insertion). * The inserted curve can be x-monotone (or not) and may intersect the * existing arrangement. The default "walk" point-location strategy is used * for the curve insertion. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param cv The curve to be inserted. */ template void insert(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const Curve& c); /*! * Insert a range of curves or x-monotone curves into the arrangement * (aggregated insertion). * The inserted curves may intersect one another and may also intersect the * existing arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param begin An iterator for the first curve in the range. * \param end A past-the-end iterator for the curve range. * \pre The value type of the iterators must be Curve_2. */ template void insert(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement (incremental insertion) * when the location of the left endpoint of the curve is known and is * given as an isertion hint. * The inserted x-monotone curve may intersect the existing arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param cv The x-monotone curve to be inserted. * \param obj An object that represents the location of cv's left endpoint * in the arrangement. */ template void insert(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::X_monotone_curve_2& c, const Object& obj); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that the curve * interior does not intersect with any existing edge or vertex in the * arragement (incremental insertion). * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The x-monotone curve to be inserted. * \param pl A point-location object associated with the arrangement. * \pre The interior of c does not intersect any existing edge or vertex. * \return A handle for one of the new halfedges corresponding to the * inserted curve, directed (lexicographically) from left to right. */ template typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Halfedge_handle insert_non_intersecting_curve (Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::X_monotone_curve_2& c, const PointLocation& pl); /*! * Insert an x-monotone curve into the arrangement, such that the curve * interior does not intersect with any existing edge or vertex in the * arragement (incremental insertion). The default point-location strategy * is used for the curve insertion. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The x-monotone curve to be inserted. * \pre The interior of c does not intersect any existing edge or vertex. * \return A handle for one of the new halfedges corresponding to the inserted * curve, directed (lexicographically) from left to right. */ template typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Halfedge_handle insert_non_intersecting_curve (Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::X_monotone_curve_2& c); /*! * Insert a range of pairwise interior-disjoint x-monotone curves into * the arrangement, such that the curve interiors do not intersect with * any existing edge or vertex in the arragement (aggregated insertion). * \param arr The arrangement. * \param begin An iterator for the first x-monotone curve in the range. * \param end A past-the-end iterator for the x-monotone curve range. * \pre The value type of the iterators must be X_monotone_curve_2. * The curves in the range are pairwise interior-disjoint, and their * interiors do not intersect any existing edge or vertex. */ template void insert_non_intersecting_curves (Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); /*! * Remove an edge from the arrangement. In case it is possible to merge * the edges incident to the end-vertices of the removed edge after its * deletion, the function performs these merges as well. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param e The edge to remove (one of the pair of twin halfegdes). * \return A handle for the remaining face. */ template typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Face_handle remove_edge(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Halfedge_handle e); /*! * Insert a vertex that corresponds to a given point into the arrangement. * The inserted point may lie on any existing arrangement feature. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param p The point to be inserted. * \param pl A point-location object associated with the arrangement. * \return A handle to the vertex that corresponds to the given point. */ template typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Vertex_handle insert_point(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::Point_2& p, const PointLocation& pl); /*! * Insert a vertex that corresponds to a given point into the arrangement. * The inserted point may lie on any existing arrangement feature. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param p The point to be inserted. * \return A handle to the vertex that corresponds to the given point. */ template typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Vertex_handle insert_point(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::Point_2& p); /*! * Remove a vertex from the arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param v The vertex to remove. * \return Whether the vertex has been removed or not. */ template bool remove_vertex(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, typename Arrangement_on_surface_2::Vertex_handle v); /*! * Check the validity of the arrangement. In particular, check that the * edegs are disjoint-interior, and the holes are located in their proper * position. * \param arr The arrangement. * \return Whether the arrangement is valid. */ template bool is_valid(const Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr); /*! * Compute the zone of the given x-monotone curve in the existing arrangement. * Meaning, it output the arrangment's vertices, edges and faces that the * x-monotone curve intersects. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The x-monotone curve that its zone was computed. * \param oi Output iterator of CGAL::Object to insert the zone elements to. * \param pi The point location strategy that is used to locate the starting * point. * \return The output iterator that the curves were inserted to. */ template OutputIterator zone(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::X_monotone_curve_2& c, OutputIterator oi, const PointLocation& pl); /*! * Compute the zone of the given x-monotone curve in the existing arrangement. * Overloaded version with no point location object - the walk point-location * strategy is used as default. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The x-monotone curve that its zone was computed. * \param oi Output iterator of CGAL::Object to insert the zone elements to. * \return The output iterator that the curves were inserted to. */ template OutputIterator zone(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const typename GeomTraits::X_monotone_curve_2& c, OutputIterator oi); /*! * Checks if the given curve/x-monotone curve intersects the existing * arrangement. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The curve/x-monotone curve. * \param pi The point location strategy that is used to locate the starting * point. * \return True if the curve intersect the arrangement, false otherwise. */ template bool do_intersect(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const Curve& c, const PointLocation& pl); /*! * Checks if the given curve/x-monotone curve intersects the existing * arrangement. * Overloaded version with no point location object - the walk point-location * strategy is used as default. * \param arr The arrangement. * \param c The x-monotone curve/curve. * \return True if the curve intersect the arrangement, false otherwise. */ template bool do_intersect(Arrangement_on_surface_2& arr, const Curve& c); } //namespace CGAL // The function definitions can be found under: #include #include #endif