// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Samuel Hornus #ifndef CGAL_DELAUNAY_COMPLEX_H #define CGAL_DELAUNAY_COMPLEX_H #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template< typename DCTraits, typename _TDS = Default > class Delaunay_triangulation : public Triangulation, Triangulation_full_cell > >::type > { typedef typename DCTraits::Dimension Maximal_dimension_; typedef typename Default::Get<_TDS, Triangulation_data_structure< Maximal_dimension_, Triangulation_vertex, Triangulation_full_cell > >::type TDS; typedef Triangulation Base; typedef Delaunay_triangulation Self; typedef typename DCTraits::Side_of_oriented_sphere_d Side_of_oriented_sphere_d; typedef typename DCTraits::Orientation_d Orientation_d; public: // PUBLIC NESTED TYPES typedef DCTraits Geom_traits; typedef typename Base::Triangulation_ds Triangulation_ds; typedef typename Base::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Base::Full_cell Full_cell; typedef typename Base::Facet Facet; typedef typename Base::Face Face; typedef typename Base::Maximal_dimension Maximal_dimension; typedef typename DCTraits::Point_d Point; typedef typename DCTraits::Point_d Point_d; typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Base::Full_cell_handle Full_cell_handle; typedef typename Base::Full_cell_iterator Full_cell_iterator; typedef typename Base::Full_cell_const_handle Full_cell_const_handle; typedef typename Base::Full_cell_const_iterator Full_cell_const_iterator; typedef typename Base::size_type size_type; typedef typename Base::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename Base::Locate_type Locate_type; protected: // DATA MEMBERS public: using Base::maximal_dimension; using Base::are_incident_full_cells_valid; using Base::coaffine_orientation_predicate; using Base::reset_flat_orientation; using Base::current_dimension; //using Base::star; //using Base::incident_full_cells; using Base::geom_traits; using Base::index_of_covertex; using Base::infinite_vertex; using Base::insert_in_hole; using Base::insert_outside_convex_hull_1; using Base::is_infinite; using Base::is_valid; using Base::locate; using Base::points_begin; using Base::set_neighbors; using Base::new_full_cell; using Base::number_of_vertices; using Base::orientation; using Base::tds; using Base::reorient_full_cells; using Base::full_cell; using Base::full_cells_begin; using Base::full_cells_end; using Base::vertices_begin; using Base::vertices_end; // using Base:: private: //*** Side_of_oriented_subsphere_d *** typedef typename Base::Flat_orientation_d Flat_orientation_d; typedef typename Base::Construct_flat_orientation_d Construct_flat_orientation_d; typedef typename DCTraits::In_flat_side_of_oriented_sphere_d In_flat_side_of_oriented_sphere_d; // Wrapper struct Side_of_oriented_subsphere_d { boost::optional* fop; Construct_flat_orientation_d cfo; In_flat_side_of_oriented_sphere_d ifsoos; Side_of_oriented_subsphere_d( boost::optional& x, Construct_flat_orientation_d const&y, In_flat_side_of_oriented_sphere_d const&z) : fop(&x), cfo(y), ifsoos(z) {} template CGAL::Orientation operator()(Iter a, Iter b, const Point & p)const { if(!*fop) *fop=cfo(a,b); return ifsoos(fop->get(),a,b,p); } }; public: // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UTILITIES // A co-dimension 2 sub-simplex. called a Rotor because we can rotate // the two "covertices" around the sub-simplex. Useful for traversing the // boundary of a hole. NOT DOCUMENTED typedef cpp11::tuple Rotor; /*Full_cell_handle full_cell(const Rotor & r) const // NOT DOCUMENTED { return cpp11::get<0>(r); } int index_of_covertex(const Rotor & r) const // NOT DOCUMENTED { return cpp11::get<1>(r); } int index_of_second_covertex(const Rotor & r) const // NOT DOCUMENTED { return cpp11::get<2>(r); }*/ Rotor rotate_rotor(Rotor & r) // NOT DOCUMENTED... { int opposite = cpp11::get<0>(r)->mirror_index(cpp11::get<1>(r)); Full_cell_handle s = cpp11::get<0>(r)->neighbor(cpp11::get<1>(r)); int new_second = s->index(cpp11::get<0>(r)->vertex(cpp11::get<2>(r))); return Rotor(s, new_second, opposite); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREATION / CONSTRUCTORS Delaunay_triangulation(int dim, const Geom_traits k = Geom_traits()) : Base(dim, k) { } // With this constructor, // the user can specify a Flat_orientation_d object to be used for // orienting simplices of a specific dimension // (= preset_flat_orientation_.first) // It it used by the dark triangulations created by DT::remove Delaunay_triangulation( int dim, const std::pair &preset_flat_orientation, const Geom_traits k = Geom_traits()) : Base(dim, preset_flat_orientation, k) { } ~Delaunay_triangulation() {} // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACCESS // Not Documented Side_of_oriented_subsphere_d side_of_oriented_subsphere_predicate() const { return Side_of_oriented_subsphere_d ( flat_orientation_, geom_traits().construct_flat_orientation_d_object(), geom_traits().in_flat_side_of_oriented_sphere_d_object() ); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REMOVALS Full_cell_handle remove(Vertex_handle); Full_cell_handle remove(const Point & p, Full_cell_handle hint = Full_cell_handle()) { Locate_type lt; Face f(maximal_dimension()); Facet ft; Full_cell_handle s = locate(p, lt, f, ft, hint); if( Base::ON_VERTEX == lt ) { return remove(s->vertex(f.index(0))); } return Full_cell_handle(); } template< typename ForwardIterator > void remove(ForwardIterator start, ForwardIterator end) { while( start != end ) remove(*start++); } // Not documented void remove_decrease_dimension(Vertex_handle); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSERTIONS template< typename ForwardIterator > size_type insert(ForwardIterator start, ForwardIterator end) { size_type n = number_of_vertices(); std::vector points(start, end); spatial_sort(points.begin(), points.end(), geom_traits()); Full_cell_handle hint; for( typename std::vector::const_iterator p = points.begin(); p != points.end(); ++p ) { hint = insert(*p, hint)->full_cell(); } return number_of_vertices() - n; } Vertex_handle insert(const Point &, const Locate_type, const Face &, const Facet &, const Full_cell_handle); Vertex_handle insert(const Point & p, const Full_cell_handle start = Full_cell_handle()) { Locate_type lt; Face f(maximal_dimension()); Facet ft; Full_cell_handle s = locate(p, lt, f, ft, start); return insert(p, lt, f, ft, s); } Vertex_handle insert(const Point & p, const Vertex_handle hint) { CGAL_assertion( Vertex_handle() != hint ); return insert(p, hint->full_cell()); } Vertex_handle insert_outside_affine_hull(const Point &); Vertex_handle insert_in_conflicting_cell(const Point &, const Full_cell_handle); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GATHERING CONFLICTING SIMPLICES bool is_in_conflict(const Point &, Full_cell_const_handle) const; template< class OrientationPredicate > Oriented_side perturbed_side_of_positive_sphere(const Point &, Full_cell_const_handle, const OrientationPredicate &) const; template< typename OutputIterator > Facet compute_conflict_zone(const Point &, const Full_cell_handle, OutputIterator) const; template < typename OrientationPredicate, typename SideOfOrientedSpherePredicate > class Conflict_predicate { const Self & dc_; const Point & p_; OrientationPredicate ori_; SideOfOrientedSpherePredicate side_of_s_; int cur_dim_; public: Conflict_predicate( const Self & dc, const Point & p, const OrientationPredicate & ori, const SideOfOrientedSpherePredicate & side) : dc_(dc), p_(p), ori_(ori), side_of_s_(side), cur_dim_(dc.current_dimension()) {} inline bool operator()(Full_cell_const_handle s) const { bool ok; if( ! dc_.is_infinite(s) ) { Oriented_side side = side_of_s_(dc_.points_begin(s), dc_.points_begin(s) + cur_dim_ + 1, p_); if( ON_POSITIVE_SIDE == side ) ok = true; else if( ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE == side ) ok = false; else ok = ON_POSITIVE_SIDE == dc_.perturbed_side_of_positive_sphere(p_, s, ori_); } else { typedef typename Full_cell::Vertex_handle_const_iterator VHCI; typedef Substitute_point_in_vertex_iterator F; F spivi(dc_.infinite_vertex(), &p_); Orientation o = ori_( boost::make_transform_iterator(s->vertices_begin(), spivi), boost::make_transform_iterator(s->vertices_begin() + cur_dim_ + 1, spivi)); if( POSITIVE == o ) ok = true; else if( o == NEGATIVE ) ok = false; else ok = (*this)(s->neighbor( s->index( dc_.infinite_vertex() ) )); } return ok; } }; template < typename ConflictPredicate > class Conflict_traversal_predicate { const Self & dc_; const ConflictPredicate & pred_; public: Conflict_traversal_predicate(const Self & dc, const ConflictPredicate & pred) : dc_(dc), pred_(pred) {} inline bool operator()(const Facet & f) const { return pred_(dc_.full_cell(f)->neighbor(dc_.index_of_covertex(f))); } }; private: // Some internal types to shorten notation typedef typename Base::Coaffine_orientation_d Coaffine_orientation_d; using Base::flat_orientation_; typedef Conflict_predicate Conflict_pred_in_subspace; typedef Conflict_predicate Conflict_pred_in_fullspace; typedef Conflict_traversal_predicate Conflict_traversal_pred_in_subspace; typedef Conflict_traversal_predicate Conflict_traversal_pred_in_fullspace; // This is used in the |remove(v)| member function to manage sets of Full_cell_handles template< typename FCH > struct Full_cell_set : public std::vector { typedef std::vector Base_set; using Base_set::begin; using Base_set::end; void make_searchable() { // sort the full cell handles std::sort(begin(), end()); } bool contains(const FCH & fch) const { return std::binary_search(begin(), end(), fch); } bool contains_1st_and_not_2nd(const FCH & fst, const FCH & snd) const { return ( ! contains(snd) ) && ( contains(fst) ); } }; }; // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // FUNCTIONS THAT ARE MEMBER METHODS: // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REMOVALS template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > typename Delaunay_triangulation::Full_cell_handle Delaunay_triangulation ::remove( Vertex_handle v ) { CGAL_precondition( ! is_infinite(v) ); CGAL_expensive_precondition( is_vertex(v) ); // THE CASE cur_dim == 0 if( 0 == current_dimension() ) { remove_decrease_dimension(v); return Full_cell_handle(); } else if( 1 == current_dimension() ) { // THE CASE cur_dim == 1 if( 2 == number_of_vertices() ) { remove_decrease_dimension(v); return Full_cell_handle(); } Full_cell_handle left = v->full_cell(); if( is_infinite(left) && left->neighbor(0)->index(left) == 0 ) // we are on the infinite right. left = left->neighbor(0); if( 0 == left->index(v) ) left = left->neighbor(1); CGAL_assertion( 1 == left->index(v) ); Full_cell_handle right = left->neighbor(0); if( ! is_infinite(right) ) { tds().associate_vertex_with_full_cell(left, 1, right->vertex(1)); set_neighbors(left, 0, right->neighbor(0), right->mirror_index(0)); } else { tds().associate_vertex_with_full_cell(left, 1, left->vertex(0)); tds().associate_vertex_with_full_cell(left, 0, infinite_vertex()); set_neighbors(left, 0, left->neighbor(1), left->mirror_index(1)); set_neighbors(left, 1, right->neighbor(1), right->mirror_index(1)); } tds().delete_vertex(v); tds().delete_full_cell(right); return left; } // THE CASE cur_dim >= 2 // Gather the finite vertices sharing an edge with |v| typedef Full_cell_set Simplices; Simplices simps; std::back_insert_iterator out(simps); tds().incident_full_cells(v, out); typedef std::set Vertex_set; Vertex_set verts; Vertex_handle vh; for( typename Simplices::iterator it = simps.begin(); it != simps.end(); ++it ) for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) { vh = (*it)->vertex(i); if( is_infinite(vh) ) continue; if( vh == v ) continue; verts.insert(vh); } // After gathering finite neighboring vertices, create their Dark Delaunay triangulation typedef Triangulation_vertex Dark_vertex_base; typedef Triangulation_full_cell > Dark_full_cell_base; typedef Triangulation_data_structure Dark_tds; typedef Delaunay_triangulation Dark_triangulation; typedef typename Dark_triangulation::Face Dark_face; typedef typename Dark_triangulation::Facet Dark_facet; typedef typename Dark_triangulation::Vertex_handle Dark_v_handle; typedef typename Dark_triangulation::Full_cell_handle Dark_s_handle; // If flat_orientation_ is defined, we give it the Dark triangulation // so that the orientation it uses for "current_dimension()"-simplices is // coherent with the global triangulation Dark_triangulation dark_side( maximal_dimension(), flat_orientation_ ? std::pair(current_dimension(), flat_orientation_.get_ptr()) : std::pair((std::numeric_limits::max)(), (Flat_orientation_d*) NULL) ); Dark_s_handle dark_s; Dark_v_handle dark_v; typedef std::map Vertex_map; Vertex_map light_to_dark; typename Vertex_set::iterator vit = verts.begin(); while( vit != verts.end() ) { dark_v = dark_side.insert((*vit)->point(), dark_s); dark_s = dark_v->full_cell(); dark_v->data() = *vit; light_to_dark[*vit] = dark_v; ++vit; } if( dark_side.current_dimension() != current_dimension() ) { CGAL_assertion( dark_side.current_dimension() + 1 == current_dimension() ); // Here, the finite neighbors of |v| span a affine subspace of // dimension one less than the current dimension. Two cases are possible: if( (size_type)(verts.size() + 1) == number_of_vertices() ) { remove_decrease_dimension(v); return Full_cell_handle(); } else { // |v| is strictly outside the convex hull of the rest of the points. This is an // easy case: first, modify the finite full_cells, then, delete the infinite ones. // We don't even need the Dark triangulation. Simplices infinite_simps; { Simplices finite_simps; for( typename Simplices::iterator it = simps.begin(); it != simps.end(); ++it ) if( is_infinite(*it) ) infinite_simps.push_back(*it); else finite_simps.push_back(*it); simps.swap(finite_simps); } // now, simps only contains finite simplices // First, modify the finite full_cells: for( typename Simplices::iterator it = simps.begin(); it != simps.end(); ++it ) { int v_idx = (*it)->index(v); tds().associate_vertex_with_full_cell(*it, v_idx, infinite_vertex()); if( v_idx != 0 ) { // we must put the infinite vertex at index 0. // OK, now with the new convention that the infinite vertex // does not have to be at index 0, this is not necessary, // but still, I prefer to keep this piece of code here. [-- Samuel Hornus] (*it)->swap_vertices(0, v_idx); // Now, we preserve the positive orientation of the full_cell (*it)->swap_vertices(current_dimension() - 1, current_dimension()); } } // Make the handles to infinite full cells searchable infinite_simps.make_searchable(); // Then, modify the neighboring relation for( typename Simplices::iterator it = simps.begin(); it != simps.end(); ++it ) { for( int i = 1; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) { (*it)->vertex(i)->set_full_cell(*it); Full_cell_handle n = (*it)->neighbor(i); // Was |n| a finite full cell prior to removing |v| ? if( ! infinite_simps.contains(n) ) continue; int n_idx = n->index(v); set_neighbors(*it, i, n->neighbor(n_idx), n->neighbor(n_idx)->index(n)); } } Full_cell_handle ret_s; // Then, we delete the infinite full_cells for( typename Simplices::iterator it = infinite_simps.begin(); it != infinite_simps.end(); ++it ) tds().delete_full_cell(*it); tds().delete_vertex(v); return simps.front(); } } else // From here on, dark_side.current_dimension() == current_dimension() { dark_side.infinite_vertex()->data() = infinite_vertex(); light_to_dark[infinite_vertex()] = dark_side.infinite_vertex(); } // Now, compute the conflict zone of v->point() in // the dark side. This is precisely the set of full_cells // that we have to glue back into the light side. Dark_face dark_f(dark_side.maximal_dimension()); Dark_facet dark_ft; typename Dark_triangulation::Locate_type lt; dark_s = dark_side.locate(v->point(), lt, dark_f, dark_ft); CGAL_assertion( lt != Dark_triangulation::ON_VERTEX && lt != Dark_triangulation::OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL ); // |ret_s| is the full_cell that we return Dark_s_handle dark_ret_s = dark_s; Full_cell_handle ret_s; typedef Full_cell_set Dark_full_cells; Dark_full_cells conflict_zone; std::back_insert_iterator dark_out(conflict_zone); dark_ft = dark_side.compute_conflict_zone(v->point(), dark_s, dark_out); // Make the dark simplices in the conflict zone searchable conflict_zone.make_searchable(); // THE FOLLOWING SHOULD MAYBE GO IN TDS. // Here is the plan: // 1. Pick any Facet from boundary of the light zone // 2. Find corresponding Facet on boundary of dark zone // 3. stitch. // 1. Build a facet on the boudary of the light zone: Full_cell_handle light_s = *simps.begin(); Facet light_ft(light_s, light_s->index(v)); // 2. Find corresponding Dark_facet on boundary of the dark zone Dark_full_cells dark_incident_s; for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) { if( index_of_covertex(light_ft) == i ) continue; Dark_v_handle dark_v = light_to_dark[full_cell(light_ft)->vertex(i)]; dark_incident_s.clear(); dark_out = std::back_inserter(dark_incident_s); dark_side.tds().incident_full_cells(dark_v, dark_out); for( typename Dark_full_cells::iterator it = dark_incident_s.begin(); it != dark_incident_s.end(); ++it ) { (*it)->data().count_ += 1; } } for( typename Dark_full_cells::iterator it = dark_incident_s.begin(); it != dark_incident_s.end(); ++it ) { if( current_dimension() != (*it)->data().count_ ) continue; if( ! conflict_zone.contains(*it) ) continue; // We found a full_cell incident to the dark facet corresponding to the light facet |light_ft| int ft_idx = 0; while( light_s->has_vertex( (*it)->vertex(ft_idx)->data() ) ) ++ft_idx; dark_ft = Dark_facet(*it, ft_idx); break; } // Pre-3. Now, we are ready to traverse both boundary and do the stiching. // But first, we create the new full_cells in the light triangulation, // with as much adjacency information as possible. // Create new full_cells with vertices for( typename Dark_full_cells::iterator it = conflict_zone.begin(); it != conflict_zone.end(); ++it ) { Full_cell_handle new_s = new_full_cell(); (*it)->data().light_copy_ = new_s; for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) tds().associate_vertex_with_full_cell(new_s, i, (*it)->vertex(i)->data()); if( dark_ret_s == *it ) ret_s = new_s; } // Setup adjacencies inside the hole for( typename Dark_full_cells::iterator it = conflict_zone.begin(); it != conflict_zone.end(); ++it ) { Full_cell_handle new_s = (*it)->data().light_copy_; for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) if( conflict_zone.contains((*it)->neighbor(i)) ) tds().set_neighbors(new_s, i, (*it)->neighbor(i)->data().light_copy_, (*it)->mirror_index(i)); } // 3. Stitch simps.make_searchable(); typedef std::queue > Queue; Queue q; q.push(std::make_pair(light_ft, dark_ft)); dark_s = dark_side.full_cell(dark_ft); int dark_i = dark_side.index_of_covertex(dark_ft); // mark dark_ft as visited: // TODO try by marking with Dark_v_handle (vertex) dark_s->neighbor(dark_i)->set_neighbor(dark_s->mirror_index(dark_i), Dark_s_handle()); while( ! q.empty() ) { std::pair p = q.front(); q.pop(); light_ft = p.first; dark_ft = p.second; light_s = full_cell(light_ft); int light_i = index_of_covertex(light_ft); dark_s = dark_side.full_cell(dark_ft); int dark_i = dark_side.index_of_covertex(dark_ft); Full_cell_handle light_n = light_s->neighbor(light_i); set_neighbors(dark_s->data().light_copy_, dark_i, light_n, light_s->mirror_index(light_i)); for( int di = 0; di <= current_dimension(); ++di ) { if( di == dark_i ) continue; int li = light_s->index(dark_s->vertex(di)->data()); Rotor light_r(light_s, li, light_i); typename Dark_triangulation::Rotor dark_r(dark_s, di, dark_i); while (simps.contains(cpp11::get<0>(light_r)->neighbor(cpp11::get<1>(light_r)))) light_r = rotate_rotor(light_r); while (conflict_zone.contains(cpp11::get<0>(dark_r)->neighbor(cpp11::get<1>(dark_r)))) dark_r = dark_side.rotate_rotor(dark_r); Dark_s_handle dark_ns = cpp11::get<0>(dark_r); int dark_ni = cpp11::get<1>(dark_r); Full_cell_handle light_ns = cpp11::get<0>(light_r); int light_ni = cpp11::get<1>(light_r); // mark dark_r as visited: // TODO try by marking with Dark_v_handle (vertex) Dark_s_handle outside = dark_ns->neighbor(dark_ni); Dark_v_handle mirror = dark_ns->mirror_vertex(dark_ni, current_dimension()); int dn = outside->index(mirror); if( Dark_s_handle() == outside->neighbor(dn) ) continue; outside->set_neighbor(dn, Dark_s_handle()); q.push(std::make_pair(Facet(light_ns, light_ni), Dark_facet(dark_ns, dark_ni))); } } tds().delete_full_cells(simps.begin(), simps.end()); tds().delete_vertex(v); return ret_s; } template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > void Delaunay_triangulation ::remove_decrease_dimension(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_precondition( current_dimension() >= 0 ); tds().remove_decrease_dimension(v, infinite_vertex()); // reset the predicates: reset_flat_orientation(); if( 1 <= current_dimension() ) { Full_cell_handle inf_v_cell = infinite_vertex()->full_cell(); int inf_v_index = inf_v_cell->index(infinite_vertex()); Full_cell_handle s = inf_v_cell->neighbor(inf_v_index); Orientation o = orientation(s); CGAL_assertion( ZERO != o ); if( NEGATIVE == o ) reorient_full_cells(); } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSERTIONS template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > typename Delaunay_triangulation::Vertex_handle Delaunay_triangulation ::insert(const Point & p, const Locate_type lt, const Face & f, const Facet &, const Full_cell_handle s) { switch( lt ) { case Base::OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL: return insert_outside_affine_hull(p); break; case Base::ON_VERTEX: { Vertex_handle v = s->vertex(f.index(0)); v->set_point(p); return v; break; } default: if( 1 == current_dimension() ) { if( Base::OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL == lt ) { return insert_outside_convex_hull_1(p, s); } Vertex_handle v = tds().insert_in_full_cell(s); v->set_point(p); return v; } else return insert_in_conflicting_cell(p, s); break; } } template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > typename Delaunay_triangulation::Vertex_handle Delaunay_triangulation ::insert_outside_affine_hull(const Point & p) { // we don't use Base::insert_outside_affine_hull(...) because here, we // also need to reset the side_of_oriented_subsphere functor. CGAL_precondition( current_dimension() < maximal_dimension() ); Vertex_handle v = tds().insert_increase_dimension(infinite_vertex()); // reset the predicates: reset_flat_orientation(); v->set_point(p); if( current_dimension() >= 1 ) { Full_cell_handle inf_v_cell = infinite_vertex()->full_cell(); int inf_v_index = inf_v_cell->index(infinite_vertex()); Full_cell_handle s = inf_v_cell->neighbor(inf_v_index); Orientation o = orientation(s); CGAL_assertion( ZERO != o ); if( NEGATIVE == o ) reorient_full_cells(); } return v; } template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > typename Delaunay_triangulation::Vertex_handle Delaunay_triangulation ::insert_in_conflicting_cell(const Point & p, const Full_cell_handle s) { // for storing conflicting full_cells. typedef std::vector Full_cell_h_vector; CGAL_STATIC_THREAD_LOCAL_VARIABLE(Full_cell_h_vector,cs,0); cs.clear(); std::back_insert_iterator out(cs); Facet ft = compute_conflict_zone(p, s, out); return insert_in_hole(p, cs.begin(), cs.end(), ft); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GATHERING CONFLICTING SIMPLICES // NOT DOCUMENTED template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > template< typename OrientationPred > Oriented_side Delaunay_triangulation ::perturbed_side_of_positive_sphere(const Point & p, Full_cell_const_handle s, const OrientationPred & ori) const { CGAL_precondition_msg( ! is_infinite(s), "full cell must be finite"); CGAL_expensive_precondition( POSITIVE == orientation(s) ); typedef std::vector Points; Points points(current_dimension() + 2); int i(0); for( ; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) points[i] = &(s->vertex(i)->point()); points[i] = &p; std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), internal::Triangulation::Compare_points_for_perturbation(*this)); typename Points::const_reverse_iterator cut_pt = points.rbegin(); Points test_points; while( cut_pt != points.rend() ) { if( &p == *cut_pt ) // because the full_cell "s" is assumed to be positively oriented return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; // we consider |p| to lie outside the sphere test_points.clear(); typename Base::Point_const_iterator spit = points_begin(s); int adjust_sign = -1; for( i = 0; i < current_dimension(); ++i ) { if( &(*spit) == *cut_pt ) { ++spit; adjust_sign = (((current_dimension() + i) % 2) == 0) ? -1 : +1; } test_points.push_back(&(*spit)); ++spit; } test_points.push_back(&p); typedef typename CGAL::Iterator_project, const Point &, const Point *> Point_pointer_iterator; Orientation ori_value = ori( Point_pointer_iterator(test_points.begin()), Point_pointer_iterator(test_points.end())); if( ZERO != ori_value ) return Oriented_side( - adjust_sign * ori_value ); ++cut_pt; } CGAL_assertion(false); // we should never reach here return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; } template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > bool Delaunay_triangulation ::is_in_conflict(const Point & p, Full_cell_const_handle s) const { CGAL_precondition( 2 <= current_dimension() ); if( current_dimension() < maximal_dimension() ) { Conflict_pred_in_subspace c(*this, p, coaffine_orientation_predicate(), side_of_oriented_subsphere_predicate()); return c(s); } else { Orientation_d ori = geom_traits().orientation_d_object(); Side_of_oriented_sphere_d side = geom_traits().side_of_oriented_sphere_d_object(); Conflict_pred_in_fullspace c(*this, p, ori, side); return c(s); } } template< typename DCTraits, typename TDS > template< typename OutputIterator > typename Delaunay_triangulation::Facet Delaunay_triangulation ::compute_conflict_zone(const Point & p, const Full_cell_handle s, OutputIterator out) const { CGAL_precondition( 2 <= current_dimension() ); if( current_dimension() < maximal_dimension() ) { Conflict_pred_in_subspace c(*this, p, coaffine_orientation_predicate(), side_of_oriented_subsphere_predicate()); Conflict_traversal_pred_in_subspace tp(*this, c); return tds().gather_full_cells(s, tp, out); } else { Orientation_d ori = geom_traits().orientation_d_object(); Side_of_oriented_sphere_d side = geom_traits().side_of_oriented_sphere_d_object(); Conflict_pred_in_fullspace c(*this, p, ori, side); Conflict_traversal_pred_in_fullspace tp(*this, c); return tds().gather_full_cells(s, tp, out); } } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_DELAUNAY_COMPLEX_H