// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 ASCLEPIOS Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the ImageIO Library, and as been adapted for // CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // These files are provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : ASCLEPIOS Project (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Laurent Rineau #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning ( disable : 4068 4786 4081 ) #endif #ifdef MINC_FILES #include #include #include #include /** Magic header for MINC (MNI NetCDF) file format */ #ifdef MINC_FILES # define MINC_MAGIC "CDF" #endif CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int readMincHeader(_image *im, const char* filename, double *startx, double *starty, double *startz, double *stepx, double *stepy, double *stepz, double *Xcosines, double *Ycosines, double *Zcosines) { int fin, varid, minc_icv, id, ndims, i, dim[256], length, minfound = 0, maxfound = 0; long start[3] = {0, 0, 0}, count[3]; unsigned int plane1, plane2, line, shift[3], ct[3]; nc_type type; char sign_type[MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN], name[MAX_NC_NAME]; void *data; double range[2], swap; /* open minc file */ fin = miopen((char *) filename, NC_NOWRITE); if(fin == MI_ERROR) return 0; /* get number of dimensions and type */ id = ncvarid(fin, MIimage); (void) ncvarinq(fin, id, NULL, &type, &ndims, dim, NULL); if(ndims != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "unsupported %i dimensional minc file\n", ndims); return 0; } /* get sign */ if ((miattgetstr(fin, id, MIsigntype, MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN, sign_type) == NULL) || ((strcmp(sign_type, MI_UNSIGNED)!=0) && (strcmp(sign_type, MI_SIGNED)!=0))) { if (type == NC_BYTE) (void) strcpy(sign_type, MI_UNSIGNED); else (void) strcpy(sign_type, MI_SIGNED); } im->sign = (!strcmp(sign_type, MI_UNSIGNED)) ? SGN_UNSIGNED : SGN_SIGNED; switch(type) { case NC_CHAR: case NC_BYTE: im->wdim = 1; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; break; case NC_SHORT: im->wdim = 2; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; break; case NC_LONG: im->wdim = 4; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; break; case NC_FLOAT: im->wdim = 4; im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT; im->sign = SGN_UNKNOWN; break; case NC_DOUBLE: im->wdim = 8; im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT; im->sign = SGN_UNKNOWN; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unsupported minc type\n"); return 0; break; } /* get dimensions length and voxel size */ ncopts = 0; for(i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[i], name, &count[i]); varid = ncvarid(fin, name); if(!strcmp(name, MIxspace)) { im->xdim = count[i]; if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstep, NC_DOUBLE, stepx) == MI_ERROR) *stepx = 1.0; im->vx = fabs(*stepx); if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstart, NC_DOUBLE, startx) == MI_ERROR) *startx = 0.0; if(miattget(fin, varid, MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, (void *) Xcosines, (int *) 0) == MI_ERROR ) { Xcosines[0] = 0.0; Xcosines[1] = 0.0; Xcosines[2] = 0.0; } } else if(!strcmp(name, MIyspace)) { im->ydim = count[i]; if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstep, NC_DOUBLE, stepy) == MI_ERROR) *stepy = 1.0; im->vy = fabs(*stepy); if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstart, NC_DOUBLE, starty) == MI_ERROR) *starty = 0.0; if(miattget(fin, varid, MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, (void *) Ycosines, (int *) 0) == MI_ERROR ) { Ycosines[0] = 0.0; Ycosines[1] = 0.0; Ycosines[2] = 0.0; } } else if(!strcmp(name, MIzspace)) { im->zdim = count[i]; if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstep, NC_DOUBLE, stepz) == MI_ERROR) *stepz = 1.0; im->vz = fabs(*stepz); if(miattget1(fin, varid, MIstart, NC_DOUBLE, startz) == MI_ERROR) *startz = 0.0; if(miattget(fin, varid, MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, (void *) Zcosines, (int *) 0) == MI_ERROR ) { Zcosines[0] = 0.0; Zcosines[1] = 0.0; Zcosines[2] = 0.0; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "unsupported dimension %s\n", name); return 0; } } if( miattget( fin, id, MIvalid_range, NC_DOUBLE, 2, (void *) range, &length) == MI_ERROR || length != 2 ) { if( miattget1( fin, id, MIvalid_min, NC_DOUBLE, (void *) &range[0] ) != MI_ERROR ) minfound = 1; if( miattget1( fin, id, MIvalid_max, NC_DOUBLE, (void *) &range[1] ) != MI_ERROR ) maxfound = 1; } else { if( range[0] > range[1] ) { swap = range[0]; range[0] = range[1]; range[1] = swap; } minfound = 1; maxfound = 1; } if(!minfound) { switch(type) { case NC_CHAR: case NC_BYTE: range[0] = 0; break; case NC_SHORT: if(im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) range[0] = -32768.0; else range[0] = 0; break; case NC_LONG: if(im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) range[0] = -2147483648.0; else range[0] = 0; break; default: range[0] = 0.0; break; } } if(!maxfound) { switch(type) { case NC_CHAR: case NC_BYTE: range[1] = 255.0; break; case NC_SHORT: if(im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) range[1] = 32767.0; else range[1] = 65535.0; break; case NC_LONG: if(im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) range[1] = 2147483647.0; else range[1] = 4294967295.0; break; default: range[1] = 1.0; break; } } ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL; im->vdim = 1; /* read data bytes */ im->data = ImageIO_alloc(im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim * im->wdim); minc_icv = miicv_create(); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, type ); (void) miicv_setstr( minc_icv, MI_ICV_SIGN, sign_type ); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, 1 ); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_DO_FILLVALUE, 1 ); (void) miicv_setdbl( minc_icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN, range[0] ); (void) miicv_setdbl( minc_icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX, range[1] ); (void) miicv_attach( minc_icv, fin, id ); if(miicv_get(minc_icv, start, count, im->data) == MI_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "error while reading file\n"); return 0; } (void) miicv_detach( minc_icv ); (void) miicv_free( minc_icv ); ImageIO_closeImage(im); /* order data in ZYX */ (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[0], name, NULL); if(!strcmp(name, MIzspace)) { (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[1], name, NULL); /* file is ZYX */ if(!strcmp(name, MIyspace)) { miclose(fin); return 1; } } (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[0], name, NULL); /* file is ZXY */ if(!strcmp(name, MIzspace)) { shift[0] = 0; shift[1] = 2; shift[2] = 1; plane2 = im->xdim * im->ydim; line = im->ydim; } /* file is Y first */ else if(!strcmp(name, MIyspace)) { shift[0] = 1; plane2 = im->xdim * im->zdim; (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[1], name, NULL); /* file is YXZ */ if(!strcmp(name, MIxspace)) { shift[1] = 2; shift[2] = 0; line = im->zdim; } /* file is YZX */ else { shift[1] = 0; shift[2] = 2; line = im->xdim; } } /* file is X first */ else { shift[0] = 2; plane2 = im->ydim * im->zdim; (void) ncdiminq(fin, dim[1], name, NULL); /* file is XYZ */ if(!strcmp(name, MIyspace)) { shift[1] = 1; shift[2] = 0; line = im->zdim; } /* file is XZY */ else { shift[1] = 0; shift[2] = 1; line = im->ydim; } } data = ImageIO_alloc(im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim * im->wdim); plane1 = im->xdim * im->ydim; for(ct[0] = 0; ct[0] < im->zdim; ct[0]++) { for(ct[1] = 0; ct[1] < im->ydim; ct[1]++) { for(ct[2] = 0; ct[2] < im->xdim; ct[2]++) { memcpy((unsigned char *) data + (ct[0] * plane1 + ct[1] * im->xdim + ct[2]) * im->wdim, (unsigned char *) im->data + (ct[shift[0]] * plane2 + ct[shift[1]] * line + ct[shift[2]]) * im->wdim, im->wdim); } } } ImageIO_free(im->data); im->data = data; /* close file */ miclose(fin); return 1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int writeMincFile( const _image* im, const char *filename, const char *sourcename, double startx, double starty, double startz, double stepx, double stepy, double stepz, const double *Xcosine, const double *Ycosine, const double *Zcosine, const double *range ) { int i, cdfid, minc_icv, dim_vars[3], dim_ids[3], img_var_id, min_id, max_id, src_cdfid, src_img_var, varid, n_excluded, excluded_vars[10], src_min_id, src_max_id, src_root_id, old_att_length, same_file = 0; long org[3] = {0, 0, 0}, count[3] = { im->zdim, im->ydim, im->xdim }; char *dim_names[3] = { MIzspace, MIyspace, MIxspace }, *history, *excluded_list[3] = { MIxspace, MIyspace, MIzspace }, *newname; nc_type type, datatype; double start[3] = { startz, starty, startx }, vx[3] = { stepz, stepy, stepx }; /* if filename is the same file that sourcename, it is needed to create a temporary file for output */ newname = (char *) filename; if(sourcename) { struct stat out, org; same_file = (stat(sourcename, &org) == 0) && (stat(filename, &out) == 0) && (org.st_ino == out.st_ino); if(same_file) { newname = (char *) malloc((strlen(filename) + 10) * sizeof(char)); for(i = strlen(filename) - 1; i > 0 && filename[i] != '/'; i--) ; if(filename[i] == '/') { strncpy(newname, filename, i + 1); newname[i+1] = '\0'; strcat(newname, "#TMP#"); strcat(newname, filename + i + 1); } else sprintf(newname, "#TMP#%s", filename); } } /* open file */ cdfid = micreate( (char *) newname, NC_CLOBBER ); if( cdfid == MI_ERROR ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: opening MINC file \"%s\".\n", filename ); return -1; } /* set word type */ switch(im->wordKind) { case WK_FIXED: if(im->wdim == 1) type = NC_BYTE; else if(im->wdim == 2) type = NC_SHORT; else type = NC_LONG; break; case WK_FLOAT: default: if(im->wdim == 4) type = NC_FLOAT; else type = NC_DOUBLE; break; } /* create dimensions variables */ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) dim_vars[i] = ncdimdef( cdfid, dim_names[i], count[i] ); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { dim_ids[i] = micreate_std_variable( cdfid, dim_names[i], NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL); if( dim_ids[i] < 0 ) return -1; (void) miattputdbl( cdfid, dim_ids[i], MIstep, vx[i]); (void) miattputdbl( cdfid, dim_ids[i], MIstart, start[i]); } if(Zcosine[0] != 0.0 || Zcosine[1] != 0.0 || Zcosine[2] != 0.0) (void) ncattput(cdfid, dim_ids[0], MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, Zcosine); if(Ycosine[0] != 0.0 || Ycosine[1] != 0.0 || Ycosine[2] != 0.0) (void) ncattput(cdfid, dim_ids[1], MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, Ycosine); if(Xcosine[0] != 0.0 || Xcosine[1] != 0.0 || Xcosine[2] != 0.0) (void) ncattput(cdfid, dim_ids[2], MIdirection_cosines, NC_DOUBLE, 3, Xcosine); /* create image variable */ img_var_id = micreate_std_variable( cdfid, MIimage, type, 3, dim_vars ); (void) miattputstr( cdfid, img_var_id, MIcomplete, MI_FALSE ); if(im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) (void) miattputstr( cdfid, img_var_id, MIsigntype, MI_SIGNED ); else (void) miattputstr( cdfid, img_var_id, MIsigntype, MI_UNSIGNED ); (void) ncattput(cdfid, img_var_id, MIvalid_range ,NC_DOUBLE, 2, range); min_id = micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0 ); max_id = micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, 0, 0 ); /* if the image comes from a minc file, duplicate all minc attributes */ if(sourcename) { if( (src_cdfid = miopen((char *) sourcename, NC_NOWRITE)) == MI_ERROR ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", sourcename ); return -1; } n_excluded = 0; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( (varid = ncvarid(src_cdfid, excluded_list[i] )) != MI_ERROR ) excluded_vars[n_excluded++] = varid; } if( (src_img_var = ncvarid(src_cdfid, MIimage )) != MI_ERROR ) excluded_vars[n_excluded++] = src_img_var; if( (src_max_id = ncvarid(src_cdfid, MIimagemax )) != MI_ERROR ) excluded_vars[n_excluded++] = src_max_id; if( (src_min_id = ncvarid(src_cdfid, MIimagemin )) != MI_ERROR ) excluded_vars[n_excluded++] = src_min_id; if( (src_root_id = ncvarid(src_cdfid, MIrootvariable )) != MI_ERROR ) excluded_vars[n_excluded++] = src_root_id; (void) micopy_all_var_defs( src_cdfid, cdfid, n_excluded, excluded_vars ); if( src_img_var != MI_ERROR ) (void) micopy_all_atts( src_cdfid, src_img_var, cdfid, img_var_id ); if( src_root_id != MI_ERROR ) (void) micopy_all_atts( src_cdfid, src_root_id, cdfid, ncvarid( cdfid, MIrootvariable) ); ncopts = 0; if(ncattinq(cdfid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, &datatype, &old_att_length) == MI_ERROR || datatype != NC_CHAR ) old_att_length = 0; history = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * old_att_length); history[0] = (char) 0; (void) miattgetstr( cdfid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, old_att_length+1, history ); ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL; (void) miattputstr( cdfid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, history ); free(history); (void) miclose( src_cdfid ); } /* write data */ if(ncendef(cdfid) == MI_ERROR) return -1; minc_icv = miicv_create(); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, type); (void) miicv_setstr( minc_icv, MI_ICV_SIGN, (im->sign == SGN_SIGNED) ? MI_SIGNED : MI_UNSIGNED ); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, 1 ); (void) miicv_setint( minc_icv, MI_ICV_USER_NORM, 1 ); (void) miicv_attach( minc_icv, cdfid, img_var_id ); if( miicv_put(minc_icv, org, count, im->data) == MI_ERROR ) return -1; (void) miattputstr( cdfid, img_var_id, MIcomplete, MI_TRUE); (void) miclose( cdfid ); (void) miicv_free( minc_icv ); if(same_file) { unlink(filename); link(newname, filename); unlink(newname); free(newname); } return 0; } #endif