// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 ASCLEPIOS Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the ImageIO Library, and as been adapted for // CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // These files are provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : ASCLEPIOS Project (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Laurent Rineau #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning ( disable : 4068 4786 4081 ) #endif #include #include #include /** pnm - portable anymap file format */ /** Magic header for pgm - portable graymap file format */ #define PGM_ASCII_MAGIC "P2" #define PGM_MAGIC "P5" /** Magic header for ppm - portable pixmap file format */ #define PPM_MAGIC "P6" #define _LGTH_STRING_ 1024 CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int testPpmHeader(char *magic,const char *) { if( !strncmp(magic, PPM_MAGIC, strlen(PPM_MAGIC))) return 0; else return -1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int testPgmHeader(char *magic,const char *) { if (( !strncmp(magic, PGM_MAGIC, strlen(PGM_MAGIC)))) return 0; else return -1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int testPgmAsciiHeader(char *magic,const char *) { if ( !strncmp(magic, PGM_ASCII_MAGIC, strlen(PGM_ASCII_MAGIC))) return 0; else return -1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION PTRIMAGE_FORMAT createPgmFormat() { PTRIMAGE_FORMAT f=(PTRIMAGE_FORMAT) ImageIO_alloc(sizeof(IMAGE_FORMAT)); f->testImageFormat=&testPgmHeader; f->readImageHeader=&readPgmImage; f->writeImage=&writePgmImage; strcpy(f->fileExtension,".pgm,.pgm.gz"); strcpy(f->realName,"Pgm"); return f; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION PTRIMAGE_FORMAT createPgmAscIIFormat() { PTRIMAGE_FORMAT f=(PTRIMAGE_FORMAT) ImageIO_alloc(sizeof(IMAGE_FORMAT)); f->testImageFormat=&testPgmAsciiHeader; f->readImageHeader=&readPgmAsciiImage; f->writeImage=&writePgmImage; strcpy(f->fileExtension,".pgm,.pgm.gz"); strcpy(f->realName,"Pgm-ASCII"); return f; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION PTRIMAGE_FORMAT createPpmFormat() { PTRIMAGE_FORMAT f=(PTRIMAGE_FORMAT) ImageIO_alloc(sizeof(IMAGE_FORMAT)); f->testImageFormat=&testPpmHeader; f->readImageHeader=&readPpmImage; f->writeImage=&writePpmImage; strcpy(f->fileExtension,".ppm,.ppm.gz"); strcpy(f->realName,"Ppm"); return f; } /* The portable pixmap format is a lowest common denominator color image file format. The definition is as follows: - A "magic number" for identifying the file type. A pgm file's magic number is the two characters "P6". - Whitespace (blanks, TABs, CRs, LFs). - A width, formatted as ASCII characters in decimal. - Whitespace. - A height, again in ASCII decimal. - Whitespace. - The maximum color value (Maxval), again in ASCII deci- mal. Must be less than 65536. - Newline or other single whitespace character. - A raster of Width * Height pixels, proceeding through the image in normal English reading order. Each pixel is a triplet of red, green, and blue samples, in that order. Each sample is represented in pure binary by either 1 or 2 bytes. If the Maxval is less than 256, it is 1 byte. Otherwise, it is 2 bytes. The most signifi- cant byte is first. - In the raster, the sample values are proportional to the intensity of the CIE Rec. 709 red, green, and blue in the pixel. A value of Maxval for all three samples rep- resents CIE D65 white and the most intense color in the color universe of which the image is part (the color universe is all the colors in all images to which this image might be compared). - Characters from a "#" to the next end-of-line, before the maxval line, are comments and are ignored. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int readPpmImage(const char *name,_image *im) { char string[256]; int x=0, y=0; int max=0; fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( strncmp(string, PPM_MAGIC, strlen(PPM_MAGIC) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "readPpmImage: bad magic string in \'%s\'\n", name ); return( -1 ); } do { fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( string[0] != '#' ) { if ( x == 0 && y == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d %d", &x, &y ); } else if ( max == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d", &max ); } } } while ( max == 0 ); im->xdim = static_cast(x); im->ydim = static_cast(y); im->zdim = 1; im->vdim = 3; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; if ( max < 256 ) im->wdim = 1; else if ( max < 65536 ) { im->wdim = 2; fprintf( stderr, "readPpmImage: Warning, data of \'%s\' may have to be swapped\n", name ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "readPpmImage: max value too large (%d) in \'%s\'\n", max, name ); return( -1 ); } im->data = ImageIO_alloc( x*y*3 ); ImageIO_read( im, im->data, x*y*3 ); return 1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int writePpmImage( char *name,_image *im ) { std::ostringstream string; int max; unsigned int i; if ( im->xdim <= 0 || im->ydim <= 0 || im->zdim != 1 || im->vdim != 3 ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: bad dimensions, unable to write '%s'\n", name ); return -1; } if ( im->wordKind != WK_FIXED || im->sign != SGN_UNSIGNED || ( im->wdim != 1 && im->wdim != 2 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name ); return -1; } _openWriteImage( im, name ); if(!im->fd) { fprintf(stderr, "writeInrimage: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", name ); return ImageIO_OPENING; } string << PPM_MAGIC << "\n"; string << "# CREATOR: pnm.c $Revision$ $Date$\n"; string << im->xdim << " " << im->ydim << "\n"; max = 0; switch ( im->wdim ) { case 1 : { unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data; for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ ) if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf; } break; case 2 : { unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data; for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ ) if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf; } break; } if ( max == 0 ) max = 1; string << max << "\n"; ImageIO_write(im, string.str().data(), string.str().length()); if ( im->wdim == 1 || ( im->wdim == 2 && max > 255 ) ) { ImageIO_write( im, im->data, im->xdim*im->ydim*3*im->wdim ); } else { /* 2 octets, but max <= 255 has to be converted on one octet */ unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data; unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ImageIO_alloc( im->xdim*im->ydim*3 ); if ( tmp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer\n" ); return -1; } for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ ) tmp[i] = (unsigned char)*buf; ImageIO_write( im, tmp, im->xdim*im->ydim*3 ); ImageIO_free( tmp ); } ImageIO_close( im ); im->openMode = OM_CLOSE; return 1; } /* The portable graymap format is a lowest common denominator grayscale file format. The definition is as follows: - A "magic number" for identifying the file type. A pgm file's magic number is the two characters "P2". - Whitespace (blanks, TABs, CRs, LFs). - A width, formatted as ASCII characters in decimal. - Whitespace. - A height, again in ASCII decimal. - Whitespace. - The maximum gray value (Maxval), again in ASCII decimal. Must be less than 65536. - Newline or other single whitespace character. - A raster of Width * Height gray values, proceeding through the image in normal English reading order. Each gray value is a number from 0 through Maxval, with 0 being black and Maxval being white. Each gray value is represented in pure binary by either 1 or 2 bytes. If the Maxval is less than 256, it is 1 byte. Otherwise, it is 2 bytes. The most significant byte is first. - Characters from a "#" to the next end-of-line, before the maxval line, are comments and are ignored. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int readPgmAsciiImage(const char *name,_image *im) { char string[256]; int x=0, y=0; int max=0; int n; char *tmp; int iv; fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( strncmp(string, PGM_ASCII_MAGIC, strlen(PGM_ASCII_MAGIC) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "readAsciiPgmImage: bad magic string in \'%s\'\n", name ); return( -1 ); } do { fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( string[0] != '#' ) { if ( x == 0 && y == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d %d", &x, &y ); } else if ( max == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d", &max ); } } } while ( max == 0 ); im->xdim = x; im->ydim = y; im->zdim = 1; im->vdim = 1; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; if ( max < 256 ) im->wdim = 1; else if ( max < 65536 ) { im->wdim = 2; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readAsciiPgmImage: max value too large (%d) in \'%s\'\n", max, name ); return( -1 ); } im->data = ImageIO_alloc( x*y ); n=0; while( fgetns( string, 255, im ) != 0 && n < x*y ) { tmp = string; while ( *tmp != '\n' && *tmp != '\0' && *tmp != EOF && n < x*y ) { /* skip trailing whitespace */ while ( *tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\t' ) tmp++; if ( *tmp == '\0' || *tmp == '\n' || *tmp == EOF ) continue; /* read a number */ switch ( im->wordKind ) { case WK_FIXED : if ( sscanf( tmp, "%d", &iv ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "readAsciiPgmImage: error in reading ascii data\n" ); ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL; return 0; } break; default : ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL; return 0; } if ( im->wdim == 1 ) { unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < 0 ) *buf = (unsigned char)0; else if ( iv > 255 ) *buf = (unsigned char)255; else *buf = (unsigned char)iv; n ++; } else if ( im->wdim == 2 ) { unsigned short int *buf = (unsigned short int *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < 0 ) *buf = (unsigned short int)0; else if ( iv > 65535 ) *buf = (unsigned short int)65535; else *buf = (unsigned short int)iv; n ++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readAsciiPgmImage: word im not handled\n" ); ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL; return 0; } /* skip a number */ while ( (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') || *tmp == '.' || *tmp == '-' ) tmp++; } } return 1; } /* The portable graymap format is a lowest common denominator grayscale file format. The definition is as follows: - A "magic number" for identifying the file type. A pgm file's magic number is the two characters "P5". - Whitespace (blanks, TABs, CRs, LFs). - A width, formatted as ASCII characters in decimal. - Whitespace. - A height, again in ASCII decimal. - Whitespace. - The maximum gray value (Maxval), again in ASCII decimal. Must be less than 65536. - Newline or other single whitespace character. - A raster of Width * Height gray values, proceeding through the image in normal English reading order. Each gray value is a number from 0 through Maxval, with 0 being black and Maxval being white. Each gray value is represented in pure binary by either 1 or 2 bytes. If the Maxval is less than 256, it is 1 byte. Otherwise, it is 2 bytes. The most significant byte is first. - Characters from a "#" to the next end-of-line, before the maxval line, are comments and are ignored. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int readPgmImage(const char *name,_image *im) { char string[256]; int x=0, y=0; int max=0; fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( strncmp(string, PGM_MAGIC, strlen(PGM_MAGIC) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "readPgmImage: bad magic string in \'%s\'\n", name ); return( -1 ); } do { fgetns( string, 255, im ); if ( string[0] != '#' ) { if ( x == 0 && y == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d %d", &x, &y ); } else if ( max == 0 ) { sscanf( string, "%d", &max ); } } } while ( max == 0 ); im->xdim = x; im->ydim = y; im->zdim = 1; im->vdim = 1; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; if ( max < 256 ) im->wdim = 1; else if ( max < 65536 ) { im->wdim = 2; fprintf( stderr, "readPgmImage: Warning, data of \'%s\' may have to be swapped\n", name ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "readPgmImage: max value too large (%d) in \'%s\'\n", max, name ); return( -1 ); } im->data = ImageIO_alloc( x*y ); ImageIO_read( im, im->data, x*y ); return 1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int writePgmImage(char *name,_image *im ) { char string[256]; int max; unsigned int i; if ( im->xdim <= 0 || im->ydim <= 0 || im->zdim != 1 || im->vdim != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad dimensions, unable to write '%s'\n", name ); return -1; } if ( im->wordKind != WK_FIXED || im->sign != SGN_UNSIGNED || ( im->wdim != 1 && im->wdim != 2 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name ); return -1; } if ( 0 ) im->dataMode = DM_ASCII; _openWriteImage( im, name ); if(!im->fd) { fprintf(stderr, "writePgmImage: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", name ); return ImageIO_OPENING; } if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) sprintf( string, "%s\n", PGM_ASCII_MAGIC ); else sprintf( string, "%s\n", PGM_MAGIC ); ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) ); sprintf( string, "# CREATOR: pnm.c $Revision$ $Date$\n" ); ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) ); sprintf( string, "%zu %zu\n", im->xdim, im->ydim ); ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) ); max = 0; switch ( im->wdim ) { case 1 : { unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data; for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ ) if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf; } break; case 2 : { unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data; for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ ) if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf; } break; } /* max == 0 causes problems for xv */ if ( max == 0 ) max = 1; sprintf( string, "%d\n", max ); ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) ); if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) { std::size_t i, j, n, size; char *str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 ); size = std::size_t(im->xdim) * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim; n = ( im->xdim < 16 ) ? im->xdim : 16; i = 0; switch( im->wdim ) { default : /* can not occur */ fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name ); ImageIO_close( im ); im->openMode = OM_CLOSE; return -1; case 1 : { unsigned char *theBuf = ( unsigned char * )im->data; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jdata; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jwdim == 1 || ( im->wdim == 2 && max > 255 ) ) { ImageIO_write( im, im->data, im->xdim*im->ydim*im->wdim ); } else { /* 2 octets, but max <= 255 has to be converted on one octet */ unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data; unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ImageIO_alloc( im->xdim*im->ydim ); if ( tmp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer\n" ); return -1; } for ( i=0; ixdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ ) tmp[i] = (unsigned char)*buf; ImageIO_write( im, tmp, im->xdim*im->ydim ); ImageIO_free( tmp ); } } ImageIO_close( im ); im->openMode = OM_CLOSE; return 1; }