// Copyright (c) 2002,2011 Utrecht University (The Netherlands). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Hans Tangelder () #ifndef CGAL_INCREMENTAL_NEIGHBOR_SEARCH_H #define CGAL_INCREMENTAL_NEIGHBOR_SEARCH_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template ::type, class Splitter_ = Sliding_midpoint, class Tree_=Kd_tree > class Incremental_neighbor_search { public: typedef Distance_ Distance; typedef Tree_ Tree; typedef typename SearchTraits::Point_d Point_d; typedef typename SearchTraits::FT FT; typedef typename SearchTraits::Dimension Dimension; typedef typename Tree::Point_d_iterator Point_d_iterator; typedef typename Tree::Node_const_handle Node_const_handle; typedef typename Tree::Splitter Splitter; typedef Kd_tree_rectangle Node_box; typedef typename Distance::Query_item Query_item; class Cell { private: Node_box* the_box; Node_const_handle the_node; public: // constructor Cell (Node_box* Nb, Node_const_handle N) :the_box(Nb), the_node(N) {} Node_box* box() { return the_box; } Node_const_handle node() { return the_node; } }; typedef std::pair Point_with_transformed_distance; typedef std::pair Cell_with_distance; typedef std::vector Cell_with_distance_vector; typedef std::vector Point_with_distance_vector; typedef std::vector Distance_vector; //data members const Tree& m_tree; Query_item m_query; Distance m_dist; FT m_Eps; bool m_search_nearest; public: class iterator; typedef iterator const_iterator; // constructor Incremental_neighbor_search(const Tree& tree, const Query_item& q, FT Eps=FT(0.0), bool search_nearest=true, const Distance& tr=Distance()): m_tree(tree),m_query(q),m_dist(tr),m_Eps(Eps),m_search_nearest(search_nearest) {} iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_tree,m_query,m_dist,m_Eps,m_search_nearest); } iterator end() const { return iterator(); } std::ostream& statistics(std::ostream& s) { begin()->statistics(s); return s; } template struct Object_wrapper { T object; Object_wrapper(const T& t):object(t){} const T& operator* () const { return object; } const T* operator-> () const { return &object; } }; class iterator { public: typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef Point_with_transformed_distance value_type; typedef Point_with_transformed_distance* pointer; typedef const Point_with_transformed_distance& reference; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef int distance_type; class Iterator_implementation; Iterator_implementation *ptr; // default constructor iterator() : ptr(0) {} int the_number_of_items_visited() { return ptr->number_of_items_visited; } // constructor iterator(const Tree& tree, const Query_item& q, const Distance& tr, FT eps, bool search_nearest) : ptr(new Iterator_implementation(tree, q, tr, eps, search_nearest)) {} // copy constructor iterator(const iterator& Iter) : ptr(Iter.ptr) { if (ptr != 0) ptr->reference_count++; } iterator& operator=(const iterator& Iter) { if (ptr!=Iter.ptr){ if (ptr != 0 && --(ptr->reference_count)==0) { delete ptr; } ptr = Iter.ptr; if (ptr != 0) ptr->reference_count++; } return *this; } const Point_with_transformed_distance& operator* () const { return *(*ptr); } // -> operator const Point_with_transformed_distance* operator-> () const { return &*(*ptr); } // prefix operator iterator& operator++() { ++(*ptr); return *this; } // postfix operator Object_wrapper operator++(int) { return (*ptr)++; } bool operator==(const iterator& It) const { if ( ((ptr == 0) || ptr->Item_PriorityQueue.empty()) && ((It.ptr == 0) || It.ptr->Item_PriorityQueue.empty()) ) return true; // else return (ptr == It.ptr); } bool operator!=(const iterator& It) const { return !(*this == It); } std::ostream& statistics (std::ostream& s) { ptr->statistics(s); return s; } ~iterator() { if (ptr != 0) { ptr->reference_count--; if (ptr->reference_count==0) { delete ptr; ptr = 0; } } } class Iterator_implementation { private: FT multiplication_factor; Query_item query_point; FT distance_to_root; bool search_nearest_neighbour; FT rd; class Priority_higher { public: bool search_nearest; Priority_higher(bool search_the_nearest_neighbour) : search_nearest(search_the_nearest_neighbour) {} //highest priority is smallest distance bool operator() (Cell_with_distance* n1, Cell_with_distance* n2) const { return (search_nearest)? (n1->second > n2->second) : (n2->second > n1->second); } }; class Distance_smaller { public: bool search_nearest; Distance_smaller(bool search_the_nearest_neighbour) :search_nearest(search_the_nearest_neighbour) {} //highest priority is smallest distance bool operator() (Point_with_transformed_distance* p1, Point_with_transformed_distance* p2) const { return (search_nearest) ? (p1->second > p2->second) : (p2->second > p1->second); } }; std::priority_queue PriorityQueue; public: std::priority_queue Item_PriorityQueue; Distance distance; public: int reference_count; int number_of_internal_nodes_visited; int number_of_leaf_nodes_visited; int number_of_items_visited; int number_of_neighbours_computed; // constructor Iterator_implementation(const Tree& tree, const Query_item& q,const Distance& tr, FT Eps, bool search_nearest) : query_point(q), search_nearest_neighbour(search_nearest), PriorityQueue(Priority_higher(search_nearest)), Item_PriorityQueue(Distance_smaller(search_nearest)), distance(tr), reference_count(1), number_of_internal_nodes_visited(0), number_of_leaf_nodes_visited(0), number_of_items_visited(0), number_of_neighbours_computed(0) { if (tree.empty()) return; multiplication_factor= distance.transformed_distance(FT(1)+Eps); Node_box *bounding_box = new Node_box((tree.bounding_box())); if (search_nearest) distance_to_root= distance.min_distance_to_rectangle(q,*bounding_box); else distance_to_root= distance.max_distance_to_rectangle(q,*bounding_box); Cell *Root_Cell = new Cell(bounding_box,tree.root()); Cell_with_distance *The_Root = new Cell_with_distance(Root_Cell,distance_to_root); PriorityQueue.push(The_Root); // rd is the distance of the top of the priority queue to q rd=The_Root->second; Compute_the_next_nearest_neighbour(); } // * operator const Point_with_transformed_distance& operator* () const { return *(Item_PriorityQueue.top()); } // prefix operator Iterator_implementation& operator++() { Delete_the_current_item_top(); Compute_the_next_nearest_neighbour(); return *this; } // postfix operator Object_wrapper operator++(int) { Object_wrapper result( *(Item_PriorityQueue.top()) ); ++*this; return result; } // Print statistics of the general priority search process. std::ostream& statistics (std::ostream& s) const { s << "General priority search statistics:" << std::endl; s << "Number of internal nodes visited:" << number_of_internal_nodes_visited << std::endl; s << "Number of leaf nodes visited:" << number_of_leaf_nodes_visited << std::endl; s << "Number of points visited:" << number_of_items_visited << std::endl; s << "Number of neighbours computed:" << number_of_neighbours_computed << std::endl; return s; } //destructor ~Iterator_implementation() { while (! PriorityQueue.empty()) { Cell_with_distance* The_top=PriorityQueue.top(); PriorityQueue.pop(); delete The_top->first->box(); delete The_top->first; delete The_top; } while (! Item_PriorityQueue.empty()) { Point_with_transformed_distance* The_top=Item_PriorityQueue.top(); Item_PriorityQueue.pop(); delete The_top; } } private: void Delete_the_current_item_top() { Point_with_transformed_distance* The_item_top=Item_PriorityQueue.top(); Item_PriorityQueue.pop(); delete The_item_top; } void Compute_the_next_nearest_neighbour() { // compute the next item bool next_neighbour_found=false; if (!(Item_PriorityQueue.empty())) { if (search_nearest_neighbour) next_neighbour_found = (multiplication_factor*rd > Item_PriorityQueue.top()->second); else next_neighbour_found = (rd < multiplication_factor*Item_PriorityQueue.top()->second); } while ((!next_neighbour_found) && (!PriorityQueue.empty())) { Cell_with_distance* The_node_top = PriorityQueue.top(); Node_const_handle N = The_node_top->first->node(); Node_box* B = The_node_top->first->box(); PriorityQueue.pop(); delete The_node_top->first; delete The_node_top; while (!(N->is_leaf())) { typename Tree::Internal_node_const_handle node = static_cast(N); number_of_internal_nodes_visited++; int new_cut_dim = node->cutting_dimension(); FT new_cut_val = node->cutting_value(); Node_box* lower_box = new Node_box(*B); Node_box* upper_box = new Node_box(*B); lower_box->split(*upper_box,new_cut_dim, new_cut_val); delete B; if (search_nearest_neighbour) { FT distance_to_box_lower = distance.min_distance_to_rectangle(query_point, *lower_box); FT distance_to_box_upper = distance.min_distance_to_rectangle(query_point, *upper_box); if (distance_to_box_lower <= distance_to_box_upper) { Cell* C_upper = new Cell(upper_box, node->upper()); Cell_with_distance *Upper_Child = new Cell_with_distance(C_upper,distance_to_box_upper); PriorityQueue.push(Upper_Child); N=node->lower(); B=lower_box; } else { Cell* C_lower = new Cell(lower_box, node->lower()); Cell_with_distance *Lower_Child = new Cell_with_distance(C_lower,distance_to_box_lower); PriorityQueue.push(Lower_Child); N=node->upper(); B=upper_box; } } else { // search furthest FT distance_to_box_lower = distance.max_distance_to_rectangle(query_point, *lower_box); FT distance_to_box_upper = distance.max_distance_to_rectangle(query_point, *upper_box); if (distance_to_box_lower >= distance_to_box_upper) { Cell* C_upper = new Cell(upper_box, node->upper()); Cell_with_distance *Upper_Child = new Cell_with_distance(C_upper,distance_to_box_upper); PriorityQueue.push(Upper_Child); N=node->lower(); B=lower_box; } else { Cell* C_lower = new Cell(lower_box, node->lower()); Cell_with_distance *Lower_Child = new Cell_with_distance(C_lower,distance_to_box_lower); PriorityQueue.push(Lower_Child); N=node->upper(); B=upper_box; } } } delete B; typename Tree::Leaf_node_const_handle node = static_cast(N); number_of_leaf_nodes_visited++; if (node->size() > 0) { for (typename Tree::iterator it = node->begin(); it != node->end(); it++) { number_of_items_visited++; FT distance_to_query_point= distance.transformed_distance(query_point,*it); Point_with_transformed_distance *NN_Candidate= new Point_with_transformed_distance(*it,distance_to_query_point); Item_PriorityQueue.push(NN_Candidate); } // old top of PriorityQueue has been processed, // hence update rd if (!PriorityQueue.empty()) { rd = PriorityQueue.top()->second; if (search_nearest_neighbour) next_neighbour_found = (multiplication_factor*rd > Item_PriorityQueue.top()->second); else next_neighbour_found = (multiplication_factor*rd < Item_PriorityQueue.top()->second); } else // priority queue empty => last neighbour found { next_neighbour_found=true; }; number_of_neighbours_computed++; } } // next_neighbour_found or priority queue is empty // in the latter case also the item priority queue is empty } }; // class Iterator_implementation }; // class iterator }; // class } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_INCREMENTAL_NEIGHBOR_SEARCH_H