// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_PM_OVERLAYER_H #define CGAL_PM_OVERLAYER_H #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO #include #else #include #endif #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 13 #include #include #include #include #ifndef CGAL_USE_LEDA #define LEDA_MEMORY(t) #else #include #endif namespace CGAL { template struct PMO_from_segs { typedef PMD Decorator; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Point Point; const Decorator& G; DA& D; PMO_from_segs(const Decorator& Gi, DA& Di) : G(Gi),D(Di) {} Vertex_handle new_vertex(const Point& p) { Vertex_handle v = G.new_vertex(p); #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(G.info(v)); #else G.info(v)=Halfedge_handle(); #endif return v; } void link_as_target_and_append(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) { G.link_as_target_and_append(v,e); } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair_at_source(Vertex_handle v) { Halfedge_handle e = G.new_halfedge_pair_at_source(v,Decorator::BEFORE); return e; } void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, I it) const { D.supporting_segment(e,it); } void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { D.trivial_segment(v,it); } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { D.starting_segment(v,it); } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { D.passing_segment(v,it); } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, I it) const { D.ending_segment(v,it); } void halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::access(G.info(v)) = e; #else *boost::any_cast(&G.info(v)) = e; #endif } Halfedge_handle halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(G.info(v)); #else return boost::any_cast(G.info(v)); #endif } void clear_temporary_vertex_info() const { Vertex_handle v; for(v = G.vertices_begin(); v!= G.vertices_end(); ++v) #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(G.info(v)); #else G.info(v)=boost::any(); #endif } }; // PMO_from_segs template struct PMO_from_pm { typedef PMD Decorator; typedef typename PMD::Const_decorator Const_decorator; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Point Point; const Decorator& G; const Const_decorator* pGI[2]; CGAL::Unique_hash_map& M; PMO_from_pm(const Decorator& Gi, const Const_decorator* pG0, const Const_decorator* pG1, CGAL::Unique_hash_map& Mi) : G(Gi),M(Mi) { pGI[0]=pG0; pGI[1]=pG1; } Vertex_handle new_vertex(const Point& p) const { Vertex_handle v = G.new_vertex(p); G.assoc_info(v); return v; } void link_as_target_and_append(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) const { G.link_as_target_and_append(v,e); } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair_at_source(Vertex_handle v) const { Halfedge_handle e = G.new_halfedge_pair_at_source(v,Decorator::BEFORE); G.assoc_info(e); return e; } void halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle e) const { G.halfedge_below(v) = e; } void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; CGAL_assertion( si.e != Halfedge_const_handle() ); G.supp_halfedge(e,si.i) = si.e; G.is_forward(e) = true; } void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; CGAL_assertion( si.v != Vertex_const_handle() ); G.supp_vertex(v,si.i) = si.v; } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; G.supp_vertex(v,si.i) = pGI[si.i]->source(si.e); } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; G.supp_vertex(v,si.i) = pGI[si.i]->target(si.e); } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT it) const { INFO& si = M[it]; G.supp_halfedge(v,si.i) = si.e; } Halfedge_handle halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v) const { return G.halfedge_below(v); } }; // PMO_from_pm /*{\Moptions print_title=yes }*/ /*{\Msubst PM_decorator_#PMD Geometry_#GEO }*/ /*{\Manpage {PM_overlayer}{PMD,GEO}{Plane Map Overlay}{O}}*/ template class PM_overlayer : public PM_decorator_ { typedef PM_decorator_ Base; typedef PM_overlayer Self; const Geometry_& K; // geometry reference /*{\Mdefinition An instance |\Mvar| of data type |\Mname| is a decorator object offering plane map overlay calculation. Overlay is either calculated from two plane maps or from a set of segments. The result is stored in a plane map |P| that carries the geometry and the topology of the overlay. The two template parameters allow to adapt the overlay calculation to different scenarios. The template parameter |PM_decorator_| has to be a model conforming to our plane map decorator concept |PMDecorator|. The concept describes the interface how the topological information stored in |P| can be extracted. The geometry |Geometry_| has to be a model conforming to the concept |OverlayerGeometry_2|. The overlay of a set of segments $S$ is stored in a plane map $P = (V,E,F)$. Vertices are either the endpoints of segments (trivial segments are allowed) or the result of a non-degenerate internal intersection of two segments. Between two vertices there is an edge if there is a segment that supports the straight line embedding of $e$ and if there is no vertex in the relative interior of the embedding of $e$. The faces refer to the maximal connected open point sets of the planar subdivision implied by the embedding of the vertices and edges. Faces are bounded by possibly several face cycles\cgalFootnote{For the definition of plane maps and their concepts see the manual page of |PMConstDecorator|.} including isolated vertices. The overlay process in the method |create| creates the objects, the topology of the result and allows to link the plane map objects to input segments by means of a data accessor. The method starts from zero- and one-dimensional geometric objects in $S$ and produces a plane map |P| where each point of the plane can be assigned to an object (vertex, edge, or face) of |P|. The overlay of two plane maps $P_i = (V_i, E_i, F_i)$ has the additional aspect that we already start from two planar subdivisions. We use the index $i=0,1$ defining the reference to $P_i$, unindexed variables refer to the resulting plane map $P$. The $1$-skeleta of the two maps subdivide the edges and faces of the complementary structure into smaller units. This means vertices and edges of $P_i$ can split edges of $P_{1-i}$ and face cycles of $P_i$ subdivide faces of $P_{1-i}$. The 1-skeleton $P'$ of $P$ is defined by the overlay of the embedding of the 1-skeleta of $P_0$ and $P_1$ (Take a trivial segment for each vertex and a segment for each edge and use the overlay definition of a set of segments above). The faces of $P$ refer to the maximal connected open point sets of the planar subdivision implied by the embedding of $P'$. Each object from the output tuple $(V,E,F)$ has a \emph{supporting} object $u_i$ in each of the two input structures. Imagine the two maps to be transparencies, which we stack. Then each point of the plane is covered by an object from each of the input structures. This support relation from the input structures to the output structure defines an information flow. Each supporting object $u_i$ of $u$ $(i=0,1)$ carries an attribute $|mark|(u_i)$. After the subdivision operation this attribute is associated to the output object $u$ by $|mark|(u,i)$.}*/ /*{\Mgeneralization PM_decorator_}*/ public: /*{\Mtypes 8}*/ typedef PM_decorator_ Decorator; /*{\Mtypemember the plane map decorator |PM_decorator_|.}*/ typedef typename Decorator::Plane_map Plane_map; /*{\Mtypemember the plane map type decorated by |PM_decorator_|.}*/ typedef Geometry_ Geometry; /*{\Mtypemember the geometry kernel |Geometry_|.}*/ typedef typename Geometry::Point_2 Point; /*{\Mtypemember the point type of the geometric kernel, \precond |Point| equals |Plane_map::Point|.}*/ typedef typename Geometry::Segment_2 Segment; /*{\Mtypemember the segment type of the geometric kernel.}*/ typedef typename Decorator::Mark Mark; /*{\Mtypemember the attribute type of plane map objects.}*/ typedef typename Decorator::Base Const_decorator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Face_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_around_face_circulator Halfedge_around_face_circulator; typedef typename Decorator::Hole_iterator Hole_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Isolated_vertex_iterator Isolated_vertex_iterator; using Base::clear; using Base::vertices_begin; using Base::vertices_end; using Base::halfedges_begin; using Base::halfedges_end; using Base::faces_begin; using Base::faces_end; using Base::number_of_vertices; using Base::number_of_halfedges; using Base::number_of_faces; using Base::new_vertex; using Base::new_face; using Base::target; using Base::source; using Base::point; using Base::next; using Base::previous; using Base::twin; using Base::info; using Base::link_as_outer_face_cycle; using Base::link_as_isolated_vertex; using Base::link_as_hole; using Base::face; using Base::set_face; using Base::is_isolated; using Base::first_out_edge; using Base::halfedge; using Base::clear_face_cycle_entries; using Base::is_closed_at_source; using Base::delete_halfedge_pair; using Base::delete_face; using Base::set_halfedge; using Base::set_hole; using Base::delete_vertex_only; using Base::set_isolated_vertex; using Base::has_outdeg_two; using Base::merge_halfedge_pairs_at_target; // C++ is really friendly: #define USECMARK(t) const Mark& mark(t h) const { return Base::mark(h); } #define USEMARK(t) Mark& mark(t h) const { return Base::mark(h); } USEMARK(Vertex_handle) USEMARK(Halfedge_handle) USEMARK(Face_handle) USECMARK(Vertex_const_handle) USECMARK(Halfedge_const_handle) USECMARK(Face_const_handle) #undef USEMARK #undef USECMARK enum Creation {POLYGON=0, POLYLINE=1}; /*{\Moperations 1.1 1}*/ struct Seg_info { // to transport information from input to output Halfedge_const_handle e; Vertex_const_handle v; int i; Seg_info() : i(-1) {} Seg_info(Halfedge_const_handle e_, int i_) { e=e_; i=i_; } Seg_info(Vertex_const_handle v_, int i_) { v=v_; i=i_; } Seg_info(const Seg_info& si) { e=si.e; v=si.v; i=si.i; } Seg_info& operator=(const Seg_info& si) { e=si.e; v=si.v; i=si.i; return *this; } LEDA_MEMORY(Seg_info) }; typedef std::list Seg_list; typedef typename Seg_list::const_iterator Seg_iterator; typedef std::pair Seg_it_pair; /*{\Mcreation 6}*/ PM_overlayer(Plane_map& P, const Geometry& g = Geometry()) : /*{\Mcreate |\Mvar| is a decorator object manipulating |P|.}*/ Base(P), K(g) {} template void create(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end, Object_data_accessor& A, Creation cr = POLYGON) const /*{\Mop produces in |P| the plane map consistent with the overlay of the segments from the iterator range |[start,end)|. The data accessor |A| allows to initialize created vertices and edges with respect to the segments in the iterator range. |A| requires the following methods:\\ [[void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, Forward_iterator it)]]\\ [[void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, Forward_iterator it)]]\\ [[void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, Forward_iterator it)]]\\ [[void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, Forward_iterator it)]]\\ [[void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, Forward_iterator it)]]\\ where |supporting_segment| is called for each non-trivial segment |*it| supporting a newly created edge |e|, |trivial_segment| is called for each trivial segment |*it| supporting a newly created vertex |v|, and the three last operations are called for each non-trivial segment |*it| starting at/passing through/ending at the embedding of a newly created vertex |v|. \precond |Forward_iterator| has value type |Segment|.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("creating from iterator range"); CGAL_assertion(cr == POLYGON || cr == POLYLINE); typedef PMO_from_segs Output_from_segments; typedef Segment_overlay_traits< Forward_iterator, Output_from_segments, Geometry> seg_overlay; typedef generic_sweep< seg_overlay > seg_overlay_sweep; typedef typename seg_overlay::INPUT input_range; Output_from_segments Out(*this, A); seg_overlay_sweep SOS( input_range(start, end), Out, K); SOS.sweep(); if(cr==POLYGON) create_face_objects(Out); else create_face_objects_pl(Out); Out.clear_temporary_vertex_info(); } void subdivide(const Plane_map& P0, const Plane_map& P1) const /*{\Mop constructs the overlay of the plane maps |P0| and |P1| in |P|, where all objects (vertices, halfedges, faces) of |P| are \emph{enriched} by the marks of the supporting objects of the two input structures: e.g. let |v| be a vertex supported by a node |v0| in |P0| and by a face |f1| in |P1| and |D0|, |D1| be decorators of type |PM_decorator| on |P0|,|P1|. Then |\Mvar.mark(v,0) = D0.mark(v0)| and |\Mvar.mark(v,1) = D1.mark(f1)|.}*/ { Const_decorator PI[2]; PI[0] = Const_decorator(P0); PI[1] = Const_decorator(P1); Seg_list Segments; int i; CGAL::Unique_hash_map From; for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { Vertex_const_iterator v; for(v = PI[i].vertices_begin(); v != PI[i].vertices_end(); ++v) if ( PI[i].is_isolated(v) ) { Segments.push_back(segment(PI[i],v)); From[--Segments.end()] = Seg_info(v,i); } Halfedge_const_iterator e; for(e = PI[i].halfedges_begin(); e != PI[i].halfedges_end(); ++e) if ( is_forward_edge(PI[i],e) ) { Segments.push_back(segment(PI[i],e)); From[--Segments.end()] = Seg_info(e,i); } } typedef PMO_from_pm Output_from_plane_maps; typedef Segment_overlay_traits< Seg_iterator, Output_from_plane_maps, Geometry> pm_overlay; typedef generic_sweep< pm_overlay > pm_overlay_sweep; Output_from_plane_maps Out(*this,&PI[0],&PI[1],From); pm_overlay_sweep SOS(Seg_it_pair(Segments.begin(),Segments.end()),Out,K); SOS.sweep(); create_face_objects(Out); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("transfering marks"); Face_iterator f = this->faces_begin(); assoc_info(f); for (i=0; i<2; ++i) mark(f,i) = PI[i].mark(PI[i].faces_begin()); Vertex_iterator v, vend = this->vertices_end(); for (v = this->vertices_begin(); v != vend; ++v) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("mark at "<faces_begin(); f != this->faces_end(); ++f) { // skip first face assoc_info(f); for (i=0; i<2; ++i) mark(f,i) = incident_mark(halfedge(f),i); } } template void select(Selection& predicate) const /*{\Mop sets the marks of all objects according to the selection predicate |predicate|. |Selection| has to be a function object type with a function operator\\ [[Mark operator()(Mark m0, Mark m1)]]\\ For each object |u| of |P| enriched by the marks of the supporting objects according to the previous procedure |subdivide|, after this operation |\Mvar.mark(u) = predicate ( \Mvar.mark(u,0),\Mvar.mark(u,1) )|. The additional marks are invalidated afterwards. }*/ { Vertex_iterator vit = this->vertices_begin(), vend = this->vertices_end(); for( ; vit != vend; ++vit) { mark(vit) = predicate(mark(vit,0),mark(vit,1)); discard_info(vit); } Halfedge_iterator hit = this->halfedges_begin(), hend = this->halfedges_end(); for(; hit != hend; ++(++hit)) { mark(hit) = predicate(mark(hit,0),mark(hit,1)); discard_info(hit); } Face_iterator fit = this->faces_begin(), fend = this->faces_end(); for(; fit != fend; ++fit) { mark(fit) = predicate(mark(fit,0),mark(fit,1)); discard_info(fit); } } template void simplify(const Keep_edge& keep) const /*{\Mop simplifies the structure of |P| according to the marks of its objects. An edge |e| separating two faces |f1| and |f2| and equal marks |mark(e) == mark(f1) == mark(f2)| is removed and the faces are unified. An isolated vertex |v| in a face |f| with |mark(v)==mark(f)| is removed. A vertex |v| with outdegree two, two collinear out-edges |e1|,|e2| and equal marks |mark(v) == mark(e1) == mark(e2)| is removed and the edges are unified. The data accessor |keep| requires the function call operator\\[[bool operator()(Halfedge_handle e)]]\\that allows to avoid the simplification for edge pairs referenced by |e|.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("simplifying"); typedef typename CGAL::Union_find::handle Union_find_handle; CGAL::Unique_hash_map< Face_iterator, Union_find_handle> Pitem; CGAL::Union_find unify_faces; Face_iterator f, fend = this->faces_end(); for (f = this->faces_begin(); f!= fend; ++f) { Pitem[f] = unify_faces.make_set(f); clear_face_cycle_entries(f); } Halfedge_iterator e = this->halfedges_begin(), en, eend = this->halfedges_end(); for(; en=e, ++(++en), e != eend; e=en) { if ( keep(e) ) continue; if ( mark(e) == mark(face(e)) && mark(e) == mark(face(twin(e))) ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("deleting "< linked(false); for (e = this->halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++e) { if ( linked[e] ) continue; Halfedge_around_face_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); Halfedge_handle e_min = e; Face_handle f = *(unify_faces.find(Pitem[face(e)])); CGAL_For_all(hfc,hend) { set_face(hfc,f); if(target(hfc) == target(e_min)) { Point p1 = point(source(hfc)), p2 = point(target(hfc)), p3 = point(target(next(hfc))); if (!K.left_turn(p1,p2,p3) ) e_min = hfc; } else if ( K.compare_xy(point(target(hfc)), point(target(e_min))) < 0 ) e_min = hfc; linked[hfc]=true; } Point p1 = point(source(e_min)), p2 = point(target(e_min)), p3 = point(target(next(e_min))); if ( K.orientation(p1,p2,p3) > 0 ) set_halfedge(f,e_min); // outer else set_hole(f,e_min); // store as inner } Vertex_iterator v, vn, vend = this->vertices_end(); for(v = this->vertices_begin(); v != vend; v=vn) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("at vertex "<faces_begin(); f != fend; f=fn) { fn=f; ++fn; Union_find_handle pit = Pitem[f]; if ( unify_faces.find(pit) != pit ) delete_face(f); } } struct vertex_info { Mark m[2]; Vertex_const_handle v_supp[2]; Halfedge_const_handle e_supp[2]; Halfedge_handle e_below; vertex_info() { v_supp[0]=v_supp[1]=Vertex_const_handle(); e_supp[0]=e_supp[1]=Halfedge_const_handle(); } LEDA_MEMORY(vertex_info) }; void assoc_info(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(v)); #else info(v)=vertex_info(); #endif } void discard_info(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(v)); #else info(v)=boost::any(); #endif } vertex_info& ginfo(Vertex_handle v) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(v)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(v)); #endif } Mark& mark(Vertex_handle v, int i) const { return ginfo(v).m[i]; } Vertex_const_handle& supp_vertex(Vertex_handle v, int i) const { return ginfo(v).v_supp[i]; } Halfedge_const_handle& supp_halfedge(Vertex_handle v, int i) const { return ginfo(v).e_supp[i]; } Halfedge_handle& halfedge_below(Vertex_handle v) const { return ginfo(v).e_below; } struct halfedge_info { Mark m[2]; Mark mf[2]; Halfedge_const_handle e_supp[2]; bool forw; halfedge_info() { m[0]=m[1]=mf[0]=mf[1]=Mark(); e_supp[0]=e_supp[1]=Halfedge_const_handle(); forw=false; } LEDA_MEMORY(halfedge_info) }; void assoc_info(Halfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(e)); geninfo::create(info(twin(e))); #else info(e)=halfedge_info(); info(twin(e))=halfedge_info(); #endif } void discard_info(Halfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(e)); geninfo::clear(info(twin(e))); #else info(e)=boost::any(); info(twin(e))=boost::any(); #endif } halfedge_info& ginfo(Halfedge_handle e) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(e)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(e)); #endif } Mark& mark(Halfedge_handle e, int i) const // uedge information we store in the smaller one { if (&*e < &*(twin(e))) return ginfo(e).m[i]; else return ginfo(twin(e)).m[i]; } Halfedge_const_handle& supp_halfedge(Halfedge_handle e, int i) const // uedge information we store in the smaller one { if (&*e < &*(twin(e))) return ginfo(e).e_supp[i]; else return ginfo(twin(e)).e_supp[i]; } Mark& incident_mark(Halfedge_handle e, int i) const // biedge information we store in the halfedge { return ginfo(e).mf[i]; } bool& is_forward(Halfedge_handle e) const // biedge information we store in the halfedge { return ginfo(e).forw; } struct face_info { Mark m[2]; face_info() { m[0]=m[1]=Mark(); } LEDA_MEMORY(face_info) }; void assoc_info(Face_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::create(info(f)); #else info(f)=face_info(); #endif } void discard_info(Face_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO geninfo::clear(info(f)); #else info(f)=boost::any(); #endif } face_info& ginfo(Face_handle f) const { #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO return geninfo::access(info(f)); #else return *boost::any_cast(&info(f)); #endif } Mark& mark(Face_handle f, int i) const { return ginfo(f).m[i]; } void clear_associated_info_of_all_objects() const { Vertex_iterator vit; for (vit = this->vertices_begin(); vit != this->vertices_end(); ++vit) discard_info(vit); Halfedge_iterator hit; for (hit = this->halfedges_begin(); hit != this->halfedges_end(); ++hit) discard_info(hit); Face_iterator fit; for (fit = this->faces_begin(); fit != this->faces_end(); ++fit) discard_info(fit); } template void create_face_objects(const Below_info& D) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("create_face_objects()"); CGAL::Unique_hash_map FaceCycle(-1); std::vector MinimalHalfedge; int i=0; Halfedge_iterator e, eend = this->halfedges_end(); for (e=this->halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++e) { if ( FaceCycle[e] >= 0 ) continue; // already assigned Halfedge_around_face_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); Halfedge_handle e_min = e; CGAL_NEF_TRACE("face cycle "<new_face(); for (int j=0; j outer face cycle CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" creating new face object"); Face_handle f = this->new_face(); link_as_outer_face_cycle(f,e); } } for (e = this->halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++e) { if ( face(e) != Face_handle() ) continue; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("linking hole "<vertices_end(); for (v = this->vertices_begin(); v != v_end; ++v) { if ( !is_isolated(v) ) continue; Halfedge_handle e_below = D.halfedge_below(v); if ( e_below == Halfedge_handle() ) link_as_isolated_vertex(f_outer,v); else link_as_isolated_vertex(face(e_below),v); } } template void create_face_objects_pl(const Below_info& D) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("create_face_objects_pl()"); CGAL::Unique_hash_map FaceCycle(-1); std::vector MinimalHalfedge; int i=0; Halfedge_iterator e, eend = this->halfedges_end(); for (e=this->halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++e) { if ( FaceCycle[e] >= 0 ) continue; // already assigned Halfedge_around_face_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); Halfedge_handle e_min = e; CGAL_NEF_TRACE("face cycle "<new_face(); for (int j=0; j outer face cycle CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" creating new face object"); Face_handle f = this->new_face(); link_as_outer_face_cycle(f,e); } } for (e = this->halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++e) { if ( face(e) != Face_handle() ) continue; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("linking hole "< Face_handle determine_face(Halfedge_handle e, const std::vector& MinimalHalfedge, const CGAL::Unique_hash_map& FaceCycle, const Below_info& D) const { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("determine_face "<faces_begin(); Face_handle f = face(e_below); if (f != Face_handle()) return f; // has face already f = determine_face(e_below, MinimalHalfedge, FaceCycle,D); link_as_hole(f,e_below); return f; } Segment segment(const Const_decorator& N, Halfedge_const_handle e) const { return K.construct_segment( N.point(N.source(e)),N.point(N.target(e))); } Segment segment(const Const_decorator& N, Vertex_const_handle v) const { Point p = N.point(v); return K.construct_segment(p,p); } bool is_forward_edge(const Const_decorator& N, Halfedge_const_iterator hit) const { Point p1 = N.point(N.source(hit)); Point p2 = N.point(N.target(hit)); return (K.compare_xy(p1,p2) < 0); } void assert_type_precondition() const { typename PM_decorator_::Point p1; Point p2; CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_same::value)); } }; // PM_overlayer } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_PM_OVERLAYER_H