// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_INFIMAXIMAL_BOX_H #define CGAL_INFIMAXIMAL_BOX_H #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 191 #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Infimaximal_box { public: typedef typename Kernel::RT NT; typedef typename Kernel::RT RT; typedef Kernel Standard_kernel; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Kernel::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename Kernel::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename Kernel::Aff_transformation_3 Aff_transformation_3; typedef Plane_3 Standard_plane; typedef Vector_3 Standard_vector; typedef Point_3 Standard_point; static bool standard_kernel() { return true; } static bool extended_kernel() { return false; } static bool is_standard(const Point_3& ) { return true; } static bool is_standard(const Plane_3& ) { return true; } static bool check_point_on_plane(Point_3 p, Plane_3 h) { return (p.hx()*h.a()+p.hy()*h.b()+p.hz()*h.c()+p.hw()*h.d() == 0); } static Point_3 simplify(Point_3& p) { return p; } static Standard_point standard_point(Point_3 p, NT =1) { return p; } static Standard_plane standard_plane(Plane_3 p, NT =1) { return p; } static Standard_vector standard_vector(Vector_3 p) { return p; } static void set_size_of_infimaximal_box(const NT& ) {} static int degree(const RT& ) { return 0; } static NT get_coeff(const RT& p, unsigned int ) { return p; } static NT eval_at(const RT& p) { return p; } static bool is_infibox_corner(const Point_3& ) { return false; } template static bool is_complex_facet_infibox_intersection(const Sphere_map& ) { return false; } static int type_of_infibox_point(const Point_3& ) { return 0; } template static typename SNC_structure::Volume_const_handle getNirvana(SNC_structure& snc) { return snc.volumes_begin(); } template static bool is_beyond_Infibox(typename SNC_structure::SFace_handle , SNC_structure& ) { return false; } static bool x_on_box(const Point_3& ) { return false; } static bool y_on_box(const Point_3& ) { return false; } static bool z_on_box(const Point_3& ) { return false; } template static NT compute_evaluation_constant_for_halfedge_pairup(const SNC_structure& ) { return NT(1); } static void compute_min_max(const Plane_3& , NT orth_coords[3], int& /* min */, int& /* max */) { (void)orth_coords; } static Point_3 scale_infibox_vertex(const Point_3& ) { return Point_3(); } static Point_3 normalize_transformed_vertex(const Point_3& ) { return Point_3(); } template static std::list create_vertices_on_infibox(SNC_constructor&, const Plane_3&, const std::list&, const Mark&, const Mark&, const Mark&) { // TODO: warning oder assertion einbauen return std::list(); } template static std::list find_points_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor&, const Plane_3&) { return std::list(); } static typename std::list::const_iterator segment_on_side(int /*side_of_point*/, const std::list& segs) { return segs.begin(); } static Point_3 create_extended_point(NT, NT, NT) { std::cerr << "function should not be called" << std::endl; CGAL_error_msg("function should not be called"); return Point_3(0,0,0); } static Plane_3 create_extended_plane(NT, NT, NT, NT) { std::cerr << "function should not be called" << std::endl; return Plane_3(1,0,0,0); } template static Ray_3 get_ray(SNC_decorator& , Point& p) { // return D.point(D.vertex(D.shells_begin(D.volumes_begin()))); return Ray_3(p, Vector_3(-1,0,0)); } template static void create_vertices_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor_&, const Plane_3&, bool) { std::cerr << "Constructor not available for this Kernel" << std::endl; } template static void initialize_infibox_vertices(SNC_constructor& , bool ) { } template static bool is_sedge_on_infibox(SHalfedge_handle ) { return false; } template static bool is_edge_on_infibox(Halfedge_handle ) { return false; } template static bool is_redundant_box_vertex(Vertex_handle ) { return false; } template static bool is_type4(Halfedge_handle ) {return false;} template static bool is_type3(Halfedge_handle ) {return false;} }; template class Infimaximal_box { public: typedef typename Kernel::RT RT; typedef typename Kernel::RT::NT NT; typedef typename Kernel::Standard_kernel Standard_kernel; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Point_3 Standard_point; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Plane_3 Standard_plane; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Vector_3 Standard_vector; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Kernel::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename Kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Kernel::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename Kernel::Direction_3 Direction_3; typedef typename Kernel::Aff_transformation_3 Aff_transformation_3; enum Boundary { EXCLUDED=0, INCLUDED=1 }; static const int RADIUS = 10000000; static bool standard_kernel() { return false; } static bool extended_kernel() { return true; } static bool is_standard(const Point_3& p) { CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree()==0); return (p.hx().degree()==0 && p.hy().degree()==0 && p.hz().degree()==0); } static bool is_standard(const Plane_3& p) { return (p.d().degree() == 0); } static int type_of_infibox_point(const Point_3& p) { int res = 0; RT W(NT(0),p.hw()[0]); if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == W) ++res; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == W) ++res; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == W) ++res; return res; } static bool is_infibox_corner(const Point_3& p) { return type_of_infibox_point(p) == 3; } static Point_3 simplify(Point_3& p) { CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); int deg = p.hx().degree() > p.hy().degree() ? p.hx().degree() : p.hy().degree(); deg = p.hz().degree() > deg ? p.hz().degree() : deg; return Point_3(p.hx().degree() == deg ? p.hx()[deg] : 0, p.hy().degree() == deg ? p.hy()[deg] : 0, p.hz().degree() == deg ? p.hz()[deg] : 0, p.hw()[0]); } static int degree(const RT& p) { return p.degree(); } static NT get_coeff(const RT& p, unsigned int i) { return p[i]; } static NT eval_at(const RT& p, NT d=RADIUS) { return p.eval_at(d); } static bool check_point_on_plane(Point_3 p, Plane_3 h) { NT x(p.hx().eval_at(100)); NT y(p.hy().eval_at(100)); NT z(p.hz().eval_at(100)); NT w(p.hw().eval_at(100)); NT a(h.a().eval_at(100)); NT b(h.b().eval_at(100)); NT c(h.c().eval_at(100)); NT d(h.d().eval_at(100)); return (x*a+y*b+z*c+w*d == 0); } static Standard_point standard_point(Point_3 p, NT d=1) { return Standard_point(p.hx().eval_at(d), p.hy().eval_at(d), p.hz().eval_at(d), p.hw().eval_at(1)); } static Standard_plane standard_plane(Plane_3 p, NT d=1) { return Standard_plane(p.a().eval_at(1), p.b().eval_at(1), p.c().eval_at(1), p.d().eval_at(d)); } static Standard_vector standard_vector(Vector_3 p) { return Standard_vector(p.hx().eval_at(1), p.hy().eval_at(1), p.hz().eval_at(1)); } static void set_size_of_infimaximal_box(NT size) { RT::infi_maximal_value() = size; } static bool x_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static bool y_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static bool z_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static Point_3 create_extended_point(NT x, NT y, NT z) { return Point_3(RT(0,x), RT(0,y), RT(0,z), RT(1)); } static Plane_3 create_extended_plane(NT a, NT b, NT c, NT d) { return Plane_3(a,b,c,RT(0,d)); } static Point_3 create_extended_point(NT a0,NT a1,NT b0,NT b1,NT c0,NT c1,NT d) { return Point_3(RT(a0,a1),RT(b0,b1),RT(c0,c1),RT(d)); } template static typename SNC_structure::Volume_handle getNirvana(SNC_structure& snc) { return ++(snc.volumes_begin()); } template static bool is_beyond_Infibox(typename SNC_structure::SFace_handle sf, SNC_structure& snc) { typename SNC_structure::SNC_decorator D(snc); return (D.volume(sf) == snc.volumes_begin()); } template static std::list create_vertices_on_infibox(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h, const std::list& points, const Mark& bnd, const Mark& inside, const Mark& outside) { return C.create_vertices_on_infibox(h,points,bnd,inside,outside); } template static void create_vertices_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h, bool b) { C.create_vertices_of_box_with_plane(h, b); } static void compute_min_max(const Plane_3& h, NT orth_coords[3], int& min, int& max) { Vector_3 orth = h.orthogonal_vector(); orth_coords[0] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hx()[0]); orth_coords[1] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hy()[0]); orth_coords[2] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hz()[0]); max = 0; if(orth_coords[1] > orth_coords[0]) max = 1; if(orth_coords[2] > orth_coords[max]) max = 2; min = 0; if(orth_coords[1] < orth_coords[0]) min = 1; if(orth_coords[2] < orth_coords[min]) min = 2; } template static NT compute_evaluation_constant_for_halfedge_pairup(const SNC_structure& snc) { NT eval = 0; typename SNC_structure::Vertex_const_iterator v; CGAL_forall_vertices(v, snc) { Point_3 p(v->point()); if(p.hx()[0] > eval) eval = p.hx()[0]; if(p.hy()[0] > eval) eval = p.hy()[0]; if(p.hz()[0] > eval) eval = p.hz()[0]; } eval *= 4; if(eval == 0) return 1; return eval; } static Point_3 scale_infibox_vertex(const Point_3 pin, const Aff_transformation_3& aff) { RT lx(pin.hx()[0]); RT ly(pin.hy()[0]); RT lz(pin.hz()[0]); RT hx(pin.hx()-lx); RT hy(pin.hy()-ly); RT hz(pin.hz()-lz); RT hw(pin.hw()); Point_3 p(Point_3(lx,ly,lz,hw).transform(aff)); return Point_3(hx+p.hx(),hy+p.hy(),hz+p.hz(),hw); } static Point_3 normalize_transformed_vertex(const Point_3& p) { int i=0; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy())) if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())) i = 2; else i = 1; else if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())) i = 2; switch(i) { case 0: CGAL_assertion(p.hx().degree() == 1); if(p.hx()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(0,p.hx()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hy()(1),p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hz()(1),p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hx()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(0,-p.hx()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hy()(1),-p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hz()(1),-p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hx()[1])); case 1: CGAL_assertion(p.hy().degree() == 1); if(p.hy()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hx()(1),p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,p.hy()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hz()(1),p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hy()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hx()(1),-p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,-p.hy()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hz()(1),-p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hy()[1])); case 2: CGAL_assertion(p.hz().degree() == 1); if(p.hz()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hx()(1),p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hy()(1),p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,p.hz()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hz()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hx()(1),-p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hy()(1),-p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,-p.hz()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hz()[1])); default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } return Point_3(); } static typename std::list::const_iterator segment_on_side(int side_of_point, const std::list& segs) { typename std::list::const_iterator s1,t1; for(s1 = segs.begin(); s1 != segs.end(); ++s1) { t1 = s1; ++t1; if(t1 == segs.end()) t1 = segs.begin(); switch(side_of_point) { case 1: if( s1->hx()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hx()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case -1: if(-s1->hx()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hx()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case 2: if( s1->hy()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hy()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; break; case -2: if(-s1->hy()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hy()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case 3: if( s1->hz()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hz()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case -3: if(-s1->hz()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hz()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } } CGAL_error_msg( "this line of shall not be reached"); return s1; } template static void initialize_infibox_vertices(SNC_constructor& C, bool space) { #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS int base = Index_generator::get_unique_index(); for(int i=0; i<11; ++i) Index_generator::get_unique_index(); #endif C.create_extended_box_corner( 1, 1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1, 1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1,-1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1,-1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1, 1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1, 1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1,-1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1,-1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); } template static bool is_edge_on_infibox(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p = e->center_vertex()->point(); if(is_standard(p)) return false; Vector_3 v(e->vector()); CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); RT Outer(0,CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()[0])); // TODO: are these lines really redundant?? if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == Outer && ((p.hx() > 0 && v.hx() > 0)||(p.hx() < 0 && v.hx() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == Outer && ((p.hy() > 0 && v.hy() > 0)||(p.hy() < 0 && v.hy() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == Outer && ((p.hz() > 0 && v.hz() > 0)||(p.hz() < 0 && v.hz() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == Outer && v.hx() == 0) return true; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == Outer && v.hy() == 0) return true; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == Outer && v.hz() == 0) return true; return false; } template static bool is_sedge_on_infibox(SHalfedge_handle sh) { Point_3 p = sh->source()->center_vertex()->point(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Point " << p); if(is_standard(p)) return false; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Circle " << sh->circle() << " has signum " << sign_of(sh->circle())); CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); RT R(0,CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()[0])); if((sh->circle().a() == 0 && sh->circle().b() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())== R) || (sh->circle().a() == 0 && sh->circle().c() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy())== R) || (sh->circle().b() == 0 && sh->circle().c() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx())== R)) if(is_edge_on_infibox(sh->source()) && is_edge_on_infibox(sh->twin()->source())) return true; return false; } template static bool is_redundant_box_vertex(const Sphere_map& sm) { if(is_standard(sm.point())) return false; if(is_infibox_corner(sm.point())) return false; typename Sphere_map::SVertex_const_iterator svi; for(svi = sm.svertices_begin(); svi != sm.svertices_end(); ++svi) if(!is_edge_on_infibox(svi)) { return false; } return true; } template static bool is_complex_facet_infibox_intersection(const Sphere_map& sm) { typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_const_iterator sei; bool found = false; CGAL_forall_sedges(sei, sm) { if(!is_sedge_on_infibox(sei)) { if(found) return true; else found = true; } } return false; } template static std::list find_points_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h) { return C.find_points_of_box_with_plane(h); } template static bool is_type4(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p(e->center_vertex()->point()); Direction_3 d(e->vector()); if((CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(1,0,0) || d == Direction_3(-1,0,0)) && (CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(0,1,0) || d == Direction_3(0,-1,0)) && (CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(0,0,1) || d == Direction_3(0,0,-1))) return true; return false; } template static bool is_type3(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p(e->center_vertex()->point()); Direction_3 d(e->vector()); if(d == Direction_3(1,0,0) || d == Direction_3(-1,0,0)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } if(d == Direction_3(0,1,0) || d == Direction_3(0,-1,0)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } if(d == Direction_3(0,0,1) || d == Direction_3(0,0,-1)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } return false; } }; /* template class Infimaximal_box > { public: typedef typename Kernel::RT RT; typedef typename Kernel::RT::NT NT; typedef typename Kernel::Standard_kernel Standard_kernel; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Point_3 Standard_point; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Plane_3 Standard_plane; typedef typename Standard_kernel::Vector_3 Standard_vector; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Kernel::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename Kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Kernel::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename Kernel::Direction_3 Direction_3; typedef typename Kernel::Aff_transformation_3 Aff_transformation_3; enum Boundary { EXCLUDED=0, INCLUDED=1 }; static const int RADIUS = 10000000; static bool standard_kernel() { return false; } static bool extended_kernel() { return true; } static bool is_standard(const Point_3& p) { CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree()==0); return (p.hx().degree()==0 && p.hy().degree()==0 && p.hz().degree()==0); } static bool is_standard(const Plane_3& p) { return (p.d().degree() == 0); } static int type_of_infibox_point(const Point_3& p) { int res = 0; RT W(NT(0),p.hw()[0]); if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == W) ++res; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == W) ++res; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == W) ++res; return res; } static bool is_infibox_corner(const Point_3& p) { return type_of_infibox_point(p) == 3; } static Point_3 simplify(Point_3& p) { CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); int deg = p.hx().degree() > p.hy().degree() ? p.hx().degree() : p.hy().degree(); deg = p.hz().degree() > deg ? p.hz().degree() : deg; return Point_3(p.hx().degree() == deg ? p.hx()[deg] : 0, p.hy().degree() == deg ? p.hy()[deg] : 0, p.hz().degree() == deg ? p.hz()[deg] : 0, p.hw()[0]); } static int degree(const RT& p) { return p.degree(); } static NT get_coeff(const RT& p, unsigned int i) { return p[i]; } static NT eval_at(const RT& p, NT d=RADIUS) { return p.eval_at(d); } static bool check_point_on_plane(Point_3 p, Plane_3 h) { std::cerr << p << ", " << h << std::endl; NT x(p.hx().eval_at(100)); NT y(p.hy().eval_at(100)); NT z(p.hz().eval_at(100)); NT w(p.hw().eval_at(100)); NT a(h.a().eval_at(100)); NT b(h.b().eval_at(100)); NT c(h.c().eval_at(100)); NT d(h.d().eval_at(100)); return (x*a+y*b+z*c+w*d == 0); } static Standard_point standard_point(Point_3 p, NT d=1) { return Standard_point(p.hx().eval_at(d), p.hy().eval_at(d), p.hz().eval_at(d), p.hw().eval_at(1)); } static Standard_plane standard_plane(Plane_3 p, NT d=1) { return Standard_plane(p.a().eval_at(1), p.b().eval_at(1), p.c().eval_at(1), p.d().eval_at(d)); } static Standard_vector standard_vector(Vector_3 p) { return Standard_vector(p.hx().eval_at(1), p.hy().eval_at(1), p.hz().eval_at(1)); } static void set_size_of_infimaximal_box(NT size) { RT::infi_maximal_value() = size; } static bool x_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static bool y_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static bool z_on_box(const Point_3& p) { return CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == RT(0,p.hw()[0]); } static Point_3 create_extended_point(NT x, NT y, NT z) { return Point_3(RT(0,x), RT(0,y), RT(0,z), RT(1)); } static Plane_3 create_extended_plane(NT a, NT b, NT c, NT d) { return Plane_3(a,b,c,RT(0,d)); } static Point_3 create_extended_point(NT a0,NT a1,NT b0,NT b1,NT c0,NT c1,NT d) { return Point_3(RT(a0,a1),RT(b0,b1),RT(c0,c1),RT(d)); } template static typename SNC_structure::Volume_handle getNirvana(SNC_structure& snc) { return ++(snc.volumes_begin()); } template static bool is_beyond_Infibox(typename SNC_structure::SFace_handle sf, SNC_structure& snc) { typename SNC_structure::SNC_decorator D(snc); return (D.volume(sf) == snc.volumes_begin()); } template static std::list create_vertices_on_infibox(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h, const std::list& points, const Mark& bnd, const Mark& inside, const Mark& outside) { return C.create_vertices_on_infibox(h,points,bnd,inside,outside); } template static void create_vertices_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h, bool b) { C.create_vertices_of_box_with_plane(h, b); } static void compute_min_max(const Plane_3& h, NT orth_coords[3], int& min, int& max) { Vector_3 orth = h.orthogonal_vector(); orth_coords[0] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hx()[0]); orth_coords[1] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hy()[0]); orth_coords[2] = CGAL_NTS abs(orth.hz()[0]); max = 0; if(orth_coords[1] > orth_coords[0]) max = 1; if(orth_coords[2] > orth_coords[max]) max = 2; min = 0; if(orth_coords[1] < orth_coords[0]) min = 1; if(orth_coords[2] < orth_coords[min]) min = 2; } template static NT compute_evaluation_constant_for_halfedge_pairup(const SNC_structure& snc) { NT eval = 0; typename SNC_structure::Vertex_const_iterator v; CGAL_forall_vertices(v, snc) { Point_3 p(v->point()); if(p.hx()[0] > eval) eval = p.hx()[0]; if(p.hy()[0] > eval) eval = p.hy()[0]; if(p.hz()[0] > eval) eval = p.hz()[0]; } eval *= 4; if(eval == 0) return 1; return eval; } static Point_3 scale_infibox_vertex(const Point_3 pin, const Aff_transformation_3& aff) { RT lx(pin.hx()[0]); RT ly(pin.hy()[0]); RT lz(pin.hz()[0]); RT hx(pin.hx()-lx); RT hy(pin.hy()-ly); RT hz(pin.hz()-lz); RT hw(pin.hw()); Point_3 p(Point_3(lx,ly,lz,hw).transform(aff)); return Point_3(hx+p.hx(),hy+p.hy(),hz+p.hz(),hw); } static Point_3 normalize_transformed_vertex(const Point_3& p) { int i=0; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy())) if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())) i = 2; else i = 1; else if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) < CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())) i = 2; switch(i) { case 0: CGAL_assertion(p.hx().degree() == 1); if(p.hx()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(0,p.hx()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hy()(1),p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hz()(1),p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hx()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(0,-p.hx()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hy()(1),-p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hx()[1]-p.hx()[0]*p.hz()(1),-p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hx()[1])); case 1: CGAL_assertion(p.hy().degree() == 1); if(p.hy()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hx()(1),p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,p.hy()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hz()(1),p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hy()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hx()(1),-p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,-p.hy()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hz()[0]*p.hy()[1]-p.hy()[0]*p.hz()(1),-p.hz()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hy()[1])); case 2: CGAL_assertion(p.hz().degree() == 1); if(p.hz()[1] > 0) return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hx()(1),p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hy()(1),p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,p.hz()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hz()[1])); else return Point_3(RT(p.hx()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hx()(1),-p.hx()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hy()[0]*p.hz()[1]-p.hz()[0]*p.hy()(1),-p.hy()(1)*p.hw()[0]), RT(0,-p.hz()[1]*p.hw()[0]), RT(p.hw()[0]*p.hz()[1])); default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } return Point_3(); } static typename std::list::const_iterator segment_on_side(int side_of_point, const std::list& segs) { typename std::list::const_iterator s1,t1; for(s1 = segs.begin(); s1 != segs.end(); ++s1) { t1 = s1; ++t1; if(t1 == segs.end()) t1 = segs.begin(); switch(side_of_point) { case 1: if( s1->hx()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hx()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case -1: if(-s1->hx()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hx()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case 2: if( s1->hy()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hy()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; break; case -2: if(-s1->hy()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hy()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case 3: if( s1->hz()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if( t1->hz()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; case -3: if(-s1->hz()(1) != s1->hw()) continue; if(-t1->hz()(1) != t1->hw()) continue; return s1; default: CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } } CGAL_error_msg( "this line of shall not be reached"); return s1; } template static void initialize_infibox_vertices(SNC_constructor& C, bool space) { #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS int base = Index_generator::get_unique_index(); for(int i=0; i<11; ++i) Index_generator::get_unique_index(); #endif C.create_extended_box_corner( 1, 1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1, 1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1,-1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1,-1, 1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1, 1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1, 1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner( 1,-1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); C.create_extended_box_corner(-1,-1,-1, space, true #ifdef CGAL_NEF_INDEXED_ITEMS , base #endif ); } template static bool is_edge_on_infibox(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p = e->center_vertex()->point(); if(is_standard(p)) return false; Vector_3 v(e->vector()); CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); RT Outer(0,CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()[0])); // TODO: are these lines really redundant?? if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == Outer && ((p.hx() > 0 && v.hx() > 0)||(p.hx() < 0 && v.hx() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == Outer && ((p.hy() > 0 && v.hy() > 0)||(p.hy() < 0 && v.hy() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == Outer && ((p.hz() > 0 && v.hz() > 0)||(p.hz() < 0 && v.hz() < 0))) return false; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == Outer && v.hx() == 0) return true; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == Outer && v.hy() == 0) return true; if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == Outer && v.hz() == 0) return true; return false; } template static bool is_sedge_on_infibox(SHalfedge_handle sh) { Point_3 p = sh->source()->center_vertex()->point(); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Point " << p); if(is_standard(p)) return false; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Circle " << sh->circle() << " has signum " << sign_of(sh->circle())); CGAL_assertion(p.hw().degree() == 0); RT R(0,CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()[0])); if((sh->circle().a() == 0 && sh->circle().b() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz())== R) || (sh->circle().a() == 0 && sh->circle().c() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy())== R) || (sh->circle().b() == 0 && sh->circle().c() == 0 && CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx())== R)) if(is_edge_on_infibox(sh->source()) && is_edge_on_infibox(sh->twin()->source())) return true; return false; } template static bool is_redundant_box_vertex(const Sphere_map& sm) { if(is_standard(sm.point())) return false; if(is_infibox_corner(sm.point())) return false; typename Sphere_map::SVertex_const_iterator svi; for(svi = sm.svertices_begin(); svi != sm.svertices_end(); ++svi) if(!is_edge_on_infibox(svi)) { return false; } return true; } template static bool is_complex_facet_infibox_intersection(const Sphere_map& sm) { typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_const_iterator sei; bool found = false; CGAL_forall_sedges(sei, sm) { if(!is_sedge_on_infibox(sei)) { if(found) return true; else found = true; } } return false; } template static std::list find_points_of_box_with_plane(SNC_constructor& C, const Plane_3& h) { return C.find_points_of_box_with_plane(h); } template static bool is_type4(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p(e->center_vertex()->point()); Direction_3 d(e->vector()); if((CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(1,0,0) || d == Direction_3(-1,0,0)) && (CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(0,1,0) || d == Direction_3(0,-1,0)) && (CGAL_NTS abs(p.hz()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw()) || d == Direction_3(0,0,1) || d == Direction_3(0,0,-1))) return true; return false; } template static bool is_type3(Halfedge_handle e) { Point_3 p(e->center_vertex()->point()); Direction_3 d(e->vector()); if(d == Direction_3(1,0,0) || d == Direction_3(-1,0,0)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } if(d == Direction_3(0,1,0) || d == Direction_3(0,-1,0)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hx()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } if(d == Direction_3(0,0,1) || d == Direction_3(0,0,-1)) { if(CGAL_NTS abs(p.hy()) == CGAL_NTS abs(p.hw())) return true; return false; } return false; } }; */ } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_INFIMAXIMAL_BOX_H