// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Miguel Granados // Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_NEF_K3_TREE_H #define CGAL_NEF_K3_TREE_H #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 503 #include namespace CGAL { template void sort_triangle_by_lexicographically_smaller_vertex (const Triangle_3& t, int& a, int& b, int& c) { typedef typename Triangle_3::R Kernel; a = 0; for( int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { if( compare_xyz( t[a], t[i]) == SMALLER) a = i; } b = (a + 1) % 3; c = (b + 1) % 3; if( compare_xyz( t[b], t[c]) == LARGER) std::swap( b, c); return; } template struct Compare_triangle_3 { typedef typename Triangle_3::R Kernel; bool operator()( const Triangle_3& t1, const Triangle_3& t2) const { int v1[3], v2[3]; sort_triangle_by_lexicographically_smaller_vertex ( t1, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]); sort_triangle_by_lexicographically_smaller_vertex ( t2, v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]); for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Comparison_result c = compare_xyz( t1[v1[i]], t2[v2[i]]); if( c == SMALLER) return true; else if( c == LARGER) return false; } return false; // the two triangles are equivalent } }; template class K3_tree { template class Smaller_than { public: Smaller_than(Coordinate c) : coord(c) { CGAL_assertion( c >= 0 && c <=2); } bool operator()( const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2) { switch(coord) { case 0: return CGAL::compare_x(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; case 1: return CGAL::compare_y(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; case 2: return CGAL::compare_z(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; default: CGAL_error(); } return false; } bool operator()( const Object& o1, const Object& o2) { Vertex v1,v2; CGAL::assign(v1,o1); CGAL::assign(v2,o2); switch(coord) { case 0: return CGAL::compare_x(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; case 1: return CGAL::compare_y(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; case 2: return CGAL::compare_z(v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; default: CGAL_error(); } return false; } private: Coordinate coord; }; template class Smaller_than, Object, Vertex, Coordinate> { public: Smaller_than(Coordinate c) : coord(c) { CGAL_assertion( c >= 0 && c <=2); } bool operator()( const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2) { switch(coord) { case 0: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().x()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().x()).first; case 1: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().y()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().y()).first; case 2: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().z()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().z()).first; default: CGAL_error(); } return false; } bool operator()( const Object& o1, const Object& o2) { Vertex v1,v2; CGAL::assign(v1,o1); CGAL::assign(v2,o2); switch(coord) { case 0: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().x()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().x()).first; case 1: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().y()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().y()).first; case 2: return CGAL::to_interval(v1->point().z()).second < CGAL::to_interval(v2->point().z()).first; default: CGAL_error(); } return false; } private: Coordinate coord; }; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS template class Triangulation_handler { typedef typename CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_2 Vb; typedef typename CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_face_base_2 Fb; typedef typename CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2 TDS; typedef typename CGAL::No_intersection_tag Itag; typedef typename CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 CT; typedef typename CT::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename CT::Finite_faces_iterator Finite_face_iterator; typedef typename CT::Edge Edge; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_cycle_iterator Halffacet_cycle_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator; CT ct; CGAL::Unique_hash_map visited; Finite_face_iterator fi; public: template Triangulation_handler(Halffacet_handle f) : visited(false) { typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_cycle_iterator Halffacet_cycle_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator; Halffacet_cycle_iterator fci; for(fci=f->facet_cycles_begin(); fci!=f->facet_cycles_end(); ++fci) { if(fci.is_shalfedge()) { SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator sfc(fci), send(sfc); CGAL_For_all(sfc,send) { ct.insert_constraint(sfc->source()->source()->point(), sfc->source()->twin()->source()->point()); } } } CGAL_assertion(ct.is_valid()); typename CT::Face_handle infinite = ct.infinite_face(); typename CT::Vertex_handle ctv = infinite->vertex(1); if(ct.is_infinite(ctv)) ctv = infinite->vertex(2); CGAL_assertion(!ct.is_infinite(ctv)); typename CT::Face_handle opposite; typename CT::Face_circulator vc(ctv,infinite); do { opposite = vc++; } while(!ct.is_constrained(CT::Edge(vc,vc->index(opposite)))); typename CT::Face_handle first = vc; traverse_triangulation(first, first->index(opposite)); fi = ct.finite_faces_begin(); } void traverse_triangulation(Face_handle f, int parent) { visited[f] = true; if(!ct.is_constrained(Edge(f,ct.cw(parent))) && !visited[f->neighbor(ct.cw(parent))]) { Face_handle child(f->neighbor(ct.cw(parent))); traverse_triangulation(child, child->index(f)); } if(!ct.is_constrained(Edge(f,ct.cw(parent))) && !visited[f->neighbor(ct.cw(parent))]) { Face_handle child(f->neighbor(ct.cw(parent))); traverse_triangulation(child, child->index(f)); } } template bool get_next_triangle(Triangle_3& tr) { if(fi == ct.finite_faces_end()) return false; ++fi; while(fi != ct.finite_faces_end() && visited[fi] == false) ++fi; if(fi == ct.finite_faces_end()) return false; tr = Triangle_3(fi->vertex(0)->point(), fi->vertex(1)->point(), fi->vertex(2)->point()); return true; } }; #endif public: friend class Objects_along_ray; friend class Objects_around_segment; friend class Objects_around_box; public: typedef typename Traits::SNC_decorator SNC_decorator; typedef typename Traits::Infimaximal_box Infimaximal_box; typedef typename Traits::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Traits::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Traits::Halffacet_handle Halffacet_handle; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS typedef typename Traits::Halffacet_triangle_handle Halffacet_triangle_handle; #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX typedef typename Traits::Partial_facet Partial_facet; #endif typedef typename Traits::Object_handle Object_handle; typedef std::vector Object_list; typedef typename Object_list::const_iterator Object_const_iterator; typedef typename Object_list::iterator Object_iterator; typedef typename Object_list::size_type size_type; typedef typename Traits::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Traits::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename Traits::Ray_3 Ray_3; typedef typename Traits::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Traits::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename Traits::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; typedef typename Traits::Aff_transformation_3 Aff_transformation_3; typedef typename Traits::Bounding_box_3 Bounding_box_3; typedef typename Traits::Side_of_plane Side_of_plane; typedef typename Traits::Objects_bbox Objects_bbox; typedef typename Traits::Kernel Kernel; typedef typename Kernel::RT RT; typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; typedef Smaller_than< Kernel, Object_handle, Vertex_handle, int> Smaller_; class Node { friend class K3_tree; public: Node( Node* p, Node* l, Node* r, Plane_3 pl, const Object_list& O) : parent_node(p), left_node(l), right_node(r), splitting_plane(pl), object_list(O) { if(l == 0) point_on_plane = Point_3(); else point_on_plane = pl.point(); } bool is_leaf() const { CGAL_assertion( (left_node != 0 && right_node != 0) || (left_node == 0 && right_node == 0)); return (left_node == 0 && right_node == 0); } const Node* parent() const { return parent_node; } const Node* left() const { return left_node; } const Node* right() const { return right_node; } const Plane_3& plane() const { return splitting_plane; } const Object_list& objects() const { return object_list; } void transform(const Aff_transformation_3& t) { if(left_node != 0) { CGAL_assertion(right_node != 0); left_node->transform(t); right_node->transform(t); splitting_plane = splitting_plane.transform(t); #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS } else { Halffacet_triangle_handle tri; typename Object_list::iterator o; for(o = object_list.begin(); o != object_list.end(); ++o) if(assign(tri,*o)) { tri.transform(t); *o = make_object(tri); } #endif // CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS } } std::size_t bytes() { // bytes used for the Kd-tree std::size_t s = sizeof(Node); if(left_node != 0) s += left_node->bytes(); if(right_node != 0) s += right_node->bytes(); typename Object_list::iterator o; for(o = object_list.begin(); o != object_list.end(); ++o) s += sizeof(*o); return s; } std::size_t leafs(int mask = 255, int lower_limit = 0) { std::size_t s = 0; Halffacet_handle f; Halfedge_handle e; Vertex_handle v; typename Object_list::iterator o; if(mask == 0) s = 1; else { for(o = object_list.begin(); o != object_list.end(); ++o) { if((mask & 1) && assign(v,*o)) ++s; else if((mask&2) && assign(e,*o)) ++s; else if(((mask&4) || (mask&8)) && assign(f,*o)) { if(mask&4) ++s; else { int length = 0; typename Traits::SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator safc(f->facet_cycles_begin()), send(safc); while(++length < lower_limit && ++safc != send) ; if(length >= lower_limit) ++s; } } } } if(left_node != 0) s += left_node->leafs(mask, lower_limit); if(right_node != 0) s += right_node->leafs(mask, lower_limit); return s; } template void add_facet(Halffacet_handle f, Depth depth) { if(left_node == 0) { object_list.push_back(make_object(f)); return; } Side_of_plane sop; Oriented_side side = sop(splitting_plane.point(), f, depth); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) left_node->add_facet(f, depth+1); if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) right_node->add_facet(f, depth+1); } template void add_edge(Halfedge_handle e, Depth depth) { if(left_node == 0) { object_list.push_back(make_object(e)); return; } Side_of_plane sop; Oriented_side side = sop(splitting_plane.point(), e, depth); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) left_node->add_edge(e, depth+1); if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) right_node->add_edge(e, depth+1); } template void add_vertex(Vertex_handle v, Depth depth) { if(left_node == 0) { object_list.push_back(make_object(v)); return; } Side_of_plane sop; Oriented_side side = sop(splitting_plane.point(), v, depth); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) left_node->add_vertex(v, depth+1); if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) right_node->add_vertex(v, depth+1); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Node* node) { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); if( node->is_leaf()) os << node->objects().size(); else { os << " ( "; if( !node->left()) os << '-'; else os << node->left(); os << " , "; if( !node->right()) os << '-'; else os << node->right(); os << " ) "; } return os; } ~Node() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~Node: deleting node..."); if( !is_leaf()) { delete left_node; delete right_node; } } private: Node* parent_node; Node* left_node; Node* right_node; Plane_3 splitting_plane; Point_3 point_on_plane; Object_list object_list; }; public: class Objects_around_segment { public: class Iterator; protected: Traits traits; Node *root_node; Segment_3 segment; bool initialized; public: Objects_around_segment() : initialized(false) {} Objects_around_segment( const K3_tree& k, const Segment_3& s) : root_node(k.root), segment(s), initialized(true) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Objects_around_segment: input segment: "< Candidate; protected: std::list S; const Node* node; Traits traits; CGAL_assertion_code( Segment_3 prev_segment;) CGAL_assertion_code( bool first_segment;) public: Iterator() : node(0) {} Iterator( const Node* root, const Segment_3& s) { CGAL_assertion_code( first_segment = true); S.push_front( Candidate( root, s)); ++(*this); // place the interator in the first intersected cell } Iterator( const Self& i) : S(i.S), node(i.node) {} const Object_list& operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); return node->objects(); } Self& operator++() { if( S.empty()) node = 0; // end of the iterator else { while( !S.empty()) { const Node* n = S.front().first; Segment_3 s = S.front().second; S.pop_front(); if( n->is_leaf()) { #ifndef NDEBUG CGAL_assertion_code( if( first_segment) { first_segment = false; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("operator++: prev_segment=(none), segment="<plane() << ", point: "<plane().point()); Oriented_side src_side = n->plane().oriented_side(s.source()); Oriented_side tgt_side = n->plane().oriented_side(s.target()); if( src_side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY && tgt_side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) src_side = tgt_side = ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; else if( src_side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) src_side = tgt_side; else if( tgt_side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) tgt_side = src_side; if( src_side == tgt_side) S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, src_side), s)); else { Segment_3 s1, s2; divide_segment_by_plane( s, n->plane(), s1, s2); S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, tgt_side), s2)); // cell on target pushed first S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, src_side), s1)); } } } } return *this; } bool operator==(const Self& i) const { return (node == i.node); } bool operator!=(const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } private: const Node* get_node() const { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); return node; } inline const Node* get_child_by_side( const Node* node, Oriented_side side) { CGAL_assertion( node != NULL); CGAL_assertion( side != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) { return node->left(); } CGAL_assertion( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE); return node->right(); } void divide_segment_by_plane( Segment_3 s, Plane_3 pl, Segment_3& s1, Segment_3& s2) { Object o = traits.intersect_object()( pl, s); Point_3 ip; CGAL_assertion( CGAL::assign( ip, o)); CGAL::assign( ip, o); ip = normalized(ip); s1 = Segment_3( s.source(), ip); s2 = Segment_3( ip, s.target()); CGAL_assertion( s1.target() == s2.source()); CGAL_assertion( s1.direction() == s.direction()); CGAL_assertion( s2.direction() == s.direction()); } }; }; class Objects_along_ray : public Objects_around_segment { typedef Objects_around_segment Base; protected: Traits traits; public: Objects_along_ray( const K3_tree& k, const Ray_3& r) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Objects_along_ray: input ray: "< CGAL::abs(vec[1]) ? 0 : 1); c = (CGAL::abs(vec[2]) > CGAL::abs(vec[c]) ? 2 : c); Point_3 pt_on_minus_x_plane = vec[c] < 0 ? Point_3(FT(b.min_coord(0)), FT(b.min_coord(1)),FT(b.min_coord(2))) : Point_3(FT(b.max_coord(0)), FT(b.max_coord(1)),FT(b.max_coord(2))); // We compute the intersection between a plane with normal vector in // the minus x direction and located at the minimum point of the bounding box, and the input ray. When the ray does not intersect the bounding volume, there won't be any object hit, so it is safe to construct a segment that simply lay in the unbounded side of the bounding box. This approach is taken instead of somehow (efficiently) report that there was no hit object, in order to mantain a clear interface with the Iterator class. Plane_3 pl_on_minus_x; if(c==0) pl_on_minus_x = Plane_3(pt_on_minus_x_plane, Vector_3( 1, 0, 0)); else if(c==1) pl_on_minus_x = Plane_3(pt_on_minus_x_plane, Vector_3( 0, 1, 0)); else { CGAL_assertion_msg(c==2, "wrong value"); pl_on_minus_x = Plane_3(pt_on_minus_x_plane, Vector_3( 0, 0, 1)); } Object o = traits.intersect_object()( pl_on_minus_x, r); if( !CGAL::assign( q, o) || pl_on_minus_x.has_on(p)) q = r.source() + vec; else q = normalized(q); Base::initialize( k, Segment_3( p, q)); } }; class Objects_around_box { public: class Iterator; protected: Node *root_node; Bounding_box_3 box; bool initialized; public: Objects_around_box() : initialized(false) {} Objects_around_box(const K3_tree& k, const Bounding_box_3& b) : root_node(k.root), box(b), initialized(true) {} void initialize( const K3_tree& k, const Bounding_box_3& b) { root_node = k.root; box = b; initialized = true; } public: Iterator begin() const { CGAL_assertion( initialized == true); return Iterator( root_node, box); } Iterator end() const { return Iterator(); } class Iterator { friend class K3_tree; typedef Iterator Self; typedef std::pair< const Node*, Bounding_box_3> Candidate; protected: std::list S; const Node* node; public: Iterator() : node(0) {} Iterator( const Node* root, const Bounding_box_3& s) { S.push_front( Candidate( root, s)); ++(*this); // place the interator in the first intersected cell } Iterator( const Self& i) : S(i.S), node(i.node) {} const Object_list& operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); return node->objects(); } Self& operator++() { if(S.empty()) node = 0; // end of the iterator else { while( !S.empty()) { const Node* n = S.front().first; Bounding_box_3 b = S.front().second; S.pop_front(); if( n->is_leaf()) { node = n; break; } else { Point_3 pmin(b.min_coord(0), b.min_coord(1), b.min_coord(2)); Point_3 pmax(b.max_coord(0), b.max_coord(1), b.max_coord(2)); Oriented_side src_side = n->plane().oriented_side(pmax); Oriented_side tgt_side = n->plane().oriented_side(pmin); if( src_side == tgt_side && src_side != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, src_side), b)); else { S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, tgt_side), b)); S.push_front( Candidate( get_child_by_side( n, src_side), b)); } } } } return *this; } bool operator==(const Self& i) const { return (node == i.node); } bool operator!=(const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } private: const Node* get_node() const { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); return node; } inline const Node* get_child_by_side( const Node* node, Oriented_side side) { CGAL_assertion( node != NULL); CGAL_assertion( side != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) { return node->left(); } CGAL_assertion( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE); return node->right(); } }; }; private: #ifdef CGAL_NEF_EXPLOIT_REFERENCE_COUNTING bool reference_counted; #endif Traits traits; Node* root; int max_depth; Bounding_box_3 bounding_box; public: template K3_tree(SNC_structure* W) #ifdef CGAL_NEF_EXPLOIT_REFERENCE_COUNTING : reference_counted(false) #endif { typedef typename SNC_structure::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_iterator Halffacet_iterator; CGAL_assertion( W != NULL); Object_list objects; Vertex_iterator v; Halfedge_iterator e; Halffacet_iterator f; CGAL_forall_vertices( v, *W) objects.push_back(make_object(Vertex_handle(v))); typename Object_list::difference_type v_end = objects.size(); CGAL_forall_edges( e, *W) objects.push_back(make_object(Halfedge_handle(e))); CGAL_forall_facets( f, *W) { #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_cycle_iterator Halffacet_cycle_iterator; Halffacet_cycle_iterator fci = f->facet_cycles_begin(); CGAL_assertion(fci.is_shalfedge()); SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator safc(fci); if(circulator_size(safc) > 10) { typedef typename CGAL::Projection_traits_xy_3 XY; typedef typename CGAL::Projection_traits_yz_3 YZ; typedef typename CGAL::Projection_traits_xz_3 XZ; Triangle_3 tr; Vector_3 orth = f->plane().orthogonal_vector(); int c = CGAL::abs(orth[0]) > CGAL::abs(orth[1]) ? 0 : 1; c = CGAL::abs(orth[2]) > CGAL::abs(orth[c]) ? 2 : c; std::list triangles; if(c == 0) { Triangulation_handler th(f); while(th.get_next_triangle(tr)) { triangles.push_front(tr); Halffacet_triangle_handle th( f, *triangles.begin()); objects.push_back(make_object(th)); } } else if(c == 1) { Triangulation_handler th(f); while(th.get_next_triangle(tr)) { triangles.push_front(tr); Halffacet_triangle_handle th( f, *triangles.begin()); objects.push_back(make_object(th)); } } else if(c == 2) { Triangulation_handler th(f); while(th.get_next_triangle(tr)) { triangles.push_front(tr); Halffacet_triangle_handle th( f, *triangles.begin()); objects.push_back(make_object(th)); } } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } else objects.push_back(make_object(Halffacet_handle(f))); #else objects.push_back(make_object(Halffacet_handle(f))); #endif // CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS } Object_iterator oli=objects.begin()+v_end; root = build_kdtree( objects, oli, 0); } K3_tree(Object_list& objects, Object_iterator& v_end) { typename Object_list::difference_type n_vertices = std::distance(objects.begin(),v_end); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("K3_tree(): n_vertices = " << std::distance(objects.begin(),v_end)); std::frexp( (double) n_vertices, &max_depth); // TODO: in the presence of a infimaximal bounding box, the bounding box does not have to be computed Objects_bbox objects_bbox = traits.objects_bbox_object(); bounding_box = objects_bbox(objects); //CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("bounding box:"< v_mark(false); Unique_hash_map< Halfedge_handle, bool> e_mark(false); Unique_hash_map< Halffacet_handle, bool> f_mark(false); std::map< Triangle_3, bool, Compare_triangle_3 > t_mark; for( typename Objects_around_segment::Iterator oar = objects.begin(); oar != objects.end(); ++oar) { for( typename Object_list::const_iterator o = (*oar).begin(); o != (*oar).end(); ++o) { // TODO: implement operator->(...) Vertex_handle v; Halfedge_handle e; Halffacet_handle f; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS Halffacet_triangle_handle t; #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX Partial_facet pf; #endif if( CGAL::assign( v, *o)) { if( !v_mark[v]) { O.push_back(*o); v_mark[v] = true; } } else if( CGAL::assign( e, *o)) { if( !e_mark [e]) { O.push_back(*o); e_mark[e] = true; } } else if( CGAL::assign( f, *o)) { if( !f_mark[f]) { O.push_back(*o); f_mark[f] = true; } } #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS else if(CGAL::assign(t, *o)) { Triangle_3 tr = t.get_triangle(); if( !t_mark[tr]) { O.push_back(*o); t_mark[tr] = true; } } #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX else if(CGAL::assign(pf, *o)) { CGAL_error_msg( "wrong type"); } #endif else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } } return O; } bool is_point_on_cell( const Point_3& p, const typename Objects_around_segment::Iterator& target) const { return is_point_on_cell( p, target.get_node(), root); } void add_facet(Halffacet_handle f) { root->add_facet(f,0); } void add_edge(Halfedge_handle e) { root->add_edge(e,0); } void add_vertex(Vertex_handle v) { root->add_vertex(v,0); } class BBox_updater { Bounding_box_3 b; public: BBox_updater() {} void pre_visit(const Node*) {} void post_visit(const Node* n) { typename Object_list::const_iterator o; for( o = n->objects().begin(); o != n->objects().end(); ++o) { Vertex_handle v; if( CGAL::assign( v, *o)) b.extend(v->point()); } } Bounding_box_3 box() const{ return b; } }; template void visit_k3tree(const Node* current, Visitor& V) const { V.pre_visit(current); if(current->left() != 0) { visit_k3tree(current->left(), V); visit_k3tree(current->right(), V); } V.post_visit(current); } size_t bytes() { return root->bytes();} size_t leafs(int mask = 255, int lower_limit=0) { return root->leafs(mask, lower_limit);} void transform(const Aff_transformation_3& t) { // TODO: Bounding box must be updated/transformed, too if(root != 0) root->transform(t); BBox_updater bbup; visit_k3tree(root, bbup); bounding_box = bbup.box(); } #ifdef CODE_DOES_NOT_WORK_WITH_BOTH_KERNELS_AT_THE_SAME_TIME template friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const K3_tree& k3_tree) { os << (const Node*)k3_tree.root; // no default conversion to const Node*? return os; } #endif std::string dump_object_list( const Object_list& O, int level = 0) { std::stringstream os; typename Object_list::size_type v_count = 0, e_count = 0, f_count = 0; typename Object_list::const_iterator o; Vertex_handle v; Halfedge_handle e; Halffacet_handle f; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS typename Object_list::size_type t_count = 0; Halffacet_triangle_handle t; #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX typename Object_list::size_type p_count = 0; Partial_facet pf; #endif for( o = O.begin(); o != O.end(); ++o) { if( CGAL::assign( v, *o)) { if( level) os << v->point() << std::endl; ++v_count; } else if( CGAL::assign( e, *o)) { if( level) os << e->source()->point() << "->" << e->twin()->source()->point() << std::endl; ++e_count; } else if( CGAL::assign( f, *o)) { if( level) os << "facet" << std::endl; ++f_count; } #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS else if( CGAL::assign(t, *o)) { if( level) os << "triangle" << std::endl; ++t_count; } #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX else if( CGAL::assign(pf, *o)) { if( level) pf.debug(); ++p_count; } #endif else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); } os << v_count << "v " << e_count << "e " << f_count << "f "; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_TRIANGULATE_FACETS os << t_count << "t "; #endif #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX os << p_count << "p "; #endif return os.str(); } bool update( Unique_hash_map& V, Unique_hash_map& E, Unique_hash_map& F) { return update( root, V, E, F); } bool update( Node* node, Unique_hash_map& V, Unique_hash_map& E, Unique_hash_map& F) { CGAL_assertion( node != 0); if( node->is_leaf()) { bool updated = false; Object_list* O = &node->object_list; typename Object_list::iterator onext, o = O->begin(); while( o != O->end()) { onext = o; onext++; Vertex_handle v; Halfedge_handle e; Halffacet_handle f; if( CGAL::assign( v, *o)) { if( !V[v]) { O->erase(o); updated = true; } } else if( CGAL::assign( e, *o)) { if( !E[e]) { O->erase(o); updated = true; } } else if( CGAL::assign( f, *o)) { if( !F[f]) { O->erase(o); updated = true; } } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong handle"); o = onext; } return updated; } // TODO: protect the code below from optimizations! bool left_updated = update( node->left_node, V, E, F); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("k3_tree::update(): left node updated? "<right_node, V, E, F); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("k3_tree::update(): right node updated? "< Node* build_kdtree(Object_list& O, Object_iterator v_end, Depth depth, Node* parent=0, int non_efective_splits=0) { CGAL_precondition( depth >= 0); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN( "build_kdtree: "< max_depth) return new Node( parent, 0, 0, Plane_3(), O); non_efective_split = true; } else { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Sizes " << O1.size() << ", " << O2.size() << ", " << O.size()); CGAL_assertion( O1.size() <= O.size() && O2.size() <= O.size()); CGAL_assertion( O1.size() + O2.size() >= O.size()); non_efective_split = ((O1.size() == O.size()) || (O2.size() == O.size())); } if( non_efective_split) non_efective_splits++; else non_efective_splits = 0; if( non_efective_splits > 2) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("build_kdtree: non efective splits reached maximum"); return new Node( parent, 0, 0, Plane_3(), O); } Node *node = new Node( parent, 0, 0, partition_plane, Object_list()); node->left_node = build_kdtree( O1, O1.begin()+v_end1, depth + 1, node, non_efective_splits); node->right_node = build_kdtree( O2, O2.begin()+v_end2, depth + 1, node, non_efective_splits); return node; } template bool can_set_be_divided(Object_iterator start, Object_iterator end, Depth depth) { if(depth >= max_depth) return false; if(std::distance(start,end)<2) return false; return true; } template bool classify_objects(Object_iterator start, Object_iterator end, Plane_3 partition_plane, Side_of_plane& sop, OutputIterator o1, OutputIterator o2, Depth depth) { typename Object_list::difference_type on_oriented_boundary = 0; typename Object_list::const_iterator o; Point_3 point_on_plane(partition_plane.point()); for( o = start; o != end; ++o) { #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX Partial_facet pf; if(CGAL::assign(pf, *o)) { Partial_facet pfn,pfp; if(pf.divide(partition_plane, pfn, pfp)) { *o1 = make_object(pfn); ++o1; *o2 = make_object(pfp); ++o2; continue; } } #endif Oriented_side side = sop( point_on_plane, *o, depth); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) { *o1 = *o; ++o1; } if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) { *o2 = *o; ++o2; } if( side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) ++on_oriented_boundary; } return (on_oriented_boundary != std::distance(start,end)); } template Plane_3 construct_splitting_plane(Object_iterator start, Object_iterator end, Object_iterator& median, Depth depth) { CGAL_precondition( depth >= 0); typename Object_list::difference_type n=std::distance(start,end); CGAL_assertion(n>1); std::nth_element(start, start+n/2, end, Smaller_(depth%3)); Vertex_handle v; median = start+n/2; CGAL::assign(v,*median); switch( depth % 3) { case 0: return Plane_3( v->point(), Vector_3( 1, 0, 0)); break; case 1: return Plane_3( v->point(), Vector_3( 0, 1, 0)); break; case 2: return Plane_3( v->point(), Vector_3( 0, 0, 1)); break; } CGAL_error_msg( "never reached"); return Plane_3(); } const Node *locate_cell_containing( const Point_3& p, const Node* node) const { CGAL_precondition( node != 0); if( node->is_leaf()) return node; else { Oriented_side side = node->plane().oriented_side(p); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) return locate_cell_containing( p, node->left()); else { // side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE CGAL_assertion( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE); return locate_cell_containing( p, node->right()); } } } const Object_list& locate( const Point_3& p, const Node* node) const { CGAL_precondition( node != 0); return locate_cell_containing( p, node)->objects(); } bool is_point_on_cell( const Point_3& p, const Node* target, const Node* current) const { CGAL_precondition( target != 0 && current != 0); if( current->is_leaf()) return (current == target); Oriented_side side = current->plane().oriented_side(p); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) return is_point_on_cell( p, target, current->left()); else if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) return is_point_on_cell( p, target, current->right()); CGAL_assertion( side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); return (is_point_on_cell( p, target, current->left()) || is_point_on_cell( p, target, current->right())); } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_NEF_K3_TREE_H