// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_NEF_OPENGL_HELPER_H #define CGAL_NEF_OPENGL_HELPER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_VERTEX_COLOR 183,232,92 #define CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_EDGE_COLOR 171,216,86 #define CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_FACET_COLOR 157,203,81 #define CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_VERTEX_COLOR 255,246,124 #define CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_EDGE_COLOR 255,236,94 #define CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_FACET_COLOR 249,215,44 #ifdef _WIN32 #define CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK CALLBACK #else #define CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ # include #endif #if defined __APPLE__ && !defined MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #define CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS ... #else #define CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS #endif namespace CGAL { namespace OGL { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drawable double types: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian DKernel; typedef DKernel::Point_3 Double_point; typedef DKernel::Vector_3 Double_vector; typedef DKernel::Segment_3 Double_segment; typedef DKernel::Aff_transformation_3 Affine_3; // DPoint = a double point including a mark class DPoint : public Double_point { bool m_; public: DPoint() {} DPoint(const Double_point& p, bool m) : Double_point(p) { m_ = m; } DPoint(const DPoint& p) : Double_point(p) { m_ = p.m_; } DPoint& operator=(const DPoint& p) { Double_point::operator=(p); m_ = p.m_; return *this; } bool mark() const { return m_; } }; // DSegment = a double segment including a mark class DSegment : public Double_segment { bool m_; public: DSegment() {} DSegment(const Double_segment& s, bool m) : Double_segment(s) { m_ = m; } DSegment(const DSegment& s) : Double_segment(s) { m_ = s.m_; } DSegment& operator=(const DSegment& s) { Double_segment::operator=(s); m_ = s.m_; return *this; } bool mark() const { return m_; } }; // Double_triple = a class that stores a triple of double // coordinates; we need a pointer to the coordinates in a C array // for OpenGL class Double_triple { typedef double* double_ptr; typedef const double* const_double_ptr; double coords_[3]; public: Double_triple() { coords_[0]=coords_[1]=coords_[2]=0.0; } Double_triple(double x, double y, double z) { coords_[0]=x; coords_[1]=y; coords_[2]=z; } Double_triple(const Double_triple& t) { coords_[0]=t.coords_[0]; coords_[1]=t.coords_[1]; coords_[2]=t.coords_[2]; } Double_triple& operator=(const Double_triple& t) { coords_[0]=t.coords_[0]; coords_[1]=t.coords_[1]; coords_[2]=t.coords_[2]; return *this; } operator double_ptr() const { return const_cast(*this).coords_; } double operator[](unsigned i) { CGAL_assertion(i<3); return coords_[i]; } }; // Double_triple static std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Double_triple& t) { os << "(" << t[0] << "," << t[1] << "," << t[2] << ")"; return os; } // DFacet stores the facet cycle vertices in a continuus C array // of three double components, this is necessary due to the OpenGL // tesselator input format ! class DFacet { typedef std::vector Coord_vector; typedef std::vector Cycle_vector; Coord_vector coords_; // stores all vertex coordinates Cycle_vector fc_ends_; // stores entry points of facet cycles Double_triple normal_; // stores normal and mark of facet bool mark_; public: typedef Coord_vector::iterator Coord_iterator; typedef Coord_vector::const_iterator Coord_const_iterator; DFacet() {} void push_back_vertex(double x, double y, double z) { coords_.push_back(Double_triple(x,y,z)); } DFacet(const DFacet& f) { coords_ = f.coords_; fc_ends_ = f.fc_ends_; normal_ = f.normal_; mark_ = f.mark_; } DFacet& operator=(const DFacet& f) { coords_ = f.coords_; fc_ends_ = f.fc_ends_; normal_ = f.normal_; mark_ = f.mark_; return *this; } ~DFacet() { coords_.clear(); fc_ends_.clear(); } void push_back_vertex(const Double_point& p) { push_back_vertex(p.x(),p.y(),p.z()); } void set_normal(double x, double y, double z, bool m) { double l = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); normal_ = Double_triple(x/l,y/l,z/l); mark_ = m; } double dx() const { return normal_[0]; } double dy() const { return normal_[1]; } double dz() const { return normal_[2]; } bool mark() const { return mark_; } double* normal() const { return static_cast(normal_); } void new_facet_cycle() { fc_ends_.push_back((unsigned)coords_.size()); } unsigned number_of_facet_cycles() const { return (unsigned)fc_ends_.size(); } Coord_iterator facet_cycle_begin(unsigned i) { CGAL_assertion(i(vertex)); GLdouble* pu(static_cast(user)); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertexCallback coord "< vertices_; std::list edges_; std::list halffacets_; GLuint object_list_; bool init_; Bbox_3 bbox_; int style; std::vector switches; typedef std::list::const_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef std::list::const_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef std::list::const_iterator Halffacet_iterator; public: Polyhedron() : bbox_(-1,-1,-1,1,1,1), switches(1) { object_list_ = 0; init_ = false; style = SNC_BOUNDARY; switches[SNC_AXES] = false; } /* Polyhedron(const Polyhedron& P) : object_list_(0), init_(false), bbox_(P.bbox_), style(P.style), switches(2) { switches[SNC_AXES] = P.switches[SNC_AXES]; Vertex_iterator v; for(v=P.vertices_.begin();v!=P.vertices_.end();++v) vertices_.push_back(*v); Edge_iterator e; for(e=P.edges_.begin();e!=P.edges_.end();++e) edges_.push_back(*e); Halffacet_iterator f; for(f=P.halffacets_.begin();f!=P.halffacets_.end();++f) halffacets_.push_back(*f); } Polyhedron& operator=(const Polyhedron& P) { if (object_list_) glDeleteLists(object_list_, 4); object_list_ = 0; init_ = false; style = P.style; switches[SNC_AXES] = P.switches[SNC_AXES]; Vertex_iterator v; vertices_.clear(); for(v=P.vertices_.begin();v!=P.vertices_.end();++v) vertices_.push_back(*v); Edge_iterator e; edges_.clear(); for(e=P.edges_.begin();e!=P.edges_.end();++e) edges_.push_back(*e); Halffacet_iterator f; halffacets_.clear(); for(f=P.halffacets_.begin();f!=P.halffacets_.end();++f) halffacets_.push_back(*f); init(); return *this; } */ ~Polyhedron() { if (object_list_) glDeleteLists(object_list_, 4); } void push_back(const Double_point& p, bool m) { vertices_.push_back(DPoint(p,m)); } void push_back(const Double_segment& s, bool m) { edges_.push_back(DSegment(s,m)); } void push_back(const DFacet& f) { halffacets_.push_back(f); } void toggle(int index) { switches[index] = !switches[index]; } void set_style(int index) { style = index; } bool is_initialized() const { return init_; } Bbox_3 bbox() const { return bbox_; } Bbox_3& bbox() { return bbox_; } void draw(Vertex_iterator v) const { // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("drawing vertex "<<*v); CGAL::Color cf(CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_VERTEX_COLOR), ct(CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_VERTEX_COLOR); // more blue-ish CGAL::Color c = v->mark() ? ct : cf; glPointSize(10); glColor3ub(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue()); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3d(v->x(),v->y(),v->z()); #ifdef CGAL_NEF_EMPHASIZE_VERTEX glColor3ub(255,0,0); glVertex3d(CGAL_NEF_EMPHASIZE_VERTEX); #endif glEnd(); } void draw(Edge_iterator e) const { // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("drawing edge "<<*e); Double_point p = e->source(), q = e->target(); CGAL::Color cf(CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_EDGE_COLOR), ct(CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_EDGE_COLOR); // more blue-ish CGAL::Color c = e->mark() ? ct : cf; glLineWidth(5); glColor3ub(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue()); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()); glVertex3d(q.x(), q.y(), q.z()); glEnd(); } void draw(Halffacet_iterator f) const { // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("drawing facet "<<(f->debug(),"")); GLUtesselator* tess_ = gluNewTess(); gluTessCallback(tess_, GLenum(GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA), (GLvoid (CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK *)(CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS)) &vertexCallback); gluTessCallback(tess_, GLenum(GLU_TESS_BEGIN), (GLvoid (CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK *)(CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS)) &beginCallback); gluTessCallback(tess_, GLenum(GLU_TESS_END), (GLvoid (CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK *)(CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS)) &endCallback); gluTessCallback(tess_, GLenum(GLU_TESS_ERROR), (GLvoid (CGAL_GLU_TESS_CALLBACK *)(CGAL_GLU_TESS_DOTS)) &errorCallback); gluTessProperty(tess_, GLenum(GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE), GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE); DFacet::Coord_const_iterator cit; CGAL::Color cf(CGAL_NEF3_MARKED_FACET_COLOR), ct(CGAL_NEF3_UNMARKED_FACET_COLOR); // more blue-ish CGAL::Color c = (f->mark() ? ct : cf); glColor3ub(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue()); gluTessBeginPolygon(tess_,f->normal()); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Begin Polygon"); gluTessNormal(tess_,f->dx(),f->dy(),f->dz()); // forall facet cycles of f: for(unsigned i = 0; i < f->number_of_facet_cycles(); ++i) { gluTessBeginContour(tess_); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" Begin Contour"); // put all vertices in facet cycle into contour: for(cit = f->facet_cycle_begin(i); cit != f->facet_cycle_end(i); ++cit) { gluTessVertex(tess_, *cit, *cit); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" add Vertex"); } gluTessEndContour(tess_); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" End Contour"); } gluTessEndPolygon(tess_); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("End Polygon"); gluDeleteTess(tess_); } void construct_axes() const { glLineWidth(2.0); // red x-axis glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3f(5000.0,0.0,0.0); glEnd(); // green y-axis glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3f(0.0,5000.0,0.0); glEnd(); // blue z-axis and equator glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3f(0.0,0.0,5000.0); glEnd(); // six coordinate points in pink: glPointSize(10); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex3d(5,0,0); glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0); glVertex3d(0,5,0); glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); glVertex3d(0,0,5); glEnd(); } void fill_display_lists() { glNewList(object_list_, GL_COMPILE); Vertex_iterator v; for(v=vertices_.begin();v!=vertices_.end();++v) draw(v); glEndList(); glNewList(object_list_+1, GL_COMPILE); Edge_iterator e; for(e=edges_.begin();e!=edges_.end();++e) draw(e); glEndList(); glNewList(object_list_+2, GL_COMPILE); Halffacet_iterator f; for(f=halffacets_.begin();f!=halffacets_.end();++f) draw(f); glEndList(); glNewList(object_list_+3, GL_COMPILE); // axes: construct_axes(); glEndList(); } void init() { if (init_) return; init_ = true; switches[SNC_AXES] = false; style = SNC_BOUNDARY; object_list_ = glGenLists(4); CGAL_assertion(object_list_); fill_display_lists(); } void draw() const { if (!is_initialized()) const_cast(*this).init(); double l = (std::max)( (std::max)( bbox().xmax() - bbox().xmin(), bbox().ymax() - bbox().ymin()), bbox().zmax() - bbox().zmin()); if ( l < 1) // make sure that a single point doesn't screw up here l = 1; glScaled( 4.0/l, 4.0/l, 4.0/l); glTranslated( -(bbox().xmax() + bbox().xmin()) / 2.0, -(bbox().ymax() + bbox().ymin()) / 2.0, -(bbox().zmax() + bbox().zmin()) / 2.0); if (style == SNC_BOUNDARY) { //glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glCallList(object_list_+2); // facets //glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); } // move edges and vertices a bit towards the view-point, // i.e., 1/100th of the unit vector in camera space // double f = l / 4.0 / 100.0; // glTranslated( z_vec[0] * f, z_vec[1] * f, z_vec[2] * f); glCallList(object_list_+1); // edges glCallList(object_list_); // vertices if (switches[SNC_AXES]) glCallList(object_list_+3); // axis } void debug(std::ostream& os = std::cerr) const { os << "OGL::Polyhedron" << std::endl; os << "Vertices:" << std::endl; Vertex_iterator v; for(v=vertices_.begin();v!=vertices_.end();++v) os << " "<<*v<<", mark="<mark()<debug(); os << std::endl; os << std::endl; } }; // Polyhedron template class Nef3_Converter { typedef typename Nef_polyhedron::SNC_structure SNC_structure; typedef CGAL::SNC_decorator Base; typedef CGAL::SNC_FM_decorator FM_decorator; public: typedef typename SNC_structure::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_const_iterator Halffacet_const_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator; typedef typename SNC_structure::Object_const_handle Object_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfedge_const_handle SHalfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfloop_const_handle SHalfloop_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::Halffacet_const_handle Halffacet_const_handle; typedef typename SNC_structure::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename SNC_structure::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename SNC_structure::Segment_3 Segment_3; typedef typename SNC_structure::Plane_3 Plane_3; typedef typename SNC_structure::Mark Mark; typedef typename SNC_structure::SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; private: static OGL::Double_point double_point(const Point_3& p) { return OGL::Double_point(CGAL::to_double(p.x()), CGAL::to_double(p.y()), CGAL::to_double(p.z())); } static OGL::Double_segment double_segment(const Segment_3& s) { return OGL::Double_segment(double_point(s.source()), double_point(s.target())); } static void draw(Vertex_const_handle v, const Nef_polyhedron& , CGAL::OGL::Polyhedron& P) { Point_3 bp = v->point(); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("vertex " << bp); P.push_back(double_point(bp), v->mark()); } static void draw(Halfedge_const_handle e, const Nef_polyhedron& , CGAL::OGL::Polyhedron& P) { Vertex_const_handle s = e->source(); Vertex_const_handle t = e->twin()->source(); Segment_3 seg(s->point(),t->point()); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("edge " << seg); P.push_back(double_segment(seg), e->mark()); } static void draw(Halffacet_const_handle f, const Nef_polyhedron& , CGAL::OGL::Polyhedron& P) { OGL::DFacet g; Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator fc; // all facet cycles: CGAL_forall_facet_cycles_of(fc,f) if ( fc.is_shalfedge() ) { // non-trivial facet cycle g.new_facet_cycle(); SHalfedge_const_handle h = fc; SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator hc(h), he(hc); CGAL_For_all(hc,he){ // all vertex coordinates in facet cycle Point_3 sp = hc->source()->source()->point(); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" ");CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("facet" << sp); g.push_back_vertex(double_point(sp)); } } Vector_3 v = f->plane().orthogonal_vector(); g.set_normal(CGAL::to_double(v.x()), CGAL::to_double(v.y()), CGAL::to_double(v.z()), f->mark()); P.push_back(g); } // Returns the bounding box of the finite vertices of the polyhedron. // Returns $[-1,+1]^3$ as bounding box if no finite vertex exists. static Bbox_3 bounded_bbox(const Nef_polyhedron& N) { bool first_vertex = true; Bbox_3 bbox( -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Vertex_const_iterator vi; CGAL_forall_vertices(vi, N) { Point_3 p = vi->point(); double x = CGAL::to_double(p.hx()); double y = CGAL::to_double(p.hy()); double z = CGAL::to_double(p.hz()); double w = CGAL::to_double(p.hw()); if (N.is_standard(vi)) { if(first_vertex) { bbox = Bbox_3(x/w, y/w, z/w, x/w, y/w, z/w); first_vertex = false; } else { bbox = bbox + Bbox_3(x/w, y/w, z/w, x/w, y/w, z/w); first_vertex = false; } } } return bbox; } static void set_R(Bbox_3& bbox, const Nef_polyhedron& N) { if(N.is_standard_kernel()) return; double size = abs(bbox.xmin()); if(size < bbox.xmax()) size = bbox.xmax(); if(size < bbox.ymin()) size = bbox.ymin(); if(size < bbox.ymax()) size = bbox.ymax(); if(size < bbox.zmin()) size = bbox.zmin(); if(size < bbox.zmax()) size = bbox.zmax(); N.set_size_of_infimaximal_box(size*50); // CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("set infi box size to " << size); Vertex_const_iterator vi; CGAL_forall_vertices(vi, N) if(N.is_standard(vi)) return; bbox = Bbox_3(bbox.xmin()*10,bbox.ymin()*10,bbox.zmin()*10, bbox.xmax()*10,bbox.ymax()*10,bbox.zmax()*10); } public: static void convert_to_OGLPolyhedron(const Nef_polyhedron& N, CGAL::OGL::Polyhedron* P) { Bbox_3 bbox(bounded_bbox(N)); set_R(bbox,N); P->bbox() = bbox; Vertex_const_iterator v; CGAL_forall_vertices(v,*N.sncp()) draw(v,N,*P); Halfedge_const_iterator e; CGAL_forall_edges(e,*N.sncp()) draw(e,N,*P); Halffacet_const_iterator f; CGAL_forall_facets(f,*N.sncp()) draw(f,N,*P); } }; // Nef3_Converter } // namespace OGL } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_NEF_OPENGL_HELPER_H