// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_NEF_POLYHEDRON_2_H #define CGAL_NEF_POLYHEDRON_2_H #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable:4800) // complaint about performance in std::map where we can't do anything #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 11 #include namespace CGAL { template class Nef_polyhedron_2; template class Nef_polyhedron_2_rep; template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Nef_polyhedron_2&); template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, Nef_polyhedron_2&); template class Nef_polyhedron_2_rep { typedef Nef_polyhedron_2_rep Self; friend class Nef_polyhedron_2; struct HDS_traits { typedef typename T::Point_2 Point; typedef Mark_ Mark; }; public: // gcc-3.3 otherwise claims that Decorator in Polyhedron_2 is private typedef CGAL_HALFEDGEDS_DEFAULT Plane_map; typedef CGAL::PM_const_decorator Const_decorator; typedef CGAL::PM_decorator Decorator; typedef CGAL::PM_naive_point_locator Slocator; typedef CGAL::PM_point_locator Locator; typedef CGAL::PM_overlayer Overlayer; private: Plane_map pm_; Locator* pl_; void init_locator() { if ( !pl_ ) pl_ = new Locator(pm_); } void clear_locator() { if ( pl_ ) { delete pl_; pl_=0; } } public: Nef_polyhedron_2_rep() : pm_(), pl_(0) {} Nef_polyhedron_2_rep(const Self& ) : pm_(), pl_(0) {} ~Nef_polyhedron_2_rep() { pm_.clear(); clear_locator(); } }; /*{\Moptions print_title=yes }*/ /*{\Manpage {Nef_polyhedron_2}{T}{Nef Polyhedra in the Plane}{N}}*/ /*{\Mdefinition An instance of data type |\Mname| is a subset of the plane that is the result of forming complements and intersections starting from a finite set |H| of half-spaces. |\Mtype| is closed under all binary set operations |intersection|, |union|, |difference|, |complement| and under the topological operations |boundary|, |closure|, and |interior|. The template parameter |T| is specified via an extended kernel concept. |T| must be a model of the concept |ExtendedKernelTraits_2|. }*/ template class Nef_polyhedron_2 : public Handle_for< Nef_polyhedron_2_rep > { public: typedef T Extended_kernel; static T EK; // static extended kernel /*{\Mtypes 7}*/ typedef Mark_ Mark; /*{\Xtypemember marking set membership or exclusion.}*/ typedef Items_ Items; typedef Nef_polyhedron_2 Self; typedef Handle_for< Nef_polyhedron_2_rep > Base; typedef typename T::Point_2 Extended_point; typedef typename T::Segment_2 Extended_segment; typedef typename T::Standard_line_2 Line; /*{\Mtypemember the oriented lines modeling half-planes}*/ typedef typename T::Standard_point_2 Point; /*{\Mtypemember the affine points of the plane.}*/ typedef typename T::Standard_direction_2 Direction; /*{\Mtypemember directions in our plane.}*/ typedef typename T::Standard_aff_transformation_2 Aff_transformation; /*{\Mtypemember affine transformations of the plane.}*/ // types for choosing the right constructor struct Polylines {}; struct Polygons {}; typedef Polylines Polylines_tag; typedef Polygons Polygons_tag; enum Operation { JOIN=0 }; enum Boundary { EXCLUDED=0, INCLUDED=1 }; /*{\Menum construction selection.}*/ enum Content { EMPTY=0, COMPLETE=1 }; /*{\Menum construction selection}*/ static const Polylines POLYLINES; static const Polygons POLYGONS; protected: struct AND { bool operator()(bool b1, bool b2) const { return b1&&b2; } }; struct OR { bool operator()(bool b1, bool b2) const { return b1||b2; } }; struct DIFF { bool operator()(bool b1, bool b2) const { return b1&&!b2; } }; struct XOR { bool operator()(bool b1, bool b2) const { return (b1&&!b2)||(!b1&&b2); } }; typedef Nef_polyhedron_2_rep Nef_rep; typedef typename Nef_rep::Plane_map Plane_map; typedef typename Nef_rep::Decorator Decorator; typedef typename Nef_rep::Const_decorator Const_decorator; typedef typename Nef_rep::Overlayer Overlayer; //typedef typename Nef_rep::T Transformer; typedef typename Nef_rep::Slocator Slocator; typedef typename Nef_rep::Locator Locator; using Base::ptr; using Base::is_shared; Plane_map& pm() { return ptr()->pm_; } const Plane_map& pm() const { return ptr()->pm_; } friend std::ostream& operator<< <> (std::ostream& os, const Nef_polyhedron_2& NP); friend std::istream& operator>> <> (std::istream& is, Nef_polyhedron_2& NP); typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Decorator::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Halfedge_iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename Decorator::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef typename Const_decorator::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Const_decorator::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Const_decorator::Face_const_iterator Face_const_iterator; typedef Bounding_box_2::value_type, Extended_kernel> Box_2; struct Except_frame_box_edges { Decorator D_; Face_handle f_; Except_frame_box_edges(Plane_map& P) : D_(P), f_(D_.faces_begin()) {} bool operator()(Halfedge_handle e, const Tag_true& ) const { return D_.face(e)==f_ || D_.face(D_.twin(e))==f_; } bool operator()(Halfedge_handle /*e*/, const Tag_false& ) const { return false; } bool operator()(Halfedge_handle e) const { return this->operator()(e, typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type()); } }; friend struct Except_frame_box_edges; typedef std::list ES_list; typedef typename ES_list::const_iterator ES_iterator; void fill_with_frame_segs(ES_list& L, const Tag_true& ) const /*{\Xop fills the list with the four segments which span our frame, the convex hull of SW,SE,NW,NE.}*/ { L.push_back(Extended_segment(EK.SW(),EK.NW())); L.push_back(Extended_segment(EK.SW(),EK.SE())); L.push_back(Extended_segment(EK.NW(),EK.NE())); L.push_back(Extended_segment(EK.SE(),EK.NE())); } void fill_with_frame_segs(ES_list& , const Tag_false& ) const {} void fill_with_frame_segs(ES_list& L) const { fill_with_frame_segs(L, typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type()); } struct Link_to_iterator { const Decorator& D; Halfedge_handle _e; Vertex_handle _v; ES_iterator _it; Mark _m; Link_to_iterator(const Decorator& d, ES_iterator it, Mark m) : D(d), _e(), _v(), _it(it), _m(m) {} void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, ES_iterator it) { if ( it == _it ) _e = e; D.mark(e) = _m; } void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, ES_iterator it) { if ( it == _it ) _v = v; D.mark(v) = _m; } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, ES_iterator) { D.mark(v) = _m; } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, ES_iterator) { D.mark(v) = _m; } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, ES_iterator) { D.mark(v) = _m; } }; template struct From_intersecting_polygons { Unique_hash_map& halfedge2iterator; From_intersecting_polygons(Unique_hash_map& e2i) : halfedge2iterator(e2i) {} void supporting_segment(Halfedge_handle e, IT it) { halfedge2iterator[e->opposite()] = halfedge2iterator[e] = it; e->mark() = true;} void trivial_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT) { v->mark() = true; } void starting_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT) { v->mark() = true; } void passing_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT) { v->mark() = true; } void ending_segment(Vertex_handle v, IT) { v->mark() = true; } }; friend struct Link_to_iterator; void clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(const Tag_true&) { // unset all frame marks Decorator D(pm()); Face_iterator f = D.faces_begin(); D.mark(f) = false; Halfedge_handle e = D.holes_begin(f); D.set_marks_in_face_cycle(e, false); } void clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(const Tag_false&) {} void clear_outer_face_cycle_marks() { clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type()); } public: /*{\Mcreation 3}*/ Nef_polyhedron_2(Content plane = EMPTY) : Base(Nef_rep()) /*{\Mcreate creates an instance |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| and initializes it to the empty set if |plane == EMPTY| and to the whole plane if |plane == COMPLETE|.}*/ { ES_list L; fill_with_frame_segs(L); Overlayer D(pm()); Link_to_iterator I(D, --L.end(), false); D.create(L.begin(),L.end(),I); D.mark(--D.faces_end()) = bool(plane); } Nef_polyhedron_2(const Line& l, Boundary line = INCLUDED) : Base(Nef_rep()) /*{\Mcreate creates a Nef polyhedron |\Mvar| containing the half-plane left of |l| including |l| if |line==INCLUDED|, excluding |l| if |line==EXCLUDED|.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("Nconstruction from line "<::value_type())) { Extended_point ep1 = EK.construct_opposite_point(l); Extended_point ep2 = EK.construct_point(l); L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep1,ep2)); } Overlayer D(pm()); Link_to_iterator I(D, --L.end(), false); D.create(L.begin(),L.end(),I); if(check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type())) { CGAL_assertion( I._e != Halfedge_handle() ); Halfedge_handle el = I._e; if ( D.point(D.target(el)) != EK.target(L.back()) ) el = D.twin(el); D.mark(D.face(el)) = true; D.mark(el) = bool(line); } else { D.mark(--D.faces_end()) = bool(EMPTY); std::cerr << "Constructor not available with standard kernel. " " Returned empty polygon!" << std::endl; } } template Nef_polyhedron_2(Forward_iterator it, Forward_iterator end, Boundary b = INCLUDED) : Base(Nef_rep()) /*{\Mcreate creates a Nef polyhedron |\Mvar| from the simple polygon |P| spanned by the list of points in the iterator range |[it,end)| and including its boundary if |b = INCLUDED| and excluding the boundary otherwise. |Forward_iterator| has to be an iterator with value type |Point|. This construction expects that |P| is simple. The degenerate cases where |P| contains no point, one point or spans just one segment (two points) are correctly handled. In all degenerate cases there's only one unbounded face adjacent to the degenerate polygon. If |b == INCLUDED| then |\Mvar| is just the boundary. If |b == EXCLUDED| then |\Mvar| is the whole plane without the boundary.}*/ { ES_list L; fill_with_frame_segs(L); bool empty = false; if (it != end) { Extended_point ef, ep = ef = EK.construct_point(*it); Forward_iterator itl=it; ++itl; if (itl == end) // case only one point L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,ep)); else { // at least one segment while( itl != end ) { Extended_point en = EK.construct_point(*itl); L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,en)); ep = en; ++itl; } L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,ef)); } } else empty = true; Overlayer D(pm()); Link_to_iterator I(D, --L.end(), true); D.create(L.begin(),L.end(),I); if ( empty ) { D.mark(--D.faces_end()) = !bool(b); return; } CGAL_assertion( I._e != Halfedge_handle() || I._v != Vertex_handle() ); if ( EK.is_degenerate(L.back()) ) { // its a point CGAL_assertion(I._v != Vertex_handle()); D.mark(D.face(I._v)) = !bool(b); D.mark(I._v) = b; } else { // at least one segment Halfedge_handle el = I._e; if ( D.point(D.target(el)) != EK.target(L.back()) ) el = D.twin(el); D.set_marks_in_face_cycle(el,bool(b)); unsigned int n = check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type()) ? 2 : 1; if ( D.number_of_faces() > n ) D.mark(D.face(el)) = true; else D.mark(D.face(el)) = !bool(b); } clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); } // The constructor which takes an iterator range of polygons template Nef_polyhedron_2(Forward_iterator pit, Forward_iterator pend, Polygons, Operation op = JOIN) : Base(Nef_rep()) { CGAL_assertion(op==JOIN); typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type iterator_pair; typedef typename iterator_pair::first_type point_iterator; point_iterator it, itl, end; ES_list L; fill_with_frame_segs(L); for(;pit != pend; ++pit) { it = pit->first; end = pit->second; if (it != end) { Extended_point ef, ep = ef = EK.construct_point(*it); itl=it; ++itl; if (itl == end) // case only one point L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,ep)); else { // at least one segment while( itl != end ) { Extended_point en = EK.construct_point(*itl); L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,en)); ep = en; ++itl; } L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,ef)); } } } Overlayer D(pm()); Unique_hash_map e2i; From_intersecting_polygons fip(e2i); D.create(L.begin(),L.end(),fip); Face_handle outer_face; if(check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type())) outer_face = ++D.faces_begin(); else outer_face = D.faces_begin(); Halfedge_handle e; for(e=D.halfedges_begin(); e!=D.halfedges_end(); ++e) { if(&*e < &*(D.twin(e)) && EK.is_standard(D.source(e)->point())) { ES_iterator eit = e2i[e]; if(lexicographically_xy_smaller(EK.standard_point(eit->source()), EK.standard_point(eit->target()))) { if(lexicographically_xy_smaller(EK.standard_point(D.source(D.twin(e))->point()), EK.standard_point(D.source(e)->point()))) e = D.twin(e); } else if(lexicographically_xy_smaller(EK.standard_point(D.source(e)->point()), EK.standard_point(D.source(D.twin(e))->point()))) e = D.twin(e); if(D.face(e) != outer_face) D.mark(D.face(e)) = true; } } D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(pm())); clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); } // The constructor which takes an iterator range of polylines template Nef_polyhedron_2(Forward_iterator pit, Forward_iterator pend, Polylines) : Base(Nef_rep()) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type iterator_pair; typedef typename iterator_pair::first_type point_iterator; point_iterator it, itl, end; ES_list L; fill_with_frame_segs(L); for(;pit != pend; ++pit) { it = pit->first; end = pit->second; if (it != end) { Extended_point ep = EK.construct_point(*it); itl=it; ++itl; if (itl == end) // case only one point L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,ep)); else { // at least one segment while( itl != end ) { Extended_point en = EK.construct_point(*itl); L.push_back(EK.construct_segment(ep,en)); ep = en; ++itl; } } } } Overlayer D(pm()); Link_to_iterator I(D, --L.end(), true); D.create(L.begin(),L.end(),I, Overlayer::POLYLINE); clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); } Nef_polyhedron_2(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) : Base(N1) {} Nef_polyhedron_2& operator=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) { Base::operator=(N1); return (*this); } ~Nef_polyhedron_2() {} template Nef_polyhedron_2(Forward_iterator first, Forward_iterator beyond, double p) : Base(Nef_rep()) /*{\Xcreate creates a random Nef polyhedron from the arrangement of the set of lines |S = set[first,beyond)|. The cells of the arrangement are selected uniformly at random with probability $p$. \precond $0 < p < 1$.}*/ { CGAL_assertion(0

dist(0,1); boost::variate_generator > get_double(rng,dist); Vertex_iterator v; Halfedge_iterator e; Face_iterator f; for (v = D.vertices_begin(); v != D.vertices_end(); ++v) D.mark(v) = ( get_double() < p ? true : false ); for (e = D.halfedges_begin(); e != D.halfedges_end(); ++(++e)) D.mark(e) = ( get_double() < p ? true : false ); for (f = D.faces_begin(); f != D.faces_end(); ++f) D.mark(f) = ( get_double() < p ? true : false ); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(pm())); clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); } protected: Nef_polyhedron_2(const Plane_map& H, bool clone=true) : Base(Nef_rep()) /*{\Xcreate makes |\Mvar| a new object. If |clone==true| then the underlying structure of |H| is copied into |\Mvar|.}*/ { if (clone) { Decorator D(pm()); // a decorator working on the rep plane map D.clone(H); // cloning H into pm() } } void clone_rep() { *this = Nef_polyhedron_2(pm()); } /*{\Moperations 4 3 }*/ public: void clear(Content plane = EMPTY) { *this = Nef_polyhedron_2(plane); } /*{\Mop makes |\Mvar| the empty set if |plane == EMPTY| and the full plane if |plane == COMPLETE|.}*/ bool is_empty() const /*{\Mop returns true if |\Mvar| is empty, false otherwise.}*/ { Const_decorator D(pm()); Face_const_iterator f = D.faces_begin(); if(check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel:: value_type())) return (D.number_of_vertices()==4 && D.number_of_edges()==4 && D.number_of_faces()==2 && D.mark(++f) == false); else return (D.number_of_vertices()==0 && D.number_of_edges()==0 && D.number_of_faces()==1 && D.mark(f) == false); } bool is_plane() const /*{\Mop returns true if |\Mvar| is the whole plane, false otherwise.}*/ { Const_decorator D(pm()); Face_const_iterator f = D.faces_begin(); if(check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel:: value_type())) return (D.number_of_vertices()==4 && D.number_of_edges()==4 && D.number_of_faces()==2 && D.mark(++f) == true); else return (D.number_of_vertices()==0 && D.number_of_edges()==0 && D.number_of_faces()==1 && D.mark(f) == true); } void extract_complement() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("extract complement"); if ( this->is_shared() ) { clone_rep(); } Overlayer D(pm()); Vertex_iterator v, vend = D.vertices_end(); for(v = D.vertices_begin(); v != vend; ++v) D.mark(v) = !D.mark(v); Halfedge_iterator e, eend = D.halfedges_end(); for(e = D.halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++(++e)) D.mark(e) = !D.mark(e); Face_iterator f, fend = D.faces_end(); for(f = D.faces_begin(); f != fend; ++f) D.mark(f) = !D.mark(f); clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); } void extract_interior() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("extract interior"); if ( this->is_shared() ) clone_rep(); Overlayer D(pm()); Vertex_iterator v, vend = D.vertices_end(); for(v = D.vertices_begin(); v != vend; ++v) D.mark(v) = false; Halfedge_iterator e, eend = D.halfedges_end(); for(e = D.halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++(++e)) D.mark(e) = false; D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(pm())); } void extract_boundary() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("extract boundary"); if ( this->is_shared() ) clone_rep(); Overlayer D(pm()); Vertex_iterator v, vend = D.vertices_end(); for(v = D.vertices_begin(); v != vend; ++v) D.mark(v) = true; Halfedge_iterator e, eend = D.halfedges_end(); for(e = D.halfedges_begin(); e != eend; ++(++e)) D.mark(e) = true; Face_iterator f, fend = D.faces_end(); for(f = D.faces_begin(); f != fend; ++f) D.mark(f) = false; clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(pm())); } void extract_closure() /*{\Xop converts |\Mvar| to its closure. }*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("extract closure"); extract_complement(); extract_interior(); extract_complement(); } void extract_regularization() /*{\Xop converts |\Mvar| to its regularization. }*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("extract regularization"); extract_interior(); extract_closure(); } /*{\Mtext \headerline{Constructive Operations}}*/ Nef_polyhedron_2 complement() const /*{\Mop returns the complement of |\Mvar| in the plane.}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res = *this; res.extract_complement(); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 interior() const /*{\Mop returns the interior of |\Mvar|.}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res = *this; res.extract_interior(); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 closure() const /*{\Mop returns the closure of |\Mvar|.}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res = *this; res.extract_closure(); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 boundary() const /*{\Mop returns the boundary of |\Mvar|.}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res = *this; res.extract_boundary(); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 regularization() const /*{\Mop returns the regularized polyhedron (closure of interior).}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res = *this; res.extract_regularization(); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 intersection(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar| $\cap$ |N1|. }*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res(pm(),false); // empty, no frame Overlayer D(res.pm()); D.subdivide(pm(),N1.pm()); AND _and; D.select(_and); res.clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(res.pm())); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 join(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar| $\cup$ |N1|. }*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res(pm(),false); // empty, no frame Overlayer D(res.pm()); D.subdivide(pm(),N1.pm()); OR _or; D.select(_or); res.clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(res.pm())); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 difference(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const /*{\Mop returns |\Mvar| $-$ |N1|. }*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res(pm(),false); // empty, no frame Overlayer D(res.pm()); D.subdivide(pm(),N1.pm()); DIFF _diff; D.select(_diff); res.clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(res.pm())); return res; } Nef_polyhedron_2 symmetric_difference( const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const /*{\Mop returns the symmectric difference |\Mvar - T| $\cup$ |T - \Mvar|. }*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res(pm(),false); // empty, no frame Overlayer D(res.pm()); D.subdivide(pm(),N1.pm()); XOR _xor; D.select(_xor); res.clear_outer_face_cycle_marks(); D.simplify(Except_frame_box_edges(res.pm())); return res; } #if 0 Nef_polyhedron_2 transform(const Aff_transformation& t) const /*{\Mop returns $t(|\Mvar|)$.}*/ { Nef_polyhedron_2 res(pm()); // cloned Transformer PMT(res.pm()); PMT.transform(t); return res; } #endif /*{\Mtext Additionally there are operators |*,+,-,^,!| which implement the binary operations \emph{intersection}, \emph{union}, \emph{difference}, \emph{symmetric difference}, and the unary operation \emph{complement} respectively. There are also the corresponding modification operations |*=,+=,-=,^=|.}*/ Nef_polyhedron_2 operator*(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return intersection(N1); } Nef_polyhedron_2 operator+(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return join(N1); } Nef_polyhedron_2 operator-(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return difference(N1); } Nef_polyhedron_2 operator^(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return symmetric_difference(N1); } Nef_polyhedron_2 operator!() const { return complement(); } Nef_polyhedron_2& operator*=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) { *this = intersection(N1); return *this; } Nef_polyhedron_2& operator+=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) { *this = join(N1); return *this; } Nef_polyhedron_2& operator-=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) { *this = difference(N1); return *this; } Nef_polyhedron_2& operator^=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) { *this = symmetric_difference(N1); return *this; } /*{\Mtext There are also comparison operations like |<,<=,>,>=,==,!=| which implement the relations subset, subset or equal, superset, superset or equal, equality, inequality, respectively.}*/ bool operator==(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return symmetric_difference(N1).is_empty(); } bool operator!=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return !operator==(N1); } bool operator<=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return difference(N1).is_empty(); } bool operator<(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return difference(N1).is_empty() && !N1.difference(*this).is_empty(); } bool operator>=(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return N1.difference(*this).is_empty(); } bool operator>(const Nef_polyhedron_2& N1) const { return N1.difference(*this).is_empty() && !difference(N1).is_empty(); } /*{\Mtext \headerline{Exploration - Point location - Ray shooting} As Nef polyhedra are the result of forming complements and intersections starting from a set |H| of half-spaces that are defined by oriented lines in the plane, they can be represented by an attributed plane map $M = (V,E,F)$. For topological queries within |M| the following types and operations allow exploration access to this structure.}*/ /*{\Mtypes 3}*/ typedef Const_decorator Topological_explorer; typedef CGAL::PM_explorer Explorer; /*{\Mtypemember a decorator to examine the underlying plane map. See the manual page of |Explorer|.}*/ typedef typename Locator::Object_handle Object_handle; /*{\Mtypemember a generic handle to an object of the underlying plane map. The kind of object |(vertex, halfedge, face)| can be determined and the object can be assigned to a corresponding handle by the three functions:\\ |bool assign(Vertex_const_handle& h, Object_handle)|\\ |bool assign(Halfedge_const_handle& h, Object_handle)|\\ |bool assign(Face_const_handle& h, Object_handle)|\\ where each function returns |true| iff the assignment to |h| was done.}*/ enum Location_mode { DEFAULT, NAIVE, LMWT }; /*{\Menum selection flag for the point location mode.}*/ /*{\Moperations 3 1 }*/ void init_locator() const { const_cast(this)->ptr()->init_locator(); } const Locator& locator() const { CGAL_assertion(ptr()->pl_); return *(ptr()->pl_); } bool contains(Object_handle h) const /*{\Mop returns true iff the object |h| is contained in the set represented by |\Mvar|.}*/ { Slocator PL(pm()); return PL.mark(h); } bool contained_in_boundary(Object_handle h) const /*{\Mop returns true iff the object |h| is contained in the $1$-skeleton of |\Mvar|.}*/ { Vertex_const_handle v; Halfedge_const_handle e; return ( CGAL::assign(v,h) || CGAL::assign(e,h) ); } Object_handle locate(const Point& p, Location_mode m = DEFAULT) const /*{\Mop returns a generic handle |h| to an object (face, halfedge, vertex) of the underlying plane map that contains the point |p| in its relative interior. The point |p| is contained in the set represented by |\Mvar| if |\Mvar.contains(h)| is true. The location mode flag |m| allows one to choose between different point location strategies.}*/ { if (m == DEFAULT || m == LMWT) { init_locator(); Extended_point ep = EK.construct_point(p); return locator().locate(ep); } else if (m == NAIVE) { Slocator PL(pm(),EK); Extended_segment s(EK.construct_point(p), PL.point(PL.vertices_begin())); return PL.locate(s); } CGAL_error_msg("location mode not implemented."); return Object_handle(); } struct INSET { const Const_decorator& D; INSET(const Const_decorator& Di) : D(Di) {} bool operator()(Vertex_const_handle v) const { return D.mark(v); } bool operator()(Halfedge_const_handle e) const { return D.mark(e); } bool operator()(Face_const_handle f) const { return D.mark(f); } }; friend struct INSET; Object_handle ray_shoot(const Point& p, const Direction& d, Location_mode m = DEFAULT) const /*{\Mop returns a handle |h| with |\Mvar.contains(h)| that can be converted to a |Vertex_/Halfedge_/Face_const_handle| as described above. The object returned is intersected by the ray starting in |p| with direction |d| and has minimal distance to |p|. The operation returns the null handle |NULL| if the ray shoot along |d| does not hit any object |h| of |\Mvar| with |\Mvar.contains(h)|. The location mode flag |m| allows one to choose between different point location strategies.}*/ { Extended_point ep, eq; if(!check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type())) { Const_decorator D(pm()); Box_2 b(D.vertices_begin(), D.vertices_end()); ep = EK.construct_point(p); eq = b.intersection_ray_bbox(p,d); } else { ep = EK.construct_point(p); eq = EK.construct_point(p,d); } if (m == DEFAULT || m == LMWT) { init_locator(); return locator().ray_shoot(EK.construct_segment(ep,eq), INSET(locator())); } else if (m == NAIVE) { Slocator PL(pm(),EK); return PL.ray_shoot(EK.construct_segment(ep,eq),INSET(PL)); } CGAL_error_msg("location mode not implemented."); return Object_handle(); } struct INSKEL { bool operator()(Vertex_const_handle) const { return true; } bool operator()(Halfedge_const_handle) const { return true; } bool operator()(Face_const_handle) const { return false; } }; Object_handle ray_shoot_to_boundary(const Point& p, const Direction& d, Location_mode m = DEFAULT) const /*{\Mop returns a handle |h| that can be converted to a |Vertex_/Halfedge_const_handle| as described above. The object returned is part of the $1$-skeleton of |\Mvar|, intersected by the ray starting in |p| with direction |d| and has minimal distance to |p|. The operation returns the null handle |NULL| if the ray shoot along |d| does not hit any $1$-skeleton object |h| of |\Mvar|. The location mode flag |m| allows one to choose between different point location strategies.}*/ { Extended_point ep, eq; if(!check_tag(typename Is_extended_kernel::value_type())) { Const_decorator D(pm()); Box_2 b(D.vertices_begin(), D.vertices_end()); ep = EK.construct_point(p); eq = b.intersection_ray_bbox(p,d); } else { ep = EK.construct_point(p); eq = EK.construct_point(p,d); } if (m == DEFAULT || m == LMWT) { init_locator(); return locator().ray_shoot(EK.construct_segment(ep,eq), INSKEL()); } else if (m == NAIVE) { Slocator PL(pm(),EK); return PL.ray_shoot(EK.construct_segment(ep,eq),INSKEL()); } CGAL_error_msg("location mode not implemented."); return Object_handle(); } Explorer explorer() const { return Explorer(pm(),EK); } /*{\Mop returns a decorator object which allows read-only access of the underlying plane map. See the manual page |Explorer| for its usage.}*/ /*{\Mimplementation Nef polyhedra are implemented on top of a halfedge data structure and use linear space in the number of vertices, edges and facets. Operations like |empty| take constant time. The operations |clear|, |complement|, |interior|, |closure|, |boundary|, |regularization|, input and output take linear time. All binary set operations and comparison operations take time $O(n \log n)$ where $n$ is the size of the output plus the size of the input. The point location and ray shooting operations are implemented in two flavors. The |NAIVE| operations run in linear query time without any preprocessing, the |DEFAULT| operations (equals |LMWT|) run in sub-linear query time, but preprocessing is triggered with the first operation. Preprocessing takes time $O(N^2)$, the sub-linear point location time is either logarithmic when LEDA's persistent dictionaries are present or if not then the point location time is worst-case linear, but experiments show often sublinear runtimes. Ray shooting equals point location plus a walk in the constrained triangulation overlayed on the plane map representation. The cost of the walk is proportional to the number of triangles passed in direction |d| until an obstacle is met. In a minimum weight triangulation of the obstacles (the plane map representing the polyhedron) the theory provides a $O(\sqrt{n})$ bound for the number of steps. Our locally minimum weight triangulation approximates the minimum weight triangulation only heuristically (the calculation of the minimum weight triangulation is conjectured to be NP hard). Thus we have no runtime guarantee but a strong experimental motivation for its approximation.}*/ /*{\Mexample Nef polyhedra are parameterized by a so-called extended geometric kernel. There are three kernels, one based on a homogeneous representation of extended points called |Extended_homogeneous| where |RT| is a ring type providing additionally a |gcd| operation and one based on a cartesian representation of extended points called |Extended_cartesian| where |NT| is a field type, and finally |Filtered_extended_homogeneous| (an optimized version of the first). The member types of |Nef_polyhedron_2< Extended_homogeneous >| map to corresponding types of the CGAL geometry kernel (e.g. |Nef_polyhedron::Line| equals |CGAL::Homogeneous::Line_2| in the example below). \begin{Mverb} #include #include #include #include using namespace CGAL; typedef Extended_homogeneous Extended_kernel; typedef Nef_polyhedron_2 Nef_polyhedron; typedef Nef_polyhedron::Line Line; int main() { Nef_polyhedron N1(Line(1,0,0)); Nef_polyhedron N2(Line(0,1,0), Nef_polyhedron::EXCLUDED); Nef_polyhedron N3 = N1 * N2; // line (*) return 0; } \end{Mverb} After line (*) |N3| is the intersection of |N1| and |N2|.}*/ }; // end of Nef_polyhedron_2 template T Nef_polyhedron_2::EK; template const typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Polygons Nef_polyhedron_2::POLYGONS = typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Polygons(); template const typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Polylines Nef_polyhedron_2::POLYLINES = typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Polylines(); template std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Nef_polyhedron_2& NP) { os << "Nef_polyhedron_2<" << NP.EK.output_identifier() << ">\n"; typedef typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Decorator Decorator; CGAL::PM_io_parser O(os, NP.pm()); O.print(); return os; } template std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Nef_polyhedron_2& NP) { typedef typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Decorator Decorator; CGAL::PM_io_parser I(is, NP.pm()); if (I.check_sep("Nef_polyhedron_2<") && I.check_sep(NP.EK.output_identifier()) && I.check_sep(">")) I.read(); else { std::cerr << "Nef_polyhedron_2 input corrupted." << std::endl; NP = Nef_polyhedron_2(); } if(!is) return is; typename Nef_polyhedron_2::Topological_explorer D(NP.explorer()); D.check_integrity_and_topological_planarity(); return is; } } //namespace CGAL #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif //CGAL_NEF_POLYHEDRON_2_H