// Copyright (c) 2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Susan Hert <hert@mpi-sb.mpg.de> #ifndef CGAL_PARTITION_VERTEX_MAP_H #define CGAL_PARTITION_VERTEX_MAP_H #include <map> #include <iostream> #include <CGAL/circulator.h> #include <CGAL/assertions.h> #include <sstream> namespace CGAL { const int PARTITION_VMAP_UNSHARED_EDGE = -1; template<class Traits_> class Vertex_info { public: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef typename Traits::Polygon_2 Polygon_2 ; typedef typename Traits::Polygon_2::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Traits::Less_xy_2 Less_xy_2; Vertex_info ( Vertex_const_iterator const& vx_it, Polygon_2 const* poly_ptr ) : m_vx_it(vx_it) ,m_poly_ptr(poly_ptr) {} Vertex_const_iterator vertex_it() const { return m_vx_it ; } Polygon_2 const* poly_ptr () const { return m_poly_ptr ; } friend bool operator == ( Vertex_info const& a, Vertex_info const& b ) { return a.poly_ptr() == b.poly_ptr() && a.vertex_it() == b.vertex_it() ; } friend bool operator != ( Vertex_info const& a, Vertex_info const& b ) { return !(a==b); } friend bool operator < ( Vertex_info const& a, Vertex_info const& b ) { return Traits().less_xy_2_object()(*a.vertex_it(), *b.vertex_it()); } private: Vertex_const_iterator m_vx_it ; Polygon_2 const* m_poly_ptr ; } ; template <class Traits_> class Edge_info { public: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef CGAL::Vertex_info<Traits> Vertex_info; public: Edge_info(Vertex_info e_ref, int p_num1) : _endpoint_ref(e_ref), _poly_num1(p_num1), _poly_num2(PARTITION_VMAP_UNSHARED_EDGE) { } void set_poly_num2(int p_num) { _poly_num2 = p_num; } Vertex_info endpoint() const { return _endpoint_ref; } int poly_num1() const { return _poly_num1; } int poly_num2() const { return _poly_num2; } private: Vertex_info _endpoint_ref; int _poly_num1; int _poly_num2; }; template <class Traits> class CW_indirect_edge_info_compare { public: typedef CGAL::Vertex_info<Traits> Vertex_info ; typedef CGAL::Edge_info<Traits> Edge_info; typedef typename Vertex_info::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator ; typedef typename Traits::Left_turn_2 Left_turn_2; typedef typename Traits::Less_xy_2 Less_xy_2; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; CW_indirect_edge_info_compare (Vertex_const_iterator v_info) : vertex_it(v_info), left_turn(Traits().left_turn_2_object()), less_xy(Traits().less_xy_2_object()) {} bool operator()(Edge_info e1, Edge_info e2) { bool e1_less = less_xy((*e1.endpoint().vertex_it()), *vertex_it); bool e2_less = less_xy((*e2.endpoint().vertex_it()), *vertex_it); bool e1_to_e2_left_turn = left_turn((*e1.endpoint().vertex_it()), *vertex_it, (*e2.endpoint().vertex_it())); // if both edges are on the same side of the vertical line through // _vertex then e1 comes before e2 (in CW order from the vertical line) // if one makes a left turn going from e1 to e2 if (e1_less == e2_less) return e1_to_e2_left_turn; else // e1 comes first if it is to the right of the vertical line return !e1_less; } private: Vertex_const_iterator vertex_it; Left_turn_2 left_turn; Less_xy_2 less_xy; }; namespace Partition_2 { template <class Traits_> class Edge_list { public: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef Edge_list<Traits> Self; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::Orientation_2 Orientation_pred; typedef typename Traits::Polygon_2 Polygon_2 ; typedef typename Traits::Polygon_2::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef CGAL::Vertex_info<Traits> Vertex_info; typedef CGAL::Edge_info<Traits> Edge_info; typedef std::list<Edge_info> List ; typedef typename List::iterator Self_iterator; typedef typename List::const_iterator Self_const_iterator; typedef typename List::size_type size_type ; typedef Circulator_from_iterator<Self_const_iterator> Self_const_circulator; Self_const_iterator begin() const { return m_list.begin() ; } Self_iterator begin() { return m_list.begin() ; } Self_const_iterator end () const { return m_list.end () ; } Self_iterator end () { return m_list.end () ; } size_type size() const { return m_list.size() ; } Edge_info const& front() const { return m_list.front() ; } Edge_info & front() { return m_list.front() ; } Edge_info const& back() const { return m_list.back() ; } Edge_info & back() { return m_list.back() ; } template<class Compare> void sort ( Compare c ) { m_list.sort(c); } void insert_next(Vertex_info endpoint_ref, int num) { Self_iterator e_it; for (e_it = m_list.begin(); e_it != m_list.end() && e_it->endpoint() != endpoint_ref ; e_it++) { } if (e_it != m_list.end()) { (*e_it).set_poly_num2(num); } else { m_list.push_back(Edge_info(endpoint_ref, num)); } } void insert_prev(Vertex_info endpoint_ref, int num) { Self_iterator e_it; for (e_it = m_list.begin(); e_it != m_list.end() && e_it->endpoint() != endpoint_ref ; e_it++) { } if (e_it != m_list.end()) { (*e_it).set_poly_num2(num); } else { m_list.push_front(Edge_info(endpoint_ref, num)); } } // PRE: polygons must be simple bool edges_overlap(Vertex_const_iterator vertex_it) { #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "before sort: edges for " << *vertex_it << std::endl; std::cout << *this << std::endl; #endif int num_unshared = 0; // Don't want to sort the edges for vertices of degree 2 because they // are already in CCW order (since the partition polygons were in CCW // order), and this is what you need when you construct the union // polygon. if (m_list.size() > 2) { m_list.sort(CW_indirect_edge_info_compare<Traits>(vertex_it)); } #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "after sort: edges for " << *vertex_it << std::endl; std::cout << *this << std::endl; #endif Self_const_iterator prev_e_it = m_list.begin(); Self_const_iterator e_it; for (e_it = m_list.begin(); e_it != m_list.end(); e_it++) { if ((*e_it).poly_num1() == PARTITION_VMAP_UNSHARED_EDGE) num_unshared++; if ((*e_it).poly_num2() == PARTITION_VMAP_UNSHARED_EDGE) num_unshared++; if ((*prev_e_it).poly_num1() != (*e_it).poly_num1() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num1() != (*e_it).poly_num2() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num2() != (*e_it).poly_num1() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num2() != (*e_it).poly_num2()) { return true; } prev_e_it = e_it; } if ((*prev_e_it).poly_num1() != (*m_list.begin()).poly_num1() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num1() != (*m_list.begin()).poly_num2() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num2() != (*m_list.begin()).poly_num1() && (*prev_e_it).poly_num2() != (*m_list.begin()).poly_num2()) { return true; } return (num_unshared > 2); } // NOTE: the edges here are sorted in CW order so the next CCW edge // comes BEFORE the edge with endpoint v_info in the sorted list Edge_info next_ccw_edge_info(Vertex_info v_info) const { Self_const_circulator first_e(m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), m_list.begin()); Self_const_circulator e_circ = first_e; do { if ((*e_circ).endpoint() == v_info) { e_circ--; // go to the previous endpoint return *e_circ; } } while (++e_circ != first_e); return *first_e; // shouldn't get here unless v_info is not in list } private : List m_list ; }; template <class Traits> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Edge_list<Traits>& edges) { typename Edge_list<Traits>::const_iterator e_it; for (e_it = edges.begin(); e_it != edges.end(); e_it++) { os << "edge with endpoint (" << (*(*e_it).endpoint().vertex_it()) << ") from poly #" << (*e_it).poly_num1() << " and poly #" << (*e_it).poly_num2() << std::endl; } return os; } } // namesapce Partition_2 template <class Traits_> class Partition_vertex_map { public: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef CGAL::Vertex_info<Traits> Vertex_info; typedef CGAL::Edge_info<Traits> Edge_info; typedef Partition_2::Edge_list<Traits> Edge_list; typedef Partition_vertex_map<Traits> Self; typedef std::map<Vertex_info, Edge_list> Map ; typedef typename Map::const_iterator Self_const_iterator; typedef typename Map::iterator Self_iterator; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::Polygon_2 Polygon_2 ; typedef typename Polygon_2::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; Partition_vertex_map() {} template <class InputIterator> Partition_vertex_map(InputIterator first_poly, InputIterator last_poly) { _build(first_poly, last_poly); } Self_const_iterator begin() const { return m_map.begin() ; } Self_iterator begin() { return m_map.begin() ; } Self_const_iterator end () const { return m_map.end () ; } Self_iterator end () { return m_map.end () ; } bool polygons_overlap() { Self_iterator v_info; for (v_info = m_map.begin(); v_info != m_map.end(); v_info++) { if ((*v_info).second.edges_overlap((*v_info).first.vertex_it())) return true; } return false; } template <class OutputIterator> OutputIterator union_vertices(OutputIterator result) { if (m_map.empty()) return result; Self_iterator m_it = m_map.begin(); // find a vertex with degree 2 (there must be at least one) while (m_it != m_map.end() && (*m_it).second.size() != 2) m_it++; CGAL_assertion (m_it != m_map.end()); // insert this vertex and the two around it Vertex_info first_v_info = (*m_it).second.front().endpoint(); Vertex_info prev_v_info = first_v_info ; #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "union_vertices: inserting " << (*prev_v_info.vertex_it()) << std::endl; #endif *result = *prev_v_info.vertex_it(); result++; #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "union_vertices: inserting "<< *(*m_it).first.vertex_it() << std::endl; #endif *result = *(*m_it).first.vertex_it(); result++; Vertex_info next_v_info = (*m_it).second.back().endpoint(); #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "union_vertices: inserting " << *next_v_info.vertex_it() << std::endl; #endif *result = *next_v_info.vertex_it(); result++; // find the map iterator corresponding to the next vertex prev_v_info = (*m_it).first; Vertex_info v_info = next_v_info; m_it = m_map.find(v_info); while (v_info != first_v_info && m_it != m_map.end()) { #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "union_vertices: prev_v_info " << (*prev_v_info.vertex_it()) << " v_info " << (*v_info.vertex_it()) << " next_v_info " << (*next_v_info.vertex_it()) << std::endl; #endif // Don't want to sort the edges for vertices of degree 2 because they // are already in CCW order (since the partition polygons were in CCW // order), and this is what you need to begin the construction // of the union polygon. if ((*m_it).second.size() > 2) { (*m_it).second.sort( CW_indirect_edge_info_compare<Traits>((*m_it).first.vertex_it())); } // find the previous vertex in this vertex's list next_v_info=(*m_it).second.next_ccw_edge_info(prev_v_info).endpoint(); if (next_v_info != first_v_info) { #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG std::cout << "union_vertices: inserting " << *next_v_info.vertex_it() << std::endl; #endif *result = *next_v_info.vertex_it(); result++; } prev_v_info = v_info; v_info = next_v_info; m_it = m_map.find(v_info); CGAL_assertion (m_it == m_map.end() || (*m_it).first == v_info); } #ifdef CGAL_PARTITION_CHECK_DEBUG if (v_info == first_v_info) std::cout << "union_vertices: stopped because first was reached " << std::endl; else std::cout << "union_vertices: stopped because end was reached " << std::endl; #endif return result; } private : template <class InputIterator> void _build(InputIterator poly_first, InputIterator poly_last) { typedef std::pair<Self_iterator, bool> Location_pair; typedef std::pair<Vertex_info, Edge_list> P_Vertex; Location_pair v_loc_pair; Location_pair begin_v_loc_pair; Location_pair prev_v_loc_pair; Vertex_const_iterator vtx_begin; Vertex_const_iterator vtx_end; Vertex_const_iterator v_it; int poly_num = 0; for (; poly_first != poly_last; poly_first++, poly_num++) { Polygon_2 const* poly_ptr = &(*poly_first); vtx_begin = (*poly_first).vertices_begin(); vtx_end = (*poly_first).vertices_end(); begin_v_loc_pair = m_map.insert(P_Vertex( Vertex_info(vtx_begin,poly_ptr), Edge_list())); prev_v_loc_pair = begin_v_loc_pair; v_it = vtx_begin; for (v_it++; v_it != vtx_end; v_it++) { v_loc_pair = m_map.insert(P_Vertex( Vertex_info(v_it,poly_ptr), Edge_list())); insert_next_edge(prev_v_loc_pair.first, v_loc_pair.first, poly_num); insert_prev_edge(v_loc_pair.first, prev_v_loc_pair.first, poly_num); prev_v_loc_pair = v_loc_pair; } insert_next_edge(prev_v_loc_pair.first, begin_v_loc_pair.first, poly_num); insert_prev_edge(begin_v_loc_pair.first, prev_v_loc_pair.first, poly_num); } } void insert_next_edge(Self_iterator& v1_ref, Self_iterator& v2_ref, int num) { (*v1_ref).second.insert_next((*v2_ref).first, num); } void insert_prev_edge(Self_iterator& v1_ref, Self_iterator& v2_ref, int num) { (*v1_ref).second.insert_prev((*v2_ref).first, num); } private : Map m_map ; }; } #endif // CGAL_PARTITION_VERTEX_MAP_H