// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Fernando Cacciola // #ifndef CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_2_H #define CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_2_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template struct Default_polygon_offset_builder_2_visitor { typedef Traits_ Traits ; typedef SSkel_ SSkel ; typedef typename SSkel::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle ; typedef typename SSkel::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle ; typedef typename Traits::FT FT ; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2 ; void on_construction_started ( FT ) const {} void on_offset_contour_started() const {} void on_offset_point ( Point_2 const& ) const {} Point_2 on_offset_point_overflowed( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) const { ::CGAL::warning_fail( "", __FILE__, __LINE__, "! Unable to compute polygon offset point due to overflow !" ) ; return aBisector->vertex()->point() ; } void on_offset_contour_finished ( bool /*is_complete*/ ) const {} void on_construction_finished () const {} void on_error( char const* ) const {} } ; template > class Polygon_offset_builder_2 { public : typedef Ss_ Ss ; typedef Traits_ Traits ; typedef Container_ Container ; typedef Visitor_ Visitor ; typedef typename Traits::Kernel K ; typedef typename Traits::FT FT ; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2 ; typedef boost::optional OptionalPoint_2 ; typedef boost::shared_ptr ContainerPtr ; Polygon_offset_builder_2( Ss const& aSs, Traits const& aTraits = Traits(), Visitor const& aVisitor = Visitor() ) ; template OutputIterator construct_offset_contours( FT aTime, OutputIterator aOut ) ; struct Bisector_data { Bisector_data() : IsVisited(false), IsUsedSeed(false) {} bool IsVisited ; bool IsUsedSeed ; } ; private: typedef typename Ss::Vertex Vertex ; typedef typename Ss::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle ; typedef typename Ss::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle ; typedef typename Ss::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle ; typedef std::vector Halfedge_vector ; typedef typename Traits::Segment_2 Segment_2 ; typedef typename Traits::Trisegment_2 Trisegment_2 ; typedef typename Traits::Trisegment_2_ptr Trisegment_2_ptr ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Triedge Triedge ; enum Hook_position { SOURCE, TARGET, INSIDE } ; static char const* Hook_position2Str( Hook_position aPos ) { return aPos == SOURCE ? "source" : ( aPos == TARGET ? "target" : "inside" ) ; } Halfedge_const_handle LocateHook( FT aTime, Halfedge_const_handle aBisector, bool aIncludeLastBisector, Hook_position& rPos ) ; void AddOffsetVertex( FT aTime, Halfedge_const_handle aHook, ContainerPtr aPoly ) ; template OutputIterator TraceOffsetPolygon( FT aTime, Halfedge_const_handle aHook, OutputIterator aOut ) ; Halfedge_const_handle LocateSeed( FT aTime, Halfedge_const_handle aBorder ) ; Halfedge_const_handle LocateSeed( FT aTime ) ; Bisector_data const& GetBisectorData ( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) const { return mBisectorData[aBisector->id()] ; } Bisector_data& GetBisectorData ( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) { return mBisectorData[aBisector->id()] ; } bool IsVisited( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) { return GetBisectorData(aBisector).IsVisited ; } bool IsUsedSeed( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) { return GetBisectorData(aBisector).IsUsedSeed ; } void Visit( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) { GetBisectorData(aBisector).IsVisited = true ; } void SetIsUsedSeed( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) { GetBisectorData(aBisector).IsUsedSeed = true ; } inline Segment_2 CreateSegment ( Halfedge_const_handle aH ) const { Point_2 s = aH->opposite()->vertex()->point() ; Point_2 t = aH->vertex()->point() ; return K().construct_segment_2_object()(s,t); } Trisegment_2_ptr CreateTrisegment ( Triedge const& aTriedge ) const { CGAL_precondition( aTriedge.is_valid() ) ; if ( aTriedge.is_skeleton() ) { return Construct_ss_trisegment_2(mTraits)(CreateSegment(aTriedge.e0()) ,CreateSegment(aTriedge.e1()) ,CreateSegment(aTriedge.e2()) ); } else { return Trisegment_2_ptr() ; } } Trisegment_2_ptr CreateTrisegment ( Vertex_const_handle aNode ) const ; Vertex_const_handle GetSeedVertex ( Vertex_const_handle aNode , Halfedge_const_handle aBisector , Halfedge_const_handle aEa , Halfedge_const_handle aEb ) const ; bool Is_bisector_defined_by ( Halfedge_const_handle aBisector, Halfedge_const_handle aEa, Halfedge_const_handle aEb ) const { return ( aBisector->defining_contour_edge() == aEa && aBisector->opposite()->defining_contour_edge() == aEb ) || ( aBisector->defining_contour_edge() == aEb && aBisector->opposite()->defining_contour_edge() == aEa ) ; } Comparison_result Compare_offset_against_event_time( FT aT, Vertex_const_handle aNode ) const { CGAL_precondition( aNode->is_skeleton() ) ; Comparison_result r = aNode->has_infinite_time() ? SMALLER : static_cast(Compare_offset_against_event_time_2(mTraits)(aT,CreateTrisegment(aNode))); return r ; } public: boost::optional Construct_offset_point( FT aT, Halfedge_const_handle aBisector ) const { CGAL_assertion(aBisector->is_bisector()); CGAL_assertion(handle_assigned(aBisector->opposite())); CGAL_assertion(aBisector->opposite()->is_bisector()); Halfedge_const_handle lBorderA = aBisector->defining_contour_edge(); Halfedge_const_handle lBorderB = aBisector->opposite()->defining_contour_edge(); Vertex_const_handle lNodeS = aBisector->opposite()->vertex(); Vertex_const_handle lNodeT = aBisector->vertex(); // If aBisector is not a border bisector the offset point construction needs to get to seed event Trisegment_2_ptr lSeedEvent ; if ( aBisector->is_inner_bisector() ) { CGAL_assertion ( lNodeS->is_skeleton() ) ; CGAL_assertion ( lNodeT->is_skeleton() ) ; Vertex_const_handle lSeedNode = aBisector->slope() == POSITIVE ? lNodeS : lNodeT ; lSeedEvent = CreateTrisegment(lSeedNode) ; CGAL_POLYOFFSET_TRACE(3,"Seed node for " << e2str(*aBisector) << " is " << v2str(*lSeedNode) << " event=" << lSeedEvent ) ; } OptionalPoint_2 p = Construct_offset_point_2(mTraits)(aT ,CreateSegment(lBorderA) ,CreateSegment(lBorderB) ,lSeedEvent ); CGAL_stskel_intrinsic_test_assertion ( !p || ( p && !CGAL_SS_i::is_possibly_inexact_distance_clearly_not_zero ( CGAL_SS_i::squared_distance_from_point_to_lineC2(p->x() ,p->y() ,lNodeS->point().x() ,lNodeS->point().y() ,lNodeT->point().x() ,lNodeT->point().y() ).to_nt() ) ) ) ; return p ; } private: void ResetBisectorData(); Traits const& mTraits ; Visitor const& mVisitor ; Halfedge_vector mBorders ; std::vector mBisectorData; OptionalPoint_2 mLastPoint ; CGAL_POLYOFFSET_DEBUG_CODE( int mStepID ; ) }; } // end namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BUILDER_2_H // // EOF //