// Copyright (c) 2007 INRIA (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Laurent Saboret, Pierre Alliez #ifndef CGAL_IMPLICIT_FCT_DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION_H #define CGAL_IMPLICIT_FCT_DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { /// \internal /// The Reconstruction_vertex_base_3 class is the default /// vertex class of the Reconstruction_triangulation_3 class. /// /// It provides the interface requested by the Poisson_reconstruction_function class: /// - Each vertex stores a normal vector. /// - A vertex is either an input point or a Steiner point added by Delaunay refinement. /// - In order to solve a linear system over the triangulation, a vertex may be constrained /// or not (i.e. may contribute to the right or left member of the linear system), /// and has a unique index. /// /// @param Gt Geometric traits class / Point_3 is a typedef to Point_with_normal_3. /// @param Cb Vertex base class, model of TriangulationVertexBase_3. template < typename Gt, typename Vb = Triangulation_vertex_base_3 > class Reconstruction_vertex_base_3 : public Vb { // Public types public: /// Geometric traits class / Point_3 is a typedef to Point_with_normal_3. typedef Gt Geom_traits; // Repeat Triangulation_vertex_base_3 public types /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL typedef typename Vb::Cell_handle Cell_handle; template < typename TDS2 > struct Rebind_TDS { typedef typename Vb::template Rebind_TDS::Other Vb2; typedef Reconstruction_vertex_base_3 Other; }; /// \endcond // Geometric types typedef typename Geom_traits::FT FT; typedef typename Geom_traits::Vector_3 Vector; ///< typedef to Vector_3 typedef typename Geom_traits::Point_3 Point; ///< typedef to Point_with_normal_3 typedef typename Geom_traits::Point_3 Point_with_normal; ///< typedef to Point_with_normal_3 // data members private: // TODO: reduce memory footprint FT m_f; // value of the implicit function // float precise enough? bool m_constrained; // is vertex constrained? // combine constrained and type unsigned char m_type; // INPUT or STEINER unsigned int m_index; // index in matrix (to be stored outside) // Public methods public: Reconstruction_vertex_base_3() : Vb(), m_f(FT(0.0)), m_type(0), m_index(0) {} Reconstruction_vertex_base_3(const Point_with_normal& p) : Vb(p), m_f(FT(0.0)), m_type(0), m_index(0) {} Reconstruction_vertex_base_3(const Point_with_normal& p, Cell_handle c) : Vb(p,c), m_f(FT(0.0)), m_type(0), m_index(0) {} Reconstruction_vertex_base_3(Cell_handle c) : Vb(c), m_f(FT(0.0)), m_type(0), m_index(0) {} /// Gets/sets the value of the implicit function. /// Default value is 0.0. FT f() const { return m_f; } FT& f() { return m_f; } /// Gets/sets the type = INPUT or STEINER. unsigned char type() const { return m_type; } unsigned char& type() { return m_type; } /// Gets/sets the index in matrix. unsigned int index() const { return m_index; } unsigned int& index() { return m_index; } /// Gets/sets normal vector. /// Default value is null vector. const Vector& normal() const { return this->point().normal(); } Vector& normal() { return this->point().normal(); } // Private methods private: /// Copy constructor and operator =() are not implemented. Reconstruction_vertex_base_3(const Reconstruction_vertex_base_3& toCopy); Reconstruction_vertex_base_3& operator =(const Reconstruction_vertex_base_3& toCopy); }; // end of Reconstruction_vertex_base_3 /// \internal /// Helper class: /// Reconstruction_triangulation_default_geom_traits_3 /// changes in a geometric traits class the Point_3 type to /// Point_with_normal_3. /// /// @param BaseGt Geometric traits class. template struct Reconstruction_triangulation_default_geom_traits_3 : public BaseGt { typedef Point_with_normal_3 Point_3; }; /// \internal /// The Reconstruction_triangulation_3 class /// provides the interface requested by the Poisson_reconstruction_function class: /// - Each vertex stores a normal vector. /// - A vertex is either an input point or a Steiner point added by Delaunay refinement. /// - In order to solve a linear system over the triangulation, a vertex may be constrained /// or not (i.e. may contribute to the right or left member of the linear system), /// and has a unique index. /// The vertex class must derive from Reconstruction_vertex_base_3. /// /// @param BaseGt Geometric traits class. /// @param Gt Geometric traits class / Point_3 is a typedef to Point_with_normal_3. /// @param Tds Model of TriangulationDataStructure_3. The vertex class /// must derive from Reconstruction_vertex_base_3. template , class Tds_ = Triangulation_data_structure_3, Triangulation_cell_base_with_info_3 > > class Reconstruction_triangulation_3 : public Delaunay_triangulation_3 { // Private types private: // Base class typedef Delaunay_triangulation_3 Base; // Auxiliary class to build an iterator over input points. class Is_steiner_point { public: typedef typename Base::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; bool operator()(const Finite_vertices_iterator& v) const { return (v->type() == Reconstruction_triangulation_3::STEINER); } }; // Public types public: /// Geometric traits class / Point_3 is a typedef to Point_with_normal_3. typedef Gt Geom_traits; // Repeat base class' types /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL typedef Tds_ Triangulation_data_structure; typedef typename Base::Segment Segment; typedef typename Base::Triangle Triangle; typedef typename Base::Tetrahedron Tetrahedron; typedef typename Base::Line Line; typedef typename Base::Ray Ray; typedef typename Base::Object Object; typedef typename Base::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Cell Cell; typedef typename Base::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Base::Facet Facet; typedef typename Base::Edge Edge; typedef typename Base::Cell_circulator Cell_circulator; typedef typename Base::Facet_circulator Facet_circulator; typedef typename Base::Cell_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef typename Base::Facet_iterator Facet_iterator; typedef typename Base::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef typename Base::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Base::Point_iterator Point_iterator; typedef typename Base::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Base::Finite_cells_iterator Finite_cells_iterator; typedef typename Base::Finite_facets_iterator Finite_facets_iterator; typedef typename Base::Finite_edges_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef typename Base::All_cells_iterator All_cells_iterator; typedef typename Base::All_vertices_iterator All_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Base::Locate_type Locate_type; /// \endcond // Geometric types typedef typename Geom_traits::FT FT; typedef typename Geom_traits::Vector_3 Vector; ///< typedef to Vector_3 typedef typename Geom_traits::Point_3 Point; ///< typedef to Point_with_normal_3 typedef typename Geom_traits::Point_3 Point_with_normal; ///< Point_with_normal_3 typedef typename Geom_traits::Sphere_3 Sphere; /// Point type enum Point_type { INPUT=0, ///< Input point. STEINER=1 ///< Steiner point created by Delaunay refinement. }; /// Iterator over input vertices. typedef Filter_iterator Input_vertices_iterator; /// Iterator over input points. typedef Iterator_project > Input_point_iterator; mutable Sphere sphere; std::vector points; std::size_t fraction; std::list fractions; Vertex_handle constrained_vertex; public: /// Default constructor. Reconstruction_triangulation_3() {} ~Reconstruction_triangulation_3() {} // Default copy constructor and operator =() are fine. // Repeat base class' public methods used below /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL using Base::points_begin; using Base::points_end; using Base::number_of_vertices; using Base::finite_vertices_begin; using Base::finite_vertices_end; using Base::all_vertices_begin; using Base::all_vertices_end; using Base::geom_traits; /// \endcond /// Gets first iterator over input vertices. Input_vertices_iterator input_vertices_begin() const { return Input_vertices_iterator(finite_vertices_end(), Is_steiner_point(), finite_vertices_begin()); } /// Gets past-the-end iterator over input vertices. Input_vertices_iterator input_vertices_end() const { return Input_vertices_iterator(finite_vertices_end(), Is_steiner_point()); } /// Gets iterator over the first input point. Input_point_iterator input_points_begin() const { return Input_point_iterator(input_vertices_begin()); } /// Gets past-the-end iterator over the input points. Input_point_iterator input_points_end() const { return Input_point_iterator(input_vertices_end()); } /// Gets the bounding sphere of input points. Sphere bounding_sphere() const { return sphere; } void initialize_bounding_sphere() const { typedef Min_sphere_of_points_d_traits_3 Traits; typedef Min_sphere_of_spheres_d Min_sphere; // Computes min sphere Min_sphere ms(points.begin(),points.end()); typename Min_sphere::Cartesian_const_iterator coord = ms.center_cartesian_begin(); FT cx = *coord++; FT cy = *coord++; FT cz = *coord; sphere = Sphere(Point(cx,cy,cz), ms.radius()*ms.radius()); } /// Insert point in the triangulation. /// Default type is INPUT. template Vertex_handle insert(const Point_with_normal& p, Point_type type,// = INPUT, Cell_handle start,// = Cell_handle(), Visitor visitor) { if(type == INPUT){ visitor.before_insertion(); } if(this->dimension() < 3){ Vertex_handle v = Base::insert(p, start); v->type() = type; return v; } typename Base::Locate_type lt; int li, lj; Cell_handle ch = Base::locate(p, lt, li, lj, start); Vertex_handle v = Base::insert(p, lt, ch, li, lj); v->type() = type; return v; } /// Insert the [first, beyond) range of points in the triangulation using a spatial sort. /// Default type is INPUT. /// /// @commentheading Template Parameters: /// @param InputIterator iterator over input points. /// @param PointPMap is a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with a value_type = Point_3. /// It can be omitted if InputIterator value_type is convertible to Point_3. /// @param NormalPMap is a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with a value_type = Vector_3. /// /// @return the number of inserted points. // This variant requires all parameters. template int insert( InputIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. InputIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. PointPMap point_pmap, ///< property map: `value_type of InputIterator` -> `Point_3` (the position of an input point). NormalPMap normal_pmap, ///< property map: `value_type of InputIterator` -> `Vector_3` (the *oriented* normal of an input point). Visitor visitor) { if(! points.empty()){ std::cerr << "WARNING: not all points inserted yet" << std::endl; } // Convert input points to Point_with_normal_3 //std::vector points; for (InputIterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it) { Point_with_normal pwn(get(point_pmap,*it), get(normal_pmap,*it)); points.push_back(pwn); } std::size_t n = points.size(); initialize_bounding_sphere(); boost::rand48 random; boost::random_number_generator rng(random); std::random_shuffle (points.begin(), points.end(), rng); fraction = 0; fractions.clear(); fractions.push_back(1.0); double m = static_cast(n); while(m > 500){ m /= 2; fractions.push_front(m/n); } insert_fraction(visitor); return 0; } template bool insert_fraction(Visitor visitor) { if(fractions.empty()){ points.clear(); return false; } double frac = fractions.front(); fractions.pop_front(); std::size_t more = (std::size_t)(points.size() * frac) - fraction; if((fraction+more) > points.size()){ more = points.size() - fraction; } Cell_handle hint; spatial_sort (points.begin()+fraction, points.begin()+fraction+more, geom_traits()); for (typename std::vector::const_iterator p = points.begin()+fraction; p != points.begin()+fraction+more; ++p) { Vertex_handle v = insert(*p, INPUT, hint, visitor); hint = v->cell(); } fraction += more; return true; } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // This variant creates a default point property map = Identity_property_map. template int insert( InputIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. InputIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. NormalPMap normal_pmap, ///< property map: `value_type of InputIterator` -> `Vector_3` (the *oriented* normal of an input point). Visitor visitor) { return insert( first,beyond, make_identity_property_map( typename std::iterator_traits::value_type()), normal_pmap, visitor); } /// \endcond /// Delaunay refinement callback: /// insert STEINER point in the triangulation. template Vertex_handle insert_in_hole(const Point_with_normal& p, CellIt cell_begin, CellIt cell_end, Cell_handle begin, int i, Point_type type = STEINER) { Vertex_handle v = Base::insert_in_hole(p, cell_begin, cell_end, begin, i); v->type() = type; return v; } /// Index unconstrained vertices following the order of Finite_vertices_iterator. /// @return the number of unconstrained vertices. unsigned int index_unconstrained_vertices() { unsigned int index = 0; for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = finite_vertices_begin(), e = finite_vertices_end(); v!= e; ++v) { if(! is_constrained(v)) v->index() = index++; } return index; } /// Is vertex constrained, i.e. /// does it contribute to the right or left member of the linear system? bool is_constrained(Vertex_handle v) const { return v == constrained_vertex; } void constrain(Vertex_handle v) { constrained_vertex = v; } }; // end of Reconstruction_triangulation_3 } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_IMPLICIT_FCT_DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION_H