// Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005,2006 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Menelaos Karavelas #ifndef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_H #define CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Conventions: ------------ 1. we treat segments as open; the endpoints are separate objects 2. a segment of length zero is treated as a point 3. a point is deleted only if it has no segment adjacent to it 4. when a segment is deleted it's endpoints are not deleted 5. the user can force the deletion of endpoints; this is only done if condition 3 is met. 6. when objects are written to a stream we distinguish between points and segments; points start by a 'p' and segments by an 's'. */ namespace CGAL { namespace SegmentDelaunayGraph_2 { namespace Internal { template struct Which_list; // use the in-place edge list template struct Which_list { typedef E Edge; typedef In_place_edge_list_for_sdg List; }; // do not use the in-place edge list template struct Which_list { typedef E Edge; // change the following to Tag_false in order to use // CGAL's Unique_hash_map typedef Tag_true Use_stl_map_tag; typedef Edge_list List; }; template < class Node > struct Project_site_2 { typedef Node argument_type; typedef typename Node::Site_2 Site; typedef Site result_type; Site& operator()(const Node& x) const { static Site s; s = x.site(); return s; } // const Site& operator()(const Node& x) const { return x.site(); } }; template < class Node, class Site_t > struct Project_input_to_site_2 { typedef Node argument_type; typedef Site_t Site; typedef Site result_type; Site& operator()(const Node& x) const { static Site s; if ( boost::tuples::get<2>(x) /*x.third*/ ) { // it is a point // s = Site::construct_site_2(*x.first); s = Site::construct_site_2( *boost::tuples::get<0>(x) ); } else { // s = Site::construct_site_2(*x.first, *x.second); s = Site::construct_site_2 (*boost::tuples::get<0>(x), *boost::tuples::get<1>(x)); } return s; } }; template struct Check_type_equality_for_info { Check_type_equality_for_info() { ERROR__INFO_TYPES_OF_insert_AND_Storage_traits_with_info_2_MUST_MATCH (T(), U()); } }; template struct Check_type_equality_for_info { }; } // namespace Internal } //namespace SegmentDelaunayGraph_2 template class Segment_Delaunay_graph_hierarchy_2; template class Segment_Delaunay_graph_Linf_2; template, class D_S = Triangulation_data_structure_2 < Segment_Delaunay_graph_vertex_base_2, Segment_Delaunay_graph_face_base_2 >, class LTag = Tag_false > class Segment_Delaunay_graph_2 : private Triangulation_2< Segment_Delaunay_graph_traits_wrapper_2, D_S > { friend class Segment_Delaunay_graph_Linf_2; friend class Segment_Delaunay_graph_hierarchy_2 >; friend class Segment_Delaunay_graph_hierarchy_2 >; friend class Segment_Delaunay_graph_hierarchy_2 >; friend class Segment_Delaunay_graph_hierarchy_2 >; protected: // LOCAL TYPES //------------ typedef Segment_Delaunay_graph_2 Self; typedef Segment_Delaunay_graph_traits_wrapper_2 Modified_traits; typedef Triangulation_2 DG; typedef DG Delaunay_graph; typedef LTag List_tag; public: // PUBLIC TYPES //------------- typedef D_S Data_structure; typedef D_S Triangulation_data_structure; typedef Gt Geom_traits; typedef ST Storage_traits; typedef typename Gt::Site_2 Site_2; typedef typename Gt::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename D_S::Edge Edge; typedef typename D_S::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename D_S::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename D_S::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename D_S::Face Face; typedef typename D_S::size_type size_type; typedef typename D_S::Vertex_circulator Vertex_circulator; typedef typename D_S::Edge_circulator Edge_circulator; typedef typename D_S::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef typename D_S::Face_iterator All_faces_iterator; typedef typename D_S::Vertex_iterator All_vertices_iterator; typedef typename D_S::Edge_iterator All_edges_iterator; typedef typename DG::Finite_faces_iterator Finite_faces_iterator; typedef typename DG::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename DG::Finite_edges_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef typename Storage_traits::Point_container Point_container; typedef typename Storage_traits::Point_handle Point_handle; typedef typename Storage_traits::const_Point_handle const_Point_handle; protected: typedef typename Geom_traits::Arrangement_type_2 AT2; typedef typename AT2::Arrangement_type Arrangement_type; // these containers should have point handles and should replace the // point container... typedef boost::tuples::tuple Site_rep_2; struct Site_rep_less_than { // less than for site reps bool operator()(const Site_rep_2& x, const Site_rep_2& y) const { Point_handle x1 = boost::tuples::get<0>(x); Point_handle y1 = boost::tuples::get<0>(y); if ( &(*x1) < &(*y1) ) { return true; } if ( &(*y1) < &(*x1) ) { return false; } Point_handle x2 = boost::tuples::get<1>(x); Point_handle y2 = boost::tuples::get<1>(y); return &(*x2) < &(*y2); } }; typedef std::set Input_sites_container; typedef typename Input_sites_container::const_iterator All_inputs_iterator; typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS::Internal:: Project_input_to_site_2 Proj_input_to_site; typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS::Internal::Project_site_2 Proj_site; struct Point_handle_less_than { // less than bool operator()(const const_Point_handle& x, const const_Point_handle& y) const { return &(*x) < &(*y); } }; typedef std::pair Point_handle_pair; typedef std::map Handle_map; public: typedef Iterator_project Input_sites_iterator; typedef Iterator_project Output_sites_iterator; protected: // LOCAL VARIABLE(S) //------------------ // the container of points Point_container pc_; Input_sites_container isc_; Storage_traits st_; #ifdef CGAL_SDG_NO_FACE_MAP std::vector fhc_; #endif protected: // MORE LOCAL TYPES //----------------- typedef typename Gt::Intersections_tag Intersections_tag; typedef std::map Face_map; typedef std::vector Edge_vector; typedef std::list Vertex_list; typedef typename Vertex_list::iterator Vertex_list_iterator; typedef Triple Vertex_triple; typedef Vertex_handle Vh_triple[3]; typedef std::map Sign_map; typedef std::pair Face_pair; typedef typename Storage_traits::Storage_site_2 Storage_site_2; // the edge list typedef typename CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS::Internal::Which_list::List List; protected: // types for insert on segment functions typedef Vertex_triple (Self::*Insert_on_Type)( const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v, const Tag_true&); Insert_on_Type insert_point_on_segment_ptr; typedef Vertex_triple (Self::*Insert_Exact_on_Type)( const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v); Insert_Exact_on_Type insert_exact_point_on_segment_ptr; Vertex_triple insert_point_on_segment(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v, const Tag_true&); Vertex_triple insert_exact_point_on_segment(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v); private: // CREATION helper template inline void setup_if_intersecting_pointer(ITag tag) { setup_if_intersecting_pointer_with_tag(tag); } void setup_if_intersecting_pointer_with_tag(Tag_false) { insert_point_on_segment_ptr = NULL; } void setup_if_intersecting_pointer_with_tag(Tag_true) { insert_point_on_segment_ptr = &Self::insert_point_on_segment; } void setup_insert_on_pointers_l2(void) { Intersections_tag itag; setup_if_intersecting_pointer(itag); insert_exact_point_on_segment_ptr = &Self::insert_exact_point_on_segment; } public: // CREATION //--------- Segment_Delaunay_graph_2(const Geom_traits& gt = Geom_traits(), const Storage_traits& st = Storage_traits()) : DG(gt), st_(st) { setup_insert_on_pointers_l2(); } template< class Input_iterator > Segment_Delaunay_graph_2(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, const Geom_traits& gt = Geom_traits(), const Storage_traits& st = Storage_traits()) : DG(gt), st_(st) { setup_insert_on_pointers_l2(); insert(first, beyond); } Segment_Delaunay_graph_2(const Self& other); Self& operator=(const Self& other); public: // ACCESS METHODS // -------------- const Geom_traits& geom_traits() const { return DG::geom_traits(); } const Storage_traits& storage_traits() const { return st_; } const Data_structure& data_structure() const { return this->_tds; } const Triangulation_data_structure& tds() const { return this->_tds; } const Point_container& point_container() const { return pc_; } inline size_type number_of_input_sites() const { return isc_.size(); } inline size_type number_of_output_sites() const { return number_of_vertices(); } inline size_type number_of_vertices() const { return DG::number_of_vertices(); } inline size_type number_of_faces() const { return DG::number_of_faces(); } inline Vertex_handle infinite_vertex() const { return DG::infinite_vertex(); } inline Face_handle infinite_face() const { return DG::infinite_face(); } inline Vertex_handle finite_vertex() const { return DG::finite_vertex(); } inline int dimension() const { return DG::dimension(); } using Delaunay_graph::cw; using Delaunay_graph::ccw; using Delaunay_graph::delete_vertex; using Delaunay_graph::delete_face; public: // TRAVERSAL OF THE DUAL GRAPH //---------------------------- inline Finite_faces_iterator finite_faces_begin() const { return DG::finite_faces_begin(); } inline Finite_faces_iterator finite_faces_end() const { return DG::finite_faces_end(); } inline Finite_vertices_iterator finite_vertices_begin() const { return DG::finite_vertices_begin(); } inline Finite_vertices_iterator finite_vertices_end() const { return DG::finite_vertices_end(); } inline Finite_edges_iterator finite_edges_begin() const { return DG::finite_edges_begin(); } inline Finite_edges_iterator finite_edges_end() const { return DG::finite_edges_end(); } inline All_faces_iterator all_faces_begin() const { return DG::all_faces_begin(); } inline All_faces_iterator all_faces_end() const { return DG::all_faces_end(); } inline All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_begin() const { return DG::all_vertices_begin(); } inline All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_end() const { return DG::all_vertices_end(); } inline All_edges_iterator all_edges_begin() const { return DG::all_edges_begin(); } inline All_edges_iterator all_edges_end() const { return DG::all_edges_end(); } inline Input_sites_iterator input_sites_begin() const { return Input_sites_iterator(isc_.begin()); } inline Input_sites_iterator input_sites_end() const { return Input_sites_iterator(isc_.end()); } inline Output_sites_iterator output_sites_begin() const { return Output_sites_iterator(finite_vertices_begin()); } inline Output_sites_iterator output_sites_end() const { return Output_sites_iterator(finite_vertices_end()); } public: // CIRCULATORS //------------ inline Face_circulator incident_faces(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()) const { return DG::incident_faces(v, f); } inline Vertex_circulator incident_vertices(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()) const { return DG::incident_vertices(v, f); } inline Edge_circulator incident_edges(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()) const { return DG::incident_edges(v, f); } public: // PREDICATES //----------- inline bool is_infinite(const Vertex_handle& v) const { return DG::is_infinite(v); } inline bool is_infinite(const Face_handle& f) const { return DG::is_infinite(f); } inline bool is_infinite(const Face_handle& f, int i) const { return DG::is_infinite(f, i); } inline bool is_infinite(const Edge& e) const { return is_infinite(e.first, e.second); } inline bool is_infinite(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return DG::is_infinite(ec); } public: // INSERTION METHODS //------------------ template inline size_type insert(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond) { return insert(first, beyond, Tag_false()); } template size_type insert(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, Tag_false) { // do it the obvious way: insert them as they come; // one might think though that it might be better to first insert // all end points and then all segments, or a variation of that. size_type n_before = number_of_vertices(); for (Input_iterator it = first; it != beyond; ++it) { insert(*it); } size_type n_after = number_of_vertices(); return n_after - n_before; } //insert a range of points using spatial sorting std::size_t insert_points(std::vector& points) { size_type n = this->number_of_vertices(); spatial_sort (points.begin(), points.end(), geom_traits()); Vertex_handle hint; for (typename std::vector::const_iterator p = points.begin(), end = points.end(); p != end; ++p) { hint = insert(*p, hint); } return this->number_of_vertices() - n; } template std::size_t insert_points(PointIterator first, PointIterator beyond) { std::vector points (first, beyond); return insert_points(points); } template std::size_t insert_segments( const std::vector& points, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_beyond ) { typedef std::vector Vertex_indices; typedef std::vector Vertices; Vertex_indices vertex_indices; vertex_indices.resize(points.size()); std::copy(boost::counting_iterator(0), boost::counting_iterator(points.size()), std::back_inserter(vertex_indices)); size_type n = this->number_of_vertices(); Spatial_sort_traits_adapter_2::const_type > sort_traits(make_property_map(points)); spatial_sort(vertex_indices.begin(), vertex_indices.end(), sort_traits); Vertices vertices; vertices.resize(points.size()); Vertex_handle hint; for(typename Vertex_indices::const_iterator it_pti = vertex_indices.begin(), end = vertex_indices.end(); it_pti != end; ++it_pti) { hint = insert(points[*it_pti], hint); vertices[*it_pti] = hint; } for(IndicesIterator it_cst=indices_first, end=indices_beyond; it_cst!=end; ++it_cst) { Vertex_handle v1 = vertices[it_cst->first]; Vertex_handle v2 = vertices[it_cst->second]; if(v1 != v2) insert(v1, v2); } return this->number_of_vertices() - n; } template std::size_t insert_segments(PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_beyond, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_beyond) { std::vector points (points_first, points_beyond); return insert_segments(points, indices_first, indices_beyond); } static const Point_2& get_source(const std::pair& segment){ return segment.first; } static const Point_2& get_target(const std::pair& segment){ return segment.second; } template static const Point_2& get_source(const Segment_2& segment){ return segment.source(); } template static const Point_2& get_target(const Segment_2& segment){ return segment.target(); } static const Point_2& get_source(const Site_2& segment){ return segment.source_of_supporting_site(); } static const Point_2& get_target(const Site_2& segment){ return segment.target_of_supporting_site(); } template std::size_t insert_segments(SegmentIterator first, SegmentIterator beyond) { std::vector points; for (SegmentIterator s_it=first; s_it!=beyond; ++s_it) { points.push_back( get_source(*s_it) ); points.push_back( get_target(*s_it) ); } std::vector< std::pair > segment_indices; std::size_t nb_segments = points.size() / 2; segment_indices.reserve( nb_segments ); for (std::size_t k=0; k < nb_segments; ++k) segment_indices.push_back( std::make_pair(2*k,2*k+1) ); return insert_segments( points, segment_indices.begin(), segment_indices.end() ); } template inline size_type insert_range(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, Site_2){ std::vector points; std::vector segment_points; std::vector< std::pair > segment_indices; std::vector non_input_segments; for (Input_iterator it=first; it!=beyond; ++it) { if ( it->is_input() ) { if (it->is_point() ) points.push_back( it->point() ); else{ segment_points.push_back( it->source_of_supporting_site() ); segment_points.push_back( it->target_of_supporting_site() ); segment_indices.push_back( std::make_pair(segment_points.size()-2, segment_points.size()-1 )); } } else non_input_segments.push_back(*it); } //insert the points size_type n = insert_points(points); //insert the segments n += insert_segments( segment_points, segment_indices.begin(), segment_indices.end() ); //insert non-input sites std::random_shuffle( non_input_segments.begin(), non_input_segments.end() ); n += insert(non_input_segments.begin(), non_input_segments.end(), Tag_false() ); return n; } template inline size_type insert_range(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, Point_2){ return insert_points(first, beyond); } template inline size_type insert_range(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, Segment_2){ return insert_segments(first, beyond); } template inline size_type insert(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond, Tag_true) { return insert_range(first, beyond, typename std::iterator_traits::value_type() ); } // insert a point inline Vertex_handle insert(const Point_2& p) { // update input site container Point_handle ph = register_input_site(p); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(ph); return insert_point(ss, p, Vertex_handle()); } inline Vertex_handle insert(const Point_2& p, Vertex_handle vnear) { // update input site container Point_handle ph = register_input_site(p); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(ph); return insert_point(ss, p, vnear); } protected: // insert a point without registering it in the input sites // container: useful for the hierarchy inline Vertex_handle insert_no_register(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Point_2& p, Vertex_handle vnear) { return insert_point(ss, p, vnear); } public: // insert a segment inline Vertex_handle insert(const Point_2& p0, const Point_2& p1) { // update input site container Point_handle_pair php = register_input_site(p0, p1); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(php.first, php.second); Vertex_handle v = insert_segment(ss, Site_2::construct_site_2(p0, p1), Vertex_handle()); if ( v == Vertex_handle() ) { unregister_input_site(php.first, php.second); } return v; } // inserting a segment whose endpoints have already been inserted // update input site container inline Vertex_handle insert(const Vertex_handle& v0, const Vertex_handle& v1) { CGAL_precondition( v0->storage_site().is_point() && v1->storage_site().is_point() ); Point_handle h0 = v0->storage_site().point(); Point_handle h1 = v1->storage_site().point(); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(h0, h1); // update input site container Point_handle_pair php = register_input_site(h0, h1); if ( number_of_vertices() == 2 ) { return insert_third(ss, v0, v1); } Vertex_handle v = insert_segment_interior(ss.site(), ss, v0); if ( v == Vertex_handle() ) { unregister_input_site(php.first, php.second); } return v; } inline Vertex_handle insert(const Point_2& p0, const Point_2& p1, Vertex_handle vnear) { // update input site container Point_handle_pair php = register_input_site(p0, p1); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(php.first, php.second); Vertex_handle v = insert_segment(ss, Site_2::construct_site_2(p0, p1), vnear); if ( v == Vertex_handle() ) { unregister_input_site(php.first, php.second); } return v; } inline Vertex_handle insert(const Site_2& t) { return insert(t, Vertex_handle()); } Vertex_handle insert(const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle vnear) { // the intended use is to unify the calls to insert(...); // thus the site must be an exact one; CGAL_precondition( t.is_input() ); // update input site container if ( t.is_segment() ) { Point_handle_pair php = register_input_site( t.source_of_supporting_site(), t.target_of_supporting_site() ); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(php.first, php.second); Vertex_handle v = insert_segment(ss, t, vnear); if ( v == Vertex_handle() ) { unregister_input_site( php.first, php.second ); } return v; } else if ( t.is_point() ) { Point_handle ph = register_input_site( t.point() ); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(ph); return insert_point(ss, t.point(), vnear); } else { CGAL_precondition ( t.is_defined() ); return Vertex_handle(); // to avoid compiler error } } protected: template inline void convert_info1(SSite& ss_trg, const SSite& ss_src, bool is_src, int, typename SSite::Has_info_tag const* = 0) const { // std::cerr << "converting info..." << std::flush; typename Storage_traits::Convert_info convert = st_.convert_info_object(); ss_trg.set_info( convert(ss_src.info(), is_src) ); // std::cerr << " done!" << std::endl; } template inline void convert_info1(SSite& /* ss_trg */, const SSite& /* ss_src */, bool, char) const { } void convert_info(Storage_site_2& ss_trg, const Storage_site_2& ss_src, bool is_src) const { CGAL_precondition( ss_src.is_segment() && ss_trg.is_point() ); CGAL_precondition( ss_src.is_input() && ss_trg.is_input() ); CGAL_assertion( (is_src && same_points(ss_src.source_site(), ss_trg)) || (!is_src && same_points(ss_src.target_site(), ss_trg)) ); convert_info1(ss_trg, ss_src, is_src, 0); } template inline void merge_info1(Vertex_handle v, const SSite& ss, int, typename SSite::Has_info_tag const* = 0) { // std::cerr << "merging info..." << std::flush; Storage_site_2 ss_v = v->storage_site(); typename Storage_traits::Merge_info merge = st_.merge_info_object(); ss_v.set_info( merge(ss_v.info(), ss.info()) ); v->set_site(ss_v); // std::cerr << " done!" << std::endl; } template inline void merge_info1(Vertex_handle, const SSite&, char) const { } // merges the info of the storage site of the vertex handle with the // info of the given site; the vertex_handle contains the storage // site with the new info inline void merge_info(Vertex_handle v, const Storage_site_2& ss) { CGAL_precondition( (v->storage_site().is_segment() && ss.is_segment() && same_segments(v->site(), ss.site())) || (v->storage_site().is_point() && ss.is_point() && same_points(v->site(), ss.site())) || (v->storage_site().is_point() && ss.is_segment()) ); merge_info1(v, ss, 0); } public: template inline Vertex_handle insert(const Site_2& t, const Info_t& info) { return insert(t, info, Vertex_handle()); } template Vertex_handle insert(const Site_2& t, const Info_t& info, Vertex_handle vnear) { typedef typename Storage_traits::Info Info; CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS::Internal:: Check_type_equality_for_info(); // the intended use is to unify the calls to insert(...); // thus the site must be an exact one; CGAL_precondition( t.is_input() ); // update input site container if ( t.is_segment() ) { Point_handle_pair php = register_input_site( t.source_of_supporting_site(), t.target_of_supporting_site() ); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(php.first, php.second); ss.set_info(info); Vertex_handle v = insert_segment(ss, t, vnear); if ( v == Vertex_handle() ) { unregister_input_site( php.first, php.second ); } return v; } else if ( t.is_point() ) { Point_handle ph = register_input_site( t.point() ); Storage_site_2 ss = st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(ph); ss.set_info(info); return insert_point(ss, t.point(), vnear); } else { CGAL_precondition ( t.is_defined() ); return Vertex_handle(); // to avoid compiler error } } // REMOVAL METHODS //---------------- protected: bool is_star(const Vertex_handle& v) const; bool is_linear_chain(const Vertex_handle& v0, const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2) const; bool is_flippable(const Face_handle& f, int i) const; void minimize_degree(const Vertex_handle& v); // this method does not really do the job as intended, i.e., for removal void equalize_degrees(const Vertex_handle& v, Self& small_d, std::map& vmap, List& l) const; void expand_conflict_region_remove(const Face_handle& f, const Site_2& t, const Storage_site_2& ss, List& l, Face_map& fm, Sign_map& sign_map); void find_conflict_region_remove(const Vertex_handle& v, const Vertex_handle& vnearest, List& l, Face_map& fm, Sign_map& vm); template OutputItFaces get_faces(const List& l, OutputItFaces fit) const { // map that determines if a face has been visited std::map fmap; // compute the initial face Edge e_front = l.front(); Face_handle fstart = e_front.first->neighbor(e_front.second); // do the recursion return get_faces(l, fstart, fmap, fit); } template OutputItFaces get_faces(const List& l, Face_handle f, std::map& fmap, OutputItFaces fit) const { // if the face has been visited return if ( fmap.find(f) != fmap.end() ) { return fit; } // mark the face as visited fmap[f] = true; // output the face *fit++ = f; // recursively go to neighbors for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Face_handle n = f->neighbor(i); Edge ee(n, n->index( this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f,i) )); if ( !l.is_in_list(ee) ) { fit = get_faces(l, n, fmap, fit); } } return fit; } size_type count_faces(const List& l) const; void fill_hole(const Self& small_d, const Vertex_handle& v, const List& l, std::map& vmap); bool remove_first(const Vertex_handle& v); bool remove_second(const Vertex_handle& v); bool remove_third(const Vertex_handle& v); void compute_small_diagram(const Vertex_handle& v, Self& small_d) const; void compute_vertex_map(const Vertex_handle& v, const Self& small_d, std::map& vmap) const; void remove_degree_d_vertex(const Vertex_handle& v); bool remove_base(const Vertex_handle& v); public: bool remove(const Vertex_handle& v); protected: inline void unregister_input_site(const Point_handle& h) { Site_rep_2 rep(h, h, true); typename Input_sites_container::iterator it = isc_.find(rep); CGAL_assertion( it != isc_.end() ); pc_.erase(h); isc_.erase(it); } inline void unregister_input_site(const Point_handle& h1, const Point_handle& h2) { Site_rep_2 rep(h1, h2, false); typename Input_sites_container::iterator it = isc_.find(rep); Site_rep_2 sym_rep(h2, h1, false); typename Input_sites_container::iterator sym_it = isc_.find(sym_rep); CGAL_assertion( it != isc_.end() || sym_it != isc_.end() ); if ( it != isc_.end() ) { isc_.erase(it); } if ( sym_it != isc_.end() ) { isc_.erase(sym_it); } Site_rep_2 r1(h1, h1, true); if ( isc_.find(r1) == isc_.end() ) { isc_.insert(r1); } Site_rep_2 r2(h2, h2, true); if ( isc_.find(r2) == isc_.end() ) { isc_.insert(r2); } } inline Point_handle register_input_site(const Point_2& p) { std::pair it = pc_.insert(p); Site_rep_2 rep(it.first, it.first, true); isc_.insert( rep ); return it.first; } inline Point_handle_pair register_input_site(const Point_2& p0, const Point_2& p1) { std::pair it1 = pc_.insert(p0); std::pair it2 = pc_.insert(p1); Site_rep_2 rep(it1.first, it2.first, false); isc_.insert( rep ); return Point_handle_pair(it1.first, it2.first); } inline Point_handle_pair register_input_site(const Point_handle& h0, const Point_handle& h1) { CGAL_precondition( h0 != h1 ); Site_rep_2 rep(h0, h1, false); isc_.insert( rep ); return Point_handle_pair(h0, h1); } Vertex_handle insert_first(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Point_2& p); Vertex_handle insert_second(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Point_2& p); Vertex_handle insert_third(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Point_2& p); Vertex_handle insert_third(const Site_2& t, const Storage_site_2& ss); Vertex_handle insert_third(const Storage_site_2& ss, Vertex_handle v0, Vertex_handle v1); Vertex_handle insert_point(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Point_2& p, Vertex_handle vnear); Vertex_handle insert_point(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle vnear); Vertex_handle insert_point2(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle vnear); Vertex_handle insert_segment(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle vnear); Vertex_handle insert_segment_interior(const Site_2& t, const Storage_site_2& ss, Vertex_handle vnear); template inline Vertex_handle insert_intersecting_segment(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v, ITag tag) { return insert_intersecting_segment_with_tag(ss, t, v, tag); } Vertex_handle insert_intersecting_segment_with_tag(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v, Tag_false); Vertex_handle insert_intersecting_segment_with_tag(const Storage_site_2& ss, const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v, Tag_true); public: // NEAREST NEIGHBOR LOCATION //-------------------------- inline Vertex_handle nearest_neighbor(const Point_2& p) const { return nearest_neighbor(Site_2::construct_site_2(p), Vertex_handle()); } inline Vertex_handle nearest_neighbor(const Point_2& p, Vertex_handle vnear) const { return nearest_neighbor(Site_2::construct_site_2(p), vnear); } protected: Vertex_handle nearest_neighbor(const Site_2& p, Vertex_handle vnear) const; protected: // I/O METHODS //------------ typedef std::map Point_handle_mapper; typedef std::vector Point_handle_vector; void file_output(std::ostream&, const Storage_site_2&, Point_handle_mapper&) const; void file_output(std::ostream&, Point_handle_mapper&, bool print_point_container) const; void file_input(std::istream&, Storage_site_2&, const Point_handle_vector&, const Tag_true&) const; void file_input(std::istream&, Storage_site_2&, const Point_handle_vector&, const Tag_false&) const; void file_input(std::istream&, bool read_handle_vector, Point_handle_vector&); public: void file_input(std::istream& is) { Point_handle_vector P; file_input(is, true, P); } void file_output(std::ostream& os) const { Point_handle_mapper P; size_type inum = 0; for (const_Point_handle ph = pc_.begin(); ph != pc_.end(); ++ph) { P[ph] = inum++; } file_output(os, P, true); } template< class Stream > Stream& draw_dual(Stream& str) const { Finite_edges_iterator eit = finite_edges_begin(); for (; eit != finite_edges_end(); ++eit) { draw_dual_edge(*eit, str); } return str; } template < class Stream > Stream& draw_skeleton(Stream& str) const { Finite_edges_iterator eit = finite_edges_begin(); for (; eit != finite_edges_end(); ++eit) { Site_2 p = eit->first->vertex( cw(eit->second) )->site(); Site_2 q = eit->first->vertex( ccw(eit->second) )->site(); bool is_endpoint_of_seg = ( p.is_segment() && q.is_point() && is_endpoint_of_segment(q, p) ) || ( p.is_point() && q.is_segment() && is_endpoint_of_segment(p, q) ); if ( !is_endpoint_of_seg ) { draw_dual_edge(*eit, str); } } return str; } // MK: this has to be rewritten. all the checking must be done in // the geometric traits class. template< class Stream > Stream& draw_dual_edge(Edge e, Stream& str) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(e) ); typename Geom_traits::Line_2 l; typename Geom_traits::Segment_2 s; typename Geom_traits::Ray_2 r; CGAL::Parabola_segment_2 ps; Object o = primal(e); if (CGAL::assign(l, o)) str << l; if (CGAL::assign(s, o)) str << s; if (CGAL::assign(r, o)) str << r; if (CGAL::assign(ps, o)) ps.draw(str); return str; } template< class Stream > inline Stream& draw_dual_edge(Edge_circulator ec, Stream& str) const { return draw_dual_edge(*ec, str); } template< class Stream > inline Stream& draw_dual_edge(Finite_edges_iterator eit, Stream& str) const { return draw_dual_edge(*eit, str); } public: // VALIDITY CHECK //--------------- bool is_valid(bool verbose = false, int level = 1) const; public: // MISCELLANEOUS //-------------- void clear() { DG::clear(); pc_.clear(); isc_.clear(); } void swap(Segment_Delaunay_graph_2& sdg) { DG::swap(sdg); pc_.swap(sdg.pc_); isc_.swap(sdg.isc_); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THE METHODS BELOW ARE LOCAL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected: // THE COPY METHOD //------------------------------------------------------------------ // used in the copy constructor and assignment operator Storage_site_2 copy_storage_site(const Storage_site_2& ss_other, Handle_map& hm, const Tag_false&); Storage_site_2 copy_storage_site(const Storage_site_2& ss_other, Handle_map& hm, const Tag_true&); void copy(Segment_Delaunay_graph_2& other); void copy(Segment_Delaunay_graph_2& other, Handle_map& hm); protected: // HELPER METHODS FOR COMBINATORIAL OPERATIONS ON THE DATA STRUCTURE //------------------------------------------------------------------ // getting the degree of a vertex inline typename Data_structure::size_type degree(const Vertex_handle& v) const { return this->_tds.degree(v); } // getting the symmetric edge inline Edge sym_edge(const Edge e) const { return sym_edge(e.first, e.second); } inline Edge sym_edge(const Face_handle& f, int i) const { Face_handle f_sym = f->neighbor(i); #ifdef CGAL_SDG_ALTERNATE_SYMEDGE_IMPLEMENTATION_BY_AF int count = ( f_sym->neighbor(0) == f ); int i_sym = 0; if ( f_sym->neighbor(1) == f ) { ++count; i_sym = 1; } if ( f_sym->neighbor(2) == f ) { ++count; i_sym = 2; } if ( count == 1 ) { return Edge(f_sym, i_sym); } return Edge(f_sym, f_sym->index( f->vertex(i) )); #else return Edge( f_sym, f_sym->index( this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f, i) ) ); #endif } Edge flip(Face_handle& f, int i) { CGAL_precondition ( f != Face_handle() ); CGAL_precondition (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == 2); CGAL_precondition( this->dimension()==2 ); CGAL_precondition( f->vertex(i) != this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f, i) ); this->_tds.flip(f, i); return Edge(f, ccw(i)); } inline Edge flip(Edge e) { return flip(e.first, e.second); } inline bool is_degree_2(const Vertex_handle& v) const { Face_circulator fc = incident_faces(v); Face_circulator fc1 = fc; ++(++fc1); return ( fc == fc1 ); } inline Vertex_handle insert_degree_2(Edge e) { return this->_tds.insert_degree_2(e.first,e.second); } inline Vertex_handle insert_degree_2(Edge e, const Storage_site_2& ss) { Vertex_handle v = insert_degree_2(e); v->set_site(ss); return v; } inline void remove_degree_2(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_precondition( is_degree_2(v) ); this->_tds.remove_degree_2(v); } inline void remove_degree_3(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_precondition( degree(v) == 3 ); this->_tds.remove_degree_3(v, Face_handle()); } inline Vertex_handle create_vertex(const Storage_site_2& ss) { Vertex_handle v = this->_tds.create_vertex(); v->set_site(ss); return v; } inline Vertex_handle create_vertex_dim_up(const Storage_site_2& ss) { Vertex_handle v = this->_tds.insert_dim_up(infinite_vertex()); v->set_site(ss); return v; } protected: // HELPER METHODS FOR CREATING STORAGE SITES //------------------------------------------ inline Storage_site_2 split_storage_site(const Storage_site_2& ss0, const Storage_site_2& ss1, bool first) { // Split the first storage site which is a segment using the // second storage site which is an exact point // i denotes whether the first or second half is to be created CGAL_precondition( ss0.is_segment() && ss1.is_point() ); return st_.construct_storage_site_2_object()(ss0, ss1, first); } public: // METHODS FOR ACCESSING THE PRIMAL GRAPH //--------------------------------------- // used primarily for visualization inline Point_2 primal(const Face_handle& f) const { return circumcenter(f); } Object primal(const Edge e) const; inline Object primal(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return primal(*ec); } inline Object primal(const Finite_edges_iterator& ei) const { return primal(*ei); } protected: void print_error_message() const; void print_error_message(const Tag_false&) const { static int i = 0; if ( i == 0 ) { i++; std::cerr << "SDG::Insert aborted: intersecting segments found" << std::endl; } } void print_error_message(const Tag_true&) const {} //protected: public: // wrappers for constructions inline Point_2 circumcenter(const Face_handle& f) const { CGAL_precondition( this->dimension()==2 || !is_infinite(f) ); return circumcenter(f->vertex(0)->site(), f->vertex(1)->site(), f->vertex(2)->site()); } inline Point_2 circumcenter(const Site_2& t0, const Site_2& t1, const Site_2& t2) const { return geom_traits().construct_svd_vertex_2_object()(t0, t1, t2); } protected: // HELPER METHODS FOR INSERTION //----------------------------- void initialize_conflict_region(const Face_handle& f, List& l); std::pair find_faces_to_split(const Vertex_handle& v, const Site_2& t) const; void expand_conflict_region(const Face_handle& f, const Site_2& t, const Storage_site_2& ss, #ifdef CGAL_SDG_NO_FACE_MAP List& l, #else List& l, Face_map& fm, std::map& sign_map, #endif Triple& vcross); Vertex_handle add_bogus_vertex(Edge e, List& l); Vertex_list add_bogus_vertices(List& l); void remove_bogus_vertices(Vertex_list& vl); #ifdef CGAL_SDG_NO_FACE_MAP void retriangulate_conflict_region(Vertex_handle v, List& l); #else void retriangulate_conflict_region(Vertex_handle v, List& l, Face_map& fm); #endif // choosing the correct bisector constructors private: template struct ConstructionHelper {}; // take constructors from L2 template struct ConstructionHelper { typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS:: Construct_sdg_bisector_2 tagbis; typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS:: Construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2 tagbisray; typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS:: Construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2 tagbisseg; }; // constructors from traits template struct ConstructionHelper { typedef typename T:: template Construct_sdg_bisector_2 tagbis; typedef typename T:: template Construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2 tagbisray; typedef typename T:: template Construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2 tagbisseg; }; template struct ConstructionChooser { typedef typename ConstructionHelper::tagbis tagbis; typedef typename ConstructionHelper::tagbisray tagbisray; typedef typename ConstructionHelper::tagbisseg tagbisseg; }; protected: // TYPES AND ACCESS METHODS FOR VISUALIZATION //------------------------------------------- // types typedef CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_NS::Construct_sdg_circle_2 Construct_sdg_circle_2; typedef typename ConstructionChooser::tagbis Construct_sdg_bisector_2; typedef typename ConstructionChooser::tagbisray Construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2; typedef typename ConstructionChooser::tagbisseg Construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2; // access inline Construct_sdg_circle_2 construct_sdg_circle_2_object() const{ return Construct_sdg_circle_2(); } inline Construct_sdg_bisector_2 construct_sdg_bisector_2_object() const { return Construct_sdg_bisector_2(); } inline Construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2 construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2_object() const { return Construct_sdg_bisector_ray_2(); } inline Construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2 construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2_object() const { return Construct_sdg_bisector_segment_2(); } protected: // WRAPPERS FOR GEOMETRIC PREDICATES //---------------------------------- inline bool same_points(const Storage_site_2& p, const Storage_site_2& q) const { return geom_traits().equal_2_object()(p.site(), q.site()); } inline bool same_segments(const Storage_site_2& t, Vertex_handle v) const { if ( is_infinite(v) ) { return false; } if ( t.is_point() || v->storage_site().is_point() ) { return false; } return same_segments(t.site(), v->site()); } inline bool is_endpoint_of_segment(const Storage_site_2& p, const Storage_site_2& s) const { CGAL_precondition( p.is_point() && s.is_segment() ); return ( same_points(p, s.source_site()) || same_points(p, s.target_site()) ); } inline bool is_degenerate_segment(const Storage_site_2& s) const { CGAL_precondition( s.is_segment() ); return same_points(s.source_site(), s.target_site()); } // returns: // ON_POSITIVE_SIDE if q is closer to t1 // ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE if q is closer to t2 // ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY if q is on the bisector of t1 and t2 inline Oriented_side side_of_bisector(const Storage_site_2 &t1, const Storage_site_2 &t2, const Storage_site_2 &q) const { return geom_traits().oriented_side_of_bisector_2_object()(t1.site(), t2.site(), q.site()); } inline Sign incircle(const Storage_site_2 &t1, const Storage_site_2 &t2, const Storage_site_2 &t3, const Storage_site_2 &q) const { #ifdef CGAL_PROFILE_SDG_DUMP_INCIRCLE typedef typename Geom_traits::FT FT; if ( !Algebraic_structure_traits::Is_exact::value ) { std::ofstream ofs("incircle.cin", std::ios_base::app); ofs.precision(16); ofs << t1.site() << " "; ofs << t2.site() << " "; ofs << t3.site() << " "; ofs << q.site() << std::endl; ofs.close(); } #endif return geom_traits().vertex_conflict_2_object()(t1.site(), t2.site(), t3.site(), q.site()); } inline Sign incircle(const Storage_site_2 &t1, const Storage_site_2 &t2, const Storage_site_2 &q) const { return geom_traits().vertex_conflict_2_object()(t1.site(), t2.site(), q.site()); } inline Sign incircle(const Face_handle& f, const Storage_site_2& q) const { return incircle(f, q.site()); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Storage_site_2& t1, const Storage_site_2& t2, const Storage_site_2& t3, const Storage_site_2& t4, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object() (t1.site(), t2.site(), t3.site(), t4.site(), q.site(), sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(f) && !is_infinite(f->neighbor(i)) ); return finite_edge_interior( f->vertex( ccw(i) )->site(), f->vertex( cw(i) )->site(), f->vertex( i )->site(), this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f, i)->site(), q.site(), sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Storage_site_2& t1, const Storage_site_2& t2, const Storage_site_2& t3, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object()(t1.site(), t2.site(), t3.site(), q.site(), sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Storage_site_2& t1, const Storage_site_2& t2, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object()(t1.site(), t2.site(), q.site(), sgn); } bool finite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Storage_site_2& p, Sign sgn, int j) const { return finite_edge_interior(f, i, p.site(), sgn, j); } inline bool infinite_edge_interior(const Storage_site_2& t2, const Storage_site_2& t3, const Storage_site_2& t4, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().infinite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object() (t2.site(), t3.site(), t4.site(), q.site(), sgn); } inline bool infinite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Storage_site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return infinite_edge_interior(f, i, q, sgn); } inline bool edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Storage_site_2& t, Sign sgn) const { return edge_interior(f, i, t.site(), sgn); } inline bool edge_interior(const Edge& e, const Storage_site_2& t, Sign sgn) const { return edge_interior(e.first, e.second, t, sgn); } inline Arrangement_type arrangement_type(const Storage_site_2& t, const Vertex_handle& v) const { if ( is_infinite(v) ) { return AT2::DISJOINT; } return arrangement_type(t, v->storage_site()); } inline Arrangement_type arrangement_type(const Storage_site_2& p, const Storage_site_2& q) const { return arrangement_type(p.site(), q.site()); } inline bool are_parallel(const Storage_site_2& p, const Storage_site_2& q) const { return geom_traits().are_parallel_2_object()(p.site(), q.site()); } inline Oriented_side oriented_side(const Storage_site_2& s1, const Storage_site_2& s2, const Storage_site_2& supp, const Storage_site_2& p) const { CGAL_precondition( supp.is_segment() && p.is_point() ); return geom_traits().oriented_side_2_object()( s1.site(), s2.site(), supp.site(), p.site()); } inline Oriented_side oriented_side(const Storage_site_2& s1, const Storage_site_2& s2, const Storage_site_2& s3, const Storage_site_2& supp, const Storage_site_2& p) const { CGAL_precondition( supp.is_segment() && p.is_point() ); return geom_traits().oriented_side_2_object()(s1.site(), s2.site(), s3.site(), supp.site(), p.site()); } //------- inline bool same_points(const Site_2& p, const Site_2& q) const { return geom_traits().equal_2_object()(p, q); } inline bool same_segments(const Site_2& t, Vertex_handle v) const { if ( is_infinite(v) ) { return false; } if ( t.is_point() || v->site().is_point() ) { return false; } return same_segments(t, v->site()); } inline bool same_segments(const Site_2& p, const Site_2& q) const { CGAL_precondition( p.is_segment() && q.is_segment() ); return (same_points(p.source_site(), q.source_site()) && same_points(p.target_site(), q.target_site())) || (same_points(p.source_site(), q.target_site()) && same_points(p.target_site(), q.source_site())); } inline bool is_endpoint_of_segment(const Site_2& p, const Site_2& s) const { CGAL_precondition( p.is_point() && s.is_segment() ); return ( same_points(p, s.source_site()) || same_points(p, s.target_site()) ); } inline bool is_degenerate_segment(const Site_2& s) const { CGAL_precondition( s.is_segment() ); return same_points(s.source_site(), s.target_site()); } // returns: // ON_POSITIVE_SIDE if q is closer to t1 // ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE if q is closer to t2 // ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY if q is on the bisector of t1 and t2 inline Oriented_side side_of_bisector(const Site_2 &t1, const Site_2 &t2, const Site_2 &q) const { return geom_traits().oriented_side_of_bisector_2_object()(t1, t2, q); } inline Sign incircle(const Site_2 &t1, const Site_2 &t2, const Site_2 &t3, const Site_2 &q) const { #ifdef CGAL_PROFILE_SDG_DUMP_INCIRCLE typedef typename Geom_traits::FT FT; if ( !Algebraic_structure_traits::Is_exact::value ) { std::ofstream ofs("incircle.cin", std::ios_base::app); ofs.precision(16); ofs << t1 << " "; ofs << t2 << " "; ofs << t3 << " "; ofs << q << std::endl; ofs.close(); } #endif return geom_traits().vertex_conflict_2_object()(t1, t2, t3, q); } inline Sign incircle(const Site_2 &t1, const Site_2 &t2, const Site_2 &q) const { return geom_traits().vertex_conflict_2_object()(t1, t2, q); } inline Sign incircle(const Face_handle& f, const Site_2& q) const; inline Sign incircle(const Vertex_handle& v0, const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(v0) && !is_infinite(v1) && !is_infinite(v) ); return incircle( v0->site(), v1->site(), v->site()); } Sign incircle(const Vertex_handle& v0, const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v) const; inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Site_2& t1, const Site_2& t2, const Site_2& t3, const Site_2& t4, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object() (t1,t2,t3,t4,q,sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(f) && !is_infinite(f->neighbor(i)) ); return finite_edge_interior( f->vertex( ccw(i) )->site(), f->vertex( cw(i) )->site(), f->vertex( i )->site(), this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f, i)->site(), q, sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v3, const Vertex_handle& v4, const Vertex_handle& v, Sign sgn) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(v1) && !is_infinite(v2) && !is_infinite(v3) && !is_infinite(v4) && !is_infinite(v) ); return finite_edge_interior( v1->site(), v2->site(), v3->site(), v4->site(), v->site(), sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Site_2& t1, const Site_2& t2, const Site_2& t3, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object()(t1,t2,t3,q,sgn); } inline bool finite_edge_interior(const Site_2& t1, const Site_2& t2, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().finite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object()(t1,t2,q,sgn); } bool finite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Site_2& p, Sign sgn, int) const; bool finite_edge_interior(const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v3, const Vertex_handle& v4, const Vertex_handle& v, Sign, int) const; inline bool infinite_edge_interior(const Site_2& t2, const Site_2& t3, const Site_2& t4, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const { return geom_traits().infinite_edge_interior_conflict_2_object() (t2,t3,t4,q,sgn); } bool infinite_edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Site_2& q, Sign sgn) const; bool infinite_edge_interior(const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v3, const Vertex_handle& v4, const Vertex_handle& v, Sign sgn) const; bool edge_interior(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Site_2& t, Sign sgn) const; bool edge_interior(const Edge& e, const Site_2& t, Sign sgn) const { return edge_interior(e.first, e.second, t, sgn); } bool edge_interior(const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v3, const Vertex_handle& v4, const Vertex_handle& v, Sign sgn) const; inline Arrangement_type arrangement_type(const Site_2& t, const Vertex_handle& v) const { if ( is_infinite(v) ) { return AT2::DISJOINT; } return arrangement_type(t, v->site()); } Arrangement_type arrangement_type(const Site_2& p, const Site_2& q) const; inline bool are_parallel(const Site_2& p, const Site_2& q) const { return geom_traits().are_parallel_2_object()(p, q); } inline Oriented_side oriented_side(const Site_2& s1, const Site_2&s2, const Site_2& supp, const Site_2& p) const { CGAL_precondition( supp.is_segment() && p.is_point() ); return geom_traits().oriented_side_2_object()(s1, s2, supp, p); } inline Oriented_side oriented_side(const Site_2& s1, const Site_2& s2, const Site_2& s3, const Site_2& supp, const Site_2& p) const { CGAL_precondition( supp.is_segment() && p.is_point() ); return geom_traits().oriented_side_2_object()(s1, s2, s3, supp, p); } bool is_degenerate_edge(const Site_2& p1, const Site_2& p2, const Site_2& p3, const Site_2& p4) const { return geom_traits().is_degenerate_edge_2_object() (p1, p2, p3, p4); } bool is_degenerate_edge(const Vertex_handle& v1, const Vertex_handle& v2, const Vertex_handle& v3, const Vertex_handle& v4) const { CGAL_precondition( !is_infinite(v1) && !is_infinite(v2) && !is_infinite(v3) && !is_infinite(v4) ); return is_degenerate_edge(v1->site(), v2->site(), v3->site(), v4->site()); } bool is_degenerate_edge(const Face_handle& f, int i) const { Vertex_handle v1 = f->vertex( ccw(i) ); Vertex_handle v2 = f->vertex( cw(i) ); Vertex_handle v3 = f->vertex( i ); Vertex_handle v4 = this->_tds.mirror_vertex(f, i); return is_degenerate_edge(v1, v2, v3, v4); } bool is_degenerate_edge(const Edge& e) const { return is_degenerate_edge(e.first, e.second); } Vertex_handle first_endpoint_of_segment(const Vertex_handle& v) const; Vertex_handle second_endpoint_of_segment(const Vertex_handle& v) const; }; // Segment_Delaunay_graph_2 template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Segment_Delaunay_graph_2& sdg) { sdg.file_input(is); return is; } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Segment_Delaunay_graph_2& sdg) { sdg.file_output(os); return os; } } //namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_SEGMENT_DELAUNAY_GRAPH_2_H