// Copyright (c) 2005 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Nico Kruithof #ifndef CGAL_SKIN_SURFACE_BASE_3_H #define CGAL_SKIN_SURFACE_BASE_3_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // For the Weighted_converter #include // Used for the triangulated mixed complex / Voronoi diagram #include #include #include // Skin surface mesher #include #include // Skin surface subdivider #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Skin_surface_base_3 { typedef MixedComplexTraits_3 Gt; typedef Skin_surface_base_3 Self; public: typedef MixedComplexTraits_3 Geometric_traits; typedef typename Gt::Weighted_point Weighted_point; typedef typename Gt::Bare_point Bare_point; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; // For normal typedef typename Gt::Vector_3 Vector; typedef Regular_triangulation_3 Regular; private: typedef Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Filtered_kernel; public: typedef Skin_surface_quadratic_surface_3 Quadratic_surface; typedef typename Regular::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Regular::Edge Edge; typedef typename Regular::Facet Facet; typedef typename Regular::Facet_circulator Facet_circulator; typedef typename Regular::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef Triangulation_simplex_3 Simplex; // pair of a del- and vor-simplex typedef std::pair Anchor_point; private: typedef typename Regular::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Regular::Finite_edges_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef typename Regular::Finite_facets_iterator Finite_facets_iterator; typedef typename Regular::Finite_cells_iterator Finite_cells_iterator; public: typedef Anchor_point Vertex_info; typedef std::pair > Cell_info; private: // Triangulated_mixed_complex: typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel FK; typedef Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_3 Vb; typedef Triangulation_cell_base_with_info_3 Cb; typedef Triangulation_data_structure_3 Tds; public: typedef Triangulation_3 TMC; typedef typename TMC::Geom_traits TMC_Geom_traits; typedef typename TMC::Finite_vertices_iterator TMC_Vertex_iterator; typedef typename TMC::Finite_cells_iterator TMC_Cell_iterator; typedef typename TMC::Vertex_handle TMC_Vertex_handle; typedef typename TMC::Cell_handle TMC_Cell_handle; typedef typename TMC::Point TMC_Point; // Constructor template < class WP_iterator > Skin_surface_base_3(WP_iterator begin, WP_iterator end, FT shrink, bool grow_balls = true, Gt gt_ = Gt(), bool _verbose = false); template void mesh_surface_3(Polyhedron_3 &p) const; template void subdivide_mesh_3(Polyhedron_3 &p) const; // Access functions: TMC &triangulated_mixed_complex(); const FT shrink_factor() const { return shrink; } Geometric_traits &geometric_traits() const { return gt; } // TMC &triangulated_mixed_complex() { return _tmc; } Regular ®ular() { return _regular; } // Predicates and constructions Sign sign(TMC_Vertex_handle vit) const; Sign sign(const Bare_point &p, const TMC_Cell_handle start = TMC_Cell_handle()) const; Sign sign(const Bare_point &p, const Cell_info &info) const; // Uses inexact computations to compute the sign Sign sign_inexact(const Bare_point &p, const Cell_info &info) const; void intersect(TMC_Cell_handle ch, int i, int j, Bare_point &p) const; void intersect(Bare_point &p1, Bare_point &p2, TMC_Cell_handle &s1, TMC_Cell_handle &s2, Bare_point &p) const; void intersect_with_transversal_segment (Bare_point &p, const TMC_Cell_handle &start = TMC_Cell_handle()) const; template static typename Gt2::Bare_point get_weighted_circumcenter(const Simplex &s, Gt2 &traits); Vector normal(const Bare_point &p, TMC_Cell_handle start = TMC_Cell_handle()) const; template static typename Gt2::Bare_point get_anchor_point(const Anchor_point &anchor, Gt2 &traits); private: void construct_bounding_box(); template< class Traits > Skin_surface_quadratic_surface_3 construct_surface( const Simplex &sim, const Traits &traits = typename Geometric_traits::Kernel()) const; Sign compare(Cell_info &info, const Bare_point &p1, const Bare_point &p2) const; Sign compare(Cell_info &info1, const Bare_point &p1, Cell_info &info2, const Bare_point &p2) const; TMC_Cell_handle locate_in_tmc(const Bare_point &p, TMC_Cell_handle start = TMC_Cell_handle()) const; private: FT shrink; Geometric_traits gt; Regular _regular; // Triangulated mixed complex or Voronoi diagram: TMC _tmc; bool verbose; }; template template < class WP_iterator > Skin_surface_base_3:: Skin_surface_base_3(WP_iterator begin, WP_iterator end, FT shrink_, bool grow_balls, Gt gt_, bool verbose_) : shrink(shrink_), gt(gt_), verbose(verbose_) { gt.set_shrink(shrink); CGAL_assertion(begin != end); if (grow_balls) { for (; begin != end; begin++) { regular().insert(Weighted_point(*begin, begin->weight()/shrink_factor())); } } else { regular().insert(begin, end); } construct_bounding_box(); if (verbose) { std::cerr << "Triangulation ready" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Vertices: " << regular().number_of_vertices() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Cells: " << regular().number_of_cells() << std::endl; } } template template void Skin_surface_base_3:: mesh_surface_3(Polyhedron_3 &p) const { typedef Polyhedron_3 Polyhedron; typedef Marching_tetrahedra_traits_skin_surface_3< Self, TMC_Vertex_iterator, TMC_Cell_iterator, typename Polyhedron::HalfedgeDS> Traits; typedef Skin_surface_marching_tetrahedra_observer_3< TMC_Vertex_iterator, TMC_Cell_iterator, Polyhedron> Observer; // Extract the coarse mesh using marching_tetrahedra Traits marching_traits(*this); Observer marching_observer; marching_tetrahedra_3(_tmc.finite_vertices_begin(), _tmc.finite_vertices_end(), _tmc.finite_cells_begin(), _tmc.finite_cells_end(), p, marching_traits, marching_observer); } template template void Skin_surface_base_3:: subdivide_mesh_3(Polyhedron_3 &p) const { typedef Skin_surface_refinement_policy_3 Policy; typedef Skin_surface_sqrt3 Subdivider; Policy policy(*this); Subdivider subdivider(*this, p, policy); subdivider.subdivide(); } template typename Skin_surface_base_3::TMC & Skin_surface_base_3:: triangulated_mixed_complex() { return _tmc; } template typename Skin_surface_base_3::Vector Skin_surface_base_3:: normal(const Bare_point &p, TMC_Cell_handle start) const { if (start == TMC_Cell_handle()) { start = locate_in_tmc(p,start); } return start->info().second->gradient(p); } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: sign(TMC_Vertex_handle vit) const { CGAL_assertion(!_tmc.is_infinite(vit)); TMC_Cell_handle ch = vit->cell(); if (_tmc.is_infinite(ch)) { std::vector nbs; _tmc.incident_cells(vit, std::back_inserter(nbs)); for (typename std::vector::iterator it = nbs.begin(); _tmc.is_infinite(ch) && (it != nbs.end()); it++) { ch = *it; } } CGAL_assertion(!_tmc.is_infinite(ch)); // don't use sign, since the point is constructed: CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" NGHK: failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); { // Protection is outside the try block as VC8 has the CGAL_CFG_FPU_ROUNDING_MODE_UNWINDING_VC_BUG Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Sign result = vit->cell()->info().second->sign(vit->point()); if (is_certain(result)) return result; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) {} } CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typedef Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel EK; Skin_surface_traits_3 exact_traits(shrink_factor()); typename Skin_surface_traits_3::Bare_point p_exact = get_anchor_point(vit->info(), exact_traits); return construct_surface(vit->cell()->info().first, EK() ).sign(p_exact); } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: sign(const Bare_point &p, const TMC_Cell_handle start) const { if (start == TMC_Cell_handle()) { return sign(p, locate_in_tmc(p,start)->info()); } else { return sign(p, start->info()); } } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: sign(const Bare_point &p, const Cell_info &info) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" NGHK: failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); { Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Sign result = sign_inexact(p,info); if (is_certain(result)) return result; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) {} } CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); return construct_surface (info.first, Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel()).sign(p); } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: sign_inexact(const Bare_point &p, const Cell_info &info) const { return info.second->sign(p); } template void Skin_surface_base_3:: intersect(TMC_Cell_handle ch, int i, int j, Bare_point &p) const { Cartesian_converter converter; Bare_point p1 = converter(ch->vertex(i)->point()); Bare_point p2 = converter(ch->vertex(j)->point()); return intersect(p1, p2, ch, ch, p); } template void Skin_surface_base_3:: intersect(Bare_point &p1, Bare_point &p2, TMC_Cell_handle &s1, TMC_Cell_handle &s2, Bare_point &p) const { typedef typename Bare_point::R Traits; typedef typename Traits::FT FT; Cartesian_converter converter; FT sq_dist = squared_distance(p1,p2); // Use value to make the computation robust (endpoints near the surface) if (compare(s1->info(), p1, s2->info(), p2) == LARGER) { std::swap(p1, p2); } TMC_Cell_handle sp = s1; while ((s1 != s2) && (sq_dist > 1e-8)) { p = midpoint(p1, p2); sp = locate_in_tmc(converter(p), sp); if (sign_inexact(p, sp->info()) == NEGATIVE) { p1 = p; s1 = sp; } else { p2 = p; s2 = sp; } sq_dist *= .25; } while (sq_dist > 1e-8) { p = midpoint(p1, p2); if (sign_inexact(p, s1->info()) == NEGATIVE) { p1 = p; } else { p2 = p; } sq_dist *= .25; } p = midpoint(p1, p2); } template void Skin_surface_base_3:: intersect_with_transversal_segment( Bare_point &p, const TMC_Cell_handle &start) const { typedef typename Geometric_traits::Kernel::Plane_3 Plane; typedef typename Geometric_traits::Kernel::Line_3 Line; TMC_Cell_handle tet = start; if (tet == TMC_Cell_handle()) { tet = locate_in_tmc(p, tet); } // get transversal segment: Bare_point p1, p2; // Compute signs on vertices and sort them: int nIn = 0; int sortedV[4]; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (sign(tet->vertex(i))==POSITIVE) { sortedV[nIn] = i; nIn++; } else { sortedV[3-i+nIn] = i; } } Cartesian_converter converter; Object obj; typename FK::Point_3 tmc_point; Bare_point tet_pts[4]; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { tet_pts[i] = converter(tet->vertex(i)->point()); } if (nIn==1) { p1 = tet_pts[sortedV[0]]; obj = CGAL::intersection(Plane(tet_pts[sortedV[1]], tet_pts[sortedV[2]], tet_pts[sortedV[3]]), Line(p1, p)); if ( !assign(p2, obj) ) { CGAL_error_msg("intersection: no intersection."); } } else if (nIn==2) { obj = CGAL::intersection(Plane(tet_pts[sortedV[2]], tet_pts[sortedV[3]], p), Line(tet_pts[sortedV[0]], tet_pts[sortedV[1]])); if ( !assign(p1, obj) ) { CGAL_error_msg("intersection: no intersection."); } obj = CGAL::intersection(Plane(tet_pts[sortedV[0]], tet_pts[sortedV[1]], p), Line(tet_pts[sortedV[2]], tet_pts[sortedV[3]])); if ( !assign(p2, obj) ) { CGAL_error_msg("intersection: no intersection."); } } else if (nIn==3) { p2 = tet_pts[sortedV[3]]; obj = CGAL::intersection(Plane(tet_pts[sortedV[0]], tet_pts[sortedV[1]], tet_pts[sortedV[2]]), Line(p2, p)); if ( !assign(p1, obj) ) { CGAL_error_msg("intersection: no intersection."); } } else { CGAL_error(); } // Find the intersection: intersect(p1, p2, tet, tet, p); } template void Skin_surface_base_3:: construct_bounding_box() { typedef typename Regular::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; typedef typename Regular::Geom_traits GT; typedef typename GT::Point Weighted_point; typedef typename GT::FT FT; Finite_vertices_iterator vit = regular().finite_vertices_begin(); if (vit != regular().finite_vertices_end()) { Bbox_3 bbox = vit->point().bbox(); FT max_weight=0; for (;vit != regular().finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { bbox = bbox + vit->point().bbox(); if (max_weight < vit->point().weight()) { max_weight = vit->point().weight(); } } // add a bounding octahedron: FT dx = bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin(); FT dy = bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin(); FT dz = bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin(); Bare_point mid(bbox.xmin() + dx/2, bbox.ymin() + dy/2, bbox.zmin() + dz/2); FT dr = (dx+dy+dz+sqrt(CGAL::to_double(max_weight))+.001) / gt.get_shrink(); Weighted_point wp; wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x()+dr, mid.y(), mid.z()),-1); regular().insert(wp); wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x()-dr, mid.y(), mid.z()),-1); regular().insert(wp); wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x(), mid.y()+dr, mid.z()),-1); regular().insert(wp); wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x(), mid.y()-dr, mid.z()),-1); regular().insert(wp); wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x(), mid.y(), mid.z()+dr),-1); regular().insert(wp); wp = Weighted_point(Bare_point(mid.x(), mid.y(), mid.z()-dr),-1); regular().insert(wp); } } template template typename Gt2::Bare_point Skin_surface_base_3:: get_anchor_point(const Anchor_point &anchor, Gt2 &traits) { typename Gt2::Bare_point p_del, p_vor; p_del = get_weighted_circumcenter(anchor.first, traits); p_vor = get_weighted_circumcenter(anchor.second, traits); return traits.construct_anchor_point_3_object()(p_del,p_vor); } template template< class Traits > Skin_surface_quadratic_surface_3 Skin_surface_base_3:: construct_surface(const Simplex &sim, const Traits &) const { typedef Skin_surface_quadratic_surface_3 Quadratic_surface; typedef Weighted_converter_3 > Converter; typedef typename Traits::Point_3 Point; typedef typename Traits::FT FT; typedef CGAL::Weighted_point Weighted_point; Converter conv; switch (sim.dimension()) { case 0: { Vertex_handle vh = sim; return Quadratic_surface(conv(vh->point()), shrink_factor()); } case 1: { Edge e = sim; Weighted_point p0 = conv(e.first->vertex(e.second)->point()); Weighted_point p1 = conv(e.first->vertex(e.third)->point()); return Quadratic_surface(p0, p1, shrink_factor()); } case 2: { Facet f = sim; Weighted_point p0 = conv(f.first->vertex((f.second+1)&3)->point()); Weighted_point p1 = conv(f.first->vertex((f.second+2)&3)->point()); Weighted_point p2 = conv(f.first->vertex((f.second+3)&3)->point()); return Quadratic_surface(p0,p1,p2, shrink_factor()); } case 3: { Cell_handle ch = sim; Weighted_point p0 = conv(ch->vertex(0)->point()); Weighted_point p1 = conv(ch->vertex(1)->point()); Weighted_point p2 = conv(ch->vertex(2)->point()); Weighted_point p3 = conv(ch->vertex(3)->point()); return Quadratic_surface(p0,p1,p2,p3, shrink_factor()); } } CGAL_error(); return Quadratic_surface(); } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: compare(Cell_info &info, const Bare_point &p1, const Bare_point &p2) const { return compare(info, p1, info, p2); } template Sign Skin_surface_base_3:: compare(Cell_info &info1, const Bare_point &p1, Cell_info &info2, const Bare_point &p2) const { CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER(std::string(" NGHK: failures/calls to : ") + std::string(CGAL_PRETTY_FUNCTION), tmp); { Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { Sign result = CGAL_NTS sign(info1.second->value(p1) - info2.second->value(p2)); if (is_certain(result)) return result; } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) {} } CGAL_BRANCH_PROFILER_BRANCH(tmp); Protect_FPU_rounding P(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); return CGAL_NTS sign( construct_surface(info1.first, Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel()).value(p1) - construct_surface(info2.first, Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel()).value(p2)); } template typename Skin_surface_base_3::TMC_Cell_handle Skin_surface_base_3:: locate_in_tmc(const Bare_point &p0, TMC_Cell_handle start) const { Cartesian_converter converter_fk; TMC_Point p_inexact = converter_fk(p0); // Make sure we continue from here with a finite cell. if ( start == TMC_Cell_handle() ) start = _tmc.infinite_cell(); int ind_inf; if (start->has_vertex(_tmc.infinite_vertex(), ind_inf) ) start = start->neighbor(ind_inf); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(start != TMC_Cell_handle()); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(!start->has_vertex(_tmc.infinite_vertex())); // We implement the remembering visibility/stochastic walk. // Remembers the previous cell to avoid useless orientation tests. TMC_Cell_handle previous = TMC_Cell_handle(); TMC_Cell_handle c = start; // Now treat the cell c. try_next_cell: const TMC_Point* pts[4] = { &(c->vertex(0)->point()), &(c->vertex(1)->point()), &(c->vertex(2)->point()), &(c->vertex(3)->point()) }; // For the remembering stochastic walk, // we need to start trying with a random index : boost::rand48 rng; boost::uniform_smallint<> four(0, 3); boost::variate_generator > die4(rng, four); int i = die4(); // For the remembering visibility walk (Delaunay only), we don't : // int i = 0; Orientation o; for (int j=0; j != 4; ++j, i = (i+1)&3) { TMC_Cell_handle next = c->neighbor(i); if (previous == next) { continue; } // We temporarily put p at i's place in pts. const TMC_Point* backup = pts[i]; pts[i] = &p_inexact; { Protect_FPU_rounding P; try { o = TMC_Geom_traits().orientation_3_object()(*pts[0], *pts[1], *pts[2], *pts[3]); } catch (Uncertain_conversion_exception) { Protect_FPU_rounding P(CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); typedef Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel EK; Cartesian_converter converter_ek; Skin_surface_traits_3 exact_traits(shrink_factor()); typename EK::Point_3 e_pts[4]; // We know that the 4 vertices of c are positively oriented. // So, in order to test if p is seen outside from one of c's facets, // we just replace the corresponding point by p in the orientation // test. We do this using the array below. for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { if (k != i) { e_pts[k] = get_anchor_point(c->vertex(k)->info(), exact_traits); } else { e_pts[k] = converter_ek(p0); } } o = orientation(e_pts[0], e_pts[1], e_pts[2], e_pts[3]); } } if ( o != NEGATIVE ) { pts[i] = backup; continue; } if ( next->has_vertex(_tmc.infinite_vertex()) ) { std::cout << "We are outside the convex hull." << std::endl; return next; } previous = c; c = next; goto try_next_cell; } CGAL_assertion(c->vertex(0) != _tmc.infinite_vertex()); CGAL_assertion(c->vertex(1) != _tmc.infinite_vertex()); CGAL_assertion(c->vertex(2) != _tmc.infinite_vertex()); CGAL_assertion(c->vertex(3) != _tmc.infinite_vertex()); return c; } template template typename Gt2::Bare_point Skin_surface_base_3:: get_weighted_circumcenter(const Simplex &s, Gt2 &traits) { Vertex_handle vh; Edge e; Facet f; Cell_handle ch; Weighted_converter_3< Cartesian_converter > converter; typename Gt2::Bare_point result; switch(s.dimension()) { case 0: { vh = s; result = converter(vh->point()); break; } case 1: { e = s; result = traits.construct_weighted_circumcenter_3_object() (converter(e.first->vertex(e.second)->point()), converter(e.first->vertex(e.third)->point())); break; } case 2: { f = s; result = traits.construct_weighted_circumcenter_3_object() (converter(f.first->vertex((f.second+1)&3)->point()), converter(f.first->vertex((f.second+2)&3)->point()), converter(f.first->vertex((f.second+3)&3)->point())); break; } case 3: { ch = s; result = traits.construct_weighted_circumcenter_3_object() (converter(ch->vertex(0)->point()), converter(ch->vertex(1)->point()), converter(ch->vertex(2)->point()), converter(ch->vertex(3)->point())); break; } default: { CGAL_error(); } } return result; } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SKIN_SURFACE_BASE_3_H