// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Fernando Cacciola // #ifndef CGAL_STRAIGHT_SKELETON_VERTEX_BASE_2_H #define CGAL_STRAIGHT_SKELETON_VERTEX_BASE_2_H 1 #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class Refs, class P, class N > class Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 { enum Flags { IsSplitBit = 0x01, HasInfiniteTimeBit = 0x02 } ; protected : class Halfedge_circulator_around_vertex_access_policy { public: template static typename Impl::reference access ( Impl* aImpl ) { return aImpl->mHandle; } } ; class Halfedge_circulator_across_incident_faces_access_policy { public: template static typename Impl::reference access ( Impl* aImpl ) { return aImpl->mHandle->face()->halfedge(); } } ; template class Halfedge_circulator_base : public boost::iterator_facade< Halfedge_circulator_base< HalfedgeHandle, AccessPolicy > ,HalfedgeHandle ,Bidirectional_circulator_tag ,HalfedgeHandle > { public: typedef HalfedgeHandle value_type ; typedef HalfedgeHandle reference ; typedef std::size_t size_type ; typedef Bidirectional_circulator_tag iterator_category ; Halfedge_circulator_base () : mHandle() {} explicit Halfedge_circulator_base ( value_type aHandle ) : mHandle(aHandle) {} template < class OtherHalfedgeHandle, class OtherAccessPolicy > Halfedge_circulator_base ( Halfedge_circulator_base const& aOther ) : mHandle(aOther.mHandle) {} bool operator==( Nullptr_t p ) const { CGAL_assertion( p == NULL ); HalfedgeHandle null ; return mHandle == null ; } bool operator!=( Nullptr_t p ) const { return !(*this == p); } private : typedef Halfedge_circulator_base Self ; friend class boost::iterator_core_access ; template < class OtherHalfedgeHandle, class OtherAccessPolicy > bool equal( Halfedge_circulator_base const& aOther ) const { return mHandle == aOther.mHandle; } void increment() { mHandle = mHandle->opposite()->prev(); } void decrement() { mHandle = mHandle->next()->opposite() ; } reference dereference() const { return AccessPolicy::access(const_cast(this)) ; } private : friend class Halfedge_circulator_around_vertex_access_policy ; friend class Halfedge_circulator_across_incident_faces_access_policy ; value_type mHandle ; } ; public: typedef Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 Base ; typedef P Point_2; typedef N FT ; typedef Refs HalfedgeDS; typedef Tag_true Supports_vertex_halfedge; typedef Tag_true Supports_vertex_point; typedef typename Refs::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Refs::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Refs::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename Refs::Face Face; typedef Halfedge_circulator_base< Halfedge_const_handle ,Halfedge_circulator_around_vertex_access_policy > Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator ; typedef Halfedge_circulator_base< Halfedge_handle ,Halfedge_circulator_around_vertex_access_policy > Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator ; typedef Halfedge_circulator_base< Halfedge_const_handle ,Halfedge_circulator_across_incident_faces_access_policy > Defining_contour_halfedges_const_circulator ; typedef Halfedge_circulator_base< Halfedge_handle ,Halfedge_circulator_across_incident_faces_access_policy > Defining_contour_halfedges_circulator ; typedef CGAL_SS_i::Triedge Triedge ; public: Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2() : mID(-1), mTime(0.0), mFlags(0) {} // Infinite vertex Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 ( int aID ) : mID (aID) , mP (ORIGIN) , mTime ((std::numeric_limits::max)()) , mFlags(HasInfiniteTimeBit) { } // Contour vertex Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 ( int aID, Point_2 const& aP ) : mID (aID) , mP (aP) , mTime (0.0) , mFlags(0) { } // Skeleton vertex, corresponding to a split or edge event. Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 ( int aID, Point_2 const& aP, FT aTime, bool aIsSplit, bool aHasInfiniteTime ) : mID ( aID ) , mP ( aP ) , mTime ( aTime ) , mFlags( ( aIsSplit ? IsSplitBit : 0 ) | ( aHasInfiniteTime ? HasInfiniteTimeBit : 0 ) ) { } public: int id() const { return mID ; } FT time() const { return mTime ; } bool has_infinite_time() const { return ( mFlags & HasInfiniteTimeBit ) == HasInfiniteTimeBit ; } bool has_null_point() const { return has_infinite_time(); } bool is_split() const { return ( mFlags & IsSplitBit ) == IsSplitBit ; } Halfedge_const_handle primary_bisector() const { return halfedge()->next(); } Halfedge_handle primary_bisector() { return halfedge()->next(); } Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator halfedge_around_vertex_begin() const { return Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator(halfedge()); } Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator halfedge_around_vertex_begin() { return Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator(halfedge()); } Defining_contour_halfedges_const_circulator defining_contour_halfedges_begin() const { return Defining_contour_halfedges_const_circulator(halfedge()); } Defining_contour_halfedges_circulator defining_contour_halfedges_begin() { return Defining_contour_halfedges_circulator(halfedge()); } std::size_t degree() const { return CGAL::circulator_size(halfedge_around_vertex_begin()); } bool is_skeleton() const { return halfedge()->is_bisector() ; } bool is_contour () const { return !halfedge()->is_bisector() ; } const Point_2& point() const { return mP; } Halfedge_handle halfedge() { return mHE; } Halfedge_const_handle halfedge() const { return mHE; } void set_halfedge( Halfedge_handle aHE) { mHE = aHE; } Triedge const& event_triedge() const { return mEventTriedge ; } void set_event_triedge( Triedge const& aTriedge ) { mEventTriedge = aTriedge ; } public : void reset_id__internal__ ( int aID ) { mID = aID ; } void reset_point__internal__ ( Point_2 const& aP ) { mP = aP ; } private: int mID ; Halfedge_handle mHE; Triedge mEventTriedge ; Point_2 mP; FT mTime ; unsigned char mFlags ; }; template < class Refs, class P, class N > class Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_2 : public Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 { public: typedef P Point_2; typedef N FT ; typedef typename Refs::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Refs::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Refs::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Refs::Halfedge Halfedge; typedef typename Refs::Face Face; typedef Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_base_2 Base ; typedef typename Base::Triedge Triedge ; Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_2() {} Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_2 ( int aID ) : Base(aID) {} Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_2 ( int aID, Point_2 const& aP ) : Base(aID,aP) {} Straight_skeleton_vertex_base_2 ( int aID, Point_2 const& aP, FT aTime, bool aIsSplit, bool aHasInfiniteTime ) : Base(aID,aP,aTime,aIsSplit,aHasInfiniteTime) {} private: void set_halfedge ( Halfedge_handle aHE ) { Base::set_halfedge(aHE) ; } void set_event_triedge( Triedge const& aTriedge ) { Base::set_event_triedge( aTriedge); } void reset_id ( int aID ) { Base::reset_id(aID) ; } } ; } // end namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_STRAIGHT_SKELETON_VERTEX_BASE_2_H // // EOF //