// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Samuel Hornus #ifndef CGAL_TRIANGULATION_DATA_STRUCTURE_H #define CGAL_TRIANGULATION_DATA_STRUCTURE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template< class Dimen, class Vb = Default, class Fcb = Default > class Triangulation_data_structure { typedef Triangulation_data_structure Self; typedef typename Default::Get >::type V_base; typedef typename Default::Get >::type FC_base; public: typedef typename V_base::template Rebind_TDS::Other Vertex; /* Concept */ typedef typename FC_base::template Rebind_TDS::Other Full_cell; /* Concept */ // Tools to change the Vertex and Cell types of the TDS. template < typename Vb2 > struct Rebind_vertex { typedef Triangulation_data_structure Other; }; template < typename Fcb2 > struct Rebind_full_cell { typedef Triangulation_data_structure Other; }; // we want to store an object of this class in every Full_cell: class Full_cell_data { unsigned char bits_; public: Full_cell_data() : bits_(0) {} Full_cell_data(const Full_cell_data & fcd) : bits_(fcd.bits_) {} void clear() { bits_ = 0; } void mark_visited() { bits_ = 1; } void clear_visited() { bits_ = 0; } bool is_clear() const { return bits_ == 0; } bool is_visited() const { return bits_ == 1; } // WARNING: if we use more bits and several bits can be set at once, // then make sure to use bitwise operation above, instead of direct // affectation. }; protected: typedef Compact_container Vertex_container; typedef Compact_container Full_cell_container; public: typedef Dimen Maximal_dimension; typedef typename Vertex_container::size_type size_type; /* Concept */ typedef typename Vertex_container::difference_type difference_type; /* Concept */ typedef typename Vertex_container::iterator Vertex_handle; /* Concept */ typedef typename Vertex_container::iterator Vertex_iterator; /* Concept */ typedef typename Vertex_container::const_iterator Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Vertex_container::const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Full_cell_container::iterator Full_cell_handle; /* Concept */ typedef typename Full_cell_container::iterator Full_cell_iterator; /* Concept */ typedef typename Full_cell_container::const_iterator Full_cell_const_handle; typedef typename Full_cell_container::const_iterator Full_cell_const_iterator; typedef internal::Triangulation:: Triangulation_ds_facet_iterator Facet_iterator; /* Concept */ /* The 2 types defined below, |Facet| and |Rotor| are used when traversing the boundary `B' of the union of a set of full cells. |Rotor| makes it easy to rotate around itself, in the search of neighbors in `B' (see |rotate_rotor| and |insert_in_tagged_hole|) */ // A co-dimension 1 sub-simplex. class Facet /* Concept */ { Full_cell_handle full_cell_; int index_of_covertex_; public: Facet() : full_cell_(), index_of_covertex_(0) {} Facet(Full_cell_handle f, int i) : full_cell_(f), index_of_covertex_(i) {} Full_cell_handle full_cell() const { return full_cell_; } int index_of_covertex() const { return index_of_covertex_; } }; // A co-dimension 2 sub-simplex. called a Rotor because we can rotate // the two "covertices" around the sub-simplex. Useful for traversing the // boundary of a hole. NOT DOCUMENTED class Rotor : public Facet { int index_of_second_covertex_; public: Rotor() : Facet(), index_of_second_covertex_(0) {} Rotor(Full_cell_handle f, int first, int second) : Facet(f, first), index_of_second_covertex_(second) {} int index_of_second_covertex() const { return index_of_second_covertex_; } }; typedef Triangulation_face Face; /* Concept */ protected: // DATA MEMBERS int dmax_, dcur_; // dimension of the current triangulation Vertex_container vertices_; // list of all vertices Full_cell_container full_cells_; // list of all full cells private: void clean_dynamic_memory() { vertices_.clear(); full_cells_.clear(); } template < class Dim_tag > struct get_maximal_dimension { static int value(const int D) { return D; } }; // specialization template < int D > struct get_maximal_dimension > { static int value(const int) { return D; } }; public: Triangulation_data_structure( int dim=0) /* Concept */ : dmax_(get_maximal_dimension::value(dim)), dcur_(-2), vertices_(), full_cells_() { CGAL_assertion_msg(dmax_ > 0, "maximal dimension must be positive."); } ~Triangulation_data_structure() { clean_dynamic_memory(); } Triangulation_data_structure(const Triangulation_data_structure & tds) : dmax_(tds.dmax_), dcur_(tds.dcur_), vertices_(tds.vertices_), full_cells_(tds.full_cells_) { typedef std::map V_map; typedef std::map C_map; V_map vmap; C_map cmap; Vertex_const_iterator vfrom = tds.vertices_begin(); Vertex_iterator vto = vertices_begin(); Full_cell_const_iterator cfrom = tds.full_cells_begin(); Full_cell_iterator cto = full_cells_begin(); while( vfrom != tds.vertices_end() ) vmap[vfrom++] = vto++; while( cfrom != tds.full_cells_end() ) cmap[cfrom++] = cto++; cto = full_cells_begin(); while( cto != full_cells_end() ) { for( int i = 0; i <= (std::max)(0, current_dimension()); ++i ) { associate_vertex_with_full_cell(cto, i, vmap[cto->vertex(i)]); cto->set_neighbor(i, cmap[cto->neighbor(i)]); } ++cto; } } // QUERIES protected: bool check_range(const int i) const { if( current_dimension() < 0 ) { return (0 == i); } return ( (0 <= i) && (i <= current_dimension()) ); } public: /* returns the current dimension of the full cells in the triangulation. */ int maximal_dimension() const { return dmax_; } /* Concept */ int current_dimension() const { return dcur_; } /* Concept */ size_type number_of_vertices() const /* Concept */ { return this->vertices_.size(); } size_type number_of_full_cells() const /* Concept */ { return this->full_cells_.size(); } bool empty() const /* Concept */ { return current_dimension() == -2; } Vertex_container & vertices() { return vertices_; } const Vertex_container & vertices() const { return vertices_; } Full_cell_container & full_cells() { return full_cells_; } const Full_cell_container & full_cells() const { return full_cells_; } Vertex_handle vertex(const Full_cell_handle s, const int i) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(s != Full_cell_handle() && check_range(i)); return s->vertex(i); } Vertex_const_handle vertex(const Full_cell_const_handle s, const int i) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(s != Full_cell_handle() && check_range(i)); return s->vertex(i); } bool is_vertex(const Vertex_const_handle & v) const /* Concept */ { if( Vertex_const_handle() == v ) return false; Vertex_const_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); while( vit != vertices_end() && ( v != vit ) ) ++vit; return v == vit; } bool is_full_cell(const Full_cell_const_handle & s) const /* Concept */ { if( Full_cell_const_handle() == s ) return false; Full_cell_const_iterator sit = full_cells_begin(); while( sit != full_cells_end() && ( s != sit ) ) ++sit; return s == sit; } Full_cell_handle full_cell(const Vertex_handle v) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(v != Vertex_handle()); return v->full_cell(); } Full_cell_const_handle full_cell(const Vertex_const_handle v) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Vertex_const_handle() != v); return v->full_cell(); } Full_cell_handle neighbor(const Full_cell_handle s, const int i) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_handle() != s && check_range(i)); return s->neighbor(i); } Full_cell_const_handle neighbor(const Full_cell_const_handle s, const int i) const/* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_const_handle() != s && check_range(i)); return s->neighbor(i); } int mirror_index(const Full_cell_handle s, const int i) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_handle() != s && check_range(i)); return s->mirror_index(i); } int mirror_index(const Full_cell_const_handle s, const int i) const { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_const_handle() != s && check_range(i)); /* Concept */ return s->mirror_index(i); } int mirror_vertex(const Full_cell_handle s, const int i) const /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_handle() != s && check_range(i)); return s->mirror_vertex(i); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FACETS OPERATIONS // works for Face_ = Facet and Face_ = Rotor. // NOT DOCUMENTED for the Rotor case... template< typename Face_ > Full_cell_handle full_cell(const Face_ & f) const /* Concept */ { return f.full_cell(); } // works for Face_ = Facet and Face_ = Rotor. // NOT DOCUMENTED for the Rotor case... template< class Face_ > int index_of_covertex(const Face_ & f) const /* Concept */ { return f.index_of_covertex(); } // NOT DOCUMENTED // A Rotor has two covertices int index_of_second_covertex(const Rotor & f) const { return f.index_of_second_covertex(); } // works for Face_ = Facet and Face_ = Rotor. // NOT DOCUMENTED... template< class Face_ > bool is_boundary_facet(const Face_ & f) const { if( get_visited(neighbor(full_cell(f), index_of_covertex(f))) ) return false; if( ! get_visited(full_cell(f)) ) return false; return true; } // NOT DOCUMENTED... Rotor rotate_rotor(Rotor & f) { int opposite = mirror_index(full_cell(f), index_of_covertex(f)); Full_cell_handle s = neighbor(full_cell(f), index_of_covertex(f)); int new_second = s->index(vertex(full_cell(f), index_of_second_covertex(f))); return Rotor(s, new_second, opposite); } // NICE UPDATE OPERATIONS protected: void do_insert_increase_dimension(const Vertex_handle, const Vertex_handle); public: // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REMOVALS Vertex_handle collapse_face(const Face &); /* Concept */ void remove_decrease_dimension(Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle); /* Concept */ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSERTIONS Vertex_handle insert_in_full_cell(Full_cell_handle); /* Concept */ Vertex_handle insert_in_face(const Face &); /* Concept */ Vertex_handle insert_in_facet(const Facet &); /* Concept */ template< typename Forward_iterator > Vertex_handle insert_in_hole(Forward_iterator, const Forward_iterator, Facet); /* Concept */ template< typename Forward_iterator, typename OutputIterator > Vertex_handle insert_in_hole(Forward_iterator, const Forward_iterator, Facet, OutputIterator); /* Concept */ template< typename OutputIterator > Full_cell_handle insert_in_tagged_hole(Vertex_handle, Facet, OutputIterator); Vertex_handle insert_increase_dimension(Vertex_handle=Vertex_handle()); /* Concept */ private: // Used by insert_in_tagged_hole struct IITH_task { IITH_task( Facet boundary_facet_, int index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell_, Full_cell_handle future_neighbor_ = Full_cell_handle(), int new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor_ = -1, int index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell_ = -1) : boundary_facet(boundary_facet_), index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell(index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell_), future_neighbor(future_neighbor_), new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor(new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor_), index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell(index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell_) {} // "new_cell" is the cell about to be created Facet boundary_facet; int index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell; Full_cell_handle future_neighbor; int new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor; int index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell; }; // NOT DOCUMENTED void clear_visited_marks(Full_cell_handle) const; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DANGEROUS UPDATE OPERATIONS // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DANGEROUS UPDATE OPERATIONS private: // NOT DOCUMENTED template< typename FCH > // FCH = Full_cell_[const_]handle bool get_visited(FCH c) const { return c->tds_data().is_visited(); } // NOT DOCUMENTED template< typename FCH > // FCH = Full_cell_[const_]handle void set_visited(FCH c, bool m) const { if( m ) c->tds_data().mark_visited(); else c->tds_data().clear_visited(); } public: void clear() /* Concept */ { clean_dynamic_memory(); dcur_ = -2; } void set_current_dimension(const int d) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(-2<=d && d<=maximal_dimension()); dcur_ = d; } Full_cell_handle new_full_cell(const Full_cell_handle s) { return full_cells_.emplace(*s); } Full_cell_handle new_full_cell() /* Concept */ { return full_cells_.emplace(dmax_); } void delete_full_cell(Full_cell_handle s) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_handle() != s); // CGAL_expensive_precondition(is_full_cell(s)); full_cells_.erase(s); } template< typename Forward_iterator > void delete_full_cells(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end) /* Concept */ { Forward_iterator s = start; while( s != end ) full_cells_.erase(*s++); } template< class T > Vertex_handle new_vertex( const T & t ) { return vertices_.emplace(t); } Vertex_handle new_vertex() /* Concept */ { return vertices_.emplace(); } void delete_vertex(Vertex_handle v) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition( Vertex_handle() != v ); vertices_.erase(v); } void associate_vertex_with_full_cell(Full_cell_handle s, const int i, Vertex_handle v) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(check_range(i)); CGAL_precondition(s != Full_cell_handle()); CGAL_precondition(v != Vertex_handle()); s->set_vertex(i, v); v->set_full_cell(s); } void set_neighbors(Full_cell_handle s, int i, Full_cell_handle s1, int j) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(check_range(i)); CGAL_precondition(check_range(j)); CGAL_precondition(s != Full_cell_handle()); CGAL_precondition(s1 != Full_cell_handle()); s->set_neighbor(i, s1); s1->set_neighbor(j, s); s->set_mirror_index(i, j); s1->set_mirror_index(j, i); } // SANITY CHECKS bool is_valid(bool = true, int = 0) const; /* Concept */ // NOT DOCUMENTED template< class OutStream> void write_graph(OutStream &); Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() { return vertices_.begin(); } /* Concept */ Vertex_iterator vertices_end() { return vertices_.end(); } /* Concept */ Full_cell_iterator full_cells_begin() { return full_cells_.begin(); } /* Concept */ Full_cell_iterator full_cells_end() { return full_cells_.end(); } /* Concept */ Vertex_const_iterator vertices_begin() const { return vertices_.begin(); } /* Concept */ Vertex_const_iterator vertices_end() const { return vertices_.end(); } /* Concept */ Full_cell_const_iterator full_cells_begin() const { return full_cells_.begin(); } /* Concept */ Full_cell_const_iterator full_cells_end() const { return full_cells_.end(); } /* Concept */ Facet_iterator facets_begin() /* Concept */ { if( current_dimension() <= 0 ) return facets_end(); return Facet_iterator(*this); } Facet_iterator facets_end() /* Concept */ { return Facet_iterator(*this, 0); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FULL CELL GATHERING // a traversal predicate for gathering full_cells incident to a given face // ``incident'' means that the given face is a subface of the full_cell class Incident_full_cell_traversal_predicate { const Face & f_; int dim_; const Triangulation_data_structure & tds_; public: Incident_full_cell_traversal_predicate(const Triangulation_data_structure & tds, const Face & f) : f_(f), tds_(tds) { dim_ = f.face_dimension(); } bool operator()(const Facet & facet) const { Vertex_handle v = tds_.full_cell(facet)->vertex(tds_.index_of_covertex(facet)); for( int i = 0; i <= dim_; ++i ) { if( v == f_.vertex(i) ) return false; } return true; } }; // a traversal predicate for gathering full_cells having a given face as subface class Star_traversal_predicate { const Face & f_; int dim_; const Triangulation_data_structure & tds_; public: Star_traversal_predicate(const Triangulation_data_structure & tds, const Face & f) : f_(f), tds_(tds) { dim_ = f.face_dimension(); } bool operator()(const Facet & facet) const { Full_cell_handle s = tds_.full_cell(facet)->neighbor(tds_.index_of_covertex(facet)); for( int j = 0; j <= tds_.current_dimension(); ++j ) { for( int i = 0; i <= dim_; ++i ) if( s->vertex(j) == f_.vertex(i) ) return true; } return false; } }; template< typename TraversalPredicate, typename OutputIterator > Facet gather_full_cells(Full_cell_handle, TraversalPredicate &, OutputIterator &) const; /* Concept */ template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator incident_full_cells(const Face &, OutputIterator) const; /* Concept */ template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator incident_full_cells(Vertex_const_handle, OutputIterator) const; /* Concept */ template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator star(const Face &, OutputIterator) const; /* Concept */ #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION_TEMPLATES template< typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator = std::less > OutputIterator incident_upper_faces(Vertex_const_handle v, const int dim, OutputIterator out, Comparator cmp = Comparator()) { return incident_faces(v, dim, out, cmp, true); } template< typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator = std::less > OutputIterator incident_faces(Vertex_const_handle, const int, OutputIterator, Comparator = Comparator(), bool = false); #else template< typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator > OutputIterator incident_upper_faces(Vertex_const_handle v, const int dim, OutputIterator out, Comparator cmp = Comparator()) { return incident_faces(v, dim, out, cmp, true); } template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator incident_upper_faces(Vertex_const_handle v, const int dim, OutputIterator out) { return incident_faces(v, dim, out, std::less(), true); } template< typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator > OutputIterator incident_faces(Vertex_const_handle, const int, OutputIterator, Comparator = Comparator(), bool = false); template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator incident_faces(Vertex_const_handle, const int, OutputIterator, std::less = std::less(), bool = false); #endif // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INPUT / OUTPUT std::istream & read_full_cells(std::istream &, const std::vector &); std::ostream & write_full_cells(std::ostream &, std::map &) const; }; // end of ``declaration/definition'' of Triangulation_data_structure<...> // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // FUNCTIONS THAT ARE MEMBER FUNCTIONS: // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE GATHERING METHODS template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator Triangulation_data_structure ::incident_full_cells(const Face & f, OutputIterator out) const /* Concept */ { // CGAL_expensive_precondition_msg(is_full_cell(f.full_cell()), "the facet does not belong to the Triangulation"); Incident_full_cell_traversal_predicate tp(*this, f); gather_full_cells(f.full_cell(), tp, out); return out; } template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator Triangulation_data_structure ::incident_full_cells(Vertex_const_handle v, OutputIterator out) const /* Concept */ { // CGAL_expensive_precondition(is_vertex(v)); CGAL_precondition(Vertex_handle() != v); Face f(v->full_cell()); f.set_index(0, v->full_cell()->index(v)); return incident_full_cells(f, out); } template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator Triangulation_data_structure ::star(const Face & f, OutputIterator out) const /* Concept */ { // CGAL_precondition_msg(is_full_cell(f.full_cell()), "the facet does not belong to the Triangulation"); Star_traversal_predicate tp(*this, f); gather_full_cells(f.full_cell(), tp, out); return out; } template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename TraversalPredicate, typename OutputIterator > typename Triangulation_data_structure::Facet Triangulation_data_structure ::gather_full_cells(Full_cell_handle start, TraversalPredicate & tp, OutputIterator & out) const /* Concept */ { std::queue queue; set_visited(start, true); queue.push(start); const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); Facet ft; while( ! queue.empty() ) { Full_cell_handle s = queue.front(); queue.pop(); *out = s; ++out; for( int i = 0; i <= cur_dim; ++i ) { Full_cell_handle n = s->neighbor(i); if( ! get_visited(n) ) { set_visited(n, true); if( tp(Facet(s, i)) ) queue.push(n); else ft = Facet(s, i); } } } clear_visited_marks(start); return ft; } #ifdef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_FUNCTION_TEMPLATES template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename OutputIterator > OutputIterator Triangulation_data_structure ::incident_faces(Vertex_const_handle v, const int dim, OutputIterator out, std::less cmp, bool upper_faces) { return incident_faces >(v, dim, out, cmp, upper_faces); } #endif template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename OutputIterator, typename Comparator > OutputIterator Triangulation_data_structure ::incident_faces(Vertex_const_handle v, const int dim, OutputIterator out, Comparator cmp, bool upper_faces) { CGAL_precondition( 0 < dim ); if( dim >= current_dimension() ) return out; typedef std::vector Simplices; Simplices simps; simps.reserve(64); // gather incident full_cells std::back_insert_iterator sout(simps); incident_full_cells(v, sout); // for storing the handles to the vertices of a full_cell typedef std::vector Vertices; typedef std::vector Indices; Vertices vertices(1 + current_dimension()); Indices sorted_idx(1 + current_dimension()); // setup Face comparator and Face_set typedef internal::Triangulation::Compare_faces_with_common_first_vertex Upper_face_comparator; Upper_face_comparator ufc(dim); typedef std::set Face_set; Face_set face_set(ufc); for( typename Simplices::const_iterator s = simps.begin(); s != simps.end(); ++s ) { int v_idx(0); // the index of |v| in the sorted full_cell // get the vertices of the full_cell and sort them for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) vertices[i] = (*s)->vertex(i); if( upper_faces ) { std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), cmp); while( vertices[v_idx] != v ) ++v_idx; } else { while( vertices[v_idx] != v ) ++v_idx; if( 0 != v_idx ) std::swap(vertices[0], vertices[v_idx]); v_idx = 0; typename Vertices::iterator vbegin(vertices.begin()); ++vbegin; std::sort(vbegin, vertices.end(), cmp); } if( v_idx + dim > current_dimension() ) continue; // |v| is too far to the right // stores the index of the vertices of s in the same order // as in |vertices|: for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) sorted_idx[i] = (*s)->index(vertices[i]); // init state for enumerating all candidate faces: internal::Combination_enumerator f_idx(dim, v_idx + 1, current_dimension()); Face f(*s); f.set_index(0, v_idx); while( ! f_idx.end() ) { // check if face has already been found for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i ) f.set_index(1 + i, sorted_idx[f_idx[i]]); face_set.insert(f); // compute next sorted face (lexicographic enumeration) ++f_idx; } } typename Face_set::iterator fit = face_set.begin(); while( fit != face_set.end() ) *out++ = *fit++; return out; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE REMOVAL METHODS template typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::collapse_face(const Face & f) /* Concept */ { const int fd = f.face_dimension(); CGAL_precondition( (1 <= fd ) && (fd < current_dimension())); std::vector simps; // save the Face's vertices: Full_cell s; for( int i = 0; i <= fd; ++i ) s.set_vertex(i, f.vertex(i)); // compute the star of f simps.reserve(64); std::back_insert_iterator > out(simps); star(f, out); Vertex_handle v = insert_in_hole(simps.begin(), simps.end(), Facet(f.full_cell(), f.index(0))); for( int i = 0; i <= fd; ++i ) delete_vertex(s.vertex(i)); return v; } template void Triangulation_data_structure ::remove_decrease_dimension(Vertex_handle v, Vertex_handle star) /* Concept */ { CGAL_assertion( current_dimension() >= -1 ); if( -1 == current_dimension() ) { clear(); return; } else if( 0 == current_dimension() ) { delete_full_cell(v->full_cell()); delete_vertex(v); star->full_cell()->set_neighbor(0, Full_cell_handle()); set_current_dimension(-1); return; } else if( 1 == current_dimension() ) { Full_cell_handle s = v->full_cell(); int star_index; if( s->has_vertex(star, star_index) ) s = s->neighbor(star_index); // Here, |star| is not a vertex of |s|, so it's the only finite // full_cell Full_cell_handle inf1 = s->neighbor(0); Full_cell_handle inf2 = s->neighbor(1); Vertex_handle v2 = s->vertex(1 - s->index(v)); delete_vertex(v); delete_full_cell(s); inf1->set_vertex(1, Vertex_handle()); inf1->set_vertex(1, Vertex_handle()); inf2->set_neighbor(1, Full_cell_handle()); inf2->set_neighbor(1, Full_cell_handle()); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(inf1, 0, star); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(inf2, 0, v2); set_neighbors(inf1, 0, inf2, 0); set_current_dimension(0); return; } typedef std::vector Simplices; Simplices simps; incident_full_cells(v, std::back_inserter(simps)); for( typename Simplices::iterator it = simps.begin(); it != simps.end(); ++it ) { int v_idx = (*it)->index(v); if( ! (*it)->has_vertex(star) ) { delete_full_cell((*it)->neighbor(v_idx)); for( int i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) (*it)->vertex(i)->set_full_cell(*it); } else star->set_full_cell(*it); if( v_idx != current_dimension() ) { (*it)->swap_vertices(v_idx, current_dimension()); if( ( ! (*it)->has_vertex(star) ) || (current_dimension() > 2) ) (*it)->swap_vertices(current_dimension() - 2, current_dimension() - 1); } (*it)->set_vertex(current_dimension(), Vertex_handle()); (*it)->set_neighbor(current_dimension(), Full_cell_handle()); } set_current_dimension(current_dimension()-1); delete_vertex(v); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE INSERTION METHODS template typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_full_cell(Full_cell_handle s) /* Concept */ { CGAL_precondition(0 < current_dimension()); CGAL_precondition(Full_cell_handle() != s); // CGAL_expensive_precondition(is_full_cell(s)); const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); Vertex_handle v = new_vertex(); // the full_cell 'fc' is just used to store the handle to all the new full_cells. Full_cell fc(maximal_dimension()); for( int i = 1; i <= cur_dim; ++i ) { Full_cell_handle new_s = new_full_cell(s); fc.set_neighbor(i, new_s); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(new_s, i, v); s->vertex(i-1)->set_full_cell(new_s); set_neighbors(new_s, i, neighbor(s, i), mirror_index(s, i)); } fc.set_neighbor(0, s); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(s, 0, v); for( int i = 0; i <= cur_dim; ++i ) for( int j = 0; j <= cur_dim; ++j ) { if( j == i ) continue; set_neighbors(fc.neighbor(i), j, fc.neighbor(j), i); } return v; } template typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_face(const Face & f) /* Concept */ { std::vector simps; simps.reserve(64); std::back_insert_iterator > out(simps); incident_full_cells(f, out); return insert_in_hole(simps.begin(), simps.end(), Facet(f.full_cell(), f.index(0))); } template typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_facet(const Facet & ft) /* Concept */ { Full_cell_handle s[2]; s[0] = full_cell(ft); int i = index_of_covertex(ft); s[1] = s[0]->neighbor(i); i = ( i + 1 ) % current_dimension(); return insert_in_hole(s, s+2, Facet(s[0], i)); } template template < typename OutputIterator > typename Triangulation_data_structure::Full_cell_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_tagged_hole(Vertex_handle v, Facet f, OutputIterator new_full_cells) { CGAL_assertion_msg(is_boundary_facet(f), "starting facet should be on the hole boundary"); const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); Full_cell_handle new_s; std::queue task_queue; task_queue.push( IITH_task(f, mirror_index(full_cell(f), index_of_covertex(f))) ); while (!task_queue.empty()) { IITH_task task = task_queue.front(); task_queue.pop(); Full_cell_handle old_s = full_cell(task.boundary_facet); const int facet_index = index_of_covertex(task.boundary_facet); Full_cell_handle outside_neighbor = neighbor(old_s, facet_index); // Here, "new_s" might actually be a new cell, but it might also be "old_s" // if it has not been treated already in the meantime new_s = neighbor(outside_neighbor, task.index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell); // If the cell has not been treated yet if (old_s == new_s) { new_s = new_full_cell(); int i(0); for ( ; i < facet_index ; ++i) associate_vertex_with_full_cell(new_s, i, old_s->vertex(i)); ++i; // skip facet_index for ( ; i <= cur_dim ; ++i) associate_vertex_with_full_cell(new_s, i, old_s->vertex(i)); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(new_s, facet_index, v); set_neighbors(new_s, facet_index, neighbor(old_s, facet_index), mirror_index(old_s, facet_index)); // add the new full_cell to the list of new full_cells *new_full_cells++ = new_s; // check all of |Facet f|'s neighbors for (i = 0 ; i <= cur_dim ; ++i) { if (facet_index == i) continue; // we define a |Rotor| because it makes it easy to rotate around // in a self contained fashion. The corresponding potential // boundary facet is Facet(full_cell(rot), index_of_covertex(rot)) Rotor rot(old_s, i, facet_index); // |rot| on line above, stands for Candidate Facet while (!is_boundary_facet(rot)) rot = rotate_rotor(rot); // we did find the |i|-th neighbor of Facet(old_s, facet_index)... // has it already been extruded to center point |v| ? Full_cell_handle inside = full_cell(rot); Full_cell_handle outside = neighbor(inside, index_of_covertex(rot)); // "m" is the vertex of outside which is not on the boundary Vertex_handle m = inside->mirror_vertex(index_of_covertex(rot), current_dimension()); // CJTODO: use mirror_index? // "index" is the index of m in "outside" int index = outside->index(m); // new_neighbor is the inside cell which is registered as the neighbor // of the outside cell => it's either a newly created inside cell or an // old inside cell which we are about to delete Full_cell_handle new_neighbor = outside->neighbor(index); // Is new_neighbor still the old neighbor? if (new_neighbor == inside) { task_queue.push(IITH_task( Facet(inside, index_of_covertex(rot)), // boundary facet index, // index_of_inside_cell_in_outside_cell new_s, // future_neighbor i, // new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor index_of_second_covertex(rot) // index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell )); } } } // If there is some neighbor stories to fix if (task.future_neighbor != Full_cell_handle()) { // now the new neighboring full_cell exists, we link both set_neighbors(new_s, task.index_of_future_neighbor_in_new_cell, task.future_neighbor, task.new_cell_index_in_future_neighbor); } } return new_s; } template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename Forward_iterator, typename OutputIterator > typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_hole(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end, Facet f, OutputIterator out) /* Concept */ { CGAL_expensive_precondition( ( std::distance(start, end) == 1 ) || ( current_dimension() > 1 ) ); Forward_iterator sit = start; while( end != sit ) set_visited(*sit++, true); Vertex_handle v = new_vertex(); insert_in_tagged_hole(v, f, out); delete_full_cells(start, end); return v; } template< class Dim, class Vb, class Fcb > template< typename Forward_iterator > typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_in_hole(Forward_iterator start, Forward_iterator end, Facet f) /* Concept */ { Emptyset_iterator out; return insert_in_hole(start, end, f, out); } template void Triangulation_data_structure ::clear_visited_marks(Full_cell_handle start) const // NOT DOCUMENTED { CGAL_precondition(start != Full_cell_handle()); std::queue queue; set_visited(start, false); queue.push(start); const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); while( ! queue.empty() ) { Full_cell_handle s = queue.front(); queue.pop(); for( int i = 0; i <= cur_dim; ++i ) { if( get_visited(s->neighbor(i)) ) { set_visited(s->neighbor(i), false); queue.push(s->neighbor(i)); } } } } template void Triangulation_data_structure ::do_insert_increase_dimension(const Vertex_handle x, const Vertex_handle star) { Full_cell_handle start = full_cells_begin(); Full_cell_handle swap_me; const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); for( Full_cell_iterator S = full_cells_begin(); S != full_cells_end(); ++S ) { if( Vertex_handle() != S->vertex(cur_dim) ) continue; set_visited(S, true); // extends full_cell |S| to include the new vertex as the // current_dimension()-th vertex associate_vertex_with_full_cell(S, cur_dim, x); if( ! S->has_vertex(star) ) { // S is bounded, we create its unbounded "twin" full_cell Full_cell_handle S_new = new_full_cell(); set_neighbors(S, cur_dim, S_new, 0); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(S_new, 0, star); // here, we could be clever so as to get consistent orientation for( int k = 1; k <= cur_dim; ++k ) associate_vertex_with_full_cell(S_new, k, vertex(S, k - 1)); } else if( cur_dim == 2 ) { // if cur. dim. is 2, we must take care of the 'rightmost' infinite vertex. if( S->mirror_index(S->index(star)) == 0 ) swap_me = S; } } // now we setup the neighbors set_visited(start, false); std::queue queue; queue.push(start); while( ! queue.empty() ) { Full_cell_handle S = queue.front(); queue.pop(); // here, the first visit above ensured that all neighbors exist now. // Now we need to connect them with adjacency relation int star_index; if( S->has_vertex(star, star_index) ) { set_neighbors( S, cur_dim, neighbor(neighbor(S, star_index), cur_dim), // this is tricky :-) : mirror_index(S, star_index) + 1); } else { Full_cell_handle S_new = neighbor(S, cur_dim); for( int k = 0 ; k < cur_dim ; ++k ) { Full_cell_handle S_opp = neighbor(S, k); if( ! S_opp->has_vertex(star) ) set_neighbors(S_new, k + 1, neighbor(S_opp, cur_dim), mirror_index(S, k) + 1); // neighbor of S_new opposite to v is S_new' // the vertex opposite to v remains the same but ... // remember the shifting of the vertices one step to the right } } for( int k = 0 ; k < cur_dim ; ++k ) if( get_visited(neighbor(S, k)) ) { set_visited(neighbor(S, k), false); queue.push(neighbor(S, k)); } } if( ( ( cur_dim % 2 ) == 0 ) && ( cur_dim > 1 ) ) { for( Full_cell_iterator S = full_cells_begin(); S != full_cells_end(); ++S ) { if( x != S->vertex(cur_dim) ) S->swap_vertices(cur_dim - 1, cur_dim); } } if( Full_cell_handle() != swap_me ) swap_me->swap_vertices(1, 2); } template typename Triangulation_data_structure::Vertex_handle Triangulation_data_structure ::insert_increase_dimension(Vertex_handle star) /* Concept */ { const int prev_cur_dim = current_dimension(); CGAL_precondition(prev_cur_dim < maximal_dimension()); if( -2 != current_dimension() ) { CGAL_precondition( Vertex_handle() != star ); CGAL_expensive_precondition(is_vertex(star)); } set_current_dimension(prev_cur_dim + 1); Vertex_handle v = new_vertex(); switch( prev_cur_dim ) { case -2: { // insertion of the first vertex // ( geometrically : infinite vertex ) Full_cell_handle s = new_full_cell(); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(s, 0, v); break; } case -1: { // insertion of the second vertex // ( geometrically : first finite vertex ) //we create a triangulation of the 0-sphere, with // vertices |star| and |v| Full_cell_handle infinite_full_cell = star->full_cell(); Full_cell_handle finite_full_cell = new_full_cell(); associate_vertex_with_full_cell(finite_full_cell, 0, v); set_neighbors(infinite_full_cell, 0, finite_full_cell, 0); break; } default: do_insert_increase_dimension(v, star); break; } return v; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VALIDITY CHECKS template bool Triangulation_data_structure ::is_valid(bool verbose, int /* level */) const /* Concept */ { Full_cell_const_handle s, t; Vertex_const_handle v; int i, j, k; if( current_dimension() == -2 ) { if( ! vertices_.empty() || ! full_cells_.empty() ) { if( verbose ) CGAL_warning_msg(false, "current dimension is -2 but there are vertices or full_cells"); return false; } } if( current_dimension() == -1 ) { if ( (number_of_vertices() != 1) || (number_of_full_cells() != 1) ) { if( verbose ) CGAL_warning_msg(false, "current dimension is -1 but there isn't one vertex and one full_cell"); return false; } } for( v = vertices_begin(); v != vertices_end(); ++v ) { if( ! v->is_valid(verbose) ) return false; } // FUTURE: for each vertex v, gather incident full_cells. then, check that // any full_cell containing v is among those gathered full_cells... if( current_dimension() < 0 ) return true; for( s = full_cells_begin(); s != full_cells_end(); ++s ) { if( ! s->is_valid(verbose) ) return false; // check that the full cell has no duplicate vertices for( i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) for( j = i + 1; j <= current_dimension(); ++j ) if( vertex(s,i) == vertex(s,j) ) { CGAL_warning_msg(false, "a full_cell has two equal vertices"); return false; } } for( s = full_cells_begin(); s != full_cells_end(); ++s ) { for( i = 0; i <= current_dimension(); ++i ) if( (t = neighbor(s,i)) != Full_cell_const_handle() ) { int l = mirror_index(s,i); if( s != neighbor(t,l) || i != mirror_index(t,l) ) { if( verbose ) CGAL_warning_msg(false, "neighbor relation is not symmetric"); return false; } for( j = 0; j <= current_dimension(); ++j ) if( j != i ) { // j must also occur as a vertex of t for( k = 0; k <= current_dimension() && ( vertex(s,j) != vertex(t,k) || k == l); ++k ) ; if( k > current_dimension() ) { if( verbose ) CGAL_warning_msg(false, "too few shared vertices between neighbors full_cells."); return false; } } } else { if( verbose ) CGAL_warning_msg(false, "full_cell has a NULL neighbor"); return false; } } return true; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INPUT / OUTPUT // NOT DOCUMENTED template template void Triangulation_data_structure ::write_graph(OutStream & os) { std::vector > edges; os << number_of_vertices() + 1; // add the vertex at infinity int count(1); for( Vertex_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); vit != vertices_end(); ++vit ) vit->idx_ = count++; edges.resize(number_of_vertices()+1); for( Full_cell_iterator sit = full_cells_begin(); sit != full_cells_end(); ++sit ) { int v1 = 0; while( v1 < current_dimension() ) { int v2 = v1 + 1; while( v2 <= current_dimension() ) { int i1, i2; if( Vertex_handle() != sit-> vertex(v1) ) i1 = sit->vertex(v1)->idx_; else i1 = 0; if( Vertex_handle() != sit-> vertex(v2) ) i2 = sit->vertex(v2)->idx_; else i2 = 0; edges[i1].insert(i2); edges[i2].insert(i1); ++v2; } ++v1; } } for( std::size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i ) { os << std::endl << edges[i].size(); for( std::set::const_iterator nit = edges[i].begin(); nit != edges[i].end(); ++nit ) { os << ' ' << (*nit); } } } // NOT DOCUMENTED... template std::istream & Triangulation_data_structure ::read_full_cells(std::istream & is, const std::vector & vertices) { std::size_t m; // number of full_cells int index; const int cd = current_dimension(); if( is_ascii(is) ) is >> m; else read(is, m, io_Read_write()); std::vector full_cells; full_cells.reserve(m); // read the vertices of each full_cell std::size_t i = 0; while( i < m ) { Full_cell_handle s = new_full_cell(); full_cells.push_back(s); for( int j = 0; j <= cd; ++j ) { if( is_ascii(is) ) is >> index; else read(is, index); s->set_vertex(j, vertices[index]); } // read other non-combinatorial information for the full_cells is >> (*s); ++i; } // read the neighbors of each full_cell i = 0; if( is_ascii(is) ) while( i < m ) { for( int j = 0; j <= cd; ++j ) { is >> index; full_cells[i]->set_neighbor(j, full_cells[index]); } ++i; } else while( i < m ) { for( int j = 0; j <= cd; ++j ) { read(is, index); full_cells[i]->set_neighbor(j, full_cells[index]); } ++i; } // compute the mirror indices for( i = 0; i < m; ++i ) { Full_cell_handle s = full_cells[i]; for( int j = 0; j <= cd; ++j ) { if( -1 != s->mirror_index(j) ) continue; Full_cell_handle n = s->neighbor(j); int k = 0; Full_cell_handle nn = n->neighbor(k); while( s != nn ) nn = n->neighbor(++k); s->set_mirror_index(j,k); n->set_mirror_index(k,j); } } return is; } // NOT DOCUMENTED... template std::ostream & Triangulation_data_structure ::write_full_cells(std::ostream & os, std::map & index_of_vertex) const { std::map index_of_full_cell; std::size_t m = number_of_full_cells(); if( is_ascii(os) ) os << std::endl << m; else write(os, m, io_Read_write()); const int cur_dim = current_dimension(); // write the vertex indices of each full_cell int i = 0; for( Full_cell_const_iterator it = full_cells_begin(); it != full_cells_end(); ++it ) { index_of_full_cell[it] = i++; if( is_ascii(os) ) os << std::endl; for( int j = 0; j <= cur_dim; ++j ) { if( is_ascii(os) ) os << ' ' << index_of_vertex[it->vertex(j)]; else write(os, index_of_vertex[it->vertex(j)]); } // write other non-combinatorial information for the full_cells os << (*it); } CGAL_assertion( (std::size_t) i == m ); // write the neighbors of each full_cell if( is_ascii(os) ) for( Full_cell_const_iterator it = full_cells_begin(); it != full_cells_end(); ++it ) { os << std::endl; for( int j = 0; j <= cur_dim; ++j ) os << ' ' << index_of_full_cell[it->neighbor(j)]; } else for( Full_cell_const_iterator it = full_cells_begin(); it != full_cells_end(); ++it ) { for( int j = 0; j <= cur_dim; ++j ) write(os, index_of_full_cell[it->neighbor(j)]); } return os; } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // FUNCTIONS THAT ARE NOT MEMBER FUNCTIONS: template std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, Triangulation_data_structure & tr) // reads : // - the dimensions (maximal and current) // - the number of finite vertices // - the non combinatorial information on vertices (point, etc) // - the number of full_cells // - the full_cells by the indices of their vertices in the preceding list // of vertices, plus the non combinatorial information on each full_cell // - the neighbors of each full_cell by their index in the preceding list { typedef Triangulation_data_structure TDS; typedef typename TDS::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; // read current dimension and number of vertices std::size_t n; int cd; if( is_ascii(is) ) is >> cd >> n; else { read(is, cd); read(is, n, io_Read_write()); } CGAL_assertion_msg( cd <= tr.maximal_dimension(), "input Triangulation_data_structure has too high dimension"); tr.clear(); tr.set_current_dimension(cd); if( n == 0 ) return is; std::vector vertices; vertices.resize(n); // read the vertices: std::size_t i(0); while( i < n ) { vertices[i] = tr.new_vertex(); is >> (*vertices[i]); // read a vertex ++i; } // now, read the combinatorial information return tr.read_full_cells(is, vertices); } template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Triangulation_data_structure & tr) // writes : // - the dimensions (maximal and current) // - the number of finite vertices // - the non combinatorial information on vertices (point, etc) // - the number of full cells // - the full cells by the indices of their vertices in the preceding list // of vertices, plus the non combinatorial information on each full_cell // - the neighbors of each full_cell by their index in the preceding list { typedef Triangulation_data_structure TDS; typedef typename TDS::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename TDS::Vertex_const_iterator Vertex_iterator; // outputs dimension and number of vertices std::size_t n = tr.number_of_vertices(); if( is_ascii(os) ) os << tr.current_dimension() << std::endl << n; else { write(os, tr.current_dimension()); write(os, n, io_Read_write()); } if( n == 0 ) return os; // write the vertices std::map index_of_vertex; int i = 0; for( Vertex_iterator it = tr.vertices_begin(); it != tr.vertices_end(); ++it, ++i ) { os << *it; // write the vertex index_of_vertex[it] = i; } CGAL_assertion( (std::size_t) i == n ); // output the combinatorial information return tr.write_full_cells(os, index_of_vertex); } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_TRIANGULATION_DATA_STRUCTURE_H