// Copyright (c) 2003 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Hoffmann // Lutz Kettner // Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_ALGORITHM_H #define CGAL_ALGORITHM_H #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_NEXT_PREV # include #endif namespace CGAL { namespace cpp11 { #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_NEXT_PREV using std::next; using std::prev; #else using boost::next; // boost provides prior, we go with the standard declaration as // described in $24.4.4 and forward it to boost prior template BidirectionalIterator prev( BidirectionalIterator x, typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type n = 1) { return boost::prior(x, n); } #endif } // namespace cpp11 namespace cpp0x = cpp11; // copy_n is usually in the STL as well, but not in the official // standard. We provide our own copy_n. It is planned for C++0x. // Our own version is declared deprecated, if std::copy_n is // available. #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_COPY_N #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template CGAL_DEPRECATED OutputIterator copy_n( InputIterator first, Size n, OutputIterator result ) { // copies the first `n' items from `first' to `result'. Returns // the value of `result' after inserting the `n' items. while( n--) { *result = *first; first++; result++; } return result; } #endif // no CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE #else // CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_COPY_N template OutputIterator copy_n( InputIterator first, Size n, OutputIterator result ) { // copies the first `n' items from `first' to `result'. Returns // the value of `result' after inserting the `n' items. while( n--) { *result = *first; first++; result++; } return result; } #endif // CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_COPY_N namespace cpp11 { #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_COPY_N using std::copy_n; #else using CGAL::copy_n; #endif } // cpp11 namespace cpp0x = cpp11; // Not documented template inline bool are_sorted(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c) { return a <= b && b <= c; } // Not documented template inline bool are_sorted(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c, Compare cmp) { return !cmp(b, a) && !cmp(c, b); } // Not documented template inline bool are_strictly_sorted(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c) { return a < b && b < c; } // Not documented template inline bool are_strictly_sorted(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c, Compare cmp) { return cmp(a, b) && cmp(b, c); } // Not documented // Checks that b is in the interval [min(a, c) , max(a, c)]. template inline bool are_ordered(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c) { const T& min = (CGAL::min)(a, c); const T& max = (CGAL::max)(a, c); return min <= b && b <= max; } // Not documented // Checks that b is in the interval [min(a, c) , max(a, c)]. template inline bool are_ordered(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c, Compare cmp) { const T& min = (std::min)(a, c, cmp); const T& max = (std::max)(a, c, cmp); return !cmp(b, min) && !cmp(max, b); } // Not documented // Checks that b is in the interval ]min(a, c) , max(a, c)[. template inline bool are_strictly_ordered(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c) { const T& min = (CGAL::min)(a, c); const T& max = (CGAL::max)(a, c); return min < b && b < max; } // Not documented // Checks that b is in the interval ]min(a, c) , max(a, c)[. template inline bool are_strictly_ordered(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c, Compare cmp) { const T& min = (std::min)(a, c, cmp); const T& max = (std::max)(a, c, cmp); return cmp(min, b) && cmp(b, max); } #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template inline CGAL_DEPRECATED ForwardIterator successor( ForwardIterator it ) { return ++it; } template inline CGAL_DEPRECATED BidirectionalIterator predecessor( BidirectionalIterator it ) { return --it; } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class ForwardIterator > std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator > min_max_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) { typedef std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator > FP; FP result(first, first); if (first != last) while (++first != last) { if (*first < *result.first) result.first = first; if (*result.second < *first) result.second = first; } return result; } template < class ForwardIterator, class CompareMin, class CompareMax > std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator > min_max_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, CompareMin comp_min, CompareMax comp_max) { typedef std::pair< ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator > FP; FP result(first, first); if (first != last) while (++first != last) { if (comp_min(*first, *result.first)) result.first = first; if (comp_max(*result.second, *first)) result.second = first; } return result; } template < class ForwardIterator, class Predicate > ForwardIterator min_element_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Predicate pred) { ForwardIterator result = first = std::find_if(first, last, pred); if (first != last) while (++first != last) if (*first < *result && pred(*first)) result = first; return result; } template < class ForwardIterator, class Compare, class Predicate > ForwardIterator min_element_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Compare comp, Predicate pred) { ForwardIterator result = first = std::find_if(first, last, pred); if (first != last) while (++first != last) if (comp(*first, *result) && pred(*first)) result = first; return result; } template < class ForwardIterator, class Predicate > ForwardIterator max_element_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Predicate pred) { ForwardIterator result = first = std::find_if(first, last, pred); if (first != last) while (++first != last) if (*result < *first && pred(*first)) result = first; return result; } template < class ForwardIterator, class Compare, class Predicate > ForwardIterator max_element_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Compare comp, Predicate pred) { ForwardIterator result = first = std::find_if(first, last, pred); if (first != last) while (++first != last) if (comp(*result, *first) && pred(*first)) result = first; return result; } /*! \brief lexicographic comparison of the two ranges using the \a cmp function object. Compares the two ranges \c [first1,last1) and \c [first2,last2) lexicographically and returns one of the \c CGAL::Comparison_result enum values respectively: - \c CGAL::SMALLER - \c CGAL::EQUAL - \c CGAL::LARGER \pre The \c value_type of \a InputIterator1 must be convertible to the \c first_argument_type of \c BinaryFunction. The \c value_type of \a InputIterator2 must be convertible to the \c second_argument_type of \c BinaryFunction. The \c result_type of \c BinaryFunction must be convertible to \c CGAL::Comparison_result. */ template CGAL::Comparison_result lexicographical_compare_three_valued( InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, BinaryFunction cmp) { while ( first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) { CGAL::Comparison_result result = cmp( *first1, *first2); if ( result != CGAL::EQUAL) return result; ++first1; ++first2; } if ( first1 != last1) return CGAL::LARGER; if ( first2 != last2) return CGAL::SMALLER; return CGAL::EQUAL; } /*! \brief output iterator range to a stream, with separators The iterator range \c [first,beyond) is written to \c os (obeying CGAL I/O modes). Each element is bracketed by \c pre and \c post (default: empty string). Adjacent values are spearated by \c sep (default: ", ", i.e. comma space). The stream \c os is returned in its new state after output. Example:
    int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
    output_range(std::cout, a, a+3, ":", "(", ")");
produces \c (1):(2):(3) */ template std::ostream& output_range(std::ostream& os, InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const char* sep = ", ", const char* pre = "", const char* post = "") { InputIterator it = first; if (it != beyond) { os << pre << oformat(*it) << post; while (++it != beyond) os << sep << pre << oformat(*it) << post; } return os; } // Reimplementation of std::random_shuffle, for the use of Spatial_sorting. // We want an implementation of random_shuffle that produces the same // result on all platforms, for a given seeded random generator. template void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, RandomGenerator& random) { if(begin == end) return; for(RandomAccessIterator it = begin + 1; it != end; ++it) { std::iter_swap( it, begin + random( (it - begin) + 1 ) ); // The +1 inside random is because random(N) gives numbers in the open // interval [0, N[ } } namespace internal { namespace algorithm { // Implementation of the algorithm described here: // http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Selection_algorithm&oldid=480099620#Partition-based_general_selection_algorithm template RandomAccessIterator partition(RandomAccessIterator left, RandomAccessIterator right, // points to the last element of the sequence RandomAccessIterator pivot_it, Compare& compare) { std::iter_swap(pivot_it, right); // move pivot to the right RandomAccessIterator result = left; for(RandomAccessIterator it = left; it != right; ++it) { if(compare(*it, *right)) { std::iter_swap(result, it); ++result; } } std::iter_swap(right, result); return result; } } // end namespace algorithm } // end namespace internal // Reimplementation of std::nth_element, for the use of Spatial_sorting. // We want an implementation of nth_element that produces the same result // on all platforms. template void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator left, RandomAccessIterator nth, RandomAccessIterator right, Compare& comp) { if(left == right) return; --right; // 'right' points to the last element of the sequence if(left == right) return; // exit if there is only one element while(true) { RandomAccessIterator pivot_it = left + ((right - left) / 2); RandomAccessIterator new_pivot_it = internal::algorithm::partition(left, right, pivot_it, comp); if(new_pivot_it == nth) return; if(nth < new_pivot_it) right = new_pivot_it - 1; else left = new_pivot_it + 1; } // end while(true) } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_ALGORITHM_H