// Copyright (c) 1999,2007 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Andreas Fabri, Michael Hemmer #ifndef CGAL_LEDA_RATIONAL_H #define CGAL_LEDA_RATIONAL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined( _MSC_VER ) # pragma push_macro("ERROR") # undef ERROR #endif // _MSC_VER #include #if defined( _MSC_VER ) # pragma pop_macro("ERROR") #endif #include // for GCD in Fraction_traits namespace CGAL { template <> class Algebraic_structure_traits< leda_rational > : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< leda_rational, Field_tag > { public: typedef Tag_true Is_exact; typedef Tag_false Is_numerical_sensitive; // TODO: How to implement this without having sqrt? // typedef INTERN_AST::Is_square_per_sqrt< Type > // Is_square; class Simplify : public std::unary_function< Type&, void > { public: void operator()( Type& x) const { x.normalize(); } }; }; template <> class Real_embeddable_traits< leda_rational > : public INTERN_RET::Real_embeddable_traits_base< leda_rational , CGAL::Tag_true > { public: class Abs : public std::unary_function< Type, Type > { public: Type operator()( const Type& x ) const { return CGAL_LEDA_SCOPE::abs( x ); } }; class Sgn : public std::unary_function< Type, ::CGAL::Sign > { public: ::CGAL::Sign operator()( const Type& x ) const { return (::CGAL::Sign) CGAL_LEDA_SCOPE::sign( x ); } }; class Compare : public std::binary_function< Type, Type, Comparison_result > { public: Comparison_result operator()( const Type& x, const Type& y ) const { return (Comparison_result) CGAL_LEDA_SCOPE::compare( x, y ); } CGAL_IMPLICIT_INTEROPERABLE_BINARY_OPERATOR_WITH_RT(Type,Comparison_result) }; class To_double : public std::unary_function< Type, double > { public: double operator()( const Type& x ) const { return x.to_double(); } }; class To_interval : public std::unary_function< Type, std::pair< double, double > > { public: std::pair operator()( const Type& x ) const { CGAL_LEDA_SCOPE::interval temp(x); std::pair result(temp.lower_bound(),temp.upper_bound()); CGAL_assertion_code( double infinity=std::numeric_limits::infinity(); ) CGAL_postcondition(result.first == -infinity || Type(result.first)<=x); CGAL_postcondition(result.second == infinity || Type(result.second)>=x); return result; // Original CGAL to_interval (seemed to be inferior) // // There's no guarantee about the error of to_double(), so I add // // 3 ulps... // Protect_FPU_rounding P (CGAL_FE_TONEAREST); // Interval_nt_advanced approx (z.to_double()); // FPU_set_cw(CGAL_FE_UPWARD); // // approx += Interval_nt::smallest(); // approx += Interval_nt::smallest(); // approx += Interval_nt::smallest(); // return approx.pair(); } }; }; /*! \ingroup NiX_Fraction_traits_spec * \brief Specialization of Fraction_traits for ::leda::rational */ template <> class Fraction_traits< leda_rational > { public: typedef leda_rational Type; typedef ::CGAL::Tag_true Is_fraction; typedef leda_integer Numerator_type; typedef Numerator_type Denominator_type; typedef Algebraic_structure_traits< Numerator_type >::Gcd Common_factor; class Decompose { public: typedef Type first_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type& second_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type& third_argument_type; void operator () ( const Type& rat, Numerator_type& num, Numerator_type& den) { num = rat.numerator(); den = rat.denominator(); } }; class Compose { public: typedef Numerator_type first_argument_type; typedef Numerator_type second_argument_type; typedef Type result_type; Type operator ()( const Numerator_type& num , const Numerator_type& den ) { Type result(num, den); result.normalize(); return result; } }; }; template class Output_rep< leda_rational, F> : public IO_rep_is_specialized { const leda_rational& t; public: //! initialize with a const reference to \a t. Output_rep( const leda_rational& tt) : t(tt) {} //! perform the output, calls \c operator\<\< by default. std::ostream& operator()( std::ostream& out) const { switch (get_mode(out)) { case IO::PRETTY:{ if(t.denominator() == leda_integer(1)) return out < struct Needs_parens_as_product< leda_rational >{ bool operator()( leda_rational t){ if (t.denominator() != 1 ) return true; else return needs_parens_as_product(t.numerator()) ; } }; template <> class Output_rep< leda_rational, Parens_as_product_tag > : public IO_rep_is_specialized { const leda_rational& t; public: // Constructor Output_rep( const leda_rational& tt) : t(tt) {} // operator std::ostream& operator()( std::ostream& out) const { Needs_parens_as_product< leda_rational > needs_parens_as_product; if (needs_parens_as_product(t)) return out <<"("<< oformat(t) <<")"; else return out << oformat(t); } }; template < > class Benchmark_rep< leda_rational > { const leda_rational& t; public: //! initialize with a const reference to \a t. Benchmark_rep( const leda_rational& tt) : t(tt) {} //! perform the output, calls \c operator\<\< by default. std::ostream& operator()( std::ostream& out) const { return out << "Rational(" << t.numerator() << "," << t.denominator() << ")"; } static std::string get_benchmark_name() { return "Rational"; } }; namespace internal { // See: Stream_support/include/CGAL/IO/io.h template void read_float_or_quotient(std::istream & is, ET& et); template <> inline void read_float_or_quotient(std::istream & is, leda_rational& et) { internal::read_float_or_quotient(is, et); } } // namespace internal } //namespace CGAL // Unary + is missing for leda::rational namespace leda{ inline rational operator+( const rational& i) { return i; } } //since types are included by LEDA_coercion_traits.h: #include #include #include #include #endif // CGAL_LEDA_RATIONAL_H