// Copyright (c) 1999-2003 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Hoffmann and // Emo Welzl #ifndef CGAL_MIN_QUADRILATERAL_2_H #define CGAL_MIN_QUADRILATERAL_2_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_OPTIMISATION_EXPENSIVE_PRECONDITION_TAG #include #endif namespace CGAL { template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class Traits > OutputIterator convex_bounding_box_2( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, Traits& t) // PRE: // * f != l // * value type of ForwardIterator is Traits::Point_2 // * [f,l) form a the vertices of a convex polygon // oriented counterclockwise // * OutputIterator accepts ForwardIterator as value type // POST: // writes to o iterators from [f,l) referring to the last points with // - smallest y coordinate // - largest x coordinate // - largest y coordinate // - smallest x coordinate // in that order. { CGAL_precondition(f != l); // make sure that we have two distinct points, such that it // can be determined in which quadrant of the polygon we are ForwardIterator first; do { first = f; // catch the one-element case: if (++f == l) { f = first; break; } } while (t.equal_2_object()(*first, *f)); // Four extremes ForwardIterator minx = first; ForwardIterator maxx; ForwardIterator miny; ForwardIterator maxy; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::Less_xy_2 Less_xy_2; typedef typename Traits::Less_yx_2 Less_yx_2; typedef boost::function2 Greater_xy_2; typedef boost::function2 Greater_yx_2; Less_xy_2 less_xy_2 = t.less_xy_2_object(); Less_yx_2 less_yx_2 = t.less_yx_2_object(); Greater_xy_2 greater_xy_2 = boost::bind(less_xy_2, _2, _1); Greater_yx_2 greater_yx_2 = boost::bind(less_yx_2, _2, _1); if (less_xy_2(*minx, *f) || (less_yx_2(*minx, *f) && !less_xy_2(*f, *minx))) if (less_yx_2(*minx, *f)) // first quadrant for (;;) { maxx = f; if (++f == l) { maxy = minx = miny = maxx; break; } if (less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)) { f = maxx; for (;;) { maxy = f; if (++f == l) { minx = miny = maxy; break; } if (less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)) { f = maxy; for (;;) { minx = f; if (++f == l) { miny = minx; break; } if (greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)) { f = minx; do miny = f; while (++f != l && !greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)); break; } } // for (;;) break; } // if (less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)) } // for (;;) break; } // if (less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)) } // for (;;) else // fourth quadrant for (;;) { miny = f; if (++f == l) { maxx = maxy = minx = miny; break; } if (greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)) { f = miny; for (;;) { maxx = f; if (++f == l) { maxy = minx = maxx; break; } if (less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)) { f = maxx; for (;;) { maxy = f; if (++f == l) { minx = maxy; break; } if (less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)) { f = maxy; do minx = f; while (++f != l && !greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)); break; } } // for (;;) break; } // if (less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)) } // for (;;) break; } // if (greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)) } // for (;;) else if (less_yx_2(*f, *minx)) // third quadrant for (;;) { minx = f; if (++f == l) { miny = maxx = maxy = minx; break; } if (greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)) { f = minx; for (;;) { miny = f; if (++f == l) { maxx = maxy = miny; break; } if (greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)) { f = miny; for (;;) { maxx = f; if (++f == l) { maxy = maxx; break; } if (less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)) { f = maxx; do maxy = f; while (++f != l && !less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)); break; } } // for (;;) break; } // if (greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)) } // for (;;) break; } // if (greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)) } // for (;;) else // second quadrant for (;;) { maxy = f; if (++f == l) { minx = miny = maxx = maxy; break; } if (less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)) { f = maxy; for (;;) { minx = f; if (++f == l) { miny = maxx = minx; break; } if (greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)) { f = minx; for (;;) { miny = f; if (++f == l) { maxx = miny; break; } if (greater_yx_2(*f, *miny)) { f = miny; do maxx = f; while (++f != l && !less_xy_2(*f, *maxx)); break; } } // for (;;) break; } // if (greater_xy_2(*f, *minx)) } // for (;;) break; } // if (less_yx_2(*f, *maxy)) } // for (;;) // Output *o++ = less_yx_2(*first, *miny) ? first : miny; *o++ = less_xy_2(*maxx, *first) ? first : maxx; *o++ = less_yx_2(*maxy, *first) ? first : maxy; *o++ = less_xy_2(*first, *minx) ? first : minx; return o; } // convex_bounding_box_2(f, l, o, t) namespace Optimisation { // Adds certain redundant functionality for convenience template < typename Traits > struct Min_quadrilateral_traits_wrapper : public Traits { typedef Traits Base; // types inherited from Traits typedef typename Base::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Base::Direction_2 Direction_2; // predicates and constructions inherited from Traits typedef typename Base::Has_on_negative_side_2 HONS; typedef typename Base::Construct_vector_2 CV2; typedef typename Base::Construct_direction_2 CD2; typedef typename Base::Construct_line_2 Construct_line_2; typedef typename Base::Compare_angle_with_x_axis_2 CAWXA; using Traits::has_on_negative_side_2_object; using Traits::construct_line_2_object; using Traits::construct_vector_2_object; using Traits::compare_angle_with_x_axis_2_object; Min_quadrilateral_traits_wrapper(const Traits& bt) : Base(bt) {} // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Right_of_implicit_line_2 // --------------------------------------------------------------- typedef boost::function3 Right_of_implicit_line_2; Right_of_implicit_line_2 right_of_implicit_line_2_object() const { return boost::bind(has_on_negative_side_2_object(), boost::bind(construct_line_2_object(), _2, _3), _1); } typedef boost::function2 Construct_direction_2; Construct_direction_2 construct_direction_2_object() const { return boost::bind(Base::construct_direction_2_object(), boost::bind(construct_vector_2_object(), _1, _2)); } template < class Kernel > class Rdbmop : public std::binary_function< Direction_2, int, Direction_2 > { typename Kernel::Construct_perpendicular_vector_2 cperpvec; typename Kernel::Construct_vector_from_direction_2 cvec; typename Kernel::Construct_direction_2 dir; typename Kernel::Construct_opposite_direction_2 oppdir; public: Rdbmop() {} Rdbmop(const Kernel& k) : cperpvec(k.construct_perpendicular_vector_2_object()), cvec(k.construct_vector_from_direction_2_object()), dir(k.construct_direction_2_object()), oppdir(k.construct_opposite_direction_2_object()) {} Direction_2 operator()(const Direction_2& d, int i) const { // FIXME: here I would like to construct a vector from a // direction, but this is not in the kernel concept // maybe, we can get rid of directions soon... CGAL_precondition(i >= 0 && i < 4); if (i == 0) return d; if (i == 1) return dir(cperpvec(cvec(d), CLOCKWISE)); if (i == 2) return oppdir(d); return dir(cperpvec(cvec(d), COUNTERCLOCKWISE)); } }; typedef Rdbmop Rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2; Rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2 rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2_object() const { return Rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2(*this); } typedef boost::function2 Less_angle_with_x_axis_2; Less_angle_with_x_axis_2 less_angle_with_x_axis_2_object() const { return boost::bind(std::equal_to(), boost::bind(compare_angle_with_x_axis_2_object(), _1, _2), SMALLER); } }; } // namespace Optimisation template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class BTraits > OutputIterator min_rectangle_2( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, BTraits& bt) { typedef Optimisation::Min_quadrilateral_traits_wrapper Traits; Traits t(bt); CGAL_optimisation_expensive_precondition(is_convex_2(f, l, t)); CGAL_optimisation_expensive_precondition( orientation_2(f, l, t) == COUNTERCLOCKWISE); // check for trivial cases if (f == l) return o; ForwardIterator tst = f; if (++tst == l) { // all points are equal for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) *o++ = *f; return o; } // types from the traits class typedef typename Traits::Rectangle_2 Rectangle_2; typedef typename Traits::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Construct_direction_2 Construct_direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Construct_rectangle_2 Construct_rectangle_2; Construct_direction_2 direction = t.construct_direction_2_object(); Construct_rectangle_2 rectangle = t.construct_rectangle_2_object(); typename Traits::Rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2 rotate = t.rotate_direction_by_multiple_of_pi_2_object(); typename Traits::Less_angle_with_x_axis_2 less_angle = t.less_angle_with_x_axis_2_object(); typename Traits::Area_less_rectangle_2 area_less = t.area_less_rectangle_2_object(); // quadruple of points defining the current rectangle ForwardIterator curr[4]; // initialised to the points defining the bounding box convex_bounding_box_2(f, l, curr, t); // curr[i] can be advanced (cyclically) until it reaches limit[i] ForwardIterator limit[4]; limit[0] = curr[1], limit[1] = curr[2], limit[2] = curr[3], limit[3] = curr[0]; // quadruple of direction candidates defining the current rectangle Direction_2 dir[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ForwardIterator cp = curr[i]; if (++cp == l) cp = f; dir[i] = rotate(direction(*(curr[i]), *cp), i); } int yet_to_finish = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 4; ++i1) { CGAL_optimisation_assertion(limit[i1] != l); if (curr[i1] != limit[i1]) ++yet_to_finish; } int low = less_angle(dir[0], dir[1]) ? 0 : 1; int upp = less_angle(dir[2], dir[3]) ? 2 : 3; int event = less_angle(dir[low], dir[upp]) ? low : upp; Rectangle_2 rect_so_far = rectangle(*(curr[0]), dir[event], *(curr[1]), *(curr[2]), *(curr[3])); for (;;) { if (++curr[event] == l) curr[event] = f; ForwardIterator cp = curr[event]; if (++cp == l) cp = f; dir[event] = rotate(direction(*(curr[event]), *cp), event); if (curr[event] == limit[event]) if (--yet_to_finish <= 0) break; if (event < 2) low = less_angle(dir[0], dir[1]) ? 0 : 1; else upp = less_angle(dir[2], dir[3]) ? 2 : 3; event = less_angle(dir[low], dir[upp]) ? low : upp; Rectangle_2 test_rect = rectangle(*(curr[0]), dir[event], *(curr[1]), *(curr[2]), *(curr[3])); if (area_less(test_rect, rect_so_far)) rect_so_far = test_rect; } // for (;;) return t.copy_rectangle_vertices_2(rect_so_far, o); } // min_rectangle_2( f, l, o , t) template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class BTraits > OutputIterator min_parallelogram_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, BTraits& bt) { typedef Optimisation::Min_quadrilateral_traits_wrapper Traits; Traits t(bt); CGAL_optimisation_expensive_precondition(is_convex_2(f, l, t)); // types from the traits class typedef typename Traits::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Parallelogram_2 Parallelogram_2; typedef typename Traits::Construct_direction_2 Construct_direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Equal_2 Equal_2; Equal_2 equal = t.equal_2_object(); Construct_direction_2 direction = t.construct_direction_2_object(); typename Traits::Construct_parallelogram_2 parallelogram = t.construct_parallelogram_2_object(); typename Traits::Less_angle_with_x_axis_2 less_angle = t.less_angle_with_x_axis_2_object(); typename Traits::Area_less_parallelogram_2 area_less = t.area_less_parallelogram_2_object(); typename Traits::Right_of_implicit_line_2 right_of_line = t.right_of_implicit_line_2_object(); // check for trivial cases if (f == l) return o; ForwardIterator first; do { first = f; if (++f == l) { // all points are equal for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) *o++ = *first; return o; } } while (equal(*first, *f)); // quadruple of points defining the bounding box ForwardIterator curr[4]; // initialised to the points defining the bounding box convex_bounding_box_2(first, l, curr, t); ForwardIterator low = curr[0]; ForwardIterator upp = curr[2]; ForwardIterator right = low; ForwardIterator left = upp; int yet_to_finish = 2; // initialize parallelogram ForwardIterator ln = low; do if (++ln == l) ln = first; while (equal(*ln, *low)); Direction_2 d_low = direction(*low, *ln); ForwardIterator un = upp; do if (++un == l) un = first; while (equal(*un, *upp)); Direction_2 d_upp = direction(*un, *upp); bool low_goes_next = less_angle(d_low, d_upp); Direction_2 next_dir = low_goes_next ? d_low : d_upp; Direction_2 d_leftright = next_dir; for (;;) { // compute the next left/right candidate and store it to d_leftright ForwardIterator rig = right; do if (++rig == l) rig = first; while (equal(*rig, *right)); Direction_2 d_right = direction(*right, *rig); ForwardIterator len = left; do if (++len == l) len = first; while (equal(*len, *left)); Direction_2 d_left = direction(*len, *left); if (less_angle(d_right, d_left)) if (right_of_line(*rig, *left, next_dir)) right = rig; else { d_leftright = d_right; break; } else if (right_of_line(*right, *len, next_dir)) left = len; else { d_leftright = d_left; break; } } // for (;;) Parallelogram_2 para_so_far = parallelogram(*low, next_dir, *right, d_leftright, *upp, *left); for (;;) { if (low_goes_next) { low = ln; if (low == curr[2]) if (--yet_to_finish <= 0) break; } else { upp = un; if (upp == curr[0]) if (--yet_to_finish <= 0) break; } // compute the next lower/upper candidate ln = low; do if (++ln == l) ln = first; while (equal(*ln, *low)); d_low = direction(*low, *ln); un = upp; do if (++un == l) un = first; while (equal(*un, *upp)); d_upp = direction(*un, *upp); low_goes_next = less_angle(d_low, d_upp); next_dir = low_goes_next ? d_low : d_upp; for (;;) { // compute the next left/right candidate and store it to d_leftright ForwardIterator rig = right; do if (++rig == l) rig = first; while (equal(*rig, *right)); Direction_2 d_right = direction(*right, *rig); ForwardIterator len = left; do if (++len == l) len = first; while (equal(*len, *left)); Direction_2 d_left = direction(*len, *left); if (less_angle(d_right, d_left)) if (right_of_line(*rig, *left, next_dir)) right = rig; else { d_leftright = d_right; break; } else if (right_of_line(*right, *len, next_dir)) left = len; else { d_leftright = d_left; break; } } // for (;;) // check whether we found a smaller parallelogram Parallelogram_2 test_para = parallelogram(*low, next_dir, *right, d_leftright, *upp, *left); if (area_less(test_para, para_so_far)) para_so_far = test_para; } // for (;;) return t.copy_parallelogram_vertices_2(para_so_far, o); } // min_parallelogram_2(f, l, o , t) template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator, class BTraits > OutputIterator min_strip_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o, BTraits& bt) { typedef Optimisation::Min_quadrilateral_traits_wrapper Traits; Traits t(bt); CGAL_optimisation_expensive_precondition(is_convex_2(f, l, t)); // types from the traits class typedef typename Traits::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Strip_2 Strip_2; typedef typename Traits::Equal_2 Equal_2; typedef typename Traits::Construct_direction_2 Construct_direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Construct_strip_2 Construct_strip_2; typedef typename Traits::Width_less_strip_2 Width_less_strip_2; Equal_2 equal = t.equal_2_object(); Construct_direction_2 direction = t.construct_direction_2_object(); Construct_strip_2 strip = t.construct_strip_2_object(); Width_less_strip_2 width_less = t.width_less_strip_2_object(); typename Traits::Less_angle_with_x_axis_2 less_angle = t.less_angle_with_x_axis_2_object(); // check for trivial cases if (f == l) return o; ForwardIterator first; do { first = f; if (++f == l) // strip undefined, if no two distinct points exist return o; } while (equal(*first, *f)); // quadruple of points defining the bounding box ForwardIterator curr[4]; // initialised to the points defining the bounding box convex_bounding_box_2(first, l, curr, t); ForwardIterator low = curr[0]; ForwardIterator upp = curr[2]; int yet_to_finish = 2; ForwardIterator nlow = low; if (++nlow == l) nlow = first; Direction_2 low_dir = direction(*low, *nlow); ForwardIterator nupp = upp; if (++nupp == l) nupp = first; Direction_2 upp_dir = direction(*nupp, *upp); bool low_goes_next = less_angle(low_dir, upp_dir); Strip_2 strip_so_far = low_goes_next ? strip(*low, low_dir, *upp) : strip(*low, upp_dir, *upp); for (;;) { // compute next direction if (low_goes_next) { low = nlow; if (low == curr[2]) if (--yet_to_finish <= 0) break; if (++nlow == l) nlow = first; low_dir = direction(*low, *nlow); } else { upp = nupp; if (upp == curr[0]) if (--yet_to_finish <= 0) break; if (++nupp == l) nupp = first; upp_dir = direction(*nupp, *upp); } low_goes_next = less_angle(low_dir, upp_dir); Strip_2 test_strip = low_goes_next ? strip(*low, low_dir, *upp) : strip(*low, upp_dir, *upp); if (width_less(test_strip, strip_so_far)) strip_so_far = test_strip; } // for (;;) // return the result return t.copy_strip_lines_2(strip_so_far, o); } // min_strip_2(f, l, o, t) } //namespace CGAL #include namespace CGAL { template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator min_rectangle_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type VT; typedef typename Kernel_traits::Kernel Kernel; Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2 t; return min_rectangle_2(f, l, o, t); } // min_rectangle_2(f, l, o) #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE // backwards compatibility template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator minimum_enclosing_rectangle_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { return min_rectangle_2(f, l, o); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator min_parallelogram_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type VT; typedef typename Kernel_traits::Kernel Kernel; Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2 t; return min_parallelogram_2(f, l, o, t); } // min_parallelogram_2(f, l, o) #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE // backwards compatibility template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator minimum_enclosing_parallelogram_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { return min_parallelogram_2(f, l, o); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator min_strip_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type VT; typedef typename Kernel_traits::Kernel Kernel; Min_quadrilateral_default_traits_2 t; return min_strip_2(f, l, o, t); } // min_strip_2(f, l, o) #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE // backwards compatibility template < class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator > inline OutputIterator minimum_enclosing_strip_2(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, OutputIterator o) { return min_strip_2(f, l, o); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE } //namespace CGAL #endif // ! (CGAL_MIN_QUADRILATERAL_2_H)