ó ’,bc@sÎdZddlZdZdZdZdZd„Zddd „ƒYZdd „Z dd „Z e d krÊej ƒZ ed ddddeƒZejƒGHejd ƒGHejdƒGHejƒGHejd ƒGHejdƒGHe ƒGHejdƒGejdƒGHejƒGHeddƒZejdƒGejdƒGHeje dddeƒZejƒeje ddde jƒZejƒededƒjƒZejdeƒejdeƒejƒndS(s0.9iÿÿÿÿNtnormaltromantboldtitaliccCstd|dtƒS(sFGiven the name of a tk named font, returns a Font representation. tnametexists(tFonttTrue(R((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt nametofontsRcBsªeZdZd„Zd„Zd„Zddded„Zd„Z d„Z d„Z d„Z d „Z d „Zdd „Zd „Zd „ZeZd„Zd„ZRS(söRepresents a named font. Constructor options are: font -- font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple) name -- name to use for this font configuration (defaults to a unique name) exists -- does a named font by this name already exist? Creates a new named font if False, points to the existing font if True. Raises _Tkinter.TclError if the assertion is false. the following are ignored if font is specified: family -- font 'family', e.g. Courier, Times, Helvetica size -- font size in points weight -- font thickness: NORMAL, BOLD slant -- font slant: ROMAN, ITALIC underline -- font underlining: false (0), true (1) overstrike -- font strikeout: false (0), true (1) cCsQg}x>|jƒD]0\}}|jd|ƒ|jt|ƒƒqWt|ƒS(Nt-(titemstappendtstrttuple(tselftkwtoptionstktv((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt_set/s cCs2g}x|D]}|jd|ƒq Wt|ƒS(NR (R R (RtargsRR((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt_get6s cCsGi}x:tdt|ƒdƒD] }||d|||d((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR3scKsW|r+|jdd|j|j|ƒŒn(|j|j|jdd|jƒƒƒSdS(sModify font attributesRR?N(R,RRRR+(RR((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR?…s cCst|jdd|j|ƒƒS(sReturn text widthRtmeasure(tintR,R(Rttext((s#/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR@‘scGs |r.t|jdd|j|j|ƒƒƒS|j|jdd|jƒƒ}i}x@tdt|ƒdƒD]&}t||dƒ|||d s>  Ž