FüƒaD ã@s·dZdZdddddddd d d d d ddddddgZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZmZejZde_dZdZdZGdd„dejdejƒZGdd„dejeƒZGdd „d ejeƒZGdd„dejeƒZej e ƒx*e e e eefD]Z!ej e!ƒquWx!e efD]Z!ej e!ƒq™W[!dS)aÁThe io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. The builtin open function is defined in this module. At the top of the I/O hierarchy is the abstract base class IOBase. It defines the basic interface to a stream. Note, however, that there is no separation between reading and writing to streams; implementations are allowed to raise an OSError if they do not support a given operation. Extending IOBase is RawIOBase which deals simply with the reading and writing of raw bytes to a stream. FileIO subclasses RawIOBase to provide an interface to OS files. BufferedIOBase deals with buffering on a raw byte stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPair buffer streams that are readable, writable, and both respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to random access streams. BytesIO is a simple stream of in-memory bytes. Another IOBase subclass, TextIOBase, deals with the encoding and decoding of streams into text. TextIOWrapper, which extends it, is a buffered text interface to a buffered raw stream (`BufferedIOBase`). Finally, StringIO is an in-memory stream for text. Argument names are not part of the specification, and only the arguments of open() are intended to be used as keyword arguments. data: DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE An int containing the default buffer size used by the module's buffered I/O classes. open() uses the file's blksize (as obtained by os.stat) if possible. zëGuido van Rossum , Mike Verdone , Mark Russell , Antoine Pitrou , Amaury Forgeot d'Arc , Benjamin Peterson ÚBlockingIOErrorÚopenÚIOBaseÚ RawIOBaseÚFileIOÚBytesIOÚStringIOÚBufferedIOBaseÚBufferedReaderÚBufferedWriterÚBufferedRWPairÚBufferedRandomÚ TextIOBaseÚ TextIOWrapperÚUnsupportedOperationÚSEEK_SETÚSEEK_CURÚSEEK_ENDéN) ÚDEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZErrrrrrr r r r ÚIncrementalNewlineDecoderrÚioééc@seZdZejjZdS)rN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú_ioÚ_IOBaseÚ__doc__©rrú/usr/lib/python3.5/io.pyrHs Ú metaclassc@seZdZejjZdS)rN)rrrrÚ _RawIOBaserrrrr rKs c@seZdZejjZdS)rN)rrrrÚ_BufferedIOBaserrrrr rNs c@seZdZejjZdS)r N)rrrrÚ _TextIOBaserrrrr r Qs )"rÚ __author__Ú__all__rÚabcrrrrrrrr r r r rrÚ OpenWrapperrrrrrÚABCMetarr"rr#rr$r ÚregisterÚklassrrrr Ú"s2     X  "