FaF@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZyddlZWnek rldZYnXdZddl m Z ddlm Z ddd d d d d dgZ dZGdddeZGdd d eZGdd d eZGdd d eZGdd d eZGdd d eZdZdZddddddddd d!d"d#h Zd$d%d&d'd(d)d*gZd+d)d,d*iZd-Zejd.d/d0d1d2gZejd3d4d5d,gZd6dZ d7d8Zdd9d:Z dd;d<Z!dd=d>Z"er4d?d@Z#GdAdBdBZ$GdCdde$Z%erGdDdEdEe$Z&e j'dEe(dFkrddl)Z)e)j*dGdHZ+e+j,dIdJdKdLdMdNe+j,dOdPdKdQdMdRe+j,dSdTdKdU dVe-dMdWeefe+j,dXdYdKdZdVe-dMd[e+j,d\d]d^d_dKddMd`e+j.Z/e/j0Z0e/j re0dU kreZ0e%dae/j1dbe0Z2n+e0dU kreZ0e&dae/j1dbe0Z2e2j3Z4dce4kre2j5e2j6e/j6\Z7Z8Z9Z:Z;e<dde;dee8dfe9dge:dhdiZ=e>e-e:e/j?dUZ9e2j@e9e:\Z7ZAxeAD]z\ZBZCe eCd%jDdjdUdZEe eCd$ZFe-eCd*ZGe<dkjHeBe=eEdle=eFdmeGq{We2jIdS)naAn NNTP client class based on: - RFC 977: Network News Transfer Protocol - RFC 2980: Common NNTP Extensions - RFC 3977: Network News Transfer Protocol (version 2) Example: >>> from nntplib import NNTP >>> s = NNTP('news') >>> resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('comp.lang.python') >>> print('Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last) Group comp.lang.python has 51 articles, range 5770 to 5821 >>> resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', '{0}-{1}'.format(first, last)) >>> resp = s.quit() >>> Here 'resp' is the server response line. Error responses are turned into exceptions. To post an article from a file: >>> f = open(filename, 'rb') # file containing article, including header >>> resp = s.post(f) >>> For descriptions of all methods, read the comments in the code below. Note that all arguments and return values representing article numbers are strings, not numbers, since they are rarely used for calculations. NFT) decode_header)_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTNNTP NNTPErrorNNTPReplyErrorNNTPTemporaryErrorNNTPPermanentErrorNNTPProtocolError NNTPDataErrorric@s"eZdZdZddZdS)rz%Base class for all nntplib exceptionsc GsCtj||y|d|_Wntk r>d|_YnXdS)NrzNo response given) Exception__init__response IndexError)selfargsr/usr/lib/python3.5/nntplib.pyr bs  zNNTPError.__init__N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r rrrrr`s c@seZdZdZdS)rzUnexpected [123]xx replyN)rrrrrrrrris c@seZdZdZdS)rz 4xx errorsN)rrrrrrrrrms c@seZdZdZdS)rz 5xx errorsN)rrrrrrrrrqs c@seZdZdZdS)r z"Response does not begin with [1-5]N)rrrrrrrrr us c@seZdZdZdS)r zError in response dataN)rrrrrrrrr ys wi3Z100Z101211215Z220Z221Z222Z224Z225Z230Z231Z282subjectfromdatez message-idZ referencesz:bytesz:linesbytesliness GroupInfogrouplastfirstZflag ArticleInfoZnumber message_idcCskg}xUt|D]G\}}t|trM|j|j|pCdq|j|qWdj|S)zvTakes a unicode string representing a munged header value and decodes it as a (possibly non-ASCII) readable value.ascii)_email_decode_header isinstancerappenddecodejoin)Z header_strpartsvencrrrrs cCsg}x|D]}|ddkrR|ddjd\}}}d|}n|jd\}}}|j}tj||}|j|q Wt}t|t|krtd|dt||krtd|S)zParse a list of string representing the response to LIST OVERVIEW.FMT and return a list of header/metadata names. Raises NNTPDataError if the response is not compliant (cf. RFC 3977, section 8.4).r:Nz$LIST OVERVIEW.FMT response too shortz*LIST OVERVIEW.FMT redefines default fields) partitionlower_OVERVIEW_FMT_ALTERNATIVESgetr)_DEFAULT_OVERVIEW_FMTlenr )rfmtlinename_suffixZdefaultsrrr_parse_overview_fmts "    r<cCs-tt}g}x|D] }i}|jd^}}t|}xt|D]\} } | t|krtqS|| } | jd} | |kr| r| d} | r| dt| j| krtd| r| t| dnd} | ||| d?Z#d@dAZ$ddBdCZ%dd'ddDdEZ&dd'ddFdGZ'dd'ddHdIZ(dJdKZ)d'ddLdMZ*d'ddNdOZ+d'ddPdQZ,d'ddRdSZ-dTdUZ.dVdWZ/dXdYZ0dZd[Z1d\d]Z2d^d_Z3d`daZ4ddddbdcZ5dddeZ6e7rddfdgZ8dS)h _NNTPBasezutf-8surrogateescapeNcCs||_||_d|_|j|_d|_|jd|_|rd|jkr|j|jsd|_|jd|_ d|_ dS)aSInitialize an instance. Arguments: - file: file-like object (open for read/write in binary mode) - host: hostname of the server - readermode: if true, send 'mode reader' command after connecting. - timeout: timeout (in seconds) used for socket connections readermode is sometimes necessary if you are connecting to an NNTP server on the local machine and intend to call reader-specific commands, such as `group'. If you get unexpected NNTPPermanentErrors, you might need to set readermode. rNFREADER) hostfile debugging_getrespwelcome_capsgetcapabilitiesreadermode_afterauth_setreadermodetls_on authenticated)rr^r] readermodetimeoutrrrr 8s          z_NNTPBase.__init__cCs|S)Nr)rrrr __enter__gsz_NNTPBase.__enter__cscfdd}|r_z-yjWnttfk rFYnXWd|r^jXdS)Ncs tdS)Nr^)hasattrr)rrrksz$_NNTPBase.__exit__..)quitOSErrorEOFError_close)rrZ is_connectedr)rr__exit__js   z_NNTPBase.__exit__cCs&|jrtdt|j|jS)zGet the welcome message from the server (this is read and squirreled away by __init__()). If the response code is 200, posting is allowed; if it 201, posting is not allowed.z *welcome*)r_printreprra)rrrr getwelcomeus z_NNTPBase.getwelcomec Cs|jdkrd|_d|_y|j\}}Wn!ttfk rZi|_YnTX||_d|krttt|d|_d|krdj |d|_|jS)zGet the server capabilities, as read by __init__(). If the CAPABILITIES command is not supported, an empty dict is returned.Nr0ZVERSIONZIMPLEMENTATION ) rb nntp_versionZnntp_implementation capabilitiesrrmaxmapr?r+)rrespcapsrrrrc~s     z_NNTPBase.getcapabilitiescCs ||_dS)zSet the debugging level. Argument 'level' means: 0: no debugging output (default) 1: print commands and responses but not body text etc. 2: also print raw lines read and sent before stripping CR/LFN)r_)rlevelrrrset_debuglevelsz_NNTPBase.set_debuglevelcCsM|t}|jdkr,tdt||jj||jjdS)zfInternal: send one line to the server, appending CRLF. The `line` must be a bytes-like object.r0z*put*N)_CRLFr_rrrsr^writeflush)rr8rrr_putlines  z_NNTPBase._putlinecCsE|jrtdt||j|j|j}|j|dS)zkInternal: send one command to the server (through _putline()). The `line` must be a unicode string.z*cmd*N)r_rrrsencodeencodingerrorsr)rr8rrr_putcmds z_NNTPBase._putcmdTcCs|jjtd}t|tkr4td|jdkrVtdt||sbt|r|ddt kr|dd}n&|ddt kr|dd }|S) zInternal: return one line from the server, stripping _CRLF. Raise EOFError if the connection is closed. Returns a bytes object.r0z line too longz*get*rHNrMrMr) r^readline_MAXLINEr6r r_rrrsror~)rZ strip_crlfr8rrr_getlines z_NNTPBase._getlinecCs|j}|jr(tdt||j|j|j}|dd}|dkrht||dkrt||dkrt ||S)zInternal: get a response from the server. Raise various errors if the response indicates an error. Returns a unicode string.z*resp*Nr045Z123) rr_rrrsr*rrrrr )rrzcrrrr`s        z_NNTPBase._getrespc CsDd}z t|ttfr1t|d}}|j}|ddtkr_t|g}|dk rdtdf}x|jd}||krP|j dr|dd}|j |qWnRd}xI|j}||krP|j dr|dd}|j |qWWd|r9|j X||fS) aPInternal: get a response plus following text from the server. Raise various errors if the response indicates an error. Returns a (response, lines) tuple where `response` is a unicode string and `lines` is a list of bytes objects. If `file` is a file-like object, it must be open in binary mode. Nwb.s. Fs..r0) r(strropenr` _LONGRESPrr~rrArr)close)rr^Z openedFilerzrZ terminatorsr8 terminatorrrr _getlongresps8        z_NNTPBase._getlongrespcCs|j||jS)zWInternal: send a command and get the response. Same return value as _getresp().)rr`)rr8rrr _shortcmds z_NNTPBase._shortcmdcCs|j||j|S)zoInternal: send a command and get the response plus following text. Same return value as _getlongresp().)rr)rr8r^rrr_longcmds z_NNTPBase._longcmdcs?j|j|\}}|fdd|DfS)zInternal: send a command and get the response plus following text. Same as _longcmd() and _getlongresp(), except that the returned `lines` are unicode strings rather than bytes objects. cs(g|]}|jjjqSr)r*rr).0r8)rrr s z,_NNTPBase._longcmdstring..)rr)rr8r^rzlistr)rr_longcmdstrings z_NNTPBase._longcmdstringcCswy |jSWntk rYnXy|jd\}}Wn"tk r]tdd}Yn Xt|}||_|S)zqInternal: get the overview format. Queries the server if not already done, else returns the cached value.zLIST OVERVIEW.FMTN)Z_cachedoverviewfmtAttributeErrorrrr5r<)rrzrr7rrr_getoverviewfmts     z_NNTPBase._getoverviewfmtcCsdd|DS)NcSs"g|]}t|jqSr)rr>)rr8rrrr$s z(_NNTPBase._grouplist..r)rrrrr _grouplist"sz_NNTPBase._grouplistcCsRi}|jd\}}x*|D]"}|j^}}|||)rr{rzrr8r9rBrrrrw&s  z_NNTPBase.capabilitiesr^cCst|tjtjfs6tdj|jjt||jdk\}}dj||}|j ||\}}||j |fS)zProcess a NEWGROUPS command. Arguments: - date: a date or datetime object Return: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of newsgroup names zAthe date parameter must be a date or datetime object, not '{:40}'rHzNEWGROUPS {0} {1}) r(rNr TypeErrorrS __class__rrUrvrr)rrr^rOrPcmdrzrrrr newgroups4sz_NNTPBase.newgroupscCsyt|tjtjfs6tdj|jjt||jdk\}}dj|||}|j ||S)zProcess a NEWNEWS command. Arguments: - group: group name or '*' - date: a date or datetime object Return: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of message ids zAthe date parameter must be a date or datetime object, not '{:40}'rHzNEWNEWS {0} {1} {2}) r(rNrrrSrrrUrvr)rr rr^rOrPrrrrnewnewsDsz_NNTPBase.newnewscCsJ|dk rd|}nd}|j||\}}||j|fS)a@Process a LIST or LIST ACTIVE command. Arguments: - group_pattern: a pattern indicating which groups to query - file: Filename string or file object to store the result in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (group, last, first, flag) (strings) Nz LIST ACTIVE ZLIST)rr)r group_patternr^commandrzrrrrrTs   z_NNTPBase.listc Cstjd}|jd|\}}|jdsP|jd|\}}i}xU|D]M}|j|j}|r]|jdd\} } |s| S| || [^ ]+)[ ]+(.*)$zLIST NEWSGROUPS rzXGTITLE r0rHr&)recompilerrAsearchstripr ) rrZ return_allline_patrzrgroupsraw_linematchr9Zdescrrr_getdescriptionscs  z_NNTPBase._getdescriptionscCs|j|dS)aGet a description for a single group. If more than one group matches ('group' is a pattern), return the first. If no group matches, return an empty string. This elides the response code from the server, since it can only be '215' or '285' (for xgtitle) anyway. If the response code is needed, use the 'descriptions' method. NOTE: This neither checks for a wildcard in 'group' nor does it check whether the group actually exists.F)r)rr rrr descriptionzs z_NNTPBase.descriptioncCs|j|dS)z'Get descriptions for a range of groups.T)r)rrrrr descriptionssz_NNTPBase.descriptionscCs|jd|}|jds.t||j}d}}}t|}|dkr|d}|dkr|d}|dkr|d}|dkr|dj}|t|t|t||fS)aProcess a GROUP command. Argument: - group: the group name Returns: - resp: server response if successful - count: number of articles - first: first article number - last: last article number - name: the group name zGROUP rrr0rHrrI)rrArr>r6r2r?)rr9rzwordscountr"r!nrrrr s           z_NNTPBase.groupcCs|jd|S)aProcess a HELP command. Argument: - file: Filename string or file object to store the result in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of strings returned by the server in response to the HELP command ZHELP)r)rr^rrrhelpsz_NNTPBase.helpcCsN|jdst||j}t|d}|d}|||fS)z_Internal: parse the response line of a STAT, NEXT, LAST, ARTICLE, HEAD or BODY command.Z22r0rH)rArr>r?)rrzrart_numr$rrr _statparses    z_NNTPBase._statparsecCs|j|}|j|S)z/Internal: process a STAT, NEXT or LAST command.)rr)rr8rzrrr_statcmdsz_NNTPBase._statcmdcCs-|r|jdj|S|jdSdS)a(Process a STAT command. Argument: - message_spec: article number or message id (if not specified, the current article is selected) Returns: - resp: server response if successful - art_num: the article number - message_id: the message id zSTAT {0}ZSTATN)rrS)r message_specrrrstats z_NNTPBase.statcCs |jdS)z;Process a NEXT command. No arguments. Return as for STAT.ZNEXT)r)rrrrnextsz_NNTPBase.nextcCs |jdS)z;Process a LAST command. No arguments. Return as for STAT.ZLAST)r)rrrrr!sz_NNTPBase.lastcCsF|j||\}}|j|\}}}|t|||fS)z2Internal: process a HEAD, BODY or ARTICLE command.)rrr#)rr8r^rzrrr$rrr_artcmdsz_NNTPBase._artcmdcCs4|dk rdj|}nd}|j||S)a0Process a HEAD command. Argument: - message_spec: article number or message id - file: filename string or file object to store the headers in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - ArticleInfo: (article number, message id, list of header lines) NzHEAD {0}ZHEAD)rSr)rrr^rrrrheads z_NNTPBase.headcCs4|dk rdj|}nd}|j||S)a+Process a BODY command. Argument: - message_spec: article number or message id - file: filename string or file object to store the body in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - ArticleInfo: (article number, message id, list of body lines) NzBODY {0}ZBODY)rSr)rrr^rrrrbodys z_NNTPBase.bodycCs4|dk rdj|}nd}|j||S)a5Process an ARTICLE command. Argument: - message_spec: article number or message id - file: filename string or file object to store the article in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - ArticleInfo: (article number, message id, list of article lines) Nz ARTICLE {0}ZARTICLE)rSr)rrr^rrrrarticles z_NNTPBase.articlecCs |jdS)zYProcess a SLAVE command. Returns: - resp: server response if successful ZSLAVE)r)rrrrslavesz_NNTPBase.slavecsbtjd|jdj|||\}}fdd|fdd|DfS)aiProcess an XHDR command (optional server extension). Arguments: - hdr: the header type (e.g. 'subject') - str: an article nr, a message id, or a range nr1-nr2 - file: Filename string or file object to store the result in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (nr, value) strings z^([0-9]+) ?(.*) ?z XHDR {0} {1}cs)j|}|r%|jddS|S)Nr0rH)rr )r8m)patrr remove_numbersz%_NNTPBase.xhdr..remove_numbercsg|]}|qSrr)rr8)rrrrs z"_NNTPBase.xhdr..)rrrrS)rZhdrrr^rzrr)rrrxhdr s $z_NNTPBase.xhdrcCsC|jdj|||\}}|j}|t||fS)aFProcess an XOVER command (optional server extension) Arguments: - start: start of range - end: end of range - file: Filename string or file object to store the result in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of dicts containing the response fields z XOVER {0}-{1})rrSrrF)rstartendr^rzrr7rrrxovers  z_NNTPBase.xoverc Csd|jkrdnd}t|ttfr[|\}}|dj||pQd7}n|dk ru|d|}|j||\}}|j}|t||fS)aProcess an OVER command. If the command isn't supported, fall back to XOVER. Arguments: - message_spec: - either a message id, indicating the article to fetch information about - or a (start, end) tuple, indicating a range of article numbers; if end is None, information up to the newest message will be retrieved - or None, indicating the current article number must be used - file: Filename string or file object to store the result in Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of dicts containing the response fields NOTE: the "message id" form isn't supported by XOVER ZOVERZXOVERz {0}-{1}r&Nru)rbr(tuplerrSrrrF) rrr^rrrrzrr7rrrover(s   z_NNTPBase.overc Cstjdtdtjd}|jd||\}}g}xB|D]:}|j|j}|rK|j|j ddqKW||fS)zProcess an XGTITLE command (optional server extension) Arguments: - group: group name wildcard (i.e. news.*) Returns: - resp: server response if successful - list: list of (name,title) stringszFThe XGTITLE extension is not actively used, use descriptions() insteadrHz^([^ ]+)[ ]+(.*)$zXGTITLE r0) warningswarnDeprecationWarningrrrrrr)r ) rr r^rrzZ raw_linesrrrrrrxgtitleCs   z_NNTPBase.xgtitlec Cstjdtd|jdj|}|jdsFt|y|j\}}Wntk r|t|Yn X||fSdS)zProcess an XPATH command (optional server extension) Arguments: - id: Message id of article Returns: resp: server response if successful path: directory path to article z(The XPATH extension is not actively usedrHz XPATH {0}Z223N) rrrrrSrArr> ValueError)ridrzZresp_numpathrrrxpathUs    z_NNTPBase.xpathcCs|jd}|jds*t||j}t|dkrTt||d}t|dkr|t||t|dfS)zProcess the DATE command. Returns: - resp: server response if successful - date: datetime object ZDATEZ111rHr0N)rrArr>r6r rR)rrzelemrrrrris     z_NNTPBase.datecCs|j|}|jds*t|t|ttfrK|j}xY|D]Q}|jtsz|j dt}|jdrd|}|j j |qRW|j j d|j j |j S)N3s rs. )rrArr(r bytearray splitlinesendswithr~rstripr^rrr`)rrfrzr8rrr_postzs     z_NNTPBase._postcCs|jd|S)zProcess a POST command. Arguments: - data: bytes object, iterable or file containing the article Returns: - resp: server response if successfulZPOST)r)rdatarrrpostsz_NNTPBase.postcCs|jdj||S)a Process an IHAVE command. Arguments: - message_id: message-id of the article - data: file containing the article Returns: - resp: server response if successful Note that if the server refuses the article an exception is raised.z IHAVE {0})rrS)rr$rrrrihavesz_NNTPBase.ihavecCs|jj|`dS)N)r^r)rrrrrps z_NNTPBase._closec Cs%z|jd}Wd|jX|S)zdProcess a QUIT command and close the socket. Returns: - resp: server response if successfulZQUITN)rrp)rrzrrrrms z_NNTPBase.quitc CsT|jrtd| r/| r/tdyU|r| rddl}|j}|j|j}|r|d}|d}Wntk rYnX|sdS|jd|}|jdr|st|n.|jd|}|jdst |d|_ |j |j rPd |j krP|j d|_ |j dS) NzAlready logged in.z7At least one of `user` and `usenetrc` must be specifiedrrHzauthinfo user Z381zauthinfo pass Z281r\)rgrnetrcZauthenticatorsr]rnrrArrrbrcrdre)ruserpasswordusenetrcrZ credentialsZauthrzrrrlogins<             z_NNTPBase.logincCsty|jd|_WnWtk r*YnFtk ro}z&|jjdrZd|_nWYdd}~XnXdS)Nz mode readerZ480T)rrarrr rArd)rerrrres  z_NNTPBase._setreadermodecCs|jrtd|jr*td|jd}|jdr|jjt|j||j |_|jj d|_d|_d|_ |j n t ddS) zzProcess a STARTTLS command. Arguments: - context: SSL context to use for the encrypted connection zTLS is already enabled.z+TLS cannot be started after authentication.STARTTLSZ382rwbTNzTLS failed to start.)rfrrgrrAr^rrYrWr]makefilerbrcr)rrXrzrrrstarttlss        z_NNTPBase.starttls)9rrrrrrr rjrqrtrcr}debugrrrr`rrrrrrrwrrrrrrr rrrrrr!rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrprmrre _have_sslrrrrrrZ(sj .      .                 ) rZc@s:eZdZeddddeddZddZdS)rNFc Cs||_||_tj||f||_d}yN|jjd}tj||||||sm|r|j|||Wn(|r|j |jj YnXdS)a,Initialize an instance. Arguments: - host: hostname to connect to - port: port to connect to (default the standard NNTP port) - user: username to authenticate with - password: password to use with username - readermode: if true, send 'mode reader' command after connecting. - usenetrc: allow loading username and password from ~/.netrc file if not specified explicitly - timeout: timeout (in seconds) used for socket connections readermode is sometimes necessary if you are connecting to an NNTP server on the local machine and intend to call reader-specific commands, such as `group'. If you get unexpected NNTPPermanentErrors, you might need to set readermode. Nr) r]portsocketcreate_connectionrWrrZr rr) rr]rrrrhrrir^rrrr s      z NNTP.__init__c Cs&ztj|Wd|jjXdS)N)rZrprWr)rrrrrp!sz NNTP._close)rrr NNTP_PORTrr rprrrrrs  "c @s=eZdZedddddeddZddZdS)NNTP_SSLNFc Cstj||f||_d} ylt|j|||_|jjd} tj|| |d|d||sy|r|j|||Wn(| r| j|jjYnXdS)zThis works identically to NNTP.__init__, except for the change in default port and the `ssl_context` argument for SSL connections. Nrrhri) rrrWrYrrZr rr) rr]rrrZ ssl_contextrhrrir^rrrr +s    zNNTP_SSL.__init__c Cs&ztj|Wd|jjXdS)N)rZrprWr)rrrrrpAszNNTP_SSL._close)rrr NNTP_SSL_PORTrr rprrrrr)s  r__main__rzJ nntplib built-in demo - display the latest articles in a newsgroupz-gz--groupdefaultzgmane.comp.python.generalrz3group to fetch messages from (default: %(default)s)z-sz--serverznews.gmane.orgz+NNTP server hostname (default: %(default)s)z-pz--portr0typez#NNTP port number (default: %s / %s)z-nz --nb-articles z2number of articles to fetch (default: %(default)s)z-Sz--sslaction store_truezuse NNTP over SSLr]rrZGroupZhaszarticles, rangeZtocCs.t||kr*|d|dd}|S)NrIz...)r6)sZlimrrrcutlsrZauthorrrrSrmrrrrs&                 -             !   )