# SecretStorage module for Python # Access passwords using the SecretService DBus API # Author: Dmitry Shachnev, 2012 # License: BSD """All secretstorage functions may raise various exceptions when something goes wrong. All exceptions derive from base :exc:`SecretStorageException` class.""" class SecretStorageException(Exception): """All exceptions derive from this class.""" class SecretServiceNotAvailableException(SecretStorageException): """Raised by :class:`~secretstorage.item.Item` or :class:`~secretstorage.collection.Collection` constructors, or by other functions in the :mod:`secretstorage.collection` module, when the Secret Service API is not available.""" class LockedException(SecretStorageException): """Raised when an action cannot be performed because the collection is locked. Use :meth:`~secretstorage.collection.Collection.is_locked` to check if the collection is locked, and :meth:`~secretstorage.collection.Collection.unlock` to unlock it. """ class ItemNotFoundException(SecretStorageException): """Raised when an item does not exist or has been deleted. Example of handling: >>> import secretstorage >>> bus = secretstorage.dbus_init() >>> item_path = '/not/existing/path' >>> try: ... item = secretstorage.Item(bus, item_path) ... except secretstorage.ItemNotFoundException: ... print('Item not found!') ... Item not found! Also, :func:`~secretstorage.collection.create_collection` may raise this exception when a prompt was dismissed during creating the collection. """