# SecretStorage module for Python # Access passwords using the SecretService DBus API # Author: Dmitry Shachnev, 2013 # License: BSD """SecretStorage item contains a *secret*, some *attributes* and a *label* visible to user. Editing all these properties and reading the secret is possible only when the :doc:`collection ` storing the item is unlocked. The collection can be unlocked using collection's :meth:`~secretstorage.collection.Collection.unlock` method.""" import dbus from secretstorage.defines import SS_PREFIX from secretstorage.exceptions import LockedException from secretstorage.util import InterfaceWrapper, bus_get_object, \ open_session, format_secret, to_unicode, unlock_objects from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend ITEM_IFACE = SS_PREFIX + 'Item' class Item(object): """Represents a secret item.""" def __init__(self, bus, item_path, session=None): self.item_path = item_path item_obj = bus_get_object(bus, item_path) self.session = session self.bus = bus self.item_iface = InterfaceWrapper(item_obj, ITEM_IFACE) self.item_props_iface = InterfaceWrapper(item_obj, dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE) self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Label', signature='ss') def __eq__(self, other): return self.item_path == other.item_path def is_locked(self): """Returns :const:`True` if item is locked, otherwise :const:`False`.""" return bool(self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Locked', signature='ss')) def ensure_not_locked(self): """If collection is locked, raises :exc:`~secretstorage.exceptions.LockedException`.""" if self.is_locked(): raise LockedException('Item is locked!') def unlock(self, callback=None): """Requests unlocking the item. Usually, this will mean that the whole collection containing this item will be unlocked. If `callback` is specified, calls it when unlocking is complete (see :func:`~secretstorage.util.exec_prompt` description for details). Otherwise, uses the loop from GLib API and returns a boolean representing whether the operation was dismissed. .. versionadded:: 2.1.2""" return unlock_objects(self.bus, [self.item_path], callback) def get_attributes(self): """Returns item attributes (dictionary).""" attrs = self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Attributes', signature='ss') return {to_unicode(key): to_unicode(value) for key, value in attrs.items()} def set_attributes(self, attributes): """Sets item attributes to `attributes` (dictionary).""" self.item_props_iface.Set(ITEM_IFACE, 'Attributes', attributes, signature='ssv') def get_label(self): """Returns item label (unicode string).""" label = self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Label', signature='ss') return to_unicode(label) def set_label(self, label): """Sets item label to `label`.""" self.ensure_not_locked() self.item_props_iface.Set(ITEM_IFACE, 'Label', label, signature='ssv') def delete(self): """Deletes the item.""" self.ensure_not_locked() return self.item_iface.Delete(signature='') def get_secret(self): """Returns item secret (bytestring).""" self.ensure_not_locked() if not self.session: self.session = open_session(self.bus) secret = self.item_iface.GetSecret(self.session.object_path, signature='o') if not self.session.encrypted: return bytes(bytearray(secret[2])) aes = algorithms.AES(self.session.aes_key) aes_iv = bytes(bytearray(secret[1])) decryptor = Cipher(aes, modes.CBC(aes_iv), default_backend()).decryptor() encrypted_secret = bytes(bytearray(secret[2])) padded_secret = decryptor.update(encrypted_secret) + decryptor.finalize() padded_secret = bytearray(padded_secret) return bytes(padded_secret[:-padded_secret[-1]]) def get_secret_content_type(self): """Returns content type of item secret (string).""" self.ensure_not_locked() if not self.session: self.session = open_session(self.bus) secret = self.item_iface.GetSecret(self.session.object_path, signature='o') return str(secret[3]) def set_secret(self, secret, content_type='text/plain'): """Sets item secret to `secret`. If `content_type` is given, also sets the content type of the secret (``text/plain`` by default).""" self.ensure_not_locked() if not self.session: self.session = open_session(self.bus) secret = format_secret(self.session, secret, content_type) self.item_iface.SetSecret(secret, signature='(oayays)') def get_created(self): """Returns UNIX timestamp (integer) representing the time when the item was created. .. versionadded:: 1.1""" return int(self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Created', signature='ss')) def get_modified(self): """Returns UNIX timestamp (integer) representing the time when the item was last modified.""" return int(self.item_props_iface.Get(ITEM_IFACE, 'Modified', signature='ss')) def to_tuple(self): """Returns (*attributes*, *secret*) tuple representing the item.""" self.ensure_not_locked() return self.get_attributes(), self.get_secret()