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L{0- a= 1  contains@H{x- } s @ Q{Ȅ-  1 Umake ACL itemAH{- dt& s AUH{h- Nl 1 g TODOBH{- p s Bg{- x Q1 convert ACL item array to table, for use by information schemaCH{@- J{ s CG{Ȇ- h>f 1  I/ODH{- mX s DG{X- d ] 1  I/OEH{- 0< s EN{-  1 a I/O typmodFH{0- (({ s Fa N{- < 1 b I/O typmodGH{Ȉ-  s Gb G{- 1  I/OH{`-@ Os ~ ek ,d *c &b w` v_  ? > = < ; : ~9 R Gb Fa z y x u Q S R P dc,b+CAUt!srqHED@ ? > =<;+98754321)'%$#"!% wv]\QJ1L@ > < : 8 64     P[a`Z_^]\YXWVU(OTSQNMz~y}x|KrmlJIHGFEDC53/-+)'#!20.,*(&"BA  P{- 9 s AG{x- 5 1  I/OIH{Ș- 3 s IuN{- q 1 c I/O typmodJH{X- ҟ s Jc N{- 1Oi 1 d I/O typmodKH{- (FB s Kd Q{@- U 1 'larger of twoLH{- j5O s L'vR{- =?l !1 (smaller of twoMH{(-  s M(wV{- Xy %1 6'less-equal-greaterNH{ț- ) s N6xP{ - w} 1  sort supportOH{h- *ӥ s O H{- 1: 1 8 hashPH{- Q s P8yH{H- y 1  hashQH{- Ɋ s Qdt{؝- AĤ C1 9cformat a type oid and atttypmod to canonical SQLRH{ - [! s R9{G{- 2F 1 < I/OSH{-  s S<|G{(- * 1 = I/OTH{p- -. s T=}-V{- ;F %1 D'less-equal-greaterUH{- և s UD~P{p- _kx 1 @ sort supportVH{- ɵ s V@ X{- } '1 %+window RANGE supportWH{P- 1 Yextract field from timestamp with time zonejH{Ь- Ū s j_{@-  .1 9extract field from intervalkH{- $]خ s ko{- mW >1 Yconvert abstime to timestamp with time zonelH{0- o| s ll{- 9 ;1 Sconvert date to timestamp with time zonemH{- wH- s m{X- xb s1  promote groups of 24 hours to numbers of days and promote groups of 30 days to numbers of monthsnH{- s n q{H- i @1 ]promote groups of 24 hours to numbers of daysoH{- b % s or{-  A1 _promote groups of 30 days to numbers of monthspH{P- fl s pu{ȱ- q D1 econvert date and time to timestamp with time zoneqH{- DQ: s q_{- 9 .1 9convert reltime to intervalrH{в- ;9 s rl{0- EɅ ;1 Sconvert timestamp with time zone to datesH{x- qUe3 s s[{- u'& *1 1convert abstime to datetH{0- QD s to{- xD >1 Yconvert timestamp with time zone to abstimeuH{ش- @5 s u{H- U V1 age of a transaction ID, in transactions before current transactionvH{- s v{- - h1 cage of a multi-transaction ID, in multi-transactions before current multi-transactionwH{`- N s wc_{- 8 .1 9convert interval to reltimexH{H-  s xR{- - !1 smaller of twoyH{- - s yQ{H- C 1 larger of twozH{- K s zR{- LA !1 smaller of two{H{0- Sj4 s {Q{- 1 larger of two|H{й- ;. s |o{(- |T >1 Ydate difference preserving months and years}H{p-  s }i{- r 81 NMtransform an interval length coercion~H{(- Z s ~N]{- `,1 5adjust interval precisionH{- J s r{@- ju A1 _get description for object id and catalog nameH{- b s d{- !7) 31 Cget description for table columnH{H- L s y{-  H1 mget description for object id and shared catalog nameH{- Sud s x{x- x] G1 ktruncate timestamp with time zone to specified unitsH{- ^zr s h{8- "d 71 Ktruncate interval to specified unitsH{- .8-0 s M{- kӊU 1 incrementH{H-  s M{- > 1  decrementH{- D;b s   f{0- @ 51  Gincrement, ignores second argument H{x- ݄ s   f{- 4- 51  Gdecrement, ignores second argument H{(- Ff s    Q{- (- 1 larger of two H{- -` s  R{0- kx !1 smaller of two H{x- s  V{- 6;' %1 'intervals overlap? H{- {s s  j{p- g 91 Oextract field from time with time zoneH{- hS s W{(- e &1 )convert int8 to oidH{p-  s W{- k &1 )convert oid to int8H{- * s ~{h- 'y M1  wtrigger to suppress updates when new and old records matchH{- & s  Y{0- .8, (1  -latest tid of a tupleH{x- 8 s  Y{- H (1 -latest tid of a tupleH{ - 3;Z s V{- Ҏ %1  'less-equal-greaterH{- ̾- s  Q{ - d- 1  larger of twoH{h- s  R{- DQ, s $V{- o0K %1 'intervals overlap?%H{- DU/ s %V{p- d} %1 'intervals overlap?&H{- ! s &G{- CH 1   I/O'H{X- %> s ' G{- !f 1 ! I/O(H{- 1 s (!N{0- 1 Y I/O typmod)H{x- L)o s )Y N{- 2i 1 Z I/O typmod*H{- J;  s *Z V{`-  %1 "'less-equal-greater+H{-  s +"V{- } h %1 #'less-equal-greater,H{H- >  s ,#]{- B ,1 $5convert timestamp to time-H{- T s -$J{H- J 1 %length.H{- Ea s .%T{-  #1 &#character length/H{(-  s /&U{- + $1 ;%base 10 logarithm0H{- ^ s 0;U{ - A $1 <%base 10 logarithm1H{h- U s 1<U{- |p%{ $1 =%natural logarithm2H{- E s 2=\{`- M +1 >3round to nearest integer3H{- P s 3>W{- H &1 ?)truncate to integer4H{P- fv s 4?O{- 6\O 1 @square root5H{- S s 5@M{@- 0;) 1 Acube root6H{- TFF s 6AR{- Wvc[ !1 Bexponentiation7H{ -  s 7BR{x- `' !1 X-exponentiation8H{- H{- Ϛ s >_ N{- hy 1 ` I/O typmod?H{@- s ?` V{- ?h %1 N'less-equal-greater@H{- O s @N{0- V1 S1 Oconvert date and time with time zone to timestamp with time zoneAH{x- aw s AO[{- a *1 T1convert abstime to timeBH{H- /SQ s BTT{- &% #1 W#character lengthCH{- 1, s CWT{H- #1 Y#character lengthDH{-  s DY\{- aџN +1 Z3convert time to intervalEH{0- != s EZT{- x. #1 \#character lengthFH{- f_ s F\P{0- g 1 ^octet lengthGH{x- -) s G^P{- L 1 _octet lengthHH{- m s H_Q{`- \ 1 alarger of twoIH{- oz s IaR{- L* !1 bsmaller of twoJH{H- R s JbQ{-  1 clarger of twoKH{- a)T s KcR{@- 4: !1 dsmaller of twoLH{- i s LdT{- IG: #1 e#character lengthMH{(- 7 s Me^{- C -1 f7extract field from abstimeNH{-  s Nf^{(- :8 -1 g7extract field from reltimeOH{p- At s Og[{- ] *1 h1extract field from datePH{- B s Ph[{x- *1 i1extract field from timeQH{- L s Qiz{ - G I1 jodate difference from today preserving months and yearsRH{h- P s Rj{{- R… J1 lqconvert timestamp with time zone to time with time zoneSH{0-  s SlP{- C 1 ]finite date?TH{- Vi s T]U{H- "1w $1 m%finite timestamp?UH{- %RH s UmT{-  #1 n#finite interval?VH{0- &5 s VnM{- Tc 1 `factorialWH{- m s W`R{ - $* !1 rabsolute valueXH{h- _2 s XrR{- ӱ! !1 sabsolute valueYH{- s YsR{`- =j} !1 tabsolute valueZ{-@ s ~ ek ,d *c &b w` v_ V@  ? > = < ; : ~9 R Kd Jc Gb Fa ?` >_ ^^ ]] b\ a[ *Z )Y iX hW      n Y X W z y x u Q S R P dc,b+CZtYsXrVnUmSlRjQiPhOgNfMeLdKcJbIaW`H_G^T]F\EZDY8XCWAUBTAO@N=G<F;E:D9C7B6A5@4?3>2=1<0;/&.%-$,#+"(!' &%$#."! p  t !  }|{zyxsrqvutsrqomlk  P{- dr: s kR{. >4 !1 uabsolute value[H{8. yO s [uiR{. 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CY s yG{P. 8 1  I/OzH{. as s zR{. 8 !1 area of circle{H{(.  s {V{.  %1 'diameter of circle|H{. fs s |T{ . O #1 #radius of circle}H{h. M9_ s }f{. "/ 51 Gconvert point and radius to circle~H{. " s ~]{p. wX}`,1 5convert polygon to circleH{. M1 s n{. peB =1 Wconvert vertex count and circle to polygonH{`. G@W s ^{. yU0l -1 7convert point to empty boxH{.  s !Y{x. 8Y (1 -convert box to circleH{. %)O s Y{ . J. (1 -convert circle to boxH{h.  s X{. h '1 +convert to tintervalH{. *)\ s G{h. 1  I/OH{ .@. :L s G{. S$ 1  I/OH{X . rEȵ s ^{ . æc -1 7construct line from points H{ . "c s  ^{H!. lRB -1 7distance between endpoints H{!. P\$ s  X{!. n '1 +sum of path segments H{8". Ռ; s  M{". L 1 center of H{". (e s  M{(#. ۠8 1 center of H{p#. M s  M{#. a 1 center ofH{$. XyC s M{X$. { 1 center ofH{$. m s O{$. N9 1 diagonal ofH{8%. Vv s M{%. hg 1 center ofH{%. ( s M{ &.  1 center ofH{h&. cI s g{&.  61 Iconvert circle to 12-vertex polygonH{'. 5 s T{h'.  #1  #number of pointsH{'. -_ s  T{(. O1 #1 #number of pointsH{P(. qŴ s G{(. == 1  I/OH{(. 7 s G{8). / 1  I/OH{). 6 s N{). s 1 g I/O typmodH{*. W s g N{`*. S 1 h I/O typmodH{*. П s h [{*.  *1 !1matches LIKE expressionH{@+. T s !b{+. PO 11 "?does not match LIKE expressionH{+. 7WH s "[{P,. HAfR *1 #1matches LIKE expressionH{,. =Q" s #b{,. 11 $?does not match LIKE expressionH{@-. W s $W{-.  'p &1 &)sequence next valueH{-. Q] s &Z{H.. r0j )1 '/sequence current valueH{.. خ}_ s 'V{.. 8O %1 ('set sequence value H{8/. 5@r s  (k{/. T :1 Qset sequence value and is_called status!H{/. Mn; s !v{H0. 3 E1  gsequence parameters, for use by information schema"H{0. ӧ s " W{1. m@ &1 )sequence last value#H{P1.  S s #G{1. s8 1 + I/O$H{1. O< s $+G{82. ^h 1 , I/O%H{2. 7 s %,N{2. !b 1 V I/O typmod&H{3. R' s &V N{`3. <. 1 i I/O typmod'H{3. s 'i V{3. pv1 %1 <'less-equal-greater(H{@4. ]Pt s (<P{4. f 1 >random value)H{4. D s )>S{05. T "1 ?!set random seed*H{x5. ^ s *?K{5. ( 1 @arcsine+H{6. RI s +@M{h6. P 1 Aarccosine,H{6. e% s ,AN{7. {3k 1 Barctangent-H{H7. pEd2 s -B]{7. *y ,1 C5arctangent, two arguments.H{7. > s .CH{@8. d 1 D sine/H{8. w s /DJ{8.  1 Ecosine0H{9. 92 s 0EK{h9. ) 1 Ftangent1H{9.  s 1FM{:.  1 Gcotangent2H{H:. -ڵ s 2GT{:. U #1  #arcsine, degrees3H{:. DM s 3 V{8;. S %1  'arccosine, degrees4H{;. :J s 4 W{;. o, &1  )arctangent, degrees5H{ <. x{B s 5 f{x<. 8W 51  Garctangent, two arguments, degrees6H{<. V,@ s 6 Q{(=. .Y 1  sine, degrees7H{p=. >H s 7 S{=. v "1  !cosine, degrees8H{>. H s 8 T{h>. W(T #1  #tangent, degrees9H{>. ǹ s 9 V{?. #5P: %1  'cotangent, degrees:H{P?. *~ s : V{?.@.F v %1 H'radians to degrees;H{?. V s ;HV{`@. %1 I'degrees to radians<H{@. /N s <IF{A. 1 JPI=H{HA. @'- s =J^{A. LC -1 T7convert first char to int4>H{A. ɼ s >TX{8B. {e '1 U+convert int4 to char?H{B. m s ?U\{B. m/ +1 V3replicate string n times@H{ C. WqC s @Vo{C. 5& >1 WYconvert SQL99 regexp pattern to POSIX styleAH{C. И s AWq{8D. f @1 e]convert LIKE pattern to use backslash escapesBH{D. () s BeY{D. #V (1 d-position of substringCH{@E. $ s CdQM{E. ۸ 1 flowercaseDH{E. F s DfRM{8F.  1 guppercaseEH{F. - s EgSX{F. A{M '1 h+capitalize each wordFH{G. k_ s FhT]{pG. G ,1 i5left-pad string to lengthGH{G. UH s GiU^{H. i -1 j7right-pad string to lengthHH{`H. RC s HjVt{H. Jo? C1 kctrim selected characters from left end of stringIH{I. s IkWu{I. R[+ D1 letrim selected characters from right end of stringJH{I. 5 s JlX]{@J. J ,1 m5extract portion of stringKH{J. ʡ s KmYo{J. _c >1 nYmap a set of characters appearing in stringLH{0K. s LnZ]{K. C, ,1 o5left-pad string to lengthMH{K. 9 s Mo[^{HL. 6E -1 p7right-pad string to lengthNH{L. (Z\ s Np\g{L. 5> 61 qItrim spaces from left end of stringOH{8M. ŰR s Oq]h{M. X 71 rKtrim spaces from right end of stringPH{M. . s Pr^]{PN. \ ,1 s5extract portion of stringQH{N. k# s Qs_u{N. Z} D1 tetrim selected characters from both ends of stringRH{@O. K s Rt`h{O. ]CQ 71 uKtrim spaces from both ends of stringSH{P. $go s Sua]{hP. (- ,1 5extract portion of stringTH{P. d" s Tg]{Q. ?U ,1 5extract portion of stringUH{XQ. )on s Uh{Q. _` R1 'replace all occurrences in string of old_substr with new_substrVH{R. 3 s V']{R. n ,1 5replace text using regexpWH{R.  s W]{0S. r@ ,1 5replace text using regexpXH{xS. Ak s X_{S. 5 .1 D 9find first match for regexpYH{ T. ) s YD _{T. * .1 E 9find first match for regexpZH{T. ve s ZE ]{(U. 5 ,1  5find match(es) for regexp[H{pU. | s [ ]{U. : ,1  5find match(es) for regexp\H{V. [ s \ r{xV. f A1 (_split string by field_sep and return field_num]H{V. P s ]([{8W. ) *1  1split string by pattern^H{W. 'C s ^ [{W. \ *1  1split string by pattern_H{(X. Q? s _ [{X.  *1  1split string by pattern`H{X. 0 s ` [{0Y. \ *1  1split string by patternaH{xY. { s a ^{Y. 3(@ -1 )7convert int4 number to hexbH{ Z. J s b)^{Z. s -1 *7convert int8 number to hexcH{Z. 6 s c*e{([. R  41 Eencoding name of current databasedH{p[. s de{[. ; 41 *Eencoding name of current databaseeH{ \. ܳ s e*Lj{\. M 91 Olength of string in specified encodingfH{\. m s fv{@]. p E1 gconvert string with specified source encoding namegH{]. B s g{{^. Vv J1 qconvert string with specified destination encoding namehH{H^. w s hp{^. Pű ?1 [convert string with specified encoding namesiH{_. a s ih{_.  71 `.0Kconvert encoding name to encoding idjH{_. k s j"h{H`. @J 71 =Kconvert encoding id to encoding namekH{`. 5/| s k=y{`. h7 H1  mmaximum octet length of a character in given encodinglH{@a. c s l Y{a. ј (1 %-source text of a rulemH{b. QUr s m%^{hb. LZ -1 h7select statement of a viewnH{b. 7 s nh^{c. V -1 i7select statement of a viewoH{Xc. s oid{c. Mt2 31 jCrole name by OID (with fallback)pH{d. "u͈ s pjU{hd. K[ $1 k%index descriptionqH{d.  s qkj{e. p 91 W Oextended statistics object descriptionrH{Pe. -?c s rW ]{e. ,1  5partition key descriptionsH{f. ɬh s s d{hf. 31 P Cpartition constraint descriptiontH{f. JC s tP  W{g. ǩ &1 ~)trigger descriptionuH{`g. >H s u~Z{g. %< )1 k/constraint descriptionvH{h. (c1 s vkda{`h.  01 =deparse an encoded expressionwH{h. ! s wh{i. əD 71 Kname of sequence for a serial columnxH{Xi. @ s x\{i. O +1 23definition of a functionyH{j. s y2_{hj. O`.1 r9argument list of a functionH{j. =H s rh{k. m{O 71 Kidentity argument list of a functionH{Xk. 5+ s ]{k. $I ,1 u5result type of a functionH{l.  s u]{hl. 6 ,1 5function argument defaultH{l. us s X{m. R '1 +list of SQL keywordsH{Xm. eM s u{m. O D1 econvert generic options array to name/value tableH{m. x} s X{pn. 4 '1 S+type of the argumentH{n. ( s S{o. ^ \1 Z collation of the argument; implementation of the COLLATION FOR expressionH{Xo. *% s Z p{o. - ?1 [is a relation insertable/updatable/deletable H{0p. ${ s  Y{p. 6 (1 -is a column updatable H{p. 3 s  h{Hq. {9 71 Koid of replica identity index if any H{q.  s  6d{q. y!l 31 Cdeferred UNIQUE constraint check {@r.0 IC# s  ~ ek ,d *c &b w` v_ Z V@  ? > = < ; : ~9 R " 'i h g Kd Jc Gb Fa ?` >_ ^^ ]] b\ a[ *Z )Y iX hW &V      a ` _ ^ \ [ : 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 n Y X W z y x u Q l S R P XWdury2c,b+c*b)](V'i!hwgfCxu~qkpjoinhBeAW@V?U>TS=J<I;H2G1F0E/D.C-B,A+@*?)>k=(<%,$+ ('&m%$#"!   .   ~}|{z  !P{r. =IV s zt{. s C1 lcreferential integrity FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCES H{.  s  l@t{p. |Q C1 mcreferential integrity FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCESH{. 4u s mAk{0. ' :1 nQreferential integrity ON DELETE CASCADEH{x. w" s nBk{. 66 :1 oQreferential integrity ON UPDATE CASCADEH{0. Da s oCl{. 6w ;1 pSreferential integrity ON DELETE RESTRICTH{.  s pDl{X. ק ;1 qSreferential integrity ON UPDATE RESTRICTH{. /Ba s qEl{. ^" ;1 rSreferential integrity ON DELETE SET NULLH{X. !f s rFl{Ȇ. S ;1 sSreferential integrity ON UPDATE SET NULLH{. [Gh s sGo{. l >1 tYreferential integrity ON DELETE SET DEFAULTH{ȇ. L s tHo{8. NQ >1 uYreferential integrity ON UPDATE SET DEFAULTH{. q s uIm{. Q <1 vUreferential integrity ON DELETE NO ACTIONH{8. H s vJm{. FE <1 wUreferential integrity ON UPDATE NO ACTIONH{. 杞 s wKV{`. ) %1 'less-equal-greaterH{. w s N`{. 5 /1 ;extract portion of bitstringH{H. wv s OT{. 6YA #1 #bitstring lengthH{. GΈ s PP{H. ር 1 octet lengthH{. 0f s Q]{. ,1 5convert int4 to bitstringH{(. έ'X s R]{. #\ ,1 5convert bitstring to int4H{Ѝ.  s Sa{0. H! 01 =adjust bit() to typmod lengthH{x. : s Tf{. U? 51 V Gtransform a varbit length coercion H{(. -J s  V d{. & 31 Cadjust varbit() to typmod length!H{؏. " s !V]{@. 8f ,1 5position of sub-bitstring"H{. 呹 s "X`{.  /1 ;extract portion of bitstring#H{0. s #Yc{. } 21  Asubstitute portion of bitstring$H{ؑ.  s $ c{@. 21  Asubstitute portion of bitstring%H{. Se) s % K{. ęf 1  get bit&H{8. Qmq s & K{.  1  set bit'H{Г. ֓ s ' G{ . } 1  I/O(H{h. ^a s (G{. 4H7 1  I/O)H{. y2 s )_{@. K|y .1 9MACADDR manufacturer fields*H{. ׃ s *7V{. bv %1 D'less-equal-greater+H{0.  s +DOP{. A 1  sort support,H{Ж. rU s , G{ . mQ 1  I/O-H{h. X s -,G{. X4 1  I/O.H{. m s .-`{@. o% /1 ;MACADDR8 manufacturer fields/H{. nTO s /.V{. / %1 'less-equal-greater0H{0. ̲f s 0/_{. DM .1 9convert macaddr to macaddr81H{Й. i s 10_{0. Vn .1 9convert macaddr8 to macaddr2H{x. nO" s 21[{ؚ. = *1 1set 7th bit in macaddr83H{ . ^ s 32G{. 6;K 1  I/O4H{ț. ( s 4iG{. h$ 1  I/O5H{X. H s 5jG{. k\ 1  I/O6H{. > s 6$G{0. 5c 1  I/O7H{x. + s 7Q{. R&Z 1  larger of two8H{. 1 s 8 R{`. ' !1  smaller of two9H{. ~ s 9 V{. o` %1 'less-equal-greater:H{H. f s :ke{. }۰.M 41 VEabbreviated display of inet value;H{.  s ;Ve{h. E0 41 WEabbreviated display of cidr value<H{. l s <W Z{. - )1 ]/change netmask of inet=H{`. AT s =]!Z{. ^! )1 {/change netmask of cidr>H{. Y s >{#k{h. Y :1 Qaddress family (4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6)?H{. ([3= s ?,[{ . G8g *1 1network part of address@H{h. qᴛ s @+V{ȣ. ш} %1 'netmask of addressAH{. "9 s A,R{h. ^( !1 netmask lengthBH{. s B-`{. Θ /1 ;broadcast address of networkCH{P. SB s C.\{. ) +1 3show address octets onlyDH{. Y s D/e{X. V\ 41 Eshow all parts of inet/cidr valueEH{. Qb s E9W{. PǾ &1 R)hostmask of addressFH{P. Y s FRQX{. jN '1 +convert inet to cidrGH{. 3V{f s G\^{H. K -1 7inet address of the clientHH{. * s Hll{. ;1 Sclient's port number for this connectionIH{8. 3A$ s Im^{. Wؾ -1 7inet address of the serverJH{. j6 s Jnl{P. ̌6 ;1 Sserver's port number for this connectionKH{. eU s Kok{. :1 Qare the addresses from the same family?LH{P. &1 s L-{. + Q1 the smallest network which includes both of the given networksMH{. >Q s M,P{. /> 1  GiST supportNH{ج. V:_~ s N P{(. p 1  GiST supportOH{p.  s O P{. U81 1  GiST supportPH{. @V*q s P P{X. }) 1  GiST supportQH{. U. s Q P{. Km 1  GiST supportRH{8. s R P{.   1  GiST supportSH{Я. ,,ף s S P{ . ՚E< 1  GiST supportTH{h. * s T S{. 3 "1 !SP-GiST supportUH{. ' s US{X. "1 !SP-GiST supportVH{. m s VS{. VF "1 !SP-GiST supportWH{@. 9 s WS{.  "1 !SP-GiST supportXH{. z s X S{8. Vf+ "1 !SP-GiST supportYH{. U s Y!q{س. 5< @1  ]restriction selectivity for network operatorsZH{ . '9? s Z j{. t<, 91  Ojoin selectivity for network operators[H{. vO~ s [ V{P. ք{z %1 'less-equal-greater\H{. G s \XH{. z 1  hash]H{8. sc s ]WH{. +׬Q 1 Q  hash^H{ȶ.  s ^Q  H{. a 1  hash_H{X. px s _ZH{. PC 1 R  hash`H{. պRY s `R  H{0. Q 1  hashaH{x. ne]7 s a[H{. & 1 Z  hashbH{. %. Z s bZ G{P. S 1  I/OcH{. h- s c^G{. n 1  I/OdH{(. s d_N{p. &4$ 1 e I/O typmodeH{. /i s ee N{. g, 1 f I/O typmodfH{P. s ff g{. G 61 U Itransform a numeric length coerciongH{. ּ s gU l{P. Bܞ ;1 Sadjust numeric to typmod precision/scalehH{. |{y s h`R{. A" !1 absolute valueiH{P. + s iaQ{.  1 sign of valuejH{. 3 s jb\{H. ! +1 3value rounded to 'scale'kH{. p5 s kcd{. 31 Cvalue rounded to 'scale' of zerolH{8. KY s ld^{. .F -1 7value truncated to 'scale'mH{. Cq s mef{`. aJ 51 Gvalue truncated to 'scale' of zeronH{. Ȭ s nf\{. { +1 3nearest integer >= valueoH{X. ?z s og\{. +1 w3nearest integer >= valuepH{. Vv s pwy\{`. db +1 3nearest integer <= valueqH{. >b s qhK{. 5 1 modulusrH{P. I s rnO{. : 1 square rootsH{. L© s soO{8. ƁK 1 square roottH{. 5 s tp]{. c˽{ ,1 5natural exponential (e^x)uH{. sA s uq]{x. iA ,1 5natural exponential (e^x)vH{. Ƅ s vrU{ . Гŗ $1 %natural logarithmwH{h. & s wsU{. - $1 %natural logarithmxH{. b s xtY{`. S,`(1 -logarithm base m of nH{.  s uY{. f (1 -logarithm base m of nH{P. } s vR{.  !1 exponentiationH{. (P s wR{P. , !1 yexponentiationH{. Ot" s ys{. CO B1  anumber of decimal digits in the fractional partH{8. WM s  [{. `IG *1 1convert int4 to numericH{.  s xU{X.  $1 %base 10 logarithmH{. z s y]{. PA ,1 5convert float4 to numericH{@. Mx s z]{. ; ,1 5convert float8 to numeric H{. i" s  {[{H. n0 *1 1convert numeric to int4 H{. ++ s  |]{. ?{ ,1 5convert numeric to float4 H{8. R* s  }]{. u- ,1 5convert numeric to float8 H{. J*@/ s  ~N{@. c 1 trunc(x/y) H{. s  N{. # 1 trunc(x/y)H{ . C s u{p.  D1 zebucket number of operand in equal-width histogramH{. w s zT{0. # #1 #increment by oneH{x. 8C s R{. ZKOm !1 smaller of twoH{. E s Q{p.  1 larger of twoH{. } s V{. {" %1 'less-equal-greaterH{X. 09 s P{. KO 1  sort supportH{. Q s  [{H. 2P *1 1convert numeric to int8H{. b= s [{. >3* *1 1convert int8 to numericH{8.  s [{.  *1 1convert int2 to numericH{. m2 s [{@. ưS *1 1convert numeric to int2H{. B s \{. $ +1  3convert jsonb to booleanH{0. & s  \{. k +1 y 3convert jsonb to numericH{. Џ s y Y{8. ' (1 z -convert jsonb to int2H{. E s z Y{. G" (1 { -convert jsonb to int4H{(. / s { Y{. & (1 | -convert jsonb to int8H{. k? s | [{0. S *1 } 1convert jsonb to float4H{x. û s } [{. Ӌ; *1  1convert jsonb to float8H{ . e; s  k{. 9 :1 Qformat timestamp with time zone to text H{. Jg s  Z{8. w`D0 )1 /format numeric to text!H{. 61 s !W{. Q &1 )format int4 to text"H{(.  s "W{. jL. &1 )format int8 to text#H{. 3^ s #Y{ .  (1 -format float4 to text$H{h. 2 s $Y{.  (1 -format float8 to text%H{. hQO s %[{p. G *1 1convert. text to numeric&H{. = s &l{0. x ;1 Sconvert text to timestamp with time zone'H{x. N@[ s 'X{. L`) '1 +convert text to date(H{0. hn0 s ([{. 𹻬 *1 1format interval to text)H{. V}I s )r{0.  A1 _quote an identifier for usage in a querystring*H{x. -5" s *'n{. > =1 Wquote a literal for usage in a querystring+H{8.  s +(q{. G @1 ]quote a data value for usage in a querystring,H{. 8 s ,)|{h.  K1  squote a possibly-null literal for usage in a querystring-H{. , s - -{0. Fo N1  yquote a possibly-null data value for usage in a querystring.H{x. >r s . .G{. h> 1  I/O/H{@. ,' s /G{. : 1  I/O0H{. B s 0V{.  %1  'concatenate values1H{`. ki' s 1 f{. k 51  Gconcatenate values with separators2H{. $ s 2 b{h. K 11  ?extract the first n characters3H{. 8 s 3 a{. |G 01  =extract the last n characters4H{`. 7 s 4 P{. 9' 1  reverse text5H{. zQ s 5 W{`. j &1  )format text message6H{. *k7 s 6 W{. F &1  )format text message7H{H. ,_ s 7 R{. m% !1 length in bits8H{. g s 8R{@. z'4 !1 length in bits9H{. ]x] s 9R{. is !1 length in bits:H{(. s :d{. J 31 Crestriction selectivity of ILIKE;H{. i s ;h{0. 71 Krestriction selectivity of NOT ILIKE<H{x. GGW s <]{. B- ,1 5join selectivity of ILIKE=H{(. ?Gr s =a{. .D 01 =join selectivity of NOT ILIKE>H{. zIt s >j{8. vv 91 Orestriction selectivity of regex match?H{. Nʴ s ?c{. c, 21 Arestriction selectivity of LIKE@H{8. [i5 s @{{. \S J1 qrestriction selectivity of case-insensitive regex matchAH{. Y s An{h.  =1 Wrestriction selectivity of regex non-matchBH{. [2 s Bg{ . o& 61 Irestriction selectivity of NOT LIKECH{h.  s C{. 1V\ N1 yrestriction selectivity of case-insensitive regex non-matchDH{. s Dc{. ;F 21  Ajoin selectivity of regex matchEH{. ŋT s E \{H. 6 +1 !3join selectivity of LIKEFH{. H s F!t{. < C1 "cjoin selectivity of case-insensitive regex matchGH{8. ؗ s G"g{. 3 61 #Ijoin selectivity of regex non-matchHH{. q? s H#`{`. aDc /1 $;join selectivity of NOT LIKEIH{. k: s I$x{.  G1 %kjoin selectivity of case-insensitive regex non-matchJH{P. z s J%k{. }@ :1 m Qrestriction selectivity of exact prefixKH{. ]j s Km d{.  31 n Cjoin selectivity of exact prefixLH{. ]S s Ln \{0.   +1 &3aggregate final functionMH{x. * i s M&\{. Î +1  3aggregate final functionNH{ . e=z s N \{. FW +1 '3aggregate final functionOH{. g s O'\{(. ! +1  3aggregate final functionPH{p. C s P \{. O +1 (3aggregate final functionQH{. mrQ s Q(a{x. ' 01 )=aggregate transition functionRH{. qe s R)^{(. ! -1  7aggregate combine functionSH{p. J s S a{. ;e-u 01 * =aggregate transition functionTH{. % s T* ^{. ? T -1  /&7aggregate combine functionUH{. ~[ s U ]{@/ g9 ,1  5aggregate serial functionVH{/ % s V _{/ 'H .1  9aggregate deserial functionWH{0/ ea s W ]{/ iA{ ,1  5aggregate serial functionXH{/ ]iQ s X _{8/ 1a .1  9aggregate deserial functionYH{/ i s Y  a{/ s8 01  =aggregate transition functionZH{(/ FX s Z &a{/ &R 01 *=aggregate transition function[H{/ dT s [*a{@/  01 +=aggregate transition function\H{/ s \+a{/ :̛ 01 ,=aggregate transition function]H{8/ N1N s ],^{/ \s -1  7aggregate combine function^H{/ t s ^  ]{H/ ›? ,1  5aggregate serial function_H{/ [ s _  _{/ Q .1  9aggregate deserial function`H{8/ T s `  a{/  01  =aggregate transition functionaH{/ ) s a a{H/ U 01  =aggregate transition functionbH{/ S s b 5a{/ JH 01  =aggregate transition functioncH{@ / JQ s c 6a{ / [/ 01  =aggregate transition functiondH{ / . s d 7a{X / Fo 01 ; =aggregate transition functioneH{ / { s e; ^{ / ;ut -1  7aggregate combine functionfH{P / !1 s f ]{ / V ,1  5aggregate serial functiongH{ / / s g _{X / ą .1  9aggregate deserial functionhH{ / T< s h ^{ / qE -1  7aggregate combine functioniH{H / Pq s i \{ / 7 +1 j 3aggregate final functionjH{ / yPS s jj \{P/ S +1 -3aggregate final functionkH{/ #| s k-\{/ _|? 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]1 X statistics: checkpoint time spent writing buffers to disk, in milliseconds.H{/ ?U s .X {0/ ܁ c1 Y statistics: checkpoint time spent synchronizing buffers to disk, in milliseconds/H{x/ O s /Y u{/ 6> D1  estatistics: number of buffers written by backends0H{X/ 4`u s 0 {Ѝ/ -Z` W1  statistics: number of backend buffer writes that did their own fsync1H{/ t s 1 l{/ Iݷ ;1 + Sstatistics: number of buffer allocations2H{/ tU s 2+ h{X/ + 0N 71  Kstatistics: number of function calls3H{/ HX s 3 {/ za| P1  }statistics: total execution time of function, in milliseconds4H{P/ c6' s 4 {ؐ/ P O1  {statistics: self execution time of function, in milliseconds5H{ /  s 5 {/  Z1  statistics: number of scans done for table/index in current transaction6H{/ F s 6 {x/ {i V1  statistics: number of tuples read by seqscan in current transaction7H{/ &y s 7 {H/ p Y1  statistics: number of tuples fetched by idxscan in current transaction8H{/ /i s 8 { / ] O1  {statistics: number of tuples inserted in current transaction9H{h/ I+ s 9 {/ #DE N1  ystatistics: number of tuples updated in current transaction:H{0/ b s : {/ N1  ystatistics: number of tuples deleted in current transaction;H{/ 9RP s ; {x/ o)v{ R1  statistics: number of tuples hot updated in current transaction<H{/ I s < {H/ f 1 N1  ystatistics: number of blocks fetched in current transaction=H{/ ]Ӵ s = {/ `N U1  statistics: number of blocks found in cache in current transaction>H{X/ b s > {/ blt N1  ystatistics: number of function calls in current transaction?H{(/ g s ? {/ O;N g1  statistics: total execution time of function in current transaction, in milliseconds@{/@ s ~ &{ ek jj Wi ,d *c &b w` v_ Z /Y .X  V gU  P #O "N V@  ? > = < ; : ~9  R " , !       1 5 4 3 2 1 a ` _ ^ @ ? > = < ; : 9 8 /V 7 6 ' & % $ E D C B A @ ? > = < ; : 9 8 7 6 5 4 5 4 3 'i h g ff ee Kd Jc Gb Fa ?` >_ ^^ ]] b\ a[ *Z )Y iX hW &V V? U> 2+ T*  )  % % $                     h g f ] \ [ Z 0 + * ) ( ' a ` _ ^ \ [      a   P{/ T s a {p/ . f1  statistics: self execution time of function in current transaction, in millisecondsAH{/ Y s A m|{X/ ~Sx K1 sstatistics: timestamp of the current statistics snapshotBH{/  s BW{ / J P1 }statistics: discard current transaction's statistics snapshotCH{h/ MQ s Ck{/ q^ N1 ystatistics: reset collected statistics for current databaseDH{8/ if s Dm{/ 7q S1 statistics: reset collected statistics shared across the clusterEH{/ @Y{ s EW{/ & m1 statistics: reset collected statistics for a single table or index in the current databaseFH{Э/ L s FX{p/ I A g1 statistics: reset collected statistics for a single function in the current databaseGH{/ {l s GYY{P/ Ó (1 [ -current trigger depthHH{/ x s H[ W{/ ( &1 )tablespace locationIH{@/ ܝ s IZx{/ + G1 kconvert bytea value into some ascii-only text stringJH{/ W. s JIv{X/ \ E1 gconvert ascii-encoded text string into bytea valueKH{/ R s KJV{/  %1 'less-equal-greaterLH{`/  s LKP{/ u 1  sort supportMH{/ N s M  i{P/ p 81 MMtransform a timestamp length coercionNH{/ = s NMld{/ F$ 31 hCtransform a time length coercionOH{P/ \ s Ohp^{/ bQ -1 7adjust timestamp precisionPH{/ Y s PLQ{`/ {s 1 larger of twoQH{/ (I s QPR{/ : !1 smaller of twoRH{H/ 3 s RQ`{/ A /1 ;adjust timestamptz precisionSH{/ s SRY{H/ w8 (1 -adjust time precisionTH{/ Yn s TSh{/ aS 71 Kadjust time with time zone precisionUH{8/  s UT[{/ ] *1 1matches LIKE expressionVH{/ gCk s VYb{H/ Td`11 ?does not match LIKE expressionH{/ 7T s  Zq{/ E @1 ]convert LIKE pattern to use backslash escapesH{@/ /R s  [P{/ qC 1 octet lengthH{/  s  \]{P/ {# ,1 5extract portion of stringH{/ ]Y s  ]]{/  ,1 5extract portion of stringH{@/ L s  ^]{/ 9td ,1 %5extract portion of stringH{/ $s s  %b]{H/ f ,1 &5extract portion of stringH{/ f s  &cY{/ : (1 -position of substringH{8/ w s  _\{/ ,2 +1 3trim both ends of string H{/ E s  `l{@/ zv ;1 Sconvert timestamp with time zone to time H{/@/ PA s  ai{/ b; 81 Mtruncate timestamp to specified units H{X/ J s  b`{/ ± /1 ;extract field from timestamp H{/ ƕs s  c`{p/ p+ /1 ;convert abstime to timestamp H{/ T4 s  ef{/ W1 51 Gconvert date and time to timestampH{`/ n^_ s  gq{/ ɷ @1 ]convert timestamp with time zone to timestampH{/ s  iq{/  @1 ]convert timestamp to timestamp with time zoneH{/  s  j]{H/ =c ,1 5convert timestamp to dateH{/  s  k`{/ ?v /1 ;convert timestamp to abstimeH{8/  s  lR{/ =hn !1 smaller of twoH{/ % s  mQ{8/ z; 1 larger of twoH{/ " s  nj{/ ڈwO 91 Oadjust time with time zone to new zoneH{ / Y` s  oj{/ v r 91 Oadjust time with time zone to new zoneH{/ " s  pH{H/ D! 1  hashH{/ =T s  qH{/ S 1 S  hashH{ / j s  S +V{h/ ' %1 'intervals overlap?H{/ rY* s  rV{/ KR1` %1 'intervals overlap?H{P/ k s  sV{/ dd %1 'intervals overlap?H{/ VLZ s  tV{H/ Q$ %1 'intervals overlap?H{/ ` s  uV{/ :e| %1 'less-equal-greaterH{0/ z s  vP{/ TFG 1 A sort supportH{/  s  A X{ / _ '1 &+window RANGE supportH{h/ q s  &X{/ : '1 '+window RANGE support H{/ %C s  'X{`/ .j} '1 (+window RANGE support!H{/ 2ne s  !(X{/ 5 '1 )+window RANGE support"H{H/ : s  ")X{/ JN '1 *+window RANGE support#H{/ FĘ s  #*g{@/ 61 Iconvert time with time zone to time$H{/ oU s  $wg{/ 61 Iconvert time to time with time zone%H{8/  s  %xU{/ 1j$ $1 %finite timestamp?&H{/ I s  &y\{@/ J} +1 3format timestamp to text'H{/ s  'zo{/ | >1  Ydate difference preserving months and years(H{0/ р= s  ( {z{/ #2 I1  odate difference from today preserving months and years)H{/ *B s  ) |e{h/ gj 41 Eadjust timestamp to new time zone*H{/ Um s  *}e{/ 9 41 Eadjust timestamp to new time zone+H{`/  s  +~l{/ nV ;1 Sextract text matching regular expression,H{/  s  ,r{/ nKd A1 _extract text matching SQL99 regular expression-H{/ n s  -]{@/ hM ,1 5convert int8 to bitstring.H{/ 0f s  .]{/ I ,1 5convert bitstring to int8/H{0/ a s  /X{/ G '1 +SHOW X as a function0H{/ 3 s  0{0/ q Q1  SHOW X as a function, optionally no error for missing variable1H{x/  s  1 W{/ e &1 )SET X as a function2H{H/ / s  2Z{/ Ӟ )1 $/SHOW ALL as a function3H{/ TX s  3$]{H/ GdH ,1  5show config file settings4H{/ C:o s  4  Z{/ 7u )1 I /show pg_hba.conf rules5H{8/ ?m s  5I &`{/ 6 /1 [;view system lock information6H{/ ZB s  6[]{@/ YTv q1  get array of PIDs of sessions blocking specified backend PID from acquiring a heavyweight lock7H{/ ' s  7 {0/ ߱l n1 0 get array of PIDs of sessions blocking specified backend PID from acquiring a safe snapshot8H{x/ Ap s  80 d{/ }l 31 2 Cisolationtester support function9H{`/ UL s  92 /_{/ ۤ .1 )9view two-phase transactions:H{(/ H4= s  :)a{/ "G 01 =view members of a multixactid;H{/ s s  ;ni{8/ #nB1 81  Mget commit timestamp of a transaction<H{/ s" s  < ^{/ m W1  get transaction Id and commit timestamp of latest transaction commit=H{8/ y8 s  = _d{/ C 31  Cget identification of SQL object>H{/ 5 s  > Bv{p/ &U E1 gget machine-parseable identification of SQL object?H{/ c5 s  ?t{0/ ^] O1 6 {get identification of SQL object for pg_get_object_address()@H{x/ m\ s  @6 v{/ ǖS E1 rgget OID-based object address from name/args arraysAH{@/ s  Ar~d{/ ;be 31 Cis table visible in search path?BH{/ s  Bc{h/ K 21  Ais type visible in search path?CH{/  s  C g{/ n 61 !Iis function visible in search path?DH{`/ [ s  D!g{/ [ 61 "Iis operator visible in search path?EH{/ P s  E"f{x/ D3 51 #Gis opclass visible in search path?FH{/ V= s  F#g{(/ B= 61 Iis opfamily visible in search path?GH{p/ SQ s  Gui{/  81 -Mis conversion visible in search path?HH{ / ? s  H-p{/ Q: ?1 K [is statistics object visible in search path?IH{/ Y s  IK *q{H/ ;< @1 ]is text search parser visible in search path?JH{/ s  Jcu{/ ~m D1 eis text search dictionary visible in search path?KH{P/ W) s  Kds{/ F= B1 ais text search template visible in search path?LH{/ ô s  Lex{/ AC G1 kis text search configuration visible in search path?MH{/ X{I s  Meh{H/ q 71 Kis collation visible in search path?NH{/ % s  Ntt{/ F} C1 & cget OID of current session's temp schema, if anyOH{@/  s  O& 0l{/ nRo ;1 ' Sis schema another session's temp schema?PH{/ % s  P' 1j{p/ T{ 91 {Ocancel a server process' current queryQH{/ ,z s  Q{^{(/ h -1 07terminate a server processRH{p/ 6 s  R0g{/ ?T 61 |Iprepare for taking an online backupSH{/ h& s  S|b{/ B 11 }?finish taking an online backupTH{/ Ax s  T}b{0/ g 11  ?finish taking an online backupUH{x/ =W| s  U f{/ ' 51 Gtrue if server is in online backupVH{(/ j[ s  Vtb{/ ]q 11 ?start time of an online backupWH{/ N s  WuZ{@/ Q )1  /switch to new wal fileXH{/ YZz s  X /`{/ 1r /1  ;create a named restore pointYH{0/ zĶ s  Y ^{/ t -1 ! 7current wal write locationZH{/ v> s  Z! 0_{8/ | .1 $ 9current wal insert location[H{/ е s  [$ 1^{/ MTy -1  7current wal flush location\H{(/ ֳ s  \ v{/ UD E1 " gwal filename and byte offset, given a wal location]H{/ a) s  ]" 1f{H/ ? 51 # Gwal filename, given a wal location^H{/ Qsl s  ^# 2p{/  ?1 ] [difference in bytes, given two wal locations_H{@/ j s  _] U{/ $1 %export a snapshot`H{/ Y s  `sa{P/ 01 =true if server is in recoveryaH{/ aW s  at^{/ ϼ^~ -1 7current wal flush locationbH{H/ J{ s  b~\{/ t +1 3last wal replay locationcH{/ & s  ca{P/ fс 01 =timestamp of last replay xactdH{/ X s  dT{/ p #1  #pause wal replayeH{H/ f s  e g{/ *' 61  Iresume wal replay, if it was pausedfH{/ .0 s  f `{P/ { /1  ;true if wal replay is pausedgH{0@/  s  g ^{/ RG -1 = 7reload configuration fileshH{X0 s  h= S{0 I "1 > !rotate log fileiH{0 i s  i> s{X0 B1 arotate log file - old version for adminpack 1.0jH{0 彖< s  jk{0 nɣ`:1 Qcurrent logging collector file locationH{`0 Դ s  rk{0 0 :1 Qcurrent logging collector file locationH{0 Ot s  s^{0 w4U -1 ? 7get information about fileH{0 s  ? ^{00 {B -1  7get information about fileH{x0 9O s   Y{0 %~S (1 @ -read text from a fileH{ 0 0r s  @ Y{0  (1  -read text from a fileH{0 FQ_ s   y{(0 nG H1 mread text from a file - old version for adminpack 1.0H{p0 s  Y{0 ] (1 -read text from a fileH{80 d s  Z{0 &U )1 /read bytea from a file H{0 G% s  Z{@0  )1  /read bytea from a file H{0 p s    Z{0 Qt )1 /read bytea from a file H{0 0 Q K s  a{ 0 | 01 A =list all files in a directory H{ 0 ? s  A a{@ 0 9 01  =list all files in a directory H{ 0 vD s    k{ 0 WO :1 B Qsleep for the specified time in secondsH{8 0 5 s  B d{ 0 {{ 31 _Csleep for the specified intervalH{ 0 tr s  _b{X 0 q 11 `?sleep until the specified timeH{ 0 n~! s  `q{ 0 #Q1 @1 ;]Is JIT compilation available in this session?H{P 0 % s  ;Y[{ 0 *1  1convert boolean to textH{0  s   P{p0 CS P1 4}the average (arithmetic mean) as numeric of all bigint valuesH{0 k s  4{@0 ["2 Q1 5the average (arithmetic mean) as numeric of all integer valuesH{0 Ǜ> s  5{0 U R1 6the average (arithmetic mean) as numeric of all smallint valuesH{X0 ݳ s  6{0 ' Q1 7the average (arithmetic mean) as numeric of all numeric valuesH{(0 "O s  7{0 ٶ O1 8{the average (arithmetic mean) as float8 of all float4 valuesH{0 ȪW s  8{x0 X O1 9{the average (arithmetic mean) as float8 of all float8 valuesH{0 N s  9{@0 / S1 :the average (arithmetic mean) as interval of all interval valuesH{0  s  :q{0 1o @1 ;]sum as numeric across all bigint input valuesH{X0 0c5 s  ;q{0  @1 <]sum as bigint across all integer input valuesH{0 %5 s  <r{0 uL A1 =_sum as bigint across all smallint input valuesH{0 s  =p{P0 *^ ?1 >[sum as float4 across all float4 input valuesH{0 =! s  >p{0 K- ?1 ?[sum as float8 across all float8 input valuesH{P0 # s  ?n{0  =1 @Wsum as money across all money input valuesH{0 #- s  @t{x0 IA C1 Acsum as interval across all interval input values H{0 =b s  Ar{80 A1 B_sum as numeric across all numeric input values!H{0  s  !Bl{0 ZL< ;1 CSmaximum value of all bigint input values"H{@0 /T s  "Cm{0 8D <1 DUmaximum value of all integer input values#H{0  s  #Dn{h0 ~~ =1 EWmaximum value of all smallint input values$H{0 0 s  $Ei{ 0 +w 81 FMmaximum value of all oid input values%H{h0 $ s  %Fl{0 ,Jy ;1 GSmaximum value of all float4 input values&H{ 0 P@ s  &Gl{0 >  ;1 HSmaximum value of all float8 input values'H{0 1 NYmaximum value of all timestamp input values-H{P"0 5oK s  -N~{"0 RE M1 Owmaximum value of all timestamp with time zone input values.H{#0 gc s  .On{#0 O[, =1 PWmaximum value of all interval input values/H{#0 }? s  /Pj{@$0 g 91 QOmaximum value of all text input values0H{$0  s  0Qm{$0 c <1 RUmaximum value of all numeric input values1H{@%0 _II s  1Rn{%0 ^K =1 Wmaximum value of all anyarray input values2H{%0 TBF s  2{l{h&0  ;1 Smaximum value of all bpchar input values3H{&0 a s  3i{ '0 C 81  Mmaximum value of all tid input values4H{h'0 - s  4 j{'0 e 91  Omaximum value of all inet input values5H{ (0 b)" s  5 _l{(0 - ;1 SSminimum value of all bigint input values6H{(0 FQ s  6Sm{H)0 = <1 TUminimum value of all integer input values7H{)0 Vj s  7Tn{*0 21 =1 UWminimum value of all smallint input values8H{H*0  s  8Ui{*0 B 81 VMminimum value of all oid input values9H{+0 s  9Vl{p+0 e ;1 WSminimum value of all float4 input values:H{+0 h s  :Wl{(,0 ] ;1 XSminimum value of all float8 input values;H{p,0  s  ;Xm{,0 X@ <1 YUminimum value of all abstime input values<H{(-0 ' s  <Yj{-0 91 ZOminimum value of all date input values=H{-0 U(@ s  =Zj{P.0 J8 91 [Ominimum value of all time input values>H{.0 :*3 s  >[y{/0 {Gt H1 \mminimum value of all time with time zone input values?H{P/0 cW s  ?\k{/0 6i :1 ]Qminimum value of all money input values@H{00 Ix s  @]o{00 G0pe >1 ^Yminimum value of all timestamp input valuesAH{00 + s  A^~{@10 ۥ M1 _wminimum value of all timestamp with time zone input valuesBH{10 ĸ s  B_n{20 TK =1 `Wminimum value of all interval input valuesCH{P20 , s  C`d{20 g7 31 aCminimum value of all text valuesDH{30 EF s  Dam{p30 Uh <1 bUminimum value of all numeric input valuesEH{30 Ļ5 s  Ebn{(40 :Q/ =1 Wminimum value of all anyarray input valuesFH{p40 6 s  F|l{40 hf. ;1 Sminimum value of all bpchar input valuesGH{(50 t s  Gi{50 ] 81  Mminimum value of all tid input valuesHH{50 ' | s  H  j{P60 51Z3 91  Ominimum value of all inet input valuesIH{60 pB s  I `{70 2 R1 cnumber of input rows for which the input expression is not nullJH{P70 o@ s  JcX{70 f '1  +number of input rowsKH{ 80 { s  K !{x80 M k1  population variance of bigint input values (square of the population standard deviation)LH{80 . s  L {`90 َZ l1  population variance of integer input values (square of the population standard deviation)MH{90 U s  M {H:0 %Z(7 m1  population variance of smallint input values (square of the population standard deviation)NH{:0 $E] s  N {0;0 Q> k1  population variance of float4 input values (square of the population standard deviation)OH{x;0 0 s  O {<0 ߱ k1  population variance of float8 input values (square of the population standard deviation)PH{`<0 [ s  P {=0 YN l1  population variance of numeric input values (square of the population standard deviation)QH{H=0 ~?l s  Q {=0 Zr c1 Q sample variance of bigint input values (square of the sample standard deviation)RH{0>0 *Ԁ s  RQ {>0 + d1 R sample variance of integer input values (square of the sample standard deviation)SH{?0 8 s  SR {?0@0 ʢ e1 S sample variance of smallint input values (square of the sample standard deviation)TH{?0 |Q s  TS {@0 P c1 T sample variance of float4 input values (square of the sample standard deviation)UH{@0 JO s  UT {A0 ! c1 U sample variance of float8 input values (square of the sample standard deviation)VH{A0 &f s  VU {`B0 6 d1 V sample variance of numeric input values (square of the sample standard deviation)WH{B0  s  WV a{@C0 Σ$P 01 d=historical alias for var_sampXH{C0 Z s  Xda{C0 C& 01 e=historical alias for var_sampYH{8D0 Jʟ s  Yea{D0 "m`01 f=historical alias for var_sampH{D0 q s  fa{PE0 İ 01 g=historical alias for var_sampH{E0 1j s  ga{F0 ~- 01 h=historical alias for var_sampH{HF0 R s  ha{F0  01 i=historical alias for var_sampH{F0 Rр s  ix{`G0 d G1  kpopulation standard deviation of bigint input valuesH{G0 8h s   y{ H0 v H1  mpopulation standard deviation of integer input valuesH{hH0 lݳx s   z{H0 J& I1  opopulation standard deviation of smallint input valuesH{0I0 |w s   x{I0 j{[ G1  kpopulation standard deviation of float4 input valuesH{I0 ! s   x{pJ0 I, G1  kpopulation standard deviation of float8 input values H{J0 } s   y{0K0 m H1  mpopulation standard deviation of numeric input values H{xK0 {H{ s   t{K0 `b C1  csample standard deviation of bigint input values H{@L0 5\m s    u{L0 5 D1  esample standard deviation of integer input values H{M0 Vc s    v{xM0 z[c E1  gsample standard deviation of smallint input values H{M0 K~/ s    t{8N0 ^Z C1  csample standard deviation of float4 input valuesH{N0 94 s    t{N0 " C1  csample standard deviation of float8 input values{@O0@ j!s  W V  U : 9 8 7 6 5 4 3              Q  P  O  N  M  L           n Y X W  WV  VU  UT  TS  SR  RQ  B  A  @  ?  i>  h= n$   7 l P N z y x u Q l S R P XWD G 3CKJIH3210/.d T} S| Q{zypwur i h g f Ye Xd Jc Eb Da C` B_ A^ @] ?\ >[ =Z <Y ;X :W 9V 8U 7T 6S 1R 0Q /P .O -N ,M +L *K )J (I 'H &G %F $E #D "C !B A @ ? > = < ; : 9 8 7 6 5 4y2 R0 . H-c,b+c*b)](V' & % 3$ F#a  P{O0 u s  F#u{^0 y D1  esample standard deviation of numeric input valuesH{^0 G5ea s   d{P_0 y 31 jChistorical alias for stddev_samp`0H{_0 5 s  jFd{`0 o 31 kChistorical alias for stddev_sampH{``0 $b s  kGd{`0 $ 31 lChistorical alias for stddev_sampH{a0  s  lHd{xa0 ] 31 mChistorical alias for stddev_sampH{a0 GK s  mId{(b0 =U 31 nChistorical alias for stddev_sampH{pb0 t%x s  nJd{b0 p 31 oChistorical alias for stddev_sampH{ c0 ?ى s  oK{c0 T N1  ynumber of input rows in which both expressions are not nullH{c0 |9 s   0{Pd0 !Z U1  sum of squares of the independent variable (sum(X^2) - sum(X)^2/N)H{d0 W s   1{ e0 h S1  sum of squares of the dependent variable (sum(Y^2) - sum(Y)^2/N)H{he0 *M; s   2{e0 \ i1  sum of products of independent times dependent variable (sum(X*Y) - sum(X) * sum(Y)/N)H{8f0 (w s   3r{f0 & A1  _average of the independent variable (sum(X)/N)H{ g0 IR s   4p{g0 ^ ?1  [average of the dependent variable (sum(Y)/N)H{g0 0 s   5i{Ph0 7 81  Msquare of the correlation coefficientH{h0 rx s   6{i0 ?! `1  slope of the least-squares-fit linear equation determined by the (X, Y) pairsH{Pi0 pA s   7{i0 Zp f1  y-intercept of the least-squares-fit linear equation determined by the (X, Y) pairsH{0j0 'e s   8Y{j0 =Xn (1  -population covariance H{k0 0] s   9U{pk0 v a $1  %sample covariance!H{k0 Y/9 s  ! :[{l0 2wf *1  1correlation coefficient"H{Xl0 ѦB s  " ;V{l0 @_n %1 v'less-equal-greater#H{m0 %q s  #vNP{Xm0  1  sort support$H{m0 : s  $ V{m0  %1 'less-equal-greater%H{8n0 @G s  %VP{n0 1  sort support&H{n0 u s  & V{(o0 $q %1 'less-equal-greater'H{po0 .[ s  ']V{o0 k %1 'less-equal-greater(H{p0 } s  (^V{hp0 yC %1 'less-equal-greater)H{p0 Y s  )_V{q0 35 %1 'less-equal-greater*H{Pq0 u s  *`V{q0 2kU %1 'less-equal-greater+H{q0 ؤ s  +aV{Hr0 0 %1 'less-equal-greater,H{r0 $ s  ,bV{r0 ^ %1 'less-equal-greater-H{0s0  s  -cV{s0  %1 'less-equal-greater.H{s0 H> s  .dG{(t0 m 1  I/O/H{pt0 K$F s  /iG{t0 H 1  I/O0H{u0 ޖe s  0jG{Hu0 uG{ 1  I/O1H{u0 N s  1kG{u0 N 1  I/O2H{ v0 Y*wC s  2ld{hv0 a֞ 31  Cconvert operator name to regoper3H{v0 K- s  3 Hh{w0 . 71  Kconvert operator name to regoperator4H{`w0 ^ s  4 GG{w0 ҁ9 1  I/O5H{x0 `/ s  5mG{Xx0 3 1  I/O6H{x0 p"> s  6nG{x0 1  I/O7H{0y0 ~Ez s  7oG{xy0 Bl 1  I/O8H{y0 0P s  8pa{z0 !Gw 01  =convert classname to regclass9H{Pz0 s  9 KG{z0 jÈt 1  I/O:H{{0 㾢Y s  :qG{H{0 G0 1  I/O;H{{0  s  ;r`{{0 "x. /1  ;convert type name to regtype<H{ |0 r] s  < J\{|0 E@: +1 73convert text to regclass=H{|0  s  =7G{(}0 ZmM 1  I/O>H{p}0 [a s  >G{}0 1  I/O?H{~0 j s  ?`{H~0 @ /1 ;convert role name to regrole@H{~0 ώ s  @G{~0 d 1  I/OAH{80 s s  AG{0 e 1 0 I/OBH{0 s  Bj{(0 P 91 Oconvert namespace name to regnamespaceCH{p0 鸸p s  Cv{0 ,e E1 gparse qualified identifier to array of identifiersDH{(0 /] s  D%N{0 ]g 1 (internal)EH{0 0}f s  EwN{80 1 (internal)FH{0 G.* s  FxN{Ђ0 1$S 1 (internal)GH{0 Ք s  Gyy{h0 T H1 muser privilege on database by username, database nameHH{0 XL s  Hzx{00  G1 kuser privilege on database by username, database oidIH{x0 H s  I{y{0 \a H1 muser privilege on database by user oid, database nameJH{80 h8nL s  J|x{0 }l G1 kuser privilege on database by user oid, database oidKH{0 !E s  K}w{x0 -@ F1 icurrent user privilege on database by database nameLH{0 . s  L~v{80 `7E E1 gcurrent user privilege on database by database oidMH{0 iqg s  My{0 V H1 muser privilege on function by username, function nameNH{@0 j: s  Nx{0 G1 kuser privilege on function by username, function oidOH{0 3A s  Oy{0  H1 muser privilege on function by user oid, function namePH{ȉ0 A_z s  Px{H0 N G1 kuser privilege on function by user oid, function oidQH{0 ΀ s  Qw{0 /ڼ F1 icurrent user privilege on function by function nameRH{P0 aK s  Rv{ȋ0 rF E1 gcurrent user privilege on function by function oidSH{0 }y s  Sy{0 ؔ1_ H1 muser privilege on language by username, language nameTH{Ќ0 vy s  Tx{P0 p, G1 kuser privilege on language by username, language oidUH{0  s  Uy{0 H1 muser privilege on language by user oid, language nameVH{X0 P s  Vx{؎0 ^ G1 kuser privilege on language by user oid, language oidWH{ 0 Y s  Ww{0 F1 icurrent user privilege on language by language nameXH{0 t˕ s  Xv{X0 + E1 gcurrent user privilege on language by language oidYH{0 S s  Yu{0 ē D1 euser privilege on schema by username, schema nameZH{`0 u{& s  Zt{ؑ0 l* C1 cuser privilege on schema by username, schema oid[H{ 0 b s  [u{0 / D1 euser privilege on schema by user oid, schema name\H{0 mVO s  \t{X0 RB C1 cuser privilege on schema by user oid, schema oid]H{0 |2P s  ]s{0 49 B1 acurrent user privilege on schema by schema name^H{`0 Ȃ s  ^r{ؔ0 }+ A1 _current user privilege on schema by schema oid_H{ 0 A݀ s  _}{0 V L1 V uuser privilege on tablespace by username, tablespace name`H{0  s  `V |{`0 xh K1 W suser privilege on tablespace by username, tablespace oidaH{0 [ s  aW }{(0 O L1 X uuser privilege on tablespace by user oid, tablespace namebH{p0 ~3 s  bX |{0 ކ\ K1 Y suser privilege on tablespace by user oid, tablespace oidcH{80 B s  cY {{0  J1 Z qcurrent user privilege on tablespace by tablespace namedH{0  s  dZ z{0 6Y I1 [ ocurrent user privilege on tablespace by tablespace oideH{ș0 qV s  e[ {H0 *``1  user privilege on foreign data wrapper by username, foreign data wrapper nameH{0 *p s   c{(0 >t3 _1  user privilege on foreign data wrapper by username, foreign data wrapper oidH{p0 s   d{0 5 `1  user privilege on foreign data wrapper by user oid, foreign data wrapper nameH{H0 хџ s   e{0 G"7 _1  user privilege on foreign data wrapper by user oid, foreign data wrapper oidH{(0 M) s   f{0  ^1  current user privilege on foreign data wrapper by foreign data wrapper nameH{0 D:I s   g{0 i.B ]1  current user privilege on foreign data wrapper by foreign data wrapper oidH{؞0 ,[ s   hu{h0 T D1  euser privilege 0%on server by username, server nameH{0 * s   it{@0 T ~ C1  cuser privilege on server by username, server oidH{0 l s   ju{0 i D1  euser privilege on server by user oid, server name H{H0 s   kt{0 * C1  cuser privilege on server by user oid, server 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to store the value, perhaps with compressionH{0 = s  &w{0 H F1  itotal disk space usage for the specified tablespaceH{Э0 A"6 s   w{H0 F1  itotal disk space usage for the specified tablespaceH{0 s   u{0 U$ D1  etotal disk space usage for the specified databaseH{P0 P&ݶ s   u{ȯ0 O D1 xetotal disk space usage for the specified databaseH{0 J[> s  xP{0 恁 U1  disk space usage for the main fork of the specified table or indexH{а0 d} s   {X0 S)' N1  ydisk space usage for the specified fork of a table or indexH{0 /dT s   { 0 uS X1 total disk space usage for the specified table and associated indexes H{h0 `" s  {0 / O1 {convert a long int to a human readable text using size units!H{@0 k s  !{0 C N1 ^ yconvert a numeric to a human readable text using size units"H{0 ō s  "^ {0 1 U1  convert a size in human-readable format with size units into bytes#H{д0 q s  # {X0 ~! k1  disk space usage for the specified table, including TOAST, free space and visibility map$H{0  s  $ c{@0 ,hH S1  disk space usage 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/1 k;generate headline from jsonbgH{H2 \; s gk`{2  /1 l;generate headline from jsonbhH{2  s hl_{P2 <: .1 m9generate headline from jsoniH{2 # >f s im _{2 OY .1 n9generate headline from jsonjH{@2 8i s jn!_{2 d .1 o9generate headline from jsonkH{2 H s ko"_{H2 Þ .1 p9generate headline from jsonlH{2 Ice s lp#Y{2 [ (1 -transform to tsvectormH{82 G s meP{2 `K! 1 make tsquerynH{2 4 s nfX{02 d '1 +transform to tsqueryoH{x2 6 s ogX{2 `h '1 +transform to tsquerypH{2 ܰO s p%X{p2 ~S< '1 +transform to tsqueryqH{2 m s q&Y{2 (1 -transform to tsvectorrH{X2 #t s rhP{2 I 1 make tsquerysH{2 C s siX{P2 + * '1 +transform to tsquerytH{2 W. s tjX{2 ۽ '1 +transform to tsqueryuH{8 2  s u$X{ 2 '1 +transform to tsqueryvH{ 2 J s v(r{0 2 jz A1 q_transform string values from jsonb to tsvectorwH{x 2 S s wq$u{ 2 vS D1 uetransform specified values from jsonb to tsvectorxH{8 2 ^ s xu%q{ 2 =G @1 r]transform string values from json to tsvectoryH{ 2 gb s yr%t{p 2 4v C1 wctransform specified values from json to tsvectorzH{ 2 kC s zw'r{0 2 499 A1 s_transform string values from jsonb to tsvector{H{x 2 +:˓ s {s&u{ 2 +`D1 vetransform specified values from jsonb to tsvectorH{82 zC s v(q{2 n2 @1 t]transform string values from json to tsvectorH{2  s t't{p2 o C1 xctransform specified values from json to tsvectorH{2 b_ s x+s{02 E B1 atrigger for automatic update of tsvector columnH{x2 } s ks{2 U& B1 atrigger for automatic update of tsvector columnH{82 kv s le{2 Go 41 Eget current tsearch configurationH{2 " s rG{`2 ؋k 1  I/OH{2 8k s aG{2 .5w 1  I/OH{82 s bG{2 "H 1  I/O H{2 n1 s  cG{2 Lw? 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/1  ;commit status of transactionHH{H<2 i s H IV{<2 džs %1  'less-equal-greaterIH{<2 32 s I k{H=2 d :1 s Qless-equal-greater based on byte imagesJH{=2 Im s Js ]{>2 (Y ,1  5list available extensionsKH{H>2 , s K Xe{>2 p'V 41  Elist available extension versionsLH{>2 B s L Yl{X?2 r,E ;1  Slist an extension's version upd@2 ate pathsMH{?2 DbJp s M Z{(@2 ߀M N1  yflag an extension's table contents to be emitted by pg_dumpNH{p@2 @4T s N [_{@2 .1  9row number within partitionOH{8A2 3 s O iZ{A2 6 )1  /integer rank with gapsPH{A2 s P j]{@B2 ʢ2 ,1  5integer rank without gapsQH{B2 AQ s Q kd{B2 31  Cfractional rank within partitionRH{0C2 k s R lj{C2 5's 91  Ofractional row number within partitionSH{C2 w s S m\{PD2 -P +1 ! 3split rows into N groupsTH{D2 |@+ s T! na{D2 U. 01 " =fetch the preceding row valueUH{@E2 OW s U" oe{E2 ;a 41 # Efetch the Nth preceding row valueVH{E2 I s V# pr{XF2 $z A1 $ _fetch the Nth preceding row value with defaultWH{F2 +oU s W$ qa{G2 OL# 01 % =fetch the following row valueXH{`G2 =灟 s X% re{G2 s 41 & Efetch the Nth following row valueYH{H2 ^Q s Y& sr{xH2 X A1 ' _fetch the Nth following row value with defaultZH{H2 Ä s Z' t]{8I2 m ,1 ( 5fetch the first row value[H{I2  s [( u\{I2 r +1 ) 3fetch the last row value\H{(J2 s \) v[{J2 5} *1 * 1fetch the Nth row value]H{J2 0 s ]* wG{0K2 Qz 1  I/O^H{xK2 H s ^G{K2 hN 1  I/O_H{L2 $|@ s _G{PL2 "Vr4 1  I/O`H{L2 s `G{L2 k 1  I/OaH{(M2 "b s aG{pM2 1  I/ObH{M2 . s bG{N2 ) '1 +lower bound of rangedH{N2 _bb s dX{0O2 ["f '1  +upper bound of rangeeH{xO2 L6hZ s e W{O2 i r &1  )is the range empty?fH{P2 BB s f i{pP2 3C} 81  Mis the range's lower bound inclusive?gH{P2 8D s g i{(Q2 /n 81  Mis the range's upper bound inclusive?hH{pQ2 5H4 s h h{Q2 *< 71  Kis the range's lower bound infinite?iH{(R2 \/ s i h{R2 š2 71 Kis the range's upper bound infinite?jH{R2 g s j~{@S2 y M1 wthe smallest range which includes both of the given rangeskH{S2 =d s kV{T2 %1 'less-equal-greaterlH{PT2 42l s lP{T2 d 1 #GiST supportmH{T2 QW s m#P{@U2 jf 1 $GiST supportnH{U2 z s n$P{U2 rˏ 1 'GiST supportoH{ V2 - s o'P{pV2 D[ 1 (GiST supportpH{V2 ú s p(P{W2 :d 1 )GiST supportqH{PW2 Bf s q)P{W2 pL 1 >hash a rangerH{W2 < s r>P{8X2 ߨ 1 Y hash a rangesH{X2 ߱ s sY iT{X2 =y\e #1 L#range typanalyzetH{Y2 c s tLo{pY2 ߪ >1 a Yrestriction selectivity for range operatorsuH{Y2 " s ua k{(Z2 x F :1 JQconvert an int4 range to canonical formvH{pZ2 ǘ s vJk{Z2 _zP :1 XQconvert an int8 range to canonical formwH{([2 ; s wXj{[2 i `91 KOconvert a date range to canonical formH{[2 RU' s Kh{P\2 4 71 RKfloat8 difference of two int4 valuesH{\2 T s Rh{]2 |l 71 SKfloat8 difference of two int8 valuesH{H]2 Vd s Sk{]2 rl :1 TQfloat8 difference of two numeric valuesH{]2 GJh s Th{h^2 N 71 UKfloat8 difference of two date valuesH{^2 [Y s Um{_2 }i+ <1 YUfloat8 difference of two timestamp valuesH{`_2 p s `2Y|{_2  K1 Zsfloat8 difference of two timestamp with time zone valuesH{0`2 1E s ZY{`2 uTr (1 -int4range constructorH{`2 : s Y{Xa2 ha (1 -int4range constructor H{a2  s  X{b2 E '1 +numrange constructor H{Hb2 _ s  X{b2 q '1 +numrange constructor H{b2 p s  W{@c2 &1 ])tsrange constructor H{c2 s s  ]W{c2 ϒl &1 ^)tsrange constructor H{(d2 E+# s  ^Y{d2 tmc (1 a-tstzrange constructorH{d2 e s aY{(e2  (1 b-tstzrange constructorH{pe2 tV s bY{e2 だ (1 e-daterange constructorH{f2 6E s eY{xf2 ? (1 f-daterange constructorH{f2  s fY{ g2 D8 (1 i-int8range constructorH{hg2 bd s iY{g2 V (1 j-int8range constructorH{h2 ?& s jR{ph2 >Dd !1 construct dateH{h2 "N s R{i2  !1 construct timeH{Xi2 }>Q s W{i2 I5FS &1  )construct timestampH{i2 QFp s  }f{Pj2 Q 51  Gconstruct timestamp with time zoneH{j2 EI s  ~f{k2 qY 51  Gconstruct timestamp with time zoneH{Hk2 rY" s  V{k2 t& %1  'construct intervalH{k2 $ ' s  l{Pl2 9-^ ;1 SSP-GiST support for quad tree over pointH{l2 0 s l{m2 {_" ;1 SSP-GiST support for quad tree over pointH{Pm2 s l{m2 sfWH ;1 SSP-GiST support for quad tree over pointH{n2 y s l{xn2 $ ;1 SSP-GiST support for quad tree over pointH{n2 *'Q s y{0o2 B;M H1 mSP-GiST support for quad tree and k-d tree over pointH{xo2 Հ s k{o2 +Ӿ :1 QSP-GiST support for k-d tree over pointH{@p2 & s k{p2 O7 :1 QSP-GiST support for k-d tree over point H{p2 O: s  k{hq2 ,!H; :1 QSP-GiST support for k-d tree over point!H{q2 : s !k{ r2 i :1 QSP-GiST support for k-d tree over point"H{hr2 oU s "l{r2 9כ ;1 SSP-GiST support for radix tree over text#H{ s2 i s #l{s2 œ ;1 SSP-GiST support for radix tree over text$H{s2 _ߚ s $l{Ht2 'xg ;1 SSP-GiST support for radix tree over text%H{t2 |6v s %l{u2 ۼ 2 ;1 SSP-GiST support for radix tree over text&H{Hu2  s &l{u2  -F ;1 SSP-GiST support for radix tree over text'H{v2  Lu s 'l{pv2 ] ;1  SSP-GiST support for quad tree over range(H{v2 il s ( l{(w2 + ;1  SSP-GiST support for quad tree over range)H{pw2 s ) l{w2 ;1  SSP-GiST support for quad tree over range*H{(x2 * s * l{x2 Q ;1  SSP-GiST support for quad tree over range+H{x2  s + l{Py2 T? ;1  SSP-GiST support for quad tree over range,H{y2 9ш s , j{z2 "'5 91 OSP-GiST support for quad tree over box-H{Pz2  s -1j{z2 M$?v 91 OSP-GiST support for quad tree over box.H{{2 s .2j{x{2 p 91 OSP-GiST support for quad tree over box/H{{2 ]i s /3j{0|2 c 91 OSP-GiST support for quad tree over box0H{x|2  s 04j{|2 &( 91 OSP-GiST support for quad tree over box1H{0}2 9/ s 15{}2 x c1 SP-GiST support for quad tree over 2-D types represented by their bounding boxes2H{}2 MD s 21o{~2 *[~ >1 YSP-GiST support for quad tree over polygons3H{~2 s 32f{82 B] 51 Gcreate a physical replication slot4H{2 &;20 s 4[{2 J ] *1 1drop a replication slot5H{H2 s 5x{2 @~& G1 kinformation about replication slots currently in use6H{2 E s 6e{h2 d 41 Eset up a logical replication slot7H{2 Q s 7e{2 ΢ 41 Eget changes from replication slot8H{`2 Uל s 8l{Ȃ2 Y ;1 Sget binary changes from replication slot9H{2 b6 s 9i{2 "N 81 Mpeek at changes from replication slot:H{ȃ2 aٿ s :p{82 O ?1 [peek at binary changes from replication slot;H{2 0S s ;d{2 / 31 &Cadvance logical replication slot<H{82 ¿ s <&k{2  :1  Qemit a textual logical decoding message=H{2 jX s = j{X2 E$ 91  Oemit a binary logical decoding message>H{2 p s > o{2 >1  Ylist objects dropped by the current command?{X20 L s  ?   j >   @ ?   C B AL6Mk}|{/.#'&%$#"! vud:T]ZyYxXwWvVuUtSs ArRqtpQojiOhBgfe"dwcba ` _ ^ ](\&[ZYwXUTSR,Q P~NNMtLKvJr>q)p(o'<&n$m#lji h g f e d      ?cba`_^ d G    c b ; N W V a `  YXWVUA32(4B7 P{ȇ2 +H s  7 m{2 Xq <1 Ureturn Oid of the table getting rewritten@H{2 f q s @,r{p2 wh A1 _return reason code for table getting rewrittenAH{2 6 s A-z{02 GE~ I1 olist DDL actions being executed by the current commandBH{x2 7 s B.a{2 ݄ 01 =aggregate transition functionCH{@2 N s Csa{2 AJ 01 =aggregate transition functionDH{2  s DtW{X2 Ah &1 )discrete percentileEH{2 mq s Eu\{2 UR +1 3aggregate final functionFH{@2 ? s Fvf{2 fx 51 Gcontinuous distribution percentileGH{2 ˲! s Gw\{P2 J]'( +1 3aggregate final functionHH{2 P s Hxf{2 b 51 Gcontinuous distribution percentileIH{@2 AB0 s Iy\{2 C +1 3aggregate final functionJH{2 Q\Sd s Jza{P2 Eg3 01 =multiple discrete percentilesKH{2 k s K{\{2 cK +1 3aggregate final functionLH{H2 uJ s L|c{22S J? 21 Amultiple continuous percentilesMH{2 zF s M}\{p2 ~w +1 3aggregate final functionNH{2 ?7t s N~c{2 8{Q 21 Amultiple continuous percentilesOH{`2 | s O\{ȡ2 ; +1 3aggregate final functionPH{2 e\ s PU{p2 N* $1 %most common valueQH{2 q s Q\{2 В +1 3aggregate final functionRH{X2 7. s R\{2 V +1 3rank of hypothetical rowSH{2 5 s S\{`2 g] +1 3aggregate final functionTH{2 z s Tg{2 qG 61 Ifractional rank of hypothetical rowUH{P2 m'z5 s U\{2 K\ +1 3aggregate final functionVH{2 =B s Vo{`2 - >1 Ycumulative distribution of hypothetical rowWH{2 \ s W\{2 `2 +1 3aggregate final functionXH{`2 † s Xi{2 w 81 Mrank of hypothetical row without gapsYH{2 \S.o s Y\{x2 R +1 3aggregate final functionZH{2 DJ s ZY{ 2  (1  -for use by pg_upgrade[H{h2 s [ !Y{ȩ2 ,x (1 -for use by pg_upgrade\H{2 kt s \#Y{p2  (1 -for use by pg_upgrade]H{2 ֐ s ]$Y{2 &Q (1 -for use by pg_upgrade^H{`2 : s ^%Y{2 ϡg (1 -for use by pg_upgrade_H{2 (t s _&Y{h2 '/ (1 -for use by pg_upgrade`H{2 Yf s `'Y{2 u (1 -for use by pg_upgradeaH{X2 (* s a(Y{2 [k (1 -for use by pg_upgradebH{2 ` s b)Y{`2 M (1 -for use by pg_upgradecH{2 hy s c*Y{2  (1 -for use by pg_upgradedH{P2 Yj s dY{2 W (1 -for use by pg_upgradeeH{2 :m s e_{X2 c"@ .1 s9create a replication originfH{2 =; s fs;r{2 A A1 t_drop replication origin identified by its namegH{H2 b s gt<u{2 Ⱦ D1 uetranslate the replication origin's name to its idhH{2 *w s hu={2 TwD g1 vconfigure session to maintain replication progress tracking for the passed in originiH{Ȳ2 %ߖ s iv>u{`2 Bl`D1 weteardown configured replication progress trackingH{2  s w?v{ 2 3 E1 xgis a replication origin configured in this sessionH{h2 I s x@w{2 8 F1 yiget the replication progress of the current sessionH{(2 cF s yAt{2 ιf C1 zcsetup the transaction's origin lsn and timestampH{2 M s zBt{`2 Wi C1 {creset the transaction's origin lsn and timestampH{2 ky s {Cw{ 2 8etE F1 |iadvance replication identifier to specific locationH{h2 [ s |D{2 N1 }yget an individual replication origin's replication progressH{(2  s }El{2 68U ;1 ~Sget progress for all replication originsH{2 yޏ s ~Fg{`2 ' 61 Iget OIDs of tables in a publication H{2 gà: s  H{{2  J1 qreturns whether a relation can be part of a publication H{X2 2 s  J{غ2 _ P1  }row security for current context active on table by table oid H{ 2 6 s    {2 _W( Q1  row security for current context active on table by table name H{2 M s   !b{x2 _#6 11 H ?pg_config binary as a function H{2 q s  H \z{(2 kV I1 q opg_controldata general state information as a functionH{p2 s q t}{2 ۽ L1 r upg_controldata checkpoint state information as a functionH{82 @QZ s r u{{2 | J1 s qpg_controldata recovery state information as a functionH{2 # s s vw{2 m F1 t 2?ipg_controldata init state information as a functionH{ȿ2 < s t wk{X2 I :1 u Qimport collations from operating systemH{2 U s u xy{2 >4+ H1 x mget actual version of collation from operating systemH{X2 ~ s x {c{2 %5n 21  Alist files in the log directoryH{ 2  Fw s  Ff{2 *Y 51  Glist of files in the WAL directoryH{2 M s  Gc{82 lȺ 21 Ahash partition CHECK constraintH{2 ] s ;[{2 wY *1 1boolean, 'true'/'false'H{02 6\ s q{2 w$; @1 ]variable-length string, binary values escapedH{2 d? s T{P2 b #1 #single characterH{2 1͍ s o{2 Gb >1 Y63-byte type for storing system identifiersH{82 = s e{2 &( 41 E~18 digit integer, 8-byte storageH{2 H? s o{X2 lI >1 Y-32 thousand to 32 thousand, 2-byte storageH{2 5 s h{2 Aø 71 Karray of int2, used in system tablesH{X2  s s{2 d B1 a-2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storageH{2 s  X{2  '1 +registered procedureH{2  s  n{ 2 AOF =1 Wvariable-length string, no limit specified H{h2 s   m{2 .T8 <1 Uobject identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion!H{ 2 w"W s ! o{2 #/ >1 Y(block, offset), physical location of tuple"H{2 2Q s " R{H2 ֲa !1 transaction id#H{2  s #w{2 { F1 icommand identifier type, sequence in transaction id$H{02 s* s $h{2 uK 71 Karray of oids, used in system tables%H{2 Z s %O{X2 N3b 1 XML content&H{2 rְ s &Bm{2 N^ <1 Ustring representing an internal node tree'H{82 8w s 'Cg{2 ;X 61 ! Imultivariate ndistinct coefficients(H{2 ) s (! N]{X2 9 ,1 J 5multivariate dependencies)H{2  s )J an{2 Q =1  Winternal type for passing CollectedCommand*H{H2 < s * S{2 FI "1 !storage manager+H{2  s +M\{X2 g +1 X3geometric point '(x, y)',H{2 և s ,X!f{2 O 51 YGgeometric line segment '(pt1,pt2)'-H{H2  s -Y"^{2 -1 Z7geometric path '(pt1,...)'.H{2 *j s .Z#l{X2 ů ;1 [Sgeometric box '(lower left,upper right)'/H{2 zR s /[$a{2 %" 01 \=geometric polygon '(pt1,...)'0H{X2  s 0\%R{2 to !1 tgeometric line1H{2 8 s 1t(z{`2  I1 osingle-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage2H{2 {Qmq s 26z{(2  I1 odouble-precision floating point number, 8-byte storage3H{p2 0 s 37|{2 fE K1 sabsolute, limited-range date and time (Unix system time)4H{82 ` s 48{{2 w%l J1 qrelative, limited-range time interval (Unix delta time)5H{2 4, s 59d{2 nR 31 C(abstime,abstime), time interval6H{2 vz s 6:f{02  51 Ggeometric circle '(center,radius)'7H{x2 B s 7?_{2 ~NX .1 9monetary amounts, $d,ddd.cc8H{(2 s 8db{2 c 11 =?XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address9H{2 XE s 9=gv{82 W E1 egIP 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