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Error: %s gensprep: syntax error in field 0 at %s gensprep error parsing %s line %s at %s. Error: %s gensprep: error parsing NormalizationCorrections.txt mapping at %s gensprep error parsing NormalizationCorrections.txt of U+%04lx - %s Usage: %s [-options] [file_name] Read the files specified and create a binary file [package-name]_[bundle-name].spp with the StringPrep profile data Options: -h or -? or --help print this usage text -v or --verbose verbose output -c or --copyright include a copyright notice -d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path -s or --sourcedir source directory of ICU data, followed by the path -b or --bundle-name generate the ouput data file with the name specified -i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files, followed by path, defaults to %s -n or --normalize turn on the option for normalization and include mappings from NormalizationCorrections.txt from the given path, e.g: /test/icu/source/data/unidata -m or --norm-correction use NormalizationCorrections.txt from the given path when the input file contains a normalization directive. unlike -n/--normalize, this option does not force the normalization. -k or --check-bidi turn on the option for checking for BiDi in the profile -u or --unicode version of Unicode to be used with this profile followed by the version error in command line argument "%s" gensprep error: u_parseDelimitedFile("%s") failed - %s Could not open file %s for reading. Error: %s Could not open file %s for reading error: failed to initialize tries Type for codepoint \U%08X already set!. Could not set the value for code point. Failed to put entries into the hastable. Error: %s trieWord cannot contain value greater than 0xFFFF. trieWord cannot contain value greater than threshold 0x%04X. Value for codepoint \U%08X already set!. Could not set the value for code point \U%08X. Value for certain codepoint already set. Copyright (C) 2016, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. trieWord cannot contain value greater than 0x%04X. Too many entries in the mapping table %i. Maximum allowed is %i gensprep, fatal error at %s, %d. Aborting. error: utrie_serialize(sprep trie) failed, %s size of sprep trie %5u bytes size of icudt57l_%s.spp contents: %ld bytes size of mapping data array %5u bytes Number of code units in mappingData (currentIndex) are: %i Maximum length of the mapping string is : %i gensprep: unable to create the output file, error %d gensprep: error %d writing the output file gensprep error: data length %ld != calculated size %ld store.cspp;d$<4t ,DDd|TdLdzRx +zRx $`pFJ w?;*3$"D\\BBE B(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBK  O` D0WBBG A(D0J 0A(A BBBE HAl$BBB B(A0A8I 8A0A(B BBBA t`JBSWAxpDhBBE A(D0M@[ 0A(A BBBB  AO,ED { A L'd]Dv A 8L0BBE B(D0A8IPh 8A0A(B BBBE ,HAA w ABD LkBBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBA l,DcD(eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBBPan p 4*H= P= o  @    oo oo* o`= &6FVfv&6FVfvhA *h*?*v*c*d*s*i*b*n*mN*k*uSPRPa649c2a776ba92ee2fb0949d422afa10eedd02.debugޭK.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o<> FNo* * f[o @j tB ~ppyp"4*4* @*@* ,7,777H= H=P= P=X= X=`= `=p? ?0@ @H`A `A C tC@ tC4C