#!/usr/bin/perl # update-language --- Generate language.dat* from a set of files # Copyright (C) 2015 Norbert Preining # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. $^W = 1; use strict; my $version = "0.1"; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Text::ParseWords; my $mode = 'all'; # for each file in /var/lib/tex-common/hyphen-cnf/ # plus the config file /etc/texmf/web2c/local-hyphen.cnf my $localconf = '/etc/texmf/web2c/local-hyphen.cnf'; my $default_output_dir = '/var/lib/texmf/tex/generic/config'; my %data; my $progname = basename($0); my $opt_conf_file = ""; my $opt_output = ""; my $opt_outdir = ""; my $opt_checks = 0; my $opt_quiet = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my $opt_version = 0; my %defaults = ( 'latex' => { 'output' => 'language.dat', 'func' => \&make_latex_line, 'head' => '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.us', 'post' => '', }, 'etex' => { 'output' => 'language.def', 'func' => \&make_etex_line, 'head' => '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.us.def', 'post' => "\n\\uselanguage \{USenglish\} \%\%\% This MUST be the last line of the file.\n", }, 'luatex' => { 'output' => 'language.dat.lua', 'func' => \&make_luatex_line, 'head' => '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.us.lua', 'post' => "\}\n", } ); &main(); # from here on only sub definitions! sub main { GetOptions( "conf-file|c=s" => \$opt_conf_file, "output-file|o=s" => \$opt_output, "output-dir|d=s" => \$opt_outdir, "checks" => \$opt_checks, "quiet|q" => \$opt_quiet, "help|h|?" => \$opt_help, "version|v" => \$opt_version) or usage(); if ($progname eq "update-language") { $mode = "all"; } elsif ($progname eq "update-language-dat") { $mode = "latex"; } elsif ($progname eq "update-language-def") { $mode = "etex"; } elsif ($progname eq "update-language-lua") { $mode = "luatex"; } else { die "Please call me as update-language(-dat,-def,-lua)."; } if ($opt_help) { usage(); exit 0; } if ($opt_version) { version(); exit 0; } # if texlive-base is not properly installed, we do nothing my $stat = `dpkg-query -W -f=\'\${Status}\' texlive-base 2>/dev/null`; if ($stat ne "install ok installed") { printf "$progname: texlive-base not installed and configured, doing nothing!\n"; exit 0; } update_conffiles($mode); } sub update_conffiles { my $mode = shift; my @todo; if ($mode eq 'all') { push @todo, keys(%defaults); } else { push @todo, $mode; } read_data(); for my $t (@todo) { my $of = ($opt_output ? $opt_output : ( $opt_outdir ? "$opt_outdir/$defaults{$t}{'output'}" : "$default_output_dir/$defaults{$t}{'output'}")); open(FOO, ">$of") || die "Cannot open $of: $!"; if (-r $defaults{$t}{'head'}) { open BAR, "<", $defaults{$t}{'head'} || die("Cannot open head file $defaults{$t}{'head'}: $!"); for () { print FOO $_; } close BAR; } else { die("Missing head file $defaults{$t}{'head'}: $!"); } for my $n (keys %data) { print FOO &{$defaults{$t}{'func'}}($n); } print FOO $defaults{$t}{'post'}; close FOO; } } # should have been in TLUtils, but the actual code is hidden # in TLPOBJ.pm, bad! sub make_latex_line { my $n = shift; my $ret = "$n " . $data{$n}{'file'} . "\n"; if ($data{$n}{'synonyms'}) { for my $s (@{$data{$n}{'synonyms'}}) { $ret .= "=$s\n"; } } return $ret; } sub make_etex_line { my $n = shift; my $file = $data{$n}{'file'}; my $lhm = $data{$n}{'lefthyphenmin'}; my $rhm = $data{$n}{'righthyphenmin'}; my $ret = "\\addlanguage\{$n\}\{$file\}\{\}\{$lhm\}\{$rhm\}\n"; return $ret; } sub make_luatex_line { my $n = shift; my $file = $data{$n}{'file'}; my $exc = $data{$n}{'file_exceptions'}; my $lhm = $data{$n}{'lefthyphenmin'}; my $rhm = $data{$n}{'righthyphenmin'}; my $patt = $data{$n}{'file_patterns'}; my $special = $data{$n}{'luaspecial'}; my $syns = ''; if ($data{$n}{'synonyms'}) { my @syn = (@{$data{$n}{'synonyms'}}); map { $_ = "'$_'" } @syn; $syns = join(', ', @syn); } my $ret = <<"EOF" [\'$n\'] = { loader = \'$file\', lefthyphenmin = $lhm, righthyphenmin = $rhm, synonyms = { $syns }, EOF ; $ret .= " patterns = \'$patt\',\n" if defined $patt; $ret .= " hyphenation = \'$exc\',\n" if defined $exc; $ret .= " special = \'$special\',\n" if defined $special; $ret .= " },\n"; return $ret; } sub parse_hyphen_line { my $line = shift; my %ret; my $default_lefthyphenmin = 2; my $default_righthyphenmin = 3; $ret{"lefthyphenmin"} = $default_lefthyphenmin; $ret{"righthyphenmin"} = $default_righthyphenmin; $ret{"synonyms"} = []; my @parsed = Text::ParseWords::parse_line('\s+', 0, $line); for my $p (@parsed) { my ($a, $b) = split(/=/, $p); if ($a eq "name") { if (!$b) { $ret{"error"} = "AddHyphen line needs name=something"; return %ret; } $ret{"name"} = $b; next; } if ($a eq "lefthyphenmin") { $ret{"lefthyphenmin"} = ( $b ? $b : $default_lefthyphenmin ); next; } if ($a eq "righthyphenmin") { $ret{"righthyphenmin"} = ( $b ? $b : $default_righthyphenmin ); next; } if ($a eq "file") { if (!$b) { $ret{"error"} = "AddHyphen line needs file=something"; return %ret; } $ret{"file"} = $b; next; } if ($a eq "file_patterns") { $ret{"file_patterns"} = $b; next; } if ($a eq "file_exceptions") { $ret{"file_exceptions"} = $b; next; } if ($a eq "luaspecial") { $ret{"luaspecial"} = $b; next; } if ($a eq "databases") { @{$ret{"databases"}} = split /,/, $b; next; } if ($a eq "synonyms") { @{$ret{"synonyms"}} = split /,/, $b; next; } if ($a eq "comment") { $ret{"comment"} = $b; next; } # should not be reached at all $ret{"error"} = "Unknown language directive $a"; return %ret; } # this default value couldn't be set earlier if (not defined($ret{"databases"})) { if (defined $ret{"file_patterns"} or defined $ret{"file_exceptions"} or defined $ret{"luaspecial"}) { @{$ret{"databases"}} = qw(dat def lua); } else { @{$ret{"databases"}} = qw(dat def); } } return %ret; } sub read_one_file { my $f = shift; my $do_warn = shift; open FOO, "<$f" || die ("Cannot read file $f: $!"); while () { chomp; next if /^\s*%/; next if /^\s*$/; my %r = parse_hyphen_line($_); if (defined($r{"error"})) { die ("Cannot parse $_ in $f: $r{'error'}"); } my $n = $r{'name'}; if (defined($data{$n})) { if ($do_warn == 2) { printf STDERR "TeX Live internal double defined hyphenations pattern found: $n\n"; } elsif ($do_warn == 1) { printf STDERR "double defined hyphenations pattern found: $n\n"; } } for my $k (keys %r) { next if ($k eq "name"); $data{$n}{$k} = $r{$k}; } } close FOO; } sub read_data { if (-d '/var/lib/tex-common/hyphen-cnf/texlive/') { for my $f () { read_one_file($f, 2); } } if (-d '/var/lib/tex-common/hyphen-cnf/texmf/') { for my $f () { read_one_file($f, 1); } } if (-r $localconf) { read_one_file($localconf, 0); } } sub version { print "$progname $version\n"; } sub usage () { print <<"EOF" Usage: $progname(-dat,-def,-lua) [OPTIONS ...] Generate hyphenation configuration files language.dat, .def, .dat.lua When called as update-language, all three configurations files are generated. Otherwise only the selected one. Options: -c, --conf-file=FILE file giving additional hyphen specifications -o, --output-file=FILE file to write the output to -d, --output-dir=DIR directory where files are written --checks perform sanity checks on the generated config file -q, --quiet don't write anything to the standard output during normal operation -h, -?, --help display this help message and exit --version output version information and exit Files: The default output directory is $default_output_dir The default output files are for update-language-dat $defaults{'latex'}{'output'} for update-language-def $defaults{'etex'}{'output'} for update-language-lua $defaults{'luatex'}{'output'} If -o/--output-file is given, it overrides all defaults. EOF ; } ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #