# Copyright (C) 2007 Giampaolo Rodola' . # Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """An "authorizer" is a class handling authentications and permissions of the FTP server. It is used by pyftpdlib.handlers.FTPHandler class for: - verifying user password - getting user home directory - checking user permissions when a filesystem read/write event occurs - changing user when accessing the filesystem DummyAuthorizer is the main class which handles virtual users. UnixAuthorizer and WindowsAuthorizer are platform specific and interact with UNIX and Windows password database. """ import errno import os import sys import warnings from ._compat import PY3 from ._compat import unicode from ._compat import getcwdu __all__ = ['DummyAuthorizer', # 'BaseUnixAuthorizer', 'UnixAuthorizer', # 'BaseWindowsAuthorizer', 'WindowsAuthorizer', ] # =================================================================== # --- exceptions # =================================================================== class AuthorizerError(Exception): """Base class for authorizer exceptions.""" class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): """Exception raised when authentication fails for any reason.""" # =================================================================== # --- base class # =================================================================== class DummyAuthorizer(object): """Basic "dummy" authorizer class, suitable for subclassing to create your own custom authorizers. An "authorizer" is a class handling authentications and permissions of the FTP server. It is used inside FTPHandler class for verifying user's password, getting users home directory, checking user permissions when a file read/write event occurs and changing user before accessing the filesystem. DummyAuthorizer is the base authorizer, providing a platform independent interface for managing "virtual" FTP users. System dependent authorizers can by written by subclassing this base class and overriding appropriate methods as necessary. """ read_perms = "elr" write_perms = "adfmwMT" def __init__(self): self.user_table = {} def add_user(self, username, password, homedir, perm='elr', msg_login="Login successful.", msg_quit="Goodbye."): """Add a user to the virtual users table. AuthorizerError exceptions raised on error conditions such as invalid permissions, missing home directory or duplicate usernames. Optional perm argument is a string referencing the user's permissions explained below: Read permissions: - "e" = change directory (CWD command) - "l" = list files (LIST, NLST, STAT, MLSD, MLST, SIZE, MDTM commands) - "r" = retrieve file from the server (RETR command) Write permissions: - "a" = append data to an existing file (APPE command) - "d" = delete file or directory (DELE, RMD commands) - "f" = rename file or directory (RNFR, RNTO commands) - "m" = create directory (MKD command) - "w" = store a file to the server (STOR, STOU commands) - "M" = change file mode (SITE CHMOD command) - "T" = update file last modified time (MFMT command) Optional msg_login and msg_quit arguments can be specified to provide customized response strings when user log-in and quit. """ if self.has_user(username): raise ValueError('user %r already exists' % username) if not isinstance(homedir, unicode): homedir = homedir.decode('utf8') if not os.path.isdir(homedir): raise ValueError('no such directory: %r' % homedir) homedir = os.path.realpath(homedir) self._check_permissions(username, perm) dic = {'pwd': str(password), 'home': homedir, 'perm': perm, 'operms': {}, 'msg_login': str(msg_login), 'msg_quit': str(msg_quit) } self.user_table[username] = dic def add_anonymous(self, homedir, **kwargs): """Add an anonymous user to the virtual users table. AuthorizerError exception raised on error conditions such as invalid permissions, missing home directory, or duplicate anonymous users. The keyword arguments in kwargs are the same expected by add_user method: "perm", "msg_login" and "msg_quit". The optional "perm" keyword argument is a string defaulting to "elr" referencing "read-only" anonymous user's permissions. Using write permission values ("adfmwM") results in a RuntimeWarning. """ DummyAuthorizer.add_user(self, 'anonymous', '', homedir, **kwargs) def remove_user(self, username): """Remove a user from the virtual users table.""" del self.user_table[username] def override_perm(self, username, directory, perm, recursive=False): """Override permissions for a given directory.""" self._check_permissions(username, perm) if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ValueError('no such directory: %r' % directory) directory = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(directory)) home = os.path.normcase(self.get_home_dir(username)) if directory == home: raise ValueError("can't override home directory permissions") if not self._issubpath(directory, home): raise ValueError("path escapes user home directory") self.user_table[username]['operms'][directory] = perm, recursive def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): """Raises AuthenticationFailed if supplied username and password don't match the stored credentials, else return None. """ msg = "Authentication failed." if not self.has_user(username): if username == 'anonymous': msg = "Anonymous access not allowed." raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) if username != 'anonymous': if self.user_table[username]['pwd'] != password: raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) def get_home_dir(self, username): """Return the user's home directory. Since this is called during authentication (PASS), AuthenticationFailed can be freely raised by subclasses in case the provided username no longer exists. """ return self.user_table[username]['home'] def impersonate_user(self, username, password): """Impersonate another user (noop). It is always called before accessing the filesystem. By default it does nothing. The subclass overriding this method is expected to provide a mechanism to change the current user. """ def terminate_impersonation(self, username): """Terminate impersonation (noop). It is always called after having accessed the filesystem. By default it does nothing. The subclass overriding this method is expected to provide a mechanism to switch back to the original user. """ def has_user(self, username): """Whether the username exists in the virtual users table.""" return username in self.user_table def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None): """Whether the user has permission over path (an absolute pathname of a file or a directory). Expected perm argument is one of the following letters: "elradfmwMT". """ if path is None: return perm in self.user_table[username]['perm'] path = os.path.normcase(path) for dir in self.user_table[username]['operms'].keys(): operm, recursive = self.user_table[username]['operms'][dir] if self._issubpath(path, dir): if recursive: return perm in operm if (path == dir or os.path.dirname(path) == dir and not os.path.isdir(path)): return perm in operm return perm in self.user_table[username]['perm'] def get_perms(self, username): """Return current user permissions.""" return self.user_table[username]['perm'] def get_msg_login(self, username): """Return the user's login message.""" return self.user_table[username]['msg_login'] def get_msg_quit(self, username): """Return the user's quitting message.""" try: return self.user_table[username]['msg_quit'] except KeyError: return "Goodbye." def _check_permissions(self, username, perm): warned = 0 for p in perm: if p not in self.read_perms + self.write_perms: raise ValueError('no such permission %r' % p) if (username == 'anonymous' and p in self.write_perms and not warned): warnings.warn("write permissions assigned to anonymous user.", RuntimeWarning) warned = 1 def _issubpath(self, a, b): """Return True if a is a sub-path of b or if the paths are equal.""" p1 = a.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep) p2 = b.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep) return p1[:len(p2)] == p2 def replace_anonymous(callable): """A decorator to replace anonymous user string passed to authorizer methods as first argument with the actual user used to handle anonymous sessions. """ def wrapper(self, username, *args, **kwargs): if username == 'anonymous': username = self.anonymous_user or username return callable(self, username, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper # =================================================================== # --- platform specific authorizers # =================================================================== class _Base(object): """Methods common to both Unix and Windows authorizers. Not supposed to be used directly. """ msg_no_such_user = "Authentication failed." msg_wrong_password = "Authentication failed." msg_anon_not_allowed = "Anonymous access not allowed." msg_invalid_shell = "User %s doesn't have a valid shell." msg_rejected_user = "User %s is not allowed to login." def __init__(self): """Check for errors in the constructor.""" if self.rejected_users and self.allowed_users: raise AuthorizerError("rejected_users and allowed_users options " "are mutually exclusive") users = self._get_system_users() for user in (self.allowed_users or self.rejected_users): if user == 'anonymous': raise AuthorizerError('invalid username "anonymous"') if user not in users: raise AuthorizerError('unknown user %s' % user) if self.anonymous_user is not None: if not self.has_user(self.anonymous_user): raise AuthorizerError('no such user %s' % self.anonymous_user) home = self.get_home_dir(self.anonymous_user) if not os.path.isdir(home): raise AuthorizerError('no valid home set for user %s' % self.anonymous_user) def override_user(self, username, password=None, homedir=None, perm=None, msg_login=None, msg_quit=None): """Overrides the options specified in the class constructor for a specific user. """ if (not password and not homedir and not perm and not msg_login and not msg_quit): raise AuthorizerError( "at least one keyword argument must be specified") if self.allowed_users and username not in self.allowed_users: raise AuthorizerError('%s is not an allowed user' % username) if self.rejected_users and username in self.rejected_users: raise AuthorizerError('%s is not an allowed user' % username) if username == "anonymous" and password: raise AuthorizerError("can't assign password to anonymous user") if not self.has_user(username): raise AuthorizerError('no such user %s' % username) if homedir is not None and not isinstance(homedir, unicode): homedir = homedir.decode('utf8') if username in self._dummy_authorizer.user_table: # re-set parameters del self._dummy_authorizer.user_table[username] self._dummy_authorizer.add_user(username, password or "", homedir or getcwdu(), perm or "", msg_login or "", msg_quit or "") if homedir is None: self._dummy_authorizer.user_table[username]['home'] = "" def get_msg_login(self, username): return self._get_key(username, 'msg_login') or self.msg_login def get_msg_quit(self, username): return self._get_key(username, 'msg_quit') or self.msg_quit def get_perms(self, username): overridden_perms = self._get_key(username, 'perm') if overridden_perms: return overridden_perms if username == 'anonymous': return 'elr' return self.global_perm def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None): return perm in self.get_perms(username) def _get_key(self, username, key): if self._dummy_authorizer.has_user(username): return self._dummy_authorizer.user_table[username][key] def _is_rejected_user(self, username): """Return True if the user has been black listed via allowed_users or rejected_users options. """ if self.allowed_users and username not in self.allowed_users: return True if self.rejected_users and username in self.rejected_users: return True return False # =================================================================== # --- UNIX # =================================================================== try: import crypt import pwd import spwd except ImportError: pass else: __all__.extend(['BaseUnixAuthorizer', 'UnixAuthorizer']) # the uid/gid the server runs under PROCESS_UID = os.getuid() PROCESS_GID = os.getgid() class BaseUnixAuthorizer(object): """An authorizer compatible with Unix user account and password database. This class should not be used directly unless for subclassing. Use higher-level UnixAuthorizer class instead. """ def __init__(self, anonymous_user=None): if os.geteuid() != 0 or not spwd.getspall(): raise AuthorizerError("super user privileges are required") self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user if self.anonymous_user is not None: try: pwd.getpwnam(self.anonymous_user).pw_dir except KeyError: raise AuthorizerError('no such user %s' % anonymous_user) # --- overridden / private API def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): """Authenticates against shadow password db; raises AuthenticationFailed in case of failed authentication. """ if username == "anonymous": if self.anonymous_user is None: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_anon_not_allowed) else: try: pw1 = spwd.getspnam(username).sp_pwd pw2 = crypt.crypt(password, pw1) except KeyError: # no such username raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_no_such_user) else: if pw1 != pw2: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_wrong_password) @replace_anonymous def impersonate_user(self, username, password): """Change process effective user/group ids to reflect logged in user. """ try: pwdstruct = pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: raise AuthorizerError(self.msg_no_such_user) else: os.setegid(pwdstruct.pw_gid) os.seteuid(pwdstruct.pw_uid) def terminate_impersonation(self, username): """Revert process effective user/group IDs.""" os.setegid(PROCESS_GID) os.seteuid(PROCESS_UID) @replace_anonymous def has_user(self, username): """Return True if user exists on the Unix system. If the user has been black listed via allowed_users or rejected_users options always return False. """ return username in self._get_system_users() @replace_anonymous def get_home_dir(self, username): """Return user home directory.""" try: home = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_dir except KeyError: raise AuthorizerError(self.msg_no_such_user) else: if not PY3: home = home.decode('utf8') return home @staticmethod def _get_system_users(): """Return all users defined on the UNIX system.""" # there should be no need to convert usernames to unicode # as UNIX does not allow chars outside of ASCII set return [entry.pw_name for entry in pwd.getpwall()] def get_msg_login(self, username): return "Login successful." def get_msg_quit(self, username): return "Goodbye." def get_perms(self, username): return "elradfmwMT" def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None): return perm in self.get_perms(username) class UnixAuthorizer(_Base, BaseUnixAuthorizer): """A wrapper on top of BaseUnixAuthorizer providing options to specify what users should be allowed to login, per-user options, etc. Example usages: >>> from pyftpdlib.authorizers import UnixAuthorizer >>> # accept all except root >>> auth = UnixAuthorizer(rejected_users=["root"]) >>> >>> # accept some users only >>> auth = UnixAuthorizer(allowed_users=["matt", "jay"]) >>> >>> # accept everybody and don't care if they have not a valid shell >>> auth = UnixAuthorizer(require_valid_shell=False) >>> >>> # set specific options for a user >>> auth.override_user("matt", password="foo", perm="elr") """ # --- public API def __init__(self, global_perm="elradfmwMT", allowed_users=None, rejected_users=None, require_valid_shell=True, anonymous_user=None, msg_login="Login successful.", msg_quit="Goodbye."): """Parameters: - (string) global_perm: a series of letters referencing the users permissions; defaults to "elradfmwMT" which means full read and write access for everybody (except anonymous). - (list) allowed_users: a list of users which are accepted for authenticating against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions). - (list) rejected_users: a list of users which are not accepted for authenticating against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions). - (bool) require_valid_shell: Deny access for those users which do not have a valid shell binary listed in /etc/shells. If /etc/shells cannot be found this is a no-op. Anonymous user is not subject to this option, and is free to not have a valid shell defined. Defaults to True (a valid shell is required for login). - (string) anonymous_user: specify it if you intend to provide anonymous access. The value expected is a string representing the system user to use for managing anonymous sessions; defaults to None (anonymous access disabled). - (string) msg_login: the string sent when client logs in. - (string) msg_quit: the string sent when client quits. """ BaseUnixAuthorizer.__init__(self, anonymous_user) if allowed_users is None: allowed_users = [] if rejected_users is None: rejected_users = [] self.global_perm = global_perm self.allowed_users = allowed_users self.rejected_users = rejected_users self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user self.require_valid_shell = require_valid_shell self.msg_login = msg_login self.msg_quit = msg_quit self._dummy_authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() self._dummy_authorizer._check_permissions('', global_perm) _Base.__init__(self) if require_valid_shell: for username in self.allowed_users: if not self._has_valid_shell(username): raise AuthorizerError("user %s has not a valid shell" % username) def override_user(self, username, password=None, homedir=None, perm=None, msg_login=None, msg_quit=None): """Overrides the options specified in the class constructor for a specific user. """ if self.require_valid_shell and username != 'anonymous': if not self._has_valid_shell(username): raise AuthorizerError(self.msg_invalid_shell % username) _Base.override_user(self, username, password, homedir, perm, msg_login, msg_quit) # --- overridden / private API def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): if username == "anonymous": if self.anonymous_user is None: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_anon_not_allowed) return if self._is_rejected_user(username): raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_rejected_user % username) overridden_password = self._get_key(username, 'pwd') if overridden_password: if overridden_password != password: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_wrong_password) else: BaseUnixAuthorizer.validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler) if self.require_valid_shell and username != 'anonymous': if not self._has_valid_shell(username): raise AuthenticationFailed( self.msg_invalid_shell % username) @replace_anonymous def has_user(self, username): if self._is_rejected_user(username): return False return username in self._get_system_users() @replace_anonymous def get_home_dir(self, username): overridden_home = self._get_key(username, 'home') if overridden_home: return overridden_home return BaseUnixAuthorizer.get_home_dir(self, username) @staticmethod def _has_valid_shell(username): """Return True if the user has a valid shell binary listed in /etc/shells. If /etc/shells can't be found return True. """ try: file = open('/etc/shells', 'r') except IOError as err: if err.errno == errno.ENOENT: return True raise else: with file: try: shell = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_shell except KeyError: # invalid user return False for line in file: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.strip() if line == shell: return True return False # =================================================================== # --- Windows # =================================================================== # Note: requires pywin32 extension try: import pywintypes import win32api import win32con import win32net import win32security except ImportError: pass else: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): import _winreg as winreg else: import winreg __all__.extend(['BaseWindowsAuthorizer', 'WindowsAuthorizer']) class BaseWindowsAuthorizer(object): """An authorizer compatible with Windows user account and password database. This class should not be used directly unless for subclassing. Use higher-level WinowsAuthorizer class instead. """ def __init__(self, anonymous_user=None, anonymous_password=None): # actually try to impersonate the user self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user self.anonymous_password = anonymous_password if self.anonymous_user is not None: self.impersonate_user(self.anonymous_user, self.anonymous_password) self.terminate_impersonation(None) def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): if username == "anonymous": if self.anonymous_user is None: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_anon_not_allowed) return try: win32security.LogonUser(username, None, password, win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) except pywintypes.error: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_wrong_password) @replace_anonymous def impersonate_user(self, username, password): """Impersonate the security context of another user.""" handler = win32security.LogonUser( username, None, password, win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT) win32security.ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(handler) handler.Close() def terminate_impersonation(self, username): """Terminate the impersonation of another user.""" win32security.RevertToSelf() @replace_anonymous def has_user(self, username): return username in self._get_system_users() @replace_anonymous def get_home_dir(self, username): """Return the user's profile directory, the closest thing to a user home directory we have on Windows. """ try: sid = win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid( win32security.LookupAccountName(None, username)[0]) except pywintypes.error as err: raise AuthorizerError(err) path = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT" \ r"\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" + "\\" + sid try: key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) except WindowsError: raise AuthorizerError( "No profile directory defined for user %s" % username) value = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "ProfileImagePath")[0] home = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(value) if not PY3 and not isinstance(home, unicode): home = home.decode('utf8') return home @classmethod def _get_system_users(cls): """Return all users defined on the Windows system.""" # XXX - Does Windows allow usernames with chars outside of # ASCII set? In that case we need to convert this to unicode. return [entry['name'] for entry in win32net.NetUserEnum(None, 0)[0]] def get_msg_login(self, username): return "Login successful." def get_msg_quit(self, username): return "Goodbye." def get_perms(self, username): return "elradfmwMT" def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None): return perm in self.get_perms(username) class WindowsAuthorizer(_Base, BaseWindowsAuthorizer): """A wrapper on top of BaseWindowsAuthorizer providing options to specify what users should be allowed to login, per-user options, etc. Example usages: >>> from pyftpdlib.authorizers import WindowsAuthorizer >>> # accept all except Administrator >>> auth = WindowsAuthorizer(rejected_users=["Administrator"]) >>> >>> # accept some users only >>> auth = WindowsAuthorizer(allowed_users=["matt", "jay"]) >>> >>> # set specific options for a user >>> auth.override_user("matt", password="foo", perm="elr") """ # --- public API def __init__(self, global_perm="elradfmwMT", allowed_users=None, rejected_users=None, anonymous_user=None, anonymous_password=None, msg_login="Login successful.", msg_quit="Goodbye."): """Parameters: - (string) global_perm: a series of letters referencing the users permissions; defaults to "elradfmwMT" which means full read and write access for everybody (except anonymous). - (list) allowed_users: a list of users which are accepted for authenticating against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions). - (list) rejected_users: a list of users which are not accepted for authenticating against the FTP server; defaults to [] (no restrictions). - (string) anonymous_user: specify it if you intend to provide anonymous access. The value expected is a string representing the system user to use for managing anonymous sessions. As for IIS, it is recommended to use Guest account. The common practice is to first enable the Guest user, which is disabled by default and then assign an empty password. Defaults to None (anonymous access disabled). - (string) anonymous_password: the password of the user who has been chosen to manage the anonymous sessions. Defaults to None (empty password). - (string) msg_login: the string sent when client logs in. - (string) msg_quit: the string sent when client quits. """ if allowed_users is None: allowed_users = [] if rejected_users is None: rejected_users = [] self.global_perm = global_perm self.allowed_users = allowed_users self.rejected_users = rejected_users self.anonymous_user = anonymous_user self.anonymous_password = anonymous_password self.msg_login = msg_login self.msg_quit = msg_quit self._dummy_authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() self._dummy_authorizer._check_permissions('', global_perm) _Base.__init__(self) # actually try to impersonate the user if self.anonymous_user is not None: self.impersonate_user(self.anonymous_user, self.anonymous_password) self.terminate_impersonation(None) def override_user(self, username, password=None, homedir=None, perm=None, msg_login=None, msg_quit=None): """Overrides the options specified in the class constructor for a specific user. """ _Base.override_user(self, username, password, homedir, perm, msg_login, msg_quit) # --- overridden / private API def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): """Authenticates against Windows user database; return True on success. """ if username == "anonymous": if self.anonymous_user is None: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_anon_not_allowed) return if self.allowed_users and username not in self.allowed_users: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_rejected_user % username) if self.rejected_users and username in self.rejected_users: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_rejected_user % username) overridden_password = self._get_key(username, 'pwd') if overridden_password: if overridden_password != password: raise AuthenticationFailed(self.msg_wrong_password) else: BaseWindowsAuthorizer.validate_authentication( self, username, password, handler) def impersonate_user(self, username, password): """Impersonate the security context of another user.""" if username == "anonymous": username = self.anonymous_user or "" password = self.anonymous_password or "" BaseWindowsAuthorizer.impersonate_user(self, username, password) @replace_anonymous def has_user(self, username): if self._is_rejected_user(username): return False return username in self._get_system_users() @replace_anonymous def get_home_dir(self, username): overridden_home = self._get_key(username, 'home') if overridden_home: home = overridden_home else: home = BaseWindowsAuthorizer.get_home_dir(self, username) if not PY3 and not isinstance(home, unicode): home = home.decode('utf8') return home