**************************************************************** lasvalidate: A simple tool (open source LGPL) to determine if LAS files conform to the ASPRS LAS 1.0 to 1.4 specifications. For updates check the website or join the LAStools mailing list. http://github.com/LASvalidator/ http://rapidlasso.com/ http://lastools.org/ http://groups.google.com/group/lastools/ http://twitter.com/lastools/ http://facebook.com/lastools/ https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4408378/ Martin @lastools **************************************************************** Example calls to lasvalidate: C:\lastools\bin> lasvalidate -i ..\data\*.las -oxml and C:\lastools\bin> lasvalidate -i ..\data\*.las -o ..\data\summary.xml The source code compiles under Windows and Linux is available from github at http://github.com/LASvalidator mkdir LASvalidator cd LASvalidator git clone https://github.com/LASvalidator/LASread.git cd LASread make cd .. git clone https://github.com/LASvalidator/lasvalidate.git cd lasvalidate make cd bin E:\software\LAStools\bin>lasvalidate -h This is version 200104 of the LAS validator. Please contact me at 'martin.isenburg@rapidlasso.com' if you disagree with validation reports, want additional checks, or find bugs as the software is still under development. Your feedback will help to finish it sooner. Supported Inputs: -i lidar.las -i lidar1.las lidar2.las lidar3.las -i *.las -i flight0??.las flight1??.las -lof file_list.txt Usage: lasvalidate -i lidar.las lasvalidate -i lidar.laz -no_CRS_fail lasvalidate -v -i lidar.las -o report.xml lasvalidate -v -i lidar.laz -oxml lasvalidate -vv -i tile1.las tile2.las tile3.las -oxml lasvalidate -i tile1.laz tile2.laz tile3.laz -o summary.xml lasvalidate -i *.las -no_CRS_fail -o report.xml lasvalidate -i *.laz -o summary.xml lasvalidate -i *.laz -tile_size 1000 -o summary.xml lasvalidate -i *.las -oxml lasvalidate -i c:\data\lidar.las -oxml lasvalidate -i ..\subfolder\*.las -o summary.xml lasvalidate -v -i ..\..\flight\*.laz -o oxml lasvalidate -h -- Below is a test run on the unit tests. C:\LASvalidator\lasvalidate\bin> lasvalidate -i ..\unit\*.las -o ..\unit\validate.xml This is version 200104 of the LAS validator. Please contact me at 'martin.isenburg@rapidlasso.com' if you disagree with validation reports, want additional checks, or find bugs as the software is still under development. Your feedback will help to finish it sooner. needed 0.01 sec for 'las12.las' warning needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_bounding_box.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_creation_date.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_global_encoding.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_header_size.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_number_of_points_by_return.las' fail WARNING: end-of-file after 8144 of 8150 points needed 0.01 sec for 'las12_number_of_point_records.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_offset_to_point_data.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_point_data_format.las' fail needed 0.00 sec for 'las12_scale_factor.las' warning done. total time 0.07 sec. total fail (pass=0,warning=2,fail=8) C:\LASvalidator\lasvalidate\bin> more ..\unit\validate.xml las12.las ..\unit\las12.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere warning
return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_bounding_box.las ..\unit\las12_bounding_box.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere fail
bounding box there are 1003 points outside of the bounding box specified in the LAS file header min x should be 309240.00 and not 309240.15 max x should be 309254.99 and not 309254.50 min y should be 6143455.00 and not 6143455.20 max y should be 6143469.99 and not 6143468.50 min z should be 455.07 and not 455.70 max z should be 471.39 and not 471.30 return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_creation_date.las ..\unit\las12_creation_date.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere fail
file creation day not set file creation year not set return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_global_encoding.las ..\unit\las12_global_encoding.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere fail
global encoding should not be greater than 1 for LAS version 1.2 but is 63 global encoding set bit 4 not defined for LAS version 1.2 global encoding set bit 3 not defined for LAS version 1.2 global encoding set bit 2 not defined for LAS version 1.2 global encoding set bit 2 not defined for point data format 1 global encoding although bit 1 and bit 2 are mutually exclusive they are both set global encoding set bit 1 not defined for LAS version 1.2 global encoding set bit 1 not defined for point data format 1 return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_header_size.las ..\unit\las12_header_size.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130902) 0 not valid or not specified fail
header size the header_size of any LAS file is at least 227 but here it is only 226
las12_number_of_points_by_return.las ..\unit\las12_number_of_points_by_return.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere fail
number of points by return[0] the number of 1st returns is 4405 and not 4400 number of points by return[2] the number of 3rd returns is 1031 and not 1030 number of points by return[3] the number of 4th returns is 201 and not 200 number of points by return[4] the number of 5th returns is 26 and not 30 return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_number_of_point_records.las ..\unit\las12_number_of_point_records.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere fail
number of point records there are only 8144 point records and not 8150 return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
las12_offset_to_point_data.las ..\unit\las12_offset_to_point_data.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130902) 0 not valid or not specified fail
offset to point data the offset_to_point_data 225 must be equal or larger than the header_size 227
las12_point_data_format.las ..\unit\las12_point_data_format.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130902) 14 not valid or not specified fail
point type or size
las12_scale_factor.las ..\unit\las12_scale_factor.las 1.2 LAStools (c) by Martin Isenburg las2las (version 130506) 1 UTM 55 southern hemisphere warning
x scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25 and not 0.003333 y scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25 and not 0.0123456789 z scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25 and not 0.00987654321 return number there are 1 points with a return number of 6 return number there are 6 points with a number of returns of given pulse of 6
0 2 8
200104 built with LASread version 1.1 (200104) lasvalidate -i ..\unit\*.las -o ..\unit\validate.xml