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Press Ctrl + D to terminate. Scanning page %d cannot open %s %s: sane_start: %s %s: sane_get_parameters: %s %s: acquiring %s frame scanimage.cparm.depth == 8Progress: %3.1f%% Progress: (unknown) %s: sane_read: %s %s: read %lu bytes in total Scanned page %d. (scanner status = %d) cannot close image file cannot rename %s to %s %s: reading one byte... grayRGBredgreenbluedevice-namelist-devicesformatted-device-listhelpverboseprogressoutput-filetestall-optionsversionbuffer-sizebatchbatch-countbatch-startbatch-doublebatch-incrementbatch-printbatch-promptformataccept-md5-onlyicc-profiledont-scanq @`DDl4$FdU,<,d ل8888a888҇888888{wgMZscan_it%s has wrong permissions (use at least 0600) Authentication required for resource %*.*s. Enter username: ERROR: backend requested plain-text password WARNING: backend requested plain-text password Authentication required for resource %s. Enter username: $MD5$%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%s: can't allocate image buffer (%dx%d) %s: invalid option caps, SS+HS %s: invalid option caps, SS!SD png_create_write_struct failed png_create_info_struct failed Ignoring 'GRAY' space ICC profile because the image is RGB. Ignoring 'RGB ' space ICC profile because the image is Grayscale. Could not get option descriptor for option 0 Could not get value for option 0: %s Could not get option descriptor for option %d %s: option --%s: closing bracket missing (rest of option: %s) %s: option --%s: index %d out of range [0..%ld] %s: option --%s: bad option value (rest of option: %s) %s: option --%s: illegal unit (rest of option: %s) %s: option --%s: illegal separator (rest of option: %s) %s: ignored request to set inactive option %s %s: setting of option --%s failed (%s) %s: rounded value of %s from %d to %d %s: rounded value of %s from %g to %g %s: attempted to set inactive option %s %s: failed to set option --%s to automatic (%s) %s: option --%s: bad option value `%s' %s: duh, got unknown option type %d P6 # SANE data follows %d %d %d P5 # SANE data follows %d %d %d Unknown output image format '%s'. %s: sane_get_devices() failed: %s No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different, check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).%s: unknown format specifier %%%c scanimage (%s) %s; backend version %d.%d.%d Usage: %s [OPTION]... Start image acquisition on a scanner device and write image data to standard output. Parameters are separated by a blank from single-character options (e.g. -d epson) and by a "=" from multi-character options (e.g. --device-name=epson). -d, --device-name=DEVICE use a given scanner device (e.g. hp:/dev/scanner) --format=pnm|tiff|png|jpeg file format of output file -i, --icc-profile=PROFILE include this ICC profile into TIFF file -L, --list-devices show available scanner devices -f, --formatted-device-list=FORMAT similar to -L, but the FORMAT of the output can be specified: %%d (device name), %%v (vendor), %%m (model), %%t (type), %%i (index number), and %%n (newline) -b, --batch[=FORMAT] working in batch mode, FORMAT is `out%%d.pnm' `out%%d.tif' `out%%d.png' or `out%%d.jpg' by default depending on --format This option is incompatible with --output-file. --batch-start=# page number to start naming files with --batch-count=# how many pages to scan in batch mode --batch-increment=# increase page number in filename by # --batch-double increment page number by two, same as --batch-increment=2 --batch-print print image filenames to stdout --batch-prompt ask for pressing a key before scanning a page --accept-md5-only only accept authorization requests using md5 -p, --progress print progress messages -o, --output-file=PATH save output to the given file instead of stdout. This option is incompatible with --batch. -n, --dont-scan only set options, don't actually scan -T, --test test backend thoroughly -A, --all-options list all available backend options -h, --help display this help message and exit -v, --verbose give even more status messages -B, --buffer-size=# change input buffer size (in kB, default 32)-V, --version print version information--batch and --output-file can't be used together. Output format is not set, using pnm as a default. Could not guess output format from the given path and no --format given. %s: open of device %s failed: %s You seem to have specified a UNIX device name, or filename instead of selecting the SANE scanner or image acquisition device you want to use. As an example, you might want "epson:/dev/sg0" or "hp:/dev/usbscanner0". If any supported devices are installed in your system, you should be able to see a list with "scanimage --list-devices". %s: unable to get option count descriptor %s: unable to determine option count %s: argument without option: `%s'; Options specific to device `%s': All options specific to device `%s': Type ``%s --help -d DEVICE'' to get list of all options for DEVICE. List of available devices:%s: could not open input file '%s', exiting page%s, incrementing by %d, numbering from %d %s: output is not a file, exiting Place document no. %d on the scanner. %s: scanning image of size %dx%d pixels at %d bits/pixel %s: scanning image %d pixels wide and variable height at %d bits/pixel (parm.depth == 8) || (parm.depth == 16)(parm.depth == 1) || (parm.depth == 8) || (parm.depth == 16)parm.format >= SANE_FRAME_RED && parm.format <= SANE_FRAME_BLUE%s: min/max graylevel value = %d/%d %s: WARNING: read more data than announced by backend (%lu/%lu) Batch terminated, %d page%s scanned %s: acquiring %s frame, %d bits/sample %s: reading one scanline, %d bytes... %s: stepped read, %d bytes... >?z^C@@ @$@ffffff9@Y@d:hi:Lf:o:B::nvVError reading ICC profile %s Could not open ICC profile %s Ignoring ICC profile because file %s is shorter than the profile ; `<ede|j $|L,H | L$|p|`,t |Tp, T<4zRx /D$4h_FJ w?:*3$"\PdtHd$ܗAC G{ A DBEE E(D0D8I@8I0A(B BBB,,EC HK7 F 4@ܟBAA x DBF UAB,x AC I| A XTjBFL G(D0A8D`hBpExEX`S 8A0A(B BBBB hIH *BGB B(A0A8DPH 8A0A(B BBBK Xh BGI H(P0D8Fp kQ } 8A0A(B BBBI LBBE D(D0D@ 0A(A BBBG HaPLHA@@X BBE E(D0D@) 0A(B BBBH X$l~_xVd F p\BBB B(A0A8F@ 8F0A(B BBBJ Q8A0A(B BBBe,FBB B(A0A8G L@LHz HTH^HAHHDHSHAH 8F0A(B BBBD  HOHZHGH]HIHIHDIVH HfHV HDH[HAH7HOHhHBHUHIHIHDI^H^HhHPHAHLFBL E(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBK L !FUh4CBs A 0hFCG0kAACH04ĿGDID O HBF NBB$ܿEAFL eGA0[ADF H AAK oFAHL0)KBH D(D0 (I BBBH xH FEE B(A0C8Fp 8A0A(B BBBH DHeFIE E(D0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB,pXWqvz~ w (o  } ( H ooooo0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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