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Photo runs past end of data. Exiting. Block size may be wrong for this camera Thumbnail outputsize = 0x%x = %d Thumbnail outputsize recalculated is 0x%x = %d jl2005bcd camera library Theodore Kilgore This driver supports cameras with Jeilin JL2005B or C or D chip These cameras do not support deletion of photos, nor uploading of data. If present on the camera, video clip frames are downloaded as consecutive still photos. For more details please consult libgphoto2/camlibs/README.jl2005c This camera contains a Jeilin JL2005%c chipset. The number of photos in it is %i. Sakar Nickelodeon iCarly no. 88061Sakar Dora the Explorer no. 88067Sakar Sticker Wizard no. 59379Global Point 3 in 1 Digital Fun Graffiti 00044DIGITAL MID#0020509 (no-name camera)   Opening data register. jl2005c/jl2005c/jl2005c.ctable[16 * n + 7] = %02X size = 0x%x = %d inep reset to %02X Running jl2005c_init `abcModel string is %08x defghijklmblocks_to_read = 0x%lx = %lu noInit attempted %d times Third try. Giving up Model is %c data_to_read = 0x%lx = %lu Leaving jl2005c_init %d frames in the camera (unreliable!) alloc_table_size = 0x%02x * 0x200 = 0x%x Error downloading alloc table Number of entries is recalculated as %d Unknown model, unknown blocksize camera's blocksize = 0x%x = %d total_data_in_camera = 0x%lx = %lu Running jl2005bcd_decompress() function. jl2005c/jl2005c/jl2005bcd_decompress.cP6 # CREATOR: gphoto2, JL2005BCD library %d %d 255 quality is %d size: %dx%d No thumbnail is present! AAAIIIIII HEUH? out_headerlen = %d AAI Provisional gamma correction = %1.2f r=%1d, g=%1d, b=%1d, fr=%1.3f, fg=%1.3f, fb=%1.3f jl2005c/jl2005c/img_enhance.csaturation = %1.2f Gamma correction = %1.2f White balance (bright): White balance (dark): ffffff?333333?~??ffffff???}C@A~CG@@;00@,0@pT` `PL@ p0P@0H ` zR|  4F J tx?9*2$"@T h<|EA AANTKXK\B`KP`TDXA\C`wdAhElBpKTAXD\A`MdGhElBpKTAXD\A`QdAhDlBpSXB\A`HPO\G`AdAhDlBpwPMTIXD\B`HPHTAXF\C`HPbTDXD\B`HP{TCXC\D`KPsTIXD\B`HPHTAXF\C`HPXTDXD\B`HPRTLXA\A`NPfTDXD\B`HPUTEXA\D`KPKTGXD\B`RTKXE\A`OPnTIXN\E`UdAhAlBpHPOXB\A`HPLTDXE\A`RPK\G`AdAhDlBpHXG\D`HTAXC\D`HPC CA AAC N XB\U`HPLTDXE\A`RPGXL CXC\A`HPSTAXD\B`F\AXC\A`HTCXC\A`KPM\A`HPE AA AAK C\E`HPNTLXD\B`F\D`HPQXI\D`HTDXD\D`HPE AA AAA JTCXD\B`F\D`HPH\I`HPRTLXE\B`HTGXA\B`F\D`HPR\I`HP<H8?EA NKGB FABA H CA(84ENJGD HCLLdEA NKGB FABA FB KGA OC CA4l;ENBGG FAAD HC4<t;ENBGG FAAD HC\t|kEA AVGGB KKAG FAAA A$B(B,D0HC AA3\EA AAQEGAEh'R'N^ CA AAA HxEA AAQDKBFAECHbvKRAEBOAABHJAABHGACFABEHJhCAHX AA AAF 4 p^ENBGD TGGB VCPXvEA AAN Z$G(A,B0i4A8A