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Size code unknown avitype is %d height of picture %i is %i rawsize = 0x%x = %i Finished counting frames! compression byte is %#02x number of frames is %i compressed %i POST_CODE is %i CAM_OFFSET=%i video/x-msvideosize = %i avi malloc'ed avi standard hdr copied avi hdr written avi hdr put away Doing frame number %i framestart[%i] = 0x%x offset = 0x%x Done with frame number %i image/x-portable-pixmapimage/x-rawrawsize= 0x%x = %i libgphoto2sonix%03i.ppmsonix%03i.aviDC31VCproduct number is 0x%x Initializing the camera interface = %i inep = %x outep = %x post code is 0x%x Sakar Digital Keychain 11199Sakar Digital no, 6637xSakar Digital no, 67480Mini Shotz ms-350Vivitar Vivicam3350BGenius Smart 300, version 2Only the last photo can be deleted! P6 # CREATOR: gphoto2, SONIX library %d %d 255 white_balance run on photo number %03d Sonix camera library Theodore Kilgore This driver supports some cameras that use the Sonix sn9c2028 chip. The following operations are supported: - thumbnails for a GUI frontend - full images in PPM format - delete all images - delete last image (not all of the Sonix cameras can do this) - image capture to camera ( ditto ) If present on the camera, video clip frames are downloaded as consecutive still photos or as AVI files, depending on the model. Thumbnails for AVIs are still photos made from the first frame. A single image cannot be deleted unless it is the last one. Sonix camera. There are %i photos in it. Sonix camera. There is %i photo in it. This camera does not do capture-image Wild Planet Digital Spy Camera 70137RIFFAVI LISThdrlavih8{)LISTtstrlstrh8vids Q)strf((LISTmovidAۙ! Running sonix_init sonix/sonix/sonix.c%02x %02x %02x %02x Thanks! fwversion[1] is %#02x number of photos is %d Leaving sonix_init Running sonix_capture_image Gamma correction = %1.2f Above is the 4-byte ID string of your camera. Please report if it is anything other than 96 0a 76 07 or 96 03 31 08 or 96 08 26 09 or 96 00 67 09 or 96 01 31 09 getting size_code for picture %i running sonix_read_data_size for picture %i Provisional gamma correction = %1.2f White balance (bright): r=%1d, g=%1d, b=%1d, fr=%1.3f, fg=%1.3f, fb=%1.3f White balance (dark): r=%1d, g=%1d, b=%1d, fr=%1.3f, fg=%1.3f, fb=%1.3f ?333333?333333????~CC>; 0DX4x0$`( @XP`x  L @  X zR|  F J tx?9*2$"@hTddh@EA N h$D(A,C0K J,B0K H  AAH C(A,B0H Q,C0H Q$G(G,B0H @ZEA NKGB FB KGA OC CA,ԹEB P AAA G TDsEA N V(A,A0H I,A0H E  AAC G,C0H N AA4;ENBGG FAAD HC4;ENBGG FAAD HCx EA AN Z,H0A4A8G