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Error on writing stream! Stream error! p_stream->m_byte_offset >= 0opj_stream_seekopj_stream_skipopj_stream_get_number_byte_leftopj_stream_read_skipopj_read_bytes_LEopj_read_bytes_BEopj_write_bytes_LEopj_write_bytes_BE/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/dwt.c/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/opj_intmath.h(temp >> 13) >= (-(OPJ_INT64)0x7FFFFFFF - (OPJ_INT64)1)(temp >> 13) <= (OPJ_INT64)0x7FFFFFFFm + 1 == endretopj_v4dwt_interleave_partial_vopj_v4dwt_interleave_partial_hopj_dwt_decode_partial_97opj_v4dwt_decode_step2opj_int_fix_mulopj_dwt_interleave_partial_vopj_dwt_interleave_partial_hopj_dwt_decode_partial_tile?q= ףp?h|?@uV @fffff0@Q@@\(P@`@p@33333@V-@x@(\µ @ ףp= 1@(\"A@Q(Q@)a@)q@(@V-@x@(\µ @ ףp= 1@(\"A@Q(Q@)a@)q@(@p= ף@Q@w/ @Gz.1@{GZA@(\eQ@ia@iq@i@??@@\(\%@ףp= W5@(\UE@QUU@fffffVe@Tu@S㥛?Fx?'1Z@Zd;@)\&@p= ף6@F@QV@̜f@S㥛?Fx?'1Z@Zd;@)\&@p= ף6@F@QV@̜f@\m?V}b?K7A`?MbX@~jt@Q(@8@\(G@QW@F/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/image.cp_image_src != 00p_image_dest != 00opj_copy_image_headeropj_uint_ceildivOPJ_NUM_THREADSALL_CPUSp_j2k != 00p_stream != 00p_manager != 00tileno < (cp->tw * cp->th)strlen(prog) > 0Crror reading CBD marker Error reading TLM marker Error reading POC marker Too many POCs %d Error reading QCD marker Error reading QCC marker Error reading RGN marker Invalid precinct size Error reading COC marker Error reading COD marker cstr_index != 00cstr_index->tile_index != 00Error reading MCC marker Error reading MCT marker Error reading PPT marker Zppt %u already read Error reading PPM marker l_cp->ppm_markers_count == 0UZppm %u already read Error with SIZ marker size p_procedure_list != 00Error writing QCD marker default tile { prg=%#x numlayers=%d mct=%x comp %d { csty=%#x numresolutions=%d cblkw=2^%d cblkh=2^%d cblksty=%#x qmfbid=%d preccintsize (w,h)=(%d,%d) qntsty=%d numgbits=%d stepsizes (m,e)= roishift=%d } Error reading MCO marker Error reading CRG marker Error reading PLM marker Error reading PLT marker Error reading SOT marker Invalid tile number %d Expected a SOC marker Stream too short Invalid marker size p_cp->ppm_buffer == NULLCorrupted PPM markers Failed to merge PPM data Unknown marker res_x0 >= 0res_x1 >= 0tile number %d / %d Cannot encode tile Error writing COD marker p_tcp != 00%s%stccp->numresolutions > 0res_spec > 0Inconsistent marker size Not sure how that happened. Failed to merge PPT data Failed to decode. Stream does not end with EOC Failed to decode tile 1/1 Failed to decode tile %d/%d Tile %d/%d has been decoded. Problem with seek function Invalid component index: %u %s dx=%d, dy=%d %s prec=%d %s sgnd=%d Image info { %s x0=%d, y0=%d %s x1=%d, y1=%d %s numcomps=%d %s component %d { %s} Wrong flag tx0=%d, ty0=%d tdx=%d, tdy=%d tw=%d, th=%d Marker list: { Tile index: { /build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/j2k.cNumber of resolutions is too high in comparison to the size of tiles p_tile_no < l_cp->tw * l_cp->thp_comp_no < p_j2k->m_private_image->numcompspino < (cp->tcps[tileno].numpocs + 1)Cannot decode tile, memory error Not enough memory to create Tile Coder Invalid values for comp = %d : prec=%u (should be between 1 and 38 according to the JPEG2000 norm. OpenJpeg only supports up to 31) Error reading SQcd or SQcc element While reading CCP_QNTSTY element inside QCD or QCC marker segment, number of subbands (%d) is greater to OPJ_J2K_MAXBANDS (%d). So we limit the number of elements stored to OPJ_J2K_MAXBANDS (%d) and skip the rest. Invalid component number: %d, regarding the number of components %d bad component number in RGN (%d when there are only %d) compno < p_j2k->m_private_image->numcompsError reading SPCod SPCoc element Invalid value for numresolutions : %d, max value is set in openjpeg.h at %d Error decoding component %d. The number of resolutions to remove (%d) is greater or equal than the number of resolutions of this component (%d) Modify the cp_reduce parameter. Error reading SPCod SPCoc element, Invalid cblkw/cblkh combination Error reading SPCod SPCoc element, Invalid code-block style found Error reading COC marker (bad number of components) Unknown Scod value in COD marker Unknown progression order in COD marker Invalid number of layers in COD marker : %d not in range [1-65535] Cannot take in charge multiple data spanning Not enough memory to read MCC marker Cannot take in charge multiple collections Cannot take in charge collections other than array decorrelation Cannot take in charge collections with indix shuffle Cannot take in charge collections without same number of indixes Cannot take in charge mct data within multiple MCT records Not enough memory to read MCT marker Cannot take in charge multiple MCT markers Error reading PPT marker: packet header have been previously found in the main header (PPM marker). l_tcp->ppt_markers_count == 0UNot enough memory to read PPT marker Not enough memory to read PPM marker Error with SIZ marker: number of component is illegal -> %d Error with SIZ marker: number of component is not compatible with the remaining number of parameters ( %d vs %d) Error with SIZ marker: negative or zero image size (%lld x %lld) Error with SIZ marker: invalid tile size (tdx: %d, tdy: %d) Error with SIZ marker: illegal tile offset Error with SIZ marker: IHDR w(%u) h(%u) vs. SIZ w(%u) h(%u) Not enough memory to take in charge SIZ marker Despite JP2 BPC!=255, precision and/or sgnd values for comp[%d] is different than comp[0]: [0] prec(%d) sgnd(%d) [%d] prec(%d) sgnd(%d) Invalid values for comp = %d : dx=%u dy=%u (should be between 1 and 255 according to the JPEG2000 norm) Invalid number of tiles : %u x %u (maximum fixed by jpeg2000 norm is 65535 tiles) Error writing SQcd SQcc element Not enough memory to write the COM marker Not enough memory to write POC marker Not enough memory to write TLM marker Not enough memory to write QCD marker Not enough memory for the SIZ marker Cannot take in charge multiple transformation stages. p_tile_no < (l_cp->tw * l_cp->th)Invalid tile part index for tile number %d. Got %d, expected %d Empty SOT marker detected: Psot=%d. Psot value is not correct regards to the JPEG2000 norm: %d. Psot value of the current tile-part is equal to zero, we assuming it is the last tile-part of the codestream. In SOT marker, TPSot (%d) is not valid regards to the previous number of tile-part (%d), giving up In SOT marker, TPSot (%d) is not valid regards to the current number of tile-part (header) (%d), giving up p_j2k->m_specific_param.m_decoder.m_tile_ind_to_dec >= 0p_j2k->cstr_index->tile_index != 00Not enough memory to read SOT marker. Tile index allocation failed Start to read j2k main header (%lld). Not enough memory to add mh marker required SIZ marker not found in main header A marker ID was expected (0xff--) instead of %.8x Marker is not compliant with its position Unknow marker have been detected and generated error. Not enough memory to read header Marker handler function failed to read the marker segment required COD marker not found in main header required QCD marker not found in main header Not enough bytes to read Nppm Main header has been correctly decoded. p_j2k->m_output_image->comps[compno].data == NULLThe given tile index does not match.Not enough memory to write CBD marker Not enough memory to write MCT marker Not enough memory to write MCC marker Not enough memory to write MCO marker Not enough memory to write QCC marker Not enough bytes in output buffer to write SOD marker Not enough bytes in output buffer to write SOT marker p_j2k->m_specific_param.m_encoder.m_encoded_tile_datap_comp_no < (p_j2k->m_private_image->numcomps)Error writing SPCod SPCoc element Not enough memory to write COD marker Not enough memory to write COC marker Image coordinates above INT_MAX are not supported Size x of the decoded component image is incorrect (comp[%d].w=%d). Size y of the decoded component image is incorrect (comp[%d].h=%d). Invalid number of resolutions : %d not in range [1,%d] Invalid value for cblockw_init: %d not a power of 2 in range [4,1024] Invalid value for cblockh_init: %d not a power of 2 not in range [4,1024] Invalid value for cblockw_init * cblockh_init: should be <= 4096 Deprecated fields cp_cinema or cp_rsiz are used Please consider using only the rsiz field See openjpeg.h documentation for more details tcp_rates[%d]=%f (corrected as %f) should be strictly lesser than tcp_rates[%d]=%f (corrected as %f) tcp_rates[%d]=%f (corrected as %f) should be strictly lesser than tcp_rates[%d]=%f tcp_rates[%d]=%f should be strictly lesser than tcp_rates[%d]=%f (corrected as %f) tcp_rates[%d]=%f should be strictly lesser than tcp_rates[%d]=%f tcp_distoratio[%d]=%f should be strictly greater than tcp_distoratio[%d]=%f The desired maximum codestream size has limited at least one of the desired quality layers JPEG 2000 Scalable Digital Cinema profiles not yet supported JPEG 2000 Profile-3 and 4 (2k/4k dc profile) requires: 1 single quality layer-> Number of layers forced to 1 (rather than %d) -> Rate of the last layer (%3.1f) will be usedJPEG 2000 Profile-3 (2k dc profile) requires: Number of decomposition levels <= 5 -> Number of decomposition levels forced to 5 (rather than %d) JPEG 2000 Profile-4 (4k dc profile) requires: Number of decomposition levels >= 1 && <= 6 -> Number of decomposition levels forced to 1 (rather than %d) JPEG 2000 Profile-4 (4k dc profile) requires: Number of decomposition levels >= 1 && <= 6 -> Number of decomposition levels forced to 6 (rather than %d) JPEG 2000 Profile-3 and 4 (2k/4k dc profile) requires: Maximum 1302083 compressed bytes @ 24fps As no rate has been given, this limit will be used. JPEG 2000 Profile-3 and 4 (2k/4k dc profile) requires: Maximum 1302083 compressed bytes @ 24fps -> Specified rate exceeds this limit. Rate will be forced to 1302083 bytes. JPEG 2000 Profile-3 and 4 (2k/4k dc profile) requires: Maximum 1041666 compressed bytes @ 24fps As no rate has been given, this limit will be used. JPEG 2000 Profile-3 and 4 (2k/4k dc profile) requires: Maximum 1041666 compressed bytes @ 24fps -> Specified rate exceeds this limit. Rate will be forced to 1041666 bytes. JPEG 2000 Profile-3 (2k dc profile) requires: 3 components-> Number of components of input image (%d) is not compliant -> Non-profile-3 codestream will be generated JPEG 2000 Profile-3 (2k dc profile) requires: Precision of each component shall be 12 bits unsigned-> At least component %d of input image (%d bits, %s) is not compliant -> Non-profile-3 codestream will be generated JPEG 2000 Profile-3 (2k dc profile) requires: width <= 2048 and height <= 1080 -> Input image size %d x %d is not compliant -> Non-profile-3 codestream will be generated JPEG 2000 Profile-4 (4k dc profile) requires: width <= 4096 and height <= 2160 -> Image size %d x %d is not compliant -> Non-profile-4 codestream will be generated JPEG 2000 Long Term Storage profile not yet supported JPEG 2000 Broadcast profiles not yet supported JPEG 2000 IMF profiles not yet supported JPEG 2000 Part-2 profile defined but no Part-2 extension enabled. Profile set to NONE. Unsupported Part-2 extension enabled Profile set to NONE. Not enough memory to allocate copy of user encoding parameters matrix Not enough memory to allocate copy of comment string Not enough memory to allocate comment string Not enough memory to allocate tile coding parameters Not enough memory for checking the poc values. Missing packets possible loss of data Not enough memory to allocate tile component coding parameters Not enough memory to allocate temp buffer Not enough memory to allocate encoder MCT coding matrix Not enough memory to allocate encoder MCT decoding matrix Failed to inverse encoder MCT decoding matrix Not enough memory to allocate encoder MCT norms Failed to setup j2k mct encoding Cannot perform MCT on components with different sizes. Disabling MCT. Marker size inconsistent with stream length Fail to read the current marker segment (%#x) Not enough memory to add tl marker Tile part length size inconsistent with stream length p_j2k->m_specific_param.m_decoder.m_sot_length > UINT_MAX - OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA*l_tile_len > UINT_MAX - OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA - p_j2k->m_specific_param.m_decoder.m_sot_lengthNot enough memory to decode tile opj_j2k_apply_nb_tile_parts_correction error Non conformant codestream TPsot==TNsot. opj_j2k_merge_ppt() has already been called Header of tile %d / %d has been read. Stream too short, expected SOT Image data has been updated with tile %d. Tile read, decoded and updated is not the desired one (%d vs %d). opj_read_header() should be called before opj_set_decoded_components(). Component index %u used several times Need to decode the main header before begin to decode the remaining codestream. No decoded area parameters, set the decoded area to the whole image Left position of the decoded area (region_x0=%d) should be >= 0. Left position of the decoded area (region_x0=%d) is outside the image area (Xsiz=%d). Left position of the decoded area (region_x0=%d) is outside the image area (XOsiz=%d). Up position of the decoded area (region_y0=%d) should be >= 0. Up position of the decoded area (region_y0=%d) is outside the image area (Ysiz=%d). Up position of the decoded area (region_y0=%d) is outside the image area (YOsiz=%d). Right position of the decoded area (region_x1=%d) should be > 0. Right position of the decoded area (region_x1=%d) is outside the image area (XOsiz=%d). Right position of the decoded area (region_x1=%d) is outside the image area (Xsiz=%d). Bottom position of the decoded area (region_y1=%d) should be > 0. Bottom position of the decoded area (region_y1=%d) is outside the image area (YOsiz=%d). Bottom position of the decoded area (region_y1=%d) is outside the image area (Ysiz=%d). Setting decoding area to %d,%d,%d,%d [DEV] Dump an image_comp_header struct { [DEV] Dump an image_header struct { Codestream info from main header: { Codestream index from main header: { Main header start position=%lli Main header end position=%lli type=%#x, pos=%lli, len=%d nb of tile-part in tile [%d]=%d tile-part[%d]: star_pos=%lli, end_header=%lli, end_pos=%lli. We need an image previously created. Image has less components than codestream. Tile index provided by the user is incorrect %d (max = %d) Resolution factor is greater than the maximum resolution in the component. Error allocating tile component data.Not enough memory to encode all tiles Size mismatch between tile data and sent data.Failed to allocate image header.Error while opj_j2k_pre_write_tile with tile index = %d Error while opj_j2k_post_write_tile with tile index = %d opj_j2k_calculate_tpopj_j2k_init_infoopj_j2k_write_socopj_j2k_write_sizopj_j2k_write_codopj_j2k_write_qcdopj_j2k_write_SPCod_SPCocopj_j2k_write_all_cocopj_j2k_write_SQcd_SQccopj_j2k_get_SQcd_SQcc_sizeopj_j2k_write_all_qccopj_j2k_write_tlmopj_j2k_write_pocopj_j2k_write_regionsopj_j2k_write_comopj_j2k_write_mct_data_groupopj_j2k_get_end_headeropj_j2k_create_tcdopj_j2k_get_SPCod_SPCoc_sizeopj_uint_ceildivopj_j2k_update_ratesopj_j2k_encoding_validationopj_j2k_mct_validationopj_j2k_start_compressopj_j2k_write_eocopj_j2k_write_updated_tlmopj_j2k_write_epcopj_j2k_end_encodingopj_j2k_destroy_header_memoryopj_j2k_setup_end_compressopj_j2k_get_num_tpopj_j2k_write_sodopj_j2k_write_poc_in_memoryopj_j2k_write_sotopj_j2k_post_write_tileopj_j2k_encodeopj_j2k_setup_decoding_tileopj_j2k_move_data_from_codec_to_output_imageopj_j2k_update_image_dataopj_j2k_setup_decodingopj_j2k_decode_tileopj_j2k_merge_pptopj_j2k_add_tlmarkeropj_j2k_read_tile_headeropj_j2k_setup_mct_encodingopj_j2k_execopj_j2k_merge_ppmopj_j2k_add_mhmarkeropj_j2k_get_sot_valuesopj_j2k_read_sotopj_j2k_read_codopj_j2k_read_SPCod_SPCocopj_j2k_read_cocopj_j2k_read_rgnopj_j2k_read_qcdopj_j2k_read_SQcd_SQccopj_j2k_read_qccopj_j2k_read_pocopj_j2k_read_sizopj_j2k_read_tlmopj_j2k_read_plmopj_j2k_read_pltopj_j2k_read_ppmopj_j2k_read_pptopj_j2k_read_crgopj_j2k_read_comopj_j2k_read_mctopj_j2k_read_cbdopj_j2k_read_mccopj_j2k_read_mcoopj_j2k_read_header_procedureopj_j2k_copy_default_tcp_and_create_tcdopj_j2k_decoding_validationopj_j2k_read_headeropj_int_ceildivopj_j2k_setup_encoderCPRLLRCPPCRLRLCPRPCLBA AA@>AOffffff?/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/jp2.cThe box must be the first box in the file. Stream error while reading JP2 Header box: no 'ihdr' box. Cannot handle box of less than 8 bytes Cannot handle XL box of less than 16 bytes Cannot handle box sizes higher than 2^32 Cannot handle box of undefined sizes Stream error while reading JP2 Header box Stream error while reading JP2 Header box: box length is inconsistent. The signature box must be the first box in the file. Error with JP signature Box size Error with JP Signature : bad magic number Need to read a PCLR box before the CMAP box. Only one CMAP box is allowed. Insufficient data for CMAP box. A BPCC header box is available although BPC given by the IHDR box (%d) indicate components bit depth is constant Bad BPCC header box (bad size) Bad COLR header box (bad size) A conforming JP2 reader shall ignore all Colour Specification boxes after the first, so we ignore this one. Bad COLR header box (bad size: %d) Bad COLR header box (CIELab, bad size: %d) COLR BOX meth value is not a regular value (%d), so we will ignore the entire Colour Specification box. Not enough memory to handle jpeg2000 file header Found a misplaced '%c%c%c%c' box outside jp2h box JPEG2000 Header box not read yet, '%c%c%c%c' box will be ignored Problem with skipping JPEG2000 box, stream error Invalid box size %d for box '%c%c%c%c'. Need %d bytes, %d bytes remaining Not enough memory to handle jpeg2000 box Problem with reading JPEG2000 box, stream error Malformed JP2 file format: first box must be JPEG 2000 signature box Malformed JP2 file format: second box must be file type box (OPJ_OFF_T)box->length == bleft + 8jp2->color.jp2_cdef->info != 00jp2->meth == 1 || jp2->meth == 2Not enough memory to handle ftyp data Error while writing ftyp data to stream Failed to seek in the stream. Invalid component index %d (>= %d). Incomplete channel definitions. Invalid value for cmap[%d].mtyp = %d. Invalid component/palette index for direct mapping %d. Component %d is mapped twice. Direct use at #%d however pcol=%d. Implementation limitation: for palette mapping, pcol[%d] should be equal to %d, but is equal to %d. Component %d doesn't have a mapping. Component mapping seems wrong. Trying to correct. opj_jp2_apply_cdef: cn=%d, numcomps=%d opj_jp2_apply_cdef: acn=%d, numcomps=%d image->comps[%d].data == NULL in opj_jp2_apply_pclr(). Memory allocation failure in opj_jp2_apply_pclr(). The ftyp box must be the second box in the file. Error with FTYP signature Box size Not enough memory with FTYP Box Insufficient data for CDEF box. Number of channel description is equal to zero in CDEF box. Invalid PCLR box. Reports %d entries Invalid PCLR box. Reports 0 palette columns Ignoring ihdr box. First ihdr box already read Bad image header box (bad size) Invalid number of components (ihdr) Not enough memory to handle image header (ihdr) JP2 IHDR box: compression type indicate that the file is not a conforming JP2 file (%d) Not enough memory to hold JP2 Header data Stream error while writing JP2 Header box Failed to decode the codestream in the JP2 file Invalid number of components specified while setting up JP2 encoder Not enough memory when setup the JP2 encoder Alpha channel specified but unknown enumcs. No cdef box will be created. Alpha channel specified but not enough image components for an automatic cdef box creation. Alpha channel position conflicts with color channel. No cdef box will be created. Multiple alpha channels specified. No cdef box will be created. Not enough memory to setup the JP2 encoder JP2 box which are after the codestream will not be read by this function. Box length is inconsistent. p_cmap_header_data != 00p_bpc_header_data != 00p_colr_header_data != 00Not enough memory for cielab bad placed jpeg codestream invalid box size %d (%x) cio != 00p_nb_bytes_written != 00jp2->color.jp2_cdef != 00jp2->color.jp2_cdef->n > 0Ujp2->color.icc_profile_lenopj_stream_has_seek(cio)Unexpected OOM. pcol == 0i == pcolsrcdstp_cdef_header_data != 00p_pclr_header_data != 00p_image_header_data != 00JP2H box missing. Required. IHDR box_missing. Required. p_jp2 != 00jp2_dumpopj_jp2_read_headeropj_jp2_write_jpopj_jp2_write_ftypopj_jp2_write_ihdropj_jp2_write_bpccopj_jp2_write_colropj_jp2_write_cdefopj_jp2_write_jp2hopj_jpip_skip_iptropj_jp2_skip_jp2copj_jp2_default_validationopj_jp2_start_compressopj_jpip_write_iptropj_jp2_write_jp2copj_jpip_write_cidxopj_jpip_write_fidxopj_jp2_end_compressopj_jp2_execopj_jp2_read_boxhdropj_jp2_read_ihdropj_jp2_read_colropj_jp2_read_bpccopj_jp2_read_pclropj_jp2_read_cmapopj_jp2_read_cdefopj_jp2_read_jpopj_jp2_read_ftypopj_jp2_read_jp2hopj_jp2_read_header_procedureopj_jp2_end_decompressopj_jp2_apply_pclropj_int_fix_mulʡE?zG?^I +?ʡE?:pΈ?:pΈ?t?1>6??/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/mqc.cextra_writable_bytes >= OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRAmqc->bp >= mqc->start - 1*(mqc->bp) != 0xffmqc->bp >= mqc->startmqc->bp[-1] != 0xff*mqc->bp != 0xffopj_mqc_init_dec_commonopj_mqc_restart_init_encopj_mqc_bypass_flush_encopj_mqc_bypass_init_encopj_mqc_byteoutopj_mqc_init_enc2.3.1rbwbCodec provided to the opj_setup_decoder function is not a decompressor handler. Codec provided to the opj_read_header function is not a decompressor handler. Codec provided to the opj_set_decoded_components function is not a decompressor handler. apply_color_transforms = OPJ_TRUE is not supported. ư>/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/pi.cp_tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->thp_tile_no < p_cp->tw * p_cp->thp_cp != 00p_image != 00tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->thtileno < cp->tw * cp->thee0fcdopj_pi_update_encoding_parametersopj_pi_update_encode_not_pocopj_pi_update_encode_poc_and_finalopj_pi_initialise_encodeopj_int_ceildivopj_get_all_encoding_parametersopj_pi_createopj_pi_create_decode/build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/t1.cCannot allocate cblk->decoded_data opj_t1_decode_cblk(): unsupported bpno_plus_one = %d >= 31 PTERM check failure: %d remaining bytes in code block (%d used / %d) PTERM check failure: %d synthetized 0xFF markers read (cblk->decoded_data != NULL) || (tilec->data != NULL)(temp >> (13 + 11 - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)) <= (OPJ_INT64)0x7FFFFFFF(temp >> (13 + 11 - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)) >= (-(OPJ_INT64)0x7FFFFFFF - (OPJ_INT64)1)w <= 1024h <= 1024w * h <= 4096pass->rate > 0opj_t1_encode_cblkopj_int_fix_mul_t1opj_t1_allocate_buffersopj_t1_clbl_decode_processor       !"#$%&'()+,-./1234678:;<>?@BCEFHIKLNOQSTVXY[]^`bdegikmnprtvxz|~ !"$%'(*+-.0134679:<=?@BCEFHIKLNOQRTUWXZ[]^`acdfgijlmoprsuv 9Invalid precinct Expected SOP marker Expected EPH marker c >= destNot enough space for expected SOP marker Not enough space for expected EPH marker Invalid bit number %d in opj_t2_read_packet_header() opj_t2_encode_packet(): only %u bytes remaining in output buffer. %u needed. /build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/t2.cread: segment too long (%d) with max (%d) for codeblock %d (p=%d, b=%d, r=%d, c=%d) cannot allocate opj_tcd_seg_data_chunk_t* arrayskip: segment too long (%d) with max (%d) for codeblock %d (p=%d, b=%d, r=%d, c=%d) opj_t2_encode_packetTile X coordinates are not supported Tile Y coordinates are not supported tiles require at least one resolution Size of tile data exceeds system limits Not enough memory for tile resolutions Not enough memory to handle band precints Size of code block data exceeds system limits Not enough memory for current precinct codeblock element Invalid tilec->win_xxx values Tiles don't all have the same dimension. Skip the MCT step. /build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/tcd.cl_height == 0 || l_width + l_stride <= l_tile_comp->data_size / l_heightNumber of components (%d) is inconsistent with a MCT. Skip the MCT step. Integer overflow opj_tcd_dc_level_shift_decodeopj_uint_ceildivopj_int_ceildiv:?%=?Not enough memory to create Tag-tree Not enough memory to create Tag-tree nodes Not enough memory to reinitialize the tag tree /build/openjpeg2-MTDk4Y/openjpeg2-2.3.1/src/lib/openjp2/function_list.cNot enough memory to add a new validation procedure p_manager != NULLopj_procedure_list_add_procedurefailed to ppix indexing (KKJHHKHS(SSQhS;XLXtZ []^^,_(\_T_||adaaa,b\b8b\bpb,c\c |c Lddde||gXg hiPk k k4kHkll,l\ll>l ?X?? ?LdA \BDC(DlFdG<GG`>>>l??<<@`@ ,?HLBBBCh,EEEDFFFFFEA AAN0|8AEA AAN@cHALAPH@QDEHELAPLDBHALHPMDJHELJPJ@PDAHCLDPH@\ AA AAJ CDGHBLDPH@K LCPODO G DKHALGPE G DKHALGPE G DKHALGPE P?EA AAN0N8AEL AAFNCAALwCAAHhDJALhCCALCAAL~CAAL[AKAL\DJAK GHjIDHMDDGEGBCAAHKAyNFDDAEDASbDGLGFHBzL}FHeCAHHL CAHG CGDDHV AA AAA CLBHk H GAH h KAGL CBD_N KAGE JCCL K UHJ\ OAAAFHGAJ rAHJ JFCE H LCCJ VLFCp|LOA AAC@JDDHFDA@mDAHALAPV@ FA AAD CA AA8OwEC AACcCA AA@,0PEA AACI Fv AA AAD p|Q"QEA AAN@gDDHALAPK@wDDHALAPK@_DDHALAPK@^DCHALAPK@e AC AAA C CA AAG TEL AAFlBLDAPA AA AAA CFHMGBDFDHMGBDH8VHEA NRA OCA HC AAV EA LAF$ CA AAA CCHHYMBAlrFHHGBDFDHlY@Y0dY?EA AAQEBAHxBBAPf AA AAA PZ/EA AAQBAHW AA AAA Hdh[`EA NBB HIIB HJ  CAF CA J8|[AEA NRA HCA HC AAX[EA Au  AAB FGA HUC HTBA HKHAG H[ \[ p[([.EPKA HCA4[?ENSAA HC AD CC0[cEN X$A(B,E0H V AF p0\EA ACN0\8A