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Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.sane_init: >> ieee1284_find_ports sane_init: %d << ieee1284_find_ports sane_init: Error trying to get port list sane_init: Error, no parallel ports found. sane_init: %i parallel port(s) found. init_device: [configuring options] init_device: configuring opt: num_options init_device: configuring opt: resolution init_device: configuring opt: colour mode init_device: configuring opt: bit depth init_device: configuring opt: tl-x init_device: configuring opt: tl-y init_device: configuring opt: br-x init_device: configuring opt: br-y init_device: configuring opt: calibrate sane_init: calibrate line, %s sane_init: old config line:"%s". Please add a port argument. sane_init: Successfully parsed (old) cal, weight file is '%s'. sane_init: Finding scanner on port '%s' sane_init: Parsed cal, for port '%s', weight file is '%s'. sane_init: Successfully parsed default scanner. sane_init: force_nibble requested. sane_init: Unknown configuration command!detect_mode: System error: %s detect_mode: Initialisation error. detect_mode: Unable to claim port detect_mode: Compatibility mode (required) not supported. detect_mode: Port supports ECP-H. detect_mode: Port supports ECP-S. detect_mode: Port supports interrupts. detect_mode: Port supports DMA. detect_mode: Using ECP-H Mode detect_mode: Using ECP-S Mode detect_mode: Using nibble mode detect_mode: No supported parport modes available! detect_mode: Nibble mode force in effect. sane_init: Error detecting port mode on %s! sane_init: Couldn't claim port %s. sane_init: Couldn't contact scanner on port %s. Probably no scanner there? sane_init: And back to sleep again sane_init: Eeek! fix_weights_file failed for scanner on port %s! sane_init: calibrate line is for unknown port! sane_init: init_mode line is for unknown port! >> sane_init (version %s null, authorize %s null): sane-backends 1.0.29 sane_get_devices: ERROR: devlist pointer is NULL!>> sane_open (h=%p, name="%s") sane_open: Null pointer received! sane_open: Empty name given, assuming first/default scanner sane_open: Request to open port with no scanner (%s) sane_open; Oi!, That scanner's already open. sane_open: Could not claim port! sane_open: initialise returned %d, something is wrong with the scanner! sane_open: Can't contact scanner. Try power cycling scanner, and unplug any printers sane_open: >> load_weights(%s, %p) sane_open: >> load_weights(NULL, %p) sane_open: << %d load_weights sane_open: WARNING: Error on load_weights: returned %d. This could be due to a corrupt calibration file. Try recalibrating and if problems persist, please report the problem to the canon_pp maintainer sane_open: loadweights successful, uploading gamma profile... sane_open: WARNING: adjust_gamma returned %d! sane_open: after adjust_gamma Status = %i sane_open: No scanner found or requested port doesn't exist (%s) sane_get_option_descriptor: WARNING: h==NULL! sane_get_option_descriptor: Note: opt >= NUM_OPTIONS! sane_get_option_descriptor: That scanner (%p) ain't open yet >> sane_control_option (h=%p, opt=%d, act=%d) sane_control_option: Frontend passed me a null! (h=%p,val=%p,info=%p) sane_control_option: I don't do option %d. sane_control_option: That scanner (%p) ain't open yet sane_control_option: That scanner (%p) is scanning! sane_control_option: WARNING: calibrate returned %d!sane_control_option: attempt at automatic control! (unsupported) >> sane_get_parameters (h=%p, params=%p) sane_get_parameters: That scanner (%p) ain't open yet get_params: bytes_per_line=%d, pixels_per_line=%d, lines=%d max_res=%d, res=%d, max_height=%d, br_y=%d, tl_y=%d, mm_per_in=%f sane_start: That scanner (%p) ain't open yet sane_start: height = %d, Width = %d. Can't scan void range!sane_start: WARNING: init_scan returned %d!>> sane_read (h=%p, buf=%p, maxlen=%d) sane_read: This frontend's passing me dodgy gear! (h=%p, buf=%p, lenp=%p) sane_read: didn't send it all last time sane_read: sent %d bytes, still have %d to go sane_read: Not enough memory to hold a local buffer. You're doomed sane_read: Here's what we're sending read_segment: scanner setup: shw=%d xres=%d yres=%d %d %d id=%s scan_params->: width=%d, height=%d, xoffset=%d, yoffset=%d xresolution=%d, yresolution=%d, mode=%d, (lines=%d) >> read_segment(x, x, x, %d, %d, %d) sane_read: WARNING: read_segment returned %d! sane_read: bpl=%d, lines=%d, bytes=%d << sane_cancel (not scanning) sane_close: That scanner (%p) ain't open yet >> sane_set_io_mode (%p, %d) (not really supported) >> sane_get_select_fd (%p, %p) (not supported) Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Do a quality white-calibration7(:P9888889K,XK,ffffff9@Timeout: %s (0x%02x in 0x%02x) - Status = 0x%02x Internal error: Wrong mode for transfer. Please email stauff1@users.sourceforge.net or kinsei@users.sourceforge.net Scanner not ready (0x%x). Attempting to reset... WARNING: Don't know how to reset an FBx20P, you may have to power cycle Had to reset scanner, waiting for the head to get back. NEW Send Command (length %i): Couldn't read enough data (need %d more of %d) scanner_init: Giving the scanner a snooze... IEEE transfer (%i bytes) Reset 2 response 1Reset 2 response 2 (READY)Scanner wakeup reply 1Reply 2Scanner wakeup reply 2Reply 3Invalid mode in write! << writeNEW read_data (%i bytes): Read Data 1Error 1 Read Data 2Error 2 Read Data 3 (Ready?)Error 3 No data to read. -> ieee_transfer(%d) * <- (%d) -> ieee_transfer(%d) * Check Status: Ready - 0x0606 Busy - 0x1414 Resetting - 0x0805 !! Invalid Command - 0x1515 Nothing - 0x0000!! Unknown status - %04x init_scan: ** Warning: Checksum error reading buffer info block. init_scan: Illegal mode %i requested in init_scan(). This is a bug. Please report it. init_scan: Warning: Scanner is producing an image of unexpected size: expected: %i bytes wide, %i scanlines tall. true: %i bytes wide, %i scanlines tall. initialise: could not wake scanner initialise: Could not init scanner. initialise: Checksum error reading Info Block. Calibration file header is wrong, recalibrate please Calibration file is wrong version, recalibrate please Calibration doesn't match scanner, recalibrate? Error reading black calibration data, recalibrate? Error reading red calibration data, recalibrate? Error reading green calibration data, recalibrate? Error reading blue calibration data, recalibrate? read_segment: Error: Not enough memory for scanner input buffer read_segment: Error: Not enough memory for image data read_segment: Error: didn't get response within 2s of sending requestread_segment: Error reading packet header read_segment: Error: Expected data size: %i bytes. read_segment: Expecting %i bytes times %i scanlines. read_segment: Actual data size: %i bytes. read_segment: Segment read incorrectly, and we don't know how to recover. read_segment: Speculatively starting more scanning (%d left) adjust_output: Bad cal data! hi: %ld lo: %ld Recalibrate, that should fix it. Calibrating %ix%i pixels calibration image (%i bytes each scan). Step 1/3: Calibrating black level... * Requesting creation of new of gamma tables... * Snoozing for 15 seconds while the scanner calibrates... * Requesting gamma table values...Error sending gamma table request! * Reading white-balance/gamma data... Step 3/3: Calibrating sensors... * %s sensors, scan number %d/%d. Error opening cal file for writing Write error on calibration file %sdetect: could not wake scanner CANON IX-03055CUnknown (600dpi?)Unknown 300dpiUnknown 600dpiinitialise: >> scanner_init initialise: << scanner_init #CANONPPread_segment: Convert to RGB read_segment: Adjust output * Black scan number %d/%d. Error reading black level! Step 2/3: Gamma tables... Error sending gamma command! done. Error sending scan request!Writing calibration to %s detect: Unable to claim port CANON IX-06025CCANON IX-03075ECANON IX-06075ECANON IX-03095GCANON IX-06115GN340PN640PFB330PFB320P?p@;OB|FF\KKK8K`L\LLLL0MXLM|MMMlOO P\RU\U|VXW< ,Xh Y Y$ M\ "puzd_--%-7p-I@-[X-h hm shhhy  GXs 8++o   .  ooooo7-@ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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