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[%s] %s[%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld] [%s] sanei_debugsanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR.:/etc/sane.d%s%c%ssanei_configure_attach: exit optiontruefalsesanei_config_get_paths: using config directories %s sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_configure_attach: start sanei_configure_attach: couldn't access %s sanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string to parsesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a valid boolean valuesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string value to parsesanei_configure_attach: incorrect type %d for option %s, skipping option ... sanei_configure_attach: failed to parse option '%s', line '%s' sanei_configure_attach: trying to attach with '%s' GSuccessOperation was canceledDevice busyInvalid argumentEnd of file reachedDocument feeder jammedScanner cover is openError during device I/OOut of memoryOperation not supportedUnknown SANE status code %dDocument feeder out of documentsAccess to resource has been denied4DTdt$Unknown libusb-1.0 error codeSuccess (no error)Invalid parameterEntity not foundResource busyOperation timed outOverflowPipe errorInsufficient memoryOther errorInput/output errordebug_breaksanei_usbseqcontrolinterruptbulkisochronousintime_usecendpoint_numberdirection0x%06x0x%04x0x%02x messagecontrol_txbulk_txinterrupt_txknown_commands_endbRequestbmRequestType%03X %02X %02hhxINtimeoutwValuewIndexwLength(unknown read of size %d)store_device: no room for %s libusb:%03d:%03d%s: FAIL: no %s attribute unexpected character %c got: %s expected: %s data differs (size %lu): device_capturebackendno more transactions UTF-8%s: freeing resources %s: freeing device %02d %s: marking existing devices %s: device %02d is %s %s: found %d devices 1.0descriptionid_vendorid_productconfigurationsconfiguration%s: no configuration nodes interfaceendpointtransfer_typeaddressINTERRUPTBULKISOCHRONOUSCONTROL%s: unknown endpoint type %s transactions%s: initializing libusb-1.0 sanei_usb_reset: ret=%d SANE_USB_WORKAROUNDsanei_usb_get_descriptor Access denied (insufficient permissions)No such device (it may have been disconnected)System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal)Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform%s: FAIL: in transaction with seq %s: %s: direction: %d, address: %d, transfer_type: %d %s: we already have a %s-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: we already have a %s-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one %s: found %s-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) (unknown read of allowed size %ld)(unknown read of wanted size %ld)%s: Looking for libusb-1.0 devices %s: failed to get libusb-1.0 device list, error %d %s: could not get device descriptor for device at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d looks like a root hub %s: skipping device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: cannot open: %s %s: could not get configuration for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d is not configured %s: could not get config[0] descriptor for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x doesn't have an altsetting for interface %d %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x, interface %d doesn't look like a scanner (%d/%d) %s: found libusb-1.0 device (0x%04x/0x%04x) interface %d at %s store_device: not storing device %s store_device: overwrite dn %d with %s store_device: add dn %d with %s %s: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: no suitable interfaces unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted %s unexpected %s attribute: %s, wanted 0x%x data differs (got size %lu, expected %lu): no backend attr in description node unexpected transaction type %s %s: sanei_usb in not initialized! %s: not freeing resources since use count is %d %s: sanei_usb is not initialized! %s: the given file is not USB capture %s: could not find description node %s: no id_vendor attr in description node %s: no id_product attr in description node %s: could not find configurations node %s: no number attr in interface node %s: could not find transactions node %s: no transactions within capture %s: failed initializing fake USB stack %s: failed to initialize libusb-1.0, error %d sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: not support for this method sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn=%d is missing! sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: Your OS doesn't seem to support detection of vendor+product ids sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: vendorID: 0x%04x, productID: 0x%04x sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x sanei_usb_set_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_set_endpoint: Setting endpoint of type 0x%02x to 0x%02x sanei_usb_get_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `%s' sanei_usb_open: can't open `%s': dn == NULL sanei_usb_open: device `%s' already open sanei_usb_open: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_open: opening fake USB device sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': %s Make sure you run as root or set appropriate permissions Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's interface? sanei_usb_open: could not get configuration for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: device `%s' not configured? sanei_usb_open: could not get device descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: could not get config[0] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: more than one configuration (%d), choosing first config (%d) sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: %s Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error... sanei_usb_open: could not get config[%d] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface nr: %d sanei_usb_open: alt_setting nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface %d not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring. sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: %d sanei_usb_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: fcntl of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_open: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `%s' (*dn=%d) sanei_usb_read_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_bulk: trying to read %lu bytes got more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed: %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed (still got %d bytes): %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: can't read without a bulk-in endpoint sanei_usb_read_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_bulk: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_write_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_write_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write %lu bytes wrote more data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) wrote less data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: %s sanei_usb_write_bulk: can't write without a bulk-out endpoint sanei_usb_write_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_write_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_write_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, wrote %ld bytes sanei_usb_control_msg: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_control_msg: rtype = 0x%02x, req = %d, value = %d, index = %d, len = %d got different amount of data than wanted (%lu vs %lu) sanei_usb_control_msg: SCANNER_IOCTL_CTRLMSG error - %s sanei_usb_control_msg: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_control_msg: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_control_msg: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_int: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_int: trying to read %lu bytes sanei_usb_read_int: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: can't read without an int endpoint sanei_usb_read_int: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_int: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_int: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_set_configuration: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_configuration: configuration = %d sanei_usb_set_configuration: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_configuration: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_claim_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_claim_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_claim_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_claim_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_claim_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_release_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_release_interface: device dn=%d is missing sanei_usb_release_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_release_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_release_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_set_altinterface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: alternate = %d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_altinterface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_close: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_close: workaround: %d sanei_usb_close: closing device %d sanei_usb_close: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_close: device %d already closed or never opened sanei_usb_close: closing fake USB device sanei_usb_close: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_clear_halt: evaluating environment variable SANE_USB_WORKAROUND sanei_usb_clear_halt: workaround: %d sanei_usb_clear_halt: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_IN ret=%d sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_OUT ret=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: libusb error: %s #*18F?sanei_usb_replay_set_configurationsanei_usb_replay_read_intsanei_usb_replay_control_msgsanei_usb_replay_write_bulksanei_xml_get_hex_data_slow_pathsanei_usb_replay_read_bulklibusb_scan_devicessanei_usb_scan_devicessanei_usb_exitsanei_usb_add_endpointsanei_usb_testing_initsanei_usb_initsanei_usb_replay_debug_msgsanei_usb_testing_get_backend  Vendor:Model:Type:Rev:Channel:Id:Lun:sanei_scsiSANE_SG_BUFFERSIZE/proc/sys/kernel/sg-big-buffsanei_scsi.issue: %p cat /proc/scsi/sg/debug 1>&2/dev/sg%s%c%s%dsanei_scsi.cj < 2scsi_req_enter: entered %p modelsanei_scsi_find_devices/sys/bus/scsi/devices/proc/scsi/scsisanei_proc_scsi_find_devices%s: no match %s/%s/%s%s: could not open %s: %s %s: error reading %s %s: invalid type %ld %s: bad attach SANE_SCSICMD_TIMEOUTScannerProcessorsrc_size == cmd_sizesrc_size >= cmd_sizeDirect-Access Sequential-AccessPrinter Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBCOptical card Bridge controllerObject storage Automation/Drive /dev/uk/dev/gscget_max_buffer_size for %s: %i lx_chk_id: %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d sanei_scsi.issue: bad write (errno=%i) %s %li sanei_scsi.issue: SG_IO ioctl error (errno=%i, ret=%d) %s sanei_scsi.issue: SG_BIG_BUF inconsistency? Check file PROBLEMS. issue: ENOMEM - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. issue: EAGAIN - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. /dev/scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d/genericlx_chk_devicename: matched device(devfs): %s lx_chk_devicename: matched device(direct): %s lx_scan_sg: k=%d, exclude=%d, missed=%d lx_chk_devicename: matched device(scan): %s sanei_scsi_req_enter: failed to malloc %lu bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2: ioctl to set command length failed sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %li bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %i bytes scsi_req_enter: queue_used: %i, queue_max: %i req == ((fdparms *) fd_info[req->fd].pdata)->sane_qheadsanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for %p sanei_scsi_req_wait: read %ld bytes sanei_scsi_req_wait: read returned %ld (errno=%d) sanei_scsi_req_wait: SCSI command complained: %s sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x target status: %02x host status: %02x driver status: %02x target status: %02x host status: %04x driver status: %04x sanei_scsi_req_wait: SG driver returned resid %i NOTE: This value may be bogus %s: looking for: v=%s m=%s t=%s b=%d c=%d i=%d l=%d %s: could not open %s; falling back to /proc %s: could not open %s for reading %s: found: vendor=%s model=%s type=%s bus=%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d num=%d sanei_scsi_find_devices: bad attach %s: could not read directory %s: %s %s: invalid integer in string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in string: %s (%d) %s: parse error on string %s (%d) %s: skipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded on %s %s: invalid integer in type string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in type string: %s sanei_scsi_open: timeout value must be between 1 and 1200 seconds sanei_scsi_open: sanei_scsi_max_request_size=%d bytes sanei_scsi_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_scsi_open: SG driver version: %i sanei_scsi_open: The file %s is not an SG device file sanei_scsi_open: The device found for %s does not look like a scanner sanei_scsi_open_extended: using %i bytes as SCSI buffer sanei_scsi_open: cannot read SG buffer size - %s trying to enable low level command queueing sanei_scsi_open: Host adapter queue depth: %i sanei_scsi_open: using old SG driver logic sanei_scsi_open: SG driver can change buffer size at run time sanei_scsi_open: low level command queueing enabled sanei_scsi_open: using new SG header structure sanei_scsi_open: could not allocate SG buffer memory wanted: %i got: %i sanei_scsi_cmdsanei_scsi_req_entersanei_scsi_req_waitsanei_scsi_req_flush_all %s: host = %s, port = %d sanei_tcpsanei_tcp_opensanei_udpsanei_udp_open_broadcastsanei_udp_openkodakaioparams.format = %d params.last_frame = %d params.bytes_per_line = %d params.pixels_per_line = %d params.lines = %d params.depth = %d CACHE_EXHAUSTEDALL_FOR_NOW(Browser) %s Automatic Document FeederFlatbed%s: added adf to list x-range: %f %f y-range: %f %f End of %s, status:%s %s: model is '%s' %s: 0x%x kodakaio.cnet:model=trying to open usb %s open failed: %s scanner opened 0x%04lx %02x%s: size = %lu :%s complete buffer: net poll timeout net poll error Unknown problem with poll returned %lu returned %ld sanei_usb_read_bulk gave %s %s: size = %ld, got %s %s: tx err, %s txvalue%s: %s gave rx err, %s %s: News - docs in ADF %s: News - ADF is empty %s unlocked the scanner U %s called %s: fd = %d %s for %s flatbed scannerKodakgeneric%s: devname = %s, type = %d %s: dev = %s net:%s?model=0x%xnet:%s%s: len = %d, line = %s usb %i %iautodiscovery%s: called Cleaning up avahi. Failed to create client: %s _scanner._tcp%s %xsnmp-timeout %i scan-data-timeout %i request-timeout %i %s: rx err, %s %s: start curve commandcurve data%s: sent curve OK, matched <%s> & <%s> matched <%s> & <%s:%s> not found <%s> & <%s> %s:%u %s vid%s=%s pidfailed to find key vid %s=%s pidkey and pidvalue freed ending resolve_callback vidkey and vidvalue freed failed to find key pid %s: sane-backends 1.0.29 avahi detected kodakaio.conf%s: found %d scanner(s) %s: missing scanner %s %s: found scanner %s out of memory (line %d) %s - results: %d (%d): %s %s: name = %s no device detected libusb:invalid device name: %s handle obtained Number of optionsstandardStandardScan modethresholdThresholdBit depthScan resolutionpreviewPreviewScan sourcesource_list: %s adf-modeADF ModegeometryGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yadf-paddingpad short adf pages%s: called for option %d %s: option = %d %s: got option %d as %d %s: got option %d as %f %s: returning inval %s: returning good %s: constrained val = %d setting threshold to %f setting resolution to %d invalid br-x or br-y setting size to %f adf activated flag = %d %s: end %s: params is NULL %s: KodakEsp_V failure, %s %s: KodakEsp_v err, got %s %s: OK %s %s Could not lock scanner could not lock scanner %s: Data successfully sent %s: bytes_read_in_line: %d %s: NO DOCS %s: returning %s %s: DOCS IN ADF wbP5 %d %d %d %s: scanning... print_status with level %d %s: start failed: %s %s k_hello failed with %s sane-read, bytes unread %d %s: block %d, size %lu %s: data left in buffer %s: bytes_read in line: %d %s: threshold: %d %d lines read, status: %s SimplexDuplexColorGrayLineartespKODAK AIO DEFAULTKODAK ESP 5100 AiOKODAK ESP 5300 AiOKODAK ESP 5500 AiOKODAK ESP 5000 Series AiOKODAK ESP 3300 Series AiOKODAK ESP 5 AiOKODAK ESP 7 AiOKODAK ESP 9 AiOKODAK ESP 5200 Series AiOKODAK ESP 3200 Series AiOKODAK ESP 7200 Series AiOKODAK ESP C110 AiOKODAK ESP C115 AiOKODAK ESP Office 2150 SeriesKODAK ESP C310 AiOKODAK ESP C315 AiOADVENT WiFi AIO AW10KODAK OFFICE HERO 6.1 AiOKODAK HERO 7.1 AiOKODAK HERO 5.1 AiOKODAK ESP 9200 Series AiOKODAK ESP Office 2170 SeriesKODAK HERO 9.1 AiOKODAK HERO 4.1 AiOKODAK HERO 3.1 AiOspecifiedformats: binary=?, grey=%d, colour=%d (Browser) NEW: service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' Failed to resolve service '%s': %s (Browser) REMOVE: service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s' %s: s->width = %d, s->height = %d optres units %s: resolution = %d, preview = %d %s: %p %p tlx %f tly %f brx %f bry %f [mm] %s: bit depth = s->params.depth = %d %s: s->val[OPT_MODE].w = %d (color is %d) %s: format=%d, bytes_per_line=%d, lines=%d unknown device 0x%x, using default %s Server connection failure: %s split_scanner_name OK model=0x%x Is network scanner switched on? status was not good at net open please check that you have permissions on the device. if this is a multi-function device with a printer, disable any conflicting driver (like usblp). scanner is already open: fd = %d esc %c %c %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02xnet write:%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x USB: wrote %lu bytes, status: %s [%ld] %s: net req size = %ld reading: read %lu, wanted %lu No data read. Scanner may have disconnected net read %lu bytes:%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x %s: err returned from kodakaio_net_read, %s [%ld] %s: usb req size = %ld No Ack received, Sent 0x%2x %2x %2x %2x... got 0x%2x %2x %2x %2x... %s: KodakEsp_F command failed %s: KodakEsp_UnLock command failed %s unlocked the scanner with adf F U %s: Device %s already attached! the device cannot be verified - will continue not a Kodak Aio device at %s (vendor id=0x%x) the device at %s is not a supported (product id=0x%x) found valid usb Kodak Aio scanner: 0x%x/0x%x (vendorID/productID) something is wrong in the discovery process, aborting. Wrong vendor: numIds = %d, vendor = %d %s: Initiating network autodiscovery via avahi Failed to create simple poll object. Failed to create service browser: %s %s: Using network device on IP %s, forcing model 0x%x %s: net entry %s may be a host name? %s: network auto-discovery timeout set to %d %s: Scan data timeout set to %d %s: Request timeout set to %d No Ack received, Expected 0x%2x %2x %2x %2x... got 0x%2x %2x %2x %2x... device_id = <%s> vid:pid = <%s:%s> could not convert hex vid <%s> could not convert hex pid <%s> %s: Found autodiscovered device: %s (type 0x%x) (Resolver) Failed to resolve service '%s' of type '%s' in domain '%s': %s didn't call ProcessAvahiDevice ========================================== kodakaio backend, version %i.%i.%i cannot open a perfectly valid device (%s), please report to the authors Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.Source, mode and resolution optionsSelects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).%s: mode_list has first entry %s, default mode is %s Select minimum-brightness to get a white point%s: threshold initialised to fixed %f Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.%s: depth list has depth_list[0] = %d entries %s: Only one depth in list so inactive option Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Request a preview-quality scan.Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).device with no adf detected source option inactive Selects the ADF mode (simplex/duplex)Scan area and media size optionsTop-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Selects whether to make short pages up to full lengthadf not source so padding option off and inactive %s: option num = %d out of range (0..%d) %s: action = %x, option = %d %s %s: option = %d, value = %p, as word: %d %s: binary mode setting depth to 1 %s: non-binary mode but only one depth available %s: non-binary mode and depth list available %s: optindex = %d, source = '%s' scan in progress, returning saved params structure %s: try 1 k_recv returned 0 bytes with status %s %s: try 2 k_recv returned 0 bytes with status %s %s scanner locked, with docs in adf %s scanner locked, with no docs in adf %s: left (DPI)=%d, top (DPI)=%d %s: data_pixels = %u, lines = %u, pixels_per_line = %u) Check: scan_bytes_per_line = %d s->params.bytes_per_line = %d %s: Command k_setup_block_mode failed, %s %s: Setup block mode - scan_bytes_per_line=%d, pixels_per_line=%d, depth=%d, data_len=%d, block_len=%d, blocks=%d, last_len=%d s->bytes_unread = %d %s: Did not get a good reply to KodakEsp_F %s: Did not get a good reply to KodakEsp_E starting the scan, expected total bytes %lu %s: KodakEsp_Go command NOT successfully sent %s: KodakEsp_Go command successfully sent %s: starting the scan failed (%s) %s: found KodakEsp_Ack at %lu bytes of %lu %s: buffer not full, got %lu bytes of %lu %s: tiny read, got %lu bytes of %lu %s: Page fully read %d blocks, %ld bytes unread %s: Image data successfully read %ld bytes, %ld bytes unread %s: scanner data read ended %d blocks %ld bytes, %ld bytes unread %s: Image data read stopped with %s after %d blocks %ld bytes, %ld bytes unread %s: Receiving image data failed (%s) %s: success %lu bytes of block %d, %d remain %s: set EOF after %d blocks ============= %s: Did not get expected ack at end of page %s: cmd_cancel_scan failed: %s KODAK ESP Office 4100 Series AiOKODAK ESP Office 6100 Series AiOePj;%%TDTDDtTePl;%%sane_kodakaio_cancelk_copy_image_datacmd_read_datak_readcmd_start_scank_start_scank_check_adfk_setup_block_modecmd_get_scanning_parameterskodakaio_expect_ackcmd_set_color_curvecmd_set_scanning_parametersk_set_scanning_parameterskodakaio_txrxk_hellok_lock_scannersane_kodakaio_startk_init_parameterstasane_kodakaio_get_parameterschange_sourcesetvaluegetvaluesane_kodakaio_control_optionsane_kodakaio_get_option_descriptorsane_kodakaio_closeinit_optionssane_kodakaio_openclient_callbackresolve_callbackkodak_network_discoveryattach_one_usbattach_one_configsane_kodakaio_get_devicesfree_devicessane_kodakaio_exitsane_kodakaio_initk_recvk_sendkodakaio_txrxackcmd_cancel_scank_scan_finishclose_scannerk_discover_capabilitiesk_set_modelsanei_kodakaio_net_openk_set_deviceopen_scannerk_dev_initdevice_detectattachattach_one_netProcessAvahiDeviced7?>@@pACBffffff9@;luv(@Xh(X4`Hh HP H 8  xl Ȍ XT ؕșPؚh8XH(hlHhȣ,hpXL8hXLHh\Hl 8 !!P"d"# $$$P%%H&&`'8'++(,,(.|0@234055P6H78h8|8888890:;H0< (= = >X H>?x2.22038ANGA D$G(H,D0HA<3EA AANXZ\A`HPO\G`HPITBXE\A`HP[TEXE\A`HTAXE\A`HPY\A`NdAhAlBpHPV AA AAE C\A`F\GXB\A`HPoTBXE\A`HPLTBXB\A`ZP|4AC CCNTQXE\A`HPGXJ\D`DdDhDlApDtAxA|BHPX AA AAK cTEXE\A`HP\4WAA ACQhNABK@ADBHGDCHcBABLADBHHECHQBABLYHLgIHqGBH^ AA AAJ }DHTDHCSCABHMGBHLAMIABHHGBO5#AC CAN0E4C8AEA AANX`\A`L\D`AdAhGlBpH\A`HPn AA AAK CTBXB\B`HPDTCXE\A`HTBXE\A`HPU\A`HP tFAC CNBE HO  AAA @LPAA A`A HT  AAF C ACLEA AANLuPH@ AA AAJ HLAPXDAHGLBPFLDPH@C AA AAD k AA AAI GLKPETAXA\B`LHGLAPBTBXA\A`AdDhDlApL@OLAPjAA AA<MAB ALCx AAA B O AAA F MHAA ACN4M8GXKX``f.)fc1@XXKX``f.)fc2@rXKX``f.)fc>@XKX``f.)fc?@XKX``f.)fcA@XKX``f.)fcC@XKX``f.)fcS@0XKX``f.)fcT@TXKX``f.)fcV@ַXKX``f.)fcW@XKX``f.)fcX@XKX``f.)fcY@XKX``f.)fc]@3XKX``f.)fc^@FXKX``f.)fc`@YXKX``f.)fcb@nXKX``f.)fcc@XKX``f.)fcd@XKX``f.)fce@XKX``f.)fcf@ȸK``f.)fcg@K``f.)fci@XKX``f.)fcm@ XKX``f.)fcXKX``f.)fc79d753c723bf7a8d5b995b930c6e901aa1bb97.debugR.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.note.gnu.property.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink tt$1o; C``fKo((Xo**g ++p Bx1x1xy@@$t0@0@ 0I0I@I@I0R0Rllpp8c 884m[K[K[K ,\,L L]LM`P m]\ ]4]