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$l$4$\%sWPjEx$$$$9|$D$ fD$ X+P@$$l$ $l$$D\AWDžIƅ`Dž4DžH< RWPpPj Dž8T$41t94t$48V<V@V DVHV[^_]Í n€t_n€Dž\vDžGPj%t&Dž\_&fGdDž9HDž4ƅ`<t&1\ƅfE@$1v@tWPNuE9pPN[^_]Ív݃v)Ћ@$$ $؋$l$ $l$$D|$<$$D$ʀ fD$ l$ $l$<$)f<t&ƅ`DžHDž4<jt&ƹn\t-tPj$DžpDždvPjDžpY&s~VPj˩ sIWPj豩&fHDž4<vDž\21&vUWVSOse$1$Dž@sPj jUSpMDžDžL$DžP PEQpcƅD$ƅCOsPjru"DŽ$1f$bsPj+rƄ$D$l D$xD$(P$Wj$P萘D$( 1 8D$8D$  D$^PlPjoƅ\ƅ>EGEtPj Jz hRPxPjʦ׍B T$0D$@jPLD$(T$kD$1fHpU'@L$rA Ax€rƹ YtPj =t$t$D$c B ! 苅ػd1\$!vuD~ d~ 9t$ t$ D$D$أd|$ D$ $H؋|$nD$n fD$ll$l\$ l$nD$ uD> 뉍t& HL$QPPj D$$l$t$D$$ul$Pj跤Xt$$Gt&‰WDž$e3[^_]Í&vȊPjJ밍t&랍vL$\GPj D$!& PdPEpHPj 躣 Dždt&PPjw l ; ƅ`PPj:WftPj D$$D$GExPXDžP9 XҧPD$XEGt跩D$D$DžaD$|$DD$u|eD$umL$hT$d t$(ƅ|$D$u7D$u(PP.tPj ءt$&fT$ut.Ƅ$ t&表ct&Ƅ$ QsPj GDŽ$DŽ$ ^XsPj!D$08 jjjW詑D$( *L$dT$` D$tPD$$D$UjD$pPFD$HZYjD$pPFD$4D$d1 @D$ P܋PjPD$l$(&D$L$89ŋD$dOō@D$pQL$VPUWt$0jt$(L$ D$$)t$lD$l$(D$ @jRD$`Pj觟D$tD$DRD$CR5sD$LdD$P1sl$1l$8|$CD$&D$d9L8D5uVQL$t$j#L$  D5Dp붍؍|$F ? ȈF jjt$4Vy|$<  t&D$ t$$AD$ ƅ@EHu1tDŽ$f$Pj, Ƅ$D$l D$xP$Wj$P蕎1҉D$0 t& u틃8+t$ D$Dž赨L$lT$h PD$$"ƅD$ Dtt9D$s \VDžL$lDžωD$Dž Ex9w |$^D$T$D$D$D$^D$ fD$\l$\\$l$^D$D$L$$ݕD$$$A|$^D$^ fD$\l$\\$l$^L$D$<DD$@D$DžBL$ t$ ? L$ |$ j4?L$tn T$ RT$$?T$L$rGD$W WGGGGG0G(G$G G,D$tPj 0ZPjXPjŚPj蜚 t& }sPsD$D$lt*t&5R7Rt$$˙;t$lrڃPjPh'w&ƅ`Dž4Dž8&ƅ`Dž4Dž8ƅ`Dž4Dž8ۅ؋&ۅ؋&ۅ؋&PRPjV&f(Pj/&utPj|$t$1|$^D$أdكD$^ fD$\vuDW dW 9t4T$D$l$\\$l$^D$uˈD ҋl$& ؍& jjt$4t$0 t&!tt&Ƅ$ l$D$0t$Tj՗$1|$pl$HD$D$,$D$sD$PEPPj 跽X|$lDžDž|$DžǍ @D$lDžDžDžx|$Ǎ @y|$lDžDž|$DžǍ @3|$lDžDž|$DžǍ @|$lDžDž|$Džlj&vƄ$ 0 sPo$h|$Ήl$ōvRV耑9ul$|$PjPh֑T$胻'ۅ|؋(ػdt$\$ fuD~ d~ 9t$ t$ D$D$أd|$ D$ $4؋|$nD$n fD$ll$l\$ l$nD$ uD> 뉋L$l$T$fu T$Dr dr 97D$u֋T$D2 ݃lt$Pj 藐K tt$`诏l$D|$,t&uVя9uPjPj2>D$艍ݝD$$ @@jjVP螀D$( 8jGt$`jϏD$SGD$TGD$t&2/dev/sg%s%c%s%dsanei_scsi.cj < 2scsi_req_enter: entered %p vendormodeltypesanei_scsi_find_devices/sys/bus/scsi/devices/proc/scsi/scsisanei_proc_scsi_find_devices%s: no match %s/%s/%s%s: could not open %s: %s %s: error reading %s %s: invalid type %ld %s: bad attach SANE_SCSICMD_TIMEOUTScannerProcessorsrc_size == cmd_sizesrc_size >= cmd_sizeDirect-Access Sequential-AccessPrinter Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBCOptical card Bridge controllerObject storage Automation/Drive /dev/uk/dev/gscget_max_buffer_size for %s: %i lx_chk_id: %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d sanei_scsi.issue: bad write (errno=%i) %s %li sanei_scsi.issue: SG_IO ioctl error (errno=%i, ret=%d) %s sanei_scsi.issue: SG_BIG_BUF inconsistency? Check file PROBLEMS. issue: ENOMEM - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. issue: EAGAIN - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. /dev/scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d/genericlx_chk_devicename: matched device(devfs): %s lx_chk_devicename: matched device(direct): %s lx_scan_sg: k=%d, exclude=%d, missed=%d lx_chk_devicename: matched device(scan): %s sanei_scsi_req_enter: failed to malloc %lu bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2: ioctl to set command length failed sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %li bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %i bytes scsi_req_enter: queue_used: %i, queue_max: %i req == ((fdparms *) fd_info[req->fd].pdata)->sane_qheadsanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for %p sanei_scsi_req_wait: read %ld bytes sanei_scsi_req_wait: read returned %ld (errno=%d) sanei_scsi_req_wait: SCSI command complained: %s sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x target status: %02x host status: %02x driver status: %02x target status: %02x host status: %04x driver status: %04x sanei_scsi_req_wait: SG driver returned resid %i NOTE: This value may be bogus %s: looking for: v=%s m=%s t=%s b=%d c=%d i=%d l=%d %s: could not open %s; falling back to /proc %s: could not open %s for reading %s: found: vendor=%s model=%s type=%s bus=%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d num=%d sanei_scsi_find_devices: bad attach %s: could not read directory %s: %s %s: invalid integer in string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in string: %s (%d) %s: parse error on string %s (%d) %s: skipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded on %s %s: invalid integer in type string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in type string: %s sanei_scsi_open: timeout value must be between 1 and 1200 seconds sanei_scsi_open: sanei_scsi_max_request_size=%d bytes sanei_scsi_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_scsi_open: SG driver version: %i sanei_scsi_open: The file %s is not an SG device file sanei_scsi_open: The device found for %s does not look like a scanner sanei_scsi_open_extended: using %i bytes as SCSI buffer sanei_scsi_open: cannot read SG buffer size - %s trying to enable low level command queueing sanei_scsi_open: Host adapter queue depth: %i sanei_scsi_open: using old SG driver logic sanei_scsi_open: SG driver can change buffer size at run time sanei_scsi_open: low level command queueing enabled sanei_scsi_open: using new SG header structure sanei_scsi_open: could not allocate SG buffer memory wanted: %i got: %i sanei_scsi_cmdsanei_scsi_req_entersanei_scsi_req_waitsanei_scsi_req_flush_all microtekSENSE! fd = %d sense = %02x %02x %02x %02x. sense: ERR_SCSICMD sense: ERR_TOOMANY sense: ERR_CPURAMFAIL sense: ERR_SYSRAMFAIL sense: ERR_IMGRAMFAIL sense: ERR_CALIBRATE sense: ERR_LAMPFAIL sense: ERR_MOTORFAIL sense: ERR_FEEDERFAIL sense: ERR_POWERFAIL sense: ERR_ILAMPFAIL sense: ERR_IMOTORFAIL sense: ERR_PAPERFAIL sense: ERR_FILTERFAIL sense: ERR_ILLGRAIN sense: ERR_ILLRES sense: ERR_ILLCOORD sense: ERR_ILLCNTR sense: ERR_ILLLENGTH sense: ERR_ILLADJUST sense: ERR_ILLEXPOSE sense: ERR_ILLFILTER sense: ERR_NOPAPER sense: ERR_ILLTABLE sense: ERR_ILLOFFSET sense: ERR_ILLBPP sense: unknown error .scanning_frame... SF: %2x .accessory... AC: .mode_select %d... .mode_select: pap_len: %d MSL: .mode_select_1 %d... MSL1: .start_scan... SS: TR3Agfa DuoScanHR145T+SS3ScanMaker II/IIXEScanMaker 35tScanMaker 45tScanMaker IISPScanMaker IIERScanMaker A3tScanMaker IIHRScanMaker IIGScanMaker IIIAgfa StudioScanAgfa StudioScan IIAgfa Arcus IIScanMaker E3ScanMaker 600ZSPolaroid SprintScan 35/LEScanMaker E6ScanMaker E2Color PageWizScanMaker 35t+(Negative) (OnePass) (X-msv) Color Gray Halftone Lineart yes(but says no)no5%1% 16 12 10 4 1/8"'s pixels YesNoread-data huffman no edge-feed flatbed attach_scanner: %s attach_scanner: opening %s attach_scanner: open failed id_microtek... MICROTEKMII SC31MII SC21MII SC23MII SC25AGFA MicrotekPolaroiddump_suspect_inquiry... %02x ===== Scanner ID... Device Type Code: 0x%02x Model Code: 0x%02x Firmware Rev: '%s' Response data format: 0x%02x parse_inquiry... dump_inquiry... Vendor Specific String: '%s' Modes: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s Frame units: %s%s Data Compression: %s%s ===== Source Options... Fast Color Prescan? %s Color Transfer Sequence: plane-by-plane (3-pass)pixel-by-pixel RGBline-by-line, R-G-B sequence2pixel-by-2pixel RRGGBBUNKNOWN CODE (0x%02x)Three pass scan support? %s flatbed scannerattach_scanner: happy. .read_scan_data... .stop_scan... SPS:end_scan... end_scan: OY! on stop_scan .wait_ready %d... wait_ready failed (%d) .get_scan_status %d... get_scan_status: scsi error > %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x microtek.conf/dev/scannersane_init: config-> %s noprecalnorealcalsane_get_devices sane_open sane_open: find device... init_options... Number of optionsScan ModeScan modeColorGrayHalftoneLineartScan resolutioninit_options: quant yes init_options: quant no halftone-patternHalftone patternnegativeNegativeSwap black and whiteScan speedScan sourceOpaque/NormalTransparencyAutoFeederpreviewPreviewGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementexposureExposureAnalog exposure controlbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastwhite-levelWhite levelblack-levelBlack levelmidtoneMidtone LevelGamma Controlgamma-modeGamma Control Modeanalog-gamma-bindBind analog gammaanalog-gammaAnalog gamma correctionAnalog gamma-correctionanalog-gamma-rAnalog gamma redanalog-gamma-gAnalog gamma greenanalog-gamma-bAnalog gamma blueImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityexp_resExpanded Resolutioncalib_onceCalibrate Only Onceinit_options: done. sane_close... NoneScalarTableFLIP ma LID! bind is %d stat is: %d LID be FLIPPED! bind is %d sane_get_parameters... bright_r of %d set to 0x%0x WIDTHPIX: before: %dafter: %dWIDTHPIX: before exp: %d sane_start... finagle_precal... .compare_mode_sense %d... CMS: %2x(%2x) do_real_calibrate... .start_calibrate... STCal:...read scan failed .calc_calibration... found %d (at %d) zero: i=%d b/t=%d/%d %3ddo_precalibrate... do_precalibrate done. .download_gamma... .download_gamma: by scalar .download_gamma: by default .save_mode_sense %d... SMS: Scan Param: sane_read... read_from_scanner... pack_into_ring... pack_into_dest... sane_exit... sane_cancel... sane_set_io_mode... sane_get_select_fd... 6 60-dot #1 (26 gray levels) 7 60-dot #2 (26 gray levels)sense: ERR_SCSICMD -- ignored .scanning_frame: in- %d,%d %d,%d .scanning_frame: out- %d,%d %d,%d ring_expand: old, new, inc size: %lu, %lu, %lu ring_expand: old tr: %lu tg: %lu tb: %lu hc: %lu ring_expand: new tr: %lu tg: %lu tb: %lu hc: %lu attach_scanner: sending INQUIRY attach_scanner: inquiry failed (%s) id_microtek: not even a scanner: dev_type = %d id_microtek: (uses new SCSI II command set) ========== Congratulations! ========== You appear to be the proud owner of a brand-new Microtek scanner, which uses a new SCSI II command set. Try the `microtek2' backend instead. Your scanner appears to be supported by the microtek backend. However, it has never been tried before, and some parameters are bound to be wrong. Please send the scanner inquiry log in its entirety to mtek-bugs@mir.com and include a description of the scanner, including the base optical resolution. You'll find complete instructions for submitting an error/debug log in the 'sane-microtek' man-page. id_microtek: not microtek: %d, %d, %d attach_scanner: device doesn't look like a Microtek scanner. === SANE/Microtek backend v%d.%d.%d === ========== Scanner Inquiry Block ========mm ========== Scanner Inquiry Report ========== Vendor Name: '%s' Model Name: '%s' SCSI F/W version: %1d.%1d Scanner F/W version: %1d.%1d ====== End of Scanner Inquiry Report ======= parse_inquiry: Unknown base resolution for 0x%x! parse_inquiry: Unknown doc_size_code! 0x%x parse_inquiry: E6 falsely denies expanded resolution. parse_inquiry: does expanded-mode expansion internally. parse_inquiry: E6 falsely denies 1024-byte LUT. parse_inquiry: Unknown gamma max val! 0x%x parse_inquiry: Not an E6 -- pretend recal cannot be disabled. parse_inquiry: The E2 lies about it's 3-pass heritage. ===== Imaging Capabilities... Resolution Step Sizes: %s%s Expanded Resolution Support? %s%s Supported Bits Per Sample: %s8 %s%s%s Max. document size code: 0x%02x Max. document size: %d x %d pixels # of built-in halftones: %d Downloadable patterns? %s Contrast Settings: %d Exposure Settings: %d Adjustable Shadow/Highlight? %s Adjustable Midtone? %s Digital brightness/offset? %s Gamma Table Size: %d entries of %d bytes (max. depth: %d) Feed type: %s%s ADF support? %s Document Feeder Support? %s Feeder Backtracking? %s Feeder Installed? %s Feeder Ready? %s Transparency Adapter Installed? %s Selectable Transfer Format? %s line-by-line, non-sequential with headersModeSelect-1 and ModeSense-1 Support? %s Can Disable Linearization Table? %s Can Disable Start-of-Scan Recalibration? %s Internal expanded expansion? %s get_scan_status(%lu): %d, %d, %d -> #%d get_scan_status: busy, retry in %d... sane_init: MICROTEK says hello! (v%d.%d.%d) sane_init: missing config file '%s' sane_init: Clever Precalibration will be forcibly disabled... sane_init: Real calibration will be forcibly disabled... sane_open: create scanner... sane_open: initialize scanner dependent stuff... sane_open: Real calibration enabled. sane_open: Clever precalibration enabled. sane_open: All calibration routines disabled. sane_open: init gamma tables... sane_open: unable to allocate space for %d-entry LUT's; so, gamma tables now DISABLED. sane_open: NO gamma tables. (max size = %lu) sane_open: init pass-time variables... sane_open: init clever cache... sane_open: initialize options: Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Scan speed throttle -- higher values are *slower*.Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Request a preview-quality scan.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Selects what radiance level should be considered "white".Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".How to specify gamma correction, if at allIn RGB-mode use same values for each colorAnalog gamma-correction for redAnalog gamma-correction for greenAnalog gamma-correction for blueGamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Enable double-resolution scansAvoid CCD calibration on every scan(toggle off/on to cause calibration on next scan)sane_get_option_descriptor (%d)... sane_control_option (opt=%d,act=%d,val=%p,info=%p) sane_get_parameters: regular 1-pass color sane_get_parameters: regular 3-pass color sane_get_parameters: res_code = %d (%2x) sane_get_parameters: 5 percent!!! sane_get_parameters: dots_per_mm: %f sane_get_parameters: units_per_mm: %f sane_get_parameters: lines: %d ppl: %d bpl: %d sane_get_parameters: non-color sane_start: sfd already set! set_pass_parameters: three-pass, on %d set_pass_parameters: What?!? pass %d = filter? sane_start: open of %s failed: %s finagle_precal: must precalibrate! do_real_cal: get_scan_status failed! do_real_cal: bad calloc %p %p do_real_cal: getting data (max=%d) ...nleft %d toget %d size %lu spot %d input+spot %p do_real_calibrate: working on %c .download_calibration... %c %d WHOA!!! %i have already been found! ...download_calibration failed do_precalibrate: get_scan_status fails finagle_precal: no precalibrate necessary. .download_gamma: no entries; skipping .download_gamma: entry size %d?!?!? .download_gamma: %d entries of %d bytes, max %d .download_gamma: couldn't allocate %d bytes for comm buffer! .download_gamma: by table (%d bpe, %d shift) .download_gamma: uh, exceeded pl bound! sane_start: get_scan_status fails sane_start: get_scan_status returns weird line count %d sane_start: Unknown color_sequence: %d sane_start: Unknown scan mode: %d sane_start: SCSI buffer smaller that one scan line! pix bpl: %d hdr bpl: %d ppl: %d undel bytes: %d unscan lines: %d planes: %d dest bpl: %d dest ppl: %d aspect: %f read_from_scanner: bad get_scan_status! read_from_scanner: gss busy, linewidth, remaining: %d, %d, %d sane_read: max_scsi: %d, rem: %d, nlines: %d read_from_scanner: no gss/no unscanned sane_read: bad read_scan_data! sane_read: buffsize: %lu, unscanned: %d pack_flat: must expand ring, %lu + %lu pack_seq: dr/ar: %lu/%lu dg/ag: %lu/%lu db/ab: %lu/%lu pack_seq: extra r: %lu g: %lu b: %lu pack_seq: completed: %lu complete: %lu pack_seq: must expand ring, %lu + %lu pack_seq: missing scanline RGB header! pack_goofy: dr/ar: %lu/%lu dg/ag: %lu/%lu db/ab: %lu/%lu pack_goofy: must expand ring, %lu + %lu pack_goofy: extra r: %lu g: %lu b: %lu pack_goofy: completed: %lu complete: %lu pack_goofy: missing scanline RGB header! pack_2r2g2b: must expand ring, %lu + %lu sane_read: pack_into_ring failed. pack_into_dest: rl: %lu sz: %lu hc: %lu sane_read: read_from_scanner failed. sane_exit: MICROTEK says goodbye. 1 53-dot screen (53 gray levels) 2 Horiz. screen (65 gray levels) 3 Vert. screen (65 gray levels) 4 Mixed page (33 gray levels) 5 71-dot screen (29 gray levels) 8 Fine detail #1 (17 gray levels) 9 Fine detail #2 (17 gray levels)10 Slant line (17 gray levels)11 Posterizing (10 gray levels)12 High Contrast (5 gray levels)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . . R R R . 70//C/..............A?`A0APAA AXA@?7>CzGa'@ @`0 ?jZ?ffffff9@ BP(?;\(<h9xPx8x Hl8h 0PTxp8x0 H (8 X HX8HDDh<h\HPH   j\!np!x!!!H !!X"H$"$#%#&#X&#&4$'t$X'$(,P&8.'x/'1(H2(3 )5)(O2HO2OL3P3R<4R4Tx5V\6XW6lp8l,9Hmd9u|:};xBEȮFPFHpFpFtFxFzR|  F J tx?9*2$"@XTT$h %ENDD HA$(%ENDD HA$0%ENDD HA$8%ENDD HA,@1END D$D(D,D0HA$8P%ENDD HA `X!END HA(d-ENDDDD HA$h%ENDD HA$p%ENDD HA x!END HA $!END HAHENHAhEA AANE AA AAA MCHEEBHdBAZDBCCGBCHAABCHOAbMGAABBAHAABBPKGBBFABBH0l,9ANGA G$G(H,B0HAl8EF AAQAHGBBALGABHV AA AAA tEA AAN0 AA AAD H