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Check file PROBLEMS. issue: ENOMEM - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. issue: EAGAIN - cannot queue SCSI command. Trying again later. /dev/scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d/genericlx_chk_devicename: matched device(devfs): %s lx_chk_devicename: matched device(direct): %s lx_scan_sg: k=%d, exclude=%d, missed=%d lx_chk_devicename: matched device(scan): %s sanei_scsi_req_enter: failed to malloc %lu bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2: ioctl to set command length failed sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %li bytes sanei_scsi_req_enter2 warning: truncating write data from requested %li bytes to allowed %i bytes scsi_req_enter: queue_used: %i, queue_max: %i req == ((fdparms *) fd_info[req->fd].pdata)->sane_qheadsanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for %p sanei_scsi_req_wait: read %ld bytes sanei_scsi_req_wait: read returned %ld (errno=%d) sanei_scsi_req_wait: SCSI command complained: %s sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x target status: %02x host status: %02x driver status: %02x target status: %02x host status: %04x driver status: %04x sanei_scsi_req_wait: SG driver returned resid %i NOTE: This value may be bogus %s: looking for: v=%s m=%s t=%s b=%d c=%d i=%d l=%d %s: could not open %s; falling back to /proc %s: could not open %s for reading %s: found: vendor=%s model=%s type=%s bus=%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d num=%d sanei_scsi_find_devices: bad attach %s: could not read directory %s: %s %s: invalid integer in string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in string: %s (%d) %s: parse error on string %s (%d) %s: skipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded on %s %s: invalid integer in type string (%s): %s %s: no integer found in type string: %s sanei_scsi_open: timeout value must be between 1 and 1200 seconds sanei_scsi_open: sanei_scsi_max_request_size=%d bytes sanei_scsi_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_scsi_open: SG driver version: %i sanei_scsi_open: The file %s is not an SG device file sanei_scsi_open: The device found for %s does not look like a scanner sanei_scsi_open_extended: using %i bytes as SCSI buffer sanei_scsi_open: cannot read SG buffer size - %s trying to enable low level command queueing sanei_scsi_open: Host adapter queue depth: %i sanei_scsi_open: using old SG driver logic sanei_scsi_open: SG driver can change buffer size at run time sanei_scsi_open: low level command queueing enabled sanei_scsi_open: using new SG header structure sanei_scsi_open: could not allocate SG buffer memory wanted: %i got: %i sanei_scsi_cmdsanei_scsi_req_entersanei_scsi_req_waitsanei_scsi_req_flush_all sanei_threadfunc() done - status = %d setting SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN sanei_thread_waitpid() - %ld * thread has been canceled! * result = %d (%p) * detaching thread(%ld) restoring SIGPIPE to SIG_DFL thread started, calling func() now... sanei_thread_kill() will kill %ld pthread_create() failed with %d pthread_create() created thread %ld sanei_thread_sendsig() %d to thread (id=%ld) piecheck condition sense: %s -> Not Ready - Warming Up -> Media not present -> Paper jam -> ADF paper out -> CPU RAM failure -> Image buffer failure -> Scan head position error -> Lamp or CCD failure -> Transparency lamp failure -> Gain adjustment failure -> Optical alignment failure -> Optical locating failure -> Parity error on SCSI bus -> Data phase error -> Illegal scanning frame -> Invalid field in CDB -> Invalid command OP code -> LUN not supported -> Parameter not supported -> Invalid message -> illegal parameter in CDB -> error detected in byte %d -> Message error -> Select or re-select error %04X %02X DEVCOMyesnoNeutral Blue Green Red 1 bit 4 bit 8 bit 10 bit 12 bit 16 bit Pixel Indexed IntelMotorola BlackOne OKLine DisCal FastPreviewExtCal PowerSave ADF TransModule TransModule1 MultiPageLoad identify_scanner do_inquiry found supported scanner get_inquiry_values INQUIRY: ======== END_OF_LISTget_cal_info doing read %02x %2d %2d %2d %d reader_process started attach_scanner: %s attach_scanner: opening %s attach_scanner: open failed init get_halftones halftone %d: %s get_speeds NormalFineProColorGrayLineartHalftoneflatbed scannerpie_power_save: %d min scanner released wait_scanner scanner does not get ready scanner ready pie_dwnld_gamma_one pie_scan do_cancel killing reader_process reader_process killed pie_send_exposure_one sane_init() build %d pie.conf/dev/scannersane_exit() sane_get_devices sane_open(%s) init_options Number of optionsScan ModeScan modeScan resolutionGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityhalftone-patternHalftone patternScan speedthresholdThresholdAdvancedpreviewsane_close close: invalid handle %p (no name)get %s [#%d] set %s [#%d] to %d set %s [#%d] to %f set %s [#%d] to %s set %s [#%d] sane_get_parameters sane_start sane_start: open failed grab_scanner scanner reserved pie_set_window TL_X: %d TL_Y: %d BR_X: %d BR_Y: %d pie_send_exposure pie_mode_select pie_mode_select: speed %02x pie_mode_select: halftone %d pie_send_highlight_shadow pie_do_cal pie_dwnld_gamma pie_perform_cal pie_get_params Scan Width: %d Scan Lines: %d Scan bytes: %d Offset 1: %d Offset 2: %d Scan period: %d Xfer rate: %d Avail lines: %d ERROR: could not create pipe sane_read: read %ld bytes sane_read: EAGAIN close_pipe sane_cancel sane_get_select_fd 9636PRO9636S9630SPIEScanAce 1236SScanAce 1230SScanAce IIScanAce IIIScanAce PlusScanAce II PlusScanAce III PlusScanAce VScanMediaScanMedia IIScanAce 630SScanAce 636SAdLibJetScan 630JetScan 636PRONO SENSERECOVERED ERRORNOT READYMEDIUM ERRORHARDWARE ERRORILLEGAL REQUESTUNIT ATTENTIONDATA PROTECTBLANK CHECKVENDOR SPECIFICCOPY ABORTEDABORTED COMMANDEQUALVOLUME OVERFLOWMISCOMPARE??? - SENSE 0FHcheck condition sense handler invalid sense key => handled as DEVICE BUSY! -> ILI-ERROR: requested data length is larger than actual length -> Not Ready - Need manual service -> Not Ready - Communication time out -> unknown medium error: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> Media load or eject failure -> Scanning system RAM failure -> Manual intervention required -> DC offset or black level calibration failure -> Integration time adjustment failure (too light) -> Integration time adjustment failure (too dark) -> Shading curve adjustment failure -> Scan pixel map less than 5100 pixels! -> unknown hardware error: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> Parameter list length error -> Too many windows specified -> Invalid combination of windows -> Request too many lines of data -> Parameter value invalid - Parameter not specified -> Parameter value invalid - Invalid threshold -> Parameter value invalid - Control command sequence error -> Parameter value invalid - Grain setting (halftone pattern -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal resolution setting -> Parameter value invalid - Invalid filter assignment -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal gamma adjustment setting (look-up table) -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal offset setting (digital brightness) -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal bits per pixel setting -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal contrast setting -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal paper length setting -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal highlight/shadow setting -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal exposure time setting (analog brightness) -> Parameter value invalid - Invalid device select or device not exist -> Parameter value invalid - Illegal color packing -> Invalid bits in identify field -> Not enough memory for color packing -> illegal parameter is in the data parameters sent during data out phase -> power on, reset or bus device reset -> unit attention - calibration disable not granted -> unit attention - calibration will be ignored -> unit attention: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> vendor specific sense-code: asc=%d, ascq=%d -> Received ABORT message from initiator -> Initiator detected error message received -> aborted command: asc=%d, ascq=%d reader_process: terminated by signal %d pie_do_inquiry: command returned status %s Found %s scanner %s version %s on device %s vendor........................: '%s' product.......................: '%s' version.......................: '%s' X resolution..................: %d dpi Y resolution..................: %d dpi pixel resolution..............: %d dpi fb width......................: %f in fb length.....................: %f in transparency width............: %f in transparency length...........: %f in transparency offset...........: %d,%d # of halftones................: %d One pass color................: %s Filters.......................: %s%s%s%s (%02x) Color depths..................: %s%s%s%s%s%s (%02x) Color Format..................: %s%s%s (%02x) Image Format..................: %s%s%s%s (%02x) Scan Capability...............: %s%s%s%s%d speeds (%02x) Optional Devices..............: %s%s%s%s (%02x) Enhancement...................: %02x Gamma bits....................: %d Fast Preview Resolution.......: %d Min Highlight.................: %d Max Shadow....................: %d Cal Eqn.......................: %d Min Exposure..................: %d Max Exposure..................: %d pie_get_cal_info: write command returned status %s pie_get_cal_info: read command returned status %s reader_process: starting to READ data reading %d lines of %d bytes/line reading %d lines of %d bytes/line (indexed) pie_reader_process_indexed: alloc %d lines (%d bytes) for red buffer pie_reader_process_indexed: alloc %d lines (%d bytes) for green buffer pie_reader_process_indexed: got a red line (%d) pie_reader_process_indexed: got a green line (%d) pie_reader_process_indexed: deskew buffer empty (%d %d) pie_reader_process_indexed: got a blue line pie_reader_process_indexed: bad filter index pie_reader_process_indexed: got a line (%lu bytes) reader_process: finished reading data attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned too small scsi buffer (%d) attach_scanner: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi buffer size = %d variable scsi buffer size (usage of sanei_scsi_open_extended) attach_scanner: scanner-identification failed pie_get_halftones: write command returned status %s pie_get_halftones: read command returned status %s pie_power_save: write command returned status %s trying to release scanner ... pie_give_scanner: command returned status %s scanner reports %s, waiting ... pie_dwnld_gamma_one: write command returned status %s pie_scan: write command returned status %s closing scannerdevice filedescriptor pie_send_exposure_one: write command returned status %s pie_send_highlight_shadow_one pie_send_highlight_shadow_one: write command returned status %s Using %d bits for gamma input Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific device supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Determines the speed at which the scan proceeds.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointRequest a preview-quality scan.sane_get_option_descriptor %d sane_start: %s (%.1f mm) is bigger than %s (%.1f mm) -- aborting sane_start: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned too small scsi buffer (%d) sane_start: sanei_scsi_open_extended returned scsi buffer size = %d pie_grab_scanner: command returned status %s pie_set_window: write command returned status %s pie_mode_select: support for multipass color not yet implemented pie_mode_select: scanner doesn't appear to support monochrome pie_mode_select: support for pixel packing not yet implemented pie_mode_select: support for Motorola format not yet implemented pie_mode_select: setting preview pie_mode_select: threshold %02x pie_mode_select: write command returned status %s pie_perform_cal: reading 1 line (%lu bytes) pie_perform_cal: read command returned status %s pie_perform_cal: invalid index byte (%02x) pie_perform_cal: sending cal data (%lu bytes) pie_perform_cal: write command returned status %s pie_get_params: command returned status %s sane_start: sanei_thread_begin failed (%s) WARNING: unable to reserve scanner: device busy sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking=%d PP`x@PPP212x21x2x2x2x2122222221204140410404040414404P4P4P4P4104dffffff9@7CB;(dD|h|L|0`L| (EA AAQmGBgBABLAAFHMGBKhAFGABH^ AA AAE CFFHFABAHBADODABHVFABjDABDCHdDBAHCDQDBDHSDFDH_FABkDABDCHxGBHXDFDFDFDHOGDBIFBAHIABLZFBD^uGAEZWGBHQGAEZWDBHUDABIKABHFJDJDLcDFDFDFDHaDABHbDFDH0C8AC AAQZABNWACHt AA AAC CEHMGABNEGAEALZAGBFGABqAABbOMBNPAHAGBH`uBBDDHTUDMEDBDDHKDHAGBLjMBKiHHbxAABTOGBPWAGBFDPPGBFDPPGp1LHGPp2THAC CQPGBGBEBH\ C AAF CAHAGBHl|2HAC NGB T$B(A,B0HIA HAGB HE  AAI CGB HE AA2HAA CCN8M T.T.,11A88|<<|@@|` }~\ \ 40