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Found operator %c precedence %d (head is %d) Found expression delimiter - reducing existing stacks Parsing buffer into tokens: '%s' Parsed token %d(%d) as parameter %s Parsed allremaining tokens (%d) as parameter %s del: Processing arg %s (quals:%s) Searching recursively in '%s' Recursive, Adding to search list '%s' Manual Copying %s to %s (append?%d) Unexpected failure writing to %s, rc=%d Unexpected failure reading from %s, rc=%d case insensitive answer-list: %s copy /D support not implemented yet copy /V support not implemented yet copy /N support not implemented yet copy /Z support not implemented yet Subsequent files will be handled as ASCII file %s will be written as ASCII file %s will be read as ASCII Subsequent files will be handled as binary file %s will be written as binary file %s will be read as binary Not a switch, but probably a filename/list %s Adding to source file list to be concatenated No destination supplied, so need to calculate it Destination supplied, processing to see if file or directory Directory, so full name is now '%s' Resolved destination is '%s' (calc later %d) Copy source (calculated): path: '%s' (Concats: %d) Flags: srcbinary(%d), dstbinary(%d), over(%d), prompt(%d) Final resolved destination name : '%s' Unexpected data in optionsroot: '%s' Starting with root directory %s Skipping %p which is part of the set Finished adding all subdirectories Processing for filespec from item %d '%s' Issuing '%s' with redirs '%s' Reading input to parse from '%s' FOR /L provided range from %d to %d step %d Moving to next directory to iterate: %s Skipping for loop commands due to no valid iterations Label not found, trying from beginning of file Reached wrap point, label not found rd: Processing arg %s (quals:%s) Rename from '%s'('%s') to '%s' Setting delayed expansion to %d Request change to directory '%s' Really changing to directory '%s' set: Stripped command line '%s' set /p: Setting var '%s' to '%s' set: Setting var '%s' to '%s' Shifting variables, starting at %d No parms - working probably in pipe mode Parms supplied - working through each file Unexpected failure opening HKCR key: %d Juction links currently not supported. tttLtttt:t ttttttttttttxttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttYtttttttttttttttttttt0000h0000000000000bwb0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/J/H/DWCMD_mklink\Shell\Open\CommandWCMD_assoc/B%s\%s (%2.2d%%) -- %s -- WCMD_moreCONIN$-- %1 WCMD_type\"""\"WCMD_start /\command\start.exeWCMD_shift/TPROMPTPATH=PATHWCMD_popnumberWCMD_popoperatorWCMD_peeknumberWCMD_reduceWCMD_pushnumberWCMD_pushoperator ()!~-*/%+<>&^|=,WCMD_handleExpression%d/AWCMD_setshow_env/P/T%s%s%s/DWCMD_setshow_default=%c:WCMD_endlocalWCMD_dupenvWCMD_setlocalDISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONWCMD_rename%s /Q/SWCMD_remove_dirCOPYCMDWCMD_movegtrgeqneqequleqlssdefinedexisterrorlevelevaluate_if_conditionnot/I/DWCMD_pushdWCMD_goto:eof /?elseWCMD_part_executeWCMD_for_nexttokenWCMD_parse_lineWCMD_forf_getinputhandleCMD.EXE /C %s>%sCMDWCMD_add_dirstowalktokens=delims=usebackqskip=WCMD_parse_forf_optionseol=1 %d*?doinWCMD_for%s .*/P/Q/A/S/F/P\*WCMD_delete_oneWCMD_AppendEOFWCMD_ManualCopyCOPYCMDWCMD_copy0123456789abcdef]?,[WCMD_choice*a/b%c+d-e&f^g|h<i>j ==/-Y/YOFFONATTRIBXCOPYCALLCDCHDIRCLSCOPYCTTYDATEDELDIRECHOERASEFORGOTOHELPIFLABELMDMKDIRMOVEPATHPAUSEPROMPTREMRENRENAMERDRMDIRSETSHIFTSTARTTIMETITLETYPEVERIFYVERVOLENDLOCALSETLOCALPUSHDPOPDASSOCCOLORFTYPEMORECHOICEMKLINKEXIT\\.\\**?=\*...Looking for matches to '%s' Out of memory cols=%d, rows=%d Recursive, looking for '%s' Processing arg '%c' (in %s) Found parm '%s' Using location '%s' Using path '%s' Inserting default '*' Writing volume for '%c:' Writing trailer for '%s' gave %d(%d) %d entries, maxwidth=%d, widest=%d Processing subparm '%c' (in %s) Result: showattrs %x, bits %x Path Parts: drive: '%s' dir: '%s' name: '%s' ext:'%s' pX X X X X X X @X X X ` X X 0X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HtX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X aNX ;X X X X X X (X X X X  %1!18s! bytes free %1!8d! directories %2!18s! bytes free Total files listed: %1!8d! files%2!25s! bytes WCMD_dir_trailer%s%c%s%1!8d! directories%1!8d! directory %1!8d! files %2!24s! bytes 1 file %1!25s! bytes %1!10s! %2!8s! %3!10s! %1%2%1%1!-23s!%1!-13s!%1!10s! %2!8s! <DIR> %1!*s!%1[%1]Directory of %1 WCMD_list_directory0123456789abcdef %c:=%c:WCMD_directoryDIRCMD?Expanding: %s (%c) Retrieving contents of %s LoadString failed with %d Overflow detected in command Found 'DO ' Found 'IN ' Inside an IN Caret found at end of line Read more input Parsed line: %p %d %2.2d %p %s Redir:%s Running '%s' (%d) Searching in '%s' for '%s' Found as %s command on entry:%s (%p) Command: '%s' Output needs to be piped Using temporary file of %s Redirects now %s Got directory %s as %s Input coming from %s Redirect %d (%p) to %d (%p) Redirect %d to '%s' (%p) param1: %s, param2: %s Executing command: '%s' %d.%d.%dFull commandline '%s' Command line parm: '%s' Delayed substitution is on /c command line: '%s' First parameter is '%s' Full path name '%s' Found file as '%s' Found on path as '%s' Set %s to %s Could not format string: le=%u, fmt=%s Cannot display message for error %d, status %d FOR variable context: %c = '%s' Translate command:%s %d (at: %s) Could not allocate memory for extraSpace No command nor handle supplied Resetting curdepth at end of line to %d Found 'FOR ', comparing next parm: '%s' Found '(' conditions: curLen(%d), inQ(%d), onlyWS(%d), for(%d, In:%d, Do:%d), if(%d, else:%d, lwe:%d) Need to read more data as outstanding brackets or carets Read nothing, so appending LF char and will try again No special directory settings, using dir of %s Duplicating handle failed with gle %d Not touching redirects for a FOR or IF command Finished bracket @ %p, next command is %p Found on path as '%s' with extension '%s' Binary not found, dropping back to old behaviour > > > > > > >K> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >r>>>>>>?? > > >"? >3? >d?? >?? >&@ > > > > > > > >=>_!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`_!``!`!`!``!`&^E]!`!`_!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`\_\!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`!`\ɤ +5?Uk?{ɢߢM)?U_ƣܣ -CMeoߤDefaultColorSoftware\Microsoft\Command Processor=%c:$P$GPROMPTOFFwmain\cmd.exeCOMSPECWCMD_process_commandsWCMD_DumpCommands$P$GPROMPTindoelse/Inotifforremecho/echo:echo.WCMD_ReadAndParseLineFailed!WCMD_LoadMessage%dRANDOMCDTIMEDATE%dERRORLEVELWCMD_expand_envvarhandleExpansion%s\%s > %sCMDWCMD_execute.cmd.bat.*.PATH.;/\:WCMD_run_programheap_xallocWCMD_print_errorWCMD_format_stringWCMD_output_stderr0123456789abcdefWCMD_output.bat;.com;.cmd;.exePATHEXT ;,{<{L{a{l|t||||0|D|X|l|||||||| | |4 |H |\ }p } } } $} ,} 4} <} D} L}$ T}8 \}L d}` l}t t} |} } } } } } } }( }< }P }d }x } } } } } ~ ~ ~ ~, $~@ ,~T 4~h <~| D~ L~ T~ \~ d~ l~ t~ |~ ~0 ~D ~X ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4~H~\p $,4<DL$T8\Ld`ltt|(<Pdx ,$@,T4h<|DLT\l <4d܇|0|`ܚ̜4ܞtLܠ\ T|<|̨HLx 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When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS JBHE (E3- 4'4) 'D71AJ). #COPY <filename> JBHE (F3. 'DEDA'*. (CTTY JBHE (*:JJ1 ,G'2 'D%/.'D H'D%.1',. #DATE JBHE (%8G'1 #H *9/JD 'D*'1J.. .DEL <filename> JBHE (-0A EDA #H E,EH9) EDA'*. 'DIR J916 B'&E) (E-*HJ'* 'DE,D/ 'D-'DJ. ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. 0ERASE <filename> JBHE (-0A EDA #H E,EH9) EDA'*. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. cHELP <'D'E1> JBHE (916 'DE3'9/) D#E1 E9JF  HAJ -'D %7D'BG JBHE (916 'DE3'9/) 'D.'5) (371 'D#H'E1. IF J3*./E DD*FAJ0 'D417J D#E1 E9JF. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command AJ 'D5J:) 'D+'FJ) J,( %-'7) CDK' EF 'D3D3D*JF (9D'E'* 'D'B*('3 9EDJ) 'DEB'1F) -3'3) EF G0G 'DF'-J). LABEL J3*./E D*EJ) B3E B15 E9JF. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] J*7D( 'D'E1 *HCJ/K' EFC (9/ '.*J'1C 'D'3E 'D,/J/. JECFC %8G'1 'D'3E 'D-'DJ ('D#E1 VOL. kCALL <nom de fitxer BAT> s'utilitza dins un fitxer BAT per a executar ordres d'un altre fitxer BAT. Quan se surt del fitxer BAT, el control retorna al fitxer que l'ha invocat. L'ordre CALL pot proveir parmetres al procediment trucat. El procediment trucant hereta els canvis al directori per defecte, variables d'entorn, etc. fets dins d'un procediment trucat. TCD <directori> s la versi curta de CHDIR. Canvia el directori per defecte actual. :CHDIR <directori> canvia el directori per defecte actual. 'CLS esborra la pantalla de la consola. &COPY <nom de fitxer> copia un fitxer. -CTTY canvia el dispositiu d'entrada/sortida. )DATE mostra o canvia la data de sistema. >DEL <nom de fitxer> suprimeix un fitxer o conjunt de fitxers. *DIR mostra els continguts d'un directori. CD <directori> s la versi curta de CHDIR. Canvia el directori per defecte actual. ECHO <cadena> mostra <cadena> en el dispositiu de terminal actual. ECHO ON causa que totes les ordres segents en un fitxer BAT es mostrin en el dispositiu de terminal abans d'executar-se. ECHO OFF desf l'efecte d'un ECHO ON anterior (ECHO est OFF per defecte). Precedir l'ordre ECHO OFF amb el signe @ prev que es mostri. @ERASE <nom de fitxer> suprimeix un fitxer o conjunt de fitxers. S'utilitza l'ordre FOR per a executar una ordre per cada un d'un conjunt de fitxers. s: FOR %variable IN (conjunt) DO ordre S'ha de doblar el signe % quan s'utilitza FOR en un fitxer BAT. L'ordre GOTO transfereix l'execuci a una altra declaraci en un fitxer BAT. L'etiqueta que s la destinaci d'un GOTO pot ser de fins a 255 carcters de longitud per no pot incloure espais (aix s diferent d'altres sistemes operatius). Si dues o ms etiquetes idntiques existeixen en un fitxer BAT, el primer sempre s'executar. Intentar fer GOTO a una etiqueta no existent termina l'execuci del fitxer BAT. GOTO no t cap efecte quan s'utilitza de forma interactiva. vHELP <ordre> mostra detalls d'ajuda breus sobre un tema. HELP sense argument mostra tots els ordres integrats de CMD. IS'utilitza IF per a executar condicionalment una ordre. Sintaxi: IF [NOT] EXIST nom_de_fitxer ordre IF [NOT] cadena1==cadena2 ordre IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nmero ordre En la segona forma de la comanda, cadena1 i cadena2 han de ser entre cometes dobles. La comparaci no distingeix entre majscules i minscules. S'utilitza LABEL per a definir una etiqueta de volum de disc. Sintaxi: LABEL [unitat:] L'ordre us demanar l'etiqueta nova de volum per a la unitat donada. Podeu mostrar l'etiqueta de volum del disc amb l'ordre VOL. ECALL <dvkov soubor> je u~vn ke spuatn pYkazo z jinho dvkovho souboru. Kdy~ se bh volanho dvkovho souboru ukon , kontrola se vrt volajcmu souboru. PYkaz CALL mo~e pYedvat parametry volan proceduYe. Zmny vchozho adresYe, promnnch prostYed atd. proveden volanou procedurou jsou zddny volajcm. ACD <slo~ka> je zkratkou pro CHDIR. PYenese Vs do ur en slo~ky. -CHDIR <slo~ka> pYenese Vs do ur en slo~ky. CLS vyma~e obrazovku terminlu. 'COPY <nzev_souboru> zkopruje soubor. &CTTY zmn vstupn/vstupn zaYzen. 'DATE zobraz i zmn systmov datum. :DEL <nzev_souboru> sma~e jeden i vce zadanch souboro. DIR vypae obsah slo~ky. ^ECHO <Yetzec> zobraz <Yetzec> na pou~vanm terminlovm zaYzen. ECHO ON zposob, ~e vaechny nsledujc pYkazy v dvkovm souboru budou zobrazeny na terminlovm zaYzen pYed svm spuatnm. ECHO OFF vypisovn pYkazo zak~e (ECHO je OFF defaultn). PYedsad-li se pYkazu ECHO OFF @ nebude pYkaz ECHO OFF vypsn na terminlov zaYzen. 3ERASE <nzev_souboru> sma~e jeden i vce souboro. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. PYkaz GOTO pYed vkon na jin msto v dvkovm souboru. Nvat, kterm se ozna uje cl skoku GOTO mo~e bt a~ 255 znako dlouh. Nesm vaak obsahovat mezery (odlian chovn od jinch opera nch systmo). Existuj-li dv nebo vce stejnch nvat v jednom dvkovm souboru, pak prvn bude vykonno. Skok GOTO na neexistujc nvat ukon  vkon dvkovho souboru. GOTO se ned pou~t interaktivn. HELP <pYkaz> zobraz stru nou npovdu k datmu tmatu. HELP bez argumento zobraz npovdu pro vaechny pYkazy, kter jsou sou st CMD. IF slou~ k podmnnmu vkonu pYkazo. Syntaxe: IF [NOT] EXIST soubor pYkaz IF [NOT] Yetzec1==Yetzec2 pYkaz IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL slo pYkaz Ve druh form pYkazu mus bt Yetzec1 a Yetzec2 uzavYeny v dvojitch uvozovkch. Srovnn nezohledHuje velikost psmen. LABEL nastavuje jmenovku svazku-disku. Syntaxe: LABEL [disk:] Budete vyzvni k zadn jmenovky. Jmenovku si mo~ete zobrazit pYkazem VOL. HCALL <batchfilnavn> bruges i en batch fil for at udfre kommandoer fra en anden batchfil. Nr den batchfil afslutter, returneres kontrollen til filen som kaldte den. CALL-kommandoen kan give parametere til den kaldte procedure. ndringer i arbejdsmappen, miljvariabler etc. lavet af den kaldte proceduren arves af kalderen. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS sletter konsolskrmen. COPY <filnavn> kopierer en fil. "CTTY ndrer input/output enheden. (DATE viser eller ndrer systemets dato. ,DEL <filnavn> sletter en eller flere filer. !DIR viser indholdet af en mappe. DECHO <streng> viser <streng> p den gldende terminalenhed. ECHO ON forrsager at alle kommandoer i en batchfil vises p terminalenheden fr de kres. ECHO OFF omvender effekten af en tidligere ECHO ON (ECHO er OFF som standard). ECHO OFF-kommandoen kan hindres fra at vises ved at pladsere et @-tegn foran den. .ERASE <filnavn> sletter en eller flere filer. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. GOTO kommandoen flytter krslen til et andet sted i en batchfil. Etiketten som er destination til GOTO kan vre op til 255 tegn langt, men m ikke indeholde mellemrum (dette er forskelligt fra andre operativsystemer). Hvis der findes to eller flere identiske etiketter i en batchfil, kres den frste altid. Hvis en GOTO peger p en ikke eksisterende etiket afbryders krslen af den batchfil. GOTO har ingen effekt nr den bruges interaktivt. iHELP <kommando> viser en kort hjlp om emnet. HELP uden argumenter viser alle CMD indbyggede kommandoer. 5IF bruges til at kre en kommando p betingelser. Brug: IF [NOT] EXIST filnavn kommando IF [NOT] streng1==streng2 kommando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nummer kommando I kommando form nummer to skal streng1 og streng2 omsluttes af dobbelte anfrselstegn. Der skeldnes ikke mellem store og sm bogstaver. LABEL bruges til at navngive et drev. Syntaks: LABEL [drev:] Kommandoen vil bede om det nye volumenavn for drevet. Du kan vise et drevs volumenavn med VOL-kommandoen. CALL <Batchdateiname> wird in einer Batchdatei genutzt, um Befehle aus einer anderen Batchdatei auszufhren. Wenn die Batchdatei endet, kehrt die Kontrolle zu der Datei zurck, die sie aufgerufen hat. Der CALL-Befehl kann Parameter an die aufgerufene Prozedur bergeben. nderungen am aktuellen Verzeichnis, Umgebungsvariablen usw. innerhalb einer gerufenen Prozedur werden von der aufrufenden geerbt. SCD <Verzeichnis> ist die Kurzform von CHDIR. Es wechselt das aktuelle Verzeichnis. 1CHDIR <Verzeichnis> wechselt in ein Verzeichnis. -CLS lscht den Bildschirminhalt der Konsole. %COPY <Dateiname> kopiert eine Datei. )CTTY ndert das Eingabe/Ausgabe - Gert. (DATE zeigt oder ndert das Systemdatum. 2DEL <Dateiname> lscht eine oder mehrere Dateien. ,DIR listet den Inhalt eines Verzeichnisses. ECHO <Zeichenkette> zeigt die <Zeichenkette> auf dem aktuellen Terminalgert. ECHO ON bewirkt, dass alle nachfolgenden Befehle in einer Batchdatei zuerst auf dem Terminalgert angezeigt und danach ausgefhrt werden. ECHO OFF kehrt den Effekt des vorherigen ECHO ON (ECHO ist standardmig auf OFF) um. Um 'ECHO OFF' selbst nicht anzeigen zu lassen, kann dem Befehl ein @-Zeichen vorangestellt werden. 2ERASE <Dateiname> lscht die angegebenen Dateien. Der FOR-Befehl wird genutzt, um einen Befehl fr jede Datei in einer Menge von Dateien einzeln auszufhren. Syntax: FOR %Variable IN (Menge) DO Befehl Das %-Zeichen muss doppelt angegeben werden, wenn FOR in Batchdateien verwendet wird. Der GOTO-Befehl transferiert die Ausfhrung zu einer anderen Stelle in einer Batchdatei. Das Label, das Ziel eines GOTOs ist, kann bis zu 255 Zeichen lang sein, darf aber keine Leerzeichen enthalten (dies ist ein Unterschied zu anderen Betriebssystemen). Wenn zwei oder mehr identische Labels in einer Batchdatei existieren, dann wird stets zum ersten davon gesprungen. Der Versuch, mit GOTO zu einem nicht vorhandenen Label zu springen, beendet die Ausfhrung der Batchdatei. GOTO hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn es interaktiv genutzt wird. mHELP <Befehl> zeigt eine kurze Hilfe zu einem Thema. HELP ohne Argumente zeigt alle eingebauten CMD-Befehle. ^IF wird benutzt, um einen Befehl bedingt auszufhren. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST Dateiname Befehl IF [NOT] Zeichenkette1==Zeichenkette2 Befehl IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL Nummer Befehl In der zweiten Form des Befehls mssen die beiden Zeichenketten in doppelten Anfhrungszeichen stehen. Der Vergleich beachtet keine Gro- und Kleinschreibung. LABEL wird benutzt, um die Laufwerksbezeichnung festzulegen. Syntax: LABEL [Laufwerk:] Der Befehl wartet auf die Eingabe einer neuen Bezeichnung fr das angegebene Laufwerk. Sie knnen sich auch die Laufwerksbezeichnung mit dem VOL-Befehl anzeigen lassen. [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS clears the console screen. COPY <filename> copies a file. &CTTY changes the input/output device. 'DATE shows or changes the system date. /DEL <filename> deletes a file or set of files. 'DIR lists the contents of a directory. ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. 1ERASE <filename> deletes a file or set of files. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. nHELP <command> shows brief help details on a topic. HELP without an argument shows all CMD built-in commands. %IF is used to conditionally execute a command. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive. LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive. You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command. CALL <nombre de archivo de lotes> se utiliza dentro de un archivo de lotes para ejecutar comandos existentes dentro de otro archivo de lotes. Cuando el archivo de lotes existe, el control regresa al archivo desde el que fue llamado. Con el comando CALL se pueden pasar parmetros al procedimiento llamado. Cualquier cambio sobre el directorio por defecto, las variables de entorno u otro cambio realizado desde una llamada a procedimiento son heredados por el procedimiento que realizo la llamada. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS limpia la consola actual. !COPY <archivo> copia un archivo. :CTTY cambia el dispositivo de entrada/salida por defecto. ,DATE muestra o cambia la fecha del sistema. 4DEL <archivo> borra un archivo o grupo de archivos. +DIR muestra el contenido de un directorio. IECHO <cadena> muestra la <cadena> suministrada en el terminal actual. ECHO ON muestra en pantalla los comandos de un archivo de lotes previamente a su ejecucin. ECHO OFF invierte el efecto de un ECHO ON previamente activado (ECHO por defecto es OFF). Es posible ocultar el comando ECHO OFF aadiendo un signo @ delante de l. 6ERASE <archivo> borra un archivo o grupo de archivos. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. El comando GOTO mueve la ejecucin a otro mandato dentro de un archivo de lotes. La etiqueta que es el objetivo de un comando GOTO puede ser de hasta 255 caracteres de longitud pero no puede incluir espacios (esto es diferente a otros sistemas operativos). Si dos o ms etiquetas idnticas existen en un archivo de lotes, siempre se ejecutar la primera de ellas. Una llamada GOTO a una etiqueta inexistente terminara la ejecucin del archivo de lotes. El comando GOTO no tiene ningn efecto cuando se usa interactivamente. ~HELP <comando> muestra una breve ayuda sobre un comando. HELP sin ningn otro argumento muestra los comandos CMD por defecto. IIF se utiliza para ejecutar condicionalmente un comando. Sintaxis: IF [NOT] EXIST archivo comando IF [NOT] cadena1==cadena2 comando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nmero comando En la segunda forma del comando, cadena1 y cadena2 deben estar entre comillas dobles. La comparacin no distingue maysculas de minsculas. LABEL se utiliza para establecer la etiqueta de volumen de disco. Sintaxis: LABEL [unidad:] El comando le solicitar una nueva etiqueta de volumen para la unidad. Puede ver la etiqueta actual del disco con el comando VOL. VCALL <komentojonotiedosto> kutsuu yhdest komentojonotiedostosta toista komentojonotiedostoa. Kun toisen tiedoston suoritus pttyy, ensimmisen suoritus jatkuu taas. Komennolla voi mys antaa parametreja kutsuttavalle komentojonolle. Muutokset tyhakemistoon, ympristmuuttujiin jne. periytyvt kutsutusta tiedostosta takaisin kutsujalle. UCD <hakemisto> on CHDIR-komennon lyhenne. Se vaihtaa tmnhetkisen oletushakemiston. :CHDIR <hakemisto> vaihtaa tmnhetkisen oletushakemiston. CLS tyhjent konsolin ruudun. &COPY <tiedostonimi> kopioi tiedoston. CTTY vaihtaa I/O-laitetta. ,DATE nytt ja muuttaa jrjestelmn aikaa. 4DEL <tiedostonimi> poistaa tiedoston tai tiedostot. DIR listaa hakemiston sislln. HECHO <merkkijono> nytt tekstin <merkkijono> nykyisess ptteess. ECHO ON -komentoa seuraavat komennot tiedostossa nytetn ptteess ennen suorittamista. ECHO OFF poistaa edell olevan ECHO ON -komennon vaikutuksen (ECHO on oletusarvoisesti OFF). ECHO OFF -komentoa voi est nkymst laittamalla sen alkuun @-merkin. >ERASE <tiedostonimi> poistaa tiedoston tai joukon tiedostoja. FOR-komentoa kytetn komennon suorittamiseen joukolle tiedostoja. Kytt: FOR %muuttuja IN (joukko) DO komento Kun FOR esiintyy komentojonotiedostossa, %-merkki tytyy kahdentaa. GOTO siirt suorituksen toiseen kohtaan komentojonotiedostossa. Nimi, johon GOTO kohdistuu, voi olla enintn 255 merkin mittainen, eik se saa sislt vlilyntej (toisin kuin muissa kyttjrjestelmiss). Jos tiedostossa on monta samaa nimit, niist suoritetaan aina ensimminen. Jos nimit ei lydy, komentojonotiedoston suoritus pttyy. Interaktiivisella komentorivill GOTO ei tee mitn. HELP <komento> nytt lyhyit aiheeseen liittyvi yksityiskohtia. HELP ilman argumenttia nytt kaikki CMD:n sisnrakennetut komennot. ?IF-komentoa kytetn komennon suorittamiseen ehdollisesti. Syntaksi: IF [NOT] EXIST tiedostonimi komento IF [NOT] merkkijono1==merkkijono2 komento IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL luku komento Komennon toisessa muodossa merkkijonojen on oltava lainausmerkeiss. Vertailu ei huomioi isoja ja pieni kirjaimia. zLABEL asettaa osion nimen. Syntaksi: LABEL [asema:] Komento kysyy uutta osion nime. Aiemman nimen nkee komennolla VOL. xCALL <fichier_commandes> appelle un fichier de commandes depuis un autre fichier de commandes. Quand le fichier appel sort, le contrle revient au fichier appelant. La commande CALL peut fournir des paramtres du fichier invoqu. Les changements de rpertoire courant, de variables d'environnement et autres effectus dans le fichier appel sont rpercuts dans l'appelant. SCD <rpertoire> est la version courte de CHDIR. Elle change le rpertoire courant. 1CHDIR <rpertoire> change le rpertoire courant. "CLS efface l'cran de la console. %COPY copie un ou plusieurs fichiers. -CTTY change le priphrique d'entre/sortie. )DATE affiche ou modifie la date systme. :DEL <fichier> efface un fichier ou un groupe de fichiers. &DIR liste le contenu d'un rpertoire. /ECHO <chane> affiche <chane> sur la console courante. ECHO ON provoque l'affichage de toutes les commandes sur la console avant leur excution. ECHO OFF annule l'effet de tout ECHO ON antrieur (ECHO est OFF par dfaut). On peut empcher l'affichage de ECHO OFF en le faisant prcder d'un signe @. 1ERASE <fichier> efface un ou plusieurs fichiers. La commande FOR sert excuter une commande pour chaque fichier d'une liste de fichiers. Usage: FOR %variable IN (liste) DO commande Le signe % doit tre doubl quand FOR est utilis dans un fichier batch. La commande GOTO transfre l'excution une autre commande (situe aprs une tiquette donne) dans un fichier de commandes. L'tiquette cible du GOTO a une longueur de maximum 255 caractres mais ne peut inclure d'espaces ( la diffrence d'autres systmes d'exploitation). Si deux tiquettes identiques (ou plus) existent dans le mme fichier, seule la premire sera utilise. Essayer de sauter vers une tiquette non existante termine l'excution du fichier de commandes. GOTO n'a pas d'effet si utilis interactivement. HELP <commande> affiche une brve aide sur une commande donne. HELP sans argument affiche toutes les commandes intgres de CMD. MIF est utilis pour excuter une commande de faon conditionnelle. Syntaxe: IF [NOT] EXIST fichier commande IF [NOT] chane1==chane2 commande IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nombre commande Dans la deuxime forme de la commande, chane1 et chane2 doivent tre entre guillemets. La comparaison est insensible la casse. LABEL sert modifier le nom de volume d'un disque. Syntaxe: LABEL [lecteur:] La commande demande le nouveau nom de volume pour le lecteur spcifi. Vous pouvez afficher le nom de volume avec la commande VOL. CALL <batchfjlnv> egy ktegelt fjlban parancs vgrehajtsra alkalmas egy msik ktegelt fjl hvssal. Ha a ktegelt fjl ltezik, a vezrlQ visszatr ahhoz a fjlhoz, amely meghvta. A CALL parancs segtsgvel lehet paramtert tadni a meghvott eljrsnak. Az alaprtelmezett mappa, krnyezeti vltoz, stb megvltozatsa a hvott eljrsban, hatssal van a hv eljrsra, amely megrkli azt. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. $CLS letiszttja a konzol kpernyQt. COPY <fjlnv> msol egy fjlt. ,CTTY mdostja a bemeneti/kimeneti eszkzt. 4DATE megjelenti vagy mdostja a rendszer dtumot. -DEL <fjlnv> trl egy fjlt vagy fjlokat. "DIR kilistzza a mappa tartalmt. rECHO <karakterlnc> megjelenti a <karakterlnc> tartalmt a konzol eszkzn. ECHO ON hatssal van minden alsbb parancsra a ktegfjlban, amely adatot jelent meg a konzol eszkzn, parancs vgrehajts elQtt hasznlatos. ECHO OFF visszalltja az elQzQ ECHO ON hatst (ECHO OFF alap- rtelmezetten). Az ECHO OFF parancs kijelzst megelQzQen a @ jel megjelentQdhet. -ERASE <fjlnv> trli a fljt vagy fjlokat. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. A GOTO parancs thelyezi a vgrehajtst egy msik utastsra a ktegfjlon bell. A cmke, amely a GOTO hivatkozik, maximum 255 karakter hossz lehet, de ebben nincs benne a szkz karakter (ez klnbzik ms rendszer mqvelettQl). Ha kt vagy tbb azonos cmke ltezik egy kteg fjlban az fog mindig vgrehajtdni. GOTO egy nem ltezQ cmkre hivatkozik, akkor megszakad a ktegelt fjl vgrehajtsa. GOTO parancsnak nincs hatsa interaktv hasznlat esetn. tHELP <parancs> megjelenti a tmhoz tartoz sgt. HELP paramter nlkl, megmutat minden beptett CMD parancsot. NAz IF feltteles parancsvgrehajtsnl hasznljk. Szintaxis: IF [NOT] EXIST fjlnv parancs IF [NOT] string1==string2 parancs IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL szm parancs A parancs msodik formjnban a string1 s string2 rtkt idzQjelek kz kell tenni. Az sszehasonlts nem veszi figyelembe a kis- s nagybetqket. LABEL belltja a lemez ktetcmkjt. Szintaxis: LABEL [meghajt:] A parancs bekri az j ktet cmkt az adott meghajthoz. Kijelezheti a lemez ktet cmkjt a VOL parancs hasznlatval. zCALL <nome_file_batch> si usa all'interno di un file batch per eseguire comandi da un altro file batch. Quando il file batch esiste, il controllo torna al file che l'ha chiamato. Il comando CALL pu passare parametri alla procedura chiamata. Cambiamenti alla cartella predefinita, alle variabili d'ambiente etc fatti dentro una procedura chiamata sono ereditati dal chiamante. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. (CLS pulisce la schermata della console. COPY <nome_file> copia un file. %CTTY cambia l'unit di input/output. *DATE mostra o cambia l'orario di sistema. 7DEL <nome_file> cancella un file o un insieme di file. (DIR elenca i contenuti di una cartella. jECHO <string> mostra <string> sul dispositivo di terminale corrente. ECHO ON fa s che tutti i comandi seguenti in un file batch siano mostrati sul dispositivo di terminale prima di essere eseguiti. ECHO OFF inverte l'effetto di un precedente ECHO ON (ECHO usa OFF per default). Si pu evitare che il comando ECHO OFF sia mostrato precedendolo con un segno @. 9ERASE <nome_file> cancella un file o un insieme di file. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. Il comando GOTO trasferisce l'esecuzione ad un'altra istruzione dentro un file batch. L'etichetta di destinazione di un GOTO pu essere lunga fino a 255 caratteri ma non pu includere spazi (questo differente da altri sistemi operativi). Se esistono due o pi etichette identiche in un file batch, la prima sar sempre eseguita. Tentare un GOTO verso un'etichetta inesistente termina l'esecuzione del file batch. GOTO non ha effetto quando usato in modalit interattiva. ~HELP <comando> mostra dei brevi dettagli di aiuto su un argomento. HELP senza argomenti mostra tutti i comandi CMD integrati. :IF usato per eseguire condizionatamente un comando. Sintassi: IF [NOT] EXIST nome_file comando IF [NOT] stringa1==stringa2 comando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL numero comando Nella seconda forma del comando, stringa1 e stringa2 devono essere in doppi apici. Il confronto non sensibile alle maiuscole. LABEL usato per creare un'etichetta del volume di un disco. Sintassi: LABEL [unit:] Il comando ti chieder la nuova etichetta di volume per l'unit specificata. Puoi mostrare l'etichetta di volume del disco con il comando VOL. CALL <0000000 T> o0Nn0000 0000K0000000[LY004XTk0 000 0000-Ng0O(uW0~0Y00000 0000B}NBfk0000000o0|Ts0Q W0_00000k0;b0~0Y00 CALL 0000o0|Ts0QU000Kb}M0k0000000!n Y0S0h0L0Sg0Y00 |Ts0QU00_0Kb}M0L0Lc0_00000 0000000tX Ypen0 Yfo0|Ts0QW0CQ k0_M0}L00~0Y00 3CD <000000> o0 CHDIR n0w.~Hrg0Y00s(Wn000000 000000 0 YfW0~0Y00 'CHDIR <000000> o0s(Wn000000 0000000 YfW0~0Y00 CLSo000000;ub0000W0~0Y00 COPY <0000 T> o000000000W0~0Y00 CTTY o0eQQR00000 YfW0~0Y00 DATE o00000e0h:y~0_0o0 YfW0~0Y00 DEL <0000 T> o00000000000JRdW0~0Y00 DIR o0000000Q[n0N0h:yW0~0Y00 ECHO <eW[R> o0<eW[R>0s(Wn0z+g0000k0h:yW0~0Y00 ECHO ON o0NMk0000 0000g0[LY0000000[LMRk0z+gk0h:yY000 F0k0W0~0Y00 ECHO OFF o0 ECHO ON n0n0Rg0ca0~0Y0(ECHO o000000g0o0 OFF g0Y0)0 ECHO OFF 0000o0 @ 000k0}Q0f0[LY00p0h:yU00~0[000 !ERASE <0000 T> o00000000000JRdW0~0Y00 sFOR 0000o0]00^00n00000k0[W0f000000[LY004XTk0 O(uW0~0Y00 OD0e: FOR % Ype IN (000) DO 0000 000 0000g0 FOR 0)R(uY00h0M00% So0N͑k0Y00_L0B00~0Y00 GOTO 0000o0000 0000-Ng0[LL0Nn00000000k0yW0~0Y00 GOTO en000000h0j00000o0JS҉ 255 eW[NQg0Y0L00zz}v0+T0g0o0D0 Q0~0[00(S00o0Nn000000000 0000g0o0puj00~0Y0)02 d0N N TNn0 000L0X[(WY004XTo08^k0gRn0irL0[LU00~0Y00GOTO ek0X[(WW0j0D0000 0c[W0_04XTo0000 0000n0[L0-NeW0~0Y00 GOTO o0[q000g0O(uU00_04XTo0asT0ca0~0[000 IHELP <0000> o00000k0[Y00!|Toj0000n0s0}0h:yW0~0Y00 _pej0W0n0 HELP o0Y0y0f0n0 CMD Q500000h:yW0~0Y00 IF o0agNk0We0D0f000000[LY004XTk0O(uW0~0Y00 ie: IF [NOT] EXIST 0000 T 0000 IF [NOT] eW[R1==eW[R2 0000 IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL juS 0000 2juvn0b__k0J0D0f00eW[R1h0eW[R2o00000000g0V00 f0D0j0Q00p0j00~0[000'YeW[h0\eW[o0:S%RU00~0[000 |LABEL o00000n000000 0000-[Y004XTk0O(uW0~0Y00 ie: LABEL [0000:] 00000[LY00h0c[W0_00000n0eW0D000000 T0BlW0~0Y00 0000n000000 000o0 VOL 0000g0h:yg0M0~0Y00 <0X | tDŽ>D 8֜XՔ @ 0X | H x 0X |X 9D ‰XՔ Ȳ. 0X |t ]t, ȴŌ@ 0X |D 8֜\ 0X |\ ̳DȲ. CALL 9@ | iȲ. 8֜ \ H 0  0Ѭ, Xֽ  D  @ 8֜͐Ō )Ȳ. /CD < 0Ѭ> CHDIRX 貕 ȅȲ. ֬  0Ѭ| ɯȲ. !CHDIR < 0Ѭ> ֬  0Ѭ| ɯȲ. CLS Xϔ TtD hWXՌ iȲ. COPY < | tDŽ> @ |D iȲ. CTTY %/% X| ɯȲ. DATE ¤\ | p ɯȲ. #DEL < | tDŽ>@ X՘X |tǘ |D Ȳ. DIR@  0ѬX D \iȲ. ECHO <8>@ <8>D ֬ 0 X \iȲ. ECHO ON 0X | HX t 9| 0 X ‰X0  \iȲ. ECHO OFF ECHO ON  ǵȲ(0@ ECHO OFFȲ). ECHO OFF 9@ @ 8֘ ̬  9 \ D ɹȲ (@ 8 ̈ 8x |x@ ECHO OFFx ǵȲ). %ERASE < | tDŽ>@ X՘X |tа |D Ȳ. uFOR | i h X | t 9| ‰` L ąȲ. ƕ: FOR % IN (set) DO 9 % 8֔ 0X | H FOR| ` L ɩ(%%)| iȲ. GOTO 9@ 0X | H x l8<\ ‰D XiȲ. GOTOX Пx t@ 255L iȲ̹, 1@ hX JD ij ǵȲ(ƴ 0| | ij ǵȲ). ̹} 0X | H 2 tX ٳ|\ tt tȬ` ̈ t ‰)Ȳ. | Ŕ t\ GOTO| ij\t 0X | ‰@ )Ȳ. GOTO T<\ ` Ť ij ŵȲ. LHELP <9>@ X \ ijй | Ȳ . D4  Ŕ HELP CMDX 9D \iȲ. IF 9D <\ ‰ ` L \. 8: IF [NOT] EXIST | tDŽ 9 IF [NOT] string1==string2 9 IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL + 9 9X P , string1 string2 ܴ 2X 04\\ X$D| iȲ.t DP 8| lX JŵȲ. ~LABEL@ l h tD $XՔ p )Ȳ. l8: LABEL [ܴ|t :] \ ܴ|t \ h tD %X| T ЩȲ. VOL 9\ l h tD \`  ǵȲ. CALL <batchbestandsnaam> wordt gebruikt binnen een batchbestand om opdrachten uit een ander batchbestand aan te roepen. Als het batchbestand bestaat keert de controle terug naar het bestand dat het aanriep. De CALL opdracht kan parameters meegeven aan de aan te roepen procedure. Veranderingen m.b.t , map, omgevingsvariabelen, etc die tot stand komen binnen een aangeroepen procedure worden gerfd door de aanroepende procedure. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS wist het scherm. *COPY <bestandsnaam> kopieert een bestand. *CTTY wijzigt het invoer-/uitvoerapparaat. 'DATE toont of wijzigt de systeemdatum. HDEL <bestandsnaam> verwijdert een bestand of een verzameling bestanden. !DIR toont de inhoud van een map. ECHO <tekenreeks> geeft <tekenreeks> weer op het actieve uitvoerapparaat. ECHO ON zorgt ervoor dat alle hierop volgende opdrachten in een batchbestand worden weergegeven op het uitvoerapparaat voordat ze worden uitgevoerd. ECHO OFF keert het effect van een voorafgaande ECHO ON om (ECHO OFF is de standaardinstelling). Weergave van de ECHO OFF opdracht kan worden voorkomen door het te laten voorafgaan door het @-teken. JERASE <bestandsnaam> verwijdert een bestand of een verzameling bestanden. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. ;De GOTO opdracht verplaatst uitvoering naar een andere opdracht binnen een batchbestand. Het doel van een GOTO opdracht wordt aangegeven met een label. Dat label mag uit maximaal 255 tekens bestaan maar er mogen geen spaties in voorkomen (dit verschilt bij andere besturingssystemen). Als er twee of meer identieke labels bestaan in een batchbestand dan wordt altijd naar de eerste gesprongen. Een poging om te springen naar een niet bestaand label beindigt het uitvoeren van het batchbestand. GOTO heeft geen effect als het in een interactieve sessie wordt gebruikt. ~HELP <opdracht> toont een korte uitleg over een onderwerp. Help zonder argument laat alle ingebouwde opdrachten van CMD zien. IF wordt gebruikt om een opdracht voorwaardelijk uit te voeren. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST bestandsnaam opdracht IF [NOT] tekenreeks1==tekenreeks2 opdracht IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL getal opdracht In de tweede vorm van de opdracht moeten tekenreeks1 en tekenreeks2 tussen dubbele aanhalingstekens staan. De vergelijking is niet gevoelig voor het onderscheid tussen hoofd- en kleine letters. LABEL wordt gebruikt om een schijflabel te wijzigen. Syntax: LABEL [schijf:] De opdracht vraagt u om een nieuw label in te tikken voor de opgegeven schijf. U kunt het label van een schijf tonen met behulp van de VOL opdracht. wCALL <nazwa pliku bat> jest u|ywane w pliku typu bat do uruchamiania komend z innego pliku bat. Nastpnie powraca do pliku, z ktrego zostaBa wywoBana (je|eli istnieje). Komenda CALL mo|e przekazywa parametry do wywoBywanej procedury. Zmiany domy[lnego katalogu, zmiennych [rodowiskowych itd. wykonane przez wywoBan procedur s dziedziczone przez skrypt wywoBujcy CALL. ICD <katalog> jest krtk wersj CHDIR. Zmienia bie|cy domy[lny katalog. 2CHDIR <katalog> zmienia bie|cy domy[lny katalog. CLS czy[ci ekran konsoli. COPY <nazwapliku> kopiuje plik. )CTTY zmienia urzdzenie wej[cia/wyj[cia. *DATE pokazuje lub zmienia dat systemow. /DEL <nazwapliku> usuwa plik lub zestaw plikw. )DIR wy[wietla wykaz zawarto[ci katalogu. TECHO <cig znakw> drukuje <cig znakw> do aktualnego urzdzenia. ECHO ON powoduje, |e wszystkie komendy z pliku bat s drukowane do aktualnego urzdzenia przed wywoBaniem. ECHO OFF odwraca efekt komendy ECHO ON (ECHO jest wyBczone (OFF) standardowo). Komenda ECHO OFF mo|e zosta nie wy[wietlona je|eli zostanie poprzedzona znakiem @. 1ERASE <nazwapliku> usuwa plik lub zestaw plikw. Polecenie FOR sBu|y do uruchomienia polecenia dla ka|dego ze zbioru plikw. U|ycie: FOR %zmienna IN (zbir) DO polecenie Nale|y podwoi znak % je[li FOR jest u|ywane w pliku wsadowym. Komenda GOTO przenosi kursor do innego miejsca w pliku bat. Etykieta, ktra jest celem skoku (komendy GOTO) mo|e mie maksymalnie 255 znakw dBugo[ci, nie mo|e zawiera spacji. Je|eli s dwie (lub wicej) etykiety o takich samych nazwach skok zostanie wykonany do pierwszej z nich. Je|eli etykieta nie istnieje wykonywanie pliku zostaje przerwane. GOTO nie przynosi |adnego efektu, gdy jest u|ywane interaktywnie. uHELP <polecenie> pokazuje krtk pomoc na dany temat. HELP bez argumentu pokazuje wszystkie wbudowane polecenia CMD. NIF jest u|ywane do warunkowego wykonywania poleceD. SkBadnia: IF [NOT] EXIST nazwa_pliku polecenie IF [NOT] cig_znakw1==cig_znakw2 polecenie IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL numer polecenie W drugiej postaci polecenia, cig_znakw1 i cig_znakw2 musi zosta zawarty w cudzysBowie Porwnanie nie uwzgldnia wielko[ci znakw. LABEL jest u|ywane do ustawienia etykiety dysku. SkBadnia: LABEL [dysk:] Komenda poprosi o podanie nowej etykiety dysku. Mo|esz wy[wietli aktualn etykiet komend VOL. yCALL <numefiierbatch> se utilizeaz ntr-un fiier batch pentru a executa comenzi dintr-un alt fiier batch. Cnd se nchide fiierul batch, controlul revine la fiierul care l-a apelat. Comanda CALL poate furniza parametri pentru procedura apelat. Modificrile la dosarul curent, variabilele de mediu etc. efectuate ntr-o procedur apelat se reflect asupra apelantului. RCD <dosar> este versiunea scurt pentru CHDIR. CD schimb dosarul implict curent. /CHDIR <dosar> schimb dosarul implicit curent. CLS golete ecranul consolei. !COPY <fiier> copiaz un fiier. -CTTY schimb dispozitivul de intrare/ieire. +DATE afieaz sau schimb data sistemului. 5DEL <fiier> terge un fiier sau un set de fiiere. $DIR afieaz coninutul unui dosar. TECHO <ir> afieaz <ir> pe dispozitivul terminal curent. ECHO ON determin afiarea tuturor comenzilor succesive dintr-un fiier batch pe terminal nainte de a fi executate. ECHO OFF anuleaz efectului unui ECHO ON anterior (ECHO este OFF n mod implicit). Se poate mpiedica afiarea comenzii ECHO OFF dac este precedat de semnul @. 7ERASE <fiier> terge un fiier sau un set de fiiere. Comanda FOR se utilizeaz pentru a executa o comand pentru fiecare set de fiiere. Sintax: FOR %variabil IN (set) DO comand Simbolul % trebuie dublat cnd se folosete FOR ntr-un fiier batch. Comanda GOTO transfer execuia la o alt comand dintr-un fiier batch. Eticheta vizat de GOTO poate avea maxim 255 de caractere dar nu poate include spaii (spre deosebire de alte sisteme de operare). Dac exist dou sau mai multe etichete identice ntr-un fiier batch, va fi executat exclusiv prima. ncercarea GOTO spre o etichet inexistent va termina execuia fiierului batch. GOTO nu are efect cnd se utilizeaz interactiv. HELP <comand> arat un scurt ajutor pentru <comand> HELP fr nici un parametru enumereaz toate comenzile integrate n cmd. 6IF este utilizat pentru a executa o comand n mod condiionat. Sintax: IF [NOT] EXIST numefiier comand IF [NOT] ir1==ir2 comand IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL numr comand n a doua form a comenzii, ir1 i ir2 trebuie s fie ntre ghilimele duble. Comparaia este insensibil la majuscule. LABEL se utilizeaz pentru a stabili eticheta volumului unui disc. Sintax: LABEL [unitate:] Comanda v va solicita noua etichet de volum pentru unitatea dat. Putei afia eticheta de volum a discului cu comanda VOL. ECALL <bat-D09;> 8A?>;L7C5BAO 2 bat-D09;0E 4;O 70?CA:0 4@C38E bat-D09;>2. @8 2KE>45 87 bat-D09;0 C?@02;5=85 2>72@0I05BAO D09;C, 2K7202H5<C 53>. ><0=40 CALL <>65B ?5@54020BL ?0@0<5B@K 2K720==><C bat-D09;C. 7<5=5=8O :0B0;>30 ?> C<>;G0=8N, ?5@5<5==KE >:@C65=8O 8 B.4., A45;0==K5 2K720==>9 ?@>F54C@>9, =0A;54CNBAO 2K7202H5<C. J!D <48@5:B>@8O> MB> A>:@0I5=85 >B CHDIR. =0 87<5=O5B B5:CICN 48@5:B>@8N. 0CHDIR <48@5:B>@8O> 87<5=O5B B5:CICN 48@5:B>@8N. CLS >G8I05B M:@0= :>=A>;8. COPY <D09;> :>?8@C5B D09;. 'CTTY 87<5=O5B CAB@>9AB2> 22>40/2K2>40. 4DATE ?>:07K205BAO 8;8 CAB0=02;8205B A8AB5<=CN 40BC. .DEL <D09;> C40;O5B D09; 8;8 =5A:>;L:> D09;>2. &DIR >B>1@0605B A>45@68<>5 48@5:B>@88. ;ECHO <AB@>:0> >B>1@0605B <AB@>:C> =0 B5:CI5< B5@<8=0;L=>< CAB@>9AB25. ECHO ON 2:;NG05B >B>1@065=85 2A5E ?>A;54CNI8E :><0=4 2 bat-D09;5 2 B5@<8=0; ?5@54 8E 2K?>;=5=85<. ECHO OFF 40QB MDD5:B, ?@>B82>?>;>6=K9 ECHO ON (ECHO >B:;NG5=> (OFF) ?> C<>;G0=8N). =0: @, ?@54H5AB2CNI89 ECHO OFF, ?@5?OBAB2C5B 5Q >B>1@065=8N. 0ERASE <D09;> C40;O5B D09; 8;8 =5A:>;L:> D09;>2. FOR 8A?>;L7C5BAO 4;O ?@8<5=5=8O 7040==>9 <:><0=4K> 4;O :064>3> D09;0 87 =01>@0 D09;>2. A?>;L7>20=85: FOR %?5@5<5==0O IN (=01>@) DO :><0=40 =0: % 4>;65= 1KBL C42>5= ?@8 8A?>;L7>20=88 FOR 2 bat-D09;0E. GOTO ?5@540QB C?@02;5=85 =0 AB@>:C, ?><5G5==CN A?5F80;L=>9 <5B:>9, 2 ?@545;0E bat-D09;0. 5B:0, O2;ONI0OAO F5;LN GOTO, <>65B 8<5BL 4;8=C 4> 255 A8<2>;>2, => =5 <>65B A>45@60BL ?@>15;K (MB> >B;8G85 >B 4@C38E >?5@0F8>==KE A8AB5<). A;8 2 bat-D09;5 ?@8ACBAB2C5B 425 8;8 1>;55 <5B:8 A >48=0:>2K< 8<5=5<, B> ?5@54020BLAO C?@02;5=85 1C45B 2A5340 =0 ?5@2CN. >?KB:0 GOTO ?5@59B8 ?> =5ACI5AB2CNI59 <5B:5 ?@5@K205B 2K?>;=5=85 bat-D09;0. ><0=40 GOTO =5 @01>B05B 2 8=B5@0:B82=>< @568<5. pHELP <:><0=40> ?>:07K205BAO :@0B:CN 8=D>@<0F8N > :><0=45. HELP 157 0@3C<5=B>2 2K2>48B A?8A>: 2AB@>5==KE :><0=4. IF ?>72>;O5B 2K?>;=8BL :><0=4C ?> CA;>28N. !8=B0:A8A: IF [NOT] EXIST D09; :><0=40 IF [NOT] AB@>:01==AB@>:02 :><0=40 IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL G8A;> :><0=40 @8 2B>@>< 20@80=B5 8A?>;L7>20=8O AB@>:8 =C6=> 70:;NG0BL 2 :02KG:8. 538AB@ AB@>: ?@8 A@02=5=88 =5 CG8BK205BAO. LABEL 7040QB <5B:C 48A:0. !8=B0:A8A: LABEL [48A::] ><0=40 2K2>48B ?>4A:07:C > A>740=88 =>2>9 <5B:8 4;O 48A:0. >A<>B@5BL B5:CICN <5B:C 48A:0 2>7<>6=> A ?><>ILN :><0=4K VOL. [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS briae ekran konzole. $COPY <imeDatoteke> kopira datoteku. CTTY mijenja U/I ureaj. ,DATE prikazuje ili mijenja vrijeme sustava. 4DEL <imeDatoteke> briae datoteku ili skup datoteka. "DIR ispisuje sadr~aj direktorija. ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. 6ERASE <imeDatoteke> briae datoteku ili skup datoteka. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. eHELP <naredba> prikazuje kratku pomo o temi. HELP bez argumenta prikazuje sve CMD ugraene naredbe. %IF is used to conditionally execute a command. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive. LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive. You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command. CALL <batchfilnamn> anvnds inom en batchfil fr att exekvera kommandon frn en annan batchfil. Nr den anropade batchfilen stngs ner, s terfr den anropande batchfilen terigen kontrollen. Med CALL gr det ven att skicka med parametrar till den anropade metoden. ndringar av standardskvg, miljvariabler o.s.v. som grs inom en anropad process rvs av den som anropar processen. NCD <plats> r en synonym fr CHDIR. Den anvnds fr att ndra standardskvg. %CHDIR <plats> ndrar standardskvg. CLS rensar konsolen frn text. COPY <filnamn> kopierar en fil. "CTTY ndrar input/output-enheter. )DATE visar eller ndrar systemets datum. -DEL <filnamn> tar bort en eller flera filer. DIR visar mappens innehll. [ECHO <strng> skriver ut <strng> i den aktuella terminalen. ECHO ON gr att alla fljdkommandon frn en batchfil skrivs ut i terminalen innan dessa exekveras. ECHO OFF tar bort effekten av ett fregende ECHO ON. (ECHO r OFF (avstngd) som standard.) Du kan frhindra ECHO OFF frn att visas genom att lgga till ett @-tecken innan kommandot. 0ERASE <filename> tar bort en eller flera filer. FOR anvnds fr att exekvera ett kommando var fr ett flertal filer. Anvndning: FOR %variabel IN (set) DO kommando %-tecknet mste dubbleras nr FOR anvnds i en batchfil. Kommandot GOTO verlter exekvering till ett annat pstende i en batchfil. En etikett som r mlet fr ett GOTO kan innehlla upp till 255 tecken, men blanksteg tillts ej (till skillnad frn andra operativsystem). Om tv eller flera identiska etiketter existerar i en batchfil, s kommer alltid den frsta exekveras. Vid frsk att anvnda GOTO till en icke existerande etikett s avbryts batchfilens exekvering. GOTO har ingen effekt nr det anvnds interaktivt. |HELP <kommando> skriver ut mer detaljerad information ang. mnet. HELP utan ett argument visar alla inbyggda CMD-kommandon. -IF anvnds fr att villkorligt exekvera ett kommando. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filnamn kommando IF [NOT] strng1==strng2 kommando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nummer kommando I den andra IF-satsen mste strng1 och strng2 vara inom citattecken. IF bryr sej inte om stora eller sm bokstver. LABEL anvnds fr att ge en hrddisk/enhet ett namn. Syntax: LABEL [diskvolym:] Kommandot kommer frga dig efter enhetens nya namn. Du kan visa enhetens namn genom att anvnda kommandot VOL. eCALL <toplui_lemdosyas1> komutu bir toplu i_lem dosyas1nda ba_ka bir toplu i_lem dosyas1ndaki komutlar1 al1_t1rmak iin kullan1l1r. Eer dosya mevcutsa, denetim yine onu a1ran dosyaya dner. CALL komutu ar1lan yordamlar iin parametre verebilir. ar1lan bir yordamda dei_tirilen dizinler, evre dei_kenleri vb. kendisini a1ran taraf1ndan al1n1r. ECD <dizin> CHDIR komutunun k1sa _eklidir. ^imdiki dizini dei_tirir. )CHDIR <dizin> _imdiki dizini dei_tirir. CLS konsol ekran1n1 temizler. $COPY <dosyaad1> bir dosya kopyalar. &CTTY girdi/1kt1 ayg1t1n1 dei_tirir. -DATE sistem tarihini gsterir ve dei_tirir. 2DEL <dosyaad1> bir veya daha fazla dosyay1 siler. 'DIR bir dizinin iindekileri listeler. [ECHO <ileti> geerli ubirim ayg1t1nda <ileti>'yi gsterir. ECHO ON bir toplu i_lem dosyas1nda tm komutlar1n al1_t1r1lmadan nce ubirim ayg1t1nda grntlenmesini salar ECHO OFF bir nceki ECHO ON (ECHO varsay1lan olarak kapal1d1r)komutunun tersini yapar. ECHO OFF 1kt1s1n1n grntlenmesini ba_1na @ i_areti getirerek engelleyebilirsiniz. 4ERASE <dosyaad1> bir veya daha fazla dosyay1 siler. FOR komutu bir dosya kmesinin her esi iin bir komut al1_t1rmada kullan1l1r. Kullan1m: FOR %dei_ken IN (kme) DO komut % sembol toplu i_ dosyas1nda FOR kullan1l1rken iki kez kullan1lmal1d1r. GOTO komutu al1_ma sat1r1n1 toplu i_lem dosyas1ndaki ba_ka bir sat1ra ynlendirir. GOTO komutunun hedefi olacak etiket en fazla 255 karakterden olu_abilir; ancak bo_luk ieremez (bu dier i_letim sistemlerinden farkl1d1r). Eer toplu i_lem dosyas1nda ayn1 etiket bir veya daha fazla yerde kullan1lm1_sa her zaman ilk etiket kullan1lacakt1r. GOTO var olmayan bir etiket al1rsa toplu i_lem dosyas1 sonlanacakt1r. GOTO komutunun etkile_imli olarak kullan1m1n1n bir etkisi yoktur. uHELP <komut> bir konuda zet yard1m1 gsterir. Bir dei_ken kullan1lmazsa HELP, tm dahili CMD komutlar1n1 gsterir. $IF bir komutu ko_ula bal1 olarak al1_t1rmada kullan1l1r. Szdizimi: IF [NOT] EXIST dosyaad1 komut IF [NOT] dize1==dize2 komut IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL say1 komut 0kinci biimde dize1 ve dize2 ift t1rnak ierisinde olmal1d1r. Kar_1la_t1rma BYK/kk harf duyarl1 deildir. LABEL bir disk blmne etiket verir. Szdizimi: LABEL [src:] Komut sizden verilen src iin yeni bir etiket girmenizi bekleyecektir. Disk birim etiketini VOL komutu ile gsterebilirsiniz. wCALL <V<'O_?0:5B=>3>_D09;C> 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V 4;O 28:>=0==O :><0=4 7 V=H>3> ?0:5B=>3> D09;C. /:I> ?0:5B=89 D09; VA=CT, :5@C20==O ?>25@B0TBLAO 4> D09;C, O:89 9>3> 28:;8:02. ><0=40 CALL <>65 ?5@540B8 ?0@0<5B@8 4> 28:;8:0=>W ?@>F54C@8. <V=8 B5:8 70 70<>2GC20==O<, 7<V==8E >B>G5==O B0 V=., 7@>1;5=V 28:;8:0=>N ?@>F54C@>N, CA?04:>2CNBLAO B8<, EB> WW 28:;8:02. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS >G8ICT 5:@0= :>=A>;V. COPY <V<'O_D09;C> :>?VNT D09;. #CTTY 7<V=NT ?@8AB@V9 22>4C/282>4C. &DATE ?>:07CT G8 7<V=NT A8AB5<=C 40BC. /DEL <V<'O_D09;C> 2840;OT D09; G8 =01V@ D09;V2. DIR ?>:07CT 2<VAB B5:8. YECHO <@O4>:> 2V4>1@060T <@O4>:> =0 ?>B>G=><C B5@<V=0;L=><C ?@8AB@>W. ECHO ON 2<8:0T 2V4>1@065==O 2AVE =0ABC?=8E :><0=4 ?0:5B=>3> D09;C 2 B5@<V=0;L=><C ?@8AB@>W ?5@54 WE 28:>=0==O<. ECHO OFF 40T ?@>B8;56=89 5D5:B 4> ?>?5@54=L>W ECHO ON (ECHO 28<:=5=> (OFF) 70 70<>2GC20==O<). ><0=40 ECHO OFF <>65 1CB8 ?@8E>20=0 707=0G5==O< ?5@54 =5N 7=0:C @. 1ERASE <V<'O_D09;C> 2840;OT D09; G8 =01V@ D09;V2. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. ><0=40 GOTO ?5@540T :5@C20==O ?52=><C @O4:C ?0:5B=>3> D09;C. VB:0, I> T FV;;N GOTO, <>65 <0B8 4>268=C 4> 255 7=0:V2, 0;5 =5 ?>28==0 <VAB8B8 ?@>1V;8 (2V4<V==VABL 2V4 V=H8E >?5@0FV9=8E A8AB5<). /:I> 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V T 42V G8 1V;LH5 >4=0:>28E <VB:8, 702648 1C45 ?@0FN20B8 ?5@H0. !?@>10 GOTO ?5@59B8 4> =5VA=CNG>W <VB:8 ?5@5@820T 28:>=0==O ?0:5B=>3> D09;C. GOTO =5 ?@0FNT 2 V=B5@0:B82=><C @568<V. xHELP <:><0=40> ?>:07CT :>@>B:C 4>2V4:>2C V=D>@<0FVN ?@> :><0=4C. HELP 157 0@3C<5=BV2 ?>:07CT 2AV 21C4>20=V :><0=48 CMD. %IF 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO 4;O C<>2=>W >1@>1:8 :><0=48. !8=B0:A8A: IF [NOT] EXIST V<'O_D09;C :><0=40 IF [NOT] @O4>:1==@O4>:2 :><0=40 IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL G8A;> :><0=40  4@C3V9 D>@<V :><0=48, @O4>:1 B0 @O4>:2 ?>28==V 1CB8 2 ?>42V9=8E ;0?:0E. >@V2=O==O =5 GCB;825 4> @53VAB@C. LABEL 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO I>1 7040B8 <VB:C 48A:C. !8=B0:A8A: LABEL [48A::] ><0=40 70?8BCT =>2C <VB:C B><C 4;O 2V4?>2V4=>3> 48A:C.  4>?><>3>N :><0=48 VOL 28 <>65B5 ?>4828B8AL <VB:C 48A:C. CALL <ime_paketne_datoteke> se uporablja v paketni datoteki, kadar ~elimo izvraiti ukaze iz druge paketne datoteke. Ko klicana paketna datoteka preneha z izvajanjem, vrne nadzor nadrejeni datoteki (klicatelju). Ukazu CALL je mogo e posredovati tudi parametre, ki naj bodo posredovani klicani paketni datoteki. Spremembe trenutne mape, okoljskih spremenljivk, itd., ki so napravljene znotraj klicane paketne datoteke, so posredovane klicatelju (nadrejeni datoteki). XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS po isti zaslon konzole. !COPY <datoteka> kopira datoteko. &CTTY spremeni vhodno/izhodno napravo. +DATE prika~e ali spremeni sistemski datum. 1DEL <filename> izbriae datoteko ali ve  datotek. DIR izpiae vsebino mape. $ECHO <niz> prika~e <niz> trenutne naprave terminala. ECHO ON povzro i izpis vseh naslednjih ukazov iz paketne datoteke pred njihovo izvedbo. ECHO OFF izklju i u inek ukaza ECHO ON (privzeta vrednost za ECHO je OFF). Izpis ukaza ECHO OFF je mogo e prepre iti z dodajanjem znaka @ pred njim. 3ERASE <filename> izbriae datoteko ali ve  datotek. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. Ukaz GOTO premakne izvraevanje na drugo izjavo v paketni datoteki. Ciljna oznaka za ukaz GOTO je lahko dolga najve  255 znakov, vendar za razliko od ostalih operacijskih sistemov ne sme vsebovati presledkov. e v paketni datoteki obstajata dve enaki oznaki, bo vedno izvraena le prva. Poskus uporabe ukaza GOTO z neobstoje o oznako povzro i konec izvraevanja paketne datoteke. V vzajemnem na inu ukaz GOTO nima nobenega u inka. iHELP <ukaz> poka~e kratke podrobnosti pomo i o temi. HELP brez argumentov poka~e vse vgrajene ukaze CMD. IF se uporablja za pogojno izvraevanje ukazov. Skladnja: IF [NOT] EXIST ime_datoteke ukaz IF [NOT] niz1==niz2 ukaz IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL atevilo ukaz V drugem primeru zgoraj morata biti niz1 in niz2 v dvojnih navedkih. Primerjava ni ob utljiva na velikost rk. LABEL se uporablja za nastavljanje oznake diskovnega nosilca. Skladnja: LABEL [pogon:] Ukaz vas pozove po novi oznaki nosilca za ~eleni pogon. Trenutno oznako diskovnega nosilca lahko prika~ete z ukazom VOL. gCALL <komandsfailovardas> naudojama komands failo viduje komandoms ia kito komands failo vykdyti. Kai komands failas egzistuoja, valdymas gr~inamas kvietusiam failui. CALL komanda gali pateikti parametrus kvie iamai procedkrai. Numatytojo katalogo, aplinkos kintamsjs ir pan. pakeitimai atlikti iakviestoje procedkroje paveldimi kvie ian iosios procedkros. QCD <katalogas> yra trumpa CHDIR versija. Pakei ia dabartin/ numatytj/ katalog. :CHDIR <katalogas> pakei ia dabartin/ numatytj/ katalog. CLS iavalo pulto ekran. COPY <failas> kopijuoja fail. )CTTY pakei ia /vedimo/iavedimo /rengin/. )DATE parodo arba pakei ia sistemos dat. .DEL <failas> paaalina fail ar fails rinkin/. DIR parodo katalogo turin/. .ECHO <eilut> parodo <eilut> dabartiniame terminale. ECHO ON priver ia visas vlesnes komands failo komandas bkti parodytas terminale priea /vykdym. ECHO OFF panaikina ankstesns ECHO ON komandos veikim (ECHO OFF  numatyta). ECHO OFF komandos rodymo galima iavengti priea j pridedant simbol/ @. 0ERASE <failas> paaalina fail ar fails rinkin/. FOR komanda naudojama /vykdyti komand kiekvienam fails aibs elementui. Sintaks: FOR %kintamasis IN (aib) DO komanda Simbolis % privalo bkti dubliuotas, kai FOR naudojamas komands faile. GOTO komanda nukreipia vykdym / kit sakin/ komands faile. }ym, kuri yra GOTO komandos tikslas, gali bkti 255 simbolis ilgio, bet be tarps (tai skiriasi nuo kits operacinis sistems). Jei komands faile egzistuoja dvi ar daugiau identiakos ~yms, visuomet bus vykdoma pirmoji. Mginimas nukreipti vykdym / neegzistuojan i ~ym nutraukia komands failo vykdym. GOTO neturi poveikio naudojant interaktyviai. nHELP <komanda> parodo trump informacij apie komand. HELP be arguments parodo visas /taisytas CMD komandas. .IF naudojama vykdyti komand su slyga. Sintaks: IF [NOT] EXIST failas komanda IF [NOT] eilut1==eilut2 komanda IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL skai ius komanda Antroje komandos formoje, eilut1 ir eilut2 privalo bkti tarp dvigubs kabu is. Palyginimas neskiria did~isjs ir ma~sjs raid~is. LABEL naudojama disko tomo vardui nustatyti. Sintaks: LABEL [diskas:] Komanda paklaus naujo tomo vardo duotam diskui. Parodyti disko tomo vard galima su komanda VOL. [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. HCD < > CHDIR . . 2CHDIR < > . CLS . &COPY < > . *CTTY / . ,DATE . &DEL < > . 0DIR . ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. (ERASE < > . The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. nHELP <command> shows brief help details on a topic. HELP without an argument shows all CMD built-in commands. %IF is used to conditionally execute a command. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive. LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive. You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command. [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. \CD <direutoriu> ye la versin acurtiada de CHDIR. Camuda'l direutoriu predeterminu actual. =CHDIR <direutoriu> camuda'l direutoriu predeterminu actual. 'CLS llimpia la pantalla de la consola. COPY <filename> copies a file. &CTTY changes the input/output device. 'DATE shows or changes the system date. @DEL <nome_ficheru> desanicia un ficheru o conxuntu de ficheros. 'DIR llista'l contenu d'un direutoriu. ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. 1ERASE <filename> deletes a file or set of files. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. nHELP <command> shows brief help details on a topic. HELP without an argument shows all CMD built-in commands. %IF is used to conditionally execute a command. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive. LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive. You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command. [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS nzz;NcU^0 COPY <j T> jHh0 CTTY f8eQ/8Q݈n0 DATE o:ybf|q}eg0 DEL <j T> *RdjHhbND}jHh0 DIR RQvvgQ[0 ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. ERASE <j T> *RdN PjHhbND}jHh0 The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. 4HELP <}TN> o:yܕegN;NLv!|f0}{0 HELP NR_xeBf\o:y CMD @b gvgQ^}TN0 IF (ue ghN0WWL}TN0 lIF [NOT] EXIST j T }TN IF [NOT] W[2NN==W[2NN }TN IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL xeW[ }TN (W}TNv,{N.zb__-N W[2NNTW[2NN_MOeٖ__KN-N0 kvR\O/f NR'Y\[v0 ULABEL (ue-[xxwSQj0 lLABEL [݈nN_:] }TN\T`c:ybOUevwSQj(uef}[v2QX[݈n0 `SN)R(u VOL }TNOo:yxxwSQj0 [CALL <batchfilename> is used within a batch file to execute commands from another batch file. When the batch file exits, control returns to the file which called it. The CALL command may supply parameters to the called procedure. Changes to default directory, environment variables etc made within a called procedure are inherited by the caller. XCD <directory> is the short version of CHDIR. It changes the current default directory. 9CHDIR <directory> changes the current default directory. CLS clears the console screen. COPY <filename> copies a file. &CTTY changes the input/output device. 'DATE shows or changes the system date. /DEL <filename> deletes a file or set of files. 'DIR lists the contents of a directory. ]ECHO <string> displays <string> on the current terminal device. ECHO ON causes all subsequent commands in a batch file to be displayed on the terminal device before they are executed. ECHO OFF reverses the effect of a previous ECHO ON (ECHO is OFF by default). The ECHO OFF command can be prevented from displaying by preceding it with an @ sign. 1ERASE <filename> deletes a file or set of files. The FOR command is used to execute a command for each of a set of files. Usage: FOR %variable IN (set) DO command The % sign must be doubled when using FOR in a batch file. The GOTO command transfers execution to another statement within a batch file. The label which is the target of a GOTO may be up to 255 characters long but may not include spaces (this is different from other operating systems). If two or more identical labels exist in a batch file the first one will always be executed. Attempting to GOTO a nonexistent label terminates the batch file execution. GOTO has no effect when used interactively. nHELP <command> shows brief help details on a topic. HELP without an argument shows all CMD built-in commands. %IF is used to conditionally execute a command. Syntax: IF [NOT] EXIST filename command IF [NOT] string1==string2 command IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command In the second form of the command, string1 and string2 must be in double quotes. The comparison is not case-sensitive. LABEL is used to set a disk volume label. Syntax: LABEL [drive:] The command will prompt you for the new volume label for the given drive. You can display the disk volume label with the VOL command. VCALL <satsvisfilnavn> brukes i en satsvis fil for utfre kommandoer fra en annen satsvis fil. Nr den satsvise filen avslutter, returneres kontrollen til filen som kalte den. CALL-kommandoen kan gi parametere til den kalte prosedyren. Endringer til standardkatalogen, miljvariabler etc. gjort av den kalte prosedyren arves av pkalleren. KCD <katalog> er den korte versjonen av CHDIR. Den endrer arbeidskatalogen. )CHDIR <katalog> endrer arbeidskatalogen. CLS tmmer konsollskjermen. COPY <filnavn> kopierer en fil. CTTY endrer inn/ut-enhet. (DATE viser eller endrer systemets dato. ,DEL <filnavn> fjerner n eller flere filer. "DIR viser innholdet i en katalog. AECHO <streng> viser <streng> p den gjeldende terminalenheten. ECHO ON forrsaker at alle kommandoer i en satsvis fil vises p terminalenheten fr de kjres. ECHO OFF reverserer effekten av en tidligere ECHO ON (ECHO er OFF som standard). ECHO OFF-kommandoen kan hindres fra vises ved plassere et @-tegn foran den. .ERASE <filnavn> sletter n eller flere filer. FOR-kommandoen brukes til kjre en kommando for hver fil i et sett filer. Syntaks: FOR %variabel IN (sett) DO kommando %-tegnet m vre dobbelt hvis FOR brukes i en satsvis (.bat) fil. GOTO-kommandoen flytter kjringen til et annet sted i en satsvis fil. Merkelappen som er mlet til GOTO kan vre opptil 255 tegn langt, men kan ikke inneholde mellomrom (dette er forskjellig fra andre operativsystemer). Hvis det finnes to eller flere identiske merkelapper i en satsvis fil, kjres alltid den frste. peke GOTO til en ikke-eksisterende merkelapp avbryter kjringen av den satsvise filen. GOTO har ingen effekt nr den brukes interaktivt. rHELP <kommando> viser en kort hjelpetekst for et emne. HELP uten noen argumenter viser alle innebygde kommandoer. 4IF brukes til kjre en kommando p betingelser. Bruk: IF [NOT] EXIST filnavn kommando IF [NOT] streng1==streng2 kommando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nummer kommando I kommandoform nummer to m streng1 og streng2 omsluttes av doble anfrselstegn. Det skilles ikke mellom store og sm bokstaver. LABEL brukes for navgi et stasjonsvolum. Syntaks: LABEL [stasjon:] Kommandoen vil be om det nye volumnavnet for stasjonen. Du kan vise en stasjons volumnavn med VOL-kommandoen. mCALL <arquivo_de_lote> usado dentro de um arquivo de lote para executar comando de outro arquivo de lote. Quando o arquivo existe, o controle retorna ao arquivo que o chamou. O comando CALL pode passar parmetros ao procedimento chamado. Mudanas no diretrio padro, variveis de ambiente, etc, feitas dentro do procedimento chamado so herdados pelo chamador. MCD <diretrio> a abreviao de CHDIR. Ele altera o diretrio padro atual. 3CHDIR <diretrio> altera o diretrio padro atual. CLS limpa a tela do console. 'COPY <nomedearquivo> copia um arquivo. ,CTTY altera o dispositivo de entrada/sada. )DATE mostra ou altera a data do sistema. ?DEL <nomedearquivo> exclui um arquivo ou conjunto de arquivos. (DIR lista os contedos de um diretrio. fECHO <texto> exibe o <texto> no dispositivo terminal atual. ECHO ON ativa a exibio de todos os comandos subsequentes em um arquivo de lote no terminal antes deles serem executados. ECHO OFF desativa o efeito de um comando ECHO ON (ECHO OFF por padro). O comando ECHO OFF pode ser impedido de ser mostrado colocando-se um smbolo @ precedendo o mesmo. AERASE <nomedearquivo> exclui um arquivo ou conjunto de arquivos. O comando FOR usado para executar um comando em cada arquivo de um conjunto de arquivos. Sintaxe: FOR %varivel IN (conjunto) DO comando O sinal de % deve ser duplicado quando se usa o FOR em um arquivo de lotes. O comando GOTO transfere a execuo para outra declarao dentro do arquivo de lote. O rtulo que ser o destino do comando GOTO pode ter at 255 caracteres mas no pode incluir espaos (diferentemente de outros sistemas operacionais). Se dois ou mais rtulos forem idnticos no arquivo de lote, o primeiro deles sempre ser executado. A tentativa de usar o GOTO para um rtulo inexistente finaliza a execuo do arquivo de lote. GOTO no tem efeito quando usando interativamente. oHELP <comando> mostra uma breve ajuda em um tpico HELP sem argumentos mostra todos os comandos CMD embutidos. IF usado para executar um comando condicionalmente. Sintaxe: IF [NOT] EXIST arquivo comando IF [NOT] texto1==texto2 comando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nmero comando Na segunda forma do comando, texto1 e texto2 devem estar entre aspas. A comparao no diferencia maisculas de minsculas. LABEL usado para rotular um volume do disco. Sintaxe: LABEL [unidade:] O comando LABEL pedir um novo rtulo para a unidade especificada. Voc pode mostrar o rtulo do disco com o comando VOL. uCALL <ybYteN T> (uN(WybYteN-NgbLegSN*NybYteNv}TN0 S_ybYteNX[(We c6RhV\ԏV0R(u[veN0CALL S:N(uv z^ cOSpe0 [؞vU_vO9e (uv z^-NR^vsXSϑI{\1u(u~b0 $CD <vU_> /f CHDIR v)QHr,g0[SNRbcS_MRv؞vU_0 CHDIR <vU_> SRbcS_MR؞vU_0 CLS Snzzc6RSO\U^0 COPY <eN T> S Y6RN*NeN0 CITY Sf9eeQ/QY0 DATE S>f:ybf9e|~eg0 DEL <filename> S RdN*NbN~eN0 DIR SRQvU_vQ[0 ECHO <W[&{2N> S(WS_MR~zY N>f:y <W[&{2N>0 ECHO ON S\@b gybYteN-N(uv}TN(WgbLMR>f:y(W~zY N0 ECHO OFF vHegN ECHO ON vSECHO ؞:N OFF 0S(W}TNMRmR @ egMQ ECHO OFF vHeg0 ERASE <filename> S RdN*NbN~eN0 KFOR (uNNgbL(uNN~eNv}TN0 (ulFOR %Sϑ IN}TN~ DO }TN (WybYteN-NO(u FOR e_{\ % &{SQ$N!k0 GOTO }TNS\ybYteN-NvcNgbLly0RSN*NXf0 GOTO vhh~{ NSN 255 W[&{ N NSS+Tzz >f:yg*N;Nv{w.^ROo`0 NO(uSpee(u HELP \>f:y@b g CMD Qn}TN0 IF (uN9hncagNgbL}TN0 l IF [NOT] EXIST eN T }TN IF [NOT] W[&{2N1==W[&{2N2 }TN IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL ^S }TN (W}TNv,{Ny(ul-N W[&{2N 1 TW[&{2N 2 _{(uS_SSOO0kagN ^'Y\QOea0 HLABEL (uNnxvwSh0 lLABEL [drive:] }TN\c[qRhVvewSh0 `SNO(u VOL }TN>f:yxvwSh0 wCALL <ficheiro_de_lote> usado dentro de um ficheiro de lote para executar o comando de outro ficheiro de lote. Quando o ficheiro existe, o controlo regressa ao ficheiro que o chamou. O comando CALL pode passar parmetros ao procedimento chamado. Mudanas na pasta pr-definida, variveis de ambiente, etc, feitas dentro do procedimente chamado so herdados pelo chamador. ?CD <pasta> a verso abreviada de CHDIR. Muda a pasta actual. #CHDIR <pasta> muda a pasta actual. CLS limpa o ecr da consola. #COPY <ficheiro> copia um ficheiro. *CTTY muda o dispositivo de entrada/sada. )DATE mostra ou altera a data do sistema. ;DEL <ficheiro> apaga um ficheiro ou conjunto de ficheiros. #DIR lista o contedo de uma pasta. jECHO <string> mostra a <string> no dispositivo terminal actual. ECHO ON activa a exibio de todos os comandos subsequentes num ficheiro de lote no terminal antes deles serem executados. ECHO OFF desactiva o efeito dum comando ECHO ON (ECHO OFF por omisso). O comando ECHO OFF pode ser impedido de ser mostrado colocando-se um smbolo @ precedendo o mesmo. =ERASE <ficheiro> apaga um ficheiro ou conjunto de ficheiros. O comando FOR permite executar um comando para cada ficheiro num conjunto de ficheiros. Sintaxe: FOR %varivel IN (conjunto) DO comando O smbolo % deve ser duplicado quando usar o FOR num ficheiro de lote. O comando GOTO transfere a execuo para outra declarao dentro do ficheiro de lote. O rtulo que ser o destino do comando GOTO pode ter at 255 caracteres mas no pode conter espaos (diferentemente de outros sistemas operacionais). Se dois ou mais rtulos forem identicos no ficheiro de lote, o primeiro deles ser sempre executado. A tentativa de usar o GOTO para um rtulo inexistente termina a execuo do ficheiro de lote. GOTO no tem efeito quando usado interactivamente. {HELP <comando> mostra uma breve ajuda sobre o <comando>. HELP sem argumentos mostra todos os comandos suportados pelo CMD. 2IF usado para executar um comando condicionalmente. Sintaxe: IF [NOT] EXIST ficheiro comando IF [NOT] texto1==texto2 comando IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL nmero comando Na segunda forma do comando, texto1 e texto2 devem estar entre aspas. A comparao no diferencia maisculas de minsculas. LABEL usado para rotular um volume do disco. Sintaxe: LABEL [unidade:] O comando LABEL ir aguardar que informe o novo rtulo para a unidade especificado. Pode mostrar o rtulo do disco com o comando VOL. MD GJ '.*5'1 D@ MKDIR. $MKDIR <name> J-'HD %F4'! E,D/ A19J. MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. REN GJ '.*5'1 D@ RENAME. &RENAME <filename> D%9'/) *3EJ) 'DEDA. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. TIME D916 #H 6(7 *HBJ* 'DF8'E. -TITLE <string> D6(7 9FH'F F'A0) 371 'D#H'E1. <MD <nom> s la versi curta de MKDIR. Crea un subdirectori. "MKDIR <nom> crea un subdirectori. MOVE trasllada un fitxer o directori a un punt nou dins el sistema de fitxers. Si l'element que es mou s un directori, desprs tots els fitxers i subdirectoris a sota de l'element es mouen tamb. MOVE falla si els llocs antics i els nous es troben en lletres d'unitat DOS diferents. 4PATH mostra o canvia el cam de cerca del cmd. Introduir PATH mostrar la configuraci PATH actual (inicialment treta del registre). Per a canviar la configuraci, feu l'ordre PATH amb el valor nou. Tamb s possible modificar la PATH utilitzant la variable d'entorn PATH, per exemple: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE mostra un missatge en la pantalla demanant que l'usuari premi una tecla. s principalment til en els fitxers BAT per a permetre que l'usuari llegeixi la sortida d'una ordre anterior abans que es desplaci fora de la pantalla. PROMPT defineix l'indicador de la lnia d'ordres. La cadena que segueix l'ordre PROMPT (i l'espai immediatament desprs) apareix al principi de la lnia quan cmd est esperant l'entrada. Les cadenes de carcters segents tenen el significat especial que s'indica: $$ Signe de dlar $_ Lnia nova $b Barra vertical (|) $d Data actual $e Escapament $g Signe > $l Signe < $n Unitat actual $p Cam actual $q Signe d'igualtat $t Temps actual $v Versi de cmd Tingueu en compte que introduir l'ordre PROMPT sense parmetre restableix l'indicador al valor per defecte, que s el directori actual (que inclou la lletra d'unitat actual) seguit del signe >. (com un ordre PROMPT $p$g). L'indicador tamb es pot canviar per modificar la variable d'entorn PROMPT, aix que l'ordre 'SET PROMPT=text' t el mateix efecte que 'PROMPT text'. Una lnia d'ordres que comena amb REM (seguit per un espai) no realitza cap acci, i per tant es pot utilitzar com a comentari en un fitxer BAT. MREN <nom de fitxer> s la versi curta de RENAME. Canvia el nom d'un fitxer. /REN <nom de fitxer> canvia el nom d'un fitxer. DRD <directori> s la versi curta de RMDIR. Suprimeix un directori. *RMDIR <directori> suprimeix un directori. iSET mostra o canvia les variables d'entorn de cmd. SET sense parmetres mostra totes de l'entorn actual. Per a crear o modificar una variable d'entorn, la sintaxi s: SET <variable>=<valor> on <variable> i <valor> sn cadenes de carcters. No hi ha d'haver cap espai abans del signe igual, ni pot el nom de la variable tenir espais incrustats. Sota el Wine, l'entorn del sistema operatiu subjacent s'inclou en l'entorn Win32, hi haur en general, per tant, molts ms valors que en una implementaci nativa de Win32. Tingueu en compte que no s possible afectar l'entorn del sistema operatiu des de dins del cmd. S'utilitza SHIFT en un fitxer BAT per a eliminar un parmetre del cap de la llista, de manera que el parmetre 2 es converteix en el parmetre 1, etc. No t cap efecte si es truca des de la lnia d'ordres. Inicia un programa, o obre un document en el programa que normalment s'utilitza per als fitxers amb aquell sufix. s: start [opcions] nom_de_fitxer_de_programa [...] start [opcions] nom_de_fitxer_de_document Opcions: "ttol" Especifica el ttol de les finestres filles. /d directori Inicia el programa en el directori especificat. /b No cres una consola nova per al programa. /i Inicia el programa amb variables d'entorn fresques. /min Inicia el programa minimitzat. /max Inicia el programa maximitzat. /low Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat idle. /normal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat normal. /high Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat high. /realtime Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat realtime. /abovenormal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat abovenormal. /belownormal Inicia el programa en la classe de prioritat belownormal. /node n Inicia el programa en el node NUMA especificat. /affinity mscara Inicia el programa amb la mscara d'afinitat especificada. /wait Espera que el programa iniciat termini, llavors surt amb el seu codi de sortida. /unix Utilitza un nom de fitxer d'Unix i inicia el fitxer com el Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Obre un document utilitzant el progID especificat. /? Mostra aquesta ajuda i surt. 2TIME defineix o mostra l'hora actual del sistema. 9TITLE <cadena> defineix el ttol de la finestra del cmd. 4MD <nzev> je zkratka pro MKDIR. VytvoY podslo~ku. !MKDIR <nzev> vytvoY podslo~ku. MOVE pYesune soubor i adresY na jin msto v souborovm systmu. Je-li pYesouvn adresY, jsou pYesunuty vaechny jeho podadresYe a soubory. MOVE sel~e jsou-li zdrojov a clov oblast na jednotkch s jinmi DOS psmeny disko. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. lXdky za najc REM (nsledovanm mezerou) nejsou vykonny. REM je proto pou~vn jako komentYov pYkaz. FREN <nzev_souboru> je zkratkou pro RENAME. PYejmenuje ur en soubor. *RENAME <nzev_souboru> pYejmenuje soubor. 9RD <slo~ka> je zkratkou pro RMDIR. Sma~e zadanou slo~ku. RMDIR <slo~ka> sma~e slo~ku. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT u~vn v dvkovch souborech k odstrann jednoho parametru ze za tku jejich seznamu, tak~e parametr 2 se stane parametrem 1 atd. Nem ~dn efekt, je-li zadn na pYkazovou Ydku. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 0TIME nastav i zobraz aktuln systmov as. 4TITLE <Yetzec> nastav titulek terminlovho okna. ;MD <mappe> er den korte form af MKDIR. Den laver en mappe. MKDIR <mappe> laver en mappe. MOVE flytter en fil eller mappe til et nyt sted indenfor filsystemet. Hvis elementet som flyttes er en mappe, s flyttes filerne og undermapperne i den ogs. MOVE fejler hvis den gamle og nye pladsering har forskellige drevbogstaver. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE viser meldingen 'Tryk Enter for at fortstte', og venter p at brugeren trykker Enter. Dette er hovedsageligt nyttigt i batchfiler, for at lade brugeren lse uddata fra en tidligere kommando fr det forsvinder vk fra skrmen. PPROMPT stter kommandolinje-tekststrengen. Strengen som efterflger PROMPT-kommandoen (og mellemrummet lige efter) vises i begyndelsen af linjen nr cmd venter p inddata. Flgende tekststrenge har den specielle betydning som angivet nedenfor: $$ Dollar tegn $_ Ny Linje $b Pipe tegn (|) $d Dags dato $e Escape $g > tegn $l < tegn $n Gldende drev $p Gldende sti $q = tegn $t Tidsstempel $v CMD version Bemrk at bruges PROMPT-kommandoen uden en tekststrenge tilbagestilles klartegnet til standardvrdien, som er arbejdsmappen (inkluderet drev) efterfulgt af et strre end (>) tegn. (Som en kommando PROMPT $p$g.) Klartegnet kan ogs ndres ved ndre miljvariablen PROMPT, s kommandoen SET PROMPT=tekst har samme effekt som PROMPT tekst. En kommandolinje som begynder med REM (efterfulgt af et mellemrum) udfrer ingen handling, og kan derfor bruges som kommentar i en batchfil. ?REN <filnavn> er den korte form af RENAME. Det omdber en fil. !RENAME <filnavn> omdber en fil. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. DSET viser eller ndrer miljvariablene i CMD. SET uden parametere viser alle gldende miljvariabler. Syntaks for at oprette eller ndre en miljvariabel er: SET <variabel>=<vrdi> hvor <variabel> og <vrdi> er tekststrenge. Der m ikke vre mellemrum fr lighedstegnet, og variabelnavnet kan heller ikke indeholde mellemrum. I Wine er miljvariablene i det underliggende operativsystemet inkludert i Win32-miljet, og der er derfor mange flere vrdier end i et normalt Win32- milj. Vr opmrksom p at man ikke kan ndre miljet i det underliggende operativsystem fra CMD. SHIFT bruges i en batchfil for at fjerne det frste parameter i en liste, sdan at parameter 2 bliver parameter 1 og s videre. Den har ingen effekt hvis det bruges fra kommandolinjen. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 'TIME stter eller viser systemets tid. 4TITLE <streng> angiver titlen for kommando vinduet. MD ist die Kurzform von MKDIR. MKDIR erstellt ein Verzeichnis. ?MOVE verschiebt eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis zu einem neuen Punkt im Dateisystem. Ist das zu verschiebende Objekt ein Verzeichnis, werden alle Dateien und Unterverzeichnisse unterhalb des Objektes ebenfalls verschoben. MOVE schlgt fehl, wenn sich alte und neue Position auf verschiedenen DOS-Laufwerken befinden. PATH ndert oder zeigt den CMD-Suchpfad an. Durch Eingabe von PATH wird die aktuelle PATH-Einstellung angezeigt (der Initialwert wird aus der Registrierung ausgelesen). Um diese Einstellung zu ndern, kann dem PATH-Befehl der neue Wert als Argument bergeben werden. Es ist mglich, den Suchpfad mit Hilfe der PATH-Umgebungsvariable zu modifizieren. Zum Beispiel: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE lsst eine Meldung auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen, die zum Drcken einer Taste auffordert. Dies wird hauptschlich in Batchdateien genutzt, um dem Benutzer zu erlauben, die Ausgabe eines vorherigen Befehls zu lesen, bevor sie durch Scrollen vom Bildschirm verschwindet. PROMPT setzt den Befehlszeilenprompt. Die Zeichenkette, die dem PROMPT-Befehl folgt (und dem Leerzeichen unmittelbar danach), erscheint am Zeilenanfang, wenn cmd auf Eingabe wartet. Die folgenden Zeichenketten haben eine besondere Bedeutung: $$ Dollarzeichen $_ Zeilenvorschub $b Pipe-Zeichen (|) $d aktuelles Datum $e Escape $g Grerzeichen (>) $l Kleinerzeichen (<) $n aktuelles Laufwerk $p aktueller Pfad $q Gleichheitszeichen $t aktuelle Zeit $v cmd-Version Hinweis: Eingabe des PROMPT-Befehls ohne Argumente setzt den Prompt auf seinen Standardwert zurck, dieser entspricht dem aktuellen Verzeichnis (einschlielich des Laufwerksbuchstabens), gefolgt von einem Grerzeichen (>) (quivalent zum Befehl 'PROMPT $p$g'). Der Prompt kann auch durch nderung der PROMPT-Umgebungsvariable angepasst werden, folglich hat der Befehl 'SET PROMPT=Text' die selbe Auswirkung wie 'PROMPT Text'. Beginnt eine Befehlszeile mit REM (gefolgt von einem Leerzeichen), wird keine Aktion ausgefhrt, sie kann daher auch als Kommentar in einer Batchdatei genutzt werden. DREN <Dateiname> ist die Kurzform von RENAME. Benennt eine Datei um. 4RENAME <Dateiname> benennt die angegebene Datei um. ERD <Verzeichnis> ist die Kurzform von RMDIR. Lscht ein Verzeichnis. 7RMDIR <Verzeichnis> lscht das angegebene Verzeichnis. SET ndert oder zeigt die CMD-Umgebungsvariablen an. SET ohne Parameter zeigt alle aktuellen Umgebungsvariablen an. Die Syntax, um eine Umgebungsvariable anzulegen oder zu ndern, lautet: SET <Variable>=<Wert> Wobei <Variable> und <Wert> Zeichenketten sind. Es drfen weder Leerzeichen vor dem Gleichheitszeichen stehen, noch darf der Variablenname Leerzeichen enthalten. In Wine werden die Umgebungsvariablen des darunterliegenden Betriebssystems in die Win32-Umgebung eingebunden, daher gibt es fr gewhnlich deutlich mehr Werte als in einer nativen Win32-Implementierung. Anmerkung: Es ist nicht mglich, die Umgebungsvariablen des Betriebssystems vom CMD aus zu beeinflussen. SHIFT wird in einer Batchdatei genutzt, um einen Parameter vom Anfang der Liste zu entfernen, so dass Parameter 2 zu Parameter 1 wird und so weiter. SHIFT hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn es von der Befehlszeile aus aufgerufen wird. Startet ein Programm, oder ffnet ein Dokument in dem Programm, das normalerweise fr Dateien mit dieser Dateiendung benutzt wird. Aufruf: start [Optionen] Dateiname_Programm [...] start [Optionen] Dateiname_Dokument Optionen: "titel" Spezifiziert den Titel fr Kindfenster. /d Ordner Startet das Programm im angegebenen Verzeichnis. /b Fr dieses Programm wird keine neue Konsole erstellt. /i Startet das Programm mit einem neuen Satz Umgebungsvariablen. /min Startet das Programm minimiert. /max Startet das Programm maximiert. /low Startet das Programm in der Leerlauf-Priorittsklasse. /normal Startet das Programm in der normalen Priorittsklasse. /high Startet das Programm in der hohen Priorittsklasse. /realtime Startet das Programm in der Echtzeit-Priorittsklasse. /abovenormal Startet das Programm in der gehobenen Priorittsklasse. /belownormal Startet das Programm in der abgesenkten Priorittsklasse. /node Startet das Programm auf dem angegebenen NUMA-Knoten. /affinity Maske Startet das Programm mit der angegebenen Affinittsmaske. /wait Wartet, bis das Programm endet und beendet sich selbst mit dessen Exitcode. /unix ffnet einen Unix-Dateinamen wie mit dem Windows-Explorer. /ProgIDOpen ffnet ein Dokument mit der angegebenen progID. /? Zeigt diese Hilfe an und beendet sich. 2TIME setzt oder zeigt die aktuelle Systemzeit an. ATITLE <Zeichenkette> setzt den Fenstertitel fr das CMD-Fenster. DMD <name> is the short version of MKDIR. It creates a subdirectory. %MKDIR <name> creates a subdirectory. MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. BREN <filename> is the short version of RENAME. It renames a file. "RENAME <filename> renames a file. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. +Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. ,TIME sets or shows the current system time. 9TITLE <string> sets the window title for the cmd window. NMD <nombre> es la versin corta de MKDIR. Este comando crea un subdirectorio. &Ayuda <nombre> crea un subdirectorio. MOVE mueve un archivo o directorio a un nuevo lugar dentro del sistema de archivos. Si el elemento movido es un directorio, todos los archivos y subdirectorios por debajo de l son movidos tambin. MOVE fallara si la antigua localizacin y la nueva estn en diferentes unidades de DOS. XPATH cambia o muestra la ruta de bsqueda cmd. Ejecutar PATH sin argumentos mostrar la configuracin actual de PATH (inicialmente este valor se obtiene del registro). Para cambiar la configuracin ejecute PATH seguido del nuevo valor. Tambin es posible modificar el PATH usando la variable de entorno PATH, por ejemplo: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE muestra un mensaje en pantalla pidiendo al usuario que pulse cualquier tecla para continuar. Este comando es til en archivos de lotes para permitir al usuario leer la salida de un comando antes de que este desaparezca de la pantalla. PROMPT ajusta el prompt de la lnea de comandos. La cadena que sigue al comando PROMPT (y el espacio inmediatamente despus) aparece al principio de la lnea cuando cmd est esperando la entrada de comandos. Las siguientes cadenas de caracteres tienen el significado que se muestra: $$ Signo dlar $_ Nueva lnea $b Signo tubera (|) $d Fecha actual $e Escape $g Signo > $l Signo < $n Unidad actual $p Ruta actual $q Signo igual $t Hora actual $v Versin de cmd Ntese que si se introduce el comando PROMPT sin una cadena de prompt reinicializar el prompt al valor por defecto, que es el directorio actual (que incluye la letra de la unidad actual) seguido por un signo mayor que (>). (como un comando PROMPT $p$g). El prompt puede tambin ser cambiado alterando la variable de entorno PROMPT, por lo que el comando 'SET PROMPT=texto' tiene el mismo efecto que 'PROMPT texto'. Un comando que empieza por REM (seguido de un espacio) no ejecuta ninguna accin, y por tanto puede ser utilizada como un comentario en un archivo de lotes. OREN <archivo> es la versin corta de RENAME. Este comando renombra un archivo. &RENAME <archivo> renombra un archivo. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. pSET cambia o muestra las variables de entorno de cmd. SET sin parmetros muestra todas las variables de entorno actuales. Para crear o modificar una variable de entorno la sintaxis es: SET <variable>=<valor> donde <variable> y <valor> son cadenas de caracteres. No debe haber espacios antes del signo igual, ni la variable puede contener espacios intermedios. Bajo Wine, el entorno del sistema operativo subyacente se incluye en el entorno de Win32 por lo que, por lo general, habr muchos ms valores que en una implementacin Win32 nativa. Ntese que no es posible afectar al entorno del sistema operativo desde cmd. SHIFT se utiliza en un archivo de lotes para eliminar un parmetro de la cabeza de la lista, por lo que el parmetro 2 se convierte en el parmetro 1 y dems. No tiene efecto si se llama desde la lnea de comando. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 2TIME muestra o cambia la hora actual del sistema. 6TITLE <cadena> ajusta el ttulo de la ventana de cmd. ;MD <nimi> on MKDIR-komennon lyhenne. Se luo alihakemiston. MKDIR <name> luo alihakemiston. MOVE siirt tiedoston tai hakemiston uuteen paikkaan tiedostojrjestelmss. Hakemistoa siirrettess mys kaikki sen sisltmt tiedostot ja alihakemistot siirtyvt. MOVE eponnistuu, jos lhde ja kohde ovat eri DOS-asemilla. 0PATH nytt tai muuttaa cmd:n hakupolun. Kirjoittamalla PATH nkyy senhetkinen PATH-asetus (aluksi rekisterist otettu). Asetusta muuttaaksesi kirjoita PATH-komennon pern uusi arvo. Uuden arvon osaksi voi ottaa vanhan kyttmll PATH-ympristmuuttujaa esimerkiksi seuraavasti: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE nytt viestin, joka kehottaa kyttj painamaan nppint. Se on hydyllinen lhinn komentojonotiedostoissa antamaan kyttjlle mahdollisuuden lukea edellisen komennon tuloste, ennen kuin se vierii pois ruudulta. KPROMPT asettaa komentorivikehotteen. PROMPT-komentoa seuraava merkkijono (ja heti sen perss oleva vli) nkyy rivin alussa, kun cmd odottaa sytett. Seuraavilla merkkijonoilla on seuraava erityismerkitys: $$ Dollarimerkki $_ Rivinvaihto $b Putkimerkki (|) $d Nykyinen pivys $e Escape $g >-merkki $l <-merkki $n Nykyinen asema $p Nykyinen polku $q Yhtsuuruusmerkki $t Nykyinen aika $v cmd:n versio Huomaa, ett PROMPT-komento ilman kehotemerkkijonoa palauttaa kehotteen oletukseksi, joka on nykyinen hakemisto (mukaan lukien nykyisen aseman kirjain), jota seuraa suurempi kuin -merkki (>). (kuten komento PROMPT $p$g). Kehotetta voi muuttaa mys PROMPT-ympristmuuttujalla, joten komento 'SET PROMPT=teksti' tekee saman kuin 'PROMPT teksti'. zRivi, joka alkaa REM (jota seuraa vlilynti) ei tee mitn, ja sit voi siis kytt kommenttina komentojonotiedostossa. NREN <tiedostonimi> on RENAME-komennon lyhenne. Se nime tiedoston uudelleen. 2RENAME <tiedostonimi> nime tiedoston uudelleen. ARD <hakemisto> on RMDIR-komennon lyhenne. Se poistaa hakemiston. &RMDIR <hakemisto> poistaa hakemiston. .SET nytt tai muuttaa cmd:n ympristmuuttujia. SET ilman parametreja nytt koko nykyisen ympristn. Komento ympristmuuttujan luomiseen tai muuttamiseen on: SET <muuttuja>=<arvo> miss <muuttuja> ja <arvo> ovat merkkijonoja. Ennen yhtsuuruusmerkki ei saa olla vlilynti, eik muuttujan nimess saa olla vlilyntej. Winess kyttjrjestelmn ympristmuuttujat on sisllytetty Win32- ympristn, joten arvoja on yleens huomattavasti enemmn kuin natiivissa Win32-toteutuksessa. Kyttjrjestelmn ymprist ei voi muuttaa cmd:n sislt. SHIFT-komentoa kytetn komentojonotiedostossa yhden parametrin poistamiseen listan alusta, joten parametrista 2 tulee parametri 1 ja niin edelleen. Se ei vaikuta mihinkn, jos sit kutsutaan komentorivilt. @Kynnist ohjelma tai avaa dokumentti ohjelmalla, jota yleens kytetn kyseiseen tiedostoptteeseen. Kytt: start [valitsimet] ohjelman_tiedostonimi [...] start [valitsimet] dokumentin_tiedostonimi Valitsimet: "otsikko" Asettaa lapsi-ikkunoiden otsikon. /d hakemisto Kynnist ohjelma mrtyss hakemistossa. /b l luo uutta konsolia ohjelmalle. /i Kynnist ohjelma tuoreilla ympristmuuttujilla. /min Kynnist ohjelma pienennettyn. /max Kynnist ohjelma suurennettuna. /low Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'matala'. /normal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaali'. /high Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'korkea'. /realtime Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'reaaliaikainen'. /abovenormal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaalia korkeampi'. /belownormal Kynnist ohjelma prioriteetilla 'normaalia matalampi'. /node n Kynnist ohjelma mrtyll NUMA-solmulla. /affinity peite Kynnist ohjelma mrtyll affiniteettipeitteell. /wait Odota, ett ohjelma sulkeutuu, ja palauta sen paluuarvo. /unix Kyt Unix-tiedostonime ja avaa tiedosto siten, kuin Windows Explorer avaisi sen. /ProgIDOpen Avaa dokumentti mrtyll progID:ll. /? Nyt tm ohje ja lopeta. 4TIME asettaa ja nytt jrjestelmn nykyisen ajan. 0TITLE <merkkijono> asettaa CMD-ikkunan otsikon. BMD <nom> est la version courte de MKDIR. Elle cre un rpertoire. MKDIR <nom> cre un rpertoire. MOVE dplace un fichier ou un rpertoire vers un autre point du systme de fichiers. Si l'objet dplac est un rpertoire, alors tous ses fichiers et sous-rpertoires sont galement dplacs. MOVE choue si l'ancien et le nouvel emplacement sont sur des lecteurs DOS diffrents. hPATH affiche ou change le chemin de recherche de cmd. Entrer PATH seul affiche la valeur courante de PATH (qui vient initialement de la base de registre). Pour changer le rglage, faites suivre la commande PATH par la nouvelle valeur. Il est aussi possible de modifier le PATH en utilisant la variable d'environnement PATH, par exemple: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE affiche un message l'cran demandant l'utilisateur d'appuyer sur une touche. Principalement utilis dans les fichiers de commandes pour permettre l'utilisateur de lire la sortie de la dernire commande avant qu'elle ne disparaisse de l'cran. PROMPT rgle l'invite de commande. La chane suivant la commande PROMPT (ainsi que le blanc la suivant directement) apparat au dbut de la ligne quand cmd attend une entre texte. Les chanes de caractres suivantes ont une signification spciale: $$ Signe dollar $_ Saut de ligne $b Barre verticale (|) $d Date courante $e Escape $g Signe > $l Signe < $n Lecteur courant $p Rpertoire courant $q Signe = $t Heure courante $v Version de cmd Notez qu'entrer la commande PROMPT sans texte d'invite remet l'invite sa valeur par dfaut, savoir le rpertoire courant (incluant la lettre du lecteur courant) suivi d'un signe plus grand que (>). (c.--d. la commande PROMPT $p$g). L'invite peut aussi tre modifie via la variable d'environnement PROMPT; ainsi la commande SET PROMPT=texte a le mme effet que PROMPT texte. Une ligne de commande commenant par REM (suivi d'une espace) n'induit aucune action, et peut donc servir de commentaire dans un fichier de commandes. HREN <fichier> est la version courte de RENAME. Elle renomme un fichier. %RENAME <fichier> renomme un fichier. KRD <rpertoire> est la version courte de RMDIR. Elle efface un rpertoire. )RMDIR <rpertoire> efface un rpertoire. dSET affiche ou change les variables d'environnement de cmd. SET sans paramtre affiche l'environnement courant. Pour crer et modifier une variable d'environnement, la syntaxe est: SET <variable>=<valeur> o <variable> et <valeur> sont des chanes de caractres. Il ne peut y avoir aucun espace avant le signe =, ni dans <variable>. Sous Wine, l'environnement du systme hte est inclus dans l'environnement Win32, il y aura par consquent gnralement bien plus de valeurs que dans un systme Win32 natif. Notez qu'il n'est pas possible de modifier l'environnement du systme d'exploitation dans cmd. SHIFT est utilis dans un fichier de commandes pour enlever le premier paramtre de la liste; ainsi, le paramtre 2 devient le paramtre 1 et ainsi de suite. Il est sans effet s'il est appel depuis la ligne de commande. Lance un programme, ou ouvre un document avec le programme normalement associ cette extension. Usage: start [options] fichier_programme [...] start [options] fichier_document Options: "titre" Spcifie le titre des fentres filles. /d rpertoire Lancer le programme depuis le rpertoire spcifi. /b Ne pas crer de nouvelle console pour le programme. /i Lancer le programme avec des nouvelles variables d'environnement. /min Lancer le programme minimis. /max Lancer le programme maximis. /low Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit inactif. /normal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit normal. /high Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit haut. /realtime Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit temps rel. /abovenormal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit suprieur la normale. /belownormal Lancer le programme dans la classe de priorit infrieur la normale. /node n Lancer le programme sur le nSud NUMA spcifi. /affinity masque Lancer le programme avec le masque d'affinit spcifi. /wait Attendre que le programme lanc se termine, puis renvoyer son code de sortie. /unix Interprter fichier_programme ou fichier_document comme un chemin Unix. /ProgIDOpen Ouvrir un document via le programme identifi par progID. /? Afficher cette aide et se terminer. 0TIME rgle ou affiche l'heure systme courante. CTITLE <chane> dfinit le titre de la fentre pour la session cmd. @MD <nv> az MKDIR rvidtett vltozata. Alknyvtrat hoz ltre. $MKDIR <nv> alknyvtrat hoz ltre. MOVE thelyez egy fjlt vagy mappt a fjlrendszeren bell. Ha a mozgatni kvnt elem mappa, akkor az sszes benne lvQ fjl s alknyvtr is thelyezsre kerl. MOVE hibval tr vissza, ha a rgi s j tvonal klnbzQ DOS meghajtkon tallhat. `PATH megjelenti vagy mdostja a cmd keressi tvonalat. PATH megadsa meg fogja jelenteni az aktulis PATH belltst (indulskor a regisztrcis adatbzisbl). Hogy mdostsa a belltst hasznlja a PATH parancsot j rtk megadsval. Lehetsges mdostani a PATH tvonalat a PATH krnyezeti vltoz hasznlatval, pldul: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE megjelent egy zenetet a kpernyQn, felhasznli billentyqletst krve. FQknt ktegfjloknl hasznos, hogy megengedi a felhasznlnak egy korbbi parancs kimenetnek elolvasst, mielQtt legrdl a kpernyQrQl. nPROMPT belltja a parancssort. A PROMPT parancsot kvetQ karakterlnc (s azt kvetQ szkz) megjelentQdik a sor elejn, amikor a cmd bemenetre vrakozik. A kvetkezQ karaktereknek klnleges jelentsk van: $$ Dollr jel $_ Soremels $b Pipe jel (|) $d Aktulis dtum $e Esc jel $g > jel $l < jel $n Aktulis meghajt $p Aktulis tvonal $q EgyenlQsg jel $t Aktulis idQ $v cmd verzi Megjegyezzk, hogy a PROMPT beviteli parancs karakterlnc nlkl alaphelyzetbe kerl, amely az aktulis mappa nevt (belertve az aktulis meghajt betqjelt) kveti egy nagyobb, mint (>) jel. (mint egy PROMPT parancs $p$g). A megjelentsi formtumot lehet mdostani a PROMPT krnyezeti vltozbal, gy a parancs 'SET PROMPT=szveg' ugyanolyan hatssal br, mint a 'PROMPT szveg'. Egy REM-el kezdQdQ (szkzzel folytatt) parancssor nem hajt vgre mqveletet, s ezrt ktegelt fjlban megjegyzs bersra hasznlhat. HREN <fjlnv> a RENAME parancs rvidtett vltozata. tnevez egy fjlt. $RENAME <fjlnv> tnevez egy fjlt. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. SET megjelenti vagy mdostja a cmd krnyezeti vltozkat. SET paramterek nlkl megjelenti az sszes krnyezeti vltozt. Hogy ltrehozzon vagy mdostson egy krnyezeti vltozt, a szintaxis: SET <vltoz>=<rtk> ahol a <vltoz> s <rtk> is karakterlnc. Nem szabad, hogy szkz legyen az egyenlQsgjel elQtt, sem a vltoz nv elQtt sem pedig a vltoz nvben. Wine alatt, a futtat krnyezeti opercis rendszer tartalmazza a Win32 krnyezetet, ezrt ltalnossgban sokkal tbb rtket tartalmaz, mint a natv Win32 megvalsts. Megjegyzs, hogy nem lehetsges befolysolni az opercis rendszer krnyezetet a cmd parancssorral. A SHIFT ktegfjlban hasznlatos, hogy trljn egy paramtert a lista tetjrQl, gy paramter 2 felveszi paramter 1 rtkt s gy tovbb. Ennek nincs hatsa, ha parancssorbl trtnik a meghvs. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 7TIME bellt vagy megmutatja az aktulis rendszeridQt. 5TITLE <karakterlnc> belltja a cmd ablak cmsort. BMD <nome> la versione ridotta di MKDIR. Crea una sottocartella. %MKDIR <nome> crea una sottocartella. &MOVE sposta un file o una cartella in un punto diverso nel file system. Se l'oggetto che viene spostato una cartella allora tutti i files e le sottocartelle dentro l'oggetto saranno spostate insieme. MOVE fallisce se la nuova e la vecchia locazione sono su lettere di unit DOS differenti. YPATH mostra o cambia il percorso di ricerca di cmd. Usando PATH, verr mostrato l'impostazione corrente di PATH (il cui valore preso inizialmente dal registro). Per cambiarla, fai seguire al comando PATH comando PATH il nuovo valore. anche possibile modificare il PATH usando la variabile d'ambiente PATH, per esempio: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE mostra un messaggio sullo schermo che chiede all'utente di premere un tasto. utile soprattutto in file batch per permettere all'utente di leggere l'output di un comando precedente prima che scorra via dallo schermo. PROMPT configura il prompt a linea di comando. La stringa che segue il comando PROMPT (e lo spazio immediatamente dopo) appariranno all'inizio della linea quando cmd sta aspettando l'input. Le seguenti stringhe di caratteri hanno il loro significato speciale mostrato: $$ Segno del dollaro $_ Linefeed $b Segno della pipe (|) $d Data attuale $e Escape $g Segno > $l Segno < $n Unit attuale $p Percorso attuale $q Segno uguale $t Orario attuale $v Versione di cmd Nota che inserire il comando PROMPT senza una stringa dopo resetta il prompt al default, che la cartella corrente (che include la lettera dell'unit attuale) seguita da un segno maggiore (>). (come un comando PROMPT $p$g). Il prompt pu essere cambiato anche alterando la variabile d'ambiente PROMPT, perci il comando 'SET PROMPT=testo' ha lo stesso effetto di 'PROMPT testo'. Una linea di comando che comincia con REM (seguito da uno spazio) non esegue alcuna azione e pu, quindi, essere usata come un commento in un file batch. CREN <nome_file> la versione ridotta di RENAME. Rinomina un file. %RENAME <nome_file> rinomina un file. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. wSET mostra o cambia le variabili d'ambiente di cmd. SET senza parametri mostra tutto dell'ambiente attuale. Per creare o modificare una variabile d'ambiente, la sintassi : SET <variabile>=<valore> dove <variabile> e <valore> sono stringhe di caratteri. Non devono esserci spazi prima del segno uguale, n il nome della variabile pu avere spazi all'interno. Sotto Wine, l'ambiente del sistema operativo sottostante incluso nell'ambiente Win32; ci saranno quindi generalmente molti pi valori che in un'implementazione nativa di Win32. Nota che non possibile influenzare l'ambiente del sistema operativo da dentro il cmd. SHIFT usato in un file batch per rimuovere un parametro dall'inizio della lista, perci il parametro 2 diventa parametro 1 e cos via. Non ha effetto se chiamato dalla linea di comando. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 3TIME imposta o mostra l'orario di sistema attuale. 9TITLE <stringa> imposta il titolo della finestra di cmd. 'MD < TMR> o0 MKDIR n0w.~Hrg0Y00000000000\ObW0~0Y00 MKDIR < TMR> o0000000000\ObW0~0Y00 MOVE o00000~0_0o000000000000 0000g0n0eW0D04X@bk0yRW0 ~0Y00 yRY00[aL0000000n04XTo00000000Qn0hQf0n00000h000 0000000yRW0~0Y00 MOVE g0o0yRCQh0yRHQn00000 000L0puj004XT0yRo01YWeW0~0Y00 PATH o0 cmd n0i"}000h:y~0_0o0 YfW0~0Y00 PATH h0eQRY00h0s(Wn000-[0h:yW0~0Y0(RgrKag0o000000K00S_ U00~0Y0)0-[0 YfY00k0o00PATH 0000k0}Q0f0eW0D0-[$P0eQRW0f0 NU0D00 PATH 0 YfY00h0M0k0 PATH tX Ype0O(uY00S0h00Sg0Y00OH0p0 PATH %PATH%;c:\temp _PAUSE o0;ubk0000bW0f0O0`0U0D0h0000000h:yW0~0Y00 S00o0;Nk0000 0000-Ng0[LU00_00000n0P}gL000000Y00MRk0 000L0000F0k0W0_0D04XTk0 g(ug0Y00 PROMPT o00000Ln0000000-[W0~0Y00 PROMPT 0000(h0v_n00000)k0}O0eW[Ro0cmdL0eQR_a0n0Bf0Ln0HQ- k0h:yU00~0Y00 N Nn000000eW[Ro0yr%Rj0asT0ca0~0Y0 $$ 00S $_ 9eL $b 000S (|) $d s(Wn0eN $e 00000 $g > S $l < S $n s(Wn00000 $p s(Wn000 $q I{S $t s(Wn0Bf;R $v cmdn000000 laPROMPT0000000000eW[Rj0W0g0[LY00h0000000$Pk00 000U00~0Y00 00000$Po00000 000000(0000 T0+T0~0Y0) k0}D0f0'Yj00(>)Sg0Y00 (PROMPT $p$g 0[LW0_0Bfh0 Tig0Y0) 00000o0PROMPTtX Ype0}ƖY00S0h0g00 Yfg0M0~0Y00W0_0L0c0f00 'SET PROMPT=eW[R'h0'PROMPT eW[R'n0Rgo0 TX0g0Y00 =REM(h0v_n00000)g0Y~000000o0[LU00~0[000W0_0L0c0f00000 0000-Nn00000h0W0f0O(ug0M0~0Y00 (REN <0000 T> o0 RENAME n0w.~Hrg0Y0000000 Y TW0~0Y00 RENAME <0000 T> o000000 Y TW0~0Y00 )RD <000000> o0 RMDIR n0w.~Hrg0Y000000000JRdW0~0Y00 RMDIR <000000> o00000000JRdW0~0Y00 >SET o0cmdn0tX Ype0h:y~0_0o0 YfW0~0Y00 00000j0W0g0SET0[LY00h00s(Wn0hQf0n0tX Ype0h:yW0~0Y00 tX Ypen0\Ob~0_0o0 Yf0LF04XTo0!kn00F0k0W0f0 NU0D0 SET <tX Ype T>=<$P> <tX Ype T> h0 <$P> o0eW[Rg0Y00I{Sn0KbMRk000000eQ0j0D0g0 NU0D00 KbMRk000000eQ00h0tX Ype Tk0YORj00000L0+T~00f0W0~0F04XTL0B0 0~0Y00 WinetXg0o00WineL0R\OW0f0D00OSn0tX YpeL0Win32tX Ypek0+T~00~0Y00W0 _0L0c0f0000000Win32tX00YO0n0$PL0000U00f0D0~0Y00cmdQK00OS n0tX Ype0 YfY00S0h0L0g0M0j0D0S0h0k0laW0f0 NU0D00 bSHIFT o0000 0000-Ng0000n0HQ-K00Nd0n0000000S0dO0Bfk0O (uW0~0Y00d0~000000002L0000001k0j00~0Y000000000K00|T p00_0h0M0k0o0UO0wS00~0[000 000000YW0_000]0n0b5_P[n00000k08^O00000000g0ef 0M0~0Y00 OD0e: start [00000] 000000000 T [...] start [00000] ef0000 T 00000: "0000" P[00000n000000c[W0~0Y00 /d directory 000000c[W0_0000000g0YW0~0Y00 /b 00000g0eW0D0000000\ObW0~0[000 /i Rgn0tX Ypeg0000000YW0~0Y00 /min g\SrKag0000000YW0~0Y00 /max g'YSrKag0000000YW0~0Y00 /low *QHQ^000'NO'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /normal *QHQ^000'8^'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /high *QHQ^000'ؚ'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /realtime *QHQ^000'000000'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /abovenormal *QHQ^000'8^N N'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /belownormal *QHQ^000'8^N N'g0000000YW0~0Y00 /node n c[W0_0 NUMA 000g0000000YW0~0Y00 /affinity mask c[W0_0#000g0000000YW0~0Y00 /wait Y00000n0[N0_a00]0n000000n0B}N000g0B}NW0 ~0Y00 /unix Unix 0000 T0OD00windows 0000000n00F0k00000 0YW0~0Y00 /ProgIDOpen ef0c[W0_0 progID 0(uD0f0M0~0Y00 /? S0n00000h:yW00B}NW0~0Y00 TIME o0s(Wn0Bf;R0-[~0_0o0h:yW0~0Y00 *TITLE <eW[R> o0 cmd 00000n000000 00000-[W0~0Y00 /MD <Dń> MKDIRX 貕 ȅȲ. tǃ@ X  0Ѭ| ̹Ȳ . MKDIR <9> X  0Ѭ| ̹Ȳ. MOVE |tǘ  0Ѭ| |¤\ H ǔ \ <\ 0XiȲ. ̹} .ƨɔ mթt X՘X  0Ѭ|t  0Ѭ DŘ |   0Ѭij tٳiȲ. MOVE X X x DOS ܴ|t 8| t (iȲ. PATH ‰ |X \| p ɯȲ. PATH %@ ֬ PATH $D Ȳ (0<\ ɤ¸Ҭ\0 84). $D $t PATH t \ D iȲ. PATH Xֽ| t PATH| XՔ ij iȲ. | 䴴: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp ePAUSE D4 И t| T| Tt \iȲ. Ɛ t 9X Tt |0  }D  ij] X0 t 0X | \ ǩXՌ iȲ. %PROMPT@ 9 |x \ո| $iȲ. PROMPT 9 tX 8( \ tX 1)@ cmd %D 0䲬 D L 9 |xX ‘ ЩȲ. DŘ XՔ 8@ ļ\ X| Ȳ: $$ 08 $_ |x<ܴ $b t 08 (|) $d ֬ $e tǤt $g > 08 $l < 08 $n ֬ ܴ|t $p ֬ \ $q 8 08 $t ֬  $v cmd  ROMPT 9D 8 t ‰Xt lո 0<\ K)Ȳ. 0@ ֬  0Ѭ(ܴ|t 8 h)@ tǴɔ > 08օȲ. (tǃ@ PROMPT $p$g 9 Ȳ). lոҔ \ PRPOMPT Xֽ | h D   ǵȲ.  'SET PROMPT=test' 'PROMPT test'@ @ ǵȲ. NREM<\ ‘X( 1t 0t) 9 |x@ Ť ٳij X JŵȲ. \ 0X | <\ `  ǵȲ. 0REN < | tDŽ> @ REANMEX 貕 ȅȲ.tǃ@ | tDŽD ɯȲ. RENAME < | tDŽ> @ |X tDŽD ȯ. .RD < 0Ѭ> RMDIRX 貕 ȅȲ. tǃ@  0Ѭ| piȲ. RMDIR < 0Ѭ>  0Ѭ| piȲ. >SET@ cmd Xֽ| \Xp ɯȲ.  Ŕ SET@ ֬ Xֽ| P \iȲ. Xֽ | ̹p ` L XՔ 8: SET <>=<> <>@ <>@ 8ŅȲ. ܴ 8(=) 08 ^ Ť 1ij Ǵ H,  tDŽ 1D 8ij H)Ȳ. Wine DŘX Win32 Xֽ Ŕ 0 ƴX Xֽ ij 䴴 0 L8 |<\ $t Win32 l T ι@ t 䴴 ǵȲ. cmd ƴ Xֽ  ƥD XΔ t X J䲔 ȩX$. lSHIFT 0X | H  ¸X L X՘| p t iȲ.  2  1t  …Ȳ. tǃ@ 9 |x ƈD Ŕ D4 ƥt ŵȲ. \D ‘Xp, | U֥ǐ@  \<\ 8| Ȳ. ƕ: start [5X] \_ | tDŽ [...] start [5X] 8_ | tDŽ 5X: "ȩ" = \ Р ȩD iȲ. /d  0Ѭ \  0Ѭ \D ‘iȲ. /b XϔD ̹ J \D ‘iȲ. /i 0 Xֽ  \D ‘iȲ. /min \D \͌T  ‘iȲ. /max \D \T  ‘iȲ. /low \D LOW  tИ ‘iȲ. /normal \D NORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /high \D HIGH  tИ ‘iȲ. /realtime \D REALTIME  tИ ‘iȲ. /abovenormal \D ABOVENORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /belownormal \D BELOWNORMAL  tИ ‘iȲ. /node n \ NUMA xܴ \D ‘iȲ. /affinity mask \ \8 \Tij ȹl \D ‘iȲ. /wait ‘\ \t ] LL 0䲽Ȳ. t 9X X@ ‰ՈX \X X TܴȲ. /unix ɲ | tDŽD X, Windows 0 |D ‘iȲ. /ProgIDOpen \ progID| t 8| Ȳ. /? ijйD ]ŰȲ. TIME - ֬ ¤\ D Ȳ. "TITLE <8> - cmd =X = ȩD $iȲ. ?MD <naam> is de korte versie van MKDIR. Het maakt een map aan. MKDIR <naam> maakt een map aan. MOVE verplaatst een bestand of map naar een andere plek binnen het bestandssysteem. Als het om een map gaat dan worden alle bestanden en mappen daaronder ook verplaatst. MOVE werkt niet als de oude en nieuwe locaties zich op verschillende DOS-schijven bevinden. OPATH toon of wijzigt het zoekpad van cmd. De opdracht PATH toont het huidige zoekpad (de beginwaarde wordt uit het register gehaald). Om het zoekpad te wijzigen laat u de PATH opdracht door de nieuwe waarde. Het is ook mogelijk om het zoekpad te wijzigen met behulp van de PATH omgevingsvariabele, bij voorbeeld: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE toont een bericht op het scherm waarin de gebruiker word gevraagd een toets in te drukken. Dit is vooral handig in batchbestanden om de gebruiker in staat te stellen om de uitvoer van een voorafgaande opdracht te bekijken, voordat het van het scherm schuift. PROMPT wijzigt de prompt van de opdrachtregel. De tekenreeks volgend op de PROMPT opdracht (en de spatie direct daarna) verschijnt vooraan op de regel als cmd wacht op invoer. De volgende tekenreeksen hebben een speciale betekenis: $$ dollar-teken $_ nieuwe regel $b pijp-teken (|) $d huidige datum $e escape $g groter-dan-teken (>) $l kleiner-dan-teken (<) $n huidige schijf $p huidige map $q is-gelijk-teken (=) $t huidige tijd $v cmd versie Merk op dat het uitvoeren van de PROMPT opdracht zonder een tekenreeks de prompt terugzet naar de standaardinstelling. Dat is de huidige map (inclusief schijfaanduiding) gevolgd een groter-dan-teken (>). (dat staat gelijk aan de opdracht: PROMPT $p$g). De prompt kan ook gewijzigd worden via de PROMPT omgevingsvariabele, dus de opdracht 'SET PROMPT=tekenreeks' heeft hetzelfde effect als 'PROMPT tekenreeks'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. LREN <bestandsnaam> is de korte versie van RENAME. Het hernoemt een bestand. ,RENAME <bestandsnaam> hernoemt een bestand. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT wordt gebruikt in een batchbestand om een parameter te verwijderen van het begin van de lijst. Dus de tweede parameter wordt dan de eerste, enzovoort. Deze opdracht heeft geen effect als hij wordt aangeroepen vanaf de opdrachtregel. Start een programma, of open een document in het programma dat normaal voor deze extensie gebruikt wordt. Gebruik: start [opties] programma-naam [...] start [opties] document-naam Opties: "titel" Specificeer de titel van het "child" venster. /d map Start het programma in de gespecificeerde map. /b Creeer geen nieuwe console voor het programma. /i Start het programma met verse omgevingsvariabelen. /min Start het programma geminimaliseerd op. /max Start het programma gemaximaliseerd op. /low Start het programma met lage prioriteit op. /normal Start het programma met normale prioriteit op. /high Start het programma met hoge prioriteit op. /realtime Start het programma met "realtime" prioriteit op. /abovenormal Start het programma in "abovenormal" prioriteit op. /belownormal Start het programma in "belownormal" prioriteit op. /node n Start het programma op de gespecificeerde NUMA node. /affinity mask Start het program met het gespecificeerde affiniteitsmasker mask. /wait Wacht tot het gestarte programma beeindigd is, dan afsluiten met de exit code. /unix Gebruik een Unix bestandsnaam en start het bestand zoals windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open een document met het specificeerde progID. /? Toon deze hulp en eindig. &TIME wijzigt of toont de systeemtijd. 9TITLE <string> sets the window title for the cmd window. 8MD <nazwa> jest krtk wersj MKDIR. Tworzy podkatalog. !MKDIR <nazwa> tworzy podkatalog. MOVE zmienia poBo|enie wybranego pliku lub katalogu. Je|eli przemieszczany jest katalog wszystkie podkatalogi i pliki s tak|e przesuwane. MOVE dziaBa tylko w obrbie jednego dysku. UPATH wy[wietla lub zmienia [cie|k, w ktrej wyszukuje cmd. Polecenie PATH wy[wietli ustawienie obecnej ZCIE{KI (wstpnie wzite z rejestru). Aby zmieni ustawienie dodaj do polecenia PATH now warto[ [cie|ki. Umieszczenie wyra|enia %PATH% przy podawaniu nowej [cie|ki powoduje wstawienie starej [cie|ki, na przykBad: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE wy[wietla na ekranie pro[b do u|ytkownika o naci[nicie klawisza. Jest to u|yteczne w plikach wsadowych, bo pozwala u|ytkownikowi na odczyt wyj[cia poprzedniego polecenia przed przewiniciem ekranu. PROMPT ustawia tekst zgBoszenia wiersza poleceD. Cig znakw po poleceniu PROMPT (i spacja wystpujca zaraz za nim) pojawiaj si na pocztku wiersza, gdy cmd czeka na wej[cie. Nastpujce cigi znakw maj specjalne znaczenie: $$ Znak dolara ($) $_ Nowa linia $b Znak kanaBu (|) $d Obecna data $e Escape $g Znak > $l Znak < $n Obecny napd $p Obecna [cie|ka $q Znak = $t Obecny czas $v Wersja cmd Zauwa|, |e wpisanie polecenia PROMPT bez ciagu znakw zgBoszenia zeruje ustawienia zgBoszenia do domy[lnych, czyli do obecnego katalogu (co uwzgldnia obecn liter dysku), po ktrej nastpuje znak wiksze ni| (>). (tak jak polecenie PROMPT $p$g). (Tak samo jak polecenie PROMPT $p$g). ZgBoszenie mo|e by tak|e zmienione poprzez zmian zmiennej [rodowiskowej PROMPT, tak wic polecenie 'SET PROMPT=tekst' ma ten sam efekt co 'PROMPT tekst'. Wiersz polecenia zaczynajcy si od REM (ze spacj za nim) nie wykonuje |adnego dziaBania i mo|e przez to zosta wykorzystany jako komentarz w pliku wsadowym. ?REN <filename> jest krtk wersj RENAME. Zmienia nazw pliku. )RENAME <nazwapliku> zmienia nazw pliku. 6RD <katalog> jest krtk wersj RMDIR. Usuwa katalog. RMDIR <katalog> usuwa katalog. "SET wy[wietla lub ustawia zmienne [rodowiskowe cmd. SET bez parametrw wy[wietla wszystkie ustawione zmienne. SkBadnia polecenia (by utworzy lub zmieni zmienn: SET <zmienna>=<warto[> gdzie <zmienna> i <warto[> s cigami znakw. Spacja nie mo|e wystpowa przed znakiem rwno[ci, nazwa zmiennej nie mo|e zawiera spacji. Pod Wine'em zmienne [rodowiskowe systemu operacyjnego s dodawane do zmiennych [rodowiskowych Win32, z tego powodu jest wicej zmiennych ni| w implementacji Win32. Wine nie zmienia zmiennych [rodowiskowych systemu. SHIFT jest u|ywane w plikach bat do usunicia pierwszego parametru z listy parametrw, parametr 2 staje si 1 itd. Polecenie to nie ma efektu gdy jest wywoBywane z linii komend. rUruchom program lub otwrz dokument w programie normalnie u|ywanym do plikw z tym przyrostkiem. U|ycie: start [opcje] nazwa_programu_ze_[cie|k [...] start [opcje] nazwa_dokumentu_ze_[cie|k Opcje: "title" Podaje tytuB podrzdnych okien. /d katalog Uruchamia program w podanym katalogu. /b Nie twrz nowej konsoli dla programu. /i Uruchom program ze [wie|ymi zmiennymi [rodowiskowymi. /min Uruchom program zminimalizowany. /max Uruchom program zmaksymalizowany. /low Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej bezczynno[ci. /normal Uruchom program w normalnej klasie priorytetowej. /high Uruchom program w wysokiej klasie priorytetowej. /realtime Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej czasu rzeczywistego. /abovenormal Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej powy|ej normalnej. /belownormal Uruchom program w klasie priorytetowej poni|ej normalnej. /node n Uruchom program na podanym wzle NUMA. /affinity maska Uruchom program ze specjaln mask afiniczno[ci. /wait Poczekaj, a| uruchomiony program skoDczy, a nastpnie wyjdz z jego kodem wyj[cia. /unix U|yj nazwy pliku ze [cie|ka z Uniksa i uruchom plik tak jak windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Otwrz dokument u|ywajc podanego progID. /? Wy[wietl t pomoc i wyjdz. 3TIME ustawia lub pokazuje aktualny czas systemowy. ATITLE <cig znakw> ustawia tytuB okna dla okna wiersza poleceD. FMD <nume> este versiunea scurt pentru MKDIR. MD creeaz un subdosar. "MKDIR <nume> creeaz un subdosar. MOVE deplaseaz un fiier sau un dosar n alt loc din sistemul de fiiere. Dac elementul mutat este un dosar, atunci toate fiierele i subdosarele de sub el vor fi mutate i ele. MOVE eueaz dac locaia veche i cea nou se afl n directoare DOS diferite. DPATH afieaz sau schimb calea de cutare pentru cmd. Dac se introduce PATH, se va afia configuraia curent pentru PATH (iniial, este valoarea dat n registru). Pentru a o modifica, adugai noua valoare dup comanda PATH. PATH se poate modifica i utiliznd variabila de mediu PATH, de exemplu: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE afieaz un mesaj pe ecran i ateapt ca utilizatorul s apese o tast. Este util mai ales n fiierele batch, pentru a permite utilizatorului s citeasc rezultatul unei comenzi anterioare, nainte de a disprea de pe ecran. zPROMPT configureaz prompterul pentru linia de comand. irul care urmeaz dup comanda PROMPT (i spaiul imediat urmtor) apare la nceputul liniei cnd cmd ateapt introducerea de date. Urmtoarele iruri de caractere au semnificaie special: $$ Semnul dolar $_ Salt de rnd $b Bara vertical (|) $d Data curent $e Escape $g Semnul > $l Semnul < $n Unitatea curenta $p Calea curent $q Semnul egal $t Ora curent $v Versiunea de cmd Reinei c, dac introducei comanda PROMPT fr un ir, se va restabili la valoarea implicit, care este dosarul curent (care include litera unitii curente) urmat de semnul mai mare ca (>). (ca o comand PROMPT $p$g). i prompterul poate fi modificat schimbnd variabila de mediu PROMPT, astfel nct comanda  SET PROMPT=text are acelai efect ca i  PROMPT text . O linie de comand ncepnd cu REM (urmat de spaiu) nu realizeaz nici o aciune i de aceea poate fi utilizat ca un comentariu ntr-un fiier batch. LREN <fiier> este versiunea scurt pentru RENAME. REN redenumete fiierul. &RENAME <fiier> redenumete fiierul. FRD <dosar> este versiunea scurt pentru RMDIR. RMDIR terge dosarul . RMDIR <dosar> terge dosarul. OSET afieaz sau schimb variabilele de mediu ale cmd. SET fr parametri afieaz variabilele de mediu curente. Pentru a crea sau modifica o variabil de mediu, sintaxa este: SET <variabil>=<valoare> unde <variabil> i <valoare> sunt iruri de caractere. Nu trebuie s existe nici un spaiu nainte de semnul egal i nici n numele variabilei. n Wine, mediul sistemului de operare de baz este inclus n mediul Win32, astfel c vor fi, n general, mult mai multe valori dect ntr-o implementare Win32 nativ. Reinei c nu poate fi modificat mediul sistemului de operare din cmd. SHIFT se utilizeaz ntr-un fiier batch pentru a elimina primul parametru din list; astfel, parametrul 2 devine parametrul 1 i aa mai departe. Nu are efect dac este apelat din linia de comand. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. *TIME afieaz sau schimb ora sistemului. 3TITLE [ir] definete titlul pentru fereastra cmd. ?MD <8<O> MB> :@0B:89 20@80=B MKDIR. =0 A>7405B ?>448@5:B>@8N. #MKDIR <8<O> A>7405B ?>448@5:B>@8N. MOVE ?5@5<5I05B D09; 8;8 :0B0;>3 =0 =>2>5 <5AB> D09;>2>9 A8AB5<K. A;8 ?5@5<5I05BAO :0B0;>3, B> 2A5 D09;K 8 ?>4:0B0;>38 2=CB@8 =53> B0:65 ?5@5<5ABOBAO. MOVE =5 @01>B05B 4;O ?5@5<5I5=8O 40==KE A >4=>3> ;>38G5A:>3> 48A:0 =0 4@C3>9. .PATH >B>1@0605B 8;8 87<5=O5B <0@H@CB ?>8A:0 2 cmd. ><0=40 PATH >B>1@0605B B5:CI55 7=0G5=85 PATH (=0G0;L=>5 7=0G5=85 7040QBAO 2 @55AB@5). ;O 87<5=5=8O 7=0G5=8O 2K7>28B5 PATH A =>2K< 7=0G5=85<. "0:65 2>7<>6=> 87<5=8BL 7=0G5=85 PATH, 8A?>;L7CO ?5@5<5==CN >:@C65=8O PATH, =0?@8<5@: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE 2K2>48B =0 M:@0= A>>1I5=85 A ?@>AL1>9 =060BL :;028HC. =0 2 >A=>2=>< 8A?>;L7C5BAO 2 bat-D09;0E, GB>1K ?>;L7>20B5;L A<>3 ?@>G5ABL 2K2>4 ?@54K4CI59 :><0=4K ?@5645 G5< >= 8AG57=5B A M:@0=0. IPROMPT 87<5=O5B 284 ?>4A:07:8 :><0=4=>9 AB@>:8. !B@>:0, 84CI0O ?>A;5 :><0=4K PROMPT (8 70 ?@>15;>< ?>A;5 :><0=4K), 2K2>48BAO 2 =0G0;5 AB@>:8, :>340 cmd 64QB 22>40. !;54CNI85 4>?CAB8<K5 AB@>:8 8<5NB ?@54>?@545;Q==K5 7=0G5=8O: $$ =0: 4>;;0@0 $_ 5@52>4 AB@>:8 $b =0: Pipe (|) $d "5:CI0O 40B0 $e Esc-A8<2>; (27) $g =0: > $l =0: < $n "5:CI89 48A: $p "5:CI89 ?CBL $q =0: @02=> $t "5:CI55 2@5<O $v 5@A8O cmd @8 22>45 :><0=4K PROMPT 157 =>2>9 AB@>:8 ?>4A:07:8 ?>4A:07:0 CAB0=02;8205BAO ?> C<>;G0=8N (1C:20 B5:CI53> 48A:0, ?CBL 4> B5:CI53> :0B0;>30 8 7=0: 1>;LH5 (>). (:0: ?@8 2K7>25 PROMPT $p$g). >4A:07:0 <>65B 1KBL B0:65 87<5=5=0 ?5@5<5==>9 >:@C65=8O PROMPT, B0: GB> :><0=40 SET PROMPT=<B5:AB> 40QB B0:>9 65 MDD5:B, :0: PROMPT <text>. ><0=4=0O AB@>:0, =0G8=0NI0OAO A REM (A ?>A;54CNI8< ?@>15;><) =5 2K?>;=O5B =8:0:8E 459AB289, REM 8A?>;L7C5BAO 4;O :><<5=B0@852 2 bat-D09;0E. =REN <D09;> :@0B:89 20@80=B RENAME. =0 ?5@58<5=>2K205B D09;. %RENAME <D09;0> ?5@58<5=>2K205B D09;. CRD <48@5:B>@8O> MB> :@0B:89 20@80=B RMDIR. =0 C40;O5B 48@5:B>@8N. 'RMDIR <48@5:B>@8O> C40;O5B 48@5:B>@8N. OSET ?>:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B ?5@5<5==K5 >:@C65=8O cmd. SET 157 ?0@0<5B@>2 ?>:07K205B 2AQ B5:CI55 >:@C65=85. ;O A>740=8O 8;8 87<5=5=8O ?5@5<5==>9 >:@C65=8O 8A?>;L7C9B5: SET <?5@5<5==0O>=<7=0G5=85> 345 <?5@5<5==0O> 8 <7=0G5=85> O2;ONBAO A8<2>;L=K<8 AB@>:0<8. 5@54 7=0:>< @025=AB20 =5 4>;6=> 1KBL ?@>15;>2, 8<O ?5@5<5==>9 =5 <>65B A>45@60BL ?@>15;K.  Wine ?5@5<5==K5 >:@C65=8O >A=>2=>9 >?5@0F8>==>9 A8AB5<K 2:;NG5=K 2 >:@C65=85 Win32, ?>MB><C 1C45B 4>ABC?=> =5A:>;L:> 1>;LH5 ?5@5<5==KE, G5< 2 >1KG=>9 Win32. !B>8B >B<5B8BL, GB> =52>7<>6=> 87<5=8BL >:@C65=85 >?5@0F8>==>9 A8AB5<K 87 cmd. SHIFT 8A?>;L7C5BAO 2 bat-D09;0E 4;O C40;5=8O >4=>3> ?0@0<5B@0 A 25@H8=K A?8A:0, B0:8< >1@07>< ?0@0<5B@ 2 ?5@5<5AB8BAO 2 ?0@0<5B@ 1 8 B0: 40;55. SHIFT =5 @01>B05B ?@8 2K7>25 2 :><0=4=>9 AB@>:5. 0?CA:05B ?@>3@0<<C 8;8 >B:@K205B 4>:C<5=B 2 ?@>3@0<<5 >1KG=> 8A?>;L7C5<>9 4;O D09;>2 A B0:8< @0AH8@5=85<. A?>;L7>20=85: start [?0@0<5B@K] program_filename [...] start [?0@0<5B@K] document_filename 0@0<5B@K: "title" 03>;>2>: 4>G5@=8E >:>=. /d directory 0?CA:05B ?@>3@0<<C 2 C:070==>9 48@5:B>@88. /b 5 A>74020BL =>2CN :>=A>;L 4;O ?@>3@0<<K. /i 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A 8AE>4=K<8 ?5@5<5==K<8 >:@C65=8O. /min 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A25@=CB>9. /max 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C >B:@KB>9 =0 25AL M:@0=. /low 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A =87:8< ?@8>@8B5B><. /normal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A =>@<0;L=K< ?@8>@8B5B><. /high 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A 2KA>:8< ?@8>@8B5B><. /realtime 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A <0:A8<0;L=K< ?@8>@8B5B><. /abovenormal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A ?@8>@8B5B>< 2KH5 =>@<0;L=>3>. /belownormal 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A ?@8>@8B5B>< =865 =>@<0;L=>3>. /node n 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C =0 C:070==>< C7;5 NUMA. /affinity mask 0?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C A C:070==>9 <0A:>9. /wait >4>640BL 7025@H5=8O ?@>3@0<<K 8 25@=CBL 5Q :>4 2>72@0B0. /unix A?>;L7>20BL Unix-8<O D09;0 8 70?CAB8BL :0: Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen B:@K205B 4>:C<5=B A ?><>ILN C:070==>3> progID. /? >:070BL MBC A?@02:C 8 2K9B8. 3TIME CAB0=02;8205B 8;8 >B>1@0605B A8AB5<=>5 2@5<O. 1TITLE <AB@>:0> CAB0=02;8205B 703>;>2>: >:=0 cmd. 7MD <ime> je kraa verzija MKDIR. Stvara poddirektorij. "MKDIR <ime> stvara poddirektorij. MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. @REN <imeDatoteke> je kraa verzija RENAME. Preimenuje datoteku. *RENAME <imeDatoteke> preimenuje datoteku. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 7TIME postavlja ili prikazuje trenutno vrijeme sistema. 7TITLE <string> postavlja naslov prozora za cmd prozor. UMD <namn> r en synonym fr MKDIR. Den skapar en ny mapp i mappen du befinner dig i. ;MKDIR <name> skapar en ny mapp i mappen du befinner dig i. MOVE flyttar en fil eller mapp till ett nytt stlle inom filsystemet. Om du flyttar p en mapp, s flyttas allting under mappen med. MOVE misslyckas om det gamla och det nya stllet r p olika DOS-enhetsbokstver. 3PATH visar eller ndrar cmd:s skvg. Om du skriver enbart PATH s visas den aktuella skvgen (som str i windowsregistret). Fr att ndra p denna instllning, skriv PATH och sedan den nya skvgen. Det gr ocks att ndra PATH genom att anvnda PATH:s miljvariabler. Till exempel: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE visar ett meddelande som ber anvndaren att trycka p en tangent. PAUSE anvnds mestadels i batchfiler s att anvndaren hinner lsa resultatet av ett krt kommando innan det rullar av skrmen. &PROMPT ndrar promptens utseende. Inmatad strng efter PROMPT-kommandot (och fljande blanksteg) visas i brjan av nsta rad, nr cmd vntar p inmatning. Fljande tecken betyder: $$ Dollartecknet $_ Fyll rad $b "skicka vidare"-tecknet (|) $d Nuvarande datum $e Escape $g ">"-tecknet $l "<"-tecknet $n Befintlig enhet $p Nuvarande skvg $q "="-tecknet $t Nuvarande tid $v cmd-version Notera att om PROMPT anvnds utan en inmatning, s terstlls prompten till det frvalda vrdet, d.v.s. den aktuella skvgen (enhetstecken inkluderat) och ett strre n-tecken (>). (Som kommandot PROMPT $p$g.) Prompten gr att ndra genom att modifiera miljvariabeln PROMPT, s kommandot 'SET PROMPT=text' har samma effekt som 'PROMPT text'. En kommandorad som brjar p REM (med ett blanksteg efter) ignoreras. Drav kan REM anvndas fr att kommentera rader i en batchfil. LREN <filnamn> r en synonym fr kommandot RENAME. REN byter namn p en fil. 'RENAME <filnamn> byter namn p en fil. <RD <plats> r en synonym fr RMDIR. RD tar bort vald plats. #RMDIR <plats> tar bort vald plats. BSET visar eller ndrar cmd:s miljvariabler. SET utan ngon parameter visar alla befintliga miljvariabler. Syntaxen fr att skapa eller ndra en miljvariabler r: SET <variabel>=<vrde> dr <variabel> och <vrde> r teckenstrngar. Inga blanksteg r tilltna varken innan lika med-tecknet eller inom variabelnamnet. I Wine inkluderas miljvariabler frn det underliggande operativsystemet i Win32-miljn vilket resulterar i att det finns mnga fler vrden n i en riktig Win32-implementation. Notera att det inte gr att pverka operativsystemets miljvariabler via cmd. SHIFT anvnds i batchfiler fr att ta bort en parameter hgst upp p listan s att parameter 2 blir parameter 1 o.s.v. SHIFT har ingen effekt om det anropas ifrn kommandoraden. Starta ett program, eller ppna ett dokument i programmet som vanligen anvnds fr filer med den filndelsen. Anvndning: start [flaggor] programmets_filnamn [...] start [flaggor] dokumentets_filnamn Flaggor: "title" Anger titeln p underordnade fnster. /d directory Starta programmet i angiven katalog. /b Skapa inte en ny konsol fr programmet. /i Starta programmet med nya miljvariabler. /min Starta programmet minimerat. /max Starta programmet maximerat. /low Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen idle. /normal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen normal. /high Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen high. /realtime Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen realtime. /abovenormal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen abovenormal. /belownormal Starta programmet i prioritetsklassen belownormal. /node n Starta programmet p den angivna NUMA-noden. /affinity mask Starta programmet med den angivna affinitetsmasken. /wait Vnta p att det startade programmet ska avsluta, avsluta sedan med dess avslutningskod. /unix Anvnd ett Unix-filnamn och starta filen som windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen ppna ett dokument med angivet progID. /? Visa denna hjlp och avsluta. 3TIME stller in eller skriver ut ditt systems tid. 4TITLE <strng> ndrar fnsternamn fr cmd-fnstret. BMD <isim> MKDIR komutunun k1sa _eklidir. Bir alt dizin olu_turur. &MKDIR <isim> bir alt dizin olu_turur. MOVE bir dosya veya dizini dosya sistemi iinde yeni bir noktaya ta_1r. Eer ta_1nacak e bir dizinse dizin ierisindeki tm dosyalar ve alt dizinler de birlikte ta_1nacakt1r. Eer eski ve yeni konumlar farkl1 DOS srcleri zerindeyse MOVE hata verecektir. NPATH cmd arama yolunu gsterir veya dei_tirir. Sadece PATH girmek geerli PATH ayar1n1 gsterecektir (ba_lang1ta bu, kay1t defterinden al1nan deer olacakt1r). Ayar1 dei_tirmek iin PATH komutuna yeni deeri ekleyiniz. Ayr1ca PATH ayar1n1 dzenlemek iin PATH evre dei_kenini de kullanabilirsiniz, rnein: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE Ekranda kullan1c1n1n bir tu_a basmas1n1 bekleyen bir mesaj gsterir. ounlukla toplu i_lem dosyalar1nda kullan1c1ya nceki komutun 1kt1s1n1 ekrandan 1kmadan nce okumak iin kullan1l1r. /PROMPT komut istemini dei_tirir. PROMPT komutunu izleyen dize (ve hemen ard1ndan bir bo_luk) cmd sizden komut beklerken sat1r ba_1nda grnr. A_a1daki karakter dizeleri gsterilen zel anlamlar1 ierir: $$ Dolar i_areti $_ Alt sat1r $b boru i_areti (|) $d Geerli tarih $e Ka1_ $g > i_areti $l < i_areti $n Geerli src $p Geerli yol $q E_ittir i_areti $t Geerli saat $v cmd srm Sadece PROMPT komutunu girerseniz komut istemi geerli dizini (src harfi dahil) ve onu izleyen byktr (>) i_areti ieren varsay1lan deerlere dnecektir. (PROMPT $p$g komutu gibi). Komut istemi ayr1ca PROMPT evre dei_keni dei_tirilerek de belirlenebilir. Yani 'SET PROMPT=metin' ile 'PROMPT metin' ayn1 i_i grr. REM (ard1ndan da bir bo_luk) ile ba_layan bir komut sat1r1n1n hibir i_levi yoktur; dolay1s1yla toplu i_lem dosyalar1nda a1klama olarak kullan1labilir. OREN <dosyaad1> RENAME komutunun k1sa _eklidir. Bir dosyay1 yeniden adland1r1r. 2RENAME <dosyaad1> bir dosyay1 yeniden adland1r1r. <RD <dizin> RMDIR komutunun k1sa _eklidir. Bir dizini siler. RMDIR <dizin> bir dizini siler. 3SET cmd evre dei_kenlerini gsterir veya dei_tirir. Parametresiz girilen SET geerli evrenin tmn gsterir. Bir evre dei_kenini olu_turmak veya dzenlemek iin szdizimi: SET <dei_ken>=<deer> <dei_ken> ve <deer> karakter dizeleridir. Ne e_ittir i_aretinden nce ne de dei_ken ad1 ierisinde bo_luk bulunabilir. Wine alt1nda, zerinde al1_1lan i_letim sistemi evresi Win32 evresine dahil edilir. Dolay1s1yla doal bir Win32 gereklemesinden daha fazla deer bulunacakt1r. Komut isteminde i_letim sistemi evresini dei_tirmek mmkn deildir. SHIFT toplu i_lem dosyas1nda parametre listesinin ba_1ndan bir tanesini siler. Bylece 2. parametre 1. parametre olacakt1r. Komut sat1r1nda ar1ld11nda bir etkisi yoktur. `Bir uygulama ba_lat1r, veya bir dosyay1, uzant1s1 iin normalde kullan1lan uygulamayla aar. Kullan1m: start [seenekler] program_dosyaad1 [...] start [seenekler] belge_dosyaad1 Seenekler: "ba_l1k" Alt pencerelerin ba_l11n1 belirtir. /d dizin Program1 belirtilen dizinde ba_lat1r. /b Program iin yeni bir konsol olu_turmaz. /i Program1 taze ortam dei_kenleri ile ba_lat1r. /min Program1 simge durumunda ba_lat1r. /max Program1 ekran1 kaplam1_ olarak ba_lat1r. /low Program1 bo_ta ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /normal Program1 normal ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /high Program1 yksek ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /realtime Program1 gerek zaman ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /abovenormal Program1 normal st ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /belownormal Program1 normal alt1 ncelik s1n1f1 ile ba_lat1r. /node n Program1 belirtilen NUMA dmnde ba_lat1r. /affinity mask Program1 belirtilen yak1nl1k maskesi ile ba_lat1r. /wait Ba_lat1lan program1n bitmesini bekler ve ard1ndan 1k1_ koduyla 1kar. /unix Bir Unix dosya ad1 kullan1r ve dosyay1 Windows Gezgini benzeri bir biimde ba_lat1r. /ProgIDOpen Belirtilen program kimliini kullanarak bir belge aar. /? Bu yard1m1 grntler ve 1kar. 9TIME _imdiki sistem tarihini grntler veya dei_tirir. =TITLE <dize> komut penceresi iin pencere ba_l11n1 ayarlar. 9MD <V<'O> F5 :>@>B:0 25@AVO MKDIR. >=0 AB2>@NT ?V4B5:C. MKDIR <V<'O> AB2>@NT ?V4B5:C. MOVE ?5@5<VICT D09; G8 B5:C =0 =>25 <VAF5 D09;>2>W A8AB5<8. /:I> ?5@5<VICTBLAO B5:0, B> ?5@5<VICNBLAO 2AV D09;8 B0 ?V4B5:8, O:V <VAB8BL FO B5:0. MOVE =5 ?@0FNT 4;O ?5@5<VI5==O 40=8E 7 >4=>3> ;>3VG=>3> 48A:0 DOS =0 V=H89. %PATH 2V4>1@060T 01> 7<V=NT H;OE ?>HC:C cmd. ><0=40 PATH 2V4>1@078BL ?>B>G=V ?0@0<5B@8 PATH (A?>G0B:C 15@5BLAO 7 @5TAB@C). ;O 7<V=8 =0;0HBC20=L 28:>@8AB09B5 :><0=4C PATH 7 =>28< 7=0G5==O<. "0:>6 <>6=0 7<V=8B8 7=0G5==O PATH, 28:>@8AB02H8 7<V==C >B>G5==O PATH, =0?@8:;04: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE ?>:07CT =0 5:@0=V ?>2V4><;5==O '0B8A=VBL :;02VHC 4;O ?@>4>265==O'  >A=>2=><C :>@8A=> 2 ?0:5B=8E D09;0E I>1 :>@8ABC20G <V3 ?@>G8B0B8 282V4 ?>?5@54=L>W :><0=48 ?5@54 WW 7=8:=5==O< 7 5:@0=C. TPROMPT 7040T 70?@>H5==O :><0=4=>3> @O4:0. O4>:, I> 945 ?VA;O :><0=48 PROMPT (V ?@>1V;C ?VA;O :><0=48), 7'O2;OTBLAO =0 ?>G0B:C @O4:0, :>;8 cmd >GV:CT 22545==O. 0ABC?=V A8<2>;L=V @O4:8 <0NBL A?5FV0;L=V 7=0G5==O V 2V4>1@065==O: $$ =0: 4>;0@0 $_ Linefeed $b =0: (|) $d >B>G=0 40B0 $e Escape $g =0: > $l =0: < $n >B>G=89 48A: $p >B>G=89 H;OE $q =0: @V2=>ABV $t >B>G=89 G0A $v 5@AVO cmd 0C206B5, I> ?@8 22>4V :><0=48 PROMPT 157 @O4:0 70?@>H5==O =0;0HBC20==O A:840NBLAO 4> B8?>28E, B>1B> 4> ?>B>G=>W B5:8 (2:;NG0NG8 1C:2C ?>B>G=>3> 48A:C) 7 =0ABC?=8< 7=0:>< 1V;LH5 (>). (O: 2 :><0=4V PROMPT $p$g). 0?@>H5==O B0:>6 <>65 1CB8 7<V=5=5 7<V=>N 7<V==>W >B>G5==O PROMPT, B><C :><0=40 'SET PROMPT=text' <0T B>9 65 5D5:B, I> V 'PROMPT text'. ><0=4=89 @O4>:, I> ?>G8=0TBLAO 7 REM (7 =0ABC?=8< ?@>1V;><) =VG>3> =5 28:>=CT, B><C <>65 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=89 O: :><5=B0@ 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V. CREN <V<'O_D09;C> F5 :>@>B:0 25@AVO RENAME. >=0 ?5@59<5=>2CT D09;. 'RENAME <V<'O_D09;C> ?5@59<5=>2CT D09;. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. ,SET ?>:07CT G8 7040T 7<i==V >B>G5==O cmd. SET 157 ?0@0<5B@i2 282>48BL ?>B>G=i 7=0G5==O 7<i==8E >B>G5==O. ;O AB2>@5==O G8 7<V=8 7<V==>W >B>G5==O 28:>@8AB>2C9B5: SET <7<V==0>=<7=0G5==O> 45 <7<V==0> B0 <7=0G5==O> T A8<2>;L=8<8 @O4:0<8. 5@54 7=0:>< @V2=>ABV =5 ?>28==> 1CB8 ?@>1V;V2, V<'O 7<V==>W =5 ?>28==> <VAB8B8 2 A>1V ?@>1V;8.  Wine, >B>G5==O >A=>2=>W >?5@0FV9=>W A8AB5<8 2:;NG5=5 2 >B>G5==O Win32, B><C 1C45 4>ABC?=> 1V;LH5 7<V==8E, =V6 2 728G09=V9 @50;V70FVW Win32. 25@=VBL C203C =0 B5, I> =5<>6;82> 7<V=8B8 >B>G5==O >?5@0FV9=>W A8AB5<8 7 cmd. SHIFT 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V 4;O 28;CG5==O >4=>3> ?0@0<5B@0 7 25@H8=8 A?8A:C, B><C ?0@0<5B@ 2 AB0T ?0@0<5B@>< 1 V B.4. ><0=40 =5 ?@0FNT ?@8 WW 28:;8:C 7 :><0=4=>3> @O4:0. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. .TIME 7040T G8 ?>:07CT ?>B>G=89 A8AB5<=89 G0A. 3TITLE <@O4>:> 7040T 703>;>2>: 2V:=0 4;O 2V:=0 cmd. 2MD <ime> je kratko ime za MKDIR. Ustvari podmapo. MKDIR <mapa> ustvari podmapo. MOVE premakne datoteko ali mapo na novo mesto v datote nem sistemu. e premikate mapo, bo premaknjena tudi vsa njena vsebina (datoteke in podmape). MOVE ne more premikati datotek ali map med mesti na pogonih z razli nimi rkami DOS. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE izpiae na zaslonu sporo ilo, da naj uporabnik pritisnite na tipko. Ukaz je uporaben v paketnih datotekah, ko ~elimo uporabniku omogo iti, da prebere izhodna sporo ila predhodnega ukaza, preden izginejo z zaslona. 9PROMPT spremeni ukazni poziv ukazne vrstice. Niz, ki sledi ukazu PROMPT (vklju no s presledkom, ki mu sledi) se pojavi na za etku vrstice, ko cmd aka na vnos. Naslednji nizi imajo poseben pomen: $$ Znak za dolar $_ Linefeed $b Znak | $d Trenutni datum $e Escape $g Znak > $l Znak < $n Trenutni pogon $p Trenutna pot $q Ena aj $t Trenutni as $v razli ica cmd Ukaz PROMPT brez niza za nov poziv povzro i ponastavitev ukaznega poziva na privzetega. Le-ta je sestavljen iz poti trenutne mape (vklju no s rko pogona), ki ji sledi znak > (enakovredno ukazu PROMPT $p$g). Ukazni poziv je prav tako mogo e spremeniti z uporabo okoljske spremenljivke PROMPT; ukaz 'SET PROMPT=text' ima enak u inek kot 'PROMPT text'. Vrstica, ki se za enja z REM (kateremu sledi presledek), se ne izvede in jo zato lahko uporabimo kot opombo v paketni datoteki. DREN <ime_datoteke> je kratka razli ice RENAME. Preimenuje datoteko. +RENAME <ime datoteke> preimenuje datoteke. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET prika~e oz. nastavi vrednost okoljskih spremenljivk. SET brez parametrov prika~e vse spremenljivke trenutnega okolja. Skladnja za ustvarjanje spremenljivke oz. spreminjanje njene vrednosti je: SET <spremenljivka>=<vrednost> kjer sta tako <spremenljivka> kot <vrednost> znakovna niza. Pred ena ajem ne sme biti presledka. Ime spremenljivke prav tako ne sme vsebovati presledkov. Pri Wine-u je okolje mati nega operacijskega sistema vklju eno v okolje Win32, zato v sploanem le-to vsebuje ve  okoljskih spremenljivk kot jih resni no okolje Win32. S programom cmd ni mogo e vplivati na okolje mati nega operacijskega sistema. SHIFT se uporablja v paketni datoteki za odstranitev prvega parametra s seznama parametrov; parameter 2 tako postane parameter 1, itd. Ukaz nima nobenega u inka pri uporabi iz ukazne vrstice. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. 1TIME nastavi ali prika~e trenutni sistemski as. 6Nastavi naslov za okno cmd. Skladnja je: TITLE <niz>. 8MD <vardas> yra trumpa MKDIR versija. Sukuria katalog. !MKDIR <vardas> sukuria katalog. MOVE perkelia fail ar katalog / nauj fails sistemos viet. Jei perkeliamas objektas yra katalogas, tai taip pat perkeliami visi katalogo failai ir pakatalogiai. MOVE nepavyksta, jei sena ir nauja vietos yra su skirtingais DOS disko vardais. >PATH parodo ar pakei ia paieakos keli. .vedus PATH bus parodyta dabartin PATH reikam (ia prad~is reikam paimama ia registro). Nordami pakeisti nuostat nurodykite PATH komandai nauj reikam kaip parametr. PATH modifikuoti taip pat galima naudojant PATH aplinkos kintamj/, pavyzd~iui: PATH %PATH%;c:\laikinas PAUSE ekrane parodo praneaim, kuriuo praao naudotojo paspausti klavia. `i komanda naudingiausia komands failuose, kad leists naudotojui perskaityti ankstesns komandos rezultat kol jis nepasislinko u~ ekrano ribs. zPROMPT nustato komandos eiluts raginim. Simbolis eilut, einanti po PROMPT komandos (ir tarpas iakart po to), atsiranda eiluts prad~ioje, kai cmd laukia /vedimo. `ie simboliai turi nurodyt speciali reikam: $$ Dolerio ~enklas $_ Eiluts patraukimas $b Status brkkanys (|) $d Dabartin data $e Gr/~imo klaviaas $g }enklas > $l }enklas < $n Dabartinis diskas $p Dabartinis kelias $q Lygybs ~enklas $t Dabartinis laikas $v cmd versija Pastebkite, kad PROMPT komandos be raginimo eiluts /vedimas atkuria numatytj raginimo reikam, kuri yra dabartinis kelias (/skaitant dabartinio disko raid) ir daugiau-u~ (>) simbolis. (Taip pat, kaip komanda PROMPT $p$g). Raginimas taip pat gali bkti pakeistas kei iant PROMPT aplinkos kintamj/, taigi, komanda  SET PROMPT=tekstas turi t pat/ efekt kaip  PROMPT tekstas . Komandos eilut prasidedanti REM (ir tarpu) neatlieka jokio veiksmo ir todl gali bkti naudojama kaip komentaras komands faile. 9REN <failas> yra trumpa RENAME versija. Pervadina fail. !RENAME <failas> pervadina fail. <RD <katalogas> yra trumpa RMDIR versija. Paaalina katalog. %RMDIR <katalogas> paaalina katalog. LSET parodo ar pakei ia cmd aplinkos kintamuosius. SET be parametrs parodo vis dabartin aplink. Aplinkos kintamojo sukkrimo ar modifikavimo sintaks: SET <kintamasis>=<reikam> kur <kintamasis> ir <reikam> yra simbolis eiluts. Priea lygybs ~enkl neturi bkti tarps, taip pat kintamojo vardas negali turti /terpts tarps. Naudojant  Wine , pagrindins operacins sistemos aplinka /traukiama / Win32 aplink, todl paprastai bus ~ymiai daugiau reikamis negu savoje Win32 realizacijoje. Pastebkite, kad ne/manoma /takoti operacins sistemos aplinkos ia komands interpretatoriaus. SHIFT naudojama komands faile paaalinti vienam parametrui ia sraao priekio, taip parametras 2 tampa parametru 1 ir t. t. `i komanda neturi jokio poveikio, kai kvie iama ia komandos eiluts. APaleisti program ar atverti dokument programoje, paprastai naudojamoje failams su tuo prievard~iu. Naudojimas: start [parametrai] programos_failo_vardas [...] start [parametrai] dokumento_failo_vardas Parametrai: "antraat" Nustato polangis pavadinim. /d katalogas Paleisti program nurodytame kataloge. /b Nesukurti naujo pulto programai. /i Paleisti program su avie~iais aplinkos kintamaisiais. /min Paleisti program suskleist. /max Paleisti program iaskleist. /low Paleisti program neveikos prioriteto klasje. /normal Paleisti program normalioje prioriteto klasje. /high Paleisti program aukatoje prioriteto klasje. /realtime Paleisti program tikralaikje prioriteto klasje. /abovenormal Paleisti program prioriteto klasje vira normalios. /belownormal Paleisti program prioriteto klasje ~emiau normalios. /node n Paleisti program nurodytame NUMA mazge. /affinity mask Paleisti program su nurodyta atitikimo kauke. /wait Laukti kol paleista programa baigs darb, tada iaeiti su jos iajimo kodu. /unix Naudoti Unix failo vard ir paleisti fail kaip  windows narayklje. /ProgIDOpen Atverti dokument naudojant nurodyt progID. /? Parodyti a/ praneaim ir iaeiti. )TIME parodo arba nustato sistemos laik. +TITLE <eilut> nustato cmd lango antraat. 8MD < > MKDIR . . "MKDIR < > . MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. @REN < > RENAME . . )RENAME < > . =RD < > RMDIR . . 'RMDIR < > . xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. ,TIME sets or shows the current system time. 2TITLE < > cmd . BMD <nome> ye la versin acurtiada de MKDIR. Crea un sodireutoriu. %MKDIR <name> creates a subdirectory. MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE amuesa un mensaxe na pantalla pidiendo al usuariu que prima una tecla . Esto ye til con ficheros per llotes pa permitir al usuariu lleer la salida d'un comandu anterior enantes de que se desplace fuera de la pantalla. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. LREN <nome_ficheru> ye la versin acurtiada de RENAME. Renoma un direutoriu. )RENAME <nome_ficheru> renoma un ficheru. KRD <direutoriu> ye la versin acurtiada de RMDIR. Desanicia un direutoriu. ,RMDIR <direutoriu> desanicia un direutoriu. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. ,TIME sets or shows the current system time. 9TITLE <string> sets the window title for the cmd window. MD < T1z> /f MKDIR v.~[Hr,g0[g^zP[v0 MKDIR < T1z> ^zP[v0 MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. "REN <j T> /f RENAME v!|wHr,g0[g͑e}T TjHh0 RENAME <j T> ͑e}T TjHh0 FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows Explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. TIME -[bo:yvMRv|q}Bf0 TITLE <W[2N> -[ cmd zvzjL0 DMD <name> is the short version of MKDIR. It creates a subdirectory. %MKDIR <name> creates a subdirectory. MOVE relocates a file or directory to a new point within the file system. If the item being moved is a directory then all the files and subdirectories below the item are moved as well. MOVE fails if the old and new locations are on different DOS drive letters. ;PATH displays or changes the cmd search path. Entering PATH will display the current PATH setting (initially taken from the registry). To change the setting follow the PATH command with the new value. It is also possible to modify the PATH by using the PATH environment variable, for example: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE displays a message on the screen asking the user to press a key. It is mainly useful in batch files to allow the user to read the output of a previous command before it scrolls off the screen. PROMPT sets the command-line prompt. The string following the PROMPT command (and the space immediately after) appears at the beginning of the line when cmd is waiting for input. The following character strings have the special meaning shown: $$ Dollar sign $_ Linefeed $b Pipe sign (|) $d Current date $e Escape $g > sign $l < sign $n Current drive $p Current path $q Equal sign $t Current time $v cmd version Note that entering the PROMPT command without a prompt-string resets the prompt to the default, which is the current directory (which includes the current drive letter) followed by a greater-than (>) sign. (like a command PROMPT $p$g). The prompt can also be changed by altering the PROMPT environment variable, so the command 'SET PROMPT=text' has the same effect as 'PROMPT text'. A command line beginning with REM (followed by a space) performs no action, and can therefore be used as a comment in a batch file. BREN <filename> is the short version of RENAME. It renames a file. "RENAME <filename> renames a file. FRD <directory> is the short version of RMDIR. It deletes a directory. 'RMDIR <directory> deletes a directory. xSET displays or changes the cmd environment variables. SET without parameters shows all of the current environment. To create or modify an environment variable the syntax is: SET <variable>=<value> where <variable> and <value> are character strings. There must be no space before the equals sign, nor can the variable name have embedded spaces. Under Wine, the environment of the underlying operating system is included into the Win32 environment, there will generally therefore be many more values than in a native Win32 implementation. Note that it is not possible to affect the operating system environment from within cmd. SHIFT is used in a batch file to remove one parameter from the head of the list, so parameter 2 becomes parameter 1 and so on. It has no effect if called from the command line. +Start a program, or open a document in the program normally used for files with that suffix. Usage: start [options] program_filename [...] start [options] document_filename Options: "title" Specifies the title of the child windows. /d directory Start the program in the specified directory. /b Don't create a new console for the program. /i Start the program with fresh environment variables. /min Start the program minimized. /max Start the program maximized. /low Start the program in the idle priority class. /normal Start the program in the normal priority class. /high Start the program in the high priority class. /realtime Start the program in the realtime priority class. /abovenormal Start the program in the abovenormal priority class. /belownormal Start the program in the belownormal priority class. /node n Start the program on the specified NUMA node. /affinity mask Start the program with the specified affinity mask. /wait Wait for the started program to finish, then exit with its exit code. /unix Use a Unix filename and start the file like Windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Open a document using the specified progID. /? Display this help and exit. ,TIME sets or shows the current system time. 9TITLE <string> sets the window title for the cmd window. IMD <navn> er en korte versjonen av MKDIR. Den oprretter en underkatalog. (MKDIR <navn> oppretter en underkatalog. MOVE flytter en fil eller katalog til et nytt sted innenfor filsystemet. Hvis elementet som flyttes er en katalog, flyttes ogs filene og underkatalogene i den. MOVE feiler hvis den gamle og nye plasseringen har forskjellige stasjonsbokstaver. -PATH viser eller endrer CMDs skesti. skrive inn PATH viser den gjeldende PATH-innstillingen (opprinnelig hentet fra registeret). Etterflg PATH-kommandoen med en ny verdi for endre innstillingen. Det er ogs mulig endre PATH ved bruke miljvariablen PATH, for eksempel: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE viser en melding p skjermen hvor brukeren bes om trykke en tast. Den er hovedsakelig nyttig i satsvise (.bat) filer, for la brukeren lese utdata fra en tidligere kommando fr det ruller bort fra skjermen. _PROMPT angir kommandolinje-klartegnet. Strengen som etterflger PROMPT-kommandoen (og mellomrommet rett etter) vises ved begynnelsen av linjen nr cmd venter p inndata. Flgende tegnstrenger har den spesielle betydningen som vises: $$ Dollar-tegn $_ Linjemating $b Rrtegn (|) $d Gjeldende dato $e Escape $g Strre enn-tegn $l Mindre enn-tegn $n Gjeldende stasjon $p Gjeldende sti $q Likhetstegn $t Gjeldende tid $v cmd-versjon Merk at bruke PROMPT-kommandoen uten en klartegn-streng tilbakestiller klartegnet til standardverdien, som er arbeidskatalogen (inkludert stasjonsbokstaven) etterfulgt av et strre enn-tegn (>) (som kommandoen PROMPT $p$g). Klartegnet kan ogs endres ved endre miljvariabelen PROMPT, s kommandoen 'SET PROMPT=tekst' har samme effekt som 'PROMPT tekst'. En kommandolinje som begynner med REM (etterfulgt av et mellomrom) utfrer ingen handling, og kan derfor brukes som kommentar i en satsvis fil. NREN <filnavn> er den korte versjonen av RENAME. Den gir nytt navn til en fil. +RENAME <filnavn> gir nytt navn til en fil. FRD <katalog> er den korte versjonen av RMDIR. Den sletter en katalog. $RMDIR <katalog> sletter en katalog. VSET viser eller endrer miljvariablene i cmd. SET uten parametere viser alle gjeldende miljvariabler. Syntaksen for opprette eller endre en miljvariabel er: SET <variabel>=<verdi> hvor <variabel> og <verdi> er tegnstrenger. Det m ikke vre mellomrom fr likhetstegnet, og variabelnavnet kan heller ikke inneholde mellomrom. I Wine er miljvariablene i det underliggende operativsystemet inkludert i Win32-miljet, og det er derfor vanligvis mange flere verdier enn i et vanlig Win32-milj. Vr oppmerksom p at det ikke gr an endre mijet i det underliggende operativsystemet fra cmd. SHIFT brukes i en satsvis fil for fjerne den frste parameteren i en liste, snn at parameter 2 blir parameter 1 og s videre. Det har ingen effekt hvis det brukes fra kommandolinjen. Starter et program eller pner et dokument i programmet som er assosiert med filtypen. Bruk: start [alternativer] program_filnavn [...] start [alternativer] dokument_filnavn Alternativer: "tittel" Angir tittelen for vinduet. /d katalog Start programmet i angitt katalog. /b Ikke opprett en ny konsoll for programmet. /i Start programmet med nye miljvariabler. /min Start programmet minimert. /max Start programmet maksimert. /low Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'ledig'. /normal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'normal'. /high Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'hy'. /realtime Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'samtid'. /abovenormal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'over normal'. /belownormal Start programmet i prioritetklassen 'under normal'. /node n Start programmet p angitt NUMA-node. /affinity maske Start programmet med angitt affinitet-maske. /wait Vent til programmet er ferdig og avslutt med dets avslutningskode. /unix Bruk et Unix-filnavn og start filen som i Windows Utforsker. /ProgIDOpen pne et dokument med angitt progID. /? Vis denne hjelpeteksten og avslutt. &TIME angir eller viser systemets tid. /TITLE <streng> angir tittelen for cmd-vinduet. =MD <nome> a abreviao de MKDIR. Ela cria um subdiretrio. #MKDIR <nome> cria um subdiretrio. MOVE realoca um arquivo ou diretrio em um novo ponto no sistema de arquivos. Se o item sendo movido um diretrio ento todos os arquivos e subdiretrios abaixo do item so movidos tambm. MOVE falhar se o local antigo e o novo local esto em unidades diferentes. WPATH mostra ou permite mudar o caminho de busca de programas do cmd. Digitando PATH mostrar a atual configurao do comando PATH (inicialmente lido do registro). Para mudar as configuraes digite novos valores no comando PATH. Tambm possvel modificar o comando PATH usando a varivel de ambiente PATH, por exemplo: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE mostra um mensagem na tela pedindo ao usurio para pressionar uma tecla. Isto til principalmente em arquivos em lote para permitir ao usurio ler a sada de um comando anterior antes que ele role para fora da tela. PROMPT configura o 'prompt' da linha de comandos. O texto seguindo o comando PROMPT (e os espaos imediatamente depois) aparecem no comeo da linha enquanto o cmd est aguardando uma entrada. Os seguintes cadeias de caracteres tem o significado especial mostrado: $$ Cifro ($) $_ Avano de linha $b Smbolo pipe (|) $d Data atual $e Cdigo de escape $g Sinal de maior (>) $l Sinal de menor (<) $n Unidade atual $p Caminho atual $q Sinal de igual (=) $t Hora atual $v Verso do cmd Note que entrar no PROMPT de comando sem parmetros reconfigura o prompt ao padro, que o diretrio atual (incluindo a letra da unidade atual) seguido de um sinal de maior (>). (equivalente a um comando PROMPT $p$g). O 'prompt' tambm pode ser mudado alterando a varivel de ambiente PROMPT; assim, o comando 'SET PROMPT=texto' tem o mesmo efeito que 'PROMPT texto'. Uma linha de comando iniciando com REM (seguindo de um espao) no faz nada e, portanto, pode ser usado como um comentrio em um arquivo de lote. GREN <nomedearquivo> a abreviao de RENAME. Ela renomeia um arquivo. ,RENAME <nomedearquivo> renomeia um arquivo. ARD <diretrio> a abreviao de RMDIR. Ela exclui um diretrio. 'RMDIR <diretrio> exclui um diretrio. CSET mostra ou altera as varivel de ambiente de cmd. SET sem parmetros mostra todas as varivel de ambiente atuais. Para criar ou modificar varivel de ambiente, a sintaxe : SET <varivel>=<valor> onde <varivel> e <valor> so textos. No devem existir espaos antes do sinal de igualdade e o nome da varivel no pode conter espaos. No Wine, o ambiente do sistema operacional includo no ambiente Win32, onde geralmente haver muito mais valores que em uma implementao Win32 nativa. Note que no possvel afetar o ambiente do sistema operacional de dentro do cmd. SHIFT usado em arquivos de lote para remover um parmetro que inicia a lista, de forma que o parmetro 2 sobrepe o parmetro 1 e assim por diante. Isto no tem efeito se chamado a partir da linha de comandos. 'Inicia um programa ou abre um arquivo no programa normalmente usado para a extenso determinada. Uso: start [opes] endereo_do_programa [...] start [opes] endereo_do_documento Opes: "title" Especifica o ttulo da janela da janela filha. /d diretrio Inicia o programa no diretrio especificado. /b No criar um console novo para o programa. /i Inicia o programa com variveis de ambiente novas. /min Inicia o programa minimizado. /max Inicia o programa maximizado. /low Inicia o programa com prioridade baixa. /normal Inicia o programa com prioridade normal. /high Inicia o programa com prioridade alta. /realtime Inicia o programa com prioridade de tempo real. /abovenormal Inicia o programa com prioridade acima do normal. /belownormal Inicia o programa com prioridade abaixo do normal. /node n Inicia o programa no n NUMA especificado. /affinity mask Inicia o programa com a mscara de afinidade especificada. /wait Aguarda o fim do programa iniciado e retorna com seu cdigo de sada. /unix Usa o caminho Unix do arquivo e inicia-o como o windows explorer. /ProgIDOpen Abre um documento usando o progID especificado. /? Exibe essa ajuda e retorna. /TIME ajusta ou mostra a hora atual do sistema. 3TITLE <texto> configura o ttulo da janela do cmd. "MD < Ty> /f MKDIR v)QHr,g0}TN(uNR^P[vU_0 MKDIR < Ty> (uNR^P[vU_0 QMOVE S\eNbvU_yReN|~QveMOn0 yRvU_e \N TyRvU_@bS+Tv@b geNTP[vU_0 MOVE N/ec(W N Tv DOS v&{yR[a0 |PATH S>f:ybf9e}TNd"}_0 eQ PATH \>f:yS_MRv PATH n؞NlQhS 0(W PATH TDR ef:yNagmo`v^c:y(u7b cg*N c.0 }TN;N(uN(WybYteN-N(u7bS NN*N}TNvQ NMQvQQ Nn0RO\U^Y0 PROMPT Sn}TNLc:y&{0 PROMPT }TNTߍvW[&{2NSb'}vQTvzzf:y0 Y NW[&{2N&^ gyrk+TIN Y N $$ ё&{S $_ bcL $b {S&{S (|) $d S_MReg $e lIN $g > &{S $l < &{S $n S_MRv&{ $p S_MR_ $q I{S $t S_MRe $v cmd Hr,g la eQ PROMPT }TN ND&^c:y&{W[2N\͑nc:y&{:N؞

0 I{HeN PROMPT $p$g 0 `_NSNO(u PROMPT sXSϑf9ec:y&{ V }TN SET PROMPT=text T  PROMPT text I{He0 '1u REM1uzz /f RENAME v)QHr,g0(uN͑}T TeN0 RENAME <eN T> (uN͑}T TeN0 RD <vU_> /f RMDIR v)QHr,g0(uN RdvU_0 RMDIR <vU_> (uN RdvU_0 SET S>f:ybf9e cmd sXSϑ0 SET N&^SpeO(uS(uN>f:yS_MR@b gvsXSϑ0 OYebO9esXSϑvlY N SET <Sϑ>=<

<Sϑ> T <

GW:NW[&{2N0I{SMRTSϑ TGW N&^ gzzf:ydk.^Rv^Q0 TIME nb>f:yS_MR|~e0 TITLE <W[&{2N> Sn cmd zSvh0 =MD <nome> a verso abreviada de MKDIR. Cria uma sub-pasta. 0MKDIR <nome> cria uma sub-pasta chamada <nome>. MOVE realoca um ficheiro ou pasta num novo ponto no sistema de ficheiros. Se o item ao ser movido uma pasta ento todos os ficheiros e sub-pastas abaixo do item sero movidos com o mesmo. MOVE falhar se o local antigo e o novo local esto em diferentes unidades. jPATH mostra ou permite mudar o caminho de procura de programas do cmd. Ao digitar PATH mostrar a actual configurao do comando PATH (inicialmente este valor proveniente do Registo). Para mudar a configurao, digite PATH seguido do novo valor. Tambm possvel modificar o comando PATH usando a varivel de ambiente PATH, por exemplo: PATH %PATH%;c:\temp PAUSE mostra uma mensagem a pedir ao utlizador para premir uma tecla. Isto til principalmente em ficheiros de lote para permitir ao utilizador ler a sada de um comando anterior antes que desenrole do ecr. PROMPT <texto> configura o 'prompt' da linha de comandos. O <texto> a seguir a PROMPT (e os espaos imediatamente depois) aparecem depois no comeo da linha enquanto o cmd aguarda por comandos. Os caracteres seguintes tm um significado especial, a saber: $$ Smbolo $ $_ Muda de linha $b Smbolo | $d Data actual $e Cdigo de escape $g Smbolo > $l Smbolo < $n Unidade actual $p Caminho actual $q Smbolo = $t Hora actual $v Verso do cmd Note que ao digitar o comando PROMPT sem parmetros reinicializa o prompt para o valor de omisso que a pasta actual (incluindo a letra da unidade actual) seguido pelo sinal de maior (>) (equivalente a um comando PROMPT $p$g). O 'prompt' tambm pode ser mudado atravs da varivel de ambiente PROMPT, assim, o comando 'SET PROMPT=texto' tem o mesmo efeito que 'PROMPT texto'. Um comando iniciado com REM (seguido de um espao) no faz nenhuma ao e, portanto, pode ser usado como comentrio num ficheiro de lote. :REN a verso abreviada de RENAME. Renomeia um ficheiro. 5RENAME <ficheiro1> <ficheiro2> renomeia um ficheiro. ;RD <pasta> a verso abreviada de RMDIR. Apaga uma pasta. RMDIR <pasta> apaga uma pasta. NSET mostra ou muda as variveis de ambiente do cmd. SET sem parmetros mostra todas as variveis de ambiente actuais. Para criar ou modificar uma varivel de ambiente, a sintaxe : SET <varivel>=<valor> sendo que <varivel> e <valor> so textos. No devem existir espaos antes do sinal de igualdade, nem a varivel pode conter espaos. No Wine, o ambiente do sistema operacional hspede incluido no ambiente Win32 e, portanto, conter normalmente mais valores que num sistema Win32 nativo. Note que no possvel alterar o ambiente do sistema operacional hspede a partir do cmd. SHIFT usado em ficheiros de lote para remover um parmetro que inicia a lista, assim o parmetro 2 sobrepe o parametro 1 e assim por diante. Isto no tem efeito se chamado a partir da linha de comando. eInicia um programa, ou abre um documento no programa usado normalmente para ficheiros com o sufixo do documento. Sintaxe: start [opes] program_filename [...] start [opes] document_filename Opes: "title" Indica ttulo das janelas-filho. /d pasta Inicia o programa na pasta indicada. /b No criar uma nova consola para o programa. /i Inicia o programa com novas variveis de ambiente. /min Inicia o programa numa janela minimizada. /max Inicia o programa numa janela maximizada. /low Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade idle. /normal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade normal. /high Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade alta. /realtime Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade tempo-real. /abovenormal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade acima-de-normal. /belownormal Inicia o programa na classe de prioridade abaixo-de-normal. /node n Inicia o programa no n NUMA indicado. /affinity mask Inicia o programa com a mscara de afinidade indicada. /wait Aguarda que o programa iniciado termine e sai com o seu cdigo de sada. /unix Usa um nome de ficheiro Unix e executa-o como o Explorador de Windows. /ProgIDOpen Abre um documento usando o progID indicado. /? Mostra esta ajuda e termina. 0TIME define ou mostra a hora actual do sistema. 3TITLE <texto> configura o ttulo da janela do cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY J3*./E D6(7 #H E3- #H '.*('1 '4'1) 'D*-BB: VERIFY ON H69 'D%4'1). VERIFY OFF E3- 'D%4'1). VERIFY 916 'D%4'1). %4'1) 'D*-BB D' *EDC 9ED' AJ H'JF. %VER J8G1 %5/'1) 371 'D#H'E1 'D-'DJ). VOL J8G1 '3E 'DB3E AJ 'DB15. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. SETLOCAL FBD 'D*:JJ1'* 'D(J&) 'DE$BDE) %DI EDA E.7H7). 'D*:JJ1'* 'D(J&J) (9/ SETLOCAL J*E -A8G' AJ E.7H7) +E J9'/ '3*./'EG' (9/ ENDLOCAL #H (9/ FG'J) 'DEDA 'D0J J'*J #HDK'  HAJ G0G 'DFB7) 'DE*:J1'* 'D(J&J) 'D3'(B) 3J9'/ *-EJDG'. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. ?POPD JBHE (*:JJ1 'DE,D/ 'D-'DJ %DI F8J1G 'DE-AH8 (H'37) PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. <MORE JBHE (916 'DE.1,'* 3H'! EF EDA #H EF 'DBFH'* AJ 5A-'*. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <nom de fitxer> copia <nom de fitxer> al dispositiu de consola (o un altre lloc si es redirigeix). No es comprova que el fitxer sigui text llegible. S'utilitza VERIFY per a establir, esborrar o provar l'opci de verificaci. Les formes vlides sn: VERIFY ON Estableix l'opci. VERIFY OFF Esborra l'opci. VERIFY Mostra ON o OFF segons correspongui. L'opci de verificaci no t cap funci en el Wine. 3VER mostra la versi del cmd que s'est executant. 8VOL mostra l'etiqueta de volum d'un dispositiu de disc. qENDLOCAL acaba la localitzaci de canvis d'entorn en un fitxer BAT, els quals un SETLOCAL anterior ha introdut. /SETLOCAL comena la localitzaci de canvis d'entorn en un fitxer BAT. Els canvis d'entorn fets desprs d'un SETLOCAL sn locals al fitxer BAT, i es conserven fins que es trobi la segent ENDLOCAL (o al final del fitxer, el que passi primer), al qual punt la configuraci d'entorn anterior es restaura. iPUSHD <directori> desa el directori actual en una pila, i desprs canvia el directori actual al provet. ;POPD canvia el directori actual a l'ltim desat amb PUSHD. VASSOC mostra o modifica les associacions d'extensi de fitxer. Sintaxi: ASSOC [.ext[=[tipusDeFitxer]]] ASSOC sense parmetres mostra les associacions de fitxer actuals. Si s'utilitza amb noms una extensi de fitxer, mostra l'associaci actual. Especificar cap tipus de fitxer desprs del signe igual elimina l'associaci actual, si hi ha. FTYPE mostra o modifica les ordres d'obertura associades amb els tipus de fitxers. Sintaxi: FTYPE [tipusDeFitxer[=[ordreDeObertura]]] Sense parmetres, mostra els tipus de fitxer pels quals les cadenes d'ordre d'obertura estan definides actualment. Si s'utilitza amb noms un tipus de fitxer, mostra la cadena d'ordre d'obertura associada, si hi ha. Especificar cap ordre d'obertura desprs del signe igual elimina la cadena d'ordre associada al tipus de fitxer especificat. HMORE mostra la sortida dels fitxers o l'entrada de canonada en pgines. CHOICE mostra un text i espera fins que l'usuari premi una tecla permesa d'una llista seleccionable. CHOICE s'utilitza principalment per a construir un men de selecci en un fitxer BAT. ,Sintaxi: MKLINK [opcions] nom_d'enlla destinaci Opcions: /d Crea un enlla simblic de directori /h Crea un enlla dur. /j Crea una intersecci de directori. nom_d'enlla s el nom de l'enlla simblic nou. destinaci s el cam al qual nom_d'enlla assenyala. gEXIT acaba la sessi d'ordres actual i torna al sistema operatiu o shell des del qual heu invocat cmd. TYPE <soubor> vypae <soubor> na konzolov zaYzen (nebo jinam, je-li vstup pYesmrovn). Nen zjiaeovno, bude-li vypsn iteln text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. +VER zobraz verzi spuatnho programu cmd. 0VOL zobraz ozna en svazku diskovho zaYzen. iENDLOCAL zakon uje lokalizaci zmn prostYed v dvkovm souboru kter byly zavedeny pYedchozm SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. @MORE zobrazuje obsah souboro i smrovan vstup po obrazovkch. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. wEXIT ukon  b~c sezen a vrt kontrolu opera nmu systmu nebo pYkazovmu interpretu, ze kterho byl cmd spuatn. TYPE <filnavn> kopierer <filnavn> til konsolenheden (eller et andet sted hvis det omdirigeres). Det kontrolleres ikke om filen er lselig tekst. VERIFY bruges til at aktivere, deaktivere eller teste verify-flagget. Gyldige mder er: VERIFY ON Aktiverer flagget. VERIFY OFF Deaktiverer flagget. VERIFY Viser ON hvis p ellers OFF. Verify-flagget har ingen funktion i Wine. +VER viser hvilken version af cmd du krer. ,VOL viser drev betegnelsen for disk drevet. oENDLOCAL afslutter en lokal ndring af milj variable i en batcfil som blev startet af en foregende SETLOCAL. 4SETLOCAL starter en lokal ndring af milj variable i en batchfil. Milj variable ndringer gjort efter en SETLOCAL er lokale i en batchfil, og er aktive indtil den nste ENDLOCAL bliver mdt eller slutning af filen, hvad der end kommer frst. P dette tidspunkt genskabes tidligere milj variable vrdier. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD ndrer arbejdsmappen til det som sidst blev gemt med PUSHD. 2ASSOC viser eller ndrer filendelse tilknytninger. Syntaks: ASSOC [.endelse[=[filtype]]] ASSOC uden parametre viser de nuvrende tilknytninger. Hvis der kun angives filendelse, vises den nuvrende tilknytning. Angives ingen filtype efter lighedstegnet, fjernes den nuvrende tilknytning, hvis der er en. FTYPE viser eller ndrer bnings kommandoer tilknyttet en fil type. Syntaks: FTYPE [filtype[=[bnings kommando]]] Uden parametre vises filtyper for hvilken en bnings kommando allerede er defineret. Hvis brugt med kun en filtype, vises den tilknyttede bnings kommando streng, hvis der en. Angives ingen bnings kommando efter lighedstegnet fjernes bnings kommandoen der er tilknyttet den angivne fil type. HMORE lader dig bladre gennem indhold af filer eller inddata fra et rr. CHOICE viser en tekst og venter indtil brugeren trykker en godkendt tast fra en valg liste. CHIOCE bliver hovedsaglig brug til menu valg i en batchfil. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. fEXIT afslutter gldende CMD og returnerer til operativsystemet eller det program CMD blev startet af. TYPE <Datei> kopiert <Datei> zu dem Konsolengert (oder dorthin, wohin dies umgeleitet wurde). Es wird keine berprfung vorgenommen, ob die Datei lesbaren Text enthlt. VERIFY wird benutzt, um das Verify-Flag zu setzen, zu lschen oder zu testen. Gltige Eingaben sind: VERIFY ON Setzt das Flag. VERIFY OFF Lscht das Flag. VERIFY Zeigt an, ob ON oder OFF verwendet wird. Das Verify-Flag hat keine Funktion in Wine. +VER zeigt die aktuelle Version von CMD an. )VOL zeigt die Datentrgerbezeichnung an. ENDLOCAL beendet die Begrenzung der Gltigkeit von nderungen die von einer Stapelverarbeitungsdatei mit SETLOCAL gestartet wurde. 2SETLOCAL startet die Begrenzung der Gltigkeit von nderungen. nderungen der Umgebung nach SETLOCAL sind nur innerhalb der Stapelverarbeitungsdatei gltig und werden bis zum nchsten ENDLOCAL (oder dem Ende der aktuellen Datei) vorgehalten. Ab diesem Punkt wird die vorherige Umgebung wiederhergestellt. PUSHD <Verzeichnis> speichert das aktuelle Verzeichnis auf einem Stack und wechselt das Arbeitsverzeichnis zu dem angegebenen. MPOPD wechselt das Arbeitsverzeichnis zu dem zuletzt mit PUSHD gespeicherten. ]ASSOC zeigt oder ndert die Zuordnung von Dateierweiterungen. Syntax: ASSOC [.erw[=[Dateityp]]] ASSOC zeigt ohne Parameter die aktuellen Zuordnungen der Dateierweiterungen an. Mit nur einer Dateierweiterung, wird die aktuelle Zuordnung angezeigt. Ohne Zuordnung nach dem Gleichheitszeichen wird die aktuelle Zuordnung gelscht, falls es eine gab. FTYPE zeigt oder ndert den ffnen-Befehl der Zuordnung einer Dateierweiterung. Syntax: FTYPE [Dateityp[=[ffnen-Befehl]]] Zeigt ohne Parameter die Dateitypen fr die aktuell ffnen-Befehle definiert sind. Mit nur einem Dateityp, wird der aktuelle ffnen-Befehl angezeigt, wenn es einen gibt. Ohne ffnen-Befehl nach dem Gleichheitszeichen wird der aktuell zugeordnete ffnen-Befehl gelscht. -MORE gibt Dateien und Pipes seitenweise aus. CHOICE zeigt einen Text auf dem Bildschirm an und wartet, bis der Benutzer eine erlaubte Taste aus einer whlbaren Liste drckt. CHOICE wird hauptschlich als Menauswahl in einer Batchdatei genutzt. XMKLINK legt einen symbolischen Link an. Syntax: MKLINK [Optionen] Linkname Ziel Optionen: /d Symlink auf ein Verzeichnis anlegen. /h Einen Hardlink anlegen. /j Einen Verzeichnisknoten anlegen. 'Linkname' entspricht dem Dateinamen des neuen Symlinks. 'Ziel' ist der Pfad, auf den 'Linkname' verweisen wird. zEXIT beendet die aktuelle Befehlssitzung und kehrt zum Betriebssystem oder der Shell zurck, von der CMD gestartet wurde. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. 1VER displays the version of cmd you are running. -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localisation of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <archivo> copia el <archivo> al dispositivo de consola (o a donde sea si se redirecciona). No se realiza ninguna comprobacin de si el archivo es texto legible. VERIFY se usa para poner, quitar o probar la etiqueta de verificacin. Las formas vlidas son: VERIFY ON Pone la bandera. VERIFY OFF Quita la bandera. VERIFY Muestra ON u OFF como corresponda. La bandera de verificacin no tiene funcionalidad en Wine. 6VER muestra la versin de cmd que se est ejecutando. 0VOL muestra la etiqueta de un volumen de disco. rENDLOCAL finaliza la localizacin del entorno en un archivo de lotes que se introdujo por una llamada a SETLOCAL. ZSETLOCAL inicia la localizacin de cambios de entorno en un archivo de lotes. Los cambios en el entorno realizados tras una llamada a SETLOCAL son locales al archivo de lotes, y son mantenidos hasta que se encuentra un ENDLOCAL (o al final del archivo, lo que primero suceda), en este punto los parmetros de entorno anteriores son restaurados. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. ?POPD cambia el directorio actual al que se almacen con PUSHD. gASSOC modifica o muestra las asociaciones de las extensiones de archivo. Sintaxis: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC sin argumentos muestra las asociaciones de archivo actuales. Si se usa con con una extensin de archivo, muestra la asociacin actual. Si no se especifica un tipo de archivo despus del igual, se borra la asociacin actual, si existe alguna. FTYPE modifica o muestra las asociaciones de las comandos de apertura asociadas con extensiones de archivos. sintaxis: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Sin argumentos, muestra los tipos de archivo que estn definidos para los comandos de apertura. Si solo se uso un tipo de archivo, muestra las cadenas de comando asociadas si existe alguna. Si no se especifica un comando despus del igual, se borra la cadena asociada al tipo de archivo. EMORE muestra la salida de archivos o entrada de tubera por pginas. CHOICE muestra un texto y espera, hasta que el usuario presiona una tecla vlida de la opciones mostradas. CHOICE se usa principalmente para crear mens de seleccin en archivos de lotes. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. {EXIT termina la sesin de comandos actual y regresa al sistema operativo o intrprete de comandos desde el que invoc cmd. TYPE <tiedostonimi> kopioi tiedoston <tiedostonimi> konsolilaitteeseen (tai uudelleenohjattuna muualle). Tiedoston tekstimuotoisuutta ei tarkisteta. VERIFY-komennolla voi asettaa, poistaa tai tarkistaa verify-lipun. Kelvolliset muodot: VERIFY ON Asettaa lipun. VERIFY OFF Poistaa lipun. VERIFY Nytt tilanteen mukaan ON tai OFF. Verify-lippu ei tee mitn Winess. #VER nytt, mit cmd:n versio on. VOL nytt levyn osion nimen. hENDLOCAL lopettaa komentojonotiedoston ympristmuutosten paikallisuuden, jonka SETLOCAL on aloittanut. DSETLOCAL aloittaa komentojonotiedoston ympristmuutosten paikallisuuden. SETLOCAL-komennon jlkeen tehtvt ympristn muutokset ovat paikallisia komentojonotiedostolle ja silyvt ainoastaan seuraavaan ENDLOCAL-komentoon (tai tiedoston loppuun, jos komentoa ei ole), mink jlkeen aiemmat ympristasetukset palautetaan. hPUSHD <hakemisto> tallentaa nykyisen hakemiston pinoon ja muuttaa sitten nykyisen hakemiston annetuksi. WPOPD muuttaa nykyisen hakemiston siksi, joka on viimeksi tallennettu PUSHD-komennolla. IASSOC nytt tai muuttaa tiedostoptteiden kytkentj. Syntaksi: ASSOC [.pte[=[tyyppi]]] ASSOC ilman parametreja nytt nykyiset tiedostokytkennt. Pelkn tiedostoptteen kanssa ASSOC nytt kyseisen ptteen kytkennn. Jos annetaan yhtsuuruusmerkki mutta ei tyyppi, ASSOC poistaa tiedostoptteen nykyisen kytkennn. FTYPE nytt tai muuttaa tiedostotyyppeihin liitettyj avauskomentoja Syntaksi: FTYPE [tiedostotyyppi[=[avauskomento]]] Ilman parametreja komento nytt tiedostotyypit, joihin avauskomentoja on nykyiselln mritelty. Jos komentoa kytetn vain tiedostotyypin kanssa, se nytt siihen liittyvt komennot, jos niit on. Jos yhtsuuruusmerkin jlkeen ei mritell mitn komentoa, kyseiseen tiedostotyyppiin liitetty komento poistetaan. DMORE nytt tiedostojen tulosteen tai putkitetun sytteen sivuina. CHOICE nytt tekstin ja odottaa, kunnes kyttj painaa sallittua nppint, joka on listassa. CHOICE-komentoa kytetn lhinn valikkoihin komentojonotiedostoissa. Luo symbolinen linkki. Syntaksi: MKLINK [valitsimet] linkin_nimi kohde Valitsimet: /d Luo symbolinen linkki hakemistoon. /h Luo kova linkki. /j Luo hakemistoliitos. linkin_nimi on uuden symbolisen linkin nimi. kohde on polku, johon linkki osoittaa. mEXIT ptt nykyisen komentoistunnon ja palaa kyttjrjestelmn tai komentoriville, jolta kutsuit cmd:t. TYPE <fichier> affiche <fichier> sur la console (ou ailleurs si redirig). Aucun test n'est fait pour voir si le fichier contient bien du texte. .VERIFY est utilis pour positionner, effacer ou tester l'indicateur de vrification. Les formes suivantes sont correctes: VERIFY ON Positionne l'indicateur. VERIFY OFF Efface l'indicateur. VERIFY Affiche l'tat ON ou OFF de l'indicateur. L'indicateur de vrification n'a pas de fonction dans Wine. (VER affiche la version de cmd utilise. 5VOL affiche le nom de volume d'un lecteur de disque. ENDLOCAL met fin aux modifications locales de l'environnement dans un fichier de commandes, introduites la suite d'un SETLOCAL pralable. ^SETLOCAL entame les modifications locales l'environnement dans un fichier de commandes. Les modifications apportes l'environnement aprs un SETLOCAL sont locales au fichier de commandes, et sont prserves jusqu'au prochain ENDLOCAL (ou dfaut jusqu' la fin du fichier), aprs quoi les rglages antrieurs de l'environnement sont restaurs. PUSHD <rpertoire> enregistre le rpertoire courant sur une pile et remplace le rpertoire courant par le rpertoire spcifi. QPOPD remplace le rpertoire courant par le dernier enregistr l'aide de PUSHD. ASSOC affiche ou modifie les associations d'extensions de fichiers. Syntaxe: ASSOC [.ext[=[type_fichier]]] Sans paramtre ASSOC affiche les associations d'extensions de fichiers existantes. Si seule une extension de fichier est spcifie, affiche l'association actuelle. Si aucun type de fichier n'est spcifi aprs le signe gal, supprime l'association courante, si elle existe. FTYPE affiche ou modifie les commandes d'ouverture associes des types de fichiers. Syntaxe: FTYPE [type_fichier[=[commande_ouverture]]] Sans paramtre, affiche les types de fichiers pour lesquels des chanes de commande d'ouverture sont actuellement dfinies. Si seul un type de fichier est spcifi, affiche la chane de commande d'ouverture associe si elle existe. Ne spcifier aucune commande aprs le signe gal supprime la commande d'ouverture associe au type de fichier spcifi. DMORE affiche le contenu de fichiers ou l'entre standard par pages. CHOICE affiche un message et bloque jusqu' ce que l'utilisateur appuie sur une des touches spcifies dans une liste configurable. CHOICE est principalement utilis pour construire un menu dans un fichier de commandes. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. yEXIT termine la session de ligne de commande et retourne au systme d'exploitation ou au shell o vous avez invoqu cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. 1VER displays the version of cmd you are running. -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <fjlnv> tmsolja <fjlnv> tartalmt a konzol eszkzre (vagy brhov ha tirnytjk). Nincs ellenQrzs, hogy a fjl olvashat szveg-e. VERIFY paranccsal belltani, trlni vagy tesztelni lehet a verify jelzst. Vals vltozatok: VERIFY ON Belltja a jelzQt. VERIFY OFF Trli a jelzQt. VERIFY Megjelenti az ON vagy OFF rtket, az aktuis rtknek megfelelQen. A verify jelzQnek nincs funkcija a Wine-ban. )VER kijelzi az ppen fut cmd verzijt. $VOL megmutatja a lemez ktet nevt. |ENDLOCAL megsznteti a krnyezeti terleti belltst a ktegelt fjlban amelyet egy megelQzQ SETLOCAL parancs lltott be. 7SETLOCAL elindtja a krnyezeti vltozk terleti belltst egy ktegelt fjlban. A terleti bellts megvltozik miutn a SETLOCAL egy nyelvi belltsra hivatkozik, s addig marad rvnyben, amg ENDLOCAL parancs kvetkezik (vagy amg fjl tart), amely esetn az elQzQ krnyezeti vltoz visszalltdik. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. BPOPD mdostja az aktulis mappt a PUSHD-vel utoljra mentettre. [ASSOC megmutatja vagy mdostja a trstott fjl kiterjesztseket. Szintaxis: ASSOC [.ext[=[fjltpus]]] ASSOC paramterek nlkl kijelzi az aktulis trstsokat. Ha csak a fjl kiterjesztssel hasznlt, akkor megjelenti az aktulis trstst. Az egyenlQsgjel utn a fjltpus megadsa nlkl, trli az aktulis trstst s nem csinl mst. FTYPE megmutat vagy mdost trstsi parancsokat, hogy mely fjl tpushoz vannak trstva. Szintaxis: FTYPE [fjltpus[=[trstsiParancs]]] Paramterek nlkl, megjelenti azokat a fjl tpusokat, amelyhez trstsi karakterlnc van aktulisan megadva. Ha csak a fjl tpus paramter biztostott, kijelzi a trstott parancs karakterlcot, s mst nem tesz. Amennyiben nincs trstsi parancs megadva az egyenlQsg jel utn, akkor trli a parancs trstst, amely trstva van a megadott fjltpushoz. BMORE lapokra trdelve jelenti meg a fjlt vagy a pipe bemenetet. CHOICE megjelent egy szveget s vr, amg a felhasznl let egy megengedett billentyqt a kivlaszthat listbl. CHOICE fQknt batch fjl men kivlasztsra hasznlt. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. EXIT megszakt egy aktulis parancs futtatst s visszatr az opercis rendszerhez vagy ahhoz a parancssorhoz, amely meghvta. TYPE <nomedelfile> copia <nomedelfile> sul dispositivo della console (o ovunque se rediretto). Nessun controllo fatto se il file sia testo leggibile. VERIFY usato per impostare, pulire o verificare la flag di verify. Forme valide sono: VERIFY ON Imposta la flag. VERIFY OFF Pulisce la flag. VERIFY Mostra ON o OFF a seconda dei casi. La flag di verify non ha funzioni in Wine. /VER mostra la versione di cmd che stai usando. 4VOL mostra l'etichetta di volume di un'unit disco. ENDLOCAL termina la localizzazione dei cambiamenti dell'ambiente in un file batch che erano stati introdotti da un precedente SETLOCAL. PSETLOCAL inizia la localizzazione dei cambiamenti dell'ambiente in un file batch. I cambiamenti dell'ambiente fatti dopo un SETLOCAL sono limitati al file batch e sono mantenuti fino al prossimo ENDLOCAL incontrato (o alla fine del file, qualunque venga prima), al cui punto le precedenti impostazioni dell'ambiente sono ripristinate. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. @POPD cambia la cartella attuale con l'ultima salvata con PUSHD. VASSOC mostra o modifica le associazioni con le estensioni dei file. Sintassi: ASSOC [.ext[=[tipo_file]]] ASSOC senza parametri mostra le attuali associazioni dei file. Se usato con solo un'estensione di file, mostra l'associazione attuale. Non specificando alcun tipo di file dopo il segno uguale rimuove l'attuale associazione, se esiste. FTYPE mostra o modifica i comandi di apertura associati ai tipi di file. Sintassi: FTYPE [tipo_file[=[comando_apertura]]] Senza parametri, mostra i tipi di file per i quali sono attualmente definiti comandi di apertura. Se usato con solo un tipo di file, mostra la stringa del comando di apertura associato, se esiste. Non specificare alcun comando di apertura dopo il segno uguale rimuove la stringa di comando associata con il tipo di file specificato. >MORE mostra l'output di files o l'input dalla pipe in pagine. CHOICE mostra un testo e aspetta l'inserimento da parte dell'utente di un tasto permesso da una lista selezionabile. CHOICE usato generalmente per creare un men a selezione in un file batch. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. oEXIT termina la sessione corrente di cmd e torna al sistema operativo o alla shell dal quale hai chiamato cmd. [TYPE <0000 T> o0 <0000 T> 000000 0000(~0_0o0000000 U00_0@b)k0000W0~0Y000000L0Sj00000 0000K0i0F0K00000 U00~0[000 VERIFY o0gqT0000-[0mS0xY00h0M0k0O(uW0~0Y00 gRj0b__o0: VERIFY ON 0000-[W0~0Y00 VERIFY OFF 0000mSW0~0Y00 VERIFY rlk0_X0ONK0OFFK00h:yW0~0Y00 WinetXg0o0gqT000o0asT0ca0~0[000 VER o0R\OW0f0D00cmdn0000000h:yW0~0Y00 VOL o00000 0000n000000 0000h:yW0~0Y00 <ENDLOCAL o0HQLY00 SETLOCAL k00c0f0YU00_0000 0000g0n0tX Yf n0@\@bS0B}NW0~0Y00 SETLOCAL o0000 0000g0n0tX Yfn0@\@bS0YW0~0Y00 SETLOCAL _k0j0U00_0tXn0 Yfo0000 0000k0@\@bi(uU000!kk0 ENDLOCAL L0s00(~0_0o000000n0B}zk00RTY00K0n0D0Z00K0eD0{0F0) ~0g0OcU00~0Y00B}NBfpg0NMRn0tX-[L0_CQU00~0Y00 EPUSHD <000000> o00000 00000000000 Nk0OX[W000000 0000000c[U00_0000000k0 YfW0~0Y00 1POPD o0 PUSHD g0g_k0OX[U00_0000000k00000 0000000 YfW0 ~0Y00 ASSOC o00000b5_P[n0#NQ00h:y~0_0o0 YfW0~0Y00 ie: ASSOC [.b5_P[[=[0000000]] ASSOC 000000j0W0g0OF0h00000n0#NQ00h:yW0~0Y00 b5_P[`0Q00c[Y00h0b5_P[k0[Y00s(Wn0#NQ00h:yW0~0Y00 0000 0000I{Sn0B0h0k0c[W0j0D04XTo0s(Wn0#NQ0L0B00p0JRdW0~0 Y00 FTYPE o00000 000k0#NQ000_00000 00000h:y~0_0o0 YfW0 ~0Y00 ie: FTYPE [0000000[=[00000000]] 000000c[W0j0D04XT00000 0000eW[RL0[U00f0D000000 0000h:yW0~0Y00 0000 000`0Q00c[W0_04XTo00#NQ000_00000 0000eW[R L0B00p0h:yW0~0Y00 I{Sn0B0h0k0UO00000 00000c[W0j0D04XTo00c[W0_00000 00 0k0[Y000000eW[R0JRdW0~0Y00 MORE o00000n0QR0000SU00_0eQR0h:yW0~0Y00 ZCHOICE o000000h:yW00xbSj0000g01SU00_0000000L0bY0~0 g0__jW0~0Y00 CHOICE o0;Nk0000 0000g00000xb0i{Y00_00k0O00~0Y00 000000 0000\ObW0~0Y00 ie: MKLINK [00000] 000 T [a 00000: /d 000000n0000000 0000\ObW0~0Y00 /h 000 0000\ObW0~0Y00 /j 000000n000000000\ObW0~0Y00 000 To0eW0D0000000 000n0 TMRg0Y00 [ao0000 TL0cY000g0Y00 1EXIT o0s(Wn00000 000000B}NW0f0cmd0|Ts0QW0_0OS~0_0o0000k0;b 0~0Y00 UTYPE <filename> <filename>D Xϔ X\ iȲ( Ř t ). |t }0 \ MѤ¸x lX JŵȲ. VERIFY ՘| $X pXp LѤ¸XՔp )Ȳ. ,x @: VERIFY ON ՘ $. VERIFY OFF ՘ p. VERIFY ON tǘ OFF t XՌ . t ՘ Wine D4 0D Hh. VER - ‰x cmd D \iȲ. VOL - l XX h tD \iȲ. 4ENDLOCAL@ 0X | H SELLOCALt ‘\ Xֽ TX T| ]ŰȲ. SETLOCAL@ 0X | H Xֽ T T| ‘iȲ. SETLOCAL tX Xֽ T֔ 0X | H T)Ȳ. L ENDLOCALt Р LL )Ȳ( |X ]. Ő tX < $Ɣ ).  t Xֽ $t )Ȳ. @PUSHD < 0Ѭ> ֬  0Ѭ| ȥiȲ. ֬  0Ѭ| ƭ\  0Ѭ\ ɯȲ. *POPD ֬  0Ѭ| PUSH\ ȥLjX ȹɹ  0Ѭ\ ɯȲ. ASSOC | U֥ǐ ŰD \Xp iȲ. l8: ASSOC [.U֥ǐ[=[ | ]]]  Ŕ ASSOC ֬ | ŰD \iȲ ̹} | U֥ǐ̹ t, ֬ Ű | \iȲ. 8(=) 8 L | D X J kopieert <bestandsnaam> naar het uitvoerapparaat. Er wordt niet gecontroleerd of het bestand leesbare tekst bevat. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. *VER toont de versie van cmd die u draait. $VOL toont het label van een schijf. ENDLOCAL beindigt de localisatie van omgevingswijzigingen in een batchbestand die werd begonnen door een voorafgaande SETLOCAL opdracht. DSETLOCAL begint localisatie van omgevingswijzigingen in een batchbestand. Omgevingswijzigingen na een SETLOCAL opdracht zijn alleen in het batchbestand zichtbaar en worden behouden tot de volgende ENDLOCAL opdracht (of tot het eind van het bestand, welke eerst komst), waar de vorige omgevingsvariabelen worden teruggezet. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. IMORE toont de uitvoer van programma's of herleidde invoer per bladzijde. CHOICE laat een tekst zien en wacht tot de Gebruiker op een toegestane Toets uit een selecteerbare lijst drukt. CHOICE wordt hoofdzakelijk gebruikt om een selectie uit een menu te maken in een batch bestand. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT beindigt de lopende sessie en keert terug naar het besturingssysteem of de schil van waaruit cmd werd gestart. bTYPE <nazwa pliku> wy[wietla zawarto[ pliku, nie jest sprawdzane, czy jest on plikiem tekstowym. VERIFY jest u|ywane do ustawienia warto[ci flagi verify. PrawidBowa skBadnia: VERIFY ON Ustawia flag. VERIFY OFF Usuwa flag. VERIFY Wy[wietla ON lub OFF w zale|no[ci od stanu flagi. Flaga verify nie ma funkcji w Wine. 4VER wy[wietla wersj uruchomionego wiersza poleceD. 5VOL pokazuje etykiet woluminu urzdzenia dyskowego. ENDLOCAL koDczy zmiany ustawieD regionalnych [rodowiska w pliku wsadowym, ktre zostaBy wprowadzone przez poprzedzajce SETLOCAL. +SETLOCAL rozpoczyna zmiany ustawieD regionalnych [rodowiska w pliku wsadowym. Zmiany [rodowiska dokonane po SETLOCAL s lokalne dla pliku wsadowego i s wa|ne do wystpienia ENDLOCAL (lub na koDcu pliku cokolwiek nastpi pierwsze), przy ktrym zostaj przywrcone poprzednie ustawienia [rodowiska. xPUSHD <nazwakatalogu> zapamituje bie|cy katalog na stosie, a nastpnie przechodzi do katalogu podanego jako parametr. ?POPD zmienia bie|cy katalog na ostatni zachowany przez PUSHD. PASSOC pokazuje lub zmienia skojarzenia rozszerzenia pliku SkBadnia: ASSOC [.ext[=[typPliku]]] ASSOC bez parametrw wy[wietla obecne skojarzenia pliku. Je|eli u|yte tylko z jednym rozszerzeniem pliku, to pokazuje obecne skojarzenie. Nie okre[lanie rodzaju pliku po znaku rwno[ci usuwa obecne skojarzenie, je[li jakiekolwiek istnieje. FTYPE pokazuje lub zmienia polecenia otwarcia skojarzone z typami plikw SkBadnia: FTYPE [typPliku[=[polecenieOtwarcia]]] Bez parametrw, pokazuje rodzaje plikw, dla ktrych s obecnie okre[lone polecenia otwarcia. Je|eli u|yte tylko z jednym rodzajem pliku, to pokazuje jego skojarzone polecenie otwarcia, je[li jakiekolwiek istnieje. Nie okre[lanie polecenia otwarcia po znaku rwno[ci usuwa cig znakw polecenia skojarzony z danym rodzajem pliku. ;MORE wy[wietla strona po stronie wyj[cie pliku lub potoku. CHOICE wy[wietla tekst i czeka, a| U|ytkownik naci[nie dozwolony Przycisk z wybieralnej listy. CHOICE jest u|ywany gBwnie do budowania menu wyboru w plikach typu bat. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. gEXIT koDczy bie|c sesj cmd i powraca do systemu operacyjnego lub powBoki, w ktrej uruchomiono cmd. TYPE <numefiier> copiaz <numefiier> n consol (sau unde este redirecionat). Nu se verific dac fiierul conine text lizibil. VERIFY se utilizeaz pentru a activa, a elimina sau a testa indicatorul de verificare. Sunt valabile formele: VERIFY ON Activeaz indicatorul. VERIFY OFF Elimin indicatorul. VERIFY Afieaz ON sau OFF dup cum este cazul. Indicatorul de verificare nu are nici o funcie n Wine. )VER afieaz versiunea de cmd utilizat. ,VOL Afieaz eticheta de volum a unui disc. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. iPUSHD <dosar> salveaz dosarul curent ntr-o stiv i apoi nlocuiete dosarul curent cu cel specificat. 8POPD schimb dosarul curent cu ultimul salvat cu PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. DMORE afieaz n pagini coninutul fiierelor sau datele introduse. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. zEXIT termin sesiunea curent a liniei de comand i revine la sistemul de operare sau shell-ul din care ai invocat cmd. TYPE <D09;> :>?8@C5B <D09;> 2 CAB@>9AB2> :>=A>;8 (8;8 :C40 C3>4=>, 5A;8 >= ?5@5=0?@02;5=). @>25@:0 =0 B>, GB> D09; - MB> B5:AB, ?@54=07=0G5==K9 4;O GB5=8O, >BACBAB2C5B. VERIFY ?@54=07=0G5=0 4;O CAB0=>2:8, A1@>A0 8;8 >?@545;5=8O D;030 ?@>25@:8 :>@@5:B=>AB8 70?8A8 D09;>2 =0 48A:. >7<>6=K5 7=0G5=8O: VERIFY ON CAB0=>28BL D;03. VERIFY OFF A1@>A8BL D;03. VERIFY K2>48B B5:CI55 A>AB>O=85: ON 8;8 OFF. -B>B D;03 =5 8A?>;L7C5BAO 2 Wine. &VER 2K2>48B 25@A8N 8A?>;L7C5<>3> cmd. -VOL 2K2>48B <5B:C B><0 48A:>2>3> CAB@>9AB20. kENDLOCAL 70:0=G8205B 459AB285 ;>:0;L=KE 87<5=5=89 >:@C65=8O, ?@>87>H54H8E 2 ?0:5B=>< D09;5 ?>A;5 SETLOCAL. SETLOCAL 2:;NG05B @568< ;>:0;L=KE 87<5=5=89 2 ?0:5B=>< D09;5. 7<5=5=8O ?5@5<5==KE >:@C65=8O ?>A;5 SETLOCAL 459AB2CNB 2 ?0:5B=>< D09;5 ;>:0;L=>, 4> :><0=4K ENDLOCAL (8;8 4> :>=F0 D09;0, 5A;8 B0:>9 :><0=4K =5B), ?>A;5 G53> 2A5 ?5@5<5==K5 >:@C65=8O 2>AAB0=02;820NBAO. \PUSHD <48@5:B>@8O> A>E@0=O5B B5:CI89 :0B0;>3 2 AB5:, 0 70B5< ?5@5E>48B 2 C:070==K9 :0B0;>3. 6POPD ?5@5E>48B 2 :0B0;>3, A>E@0=Q==K9 :><0=4>9 PUSHD. 4ASSOC ?>:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B A>?>AB02;5=8O B8?>2 D09;>2. !8=B0:A8A: ASSOC [.@0AH8@5=85[=[B8?_D09;0]]] 57 ?0@0<5B@>2 ASSOC 2K2>48B 2A5 B5:CI85 A>?>AB02;5=8O. A;8 C:070=> B>;L:> @0AH8@5=85, 2K2>48BAO A>?>AB02;5=85 4;O =53>. @8 >BACBAB288 B8?0 D09;0 ?>A;5 7=0:0 @025=AB20 B5:CI55 A>?>AB02;5=85 C40;O5BAO. qFTYPE ?>:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B :><0=4K >B:@KB8O, A2O70==K5 A B8?0<8 D09;>2. !8=B0:A8A: FTYPE [B8?_D09;0[=[:><0=40_>B:@KB8O]]] 57 ?0@0<5B@>2 FTYPE 2K2>48B 2A5 B8?K D09;>2, 4;O :>B>@KE >?@545;5=K :><0=4K >B:@KB8O. A;8 C:070= B>;L:> B8? D09;0, 2K2>48BAO :><0=40 >B:@KB8O, A2O70==0O A =8<. @8 >BACBAB288 :><0=4K ?>A;5 7=0:0 @02=> B5:CI0O =07=0G5==0O :><0=40 C40;O5BAO. 8MORE 2K2>48B A>45@68<>5 D09;>2 8;8 :0=0;>2 ?>AB@0=8G=>. CHOICE 2K2>48B B5:AB 8 64QB, ?>:0 ?>;L7>20B5;L =5 =06<QB :;028HC 87 ?@54;>65==>3> A?8A:0. CHOICE >1KG=> ?@8<5=O5BAO 4;O A>740=8O <5=N 2 ?0:5B=>< D09;5. 6!>740QB A8<2>;8G5A:CN AAK;:C. !8=B0:A8A: MKLINK [>?F88] 8<O_AAK;:8 F5;L ?F88: /d !>740BL AAK;:C =0 48@5:B>@8N. /h !>740BL 6QAB:CN AAK;:C. /j !>740BL B>G:C A>548=5=8O 48@5:B>@89. <O =>2>9 AAK;:8 7040QBAO A ?><>ILN 8<O_AAK;:8. !>740==0O AAK;:0 C:07K205B =0 ?CBL F5;L. uEXIT 7025@H05B B5:CICN :><0=4=CN A5AA8N 8 2>72@0I05B 2 >?5@0F8>==CN A8AB5<C 8;8 >1>;>G:C 87 :>B>@>9 1K; 70?CI5= cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. )VER prikazuje verziju cmd koju izvodite. -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. MCD <dir> je kraa verzija CHDIR. Mijenja trenutan podrazumijevan direktorij. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <filnamn> kopierar <filnamn> till konsolen (eller annanstans om angivet). TYPE kollar inte vad filen i frga r fr typ av fil. VERIFY anvnds fr att stlla in, rensa eller testa verifieraflaggan. Godknd anvndning r: VERIFY ON Tillmpa flaggan. VERIFY OFF Rensa flaggan. VERIFY Visar tillstnd p VERIFY. ON eller OFF. Det finns dock ingen anvndning fr verifieraflaggor i Wine. VER visar krd version av cmd. "VOL visar namnet p en diskvolym. oENDLOCAL avslutar lokalisering av miljndringar i en batchfil som introducerades av ett fregrende SETLOCAL. SETLOCAL startar lokalisering av miljndringar i en batchfil. Miljndringar som grs efter SETLOCAL r lokala fr batchfilen, och sparas till nsta ENDLOCAL ptrffas (eller i slutet p filen, vilket som kommer frst), d tidigare miljinstllningar terstlls. ePUSHD <plats> sparar nuvarande skvg i en stack, och ndrar sedan skvgen till den angivna mappen. >POPD ndrar nuvarande skvg till den senast angivna i PUSHD. 3ASSOC visar eller ndrar associationer fr filndelser. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[filTyp]]] ASSOC utan parametrar visar aktuella filassociationer. Om det anvnds endast med en filndelse visas aktuell association. Att inte ange ngon filtyp efter lika med-tecknet tar bort aktuell association om sdan finns. FTYPE visar eller ndrar ppna-kommandon som r associerade med filtyper. Syntax: FTYPE [filTyp[=[ppnaKommando]]] Utan parametrar visas filtyperna fr vilka ppna-kommandostrngar finns definierade. Om det endast anvnds med en filtyp, visas den associerade ppna-kommandostrngen, om sdan finns. Att inte ange ngot ppna-kommando efter lika med-tecknet tar bort aktuell kommandostrng associerad med den angivna filtypen. .MORE visar filer eller inmatad text p sidor. CHOICE visar en text och vntar tills anvndaren trycker ner en tangent frn en valbar lista. CHOICE anvnds frmst fr att skapa menyval i batchfiler. &Skapa en symbolisk lnk. Syntax: MKLINK [flaggor] lnknamn ml Flaggor: /d Skapa en symbolisk lnk till katalog. /h Skapa en hrd lnk. /j Skapa en mjuk kataloglnk. lnknamn r namnet p den nya symboliska lnken. ml r skvgen som lnknamn pekar till. nEXIT avslutar cmd och skickar tillbaks anvndaren till operativsystemet eller skalet som cmd startades ifrn. TYPE <dosyaad1> komutu <dosyaad1>'n1 konsol ayg1t1na kopyalar (eer ynlendirilmi_se ba_ka yere). Dosyan1n okunabilirlii denetlenmez. VERIFY dorulama bayra1n1 aar, kapat1r veya s1nar. Geerli biimler: VERIFY ON Bayra1 a. VERIFY OFF Bayra1 kald1r. VERIFY Bayra1n durumunu gster. Dorulama bayra1n1n Wine'de bir i_levi yoktur. AVER _u anda al1_t1rd11n1z komut isteminin srmn grntler. 5VOL bir disk srcsnn birim etiketini grntler. ENDLOCAL bir toplu i_ dosyas1nda daha nce SETLOCAL taraf1ndan ba_lat1lan ortam dei_ikliklerinin yerelle_tirilmesini sonland1r1r. 2SETLOCAL bir toplu i_ dosyas1nda ortam dei_ikliklerinin yerelle_tirilmesini ba_lat1r. Bir SETLOCAL'dan sonra ba_lat1lan evresel dei_iklikler (toplu i_ dosyas1nda yerel) sonraki ENDLOCAL ile kar_1la_1lana dek, (veya dosya sonunda, hangisi nce gelirse) nceki ortam ayarlar1n1n tutulduu yerde korunur. jPUSHD <dizin> _imdiki dizini bir y11n bellee kaydeder, sonra _imdiki dizin yerine verilen dizine geer. CPOPD _imdiki dizini en son PUSHD ile kaydedilen dizine dei_tirir. dASSOC dosya uzant1 ili_kilendirmelerini grntler veya dei_tirir. Szdizimi: ASSOC[.ext[=[dosyatr]]] Parametreler olmadan ASSOC _imdiki dosya ili_kilendirmelerini grntler. Eer sadece bir dosya tryle kullan1l1rsa, _imdiki ili_kilendirmeyi grntler. E_ittir i_aretinin yan1nda dosya tipi belirtilmezse, varsa _imdiki ili_kilendirmeyi kald1r1r. FTYPE dosya trleriyle ili_kili a1k komutlar1 grntler veya dei_tirir. Szdizimi: FTYPE [dosyatr[=[a1kkomut]]] Parametreler olmadan, a1k komutlar1n tan1mland11 dosya trleri grntlenir. Eer tek bir dosya tryle kullan1l1rsa, varsa ili_kili a1k komut grntlenir. E_ittir i_aretinden sonra a1k komut belirtilmezse, o dosya tr iin _imdiki ili_kilendirme kald1r1l1r. MMORE dosya 1kt1lar1n1 veya tnellenmi_ girdiyi sayfalar halinde grntler. CHOICE bir metin grntler ve Kullan1c1 seilebilir listeden izin verilen bir tu_a bas1ncaya kadar bekler. CHOICE ou zaman bir toplu i_ dosyas1nda men seimi in_as1 iin kullan1l1r. XSimgesel bir balant1 olu_turur. Szdizimi: MKLINK [seenekler] balant1_ad1 hedef Seenekler: /d Bir dizin simgesel balant1s1 yarat1r. /h Bir s1k1 balant1 yarat1r. /j Bir dizin kav_ak noktas1 yarat1r. balant1_ad1, yeni simgesel balant1n1n ad1d1r. hedef, balant1_ad1'n1n i_aret ettii dosya yoludur. hEXIT _imdiki komut oturumunu sonland1r1r ve komut istemini a1rd11n1z yerden i_letim sistemine dner. TYPE <V<'O_D09;C> :>?VNT <V<'O_D09;C> 4> :>=A>;L=>3> ?@8AB@>N (G8 2 V=H5 <VAF5, O:I> 2V= ?5@5=0?@02;5=89). 5 ?5@52V@OTBLAO, G8 D09; F5 B5:AB, ?@87=0G5=89 4;O G8B0==O. VERIFY ?@87=0G5=0 4;O 7040==O, A:840==O G8 B5ABC20==O ?@0?>@0 ?5@52V@:8. VNGV D>@<8: VERIFY ON 040B8 ?@0?>@. VERIFY OFF !:8=CB8 ?@0?>@. VERIFY V4>1@060T 2V4?>2V4=V 7=0G5==O ON G8 OFF. @0?>@ ?5@52V@:8 =5 <0T DC=:FV9 2 Wine. &VER 2V4>1@060T 25@AVN 70?CI5=>3> cmd. .VOL 2V4>1@060T <VB:C B><C 48A:>2>3> ?@8AB@>N. eENDLOCAL 7025@HCT ;>:0;V70FVN 7<V= >B>G5==O 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V I> 1C;8 2?@>20465=V :><0=4>N SETLOCAL. "SETLOCAL ?>G8=0T ;>:0;V70FVN 7<V= >B>G5==O 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V. <V=8 2 >B>G5==O 74V9A=5=V ?VA;O SETLOCAL ;>:0;L=V 4;O ?0:5B=>3> D09;C, V 4VNBL 4> =0ABC?=>W ?>O28 ENDLOCAL (01> 4> :V=FO D09;C, 70;56=> 2V4 B>3>, I> B@0?8BLAO @0=VH5), ?VA;O G>3> 2V4=>2;NNBLAO ?>?5@54=V =0;0HBC20==O >B>G5==O. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. >POPD 7<V=NT ?>B>G=C B5:C =0 >AB0==N 715@565=C :><0=4>N PUSHD. 0ASSOC ?>:07CT G8 7<V=NT 0A>FV0FVW D09;>28E B8?V2. !8=B0:A8A: ASSOC [.@>7H[=[B8?_D09;C]]] ASSOC 157 ?0@0<5B@V2 ?>:07CT ?>B>G=V D09;>2V 0A>FV0FVW. /:I> 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO ;8H5 7 @>7H8@5==O< B> 2V4>1@060T ?>B>G=C 0A>FV0FVN. /:I> =5 2:070B8 B8? D09;C ?VA;O 7=0:C @V2=>ABV B> VA=CNG0 0A>FV0FVO 1C45 2840;5=0. FTYPE ?>:07CT 01> 7<V=NT :><0=48 2V4:@8BBO, 0A>FV9>20=V 7 B8?0<8 D09;V2. !8=B0:A8A: FTYPE [B8?_D09;C[=[:><0=40V4:@8BBO]]] 57 ?0@0<5B@V2, ?>:07CT B8?8 D09;V2, 4;O O:8E =0 40=89 <><5=B 7040=V @O4:8 :><0=4 2V4:@8BBO. /:I> 2:070=89 ;8H5 B8? D09;C, 2V4>1@060T 0A>FV9>20=V :><0=48 2V4:@8BBO, O:I> B0:V T. /:I> =5 2:070=0 :><0=40 2V4:@8BBO ?VA;O 7=0:C @V2=>ABV B> F5 2840;8BL :><0=4C 4;O 2:070=>3> B8?C D09;V2. 4MORE 2V4>1@060T 2<VAB D09;V2 G8 :0=0;V2 AB>@V=:0<8. CHOICE 2V4>1@06CT B5:AB V G5:0T, ?>:8 >@8ABC20G =0B8A=5 4>72>;5=C =>?:C 7V A?8A:C B01;8FV 281>@C. CHOICE ?5@5206=> 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO 4;O ?>1C4>28 <5=N 281>@C 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V. =!B2>@8B8 A8<2>;L=5 ?>A8;0==O. !8=B0:A8A: MKLINK [>?FVW] V<'O_?>A8;0==O FV;L ?FVW: /d !B2>@8B8 A8<2>;L=5 ?>A8;0==O :0B0;>3C. /h !B2>@8B8 6>@AB:5 ?>A8;0==O. /j !B2>@8B8 :0B0;>3 7'T4=0==O. V<'O_?>A8;0==O - F5 =0720 =>2>3> A8<2>;L=>3> ?>A8;0==O. V<'O_?>A8;0==O 2:07CT =0 H;OE FV;V. zEXIT 7025@HCT ?>B>G=C A5AVN :><0=4=>3> @O4:0 B0 ?>25@B0T 20A 4> >?5@0FV9=>W A8AB5<8 G8 >1>;>=:8, 7 O:>W 28 70?CAB8;8 cmd. TYPE <ime_datoteke> prika~e vsebino datoteke <ime_datoteke> na zaslonu (ali drugje, e gre za preusmeritev). Ukaz ne preveri, ali je vsebina datoteke v resnici berljivo besedilo. VERIFY uporabimo za nastavljanje, brisanje ali preizkuaanje zastavice preverjanja. Veljavne oblike ukaza so: VERIFY ON Vklju i zastavico. VERIFY OFF Izklju i zastavico. VERIFY Prika~e ON ali. OFF. Zastavica preverjanja v Wine nima nobene zmo~nosti. ,VER prika~e razli ico cmd, ki jo poganjate. ,VOL poka~e oznako nosilca diskovne naprave. jENDLOCAL kon a lokaliziranje okoljskih sprememb v paketni datoteki, ki so bile uvedene z vnosom SETLOCAL. SETLOCAL za ne lokaliziranje okoljskih sprememb v paketni datoteki. Spremembe okolja narejene po SETLOCAL so krajevne za paketno datoteko in so ohranjene do naslednjega sre anje ENDLOCAL (ali na koncu datoteke, karkoli je prej). Takrat so obnovljene predhodne nastavitve okolja. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. WPOPD se preseli iz trenutne mape v mapo, ki je bila nazadnje shranjena z ukazom PUSHD. 1ASSOC poka~e ali spremeni povezave pripon datotek Skladnja: ASSOC [.pri[=[vrstaDatoteke]]] ASSOC brez parametrov prika~e trenutne povezave datoteke. e se uporablja samo s pripono datoteke, prika~e trenutno povezavo. e za ena ajem ne dolo ite vrste datoteke, so morebitne povezave datotek odstranjene. FTYPE poka~e ali spremeni odprte ukaze povezane z vrstami datotek Skladnja: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Brez parametrov poka~e vrste datotek za katere so odprti nizi ukazov trenutno dolo eni. e se uporablja samo z vrsto datoteke, prika~e povezan niz ukaza odprtja, e obstaja. e ukaza odpiranja ne dolo ite ukaz za ena ajem odstrani ukazni niz, ki je povezan z dolo eno vrsto datoteke. AMORE prika~e vsebino datotek ali preusmerjenega vnosa v straneh. CHOICE prikazuje besedilo in aka dokler uporabnik ne pritisne omogo ene tipke iz izberljivega seznama. CHOICE se uporablja predvsem za izgradnjo izberljivega menija v paketni datoteki. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. EXIT kon a trenutno ukazno sejo in vrne ustrezno stanje operacijskemu sistemu ali ukazni lupini, iz katere ste priklicali cmd. TYPE <failas> nukopijuoja <fail> / pulto /rengin/ (arba kitur, jei nukreipta). Nra tikrinama, ar faile yra skaitomas tekstas. VERIFY naudojama nustatyti, iavalyti ar testuoti tikrinimo ~ymos bit. Galimos formos: VERIFY ON Nustatyti ~ymos bit. VERIFY OFF Iavalyti ~ymos bit. VERIFY Parodo ON arba OFF, kuris tinkamas. Tikrinimo ~ymos bitas neturi jokios funkcijos  Wine . &VER parodo dabar vykdomo cmd versij. 'VOL parodo disko /renginio tomo vard. dENDLOCAL komands faile baigia aplinkos pakeitims, kurie padaryti ankstesnio SETLOCAL, lokalizavim. SETLOCAL pradeda aplinkos pakeitims lokalizavim komands faile. Aplinkos pakeitimai padaryti po SETLOCAL yra lokalks komands faile ir ialaikomi iki kol sutinkamas kitas ENDLOCAL (arba failo pabaiga, kas pasitaiko pirmiau), tada atkuriami ankstesns aplinkos nustatymai. fPUSHD <katalogas> iasaugo dabartin/ katalog / dkl, o po to pakei ia dabartin/ katalog / nurodyt. APOPD pakei ia dabartin/ katalog / paskutin/ iasaugot su PUSHD. .ASSOC parodo ar modifikuoja fails prievard~is susiejimus. Sintaks: ASSOC [.prv[=[failoTipas]]] ASSOC be parametrs parodo dabartinius fails susiejimus. Jei naudojama tik su failo prievard~iu, parodo dabartin/ susiejim. Po lygybs ~enklo nenurod~ius failo tipo paaalina dabartin/ susiejim, jei yra. FTYPE parodo ar modifikuoja atvrimo komandas susietas su fails tipais. Sintaks: FTYPE [failoTipas[=[atvrimoKomanda]]] Be parametrs parodo fails tipus, kuriems apibr~tos atvrimo komands eiluts. Jei naudojama tik su fails tipu, parodo susiet atvrimo komandos eilut, jei yra. Po lygybs ~enklo nenurod~ius atvrimo komandos paaalina su nurodytu failo tipu susiet komandos eilut. 9MORE parodo failo iavedim ar kanalo /vedim puslapiais. CHOICE parodo tekst ir laukia, kol naudotojas paspaus leid~iam klavia ia pasirinkims sraao. CHOICE da~niausiai naudojama pasirinkimo meniu konstravimui komands faile. ESukurti simbolin nuorod. Sintaks: MKLINK [parametrai] nuorodos_vardas paskirtis Parametrai: /d Sukurti katalogo simbolin nuorod. /h Sukurti nuorod. /j Sukurti katalogo jungt/. nuorodos_vardas yra naujos simbolins nuorodos vardas. paskirtis yra kelias / kur/ rodo nuorodos_vardas. gEXIT baigia dabartin/ komands seans ir gr/~ta / operacin sistem ar apvalkal ia kur CMD iakviestas. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. 'VER cmd . -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. >POPD PUSHD . 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. CVER amuesa la versin de la llinia de comandos que tas executando. -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE amuesa un testu y espera hasta que l'usuariu prima una tecla permitida de la llista esbillable. CHOICE sase principalmente pa crear un men d'esbilla nun ficheru per llotes. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. nVERIFY (uO-[0nzzb,nfWIej0 gHevb__Sb VERIFY ON -[ej0 VERIFY OFF nzzej0 VERIFY O`lo:y ON b OFF0 WIej(W Wine -Nl gNUOR0 VER o:y`ck(WWLv cmd Hr,g0 VOL o:yxx݈nvwSQj0 qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. sSETLOCAL (Wyb!kj-NY,g0WvtXf0 SETLOCAL KN_[bvtXf \eyb!kj p,g0W &NOYuv0RG0R NN P ENDLOCAL (b/fjHh vP}_g SzleHQQs) MRN PtXv-[

saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. POPD fsLv0R NN P)R(u PUSHD 2QX[vv0 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. MORE NRve_o:yjHhv8Qb{}v8eQ0 CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <filename> copies <filename> to the console device (or elsewhere if redirected). No check is made that the file is readable text. VERIFY is used to set, clear or test the verify flag. Valid forms are: VERIFY ON Set the flag. VERIFY OFF Clear the flag. VERIFY Displays ON or OFF as appropriate. The verify flag has no function in Wine. 1VER displays the version of cmd you are running. -VOL shows the volume label of a disk device. qENDLOCAL ends localization of environment changes in a batch file which were introduced by a preceding SETLOCAL. 9SETLOCAL starts localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes done after a SETLOCAL are local to the batch file, and are preserved until the next ENDLOCAL is encountered (or at the end of the file, whichever comes first), at which point the previous environment settings are restored. xPUSHD <directory> saves the current directory onto a stack, and then changes the current directory to the supplied one. APOPD changes current directory to the last one saved with PUSHD. 2ASSOC shows or modifies file extension associations. Syntax: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC without parameters displays current file associations. If used with only a file extension, displays the current association. Specifying no file type after the equal sign removes the current association, if any. FTYPE shows or modifies open commands associated with file types. Syntax: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Without parameters, shows the file types for which open command strings are currently defined. If used with only a file type, displays the associated open command string, if any. Specifying no open command after the equal sign removes the command string associated to the specified file type. 7MORE displays output of files or piped input in pages. CHOICE displays a text and waits, until the User presses an allowed Key from a selectable list. CHOICE is mainly used to build a menu selection in a batch file. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. uEXIT terminates the current command session and returns to the operating system or shell from which you invoked cmd. TYPE <filnavn> kopierer <filnavn> til konsollenheten (eller et annet sted hvis det omdirigeres). Det kontrolleres ikke om filen er leselig tekst. VERIFY brukes til aktivere, deaktivere eller teste 'verify'-flagget. Gyldige mter er: VERIFY ON Aktiverer flagget. VERIFY OFF Deaktiverer flagget. VERIFY Viser ON hvis p eller OFF hvis av. Verify-flagget har ingen funksjon i Wine. #VER viser versjonnummeret til cmd. (VOL viser volumnavnet for en diskenhet. ENDLOCAL avslutter lokalisering av endringer i miljet i statsvise filer, hvor lokaliseringen tidligere ble startet med SETLOCAL. 'SETLOCAL starter lokalisering av miljendringer i en satsvis fil. Endringer i miljet som gjres etter SETLOCAL gjelder kun i den satsvise filen og beholdes helt til ENDLOCAL kalles (eller ved slutten av filen, hvis ENDLOCAL ikke oppgis). Etter ENDLOCAL gjenopprettes det opprinnelige miljet. oPUSHD <katalog> lagrer arbeidskatalogen i en stabel, og endrer deretter arbeidskatalog til den som er oppgitt. BPOPD endrer arbeidskatalog til den som sist ble angitt med PUSHD. ASSOC viser eller endrer assosiasjoner for filetternavn. Syntaks: ASSOC [.ext[=[filtype]]] ASSOC uten parametre viser gjeldende filassosiasjoner. Hvis kun et filetternavn oppgis vises gjeldende assosiasjon. Hvis ingen filtype oppgis etter likhetstegnet fjernes gjeldende assosiasjon. JFTYPE viser eller endrer pne-kommandoer assosiert med filtyper. Syntaks: FTYPE [filType[=[pneKommando]]] Uten parametre vises filtypene hvor en pne-kommando er angitt. Hvis kun en filtype oppgis, vises den assosierte pne-kommandoen. Hvis ingen pne-kommando angis etter likhetstegnet fjernes den tilordnede pne-kommandoen. @MORE lar deg bla gjennom innholdet i filer eller inndata i rr. CHOICE viser en tekst og venter til brukeren har trykket p en av de valgte knappene. CHOICE brukes for det meste til lage menyer i satsvise filer. ?Opprett en symbolsk lenke. Syntaks: MKLINK [alternativer] lenke_navn ml Alternativer: /d Opprett en symbolsk lenke til en katalog. /h Opprett en hard lenke. /j Opprett et katalog-knutepunkt. lenke_navn er navnet p den nye symbolske lenken. ml er stien som lenke_navn peker til. kEXIT avslutter gjeldende kommandokt og returnerer til operativsystemet eller skallet CMD ble startet fra. TYPE <arquivo> copia <arquivo> para o dispositivo console (ou outro, se redirecionado). Nenhuma verificao feita se o arquivo pode ser lido. VERIFY usado para configurar, limpar e testar a flag de verificao. As formas vlidas so VERIFY ON Aciona a flag. VERIFY OFF Limpa a flag. VERIFY Mostra ON ou OFF como apropriado. A flag de verificao no tem funo nenhuma no Wine. (VER mostra a verso do cmd em execuo. :VOL mostra o rtulo de volume de um dispositivo de disco. ENDLOCAL termina a localizao das mudanas de ambiente num arquivo de lote que foram introduzidas por um SETLOCAL precedente. LSETLOCAL inicia a localizao das mudanas de ambiente num arquivo de lote. Mudanas de ambiente feitas depois de um SETLOCAL so locais ao arquivo de lote e so preservadas at que o prximo ENDLOCAL encontrado (ou ao final do arquivo, o que vier primeiro). Neste ponto, as configuraes de ambiente anteriores so restauradas. rPUSHD <diretrio> salva o diretrio atual em uma pilha e ento altera o diretrio atual para o que foi fornecido. ?POPD muda o diretrio atual ao ltimo que foi salvo com PUSHD. [ASSOC mostra ou modifica associaes de extenso de arquivo. Sintaxe: ASSOC [.ext[=[tipoDeArquivo]]] ASSOC sem parmetros mostra as associaes de arquivo atuais. Se usada apenas com uma extenso de arquivo, exibe a associao atual. Se nenhum tipo de arquivo for especificado depois do sinal de igualdade, remove a associao atual, se houver. FTYPE mostra ou altera os comandos de abertura associados aos tipos de arquivo Sintaxe: FTYPE [tipoDeArquivo[=[comandoDeAbertura]]] Sem parmetros, mostra os tipos de arquivo para os quais comandos de abertura esto definidos atualmente. Se usado apenas com um tipo de arquivo, exibe o comando de abertura associado, se houver. Se no for especificado nenhum comando de abertura aps o sinal de igualdade, remove o comando de abertura associado ao tipo de arquivo especificado. FMORE exibe em pginas a sada dos arquivos ou de entradas encadeadas. CHOICE exibe um texto e aguarda at que o Usurio pressione uma tecla permitida de uma lista de seleo. CHOICE principalmente usado para construir um menu de seleo num arquivo de lote. /Cria link simblico. Sintaxe: MKLINK [opes] nome_link alvo Opes: /d Cria um link simblico para um diretrio. /h Cria um link duro. /j Cria uma combinao de diretrios. nome_link o nome do novo link simblico. alvo o caminho para onde o nome_link aponta. kEXIT termina a sesso de comando atual e retorna ao sistema operacional ou shell que tenha invocado o cmd. <TYPE <eN T> \ <eN T> Y6R0Rc6RSY(W͑[TT Y6R0R+RY 0 dk z^ NOhgeN/f&T/fSe,g0 sVERIFY (uNn0ndbKmՋ!heh0 gHeb__Y N VERIFY ON ndkeh0 VERIFY OFF nddkeh0 VERIFY 9hnc[E`Q>f:y ON b OFF0 Verify eh[ Wine NuHe0 VER >f:y`ck(WЏLv cmd vHr,g0 VOL >f:yxvYvwSh0 *ENDLOCAL ~_gybYteN-NN SETLOCAL _Yv[sXf9ev,g0WS0 gSETLOCAL _YybYteN-N[sXf9ev,g0WS0 (W SETLOCAL TۏLvsXf9e\NPNybYteNQ v^\(WG0R ENDLOCAL cNTbeN~>\ SmُNf9e v^b` Y@b gvsXf9e0 "PUSHD <vU_> \S_MRvU_OX[0Rh 6qTRbc0R@bcOvvU_0 POPD \S_MRvU_f9e:N PUSHD OX[vgTN*NvU_0 ASSOC >f:ybf9eeNibU\ T@bsQTveN{|W0 lASSOC [.ibU\ T[=[eN{|W]]] N&^SpeЏL ASSOC \>f:yS_MRveN{|WsQT0 YO(ueNibU\ T\O:NSpe \>f:yS_MRibU\ TvsQTOo`0 Yc[ibU\ T N(WI{STReN{|W \ydvMRvsQTYgX[(W 0 FTYPE >f:ybf9eNeN{|WsQTvSb_}TN0 lFTYPE [eN{|W[=[Sb_}TN]]] Y N&^NUOSpeЏL }TN\>f:y][IN/TR}TNW[&{2NveN{|W0 YO(ueN{|W\O:NSpe }TN\>f:ysQTNdkeN{|Wv/TR}TNYgX[(W 0 Yc[eN{|W N(WI{STRSb_}TN\yddkeN{|W@bsQTv/TR}TN0 MORE Ru>f:yeNQb{SeQ0 8CHOICE >f:ye,gv^I{_(u7beQ US-N[^g*N yv.0 CHOICE 8^(uN(WybYteN-NR^ y܃US0 R^&{Sc0 lMKLINK [options] link_name target y /d R^vU_&{Sc0 /h R^lxc0 /j R^vU_~0 link_name :N&{Scv Ty0 target :N link_name cTv_0 #EXIT ~_gS_MR}TNO݋v^ԏVd\O|~b(u CMD v}TNX0 TYPE <ficheiro> copia <ficheiro> para o dispositivo consola (ou outro, se redireccionado). Nenhuma verificao feita se o ficheiro pode ser lido. VERIFY usado para configurar, limpar ou testar o 'flag' de verificao. As formas vlidas so: VERIFY ON Configura o flag. VERIFY OFF Limpa o flag. VERIFY Mostra ON ou OFF como apropriado. O 'flag' de verificao no tem funo no Wine. (VER mostra a verso do cmd em execuo. ;VOL mostra o nome de um volume de um dispositivo de disco. xENDLOCAL termina localizao de mudanas de ambiente num ficheiro de lote que foram iniciadas por um SETLOCAL anterior. SETLOCAL inicia localizao de mudanas de ambiente num ficheiro de lote. Mudanas de ambiente feitas aps um SETLOCAL so limitadas ao ficheiro de lote e so mantidas at ao ENDLOCAL seguinte (ou at ao fim do ficheiro), aps o qual as opes anteriores so repostas. bPUSHD <dir> guarda a pasta actual numa pilha, e depois muda a pasta actual para a pasta indicada. ;POPD muda a pasta actual para a ltima guardada com PUSHD. PASSOC mostra ou modifica associaes de extenses de ficheiros. Sintaxe: ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] ASSOC sem argumentos mostra as associaes actuais. Se usado s com uma extenso de ficheiro, mostra a sua associao actual. Se no indicar um tipo de ficheiro aps o sinal de igual, a associao actual removida, se existir alguma. FTYPE mostra ou modifica comandos abertos associados com tipos de ficheiro. Sintaxe: FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommand]]] Sem argumentos, mostra os tipos de ficheiro para os quais textos de comandos abertos esto definidos. Se usado apenas com um tipo de ficheiro, mostra os textos de comandos abertos associados que existam. Se no especificar um comando aberto depois do sinal de igual, remove o texto associado ao tipo de ficheiro especificado. OMORE faz sada paginada do contedo de ficheiros ou do que receber de um tubo. CHOICE [<texto>] mostra o texto opcional e aguarda que o utilizador pressione uma tecla entre uma lista de opes. CHOICE usado principalmente para construir menus em ficheiros de lote. *Create a symbolic link. Syntax: MKLINK [options] link_name target Options: /d Create a directory symbolic link. /h Create a hard link. /j Create a directory junction. link_name is the name of the new symbolic link. target is the path that link_name points to. lEXIT termina a sesso de comando actual e retorna ao sistema operacional ou shell que tenha invocado o cmd. oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. GD #F* E*'C/ YN*File association missing for extension %1 *D' JH,/ #E1 EA*H- EB*1F (FH9 'DEDA'* '%1' 'DC*'() AHB %1 #C+1...?Les ordres integrades de CMD sn: ASSOC Mostra o modifica les associacions d'extensi de fitxer ATTRIB Mostra o canvia els atributs de fitxer de DOS CALL Invoca un fitxer BAT des de dins altre CD (CHDIR) Canvia el directori per defecte actual CHOICE Espera una pulsaci de tecla d'una llista seleccionable CLS Esborra la pantalla de consola COPY Copia un fitxer CTTY Canvia de dispositiu d'entrada/sortida DATE Mostra o canvia la data del sistema DEL (ERASE) Suprimeix un fitxer o conjunt de fitxers DIR Mostra el contingut d'un directori ECHO Copia text directament a la sortida de la consola ENDLOCAL Acaba la localitzaci de canvis d'entorn en un fitxer BAT FTYPE Mostra o modifica els ordres d'obertura associats amb els tipus de fitxer HELP Mostra detalls breus sobre un tema MD (MKDIR) Crea un subdirectori MKLINK Crea un enlla simblic MORE Mostra la sortida en pgines MOVE Desplaa un fitxer, conjunt de fitxers o arbre de directori PATH Estableix o mostra el cam de cerca PAUSE Suspn l'execuci d'un fitxer BAT POPD Restaura el directori a l'ltim desat amb la PUSHD PROMPT Canvia l'indicador d'ordres PUSHD Canvia a un directori nou, desant l'actual REN (RENAME) Canvia el nom d'un fitxer RD (RMDIR) Suprimeix un subdirectori SET Estableix o mostra les variables d'entorn SETLOCAL Comena la localitzaci de canvis d'entorn en un fitxer BAT START Inicia un programa o obrir un document en el programa associat TIME Estableix o mostra l'hora de sistema actual TITLE Estableix el ttol de finestra de la sessi CMD TYPE Bolca el contingut d'un fitxer de text VER Mostra la versi actual del CMD VOL Mostra l'etiqueta de volum d'un dispositiu de disc XCOPY Copia fitxers o arbres de directori a una destinaci EXIT Tanca el CMD Introduu HELP <ordre> per ms informaci sobre qualsevulla de les ordres anteriors. N'esteu segur?SN3Manca una associaci de fitxer per a l'extensi %1 DNo hi ha cap ordre d'obertura associada amb el tipus de fitxer '%1' Voleu sobreescriure %1?Ms...BVestavn pYkazy CMD jsou: ASSOC Zobraz nebo zmn asociace pYpon souboro ATTRIB Zobraz nebo nastav DOS-ovsk souborov attributy CALL Zavol dvkov soubor z jinho CD (CHDIR) Zmn pracovn adresY CHOICE ek na stisk tla tka z volitelnho seznamu CLS Vyma~e okno terminlu COPY Kopruje soubory CTTY Zmn vstupn/vstupn zaYzen DATE Uk~e nebo nastav systmov datum DEL (ERASE) Sma~e jeden nebo vce souboro DIR Vypae obsah adresYe ECHO Vypae text na terminl ENDLOCAL Ukon  lokalizaci zmn prostYed v dvkovm souboru FTYPE Zobraz nebo zmn pYkazy pro otevYen pYiYazen k typom souboro HELP Zobraz detailn npovdu k tmatu MD (MKDIR) VytvoY adresY MKLINK VytvoY symbolick odkaz MORE Zobraz vstup ve strnkch MOVE PYesune soubor, skupinu souboro nebo adresYov strom PATH Nastav nebo uk~e prohledvan cesty PAUSE Usp spuatn dvkovho souboru POPD Obnov adresY na posledn ulo~en pomoc PUSHD PROMPT Zmn vzvu pYkazovho Ydku PUSHD Zmn adresY na nov, star ulo~ REN (RENAME) PYejmenuje soubor RD (RMDIR) Sma~e podadresY SET Nastav nebo zobraz promnn prostYed SETLOCAL Spust lokalizaci zmn prostYed v dvkovm souboru START Spust program nebo otevYe dokument v pYiYazenm programu TIME Uk~e i nastav systmov as TITLE Nastav titulek okna b~c CMD instance TYPE Vypae obsah textovho souboru VER Zobraz verzi CMD VOL Uk~e jmenovku disku XCOPY Zkopruje zdrojov soubory nebo adresYov vtve do cle EXIT Ukon  CMD Zadejte HELP <pYkaz> pro podrobnja informace o nkterm z vae uvedench pYkazo. Jste si jist()?AN2Pro soubory s pYponou %1 nen pYiYazena aplikace ;Pro otevrn souboru typu  %1 nen pYiYazen ~dn soubor PYepsat %1?Vce...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Er du sikker?JN)Manglende filtilknytning for endelsen %1 0Ingen ben kommando er tilknyttet filtypen '%1' Overskriv %1?Mere...VIn CMD eingebaute Befehle sind: ASSOC Zeigt oder ndert die Zuordnung von Dateierweiterungen ATTRIB Zeigt oder ndert die DOS-Dateieigenschaften CALL Ruft eine Batch-Datei innerhalb einer anderen auf CD (CHDIR) Wechselt in ein Verzeichnis CHOICE Wartet auf einen Tastendruck aus einer whlbaren Liste CLS Lscht den Inhalt der Konsole COPY Kopiert eine Datei CTTY ndert das Eingabe/Ausgabe-Gert DATE Zeigt oder ndert das Systemdatum DEL (ERASE) Lscht eine oder mehrere Dateien DIR Listet den Inhalt eines Verzeichnisses ECHO Kopiert den Text direkt zur Konsolenausgabe ENDLOCAL Beendet die Begrenzung der Gltigkeit von nderungen FTYPE Zeigt oder ndert den ffnen-Befehl fr eine Dateierweiterung HELP Zeigt detaillierte Informationen zu einen Thema MD (MKDIR) Erzeugt ein Unterverzeichnis MKLINK Legt einen symbolischen Link an MORE Zeigt die Ausgabe seitenweise an MOVE Bewegt eine oder mehrere Dateien oder einen Verzeichnisbaum PATH Setzt oder zeigt den Suchpfad an PAUSE Die Ausfhrung eine Stapelverarbeitungsdatei unterbrechen POPD Stellt das letzte mit PUSHD gesicherte Verzeichnis wieder her PROMPT ndert den Befehlszeilenprompt PUSHD Wechselt in ein neues Verzeichnis und sichert das aktuelle REN (RENAME) Benennt eine Datei um RD (RMDIR) Lscht ein Unterverzeichnis SET Setzt oder zeigt die Umgebungsvariablen an SETLOCAL Startet die Begrenzung der Gltigkeit von nderungen START Startet ein Programm oder ffnet ein Dokument TIME Setzt oder zeigt die aktuelle Systemzeit an TITLE Setzt den Fenstertitel fr die CMD - Sitzung TYPE Gibt den Inhalt einer Textdatei aus VER Zeigt die aktuelle Version von CMD an VOL Zeigt die Bezeichnung eines Laufwerkes an XCOPY Kopiert Dateien oder Verzeichnisse an einen Zielort EXIT Beendet den CMD Geben Sie HELP <Befehl> ein, um weitere Informationen zu einem der obigen Befehle zu erhalten. Sind Sie sicher?JN%Verknpfung fr Dateiendung %1 fehlt )Kein Befehl zum ffnen fr Dateityp '%1' %1 berschreiben?Mehr...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localisation of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Are you sure?YN*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' Overwrite %1?More...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Est seguro?SN5Falta una asociacin de archivo para la extensin %1 @Ningn comando de apertura asociado con el tipo de archivo '%1' Sobrescribir %1?Ms...CMD:n valmiit komennot: ASSOC Nyt tai muuta tiedostoptteiden kytkentj ATTRIB Nyt tai muuta DOS-tiedostoattribuutteja CALL Kutsu komentojonotiedostoa toisen sislt CD (CHDIR) Vaihda nykyist oletushakemistoa CHOICE Odota listalla olevan nppimen painallusta CLS Tyhjenn komentorivi-ikkuna COPY Kopioi tiedosto CTTY Vaihda ptelaitetta DATE Nyt tai muuta jrjestelmn pivyst DEL (ERASE) Poista tiedosto tai tiedostojoukko DIR Listaa hakemiston sislt ECHO Kopioi teksti suoraan tulosteeseen ENDLOCAL Lopeta ympristmuutosten paikallisuus komentojonotiedostossa FTYPE Nyt tai muuta tiedostotyyppeihin liitettyj avoimia komentoja HELP Nyt aiheeseen liittyvi lyhyit yksityiskohtia MD (MKDIR) Luo alihakemisto MKLINK Luo symbolinen linkki MORE Nyt tuloste sivuina MOVE Siirr tiedostoa, tiedostojoukkoa tai hakemistopuuta PATH Aseta tai nyt hakupolku PAUSE Keskeyt komentojonotiedoston suoritus POPD Palauta hakemisto viimeisimpn PUSHD:ll tallennettuun PROMPT Muuta komentokehotetta PUSHD Vaihda uuteen hakemistoon tallentaen nykyinen REN (RENAME) Nime tiedosto uudelleen RD (RMDIR) Poista alihakemisto SET Aseta tai nyt ympristmuuttujia SETLOCAL Aloita ympristmuutosten paikallisuus komentojonotiedostossa START Kynnist ohjelma tai avaa dokumentti siihen kytketyll ohjelmalla TIME Aseta tai nyt jrjestelmn nykyinen aika TITLE Aseta ikkunan otsikko CMD-istunnolle TYPE Kirjoita tekstitiedoston sislt VER Nyt CMD:n nykyinen versio VOL Nyt levyaseman levyn nimi XCOPY Kopioi lhdetiedostot tai hakemistopuut kohteeseen EXIT Sulje CMD Kirjoita HELP <komento>, niin saat listietoa yll olevasta komennosta. Oletko varma?KE'Ptteell %1 ei ole tiedostokytkent 4Tiedostotyyppiin '%1' ei ole liitetty avauskomentoa Kirjoita tiedoston %1 yli?Lis...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. tes-vous sr(e)?ON5Association de fichier manquante pour l'extension %1 EAucune commande d'ouverture n'est associe au type de fichier %1 craser %1?Plus...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Biztos benne?IN,%1 kiterjesztshez hinyzik a fjl trsts *'%1' fjltpushoz nincs trstott parancs %1 fellrhat?Tbb...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Sei sicuro?SN2Associazione di file mancante per l'estensione %1 >Nessun comando di apertura associato con il tipo di file '%1' Sovrascrivere %1? Di pi...CMD Q5n00000: ASSOC 0000b5_P[n0#NQ00h:y~0_0o0 Yf ATTRIB DOS0000n0^\'`0h:y~0_0o0 Yf CALL Yn0000 00000|Ts0QW0 CD (CHDIR) 0000 0000000 Yf CHOICE xb000n000eQR0__j CLS 00000;ub0000 COPY 00000000 CTTY eQR/QR00000 Yf DATE 0000n0eN0h:y~0_0o0 Yf DEL (ERASE) 00000JRd DIR 000000n0Q[0h:y ECHO eW[R0vc00000QRk0000 ENDLOCAL 000 0000g0n0tX Yfn0@\@bS0B}N FTYPE 0000 000n00000 00000h:y~0_0o0 Yf HELP 0000k0d0D0f0!|Toj00000h:y MD (MKDIR) 000000000\Ob MKLINK 000000 0000\Ob MORE QR0000:SR0g0h:y MOVE 0000~0_0o0000000 0000yR PATH 000h:y~0_0o0-[ PAUSE 000 0000n0[L0NBf\Pbk POPD PUSHDg0g_k0OX[W0_0000000k0 Yf PROMPT 0000 000000 Yf PUSHD s(Wn00000000OX[W00e000000k0 Yf REN (RENAME) 000000000 RD (RMDIR) 000000000JRd SET tX Ype0-[~0_0o0h:y SETLOCAL 000 0000g0n0tX Yfn0@\@bS0Y START 000000Y0~0_0o0#NQ0_000000g0ef0O0 TIME 0000n0Bf;R0-[~0_0o0h:y TITLE CMD 00000n000000 00000-[ TYPE 0000 0000n0Q[0QR VER CMD n0000000h:y VOL 0000 0000n000000 0000h:y XCOPY 0CQn000000000000 0000B0f0HQk0000 EXIT CMD 0B}N Nn00000k0Y00s0}`1X0h:yY00k0o0 HELP <0000 T> h0eQRW0f0 N U0D00 00W0D0g0Y0K0?YNb5_P[ %1 k0[Y000000#NQ0L0B00~0[00 #0000 000 '%1' k0#NQ000_0O00000L0B00~0[00  NfM0 %1?}O0...CMD 9: ASSOC | U֥Dž ŰD p  ATTRIB ij | 1D p 0 CALL 0X | H x | 8֜X0 CD (CHDIR) ֬ 0  0Ѭ 0 CHOICE \ ] | ` LL 0䲼 CLS Xϔ Tt hWXՌ X0 COPY | CTTY /% X 0 DATE ¤\ p 0 DEL (ERASE) X՘X |tǘ |D p DIR  0Ѭ 0 ECHO 8| \ Tt %<\ ENDLOCAL 0X | XֽX TX ]D L$ FTYPE |  ( 0 9 0   HELP (X ɹ\ ijй mթ MD (MKDIR) X  0Ѭ ̹0 MKLINK l ̹0 MORE t % 0 MOVE | tǘ |,  0Ѭ lp tٳ PATH \ p $X0 PAUSE 0X | ‰D ´ POPD PUSHD\ ȹɹ<\ ȥLjX  0Ѭ\ ̳D0 PROMPT 9 t0 0 PUSHD ֬  0Ѭ| ȥX,  0Ѭ\ 0 REN (RENAME) | tDŽ 0 RD (RMDIR) X  0Ѭ p SET Xֽ  p 0 SETLOCAL 0X | XֽX T ‘D L$ START \D ‰¤p,Ű \<\ 8 0 TIME ¤\  0 TITLE CMD 8XX = ȩ $ TYPE MѤ¸ |X 0 VER CMD ֬  0 VOL l XX h t 0 XCOPY |tǘ  0Ѭ lp| h EXIT CMD 0 HELP <9>D Xt 9X 8\ | \iȲ. UiȲL?YNt |U֥ǐ %1 Ű \t ŵȲ t |  '%1' Ű Š\ 9ij ŵȲ' %1D(|) n ȲL?T...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Bent u zeker?JN.Bestandsassociatie ontbreekt voor extensie %1 3Geen open commando verbonden met bestandstype '%1' Overschrijf %1?Meer...kWbudowane polecenia CMD to: ASSOC Pokazuje lub zmienia skojarzenia rozszerzeD plikw ATTRIB Pokazuje lub zmienia atrybuty pliku CALL WywoBuje plik bat z innego pliku CD (CHDIR) Zmienia bie|cy katalog CHOICE Czeka na naci[nicie klawisza z wybieranej listy CLS Czy[ci ekran konsoli COPY Kopiuje plik CTTY Zmienia urzdzenie wyj[cia/wej[cia DATE Pokazuje lub zmienia dat systemow DEL (ERASE) Usuwa plik lub pliki DIR Wy[wietla zawarto[ katalogu ECHO Kopiuje tekst na wyj[cie konsoli ENDLOCAL Koniec zmiany ustawieD regionalnych [rodowiska w pliku wsadowym FTYPE Pokazuje lub zmienia polecenia otwarcia skojarzone z typami plikw HELP Wy[wietla dokBadniejsz pomoc o komendzie MD (MKDIR) Tworzy katalog MKLINK Tworzy nawizanie symboliczne MORE Wy[wietla wyj[cie strona po stronie MOVE Przenosi katalog lub pliki PATH Ustawia lub wy[wietla [cie|k przeszukiwania PAUSE Wstrzymuje wykonywanie pliku wsadowego POPD Wraca do katalogu zapamitanego przez PUSHD PROMPT Zmienia tekst zgBoszenia PUSHD Przechodzi do nowego katalogu zapamitujc stary REN (RENAME) Zmienia nazw pliku RD (RMDIR) Usuwa katalog SET Ustawia lub wy[wietla zmienne [rodowiskowe SETLOCAL Pocztek zmiany ustawieD regionalnych [rodowiska w pliku wsadowym START Uruchom program lub otwrz dokument w skojarzonym programie TIME Ustawia lub wy[wietla czas TITLE Ustawia tytuB okna CMD TYPE Wy[wietla zawarto[ pliku VER Wy[wietla wersj CMD VOL Wy[wietla etykiet dysku XCOPY Kopiuje pliki lub drzewa katalogw z miejsca zrdBowego do docelowego EXIT Zamyka CMD Wpisz HELP <polecenie> dla dalszych informacji o ktrymkolwiek z tych poleceD. Czy jeste[ pewien?TN+Brak skojarzenia pliku dla rozszerzenia %1 6Brak skojarzenia polecenia otwrz z typem plikw '%1' Czy zastpi %1? Wicej...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Suntei sigur?DN1Lipsete asocierea cu fiiere pentru extensia %1 FNici o comand de deschidere nu este asociat cu tipul de fiier  %1 Suprascrie %1? Mai mult...AB@>5==K5 :><0=4K CMD: ASSOC >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B A>?>AB02;5=8O B8?>2 D09;>2 ATTRIB >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B DOS-0B@81CBK D09;0 CALL K7K205B >48= bat-D09; 87 4@C3>3> CD (CHDIR) 7<5=O5B B5:CI89 :0B0;>3 CHOICE 4QB 2K1>@0 87 A?8A:0 CLS G8I05B M:@0= :>=A>;8 COPY >?8@C5B D09;(K) CTTY 7<5=O5B CAB@>9AB2> 22>40/2K2>40 DATE >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B A8AB5<=CN 40BC DEL (ERASE) #40;O5B D09; 8;8 =5A:>;L:> D09;>2 DIR K2>48B A>45@68<>5 :0B0;>30 ECHO K2>48B B5:AB =5?>A@54AB25==> 2 :>=A>;L ENDLOCAL 0:0=G8205B 459AB285 ;>:0;L=KE 87<5=5=89 >:@C65=8O FTYPE K2>48B 8;8 87<5=O5B :><0=4K >B:@KB8O, A2O70==K5 A B8?0<8 D09;>2 HELP >:07K205B :@0B:CN ?>4A:07:C ?> :><0=45 MD (MKDIR) !>740QB :0B0;>3 MKLINK !>740QB A8<2>;8G5A:CN AAK;:C MORE K2>48B 40==K5 ?> AB@0=8F0< MOVE 5@5<5I05B D09;, =5A:>;L:> D09;>2 8;8 45@52> :0B0;>3>2 PATH >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B ?CBL ?>8A:0 ?@>3@0<< PAUSE AB0=02;8205B 8A?>;=5=85 bat-D09;a POPD >AAB0=02;8205B ?@54K4CI89 B5:CI89 :0B0;>3, A>E@0=Q==K9 A ?><>ILN PROMPT 7<5=O5B ?@83;0H5=85 :><0=4=>9 AB@>:8 PUSHD !>E@0=O5B B5:CI89 :0B0;>3 8 ?5@5E>48B 2 4@C3>9 REN (RENAME) 5@58<5=>2K205B D09; RD (RMDIR) #40;O5B :0B0;>3 SET >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B ?5@5<5==K5 >:@C65=8O SETLOCAL 0G8=05B 459AB285 ;>:0;L=KE 87<5=5=89 >:@C65=8O START 0?CA:05B ?@>3@0<<C, 8;8 >B:@K205B D09; 2 A>>B25BAB2CNI59 ?@>3@0<<5 TIME >:07K205B 8;8 87<5=O5B B5:CI55 A8AB5<=>5 2@5<O TITLE #AB0=02;8205B 703>;>2>: >:=0 cmd 4;O B5:CI59 A5AA88 TYPE K2>48B A>45@68<>5 B5:AB>2>3> D09;0 VER >:07K205B B5:CICN 25@A8N CMD VOL >:07K205B <5B:C B><0 48A:>2>3> CAB@>9AB20 XCOPY >?8@C5B D09;K 8;8 45@52LO :0B0;>3>2 EXIT 0:@K205B CMD K?>;=8B5 HELP <:><0=40> 4;O 4>?>;=8B5;L=>9 8=D>@<0F88 ?> ?5@5G8A;5==K< :><0=40<. K C25@5=K?YN!5B 0AA>F80F88 4;O @0AH8@5=8O %1 95 @01>B05B :><0=40, 0AA>F88@>20==0O A B8?>< D09;>2 %1 5@570?8A0BL %1? 0;LH5...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Da li ste sigurni?DN*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' Pisati preko %1?Viae...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Are you sure?ON*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' Overwrite %1?More...!CMD:s inbyggda kommandon r: ASSOC Visa eller ndra filassociationer ATTRIB Visa eller ndra DOS-filers attribut CALL Anropa en batchfil inifrn en annan CD (CHDIR) ndra nuvarande standardskvg CHOICE Vnta p en tangenttryckning frn en valbar lista CLS Rensa konsolen COPY Kopiera en fil CTTY ndra enhet fr inmatning/utmatning DATE Visa eller ndra systemets tid DEL (ERASE) Ta bort en eller flera filer DIR Visa innehllet av en mapp ECHO Skriv ut inmatad text ENDLOCAL Avsluta lokalisering av miljndringar i en kommandofil FTYPE Visa eller ndra kommandon associerade med filtyper HELP Visa hjlpavsnitt om specificerat omrde MD (MKDIR) Skapa en mapp i skvgen MORE Visa resultatet i sidor MOVE Flytta en fil eller en mapp med alla dess filer/mappar under PATH Visa eller stll in skvgen PAUSE Pausa krning av en kommandofil POPD terstll mappen till skvgen sist sparad med PUSHD PROMPT ndra kommandoprompten PUSHD Spara den nuvarande skvgen i en stack REN (RENAME) Byt namn p en fil RD (RMDIR) Ta bort en mapp SET Visa eller stll in miljvariabler SETLOCAL Brja lokalisering av miljndringar i en kommandofil START Starta ett program, eller ppna ett dokument i programmet som normalt anvnds TIME Visa eller stll in systemets tid TITLE Stll in titeln fr CMD:s session TYPE Skriv ut innehllet av en fil VER Visa CMD:s version VOL Visa namnet p specificerad enhet XCOPY Kopiera kllfiler eller katalogtrd till ett ml EXIT Stng CMD Skriv HELP <kommando> fr mer information om ngot av kommandona ovanfr. r du sker?JN0Det finns ingen filassociation fr filformat %1 *Ingen kommando frknippat med filtyp '%1' Skriva ver %1?Mer...CMD ile gelen komutlar: ASSOC Dosya uzant1s1 ili_kilendirmelerini gster veya dzenle ATTRIB DOS dosya zelliklerini gster veya dei_tir CALL Toplu i_lem dosyas1 ierisinden bir dierini al1_t1r CD (CHDIR) ^imdiki dizini dei_tir CHOICE Seilebilir listeden bir tu_a bas1lmas1n1 bekle CLS Konsol ekran1n1 temizle COPY Dosya kopyala CTTY Giri_/1k1_ ayg1t1n1 dei_tir DATE Sistem tarihini gster veya dei_tir DEL (ERASE) Bir veya daha fazla dosyay1 sil DIR Dizin ieriini listele ECHO Metni dorudan konsol 1k1_1na kopyala ENDLOCAL Ortam dei_iklikleri yerelle_tirmesini, bir toplu dosyada sonland1r FTYPE Dosya trleri ile ili_kilendirilmi_ a komutlar1n1 gster veya dzenle HELP Bir konu zerine zet yard1m gster MD (MKDIR) Alt dizin olu_tur MKLINK Bir simgesel balant1 olu_tur MORE 1kt1y1 sayfalar halinde grntle MOVE Bir veya daha fazla dosyay1 ya da dizin aac1n1 ta_1 PATH Arama yolunu dzenle veya gster PAUSE Bir toplu i_ dosyas1n1n al1_mas1n1 durdur POPD PUSHD ile kaydedilen son dizini onar PROMPT Komut istemini dei_tir PUSHD Yeni dizine gei_ yap, _imdikini kaydet REN (RENAME) Dosyay1 yeniden adland1r RD (RMDIR) Alt dizini sil SET evre dei_kenlerini dzenle veya gster SETLOCAL Ortam dei_iklikleri yerelle_tirmesini bir toplu dosyada ba_lat START 0li_kili programda bir program ba_lat veya bir belge a TIME ^imdiki sistem saatini dzenle veya gster TITLE Komut istemi oturumu iin pencere ba_l11n1 belirle TYPE Metin dosyas1n1n ieriini gster VER ^imdiki komut istemi srmn gster VOL Disk ayg1t1n1n birim etiketini gster XCOPY Kaynak dosyalar1 veya dizin aalar1n1 bir hedefe kopyala EXIT Komut istemini kapat Yukar1daki komutlar hakk1nda daha fazla bilgi iin HELP <komut> yaz1n1z. Emin misiniz?EH.%1 uzant1s1 iin dosya ili_kilendirmesi eksik ;'%1' dosya tr iin ili_kilendirilmi_ bir ama komutu yok %1 zerine yaz1ls1n m1? Daha Fazla...1C4>20=V :><0=48 CMD: ASSOC >:070B8 B0 7<V=8B8 0A>FV0FVW D09;>28E @>7H8@5=L ATTRIB V4>1@065==O G8 7<V=0 0B@81CBV2 D09;C DOS CALL 0?CA: ?0:5B=>3> D09;C 2A5@548=V V=H>3> CD (CHDIR) <V=0 ?>B>G=>W B5:8 70 70<>2GC20==O< CHOICE GV:C20==O =0 =0B8A=5==O :;02VHV 7 >1@0=>3> ?5@5;V:C CLS G8I5==O 5:@0=C :>=A>;V COPY >?VN20==O D09;C CTTY <V=0 ?@8AB@>N 22>4C/282>4C DATE V4>1@065==O G8 7<V=0 A8AB5<=>W 40B8 DEL (ERASE) 840;5==O D09;C G8 =01>@C D09;V2 DIR V4>1@065==O 2<VABC B5:8 ECHO >?VN20==O B5:ABC ?@O<> 2 :>=A>;L=89 282V4 ENDLOCAL V=5FL ;>:0;V70FVW 7<V= >B>G5==O 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V FTYPE >:07 B0 7<V=0 :><0=4 2V4:@8BBO, 0A>FV9>20=8E 7 B8?0<8 D09;V2 HELP >:07 :>@>B:>W 4>2V4:>2>W V=D>@<0FVW ?@> :><0=4C MD (MKDIR) !B2>@5==O ?V4B5:8 MKLINK !B2>@5==O A8<2>;L=>3> ?>A8;0==O MORE V4>1@065==O 282>4C AB>@V=:0<8 MOVE 5@5<VI5==O D09;C, =01>@C D09;V2 G8 45@520 :0B0;>3V2 PATH 040==O G8 2V4>1@065==O H;OEC ?>HC:C PAUSE @87C?8=8B8 28:>=0==O ?0:5BC POPD V4=>2;NT B5:C 4> >AB0==L>W 715@565=>W :><0=4>N PUSHD PROMPT <V=0 70?@>H5==O :><0=4=>3> @O4:0 PUSHD 5@5E>48BL 4> =>2>W B5:8, 715@V30NG8 ?>B>G=C REN (RENAME) 5@59<5=C20==O D09;C RD (RMDIR) 840;5==O ?V4B5:8 SET 040==O G8 2V4>1@065==O 7<V==8E >B>G5==O SETLOCAL >G0B>: ;>:0;V70FVW 7<V= >B>G5==O 2 ?0:5B=><C D09;V START 0?CAB8B8 ?@>3@0<C G8 2V4:@8B8 4>:C<5=B 2 ?@8T4=0=V9 ?@>3@0<V TIME 040==O G8 2V4>1@065==O ?>B>G=>3> A8AB5<=>3> G0AC TITLE 040==O 703>;>2:0 2V:=0 4;O ?>B>G=>W A5AVW CMD TYPE 82545==O 2<VABC B5:AB>2>3> D09;C VER V4>1@065==O ?>B>G=>W 25@AVW CMD VOL V4>1@065==O <VB:8 B><C 48A:>2>3> ?@8AB@>N XCOPY >?VN20==O D09;V2 B0 45@520 :0B0;>3V2 EXIT 8EV4 7 CMD 254VBL HELP <:><0=40> 4;O 45B0;L=VH>W V=D>@<0FVW ?@> 28I5=02545=V :><0=48. 8 2?52=5=V?"-$09;>20 0A>FV0FVO 4;O @>7H8@5==O %1 2V4ACB=O <5<0T :><0=48 2V4:@8BBO, 0A>FV9>20=>W 7 D09;>28< B8?>< '%1' 5@570?8A0B8 %1? V;LH5...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Ali ste prepri ani?DN'Manjka povezava datoteke za pripono %1 6Noben ukaz za odprtje ni povezan z vrsto datotek '%1' Prepiai %1?Ve  ...CMD /taisytos komandos yra: ASSOC Rodyti ar modifikuoti fails prievard~is susiejimus ATTRIB Rodyti ar keisti DOS failo po~ymius CALL Kviesti komands fail ia kito komands failo CD (CHDIR) Pakeisti dabartin/ numatytj/ katalog CHOICE Laukti klaviao paspaudimo ia pasirinkims sraao CLS Iavalyti pulto ekran COPY Kopijuoti fail CTTY Pakeisti /vedimo/iavedimo /rengin/ DATE Rodyti ar keisti sistemos dat DEL (ERASE) `alinti fail ar fails rinkin/ DIR Pateikti katalogo turin/ ECHO Kopijuoti tekst tiesiai / pulto iavedim ENDLOCAL Baigti aplinkos pakeitims lokalizavim komands faile FTYPE Rodyti ar modifikuoti atvrimo komandas susietas su fails tipais HELP Parodyti trump pagalb apie tem MD (MKDIR) Sukurti pakatalog/ MKLINK Sukurti simbolin nuorod MORE Rodyti iavedim puslapiais MOVE Perkelti fail, fails rinkin/ ar katalogs med/ PATH Nustatyti ar parodyti paieakos keli PAUSE Sulaikyti komands failo vykdym POPD Atstato katalog / paskutin/ iasaugot su PUSHD PROMPT Kei ia komandos raginim PUSHD Pakei ia / nauj katalog, iasaugo dabartin/ REN (RENAME) Pervadinti fail RD (RMDIR) `alinti pakatalog/ SET Nustatyti ar parodyti aplinkos kintamuosius SETLOCAL Pradti aplinkos pakeitims lokalizavim komands faile START Paleisti program arba atverti dokument susietoje programoje TIME Nustatyti ar parodyti dabartin/ sistemos laik TITLE Nustatyti CMD seanso lango antraat TYPE Iavesti tekstinio failo turin/ VER Parodyti dabartin CMD versij VOL Parodyti disks /taiso tomo vard XCOPY Kopijuoti aaltinio failus ar katalogs med~ius / paskirt/ EXIT U~verti CMD .veskite HELP <komanda> platesnei informacijai apie iavardintas komandas gauti. Ar tikrai?TN(Trkksta failo susiejimo prievard~iui %1 4Jokia atvrimo komanda nesusieta su failo tipu  %1 Perraayti %1? Daugiau...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. ?YN*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' %1 ? ...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. De xuru?SN*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' Sobrescribir %1?Ms...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. `x[UYN:\(ue^8Oj T %1 vjHhܕo l gjHh^W %1 vܕov_U}TN [ %1fY...oCMD built-in commands are: ASSOC Show or modify file extension associations ATTRIB Show or change DOS file attributes CALL Invoke a batch file from inside another CD (CHDIR) Change current default directory CHOICE Wait for an keypress from a selectable list CLS Clear the console screen COPY Copy file CTTY Change input/output device DATE Show or change the system date DEL (ERASE) Delete a file or set of files DIR List the contents of a directory ECHO Copy text directly to the console output ENDLOCAL End localization of environment changes in a batch file FTYPE Show or modify open commands associated with file types HELP Show brief help details on a topic MD (MKDIR) Create a subdirectory MKLINK Create a symbolic link MORE Display output in pages MOVE Move a file, set of files or directory tree PATH Set or show the search path PAUSE Suspend execution of a batch file POPD Restore the directory to the last one saved with PUSHD PROMPT Change the command prompt PUSHD Change to a new directory, saving the current one REN (RENAME) Rename a file RD (RMDIR) Delete a subdirectory SET Set or show environment variables SETLOCAL Start localization of environment changes in a batch file START Start a program, or open a document in the associated program TIME Set or show the current system time TITLE Set the window title for the CMD session TYPE Type the contents of a text file VER Show the current version of CMD VOL Show the volume label of a disk device XCOPY Copy source files or directory trees to a destination EXIT Close down CMD Enter HELP <command> for further information on any of the above commands. Are you sure?YN*File association missing for extension %1 /No open command associated with file type '%1' Overwrite %1?More...Innebygde kommandoer i CMD: ASSOC Viser eller endrer assosiasjoner for filetternavn ATTRIB Viser eller endrer DOS-filattributter CALL Kjrer en satsvis fil inne i en annen CD (CHDIR) Endrer arbeidskatalog CHOICE Venter p ett tastetrykk fra en valgbar liste CLS Tmmer konsollskjermen COPY Kopierer filer CTTY Endrer inn/ut-enhet DATE Viser eller endrer systemdatoen DEL (ERASE) Sletter n eller flere filer DIR Viser innholdet i en katalog ECHO Kopierer tekst direkte til konsoll-utdataen ENDLOCAL Stopper lokalisering av endringer i miljvariabler i en satsvis fil FTYPE Viser eller endrer kommandoer for pning av ulike filtyper HELP Viser en kort hjelpebeskrivelse om et emne MD (MKDIR) Lager en underkatalog MKLINK Opprett en symbolsk lenke MORE Viser utdata i sider MOVE Flytter n eller flere filer, eller et katalogtre PATH Endrer eller viser skestien PAUSE Stopp kjring av en satsvis fil midlertidig POPD Endrer arbeidskatalog til den sist lagret med PUSHD PROMPT Endrer kommando-klartegnet PUSHD Endrer arbeidskatalog og lagrer den gjeldende REN (RENAME) Gir nytt navn til en fil RD (RMDIR) Sletter en underkatalog SET Angir eller viser miljvariabler SETLOCAL Start lokalisering av miljendringer i en statsvis fil START Starter et program eller pner et dokument i det tilordnede programmet TIME Angir eller viser gjeldende systemtid TITLE Angir vindustittelen for CMD-kten TYPE Viser innholdet i en tekstfil VER Viser CMDs versjonnummer VOL Viser volumnavnet til en diskenhet XCOPY Kopierer kildefiler eller et katalogtre til et ml EXIT Avslutter CMD Skriv HELP <kommando> for mer informasjon om kommandoene ovenfor. Er du sikker?JN,Fant ingen filtilknytning for filtypen "%1" 0Ingen pne-kommando er tilknyttet filtypen "%1" Skrive over %1?Mer...Os comando embutidos do CMD so: ASSOC Mostra ou modifica associaes de extenses de arquivo ATTRIB Mostra ou altera atributos de arquivo DOS CALL Invoca um arquivo de lote dentro de outro CD (CHDIR) Altera o diretrio padro atual CHOICE Aguarda que seja pressionada uma tecla de uma lista de seleo CLS Limpa a tela do console COPY Copia arquivos CTTY Muda o dispositivo de entrada/sada DATE Mostra ou altera a data do sistema DEL (ERASE) Exclui um arquivo ou conjunto de arquivos DIR Lista os contedos de um diretrio ECHO Copia texto diretamente para a sada do console ENDLOCAL Termina as mudanas de ambiente num arquivo de lote FTYPE Mostra ou altera comandos de abertura associados a tipos de arquivo HELP Mostra uma breve ajuda em um tpico MD (MKDIR) Cria um subdiretrio MORE Exibe a sada em pginas MOVE Move um arquivo, conjunto de arquivos ou rvore de diretrios PATH Configura o caminho de busca PAUSE Suspende a execuo de um arquivo de lote POPD Restaura o diretrio ao ltimo salvo com o PUSHD PROMPT Altera o prompt de comando PUSHD Muda para um novo diretrio, salvando o atual REN (RENAME) Renomeia um arquivo RD (RMDIR) Apaga um subdiretrio SET Configura ou mostra variveis de ambiente SETLOCAL Inicia as mudanas de ambiente num arquivo de lote START Inicia um programa ou abre um documento no programa associado TIME Configura ou mostra a hora atual do sistema TITLE Configura o ttulo da janela de comando CMD TYPE Mostra o contedo de um arquivo de texto VER Mostra a verso atual do CMD VOL Mostra o rtulo do volume de uma unidade de disco XCOPY Copia arquivos ou rvores de diretrios para um destino EXIT Fecha o CMD Entre HELP <comando> para mais informaes sobre um dos comandos acima. Tem certeza?SN2Associao de arquivo faltando para a extenso %1 =Nenhum comando de abertura associado ao tipo de arquivo '%1' Sobrescrever %1?Mais...CMD vQ^}TNY N ASSOC >f:ybf9eeNibU\ TsQT ATTRIB >f:ybf9e DOS eN^\'` CALL (WybYteN-N(uSN*NybYteN CD (CHDIR) f9eS_MRv؞vU_ CHOICE (W US-NI{_ c.eQ CLS nzzc6RS COPY Y6ReN CTTY fbceQQY DATE >f:ybf9e|~eg DEL (ERASE) RdN*NbN~eN DIR RQvU_-NvQ[ ECHO \e,gvc Y6R0Rc6RSQ ENDLOCAL ~bkybYteN-N[sXf9ev,g0WS FTYPE >f:ybf9eeN{|WsQTvSb_}TN HELP >f:yg*N;Nv.^ROo`iȉ MD (MKDIR) R^P[vU_ MKLINK R^&{Sc MORE Ru>f:yQ MOVE yRN*NbY*NeN bte*NvU_h PATH nb>f:y}TNd"}_ PAUSE f\PybYteNvgbL POPD b` Y0R PUSHD OX[vgTN*NvU_ PROMPT f9e}TNc:y&{ PUSHD Rbc0RevU_v^OX[S_MRvvU_ REN (RENAME) ͑}T TeN RD (RMDIR) RdP[vU_ SET nb>f:ysXSϑ SETLOCAL _YybYteN-N[sXf9ev,g0WS START /TR z^bO(usQTv z^Sb_ech TIME nb>f:yS_MRv|~e TITLE n CMD O݋vzSh TYPE Qe,geNvQ[ VER >f:y CMD Hr,gS VOL >f:yxvYvwSh XCOPY \neNbvU_h Y6R0RvhMOn EXIT Q CMD eQ HELP <}TN> NSsQN N}TNv~Oo`0 nx[TYN:\ibU\ T %1 veNsQT l gNeN{|W "%1" vsQTvSb_}TN v %1fY...%CMD - os comando internos so: ASSOC Mostra ou modifica associaes de extenses de ficheiros ATTRIB Mostra ou modifica atributos de ficheiros DOS CALL Invoca um ficheiro de lote dentro de outro CD (CHDIR) Muda a pasta actual CHOICE Aguarda que uma tecla escolhida de uma lista seja pressionada CLS Limpa o ecr da consola COPY Copia ficheiros CTTY Muda o dispositivo de entrada/sada DATE Mostra ou muda a data do sistema DEL (ERASE) Apaga um ficheiro ou conjunto de ficheiros DIR Mostra o contedo de uma pasta ECHO Repete o texto diretamente na consola ENDLOCAL Termina localizao de mudanas de ambiente num ficheiro de lote FTYPE Mostra ou altera comandos abertos associados com tipos de ficheiro HELP Mostra ajudas curtas de um tpico MD (MKDIR) Cria uma pasta MKLINK Cria um enlace simblico MORE Mostra contedo pgina a pgina MOVE Move um ficheiro, conjunto de ficheiros ou uma rvore de pastas PATH Configura ou mostra o caminho de procura PAUSE Suspende a execuo de um ficheiro de lote POPD A pasta actual muda para a ltima pasta guardada com PUSHD PROMPT Muda a 'prompt' de comando PUSHD Muda para uma nova pasta, memorizando a actual REN (RENAME) Renomeia um ficheiro RD (RMDIR) Apaga uma sub-pasta SET Configura ou mostra variveis de ambiente SETLOCAL Inicia localizao de mudanas de ambiente num ficheiro de lote START Inicia um program ou abre um documento no programa associado TIME Configura ou mostra a hora atual do sistema TITLE Configura o ttulo da janela da sesso do comando CMD TYPE Mostra o contedo de um ficheiro texto VER Mostra a verso atual do CMD VOL Mostra o rtulo do volume de uma unidade de disco XCOPY Copia ficheiros ou uma rvore de pastas para um destino EXIT Fecha o CMD Digite HELP <comando> para mais informaes sobre qualquer destes comandos Tem a certeza?SN*File association missing for extension %1 CNo h nenhum comando aberto associado com o tipo de ficheiro '%1' Reescrever %1?Mais...0'D.7 'DE9'D, AJ 'DE.7H7) J(/H EB7H9K' . '3*./E: DE *FA0 (9/ FB5 AJ 'D%/.'D'* .7# (FJHJ %1: 'DEDA :J1 EH,H/ D' JH,/ E3'9/) AJ %1 )'DG/A 'D0J *1:( AJ 'D0G'( %DJG :J1 EH,H/ 'D*'1J. 'D-'DJ GH %1 'D*HBJ* 'D-'DJ GH %1 #/.D 'D*'1J. 'D,/J/: #/.D 'D*HBJ* 'D,/J/: E*:J1 'D(J&) %1 :J1 E91A A4D A*- '%1' ,DE J*ECF EF '3*/9'! G0' 'D'3E .'1, 'DE.7H7) A '-0A %1 WHi ha hagut una lnia possiblement truncada en el processament BAT. S'est utilitzant: Encara no implementat Manca un argument Error de sintaxi %1: Fitxer no trobat Cap ajuda disponible per a %1 Destinaci del GOTO no trobat La data actual s %1 L'hora actual s %1 Introduu data nova: Introduu hora nova: !Variable d'entorn %1 no definida S'ha fallat en obrir '%1' 9No es pot trucar a una etiqueta BAT fora d'un script BAT TVoleu suprimir %1?7Xdek v dvkovm zpracovn je mo~n zkrcen. Pou~it: Doposud neimplementovno Chybjc argument Chyba syntaxe %1: Soubor nebyl nalezen !Pro %1 nen k dispozici npovda "Cl ur en, v GOTO, nebyl nalezen Aktuln datum je %1 Aktuln as je %1 Zadejte nov as: Zadejte nov datum: &Promnn prostYed %1 nen definovan OtevYen  %1 se nezdaYilo 1Nelze volat ozna en dvky vn dvkovho skriptu V Smazat %1?-Linje i batchfil muligvis forkortet. Bruger: Ikke implementeret endnu Argument mangler Syntaks fejl %1: Filen ikke fundet Ingen hjlp tilgngelig for %1 GOTO Destination ikke fundet Nuvrende dato er %1 Nuvrende tid er %1 Skriv ny dato: Skriv ny tid: #Miljvariable %1 er ikke defineret Kunne ikke bne %1 ,Kan ikke kalde batch label udenfor batchfil ASlet %1?ODie Zeile bei der Batchverarbeitung ist mglicherweise abgeschnitten. Benutze: Noch nicht implementiert Argument fehlt Syntaxfehler %1: Datei nicht gefunden !Hilfe fr %1 ist nicht verfgbar -Das Sprungziel von GOTO wurde nicht gefunden Aktuelles Datum ist %1 Aktuelle Zeit ist %1 Geben Sie das neue Datum ein: Geben Sie die neue Zeit ein: -Die Umgebungsvariable %1 ist nicht definiert "'%1' konnte nicht geffnet werden =Kann kein Batch-Label auerhalb eines Batch-Skripts aufrufen A Lsche %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Not Yet Implemented Argument missing Syntax error %1: File Not Found No help available for %1 Target to GOTO not found Current Date is %1 Current Time is %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: $Environment variable %1 not defined Failed to open '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A Delete %1?@Lnea en procesamiento por lotes posiblemente truncada. Usando: An no implementado Falta un argumento Error de sintaxis %1: Archivo no encontrado No hay ayuda disponible para %1 6El destino de la instruccin GOTO no se ha encontrado La fecha actual es %1 La hora actual es %1 Ingrese la nueva fecha: Ingrese la nueva hora: #Variable de entorno %1 no definida No se pudo abrir '%1' ?No se puede llamar a una etiqueta fuera de un archivo de lotes T Eliminar %1?;Rivi komentojonossa on mahdollisesti katkennut. Kytetn: Ei viel toteutettu Argumentti puuttuu Syntaksivirhe %1: Tiedostoa ei lydy Ei ohjetta %1:lle %GOTO-komennolle ei lytynyt kohdetta Nykyinen pivys on %1 Nykyinen aika on %1 Syt uusi pivys: Syt uusi aika: $Ympristmuuttujaa %1 ei mritelty '%1' ei auennut =Komentojonon nimit ei voi kutsua komentojonon ulkopuolelta A Poista %1?FLigne du fichier de commandes probablement tronque. Utilisation de: Pas encore implment Argument manquant Erreur de syntaxe %1: fichier non trouv Aucune aide disponible pour %1 9La destination de l'instruction GOTO n'a pas t trouve La date courante est %1 L'heure courante est %1 Saisissez la nouvelle date: Saisissez la nouvelle heure: 1La variable d'environnement %1 n'est pas dfinie Impossible d'ouvrir %1 GImpossible de sauter vers une tiquette hors d'un fichier de commandes TSupprimer %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Not Yet Implemented Argument missing Syntax error %1: File Not Found No help available for %1 Target to GOTO not found Current Date is %1 Current Time is %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: $Environment variable %1 not defined Failed to open '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A Delete %1?DA ktegelt feldolgozsban lvQ sor lehet csonktva lesz. Hasznlja: Mg nincs megvalstva Hinyz paramter Szintaktikai hiba %1 fjl nem tallhat %1 -hez nem rhetQ el sg Ugrsi cl nem tallhat Aktulis dtum %1 Aktulis idQ %1 j dtum: j idQ: )%1 krnyezeti vltoz nincs meghatrozva '%1' megnyitsa sikertelen 4Nem lehet hvi batch cmkt a batch szkripten kvql M %1 trleat?;Linea nell'elaborazione Batch probabilmente troncata. Uso: Non ancora implementato Manca un parametro Errore di sintassi %1: File non trovato Nessun aiuto disponibile per %1 "Destinazione del GOTO non trovata La data attuale %1 L'ora attuale %1 Inserisci una nuova data: Inserisci una nuova ora: %Variabile d'ambiente %1 non definita Impossibile aprire '%1' BImpossibile chiamare un'etichetta batch fuori da uno script batch T Eliminare %1?000Qtn0LL0R0=h0U00_0S'`L0B00~0Y00[aL: ~0`0[ňU00f0D0~0[00 _peL0B00~0[00 ie000 %1: 0000L0d0K00~0[00 %1 k0[Y00000o0B00~0[00 GOTO n0[aL0d0K00~0[00 s(Wn0eNo0 %1 s(Wn0Bf;Ro0 %1 eW0D0eN0eQRW0f0O0`0U0D0: eW0D0Bf;R0eQRW0f0O0`0U0D0: tX Ype %1 o0[U00f0D0~0[00 '%1' 0Q0~0[00 "000 00000n0YK00000 0000|Ts0QY0S0h0o0g0M0~0[00 AJRd %1? 0X X @ Dȹij D\ Ȳ. ƕ: D l JXŵȲ x ŵȲ 8 $X %1: |D >D  ŵȲ %1D(|) \ ijйD >D  ŵȲ GOTO D >D  ŵȲ ֬ : %1 ֬ : %1 %:  %: Xֽ  %1@() X JXŵȲ '%1' 0 ( 0X lн X 0X t@ ,  ŵȲ A%1D(|) ɰ ȲL?9Regel in Batch proces mogelijk afgebroken. We gebruiken: Nog niet gemplementeerd Argument ontbreekt Fout in de syntax %1: Bestand niet gevonden Geen help beschikbaar voor %1 &Doel opgegeven bij GOTO niet gevonden Huidige datum is %1 Huidige tijd is %1 Voer de nieuwe datum in: voer de nieuwe tijd in: 'Omgevingsvariable %1 niet gedefinieerd Openen van '%1' is mislukt HOnmogelijk om een batch label aan te roepen van buiten een batch script A Verwijder %1?CLinia przy przetwarzaniu pliku bat prawdopodobnie obcita. U|ywam: Jeszcze niezaimplementowane Brakuje argumentu BBd skBadni %1: Nie znaleziono pliku Brak pliku pomocy dla %1 &Nie znaleziono przeznaczenia dla GOTO Obecna data to %1 Obecny czas to %1 Wpisz now dat: Wpisz nowy czas: -Zmienna [rodowiskowa %1 jest niezdefiniowana Nieudane otwarcie '%1' 1Nie mo|na wywoBa etykiety bat poza skryptem bat ACzy usun %1?HLinie posibil trunchiat n procesarea fiierului batch. Se utilizeaz: nc neimplementat Argument lips Eroare de sintax %1: fiier negsit Nu exist ajutor pentru %1 (Destinaia pentru GOTO nu a fost gsit Data actual este %1 Ora actual este %1 Introducei noua dat: Introducei noua or: 'Variabila de mediu %1 nu este definit Deschiderea  %1 a euat CNu se poate apela eticheta pentru batch n afara unui script batch T terge %1?@!B@>:0 2 >1@010BK205<>< bat-D09;5 2>7<>6=> C@570=0. A?>;L7C5<: IQ =5 @50;87>20=> BACBAB2C5B 0@3C<5=B !8=B0:A8G5A:0O >H81:0 %1: D09; =5 =0945= !?@02:0 4;O %1 >BACBAB2C5B &5;L 4;O GOTO =5 =0945=0 "5:CI0O 40B0 %1 "5:CI55 2@5<O %1 2548B5 =>2CN 40BC: 2548B5 =>2>5 2@5<O: &5@5<5==0O >:@C65=8O %1 =5 >?@545;5=0 5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL %1 05 <>3C 2K720BL <5B:C bat-D09;0 2=5 bat-A:@8?B0 A #40;8BL %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Nije joa implementirano Nedostaje argument Sintaksna greaka %1: Datoteka nije pronaena Nedostupa pomo za %1 Target to GOTO not found Trenutni datum je %1 Trenutno vrijeme je %1 Unesite novi datum: Unesite novo vrijeme: 'Varijabla okru~enja %1 nije definirana Neuspjelo otvaranje '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script S Izbriai %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Not Yet Implemented Argument missing Syntax error %1: File Not Found No help available for %1 Target to GOTO not found Current Date is %1 Current Time is %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: $Environment variable %1 not defined Failed to open '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script V Delete %1?/En rad i batch mjligtvis trunkerad. Anvnder: nnu ej implementerat Argument saknas Syntaxfel %1: Kunde inte hitta filen Ingen hjlp tillgnglig fr %1 Ml fr GOTO ej funnet Dagens datum r %1 Tiden r %1 Skriv nytt datum: Skriv in den nya tiden: Miljvariabeln %1 ej definierad Misslyckades med att ppna '%1' :Gr ej att anropa en batchetikett utanfr ett batchskript A Ta bort %1?HToplu i_ dosyas1 i_lemesindeki sat1r olas1l1kla kesik. ^u kullan1l1yor: Henz Geli_tirilmedi Eksik dei_ken Szdizimi hatas1 %1: Dosya Bulunamad1 -%1 iin yard1m kullan1labilir bir yard1m yok GOTO'ya hedef bulunamad1 ^imdiki Tarih %1 ^imdiki Saat %1 Yeni tarih giriniz: Yeni zaman giriniz: !%1 ortam dei_keni tan1ml1 deil '%1' a1lamad1 @Toplu i_ dosyas1 kodlar1n1n d1_1ndan y11n etiketi ar1lam1yor T%1 sil ?6 O4>: 2 >1@>1FV 0:5BC <01CBL C@V70=89. 8:>@8AB>2CN: )5 =5 @50;V7>20=> V4ACB=V9 0@3C<5=B !8=B0:A8G=0 ?><8;:0 %1: $09; =5 7=0945=> 5<0T 4>2V4:8 4;O %1 5 7=0945=0 FV;L 4;O GOTO >B>G=0 40B0: %1 >B>G=89 G0A: %1 254VBL =>2C 40BC: 254VBL =>289 G0A: <V==0 >B>G5==O %1 =5 287=0G5=0 5 240;>AL 2V4:@8B8 '%1' ;5 <>6C 28:;8:0B8 <VB:C ?0:5BC 70 <560<8 ?0:5B=>3> A:@8?B0  840;8B8 %1?8Vrstica v paketni datoteki je morda skrajaana. Uporaba: Ni ae podprto Argument manjka Napaka skladnje %1: datoteke ni mogo e najti Za %1 ni pomo i na voljo !Cilja ukaza GOTO ni mogo e najti Trenutni datum je %1 Trenutni as je %1 Vnesite nov datum: Vnesite nov as: &Okoljska spremenljivka %1 ni dolo ena Odpiranje '%1' je spodletelo 5Klic paketne oznake zunaj paketnega skripta ni mogo  V Izbriai %1?9Paketinio apdorojimo eilut galimai nukirsta. Naudojama: Dar nerealizuota Trkksta argumento Sintakss klaida %1: failas nerastas Nra informacijos apie %1 GOTO tikslas nerastas Dabartin data yra %1 Dabartinis laikas yra %1 .veskite nauj dat: .veskite nauj laik: $Aplinkos kintamasis %1 neapibr~tas Nepavyko atverti  %1 8Negalima iakviesti ~yms esan ios u~ komands failo ribs V `alinti %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using:    %1: %1 GOTO  %1  %1  :  : $ %1 '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A %1 ?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Ent nun s'implement Falta l'argumentu Syntax error %1: Nun s'alcontr'l ficheru No help available for %1 Target to GOTO not found La data actual ye %1 La hora actual ye %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: (Nun se defini la variable d'entornu %1 Fallu al abrir %1 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A Delete %1?}TNReyb!kUtBfSg*be0O(u \*g[\O :\_xe l/ %1: ~b N0RjHh l gܕe %1 vf ~b N0R GOTO vvj N)Y/f %1 s(WBf/f %1 8eQeeg8eQeBf tXxe %1 *g[ _U %1 1YWe !ql|TSyb!k}TN?zY萄vyb!kj A*Rd %14Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Not Yet Implemented Argument missing Syntax error %1: File Not Found No help available for %1 Target to GOTO not found Current Date is %1 Current Time is %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: $Environment variable %1 not defined Failed to open '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A Delete %1?7Deler av linje i satsvis fil mangler muligens. Bruker: Ikke implementert enn Manglende argument Syntaksfeil %1: fant ikke filen Ingen hjelp tilgjengelig for %1 Mlet for GOTO ble ikke funnet Gjeldende dato er %1 Gjeldende tid er %1 Angi ny dato: Angi ny tid: $Miljvariabelen %1 er ikke definert Klarte ikke pne %1 4En merkelapp kan ikke kalles utenfor en satsvis fil A Slette %1?JLinha no processamento do arquivo de lote possivelmente truncada. Usando: Ainda no implementado Faltando argumento Erro de sintaxe %1: Arquivo No Encontrado Sem ajuda disponvel para %1 Alvo para GOTO no encontrado A Data Atual %1 A Hora Atual %1 Entre nova data: Entre nova hora: %Varivel de ambiente %1 no definida Falha ao abrir '%1' <No pode chamar um rtulo de lote fora de um script de lote T Excluir %1?4Line in Batch processing possibly truncated. Using: Not Yet Implemented Argument missing Syntax error %1: Dosiero ne trovita Ne disponebla por %1 Target to GOTO not found Current Date is %1 Current Time is %1 Enter new date: Enter new time: $Environment variable %1 not defined Failed to open '%1' 2Cannot call batch label outside of a batch script A u forigi %1?ybYt-NvLS*be0ck(WO(u \*g[s :\Spe l %1~b N0ReN %1 v.^R NS(u *g~b0Rvh GOTO S_MReg/f %1 S_MRe/f %1 eQevegeQeve sXSϑ %1 *g[IN elSb_ "%1" el(uybYt,gYvybYth~{ A Rd %1:Linha possivelmente truncada em ficheiro de lote: Usando: Ainda no implementado Argumento em falta Erro de sintaxe %1: Ficheiro no encontrado Ajuda no disponvel para %1 Destino do GOTO no encontrado A data actual %1 A hora actual %1 Digite a nova data: Digite a nova hora: %Varivel de ambiente %1 no definida Falhou ao abrir '%1' BNo possvel chamar a etiqueta de lote fora de um guio de lote T Apagar %1? 'D5/I GH %1 'D*-BB GH %1 )*-BB -J+ 'FG' J,( 'F *CHF E4:D) #H E7A#) .7# AJ 'DE9'ED )'D1BE 'D*3D3DJ DDB3E GH %1!04x!-%2!04x! <'3E 'DB3E ( 11 E-1AK' ) #H #6:7 EA*'- 'D%/.'D D*1CG A'1:K' 'DE3'1 :J1 EH,H/ '6:7 #J EA*'- DD'3*E1'1... 371 #H'E1 H'JFMicrosoft Windows %1!S! %6'AJ 371 'D%/.'D 7HJD ,/K'. $'DB3E 'DEH,H/ AJ 'DE-1C %1!c! GH %2 -'DB3E 'DEH,H/ AJ 'DE-1C %1!c! D' JEDC '3EK'. (Yes|No) (Yes|No|All)L'eco est %1 La verificaci est %1 #La verificaci ha d'estar ON o OFF Error de parmetre /El nmero serial del volum s %1!04x!-%2!04x! 5Etiqueta de volum (11 carcters, <Retorn> per a cap)?No s'ha trobat PATH *Premeu qualsevol tecla per a continuar... Indicador d'Ordres del WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Voleu ms? $La lnia d'entrada s massa llarga. "El volum en la unitat %1!c! s %2 ,El volum en la unitat %1!c! no t etiqueta.  (S|No) (S|No|Tots) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Chyba parametru )Sriov slo svazku je %1!04x!-%2!04x! >Nzev svazku (max. 11 znako, pro vynechn stisknte <Enter>)?(promnn) PATH nenalezena 0Pro pokra ovn stisknte libovolnou klvesu... PYkazov Ydek WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Vce? Vstupn Ydek je pYlia dlouh. Svazek na disku %1!c! je %2 'Svazek na disku %1!c! nen pojmenovn. (Ano|Ne) (Ano|Ne|Vae) Echo er %1 Verify er %1 Verify skal vre ON eller OFF Parameter fejl )Volume serienummeret er %1!04x!-%2!04x! 2Volumen's etiket (11 karakterer, ENTER for ingen)?PATH ikke fundet $Tryk p en tast for at fortstte... Wine kommandopromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mere? Input linjen er for lang. Volume i drev %1!c! er %2 %Volume in drev %1!c! har intet navn. (Ja|Nej) (Ja|Nej|Alle) Echo ist %1 Verify ist %1 Verify muss ON oder OFF sein Parameterfehler 'Datentrgernummer ist %1!04x!-%2!04x! 7Datentrgerbezeichnung (11 Zeichen, <Enter> fr keine)?PATH nicht gefunden *Drcken Sie eine Taste um fortzufahren... Wine-BefehlsprozessorMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mehr? Die Eingabezeile ist zu lang. %Datentrger in Laufwerk %1!c! ist %2 5Datentrger in Laufwerk %1!c! hat keine Bezeichnung. (Ja|Nein) (Ja|Nein|Alle) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Parameter error )Volume Serial Number is %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH not found Press any key to continue... Wine Command PromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! More? The input line is too long. Volume in drive %1!c! is %2 $Volume in drive %1!c! has no label. (Yes|No) (Yes|No|All) Echo es %1 Verificar es %1 Verificar debe ser ON o OFF Error de parmetro 3El nmero de serie del volumen es %1!04x!-%2!04x! =Etiqueta del volumen (11 caracteres, <Return> para ninguno)?PATH no encontrado (Pulse cualquier tecla para continuar... Smbolo del sistema de WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Ms? (La lnea de entrada es demasiado larga. $El volumen en la unidad %1!c! es %2 1El volumen en la unidad %1!c! no tiene etiqueta.  (S|No) (S|No|Todo) Echo on %1 Verify on %1 $Verify-lipun tytyy olla ON tai OFF Parametrivirhe &Osion sarjanumero on %1!04x!-%2!04x! 3Osion nimi (11 merkki, <Enter> tarkoittaa tyhj)? PATH puuttuu ,Paina mit tahansa nppint jatkaaksesi... Winen komentokehoteMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Lis? Syterivi on liian pitk. Osio asemassa %1!c! on %2 %Osiolla asemassa %1!c! ei ole nime. (Kyll|Ei) (Kyll|Ei|kAikki) Echo est %1 Verify est %1 Verify doit tre ON ou OFF Erreur de paramtre 2Le numro de srie du volume est %1!04x!-%2!04x! :tiquette du volume (11 caractres, <Entre> pour aucun)?PATH non trouv )Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer... Invite de commande WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Plus? #La ligne d'entre est trop longue. 'Le volume dans le lecteur %1!c! est %2 2Le volume dans le lecteur %1!c! n'a pas de label. (Oui|Non) (Oui|Non|Tous) %1 ismtlse %1 ellenQrzse Verify ON vagy OFF lehet Paramter hiba $Ktet sorozatszma %1!04x!-%2!04x! 4Ktet cmke (11 karakter, <Enter> resen hagyshoz)?tvonal nem tallhat -Nyomjon meg egy billentyqt a folytatshoz... Wine parancssorMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Tbb? A bemenQ sor tl hossz. %1!c! meghajt ktet neve %2 %1!c! ktetnek nincs cmkje. (Igen|Nem) (Igen|Nem|Mind) Echo %1 Verify %1 Verify deve essere ON o OFF Errore nel parametro 0Il numero seriale del volume %1!04x!-%2!04x! 9Etichetta del volume (11 caratteri, <Invio> per nessuno)?PATH non trovato -Premere un tasto qualsiasi per continuare... Prompt dei comandi di WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Di pi? "La linea di input troppo lunga. Il volume nell'unit %1!c! %2 -Il volume nell'unit %1!c! non ha etichetta.  (S|No) (S|No|Tutti) Echo o0 %1 Verify o0 %1 Verify o0 ON K0 OFF g0c[W0f0O0`0U0D0 00000 000 00000 0000juSo0 %1!04x!-%2!04x! 00000 000(JS҉11eW[0<Enter>g0!qc[)?PATH L0d0K00~0[00 }Q00k0o0UOK0000bW0f0 NU0D0... Wine 0000 00000Microsoft Windows %1!S! }L? eQRLL0wY0N0~0Y00 0000 %1!c! n000000 000o0 %2 g0Y0 0000 %1!c! n000000 000L0B00~0[000 (Yes|No) (Yes|No|All) Echo: %1 Verify: %1 Verify ON  OFF | iȲ  $X h ¬ 8: %1!04x!-%2!04x! !h t (11 8, <ENTER>Д L L)?PATH| >D  ŵȲ ĬX$t D4 И t$... Wine 9 lոMicrosoft Windows %1!S! T? % |xt 4 AȲ. ܴ|t %1!c! h: %2 ܴ|t %1!c! tD JŵȲ.  (|DȲ) (|DȲ|P)Echo staat %1 Verify staat %1 Verify moet ON of OFF zijn Parameter onjuist +Het Volume Serienummer is %1!04x!-%2!04x! ,Volume naam (11 karakters, ENTER voor geen)?PATH niet gevonden 4Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan... Wine Command PromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Meer? De invoerregel is te lang. $Volume in schijfstation %1!c! is %2 0Volume in schijfstation %1!c! heeft geen label. (Ja|Nee) (Ja|Nee|Alles) Echo jest %1 Verify jest %1 Verify musi by ON lub OFF BBd parametru *Numer seryny wolumenu to %1!04x!-%2!04x! 3Etykieta Wolumenu (11 znakw, <Enter> aby pomin)?Nie znaleziono PATH 1Naci[nij jakikolwiek klawisz, aby kontynuowa... Wiersz PoleceD WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Wicej? Wpisany tekst jest zbyt dBugi. Wolumen w napdzie %1!c! to %2 *Wolumen w napdzie %1!c! nie ma etykiety. (Tak|Nie) (Tak|Nie|Wszystkie) Echo este %1 Verify este %1 !Verify trebuie s fie ON sau OFF Eroare de parametri 4Numrul de serie al volumului este %1!04x!-%2!04x! >Etichet pentru volum (11 caractere, <Enter> pentru nici una)?PATH negsit )Apsai orice tast pentru a continua... Linia de comand WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mai mult? irul introdus este prea lung. "Volumul n unitatea %1!c! este %2 +Volumul n unitatea %1!c! nu are etichet.  (Da|Nu) (Da|Nu|Toate)Echo CAB0=>2;5=> 2 %1 Verify CAB0=>2;5=> 2 %1 %Verify 4>;65= 1KBL ;81> ON, ;81> OFF 525@=K9 ?0@0<5B@ %!5@89=K9 =><5@ B><0 %1!04x!-%2!04x! :5B:0 48A:0 (11 A8<2>;>2, <Enter> 4;O 22>40 ?CAB>9 <5B:8)?PATH =5 =0945= )06<8B5 ;N1CN :;028HC 4;O ?@>4>;65=8O... !@83;0H5=85 :><0=4=>9 AB@>:8 WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! IQ? #254Q==0O :><0=40 A;8H:>< 4;8==0O. "">< =0 48A:5 %1!c! 8<55B <5B:C %2 #">< =0 48A:5 %1!c! =5 8<55B <5B:8.  (Y - 40|N - =5B) (Y - 40|N - =5B|A - 2A5) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Greaka parametra )Volume Serial Number is %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH nije naen *Pritisnite bilo koju tipku za nastavak... Wine Command PromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Viae? Ulazni redak je preduga ak. Volume in drive %1!c! is %2 $Volume in drive %1!c! has no label.  (Da|Ne) (Da|Ne|Sve) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Parameter error )Volume Serial Number is %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH not found Press any key to continue... Wine Command PromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! More? The input line is too long. Volume in drive %1!c! is %2 $Volume in drive %1!c! has no label. (no|Nie) (no|Nie|Vaetky) Ekot r %1 Verifiera r %1 ,Verifiera mste vara ON (p) eller OFF (av) Parameterfel -Diskvolymens serienummer r %1!04x!-%2!04x! 7Diskvolymens namn (11 tecken, tryck <Enter> fr inget)?PATH ej funnen )Tryck p en tangent fr att fortstta... Wine kommandopromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mer? Inmatningen r fr lng. Volymen i enhet %1!c! r %2 )Volymen i enhet %1!c! har ingen etikett. (Ja|Nej) (Ja|Nej|Alla) 1kt1 %1 Dorulama %1 %Dorulama AIK veya KAPALI olmal1d1r Parametre hatas1 %Birim Seri Numaras1 %1!04x!-%2!04x! 0Birim etiketi (11 karakter, <Enter> hibir _ey)?PATH bulunamad1 #Devam etmek iin bir tu_a bas1n... Wine Komut 0stemiMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Daha Fazla? Girdi sat1r1 ok uzun. %1!c! srcsndeki birim %2 )%1!c! srcsndeki birimin etiketi yok. (Evet|Hay1r) (Evet|Hay1r|Tm)Echo 70@07 %1 Verify 70@07 %1 Verify ?>28=5= 1CB8 ON G8 OFF ><8;:0 ?0@0<5B@C '!5@V9=89 =><5@ 48A:C: %1!04x!-%2!04x! /VB:0 48A:C (11 A8<2>;V2, <Enter> - 157 <VB:8)?PATH =5 7=0945=> .0B8A=VBL 1C4L-O:C :;02VHC, I>1 ?@>4>268B8... ><0=4=89 @O4>: WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! V;LH5? 2545=89 @O4>: 704>2389. ">< 2 ?@82>4V %1!c! : %2 "">< 2 ?@82>4V %1!c! =5 <0T <VB:8. ("0:|V) ("0:|V|AV) Odmev je %1 Preverjanje je %1 4Vrednost zastavice preverjanja mora biti ON ali OFF Napaka parametra *Zaporedna at. nosilca je %1!04x!-%2!04x! ,Oznaka nosilca (11 znakov, <Enter> za brez)?POTI ni mogo e najti 0Pritisnite katerokoli tipko za nadaljevanje ... Ukazni poziv WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Ve ? Vhodna vrstica je predolga. Nosilec v pogonu %1!c! je %2 $Nosilec v pogonu %1!c! nima oznake.  (Da|Ne) (Da|Ne|Vse) Echo yra %1  Verify yra %1 VERIFY turi bkti ON arba OFF Parametro klaida *Tomo serijos numeris yra %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Tomo vardas (11 simbolis, <.vesti>  bevardis)?KELIAS nerastas -Nordami tsti spauskite bet kur/ klavia...  Wine komands interpretatoriusMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Daugiau? .vedimo eilut per ilga. Tomas diske %1!c! yra %2 Tomas diske %1!c! neturi vardo. (Taip|Ne) (Taip|Ne|Visus) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify OFF ON  ( %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH Press any key to continue... Wine Microsoft Windows %1!S!  ?  . ! %1!c! %2 - %1!c! . ( | ) ( | | ) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Parameter error )Volume Serial Number is %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH not found $Primi cualesquier tecla pa siguir...Llinia de comandos de WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Ms?The input line is too long. Volume in drive %1!c! is %2 $Volume in drive %1!c! has no label. (S|Non) (Yes|No|All)Vap %1 WIp %1 WI_p ON b OFF Sxe/ wSQ^_/f %1!04x!-%2!04x! wSQj (11 PW[CQ <Enter> h:yl g) ~b N0R PATH c NNUOu|~~... Wine }TNc:y&{_Microsoft Windows %1!S! fY8eQR*Yw0 MOe2QX[݈n %1!c! vwSQp %2 MOe2QX[݈n %1!c! vwSQl gNUOj0 (Yes|No) (Yes|No|All) Echo is %1 Verify is %1 Verify must be ON or OFF Parameter error )Volume Serial Number is %1!04x!-%2!04x! /Volume label (11 characters, <Enter> for none)?PATH not found Press any key to continue... Wine Command PromptMicrosoft Windows %1!S! More? The input line is too long. Volume in drive %1!c! is %2 $Volume in drive %1!c! has no label. (Yes|No) (Yes|No|All) Echo er %1 Bekreft er %1 Bekreft m vre P eller AV Feil i parameter )Volumets serienummer er %1!04x!-%2!04x! ,Volumnavn (11 tegn, <Enter> for intet navn)?Fant ikke PATH "Trykk en tast for fortsette ... Wine KommandolinjeMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mer? Inndatalinjen er for lang. Volumet i stasjon %1!c! er %2 *Volumet i stasjon %1!c! har ikke et navn. (Ja|Nei) (Ja|Nei|Alle)O eco est %1 A verificao est %1 Verificao deve ser ON ou OFF Erro de parmetro -Nmero de Srie do Volume %1!04x!-%2!04x! 6Rtulo do Volume (11 caracteres, <Enter> para nenhum)?PATH no encontrado +Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar... Prompt de Comando WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mais? "A linha de entrada muito longa. O volume na unidade %1!c! %2 *O volume na unidade %1!c! no tem rtulo. (Sim|No) (Sim|No|Tudo)Echo YN %1 r` Verify YN %1 r` Verify S/f_/T (ON) bsQ (OFF) r` Spe wSv^RS/f %1!04x!-%2!04x! wSh (11 *NW[&{, vc c <Vf> NYuzz)? l g~b0R PATH cNa.~~... Wine }TNc:y&{Microsoft Windows %1!S! fY?eQǏ0 qRhV %1!c! vwSh:N %2 qRhV %1!c! l gwSh0 (/f(Y)|&T(N)) (/f(Y)|&T(N)|hQ(A)) Echo %1 Verificar %1 Verificar deve estar ON ou OFF Erro de argumento /O Nmero de Srie do Volume %1!04x!-%2!04x! 4Nome do Volume (11 caracteres, <Enter> para nenhum)?PATH no encontrado +Prima uma tecla qualquer para continuar... Prompt de Comandos do WineMicrosoft Windows %1!S! Mais? &A linha de entrada demasiado longa. O volume na unidade %1!c! %2 (O volume na unidade %1!c! no tem nome. (Sim|No) (Sim|No|Todos):D' JECF '3*C4'A '%1' C#E1 /'.DJ #H .'1,J H D' -*I E.7H7). .7# 'DB3E) 9DI 'D5A1. E9EHD E*HB9. 9'ED E*HB9. 9/E *7'(B AJ 'DE9*16'* . [5J:) 'D1BE :J1 3DJE) -J+ #FG' JECF #F *CHF 941J) (12), #H 3* 941J) (0x34) #H +E'FJ (056). INo es pot reconixer '%1' com a ordre interna ni externa, ni script BAT. *Hi ha hagut un error de divisi per zero. S'esperava un operant. S'esperava un operador. #Hi ha una discrdia de parntesis. ZEl nombre s mal format - ha de ser un de decimal (12) hexadecimal (0x34) o octal (056). JCan't recognize '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script. Chyba  dlen nulou. O ekvn operand. O ekvn opertor. Mismatch in parentheses. W`patn formt sla  mus bt destkov (12), aestnctkov (0x34) i osmi kov (056). Z'%1' konnte nicht als interner oder externer Befehl oder als Batch-Skript erkannt werden. 'Division durch Null'-Fehler. Operand erwartet. Operator erwartet. Klammern stimmen nicht berein. YZahl ungltig formatiert - muss dezimal (12), hexadezimal (0x34) oder oktal (056) sein. JCan't recognise '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script. Division by zero error. Expected an operand. Expected an operator. Mismatch in parentheses. WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). ='%1' ei ole sisinen eik ulkoinen komento eik komentojono. Virheellinen jako nollalla. Odotettiin operandia. Odotettiin operaattoria. Sulut eivt tsm. jLuvun muoto ei kelpaa  tytyy olla desimaaliluku (12), heksadesimaaliluku (0x34) tai oktaaliluku (056). TNe reconnat pas %1 comme commande interne ou externe, ou fichier de commandes. Erreur de division par zro. Oprande attendu. Oprateur attendu. Discordance des parenthses. ONombre mal form: doit tre dcimal (12), hexadcimal (0x34) ou octal (056). %%1 0Q~0_0o0Y萳00000000 00000h0W0f0Xg0M0~0[000 0 k000d{0000 o{P[L0B00~0[000 o{P[L0B00~0[000 b'_L0[_W0f0D0~0[000 Bpe$Pn0b__k00L0B00~0Y0 - 10 2pe (12)016 2pe (0x34)0 8 2pe (056) n0D0Z00K0h0W0f0O0`0U0D00 -'%1'D(|) , xƀ 9,  0X lн\ x`  ŵȲ. 0<\ 0 $X յȲ. <Ű DՔiȲ. Ű DՔiȲ. 8 |XX JŵȲ. 9ǻ X + - (12), 16(0x34) (056)X X՘tǴ| iȲ. F'%1' niet herkend als intern of extern commando dan wel batchbestand. Delen door nul fout. Verwacht een operand. Verwacht een operator. Ongepaarde haakjes. QMisvormd nummer - moet of decimaal(12), hexadecimaal(0x34) of octaal(056) zijn. iNie mo|na rozpozna '%1' ani jako polecenia wewntrznego, ani zewntrznego, czy nawet skryptu wsadowego. BBd dzielenia przez zero. !Oczekiwano zmiennej niezale|nej. Oczekiwano operatora. Nierwna liczba nawiasach. tZBy format liczbowy - musi on by jednym z formatw dziesitnych (12), szesnastkowych (0x34) lub semkowych (056). JCan't recognize '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script. Eroare de mprire la zero. Se ateapt un operand. Se ateapt un operator. Mismatch in parentheses. WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). H%1 =5 O2;O5BAO =8 2=CB@5==59 8;8 2=5H=59 :><0=4>9, =8 batch-A:@8?B><. H81:0 45;5=8O =0 =>;L. 68405BAO >?5@0=4. 68405BAO >?5@0B>@. 5A>>B25BAB285 A:>1>:. n525@=K9 D>@<0B G8A;0 - 4>;65= 1KBL 45AOB8G=K9 (12), H5AB=04F0B5@8G=K9 (0x34) 8;8 2>AL<5@8G=K9 (056) D>@<0B. JCan't recognize '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script. Greaka dijeljenja sa nulom. O ekivan operand. O ekivan operator. Nepodudaranje u zagradama. WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). QKnner inte igen '%1' som ett internt eller externt kommando, eller batchskript. Division med noll-fel. En operand frvntades. Operator frvntades. Omatchade parenteser. \Felaktigt talformat - mste vara en av decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) eller oktal (056). I'%1', i veya d1_ komut olarak, veya toplu i_ dosyas1 olarak tan1nm1yor. S1f1r ile blme hatas1. Bir terim bekleniyor. Bir i_le bekleniyor. Parantezler e_le_miyor. SHatal1 numara biimi - ondal1k (12), onalt1l1 (0x34) veya sekizli (056) olmal1d1r. Y5 <>6C 287=0G8B8 '%1' O: 2=CB@VH=N 01> 7>2=VH=N :><0=4C, G8 ?0:5B=89 AF5=0@V9 (A:@8?B). ><8;:0 V;5==O =0 =C;L. Expected an operand. Expected an operator. Mismatch in parentheses. p5?@028;L=> AD>@<>20=5 G8A;> - <0T 1CB8 01> 45AOB:>28< (12), 01> HVAB=04FOB:>28< (0x34), 01> 2VAV<:>28< (056). MNepavyko atpa~inti  %1 kaip vidins ar iaorins komandos, ar komands failo. Dalybos ia nulio klaida. Tiktasi operando. Tiktasi operacijos ~enklo. Skliausts neatitiktis. jBlogai sudarytas skai ius  privalo bkti deaimtainis (12), aeaioliktainis (0x34) arba aatuntainis (056). JCan't recognize '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script.  .  .  .  . WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). UNun pue reconocese a %1 como un comandu esternu o internu, o un script per llotes. Division by zero error. Expected an operand. Expected an operator. Mismatch in parentheses. WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). !qlX%R %1 pgQ0Y}TNb/fyb!k}TN?z0 dv/0 gpN PK{CQ0 gpN PK{P[0 \b_ N9SM0 3 NvuvxeW[b__ - _/fAS2MO (12)0 ASmQ2MO (0x34) bkQ2MO (056) KNN0 JCan't recognize '%1' as an internal or external command, or batch script. Division by zero error. Expected an operand. Expected an operator. Mismatch in parentheses. WBadly formed number - must be one of decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) or octal (056). C%1 er ikke en intern eller ekstern kommando, eller en satsvis fil. Feil: Deling p null. Forventet en operand. Forventet en operator. Feil i parenteser. XUgyldig tallformat - m vre enten desimal (12), heksadesimal (0x34) eller oktal (056). UNo possvel reconhecer '%1' como um comando interno, externo ou arquivo de lotes. Erro de diviso por zero. Esperado um operando. Um operador esperado. !Incompatibilidade de parnteses. ONmero malformado - deve ser decimal (12), hexadecimal (0x34) ou octal (056). el\ "%1" Ƌ+R:NQbY}TN bybYt,g0 d0 ggN*Nd\Ope0 ggN*Nd\O&{0 bS N9SM0 1peW[vN>N>lO?P@, |l l4l