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Per a eliminar un programa o modificar els seus components installats, seleccioneu-lo de la llista i feu clic en Modifica/elimina.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInformaci de &suportPZ&Modifica...PZ&EliminaP9Ȑ @Instalovat/OdinstalovatMS Shell DlgP(Pro instalaci novho programu z diskety, CD mechaniky nebo pevnho disku kliknte na Instalovat.P@&Instalovat...P./PP(6"Nsledujc software je mo~n automaticky odstranit. Pro odstrann njakho programu nebo pro zmnu jeho nainstalovanch komponent ho vyberte v seznamu a kliknte na Zmnit/Odebrat.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZI&nformace o podpoYePZZmnit...PZOdeb&ratP9Ȑ @Installer/FjernMS Shell DlgP(For at installere et nyt program fra en diskette, Cdrom-drev, eller din harddisk, skal du klikke p Installer.P@&Installer...P./PP(6"Flgende software kan blive fjernet automatisk. Hvis du vil fjerne et program eller ndre dets installerede komponenter, skal du vlge det fra listen, og klik p Rediger / Fjern.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support informationPZ&Rediger...PZ&FjernP9Ȑ @SoftwareMS Shell DlgP(Um ein Programm von Diskette, CD-ROM oder Festplatte zu installieren, klicken Sie Installieren.P@&Installieren...P./PP(6"Folgende Programme knnen automatisch entfernt werden. Um ein Programm zu entfernen oder um installierte Komponenten zu ndern, whlen Sie es aus der Liste aus und klicken Sie auf ndern/Entfernen.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&SupportinformationenPZ&ndern...PZ&EntfernenP9Ȑ @Install/UninstallMS Shell DlgP(To install a new program from a floppy disk, CD-ROM drive, or your hard drive, click Install.P@&Install...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&Modify...PZ&RemoveP9Ȑ @Instalar/DesinstalarMS Shell DlgP(Para instalar un programa nuevo desde un disquete, unidad de CD-ROM, o disco duro, haga clic en Instalar.P@&Instalar...P./PP(6"El siguiente software puede ser eliminado automticamente. Para quitar un programa o modificar sus componentes instalados, seleccinelo en la lista y haga clic en Cambiar/Quitar.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Informacin de SoportePZ&Modificar...PZE&liminarP9Ȑ @Asenna/PoistaMS Shell DlgP(Asentaaksesi uuden ohjelman levykkeelt, CD-levylt tai kovalevyltsi valitse Asenna.P@&Asenna...P./PP(6"Seuraavat ohjelmat voi poistaa automaattisesti. Poistaaksesi ohjelman tai muokataksesi sen asennusta valitse se listasta ja paina Muokkaa tai Poista.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&TukitiedotPZ&Muokkaa...PZ&PoistaP9Ȑ @Installation/DsinstallationMS Shell DlgP(Pour installer un nouveau programme partir d'une disquette, d'un CD-ROM ou d'un disque dur, cliquez sur Installer.P@&Installer...P./PP(6"Les logiciels suivants peuvent tre dsinstalls automatiquement. Pour supprimer un programme ou modifier ses composants, slectionnez-le dans la liste et cliquez sur Supprimer ou Modifier respectivement.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInf&ormations de supportPZ&Modifier...PZ&SupprimerP9Ȑ@ @/MS Shell DlgP(    ,          .P@&...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&...PZ&P9Ȑ @Telepts/EltvoltsMS Shell DlgP(j program teleptshez hajlkonylemezrl, CD-ROM meghajtrl vagy merevlemezrl kattintson a Telepts gombra.P@&Telepts...P./PP(6"A kvetkez programot automatikusan el lehet tvoltani. Program eltvoltshoz vagy a teleptett komponenseinek mdostshoz vlassza ki a szoftvert a listbl, majd kattintson Mdosts/Eltvolts gombra.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Tmogatsi informciPZ&Mdosts...PZE&ltvoltsP9Ȑ @Installa/DisinstallaMS Shell DlgP(Per installare un nuovo programma dal floppy disk, CD-ROM o dal tuo disco rigido, clicca Installa.P@&Installa...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInformazioni di &supportoPZ&Modifica...PZ&RimuoviP9Ȑ @000000h000000000 MS Shell DlgP(00000 00000CD-ROM 0000~0_0o00000000K00000000000000Y00k0o00[000000] 00000W0f0O0`0U0D00P@000000(&I)...P./PP(6"N Nn00000000Rvk0JRdg0M0~0Y00000000JRd~0_0o0000000U00_000000000 YfY00k0o00000K00000000xbW0 [ Yfh0JRd] 00000W0f0O0`0U0D00PZ/dSysListView32P"Z0000`1X(&S)PZ Yf(&M)...PZJRd(&R)P9Ȑ @$X/p MS Shell DlgP( \< l, l ܴ|t ,  Xܴl ܴ|t  \D $XX$t [$X]| tЭX$.P@$X(&I)...P./PP(6"L ոƴŔ ٳ<\ p)Ȳ. \D pXp $X l1ƌ| X$t, ] \ [/p]| tЭX$.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z (&S)PZ(&M)...PZp(&R)P9Ȑ @Installeren/VerwijderenMS Shell DlgP(Om een programma te installeren vanaf een diskette, CD-ROM, of uw harde schijf, klik op Installeren.P@&Installeren...P./PP(6"De volgende software kan automatisch verwijderd worden. Om een programma te verwijderen of de genstalleerde onderdelen te wijzigen, selecteer het in de lijst en druk op Wijzigen/Verwijderen.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZOnder&steuningPZ&Wijzigen...PZ&VerwijderenP9Ȑ @Zainstaluj/OdinstalujMS Shell DlgP(Aby doda program z dysku, pByty CD-ROM lub dyskietki, kliknij przycisk Zainstaluj.P@Za&instaluj...P./PP(6"To oprogramowanie mo|e by usunite automatycznie. Aby usun program lub zmieni jego zainstalowane komponenty, zaznacz go z listy i naci[nij ZmieD/UsuD.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInformacje o w&sparciuPZZ&mieD...PZ&UsuDP9Ȑ @Instalare/dezinstalareMS Shell DlgP(Pentru a instala un program de pe dischet, CD-ROM sau discul fix, apsai pe  Instaleaz .P@&Instaleaz...P./PP(6"Urmtoarele programe pot fi ndeprtate automat. Pentru a ndeprta un program sau pentru ai modifica componentele instalate, alegei programul din list i apsai pe  Modific/&terge .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Informaii de asistenPZ&Modific...PZ&EliminP9Ȑ @#AB0=>2:0/#40;5=85MS Shell DlgP('B>1K CAB0=>28BL ?@>3@0<<C A CD-ROM, 48A:5BK 8;8 6QAB:>3> 48A:0, =06<8B5 #AB0=>28BL.P@#A&B0=>28BL...P./PP(6"5@5G8A;5==K5 ?@>3@0<<K <>6=> 02B><0B8G5A:8 C40;8BL. 'B>1K C40;8BL ?@>3@0<<C 8;8 87<5=8BL A>AB02 CAB0=>2;5==KE :><?>=5=B>2, 2K15@8B5 5Q 2 A?8A:5 8 =06<8B5 :=>?:C 7<5=8BL/#40;8BL.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&!2545=8O > ?>445@6:5PZ&7<5=8BL...PZ&#40;8BLP9Ȑ @Instaliraj/UkloniMS Shell DlgP(Kako biste instalirali novi program sa diskete, CD-ROM pogona ili tvrdog diska, kliknite na gumb 'Instaliraj...'.P@&Instaliraj...P./PP(6"Sljedei programi se mogu automatski ukloniti. Kako bi uklonili program ili izmjenili njegove instalirane komponente, odaberita ga sa popia i kliknite na gumb 'Izmjeni/ukloni'.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInfor&macije o podraciPZI&zmjeni...PZ&UkloniP9Ȑ @Inatalovae/OdinatalovaeMS Shell DlgP(K inatalcii novho programu z diskety, CD-ROM mechaniky alebo pevnho disku, kliknite na Inatalovae.P@&Inatalovae...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Informcie o podporePZ&Zmenie...PZ&OdstrnieP9Ȑ @Installera/AvinstalleraMS Shell DlgP(Klicka p Installera fr att installera ett nytt program frn en diskett, cd-skiva eller din hrddisk.P@&Installera...P./PP(6"Fljande programvara kan automatiskt tas bort. Markera den frn listan och klicka p ndra/Ta bort fr att ta bort eller ndra dess installerade komponenter.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&SupportinformationPZ&ndra...PZTa &bortP9Ȑ @Ykle/Kald1rMS Shell DlgP(Disketten, CD-ROM srcsnden veya sabit diskinizden yeni bir program yklemek iin, Ykle'yi t1klat1n.P@&Ykle...P./PP(6"A_a1daki yaz1l1m otomatik olarak kald1r1labilir. Bir program1 kald1rmak veya ykl bile_enlerini yap1land1rmak iin listeden setikten sonra Dei_tir/Kald1r'1 t1klat1n.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Destek BilgisiPZ&Dei_tir...PZ&Kald1rP9Ȑ @AB0=>2;5==O/840;5==OMS Shell DlgP()>1 2AB0=>28B8 =>2C ?@>3@0<C 7 48A:5B8, CD-ROM, G8 6>@AB:>3> 48A:C, =0B8A=VBL AB0=>28B8.P@&AB0=>28B8...P./PP(6"0=5  <>65 1CB8 2840;5=5 02B><0B8G=>. )>1 2840;8B8 ?@>3@0<C G8 7<V=8B8 WW A:;04, 2815@VBL WW 7V A?8A:C B0 =0B8A=VBL <V=8B8/840;8B8.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&0=V ?V4B@8<:8PZ&<V=8B8...PZ&840;8B8P9Ȑ @Dodaj/odstrani programeMS Shell DlgP(Za namestitev novega programa z diskete, CD-ROMa ali trdega diska kliknite 'Namesti'.P@&Namesti ...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Informacije o podporiPZ&Spremeni ...PZ&OdstraniP9Ȑ @.diegti/PaaalintiMS Shell DlgP(Nordami /diegti nauj program ia diskelio, kompaktinio disko ar stand~iojo disko spauskite  .diegti .P@.&diegti...P./PP(6"`i programin /ranga gali bkti automatiakai paaalinta. Nordami paaalinti program ar modifikuoti jos /diegtus komponentus pa~ymkite j sraae ir spauskite  Pakeisti/paaalinti .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Prie~ikros informacijaPZ&Modifikuoti...PZPa&aalintiP9Ȑ @ / MS Shell DlgP(To install a new program from a floppy disk, CD-ROM drive, or your hard drive, click Install.P@ ...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z (&S)PZ ... (&M)PZ (&R)P9Ȑ @ { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~ / z  { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~ MS Shell DlgP(+ M 2 K * M * ? ! ? 8 M  M , 8 ? ! ? -1 K  ! M 0 H 5 M ,  2 M 2 F  M  ? } ( ?  M  3 A  F 9 > | ! M ! M 0 H 5 M  ( M ( ? 5 / ? } ( ? ( M ( A   0 A * A $ ? / * M 0 K  M 0 >   { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~  F / M / > {  { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~  F / M / A   M 2 ?  M  A  F / M / A  .P@ { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~ (&I)P./PP(6" ( ? * M * 1 / A ( M ( 8 K + M 1 M 1 M 5 F / | 8 M 5 * M 0 G 0 ? $ . > / ? ( @  M    F / M / >  .  0 A * M 0 K  M 0 >  ( @  M    F / M / > ( K  $ ? ( M 1 F  { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~  F / M $ - >   M  ~ * 0 ? 7 M  M  0 ?  M  A ( M ( $ ? ( M 2 ? 8 M 1 M 1 ? } ( ? ( M ( M  $ M $ ? 0  M  F  A $ M $ M * 0 ? 7 M  M  0 ?  M  A  /( @  M    F / M / A   M 2 ?  M  A  F / M / A  .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z* ? ( M $ A # 5 ? 5 0  (&S)PZ* 0 ? 7 M  M  0 ?  M  A  ... (&M)PZ( @  M    F / M / A  (&R)P9Ȑ @ / MS Shell DlgP( , CD-ROM , " " .P@ ... (&I)P./PP(6" . , " / " .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z (&S)PZ ... (&M)PZ (&R)P9Ȑ @Install/UninstallMS Shell DlgP(Pa instalar un programa nuevu dende un disquete, CD-ROM o discu duru, calca Instalar.P@&Instalar...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&Modificar...PZ&RemoveP9Ȑ @[݈/yd MS Shell DlgP(_ߎx0IQxblxx[݈e z_ ˊ c 0[݈ 00P@[݈(&I)...P./PP(6" NRߎԚSNRd[݈0 _nU-NxS[&N c N 0eX/yd 0 SNyd z_bte][݈CQN0PZ/dSysListView32P"ZbS/ecnj (&S)PZO9e(&M)...PZyd(&R)P9Ȑ @Install/UninstallMS Shell DlgP(To install a new program from a floppy disk, CD-ROM drive, or your hard drive, click Install.P@&Install...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&Modify...PZ&RemoveP9Ȑ @Installer/AvinstallerMS Shell DlgP(Trykk Installer for installere et program fra en diskett, CD-stasjon eller annet medium.P@&Installer...P./PP(6"Flgende programmer kan fjernes automatisk. Merk et program og trykk Endre/Fjern for fjerne det eller endre installerte komponenter.PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&SttteinformasjonPZ&Endre...PZ&FjernP9Ȑ @Instalar/DesinstalarMS Shell DlgP(Para instalar um programa novo a partir de um disquete, CD-ROM ou do seu disco rgido, clique em Instalar.P@&Instalar...P./PP(6"O software a seguir pode ser automaticamente removido. Para remover um programa ou modificar seus componentes instalados, selecione-o na lista e clique em Adicionar/Remover.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInformao de &SuportePZ&Modificar...PZ&RemoverP9Ȑ @Instali/MalinstaliMS Shell DlgP(Por instali novan programon de fleksa disko, lumdisko, am via diskaparato klaku sur "Instali".P@&Instali...P./PP(6"The following software can be automatically removed. To remove a program or to modify its installed components, select it from the list and click Modify/Remove.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZPor &HelpoPZ&Modifi...PZ&ForigiP9Ȑ @[ň/xS} MS Shell DlgP(Nov IQvblxv[ňe z^ c'[ň'0P@[ň(&I)...P./PP(6" NRoNSNꁨRxS}0 c'O9e/ Rd'SxS} [ z^bte][ňN0PZ/dSysListView32P"Zb/g/ecOo`(&S)PZO9e(&M)...PZ Rd(&R)P9Ȑ @Instalar/DesinstalarMS Shell DlgP(Para instalar um programa novo a partir de uma disquete, CD-ROM ou do seu disco rgido clique em Instalar.P@&Instalar...P./PP(6"O software seguinte pode ser automaticamente removido. Para remover um programa ou modificar os seus componentes instalados seleccione-o da lista e clique em Adicionar/Remover.PZ/dSysListView32P"ZInformao de &SuportePZ&Modificar...PZ&RemoverP9Ȑ @Instaliraj/ukloniMS Shell DlgP(Da biste instalirali novi program sa diskete, diska ili tvrdog diska, kliknite na dugme  Instaliraj... .P@&Instaliraj...P./PP(6"Program se mo~e automatski ukloniti. Da uklonite program ili da izmenite instalacione delove, izaberite sa spiska i kliknite na dugme  Izmeni/ukloni .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&Izmeni...PZ&UkloniP9Ȑ @=AB0;8@0X/C:;>=8MS Shell DlgP(0 18AB5 8=AB0;8@0;8 =>28 ?@>3@0< A0 48A:5B5, 48A:0 8;8 B2@4>3 48A:0, :;8:=8B5 =0 4C3<5  =AB0;8@0X... .P@&=AB0;8@0X...P./PP(6"@>3@0< A5 <>65 0CB><0BA:8 C:;>=8B8. 0 C:;>=8B5 ?@>3@0< 8;8 40 87<5=8B5 8=AB0;0F8>=5 45;>25, 87015@8B5 A0 A?8A:0 8 :;8:=8B5 =0 4C3<5  7<5=8/C:;>=8 .PZ/dSysListView32P"Z&Support InformationPZ&7<5=8...PZ&#:;>=8P9Ȑ@E9DHE'* 'D/Q9EMS Shell DlgPx2-3FK'PT'DE9DHE'* 'D*Q'DJ) JECF '3*./'EG' DD-5HD 9DI 'D/Q9E 'D*QBFJ EF #,D %s:P#Z'DFQ'41:P-Z'D%5/'1:P7Z'D*QH'5D:PAZE9DHE'* 'D/Q9E:PKZG'*A 'D/Q'9E:PUZ'B1#FJ:P_Z*-/J+'* 'DEOF*,:PiZ'D*Q9DJB'*:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformaci de suportMS Shell DlgPx2D'acordPTLa informaci segent es pot utilitzar per a obtenir suport tcnic per a %s:P#ZPublicador:P-ZVersi:P7ZContacte:PAZInformaci de suport:PKZTelfon de suport:PUZLlegiu-me:P_ZActualitzacions de producte:PiZComentaris:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformace o podpoYeMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTNsledujc informace mohou bt vyu~ity k zskn podpory pro %s:P#ZVydavatel:P-ZVerze:P7ZKontakt:PAZInformace o podpoYe:PKZTelefon podpory:PUZ timne:P_ZAktualizace produktu:PiZKomentYe:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport informationMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTFlgende oplysninger kan bruges til at f teknisk support for %s:P#ZUdgiver:P-ZVersion:P7ZKontakt:PAZSupport information:PKZSupport Telefon:PUZLs mig:P_ZProdukt Opdateringer:PiZKommentarer:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformationenMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTVerwenden Sie folgende Informationen um technischen Support fr %s zu erhalten:P#ZHerausgeber:P-Z&Version:P7ZKontakt:PAZSupportinformationen:PKZSupportrufnummer:PUZLiesmich:P_ZProdukt-Updates:PiZKommentare:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformacin de SoporteMS Shell DlgPx2AceptarPTLa siguiente informacin puede ser usada para obtener soporte tcnico para %s:P#ZFabricante:P-ZVersin:P7ZContacto:PAZInformacin de Soporte:PKZTelfono de Soporte:PUZLeme:P_ZActualizaciones del Producto:PiZComentarios:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐTukitietojaMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTSeuraavilla tiedoilla saa teknist tukea ohjelmalle %s:P#ZJulkaisija:P-ZVersio:P7ZYhteystiedot:PAZTukitietoja:PKZTukipuhelin:PUZOhjeet:P_ZPivitykset:PiZKommentit:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformations de supportMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTLes informations suivantes peuvent tre utilises pour obtenir du support technique pour %s:P#Zditeur:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport:PKZTlphone:PUZLisez-moi:P_ZMises jour:PiZCommentaires:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ@ MS Shell DlgPx2PT         %s:P#Z:P-Z:P7Z :PAZ :PKZ :PUZ :P_Z :PiZ:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐTmogatsi informciMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTA kvetkez informcik hasznlhatak a(z) %s technikai tmogatsnak ignybevtelhez:P#ZKiad:P-ZVerzi:P7ZKapcsolat:PAZTmogatsi informci:PKZTelefonos tmogats:PUZOlvassEl fjl:P_ZTermkfrisstsek:PiZMegjegyzsek:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformazioni di supportoMS Shell DlgPx2OkPTLe seguenti informazioni possono essere usate per ottenere supporto tecnico per %s:P#ZEditore:P-ZVersione:P7ZContatti:PAZInformazioni di supporto:PKZTelefono di supporto:PUZLeggimi:P_ZAggiornamenti del prodotto:PiZCommenti:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ0000`1X MS Shell DlgPx2OKPTN Nn0`1Xo0 %s k0[Y00bS00000_0n0k0)R(ug0M0~0Y0:P#ZzvLCQ:P-Z00000:P7Z#a}:PAZ0000`1X:PKZ0000q:PUZN^\ef:P_ZTn0fe:PiZ0000:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ  MS Shell DlgPx2UxPTt  %sD(|) \ 0 D  p  ǵȲ:P#ZȑǬ:P-Z:P7Z}:PAZ :PKZ T:PUZXǬm:P_ZȈ ptǸ:PiZ$:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐOndersteuningMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTDe volgende informatie kan gebruikt worden om technische ondersteuning te krijgen voor %s:P#ZUitgever:P-ZVersie:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Informatie:PKZSupport Telefoon:PUZLees mij:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZCommentaar:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformacje o wsparciuMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTPodane informacje mog by przydatne przy otrzymaniu pomocy technicznej dla %s:P#ZWydawca:P-Z&Wersja:P7ZKontakt:PAZInformacje o wsparciu:PKZWsparcie przez telefon:PUZCzytajTo:P_ZUaktualnienia produktu:PiZKomentarze:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformaii de asistenMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTUrmtoarele informaii pot fi folosite la obinerea de asisten tehnic pentru  %s :P#ZEmitent:P-ZVersiune:P7ZContact:PAZInformaii de asisten:PKZAsisten prin telefon:PUZReadme:P_ZActualizri produs:PiZComentarii:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ!2545=8O > ?>445@6:5MS Shell DlgPx2PT#:070==0O 8=D>@<0F8O <>65B 1KBL 8A?>;L7>20=0 4;O ?>;CG5=8O B5E=8G5A:>9 ?>445@6:8 ?@8;>65=8O %s:P#Z740B5;L:P-Z5@A8O:P7Z>=B0:B=>5 ;8F>:PAZ>445@6:0:PKZ"5;5D>=:PUZ$09; Readme:P_Z1=>2;5=8O:PiZ><<5=B0@88:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformacije o podraciMS Shell DlgPx2U reduPTSljedei podaci se mogu koristiti za dobivanje tehni ke podrake za %s:P#ZIzdava :P-ZVerzija:P7ZKontakt:PAZTehni ka potpora:PKZTelefon za podraku:PUZPro itaj me:P_ZNadogradnje proizvoda:PiZKomentari:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformcie o podporeMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTNasledujca informcia m~e bye pou~it na zskanie technickej podpory pre %s:P#ZVydavate>:P-ZVerzia:P7ZKontakt:PAZInformcie o podpore:PKZTelefonick podpora:PUZ taj ma:P_ZAktualizcie produktu:PiZKomentre:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupportinformationMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTFljande information kan anvndas fr att f teknisk support fr %s:P#ZUtgivare:P-ZVersion:P7ZKontakt:PAZSupportinformation:PKZTelefonsupport:PUZReadme:P_ZProduktuppdateringar:PiZKommentarer:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2%PTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐDestek BilgisiMS Shell DlgPx2TamamPTA_a1daki bilgi %s iin teknik destek almak iin kullan1labilir:P#ZYay1mc1:P-ZSrm:P7ZBalant1:PAZDestek Bilgisi:PKZDestek Telefonu:PUZBenioku:P_Zrn Gncellemeleri:PiZA1klamalar:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ0=V ?V4B@8<:8MS Shell DlgPx2OKPT&V 40=V <>6CBL 1CB8 28:>@8AB0=V 4;O >B@8<0==O B5E. ?V4B@8<:8 4;O %s:P#Z84025FL:P-Z5@AVO:P7Z>=B0:B=0 >A>10:PAZ0=V ?V4B@8<:8:PKZ"5;5D>= ?V4B@8<:8:PUZ$09; Readme:P_Z=>2;5==O:PiZ><5=B0@V:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐPodporni podatkiMS Shell DlgPx2V reduPTPri pridobivanju tehni ne podpore za %s lahko uporabite naslednje podatke:P#ZZalo~nik:P-ZRazli ica:P7ZStik:PAZTehni na podpora:PKZTelefon teh. podpore:PUZPreberi me:P_ZPosodobitve izdelka:PiZOpomba:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐPrie~ikros informacijaMS Shell DlgPx2GeraiPT`i informacija gali bkti panaudota programos  %s techninei prie~ikrai gauti:P#ZLeidjas:P-ZVersija:P7ZKontaktas:PAZPrie~ikros informacija:PKZPrie~ikros telefonas:PUZSkaityk:P_ZProdukto atnaujinimai:PiZKomentarai:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ@Support InformationMS Shell DlgPx2B(HDPTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ MS Shell DlgPx2 PTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#Z :P-Z :P7Z :PAZ :PKZSupport Telephone:PUZ :P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ* ? ( M $ A # 5 ? 5 0  MS Shell DlgPx26 0 ? PT%s ( A 3 M 3 8 >  M  G $ ?  * ? ( M $ A # 2 - ?  M  > { $ > 4 F * 1 / A ( M ( 5 ? 5 0  M  ~ * / K  ?  M  >  :P#Z* M 0 8 > '  { :P-Z* $ ? * M * M :P7Z, ( M ' * M * F  A  :PAZ* ? ( M $ A # 5 ? 5 0  :PKZ F 2 ? + K z * ? ( M $ A # :PUZ ( M ( F 5 > / ?  M  B :P_Z } * M * ( M (  * M ! G 1 M 1 A  ~ :PiZ - ? * M 0 > /  M  ~ :Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ MS Shell DlgPx2 PT %s :P#Z :P-Z :P7Z :PAZ :PKZ :PUZ :P_Z :PiZ :Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2I VaPTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2AceutarPTLa informacin de darru pue usase pa consiguir sofitu tunicu pa %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersin:P7ZContautu:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZLleime:P_ZAnovamientos del productu:PiZComentarios:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐbS/ecnj MS Shell DlgPx2x[PT%s bS/ecnj P#Zu"uFUP-ZHr,gP7Zoa}NPAZ/ecnj PKZ/ecqPUZ"uTfP_Z"uTfePiZP;Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSupport InformationMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTThe following information can be used to get technical support for %s:P#ZPublisher:P-ZVersion:P7ZContact:PAZSupport Information:PKZSupport Telephone:PUZReadme:P_ZProduct Updates:PiZComments:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐSttteinformasjonMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTFlgende informasjon kan brukes til f teknisk sttte for %s:P#ZUtgiver:P-ZVersjon:P7ZKontakt:PAZSttteinformasjon:PKZKundesttte, tlf:PUZLesmeg-fil:P_ZProduktoppdateringer:PiZKommentarer:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformao de SuporteMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTA informao seguinte pode ser usada para obter suporte tcnico para %s:P#ZEditor:P-ZVerso:P7ZContato:PAZInformao de Suporte:PKZTelefone de Suporte:PUZLeia-me:P_ZAtualizaes de Produto:PiZComentrios:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformoj pri HelpoMS Shell DlgPx2BonePTLa jenaj informoj povas uzii por atingi teknikan helpon por %s:P#ZEldonisto:P-ZEldono:P7ZKontakti:PAZPor Helpo:PKZHelpa telefonnumero:PUZLegumin:P_ZProdukta5aj isdatigoj:PiZKomentoj:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐb/g/ecOo` MS Shell DlgPx2nx[PT%s b/g/ecOo`P#ZuNFUP-ZHr,gP7ZT|NPAZ/ecOo`PKZ/ec5u݋PUZNTfP_ZNTfePiZYlPd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐInformao de SuporteMS Shell DlgPx2OKPTA informao seguinte pode ser usada para obter suporte tcnico para %s:P#ZEditor:P-ZVerso:P7ZContacto:PAZInformao de Suporte:PKZTelefone de Suporte:PUZLeia-me:P_ZActualizaes de Produto:PiZComentrios:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐPodrakaMS Shell DlgPx2U reduPTSledei podaci se mogu koristiti za dobijanje tehni ke podrake za %s:P#ZIzdava :P-ZIzdanje:P7ZKontakt:PAZPodraka:PKZTelefon za podraku:PUZPro itaj me:P_ZDogradnje:PiZKomentari:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ>4@H:0MS Shell DlgPx2# @54CPT!;545[8 ?>40F8 A5 <>3C :>@8AB8B8 70 4>18X0Z5 B5E=8G:5 ?>4@H:5 70 %s:P#Z74020G:P-Z740Z5:P7Z>=B0:B:PAZ>4@H:0:PKZ"5;5D>= 70 ?>4@H:C:PUZ@>G8B0X <5:P_Z>3@04Z5:PiZ><5=B0@8:Pd#LPd-MPd7NPdAOPdKPPdUQPd_RPdiSȐ@_EO+(Q* "D) ,JCHMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkDE F*ECQF EF %J,'/ -2E) "D) ,JCH H'DDQ'2E) D9ED 'D*7(JB'*'D-'HJ) 9DI *1EJ2'* 'DHJ( (4CDM 3DJE . (%EC'FF' *-EJD 'D-2E)*DB'&JK' +EQ *+(J*G' EF #,DC . ED'-8): EF 'DEA6QD '3*./'E 'D-2E 'D*J *HA1G' *H2J9*C . 'F81 <a href=""></a> D*A'5JDM #C+1.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&*+(J*PL2#D:PȐ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2=AB0;8@09PL2B<5=8Ȑ_Installador del Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkEl Wine no ha pogut trobar un paquet del Gecko que es necessita perqu les aplicacions que incloguin HTML funcionin correctament. El Wine el pot baixar i installar automticament per vs. Nota: es recomana utilitzar els paquets de la vostra distribuci en compte. Vegeu <a href=""></a> per detalls.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallaPL2CancellaȐ_Instaltor Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine se nepodaYilo najt bal ek Gecko potYebn pro sprvnou funk nost aplikac vyu~vajcch HTML. Wine ho pro Vs mo~e automaticky sthnout a nainstalovat. Poznmka: Je doporu eno vyu~t namsto toho bal ek Vaa distribuce. Pro vce detailo tte <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalovatPL2StornoȐ_Wine Gecko InstallationsprogramMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine kunne ikke finde Gecko Pakken, som er ndvendig for at f applikationers indlejring af HTML til at fungere korrekt. Wine kan automatisk hente, og installere det for dig. Bemrk: Det anbefales at bruge distributions pakker i stedet. Se for flere detaljer.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AnnullerȐ_Wine-Gecko-InstallationMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine konnte das Gecko-Paket nicht finden. Es wird von Programmen mit eingebettetem HTML bentigt, damit diese richtig funktionieren. Wine kann das Paket fr Sie herunterladen und installieren. Hinweis: Es wird empfohlen, das Paket ihrer Distribution zu verwenden. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie unter <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallierenPL2AbbrechenȐ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2Ȑ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2CancelȐ_Instalador Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine no pudo encontrar el paquete Gecko, el cual es necesario para que las aplicaciones con HTML embebido funcionen correctamente. Wine puede descargarlo e instalarlo automticamente por usted. Nota: Si le es posible utilice los paquetes de su distribucin. Visite para ms detalles.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Wine Gecko -asennusohjelmaMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine ei lytnyt Gecko-pakettia, jota tarvitaan HTML: sisltvien ohjelmien toimintaan. Wine voi ladata ja asentaa sen puolestasi. Huomaa, ett on suositeltavampaa kytt oman jakelusi paketteja. Listietoja: <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&AsennaPL2PeruutaȐ_Programme d'installation de Gecko pour WineMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine n'a pu trouver de paquet Gecko, qui est ncessaire pour que les applications incorporant du HTML puissent fonctionner correctement. Wine peut automatiquement le tlcharger et l'installer pour vous. Note: il est recommand d'utiliser le paquet de votre distribution. Consultez <a href=""></a> pour plus de dtails.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AnnulerȐ@_ Gecko  WineMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&PL2Ȑ_Wine Gecko teleptQMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkA Wine nem tallt Gecko csomagot, ami ahhoz szksges hogy a HTML-t begyaz alkalmazsok megfelelQen mqkdjenek. A Wine ezt automatikusan letltheti s felteleptheti nnek. Megjegyzs: Ajnlott a disztribci csomagjnak hasznlata ez helyett. Lsd a <a href=""></a> cmet a rszletekrt.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&TeleptsPL2MgseȐ_Installer di Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine non ha trovato un pacchetto Gecko, necessario ad applicazioni che incorporano HTML per funzionare correttamente. Wine lo pu scaricare e installare automaticamente per te. Nota: raccomandato usare i pacchetti delle distribuzioni. Leggi <a href=""></a> per i dettagli.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallaPL2AnnullaȐ_Wine Gecko 000000 MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkGecko 000000d0Q000~0[00g0W0_00S0n000000o0 HTML 0D}00`000000000L0ckW0O0R\OY00_00k0_g0Y00Wine g0S_r000000Rvk0000000W00000000Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00 la: N00k000000000000n0000000)R(uY00S0h00J0Y0Y00W0~0Y00sW0O0o00<a href=""></a> 0SgqO0`0U0D00P ( msctls_progress32PL2000000(&I)PL200000Ȑ_Wine Gecko $X MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWinet HTML Ǡ) \D ,t ٳ¤Д p DՔ\ Gecko (Ӥ| >D  ŵȲ. Wine@ Gecko (Ӥ| ٳ<\ 䲴\ܴX $X`  ǵȲ. 8: 0t XՔ Gecko (Ӥ D ͜iȲ. 8\ @ <a href=""></a>| $.P ( msctls_progress32PL2$X(&I)PL2͌Ȑ_Wine-Gecko-InstallatieMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine kon geen Gecko-pakket vinden. Gecko is nodig voor programma's die gebruik maken van embedded HTML. Wine kan het automatisch voor u downloaden en installeren. Noot: Het wordt aanbevolen om distributiepakketten te gebruiken. Zie <a href=""></a> voor details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerenPL2AnnulerenȐ_Instalator Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkNie znaleziono paczki Gecko potrzebnej do prawidBowego dziaBania aplikacji zawierajcych kod HTML. Wine mo|e sam pobra i zainstalowa t paczk dla ciebie. Uwaga: Zalecamy u|ycie paczki z twojej dystrybucji. Po szczegBy zajrzyj na <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2Za&instalujPL2AnulujȐ_Instalator Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstaleazPL2RenunȐ_#AB0=>2:0 Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine =5 <>65B =09B8 ?0:5B Gecko, :>B>@K9 =5>1E>48< 4;O :>@@5:B=>9 @01>BK ?@8;>65=89 A ?>445@6:>9 HTML. Wine <>65B 02B><0B8G5A:8 703@C78BL 8 CAB0=>28BL 53>. @8<5G0=85: @5:><5=4C5BAO 8A?>;L7>20BL ?0:5B, ?@54>AB02;O5<K9 20H8< 48AB@81CB82><. >A5B8B5 <a href=""></a> 4;O ?>;CG5=8O 1>;55 ?>4@>1=>9 8=D>@<0F88.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&#AB0=>28BLPL2B<5=0Ȑ_Wine Gecko instalacijski programMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine nije uspio pronai Gecko paket koji je neophodan za ispravno funkcioniranje programa koji imaju ugraeni HTML. Wine mo~e automatski preuzeti i instalirati program. Napomena: preporu ujemo koriatenje paketa vaae distribucije. Pogledajte <a href=""></a> za viae informacija.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalirajPL2Otka~iȐ_Wine Gecko inataltorMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine nemohol njse bal ek Gecko ktor je potrebn pre aplikcie, obsahujce HTML, aby fungovali sprvne. Wine ho m~e automaticky stiahnue a nainatalovae pre Vs. Poznmka: odpor a sa pou~ie bal ek Vaaej distribcie. Pozrite <a href=""></a> pre bli~aie informcie.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InatalovaePL2ZruaieȐ_Wine Gecko InstallationsprogramMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine kunde inte hitta paketet Gecko vilket krvs fr att program med inbddad HTML ska fungera korrekt. Wine kan hmta och installera det automatiskt t dig. Obs: Du rekommenderas att anvnda din distributions paket i stllet. Se <a href=""></a> fr mer information.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalleraPL2AvbrytȐ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2"@%4Ȑ_Wine Gecko YkleyicisiMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine, HTML'yi gml kullanan uygulamalar1n dzgn al1_mas1 iin gerekli olan Gecko paketini bulamad1. Wine, paketi sizin iin otomatik indirip ykleyebilir. Not: kendi da1t1m1n1z1n paketlerini kullanman1z nerilir. Ayr1nt1lar iin <a href=""></a> adresini ziyaret edin.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&YklePL20ptalȐ_AB0=>2;N20G Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine =5 <>65 7=09B8 ?0:C=>: Gecko, O:89 ?>B@V1=89 4;O :>@5:B=>W @>1>B8 4>40B:V2 7 ?V4B@8<:>N HTML. Wine <>65 02B><0B8G=> 7020=B068B8 B0 2AB0=>28B8 9>3> 4;O 0A. 0C206B5: 5:><5=4CTBLAO 28:>@8AB0B8 ?0:5B 7 20H>3> 48AB@81CB82C. 5B0;L=VH5 G8B09B5 <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&AB0=>28B8PL2!:0AC20B8Ȑ_Namestitev Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine ni naael paketa Gecko, ki ga programi, ki uporabljajo HTML, potrebujejo, da delujejo pravilno. Wine ga lahko samodejno prenese in namesti. Opomba: priporo ljivo je uporabiti Gecko paket od distribucije. Oglejte si <a href=""></a> za podrobnosti.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&NamestiPL2Prekli iȐ_ Wine  Gecko diegimo programaMS Shell DlgP ASysLink Wine nepavyko rasti  Gecko paketo reikalingo programoms, /terpian ioms HTML, teisingai veikti.  Wine gali automatiakai atsissti ir /diegti a/ paket. Pastaba: rekomenduojama naudoti distribucijos paketus. Daugiau informacijos <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&.diegtiPL2AtsisakytiȐ@_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2'F51'AȐ_Wine Gecko MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2 PL2 Ȑ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2 { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~ (&I)PL2CancelȐ_Wine Gecko MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine Gecko HTML . Wine . : . <a href=""></a> .P ( msctls_progress32PL2 (&I)PL2 Ȑ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2RinoncȐ_Instalador de Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine nun pudo alcontrar un paquete de Gecko que se precisa pa que les aplicaciones incrustaes en HTML funcionen correutamente. Wine pue baxalu ya instalalu automticamente por ti. Nota: aconsyase qu'uses el paquete de la to distribucin. Mira <a href=""></a> pa los detalles.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2EncaboxarȐ_Wine Gecko [݈ z_ MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine [݈ Gecko WYNMbckxo:yL](Wa(u z_-Nv HTML }0Wine SNRk^` N &N[݈ Gecko0 P;^p`O(u|vLHr@bDvWYN0s`ˊ <a href=""></a>P ( msctls_progress32PL2[݈(&I)PL2SmȐ_Wine Gecko InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2CancelȐ_Installere Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine fant ikke Gecko-pakken, som er ndvendig for at programmer som bruker HTML skal fungere ordentlig. Wine kan laste ned og installere denne automatisk. Merk: det anbefales at du bruker Gecko-pakken som flger med operativsystemet ditt. Se <a href=""></a> for flere detaljer.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AvbrytȐ_Instalador Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkO Wine no pde encontrar o pacote Gecko que necessrio para aplicativos com HTML embutido funcionarem corretamente. O Wine pode automaticamente efetuar o download e instal-lo para voc. Nota: recomendvel usar os pacotes da sua distribuio em vez disso. Veja <a href=""></a> para mais detalhes.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Instalilo de Wine-GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstaliPL2RezigniȐ_Wine Gecko [ňhV MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine *g~b0R0R(uN/ecL]eQ HTML v Gecko _d0Wine SNꁨRv^ N}[ň~N0 la: cP`[ň:NSLHr[6RvoNS0wQSOS w <a href=""></a>0P ( msctls_progress32PL2[ň(&I)PL2SmȐ_Instalador Wine GeckoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkO Wine no conseguiu encontrar o pacote Gecko que necessrio para aplicaes com HTML embutido funcionarem corretamente. O Wine pode automaticamente efetuar o download e instal-lo por si. Nota: recomendvel usar os pacotes da sua distribuio em vez disso. Veja <a href=""></a> para mais detalhes.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Wine Gecko instalacioni programMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalirajPL2Otka~iȐ_Wine Gecko 8=AB0;0F8>=8 ?@>3@0<MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&=AB0;8@0XPL2B:068Ȑ@_EO+(Q* "D) EHFHMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkDE F*ECQF EF %J,'/ -2E) "D) EHFH H'DDQ'2E) D9ED 'D*7(JB'*'D-'HJ) 9DI *1EJ2'* /H*F* (4CDM 3DJE . (%EC'FF' *-EJD 'D-2E)*DB'&JK' +EQ *+(J*G' EF #,DC . ED'-8): EF 'DEA6QD '3*./'E 'D-2E 'D*J *HA1G' *H2J9*C . 'F81 <a href=""></a> D*A'5JDM #C+1.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&*+(J*PL2#D:PȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2=AB0;8@09PL2B<5=8Ȑ_Installador del Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkEl Wine no ha pogut trobar un paquet del wine-mono que es necessita perqu les aplicacions .NET funcionin correctament. El Wine el pot baixar i installar automticament per vs. Nota: es recomana utilitzar els paquets de la vostra distribuci en compte. Vegeu <a href=""></a> per detalls.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallaPL2CancellaȐ_Instaltor Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine se nepodaYilo najt bal ek wine-mono potYebn pro sprvnou funk nost .NET aplikac. Wine ho pro Vs mo~e automaticky sthnout a nainstalovat. Poznmka: Je doporu eno vyu~t namsto toho bal ek Vaa distribuce. Pro vce detailo tte <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalovatPL2StornoȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AnnullerȐ_Wine-Mono-InstallationMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine konnte das wine-mono-Paket nicht finden. Es wird von .NET-Programmen bentigt, damit diese richtig funktionieren. Wine kann das Paket fr Sie herunterladen und installieren. Hinweis: Es wird empfohlen, das Paket ihrer Distribution zu verwenden. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie unter <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallierenPL2AbbrechenȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2Ȑ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2CancelȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Wine Mono -asennusohjelmaMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine ei lytnyt wine-mono-pakettia, jota tarvitaan, jotta .NET-sovellukset toimisivat oikein. Wine voi ladata ja asentaa sen puolestasi. Huomaa, ett on suositeltavampaa kytt oman jakelusi paketteja. Listietoja: <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&AsennaPL2PeruutaȐ_Programme d'installation de Mono pour WineMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine n'a pu trouver de paquet wine-mono, qui est ncessaire pour que les applications .NET fonctionnent correctement. Wine peut automatiquement le tlcharger et l'installer pour vous. Note: il est recommand d'utiliser le paquet de votre distribution. Consultez <a href=""></a> pour plus de dtails.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AnnulerȐ@_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&PL2Ȑ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&TeleptsPL2MgseȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallaPL2AnnullaȐ_Wine Mono 000000 MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkwine-mono 000000d0Q000~0[00g0W0_00S0n000000o0 .NET 00000000L0ckW0O0R\OY00_00k0_g0Y00Wine g0S_r000000Rvk0000000W00000000Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00 la: N00k000000000000n0000000)R(uY00S0h00J0Y0Y00W0~0Y00sW0O0o00<a href=""></a> 0SgqO0`0U0D00P ( msctls_progress32PL2000000(&I)PL200000Ȑ_Wine Mono $X MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWinet 7 \D ,t ٳ¤Д p DՔ\ wine-mono (Ӥ| >D  ŵȲ. Wine@ wine-mono (Ӥ| ٳ<\ 䲴\ܴX $X`  ǵȲ. 8: 0t XՔ wine-mono (Ӥ D ͜iȲ. 8\ @ <a href=""></a>| $.P ( msctls_progress32PL2$X(&I)PL2͌Ȑ_Wine-Mono-InstallatieMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine kon geen wine-mono-pakket vinden. Mono is nodig voor programma's die gebruik maken van het .NET raamwerk . Wine kan het automatisch voor u downloaden en installeren. Noot: Het wordt aanbevolen om distributiepakketten te gebruiken. Zie <a href=""></a> voor details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerenPL2AnnulerenȐ_Instalator Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkNie znaleziono paczki wine-mono potrzebnej do prawidBowego dziaBania aplikacjiNET. Wine mo|e sam pobra i zainstalowa t paczk dla ciebie. Uwaga: Zalecamy u|ycie paczki z twojej dystrybucji. Po szczegBy zajrzyj na stron <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2Za&instalujPL2AnulujȐ_Instalator Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstaleazPL2RenunȐ_#AB0=>2:0 Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine =5 <>65B =09B8 ?0:5B wine-mono, :>B>@K9 =5>1E>48< 4;O :>@@5:B=>9 @01>BK .NET ?@8;>65=89. Wine <>65B 02B><0B8G5A:8 703@C78BL 8 CAB0=>28BL 53>. @8<5G0=85: @5:><5=4C5BAO 8A?>;L7>20BL ?0:5B, ?@54>AB02;O5<K9 20H8< 48AB@81CB82><. >A5B8B5 <a href=""></a> 4;O ?>;CG5=8O 1>;55 ?>4@>1=>9 8=D>@<0F88.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&#AB0=>28BLPL2B<5=0Ȑ_Wine Mono instalacijski programMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine nije uspio pronai wine-mono paket koji je neophodan za ispravno funkcioniranje .NET aplikacija. Wine mo~e automatski preuzeti i instalirati program. Napomena: preporu ujemo koriatenje paketa vaae distribucije. Pogledajte <a href=""></a> za viae informacija.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalirajPL2Otka~iȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InatalovaePL2ZruaieȐ_Wine Mono InstallationsprogramMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine kunde inte hitta paketet wine-mono vilket krvs fr att .NET-program ska fungera korrekt. Wine kan hmta och installera det automatiskt t dig. Obs: Du rekommenderas att anvnda din distributions paket i stllet. Se <a href=""></a> fr mer information.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalleraPL2AvbrytȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2"@%4Ȑ_Wine Mono YkleyicisiMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine, .NET uygulamalar1n1n dzgn al1_mas1 iin gerekli olan wine-mono paketini bulamad1. Wine, paketi sizin iin otomatik indirip ykleyebilir. Not: kendi da1t1m1n1z1n paketlerini kullanman1z nerilir. Ayr1nt1lar iin <a href=""></a> adresini ziyaret edin.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&YklePL20ptalȐ_AB0=>2;N20G Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine =5 <>65 7=09B8 ?0:C=>: wine-mono, O:89 ?>B@V1=89 4;O :>@5:B=>W @>1>B8 .NET 4>40B:V2. Wine <>65 02B><0B8G=> 7020=B068B8 B0 2AB0=>28B8 9>3> 4;O 0A. 0C206B5: 5:><5=4CTBLAO 28:>@8AB0B8 ?0:5B 7 20H>3> 48AB@81CB82C. 5B0;L=VH5 G8B09B5 <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&AB0=>28B8PL2!:0AC20B8Ȑ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&NamestiPL2Prekli iȐ_ Wine  Mono diegimo programaMS Shell DlgP ASysLink Wine nepavyko rasti  wine-mono paketo reikalingo .NET programoms teisingai veikti.  Wine gali automatiakai atsissti ir /diegti a/ paket. Pastaba: rekomenduojama naudoti distribucijos paketus. Daugiau informacijos <a href=""></a>.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&.diegtiPL2AtsisakytiȐ@_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2'F51'AȐ_Wine Mono MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2 PL2 Ȑ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2 { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~ (&I)PL2CancelȐ_Wine Mono MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine wine-mono .NET . Wine . : . <a href=""></a> .P ( msctls_progress32PL2 (&I)PL2 Ȑ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2RinoncȐ_Instalador de Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine nun pudo alcontrar un paquete wine-mono que se precisa pa que les aplicaciones en .NET funcionen correutamente. Wine pue baxalu ya instalalu automticamente por ti. Nota: aconsyase qu'uses el paquete de la to distribucin. Mira <a href=""></a> pa los detalles.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2EncaboxarȐ_Wine Mono [݈ z_ MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine [݈ wine-mono WYNMbckxWL .NET a(u z_0Wine SNRk^` N &N[݈[0 P;^p`O(u|vLHr@bDvWYN0s`ˊ <a href=""></a>P ( msctls_progress32PL2[݈(&I)PL2SmȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallPL2CancelȐ_Installere Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine fant ikke wine-mono pakken, som er ndvendig for at .NET programmer skal fungere ordentlig. Wine kan laste ned og installere denne pakken for deg. Merk: det anbefales at du bruker Mono-pakken som flger med operativsystemet ditt. Se <a href=""></a> for flere detaljer.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstallerPL2AvbrytȐ_Instalador Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkO Wine no pde encontrar o pacote wine-mono que necessrio para que aplicativos .NET funcionarem corretamente. O Wine pode automaticamente efetuar o download e instal-lo para voc. Nota: recomendvel usar os pacotes da sua distribuio em vez disso. Veja <a href=""></a> para mais detalhes.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstaliPL2RezigniȐ_Wine Mono [ňhV MS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine *g~b0R0R(uN/ec .NET ^(uv wine-mono ~N0Wine SNꁨRv^ N}[ň~N0 la: cP`[ň:NSLHr[6RvoNS0wQSOS w <a href=""></a>0P ( msctls_progress32PL2[ň(&I)PL2SmȐ_Instalador Wine MonoMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkO Wine no conseguiu encontrar o pacote wine-mono que necessrio para aplicaes com HTML embutido funcionarem corretamente. O Wine pode automaticamente efetuar o download e instal-lo por si. Nota: recomendvel usar os pacotes da sua distribuio em vez disso. Veja <a href=""></a> para mais detalhes.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalarPL2CancelarȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&InstalirajPL2Otka~iȐ_Wine Mono InstallerMS Shell DlgP ASysLinkWine could not find a wine-mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you. Note: it is recommended to use your distribution's packages instead. See <a href=""></a> for details.P ( msctls_progress32PL2&=AB0;8@0XPL2B:068%6'A) H %2'D) 'D(1'E,CF*J- DC %EC'FJ) *+(J* (1E,J) ,/J/)  #H -0A (1E,J) EH,H/) EF -'3(C. 'D*7(JB'*Z:J1 B'/1 9D) %2'D)  '%s'. GD *1:( (-0A E9DHE'* 'D*+(J* 'D*J **(9 G0' 'D(1F'E, EF 'D3Q,D  :J1 EO5FQA'D'3E'DFQ'41'D%5/'1 *+(J* 'D(1'E,(1'E, (*F3JB exeCD 'DEDA'* (*.*)&%2'D) &*9/JD/-0A,'1J 'D*Q-EJD...,'1J 'D*Q+(J*...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. @8;>65=8OvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specified<5 PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)A8G:8 D09;>25 (*.*) @5&<0E=8&Modify/Remove 7B53;O=5...=AB0;8@0=5...Afegeix/elimina programesYUs permet installar programari nou, o eliminar programari existent del vostre ordinador. Aplicacions{No s'ha pogut executar el desinstallador '%s'. Voleu eliminar l'entrada de desinstallaci d'aquest programa del registre?No especificatNom PublicadorVersiProgrames d'installaciProgrames (*.exe)Tots els fitxers (*.*)&Elimina&Modifica/eliminaS'est baixant...S'est installant...PYidat/Odebrat programyWUmo~Huje instalovat nov software nebo odstranit existujc software z Vaaeho po ta e.AplikaceSpuatn odinstalovn  %s selhalo, mo~n pY na je pYedchoz smazn aplikace. PYejete si odstranit zznam odinstalace tohoto programu z registru?Neur enoNzev VydavatelVerzeInstala n programyProgramy (*.exe)Vaechny soubory (*.*)Odeb&ratZ&mnit/OdebratProbh stahovn...Probh instalace...Tilfj/Fjern ProgrammerfGiver dig mulighed for at installere ny software, eller fjerne eksisterende software fra din computer. ProgrammerEr ikke i stand til at starte afinstallationen, '%s'. nsker du at fjerne fjernes posten, for dette program fra registreringsdatabasen?Ikke specificeretNavnUdgiverVersionInstallationsprogrammerProgrammer (*.exe)Alle filer (*.*)&Fjern&Rediger/Fjern Henter...Installerer...Software?Erlaubt es Ihnen, neue Software hinzuzufgen oder zu entfernen. AnwendungenDer Uninstaller konnte nicht gestartet werden, '%s'. Mchten Sie den Uninstall-Eintrag fr dieses Programm aus der Registrierung entfernen?Nicht angegebenName HerausgeberVersionSetup-ProgrammeProgramme (*.exe)Alle Dateien (*.*) &Entfernenn&dern/EntfernenLade herunter...Installiere...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)All files (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Agregar/Quitar ProgramasRLe permite instalar software nuevo, o desinstalar software existente de su equipo. AplicacionesgNo se pudo ejecutar el desinstalador, '%s'. Desea eliminar la entrada de este programa en el registro?No especificadoNombre FabricanteVersinProgramas de instalacinProgramas (*.exe)Todos los archivos (*.*) E&liminar&Cambiar/QuitarDescargando... Instalando...Lis tai poista sovellusAVoit asentaa uusia ohjelmia tai poistaa ohjelmia tietokoneeltasi. SovelluksetZPoistokomento '%s' eponnistui. Haluatko poistaa ohjelman asennettujen ohjelmien listalta? Ei mriteltyNimi JulkaisijaVersioAsennusohjelmatOhjelmat (*.exe)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)&Poista&Muokkaa/poista Ladataan... Asennetaan...Ajout/Suppression de programmescVous permet d'installer un nouveau logiciel, ou supprimer un logiciel existant de votre ordinateur. ApplicationsImpossible d'excuter le programme de dsinstallation %s. Voulez-vous supprimer l'entre de dsinstallation de ce programme de la base de registre? Non spcifiNomditeurVersionProgrammes d'installationProgrammes (*.exe)Tous les fichiers (*.*) &Supprimer&Modifier/SupprimerTlchargement...Installation.../  I            .Z     , '%s'.          ?    ( *.exe)  (*.*)& &/......!Programok hozzadsa/eltvoltsaSLehetv teszi j programok teleptst illetve eltvoltst az n szmtgprl. AlkalmazsokNem tudom elindtani az eltvolt programot: '%s'. Szeretn az ehhez a programhoz tartoz eltvoltsi bejegyzst trlni a regisztrcis adatbzisbl? Nincs megadvaNvKiadVerziTelept programokProgramok (*.exe)Minden fjl (*.*) E&ltvolts&Mdosts/Eltvolts Letlts... Telepts...Aggiungi/Rimuovi ProgrammiYTi permette di installare nuovi software o di rimuovere quelli presenti dal tuo computer. Applicazioni{Impossibile eseguire il disinstallatore, '%s'. Vuoi rimuovere la voce di disinstallazione di questo programma dal registro?Non specificatoNomeEditoreVersioneProgrammi d'installazioneProgrammi (*.exe)Tutti i file (*.*)&Rimuovi&Modifica/RimuoviScaricamento...Installazione... 00000n0Rh0JRd,eW0D00000000000000Y00S0h000eX[n00000000JRdY00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0000000000@00000000 '%s' 0wRY00S0h0L0g0M0~0[000S0n000000k0[Y0000000000v000000K00JRdW0~0Y0K0? c[U00f0D0~0[00 TMRzvLCQ00000 000000 00000 00000 (*.exe)Y0y0f0n00000 (*.*)JRd(&R) Yfh0JRd(&M)000000W0f0D0~0Y0...000000W0f0D0~0Y0... \ /p+ ոƴ| $XXp $X ոƴ| 0 p`  ǵȲ.\=p \ '%s'D(|) ‰`  ŵȲ. ɤ¸Ҭ t \X p mթD pX ȲL?X JLtDŽȑǬ$X \ \ (*.exe) | (*.*)p(&R) (&M)/p 䲴\ܴ ...$X ...!Programma's Toevoegen/VerwijderenZHiermee installeert u nieuwe software, of verwijdert u bestaande software van uw computer. ToepassingenzHet denstallatie-programma '%s' kan niet gestart worden. Wilt u de denstallatie-informatie verwijderen uit het register?Niet gespecificeerdNaamUitgeverVersieInstallatie-programma'sProgramma's (*.exe)Alle bestanden (*.*) &Verwijderen&Wijzigen/VerwijderenBezig met downloaden...Bezig met installeren...Dodaj/UsuD programy_Pozwala na instalacj nowego lub usunicie ju| istniejcego oprogramowania z twojego komputera. AplikacjehNie mo|na uruchomi programu odinstalowujcego, '%s'. Czy chcesz usun wpis o tym programie z rejestru? Nieokre[loneNazwaWydawcaWersjaProgramy instalacyjneProgramy (*.exe)Wszystkie pliki (*.*)&UsuD Z&mieD/UsuD Pobieranie...Instalowanie...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)Tuot las datotecas (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Adugare/eliminare programeLPermite instalarea sau dezinstalarea de aplicaii pe calculatorul d-voastr. AplicaiirNu am putut rula dezinstalarea pentru  %s . Vrei s nlturai nregistrarea de dezinstalare a acestei aplicaii? Ne specificatNumeEmitentVersiunePrograme de instalarePrograme (*.exe)Toate fiierele (*.*)&Elimin&Modific/terge Descarc... Instalez...#AB0=>2:0/C40;5=85 ?@>3@0<<J#AB0=>2:0 =>2>3> ?@>3@0<<=>3> >15A?5G5=8O 8 C40;5=85 CAB0=>2;5==>3> @0=55. @8;>65=8O\52>7<>6=> 70?CAB8BL ?@>3@0<<C C40;5=8O %s. K E>B8B5 C40;8BL 70?8AL ?@>3@0<<K 87 @55AB@0? BACBAB2C5B<O740B5;L5@A8O #AB0=>2I8:8@>3@0<<K (*.exe)A5 D09;K (*.*)&#40;8BL&7<5=8BL/#40;8BL 03@C7:0... #AB0=>2:0...Dodaj/Ukloni programeEInstaliranje novog programa ili brisanje postojeeg s vaaeg ra unala. AplikacijepNije uspijelo izvraavanje deinstalacijskog programa za '%s'. }elite li ukloniti registarski unos ovog programa? Nije odreenoNazivIzdava VerzijaInstalacijski programiProgrami (*.exe)Sve datoteke (*.*)&Ukloni&Izmjeni/ukloniPreuzimanje...Instaliranje...Pridae/Odstrnie programyTUmo~Huje Vm inatalciu novch programov alebo odstrnenie starch z Vaho po ta a. AplikcienNepodarilo sa spustie odinataltor, '%s'. Prajete si zmazae odinatala n zznam pre tento program z registrov?NeapecifikovanNzov DistribtorVerziaInatala n programyProgramy (*.exe)Vaetky sbory (*.*) &Odstrnie&Upravie/Odstrnie Seahujem... Inatalujem...Lgg till/Ta bort programXLter dig installera ny programvara, eller ta bort befintlig programvara frn din dator.ProgrampKunde inte kra avinstalleraren, '%s'. Vill du ta bort avinstallationsobjektet fr detta program frn registret? Inte angivetNamnUtgivareVersionInstallationsprogramProgram (*.exe)Alla filer (*.*)Ta &bort&ndra/Ta bort Hmtar...Installerar...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe) 8AI! (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Program Ekle/Kald1r\Bilgisayar1n1za yeni yaz1l1m yklemenizi veya bilgisayar1n1zdan yaz1l1m kald1rman1z1 salar. Uygulamalard'%s' kald1rma program1 al1_t1r1lamad1. Sistem kayd1ndan bu kald1rma girdisini silmek ister misiniz? BelirlenmediAdYay1nc1SrmYkleme programlar1Programlar (*.exe)Tm dosyalar (*.*)&Kald1r&Dei_tir/Kald1r0ndiriliyor... Ykleniyor...AB0=>2;5==O/840;5==O @>3@0<C>72>;OT 2AB0=>28B8 =>25 B0 2840;8B8 =0O2=5  7 20H>3> :><?'NB5@0.>40B:8U5<>6;82> 28:>=0B8 2840;5==O, '%s'. 8;CG8B8 40=V ?@> 2AB0=>2;5=C ?@>3@0<C 7 @5TAB@C? 5 707=0G5=>072084025FL5@AVO@>3@0<8 2AB0=>2;5==O@>3@0<8 (*.exe)AV D09;8 (*.*) &840;8B8&<V=8B8/840;8B8020=B065==O...AB0=>2;5==O...Dodaj/odstrani programeWOmogo a namestitev novih programov oziroma odstranitev programov iz vaaega ra unalnika.ProgramixNapaka med zaganjanjem odstranitvenega programa '%s'. Ali ~elite izbrisati odstranitveni vnos za ta program iz registra? Ni navedenoImeZalo~nik Razli icaNamestitveni programiProgrami (*.exe)Vse datoteke (*.*) &Odstrani&Spremeni/OdstraniPrejemanje ...Namea anje ...Pridti/paaalinti programasOLeid~ia /diegti nauj programin /rang, ar paaalinti kompiuteryje jau /diegt. ProgramosmNepavyko /vykdyti programos aalinimo komandos  %s . Ar norite paaalinti programos aalinimo /raa ia registro? NenurodytaVardasLeidjasVersija.diegimo programosProgramos (*.exe)Visi failai (*.*) Pa&aalintiPa&keisti/paaalintiAtsiun iama... .diegiama...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)GEG  ~1HF/G G' (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. vUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specified    (*.exe) (*.*) (&R)&Modify/Remove ... ...#* M 0 K  M 0 > . A  ~  G |  M  A  /( @  M    F / M / A  * A $ ? / 8 K + M 1 M 1 M 5 F / |  { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~  F / M / > {  2 M 2 F  M  ? } , ( ?  M  3 A  F  . M * M / B  M  1 ? } ( ? ( M ( A  ( ? 2 5 ? 2 A 3 M 3 8 K + M 1 M 1 M 5 F / | ( @  M    F / M / > { ( ?  M  3 F  ( A 5 & ?  M  A ( M ( A . * M 2 ?  M  G 7 ( A  ~ vUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry?5 M /  M $ . >  M  ? / ?  M  ? 2 M 2 * G 0 M * M 0 8 > '  { * $ ? * M * M  { 8 M 1 M 1 2 G 7 { * M 0 K  M 0 > . A  ~ * M 0 K  M 0 > . A  ~ (*.exe) 2 M 2 > + / 2 A  3 A  (*.*)( @  M    F / M / A  (&R)"* 0 ? 7 M  M  0 ?  M  A  /( @  M    F / M / A  (&M)! W z 2 K ! A  F / M / A ( M ( A ... { 8 M 1 M 1 > ~  F / M / A ( M ( A ... / Y , . b'%s' . ?     (*.exe) (*.*) (&R) / (&M) ... ...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)Tos les fitchs (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Add/Remove ProgramsUPermtete instalar software nuevu o desaniciar que que y tea instalu nel ordenador. AplicacionesvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedNome PublisherVersinProgrames d'instalacinProgrames (*.exe)Tolos ficheros (*.*)&Remove&Modify/Remove Baxando... Instalando...eX/yd z_AQ1`[݈eߎԚ, b_`vfyds gvߎԚ0a(u z_!qlWLyd z_ %s0 ``\ Pyd z__;Qh-N*RdU*gc[ T1zu"uFUHr,g[݈ z_ z_ (*.exe) @b gjHh (*.*)yd(&R) O9e/yd(&M)ck(W N[݈...Add/Remove ProgramsSAllows you to install new software, or remove existing software from your computer. ApplicationsvUnable to execute the uninstaller, '%s'. Do you want to remove the uninstall entry for this program from the registry? Not specifiedName PublisherVersionInstallation programsPrograms (*.exe)All files (*.*)&Remove&Modify/RemoveDownloading... Installing...Legg til/Fjern programmerFLar deg installere ny programvare eller fjerne installerte programmer. ProgrammerrKlarte ikke kjre avinstalleringsprogrammet, %s. Vil du fjerne oppfringen fra listen over installerte programmer? Ikke oppgittNavnUtgiverVersjonInstallasjonsprogrammerProgrammer (*.exe)Alle filer (*.*)&Fjern &Endre/Fjern Laster ned...Installerer...Adicionar/Remover Programas[Permite a instalao de novo software ou a remoo de software existente no seu computador. AplicativoszNo foi possvel executar o desinstalador, '%s'. Deseja remover do registro a entrada de desinstalao para este programa?No especificadoNomeEditorVersoProgramas de InstalaoProgramas (*.exe)Todos os arquivos (*.*)&Remover&Modificar/RemoverFazendo o download... Instalando...Aldoni/Forigi programojnGLasas, ke vi instalu novan programon am forigi jaman de via komputilon. ProgramojsNe eblis plenumigi malinstalilon, '%s'. u vi deziras forigi la malinstalan eron por tiu programo el la registrejo? Ne specifitaNomo EldonistoEldonoInstalaj programojProgramoj (*.exe)iuj dosieroj (*.*)&Forigi&Modifi/Forigi El]utante... Instalante...mR/ Rd z^AQ`O[ňeoNb Rds g z^0^(u z^ NЏLxS} z^ '%s'0``bُ*NxS}agvNlQh-N RdT?*gc[ TyuNFUHr,g[ň z^ z^ (*.exe) @b geN (*.*) Rd(&R) O9eb Rd(&M)ck(W N}[ň...Adicionar/Remover Programas\Permite a instalao de novo software, ou a remoo de software existente no seu computador. AplicaesyNo foi possvel executar o desinstalador, '%s'. Deseja remover do Registo a entrada de desinstalao para este programa?No especificadoNomeEditorVersoProgramas de InstalaoProgramas (*.exe)Todos os ficheiros (*.*)&Remover&Modificar/RemoverA descarregar... A instalar...Dodaj/ukloni programe4Instaliranje novog programa ili brisanje postojeeg. AplikacijepIzvraavanje deinstalacionog programa za  %s nije uspelo. }elite li da uklonite registarski unos ovog programa? Nije odreenoNameIzdava IzdanjeInstalacioni programiIzvrane datoteke (*.exe)All files (*.*)&Ukloni&Modify/RemovePreuzimanje...Instaliranje...>40X/C:;>=8 ?@>3@0<52=AB0;8@0Z5 =>2>3 ?@>3@0<0 8;8 1@8A0Z5 ?>AB>X5[53.@>3@0<8o72@H020Z5 458=AB0;0F8>=>3 ?@>3@0<0 70  %s =8X5 CA?5;>. 5;8B5 ;8 40 C:;>=8B5 @538AB0@A:8 C=>A >2>3 ?@>3@0<0? 8X5 >4@5R5=>Name74020G740Z5=AB0;0F8>=8 ?@>3@0<872@H=5 40B>B5:5 (*.exe)!25 40B>B5:5 (*.*)&#:;>=8&Modify/Remove @5C78<0Z5...=AB0;8@0Z5...O'DEDA 'DEO-EQD D' JEDC 'D(5E) 'DEO*HBQ9)  ,'1J %D:'! 'D*+(J* (3(( *DA 'DEDA'*.mEl fitxer baixat t una suma de verificaci inesperada. S'est avortant la installaci del fitxer corromput.]Neo ekvan kontroln sou et sta~enho souboru. Instalace poakozenho souboru byla pYeruaena.GUventet kontrolsum af hentet fil. Afbryder installation af korrupt fil.aUnerwartete Prfsumme der heruntergeladenen Datei. Breche Installation der beschdigten Datei ab.PUnexpected checksum of downloaded file. Aborting installation of corrupted file.jLa suma de verificacin del archivo descargado no coincide. Abortando la instalacin del archivo corrupto.ULadatun tiedoston tarkistussumma ei tsm. Keskeytetn viallisen tiedoston asennus.dSomme de contrle du fichier tlcharg inattendue. Abandon de l'installation d'un fichier corrompu.?      .    .:Letlttt fjl crc hibs. Hibs fjl teleptse megszakad.[Checksum inaspettato del file scaricato. Interruzione dell'installazione del file corrotto.5000000W0_00000n0000000L0puj00~0Y000000L04x dW0f0D00_0000000000-NbkW0~0Y00.䲴\ܴ\ |X l, 8 ǵȲ. ݹ | $X| ͌XՔ ɅȲ.hOnverwachte checksum van het gedownloade bestand. Installatie van het corrupte bestand wordt afgebroken.NNieoczekiwana suma pobranego pliku. Przerywanie instalacji uszkodzonego pliku.fNu se ateapt acest suma de control a fiierului descrcat. Renun la instalarea fiierului alterat.VH81:0 :>=B@>;L=>9 AC<<K 703@C65==>3> D09;0. #AB0=>2:0 ?>2@564Q==>3> D09;0 >B<5=O5BAO.SNeo ekivana kontrolna suma preuzete datoteke. Prekid instalacije oateene datoteke.XNeo akvan kontroln s et seahovanho sboru. Preruaen inatalcia poakodenho sboru.JOvntad kontrollsumma p hmtad fil. Avbryter installation av korrupt fil.X0ndirilen dosyada beklenmeyen salama toplam1. Bozuk dosyan1n yklenmesi iptal ediliyor.Z5>GV:C20=0 :>=B@>;L=0 AC<0 7020=B065=>3> D09;C. !:0A>2CN 2AB0=>2;5==O ?>H:>465=>3> D09;C.VNepri akovana nadzorna vsota prejete datoteke. Preklic namestitve pokvarjene datoteke.ONetikta atsissto failo kontrolin suma. Nutraukiamas pa~eisto failo /diegimas.e checksum . .] N jHhv=~Tjgx N&{g0>eh[݈] dXjHh0PUnexpected checksum of downloaded file. Aborting installation of corrupted file.^Uventet kontrollsum for filen som ble lastet ned. Avbryter installasjon av den korrupte filen.cInesperada soma de verificao do arquivo descarregado. Abortando instalao do arquivo corrompido.] N}veN!he_[ň]_cOWveN0jSoma de verificao do ficheiro descarregado inesperada. Instalao interrompida do ficheiro corrompido.  /_   00 %0000h   hh(