ELFP 4}4 (000>NN= =>NNTTT$$Ptd 0 0 0DDQtdRtd>NN  GNUStZXTD=N(|F ,  Z U__gmon_start___ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable_ITM_registerTMCloneTable__cxa_finalize_end__wine_dll_registerlibwine.so.1WINE_1.0/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/winen'+{R!!!!8"A"F"a"k"""""NNP,P8PK""OOOOSC?t7[ f$ffffff/$<$<9ttUQЃÍt&Í&?/US$<$<)ȉtt PQ҃]Í&fUSS.$<u' t 1ƃ$<]Ít&W$f%hQfffffL$qUWVSQY1yt/WSV$^u umeY[^_]a &=uWjVZeY[^_]a t& jjjWjVZčEEeY[^_]a fffffffUh0hPÍ&t&tÍt&Uh0hPfffffL$qUQytMɍa & PgM ɍa SG,[mferror.dll;@$\4DT$T4TzR|  F J tx?;*2$"@ThhD GuFupu|uxutn AAAAC J Z AAAAC G  AAAAC $AB ` FYB j 4HKD GuCu|N FC K L IC @! n 0"NNox OoooooNPPEL!  `!$<848h:$ mferror.dll\dllDisableThreadLibraryCallskernel32.dll 0 @P`p     0@P`p"$'[  0 ?Y sxP`t/B0U@oX`8L X d@'$C8]@xx8P8@Dl ! 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 T6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > D> > t> > > > P> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ <CJ EJ |R R dR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. ('D'3E :J1 3DJE. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ('DAG13 :J1 3DJE. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 L6 6 t6 6 H6 6 6 6 X6 6 ( 6 6 6 6 `6 6 > > > > h> > > > p> > > > > > d> > > > x8J 8J :J AJ @CJ EJ R R LR R A B  XJa s'ha fet la sollicitud per comenar. HNo s'ha finalitzat el receptor. |No s'ha inicialitzat la plataforma de Fundaci de Mitjans. TLa memria intermdia s massa petita. @La sollicitud no s vlida. DEl nmero de flux no s vlid. HEl tipus de mitjans no s vlid. @No s'accepten ms entrades. HNo s'ha inicialitzat l'objecte. @No s'admet la representaci. No hi ha ms tipus en la llista de tipus de mitjans suggerits. <El servei s incompatible. HHi ha hagut un error inesperat. 0El nom no s vlid. 4El tipus no s vlid. HEl format de fitxer no s vlid. 0L'ndex no s vlid. DLa marca horria no s vlida. <L'esquema s incompatible. LEl flux de bytes s incompatible. LEl format horari s incompatible. lLa marca horria de la mostra no est establerta. XLa mostra no t cap duraci establerta. LLes dades de flux no sn vlides. `Suport per a temps real no est disponible. DLa velocitat s incompatible. DL'aprimament s incompatible. 8No s'admet marxa enrere. `La transici de velocitat no s compatible. xEl canvi de velocitat ha estat cancellat per un altre. PNo s'ha trobat l'objecte o el valor. @El valor no est disponible. HEl rellotge no est disponible. XJa s'ha fet la sollicitud per comenar. TNo s'accepten mltiples subscriptors. HEl temporitzador s'ha fet orfe. PUna transici d'estat est penjada. `La transici de velocitat no s compatible. THa ocorregut un error no recuperable. TLa mostra t massa memria intermdia. HNo es pot escriure a la mostra. 4La clau no s vlida. DLa versi d'inici s dolenta. @El subttol s incompatible. 8La posici no s vlida. <No s'ha trobat l'atribut. PEl tipus de propietat no es permet. LEl tipus de propietat no s'admet. 8La propietat est buida. @La propietat no est buida. PNo es permet una propietat vectora. <Cal una propietat vectora. @S'ha cancellat l'operaci. TNo es pot saltar en el flux de bytes. hLa plataforma est inhabilitat en el mode segur. TNo es pot analitzar el flux de bytes. S'han passat opcions mutualment exclusives al resolutor de fons. dLa llargada del flux de dades s desconeguda. XL'ndex de cua de treball no s vlida. LCap esdeveniment est disponible. tLa transici d'estat de fons de mitjans no s vlida. \S'ha arribat al final del flux de mitjans. 8S'ha invocat Shutdown(). hEl flux de mitjans no t cap duraci establerta. tEl format de mitjans s'ha reconegut per no s vlid. @No s'ha trobat la propietat. LNoms es pot llegir la propietat. <No es permet la propietat. PNo s'ha comenat la font de mitjans. TEl format de mitjans s incompatible. hLa font de mitjans est en un estat incorrecte. XNo s'ha seleccionat cap flux de mitjans. |Les caracterstiques de font de mitjans sn incompatibles. LS'ha eliminat el receptor de flux. dEls receptors de flux no estan sincronitzats. pEl conjunt de receptors del flux de mitjans s fix. HEl receptor de flux ja existeix. XS'ha cancellat l'assignaci de mostra. LL'assignador de mostra est buit. @El receptor ja s'ha aturat. xNo s'ha reconegut la velocitat de bits del receptor ASF. dNo s'ha seleccionat cap flux per al receptor. XLes metadades han estat massa llargues. XEl receptor no ha processat cap mostra. No s'han proporcionat les capaleres requerides al receptor. DEl node opcional no s vlid. HNo es pot trobar el desxifrador. 8No s'ha trobat el cdec. hNo es poden connectar els nodes de la topologia. XNo s'admet la sollicitud de topologia. hEls atributs de topologia horria no sn vlids. PS'han trobat bucles en la topologia. PManca el descriptor de presentaci. @Manca el descriptor de flux. \El descriptor de flux no est seleccionat. $Manca la font. El carregador de topologia no admet activacions de receptor. dEl rellotge no t cap font d'hora establerta. TJa s'ha establert l'estat de rellotge. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 T6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > D> > t> > > > P> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ <CJ EJ |R R dR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Neplatn nzev. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (Neplatn index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 P6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > @> > p> > > > L> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 8CJ EJ xR R `R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Ugyldigt navn. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (Ugyldigt indeks. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 < 6 6 6 6 6 6 X> > > > > > 4> > > > ,> > @> > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 8CJ EJ R R <R R A B PStartanfrage wurde bereits gestellt. HAusgang wurde nicht finalisiert. tMedia-Foundation-Plattform wurde nicht initialisiert. (Puffer zu klein. ,Ungltige Anfrage. @Ungltige Datenstromnummer. 4Ungltiger Medientyp. PKeine weiteren Eingaben akzeptiert. @Objekt nicht initialisiert. LReprsentierung nicht untersttzt. Keine weiteren Eintrge in der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Medientypen. @Nicht untersttzter Dienst. 0Unerwarteter Fehler. (Ungltiger Name. (Ungltiger Typ. 8Ungltiges Dateiformat. ,Ungltiger Index. 8Ungltiger Zeitstempel. @Nicht untersttztes Schema. LNicht untersttzter Bytestrom-Typ. HNicht untersttztes Zeitformat. hZeitstempel fr diesen Abtastwert nicht gesetzt. \Dauer fr diesen Abtastwert nicht gesetzt. DUngltige Daten im Datenstrom. TEchtzeituntersttzung nicht verfgbar. 8Nicht untersttzte Rate. DNicht untersttztes Ausdnnen. `Rckwrts abspielen wird nicht untersttzt. LNicht untersttzter Ratenbergang. DRatennderung wurde blockiert. HObjekt oder Wert nicht gefunden. 4Wert nicht verfgbar. <Zeitgeber nicht verfgbar. PStartanfrage wurde bereits gestellt. hMehr als ein Teilnehmer wird nicht untersttzt. 8Der Timer ist verwaist. <Statusnderung steht aus. PNicht untersttzter Statusbergang. XNicht ausgleichbarer Fehler aufgetreten. HAbtastwert hat zu viele Puffer. @Abtastwert nicht schreibbar. 0Schlssel ungltig. dUnbekannte Versionsnummer beim Initialisieren. HNicht untersttzte Caption-URL. 0Ungltige Position. 8Attribut nicht gefunden. TMerkmal von diesem Typ nicht erlaubt. PTyp des Merkmals nicht untersttzt. ,Merkmal ist leer. 8Merkmal ist nicht leer. DVektor-Merkmal nicht erlaubt. @Vektor-Merkmal erforderlich. <Vorgang wurde abgebrochen. 8Bytestrom nicht spulbar. tPlattform ist im abgesicherten Modus nicht verfgbar. PBytestrom kann nicht geparst werden. xWidersprchliche Flags an den Quellenauflser bergeben. @Unbekannte Bytestrom-Lnge. HUngltiger Warteschleifenindex. 8Keine Events verfgbar. \Ungltige Statusnderung der Medienquelle. TEnde des Medienstroms wurde erreicht. @Shutdown() wurde aufgerufen. dFr den Medienstrom wurde keine Dauer gesetzt. dMedienformat wurde erkannt, aber ist ungltig. 8Merkmal nicht gefunden. DMerkmal ist schreibgeschtzt. 4Merkmal nicht erlaubt. LMedienquelle ist nicht gestartet. LNicht untersttztes Medienformat. hMedienquelle befindet sich in falschem Zustand. DKeine Medienstrme ausgewhlt. hNicht untersttzte Medienquellen-Charakteristik. LDatenstromausgang wurde entfernt. XDatenstromausgnge nicht mehr synchron. Datenstrom-Ausgangssatz des Medienausgangs ist nicht nderbar. PDatenstromausgang existiert bereits. dAllokation des Abtastwerts wurde abgebrochen. DAbtastwert-Allokator ist leer. HAusgang wurde bereits gestoppt. XUnbekannte Bitrate fr ASF-Dateiausgang. \Keine Datenstrme fr den Ausgang gewhlt. 8Metadaten waren zu lang. |Es wurden keine Abtastwerte durch den Ausgang verarbeitet. Ausgang wurde nicht mit den ntigen Headern bereitgestellt. HOptionaler Knoten ist ungltig. TEntschlsselungsmodul nicht gefunden. 4Codec nicht gefunden. hTopologieknoten konnten nicht verbunden werden. PTopologieanfrage nicht untersttzt. LUngltige Topologie-Zeitattribute. hZirkulre Abhngigkeiten in Topologie gefunden. DPrsentationsdeskriptor fehlt. @Datenstromdeskriptor fehlt. TDatenstromdeskriptor nicht ausgewhlt. $Quelle fehlt. |Der Topologie-Lader untersttzt keine Ausgangsaktivierung. `Zeitgeber hat keine zugewiesene Zeitquelle. TZeitgeberstatus wurde bereits gesetzt. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 L6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > <> > l> > > > H> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 4CJ EJ tR R \R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Invalid name. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. $Invalid index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 T6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > D> > t> > > > P> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ <CJ EJ |R R dR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Nombre invlido. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (ndice invlido. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 \> > > > > > 0> > > > > > > > <> > t> > 8J 8J L:J AJ CJ EJ R R R R <A B (<Aloituspyynt on jo tehty. DUlostuloa ei ole viimeistelty. tMedia Foundation platform -kirjastoa ei ole alustettu. 8Puskuri on liian pieni. ,Pyynt ei kelpaa. 8Virran numero ei kelpaa. 4Mediatyyppi ei kelpaa. DEnemp sytett ei hyvksyt. <Objektia ei ole alustettu. 4Esitystapaa ei tueta. Ehdotettujen mediatyyppien listalla ei ole enemp tyyppej. ,Palvelua ei tueta. ,Odottamaton virhe. (Nimi ei kelpaa. ,Tyyppi ei kelpaa. 8Tiedostomuoto ei kelpaa. ,Indeksi ei kelpaa. 0Aikaleima ei kelpaa. ,Skeemaa ei tueta. @Tavuvirran tyyppi ei tueta. 4Ajan muotoa ei tueta. TNytteelle ei ole asetettu aikaleimaa. LNytteelle ei ole asetettu kestoa. 4Virran data ei kelpaa. TReaaliaikaisuus ei ole kytettviss. ,Nopeutta ei tueta. 0Ohennusta ei tueta. 4Kntmist ei tueta. <Nopeuden vaihtoa ei tueta. DNopeuden vaihto sivuutettiin. @Objektia tai arvoa ei lydy. 0Arvo ei saatavilla. 0Kello ei saatavilla. <Aloituspyynt on jo tehty. @Useaa listautujaa ei tueta. 0Ajastin ji orvoksi. 4Tilan muutos odottaa. 8Tilan muutosta ei tueta. LOn tapahtunut peruuttamaton virhe. PNytteell on liian monta puskuria. @Nyte ei ole kirjoitettava. 0Avain on viallinen. @Kynnistysversio ei kelpaa. ,Teksti ei tueta. ,Paikka ei kelpaa. 4Attribuuttia ei lydy. POminaisuuden tyyppi ei ole sallittu. DOminaisuuden tyyppi ei tueta. 0Ominaisuus on tyhj. 8Ominaisuus ei ole tyhj. LVektoriominaisuus ei ole sallittu. @Vektoriominaisuus vaaditaan. <Toimenpide keskeytettiin. <Tavuvirta ei ole haettava. \Alusta ei ole kytettviss turvatilassa. DTavuvirtaa ei voida jsent. Lhteen jsentjlle on annettu toisensa poissulkevia valitsimia. HTavuvirran pituutta ei tiedet. @Tyjonon indeksi ei kelpaa. DTapahtumia ei ole saatavilla. PMedialhteen tilan muutos ei kelpaa. 4Mediavirta on lopussa. 0Shutdown() kutsuttu. @Mediavirralla ei ole kestoa. hMedian muoto tunnistettiin, mutta se ei kelpaa. <Ominaisuutta ei lytynyt. @Ominaisuus on vain luettava. 8Ominaisuutta ei sallita. LMedialhdett ei ole kynnistetty. 8Median muotoa ei tueta. HMedialhde on vrss tilassa. @Mediavirtoja ei ole valittu. PMedialhteen ominaisuuksia ei tueta. <Virtaulostulo poistettiin. PVirtaulostulojen ajoitus ei tsm. dMediaulostulon virtaulostuloja ei voi muuttaa. DVirtaulostulo on jo olemassa. LNytteen varaaminen keskeytettiin. <Nytteenvaraaja on tyhj. @Ulostulo oli jo pysytetty. pASF-tiedoston siirtonopeus (bitrate) oli tuntematon. XUlostulolle ei ole valittu mediavirtoja. <Metatieto on liian pitk. LUlostulo ei ksitellyt nytteit. dUlostulolle ei annettu tarvittavia otsikoita. @Valinnainen solmu ei kelpaa. DSalaukselle ei lydy purkajaa. 0Koodekkia ei lydy. TTopologian solmuja ei voida yhdist. <Topologiapyynt ei tueta. \Topologian aika-attribuutit eivt kelpaa. @Topologiassa on silmukoita. @Esitystavan kuvaus puuttuu. 4Virran kuvaus puuttuu. HVirran kuvausta ei ole valittu. $Lhde puuttuu. lTopologianlatain ei tue ulostulojen aktivointeja. XKellolle ei ole asetettu ajan lhdett. @Kellon tila oli jo asetettu. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 T6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > D> > t> > > > P> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ <CJ EJ |R R dR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Nom non valide. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (Index invalide. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > H> > x> > > > T> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ @CJ EJ R R hR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (rvnytelen nv. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ,rvnytelen index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > H> > x> > > > T> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ @CJ EJ R R hR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Nome non valido. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ,Indice non valido. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ x6 6 6 6 6 6 p6 6 6 6 l6 6 6 6 $6 6 6 6  6 6 @ > > t > > > > > > 4 > > p > > 4 > > d > > > > 8J 8J 8:J AJ hCJ EJ R R R R A B 0Y00000o0Y0g0k0j0U00f0D0~0Y00 $000o0x[U00f0D0~0[000 TMedia Foundation 00000000o0RgSU00f0D0~0[000 0000L0\U0Y0N0~0Y00 (00000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ,00000juSo0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ,0000 000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ,S00N Nn0eQRo0SQ0eQ000~0[000 ,000000L0RgSU00f0D0~0[000 (cQo00000U00f0D0~0[000 HcHhY000000 000n0Nk0o0S00N Nn0000L0B00~0[000 ,0000U00f0D0j0D00000g0Y00 NgW0j0D0000g0Y00  TMRo0ckW0O0B00~0[000 $000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 40000 000000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 (000000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ,0000000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ,0000U00f0D0j0D00000g0Y00 80000U00f0D0j0D000000000n0.z^g0Y00 80000U00f0D0j0D0000 000000g0Y00 80000k00000000L0-[U00f0D0~0[000 (0000k0}}BfL0B00~0[000 000000 000o0ckW0O0B00~0[000 0000000 0000o0)R(ug0M0~0[000 ,0000U00f0D0j0D0Qu^g0Y00 (0000U00f0D0j0D0_M0g0Y00 (Quo00000U00f0D0~0[000 00000W0f0D0j0D0Qu^n0wyg0Y00 (Qu^n0 Yfo0N}n0g0W0_00 4000000~0_0o0$PL0d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 $$Po0)R(uSg0o0B00~0[000 ,0000o0)R(uSg0o0B00~0[000 0Y00000o0Y0g0k0j0U00f0D0~0Y00 8pen000000000o00000U00f0D0~0[000 $0000L0d[zW0f0D0~0W0_00 $rKawyL0[NW0f0D0~0[000 (0000W0f0D0j0D0rKawyg0Y00 ,V_ NSj0000L0zvuW0~0W0_00 ,0000n00000L0'YM0Y0N0~0Y00 00000L0fM00Sg0o0B00~0[000 00L0 Nckg0Y00 (Y00000L0Uc0f0D0~0Y00 00000U00f0D0j0D0000000g0Y00 MOnL0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ^\'`L0d0K00~0[000 ,00000n0Wo01SU00f0D0~0[000 000000n0Wo00000U00f0D0~0[000 00000L0zzg0Y00 (00000o0zzg0o0B00~0[000 ,MR00000o01SU00f0D0~0[000 $MR00000L0_g0Y00 d\Oo0-NeU00~0W0_00 400000000o0000Sg0o0B00~0[000 4000000g0o000000000o0!qRg0Y00 0000000000㉐gg0M0~0[00g0W0_00 8vNcN000L0000 0000k0!nU00~0W0_00 ,00000000n0wU0L0 Nfg0Y00 4\Omi000n0000000L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 ()R(uSj00000L0B00~0[000 80000 000n0rKawyL0ckW0O0B00~0[000 00000 00000n0B}zk0TW0~0W0_00 0Shutdown() L0|Tp00~0W0_00 <0000 00000k0}}BfL0-[U00f0D0~0[000 H0000 000000o0XU00~0W0_0L0ckW0O0B00~0[00g0W0_00 ,00000L0d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 (00000o00S0\(ug0Y00 (00000o01SU00f0D0~0[000 00000 000o0YU00f0D0~0[000 80000U00f0D0j0D00000 000000g0Y00 00000 000o0c0_0rKak0B00~0Y00 40000 000L0xbU00f0D0~0[00g0W0_00 80000U00f0D0j0D00000 000n0yr'`g0Y00 000000 000o0S0dK00~0W0_00 000000 000L0 TgW0f0D0~0[000 H0000 000 00000n0000 000o0V[U00f0D0~0Y00 000000 000o0Y0g0k0X[(WW0~0Y00 ,0000n0rR0S_f0o0-NeU00~0W0_00 (0000 000000o0zzg0Y00 (000o0Y0g0k0\PbkW0f0D0~0W0_00 DASF 0000 000k0[Y00000000L0 Nfg0W0_00 8000h0j0000000L0xbU00~0[00g0W0_00 $00000L0wY0N0~0W0_00 00000L0000k0QtU00~0[00g0W0_00 4000k0f0_000L0cOU00~0[00g0W0_00 ,Nac[n0000o0ckW0O0B00~0[000 (_SS000L0d0K00~0[000 ,00000L0d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 ,0000n00000c}g0M0~0[000 00000Blo00000U00f0D0~0[000 00000n0Bf;R^\'`L0ckW0O0B00~0[000 $0000L0000W0f0D0~0Y00 4000000000P[L0d0K00~0[000 ,00000P[L0d0K00~0[000 000000P[L0xbU00f0D0~0[000 000L0d0K00~0[000 @0000 000o0000n0;mR00000W0f0D0~0[000 80000k0000 000L0000U00f0D0~0[000 (0000n0rKao0-[n0g0W0_00 6 6 HBJ BJ t6 6 6 6 6 6 (6 6 6 6 86 6 h6 6 6 6 \6 6 6 6 > > L > > | > > > >  > > D > > > >  > > D > > 8J 8J :J AJ CJ EJ R R R R LA B 0,‘ ƭt t t踴LȵȲ. (l D̸ JXŵȲ. 8 0 իt \0T JXŵȲ. | 4 ǵȲ. ǻ ƭ̅Ȳ. (¸Ҽ 8 ǻŵȲ. ( t ǻŵȲ. 0T t %t թ JŵȲ. ( 0T JXŵȲ. $\t  JŵȲ. DH   ] T t t ŵȲ. ( JŔ D…Ȳ. $X \ $XȲ. ,t J@ tDŽ. $,t J@ …Ȳ. ,,t J@ | …Ȳ. ,t J@ xq. ,,t J@ ЄǤՅȲ. ( JŔ ¤ȹȲ. 4 JŔ tǸҤ¸Ҽ …Ȳ. , JŔ  …Ȳ. @t \ ЄǤ $ JXŵȲ. Ht \ 0(duration) $t ŵȲ. 0,t J@ ¸Ҽ pt0хȲ. , @ X JŵȲ. ,X JŔ D((rate). 4X JŔ 8 T(thinning). <(reversing)@  JŵȲ. 0X JŔ D((rate) X. 4D((rate) t ŵȲ. 0  D >D  ŵȲ. $D `  ŵȲ. (Ĭ| `  ŵȲ. ,‘ ƭt t t踴LȵȲ. , ǐǔ  JŵȲ. $t8 ଽŵȲ. ( Xt X ɅȲ. $ JŔ X. 0l`  Ŕ $X յȲ. ( | 4 ιȲ. , 0 X JŵȲ. ,t J@ . ǻ ‘ . X JŔ ɹ. ,t J@ X. $1D >D  ŵȲ. ,1 t թ JŵȲ. ,1 t  JŵȲ. 1t D ǵȲ. (1t D JŵȲ. ,0 1t թ JŵȲ. $0 1t DՔiȲ. t ͌ŵȲ. 0tǸ ¸Ҽ@ `  ŵȲ. 8H ܴ իD `  ŵȲ. 8tǸ ¸ҼD l8 `  ŵȲ. D8 0t ՘ Uxǐ\ ŵȲ. 4L  Ŕ tǸ ¸Ҽ 8tDžȲ. ,,t J@ P xq. 0`  ǔ tǤ ŵȲ. 4,t J@  X. 0 ¸ҼX ] ij첈յȲ. 0Shutdown()t 8֜ŵȲ. 4 ¸Ҽ 0 $t ŵȲ. < t x̹ ,t JŵȲ. $1D >D  ŵȲ. $1t }0 ȩƅȲ. $1t թ JŵȲ. 0 ‘ JXŵȲ. (X JŔ  . 4 ǻ ǵȲ. 0 ¸Ҽt  JXŵȲ. 4 JŔ  1Ȳ. (¸Ҽ l pŵȲ. 0¸Ҽ l ٳ0T JŵȲ. @ l ¸Ҽ l 8  ǵȲ. ,¸Ҽ l t tȬiȲ. ( `t ͌ŵȲ. ( ` D ǵȲ. (l t ŵȲ. DASF | l \ DtǸ| L  ŵȲ. 8l \ ¸Ҽt  JXŵȲ. $Tpt0 4 AȲ. 0l D ̬X JXŵȲ. 8l DՔ\ T| X JXŵȲ. ,  xܴ ,t JŵȲ. ,T8 tų0| >D  ŵȲ. $TqD >D  ŵȲ. 0\ xܴ| Ű`  ŵȲ. 0\ ƭt  JŵȲ. 0,t J@ \  1. (\  ǵȲ. ,լ LtX $ ŵȲ. $¸Ҽ $ ŵȲ. 0¸Ҽ $  JXŵȲ.  ŵȲ. @\ \T l \1T| X JŵȲ. <Ĭ  $D JŵȲ. ,Ĭ t $ŵȲ. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 T6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > D> > t> > > > P> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ <CJ EJ |R R dR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Ongeldige naam. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (Ongeldige index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 \6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > L> > |> > > > X> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ DCJ EJ R R lR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. ,Niepoprawna nazwa. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ,Niepoprawny index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 L6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > <> > l> > > > H> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 4CJ EJ tR R \R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Nume nevalid. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. $Index nevalid. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 @6 6 x6 6 H 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > $> > X> > > > @> > > > > > > > ,> > 8J 8J @:J AJ CJ EJ R R R R $A B @@0?@>A C65 1K; 8=8F88@>20=. H@8Q<=8: 40==KE =5 1K; 7025@HQ=. h;0BD>@<0 Media Foundation =5 8=8F80;878@>20=0. @54>AB0B>G=K9 @07<5@ 1CD5@0. 05:>@@5:B=K9 70?@>A. 4525@=K9 =><5@ ?>B>:0. 0525@=K9 B8? 40==KE. PE>4=K5 40==K5 1>;55 =5 ?@8=8<0NBAO. <1J5:B =5 8=8F80;878@>20=. H@54AB02;5=85 =5 ?>445@68205BAO. p>;LH5 M;5<5=B>2 2 A?8A:5 ?>445@68205<KE B8?>2 =5B. <!5@28A =5 ?>445@68205BAO. 05>6840==0O >H81:0. $525@=>5 8<O. $525@=K9 B8?. 4525@=K9 D>@<0B D09;0. (525@=K9 8=45:A. <525@=0O >B<5B:0 2@5<5=8. P0==0O AE5<0 URI =5 ?>445@68205BAO. `0==K9 B8? ?>B>:0 40==KE =5 ?>445@68205BAO. X0==K9 D>@<0B 2@5<5=8 =5 ?>445@68205BAO. T5 C:070=0 >B<5B:0 2@5<5=8 4;O AM<?;0. H5 C:070=0 4;8B5;L=>ABL AM<?;0. 8525@=K5 40==K5 ?>B>:0. P 568< @50;L=>3> 2@5<5=8 =54>ABC?5=. l0==0O A:>@>ABL 2>A?@>872545=8O =5 ?>445@68205BAO. X@>@56820=85 ?>B>:>2 =5 ?>445@68205BAO. t>A?@>872545=85 2 >1@0B=CN AB>@>=C =5 ?>445@68205BAO. l!<5=0 A:>@>AB8 2>A?@>872545=8O =5 ?>445@68205BAO. <Rate change was preempted. H1J5:B 8;8 7=0G5=85 =5 =0945=>. 0=0G5=85 =54>ABC?=>. ('0AK =54>ABC?=K. @0?@>A C65 1K; 8=8F88@>20=. \5 ?>445@68205BAO 1>;55 >4=>3> ?>4?8AG8:0. 8The timer was orphaned. <68405BAO A<5=0 A>AB>O=8O. \0==K9 A<5=0 A>AB>O=89 =5 ?>445@68205BAO. D@>87>H;0 :@8B8G5A:0O >H81:0. X!;8H:>< <=>3> 1CD5@>2 7040=> 4;O AM<?;0. <52>7<>6=> 70?8A0BL AM<?;. $525@=K9 :;NG. P@8 70?CA:5 C:070=0 =525@=0O 25@A8O. 0Unsupported caption. ,525@=0O ?>78F8O. ,B@81CB =5 =0945=. <5:>@@5:B=K9 B8? A2>9AB20. T0==K9 B8? A2>9AB20 =5 ?>445@68205BAO. (CAB>5 A2>9AB2> ,5?CAB>5 A2>9AB2>. H5:B>@=>5 A2>9AB2> =54>?CAB8<>. P"@51C5BAO A2>9AB2> 25:B>@=>3> B8?0. 8?5@0F8O 1K;0 >B<5=5=0. \>B>: =5 ?>445@68205B ?@>872>;L=K9 4>ABC?. X;0BD>@<0 =50:B82=0 2 157>?0A=>< @568<5. P5 C40;>AL @0A?>7=0BL ?>B>: 40==KE. pSource Resolver 2K720= A 2708<>8A:;NG0NI8<8 D;030<8. <58725AB=0O 4;8=0 ?>B>:0. 8525@=K9 8=45:A >G5@548. 45B 4>ABC?=KE A>1KB89. d5:>@@5:B=0O A<5=0 A>AB>O=89 8AB>G=8:0 40==KE. D>AB83=CB :>=5F ?>B>:0 40==KE. @K; 2K720= <5B>4 Shutdown(). P;8B5;L=>ABL <5480?>B>:0 =5 7040=0. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 0!2>9AB2> =5 =0945=>. P!2>9AB2> 4>ABC?=> B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8O. 454>?CAB8<>5 A2>9AB2>. @AB>G=8: 40==KE >AB0=>2;5=. H0==K9 D>@<0B =5 ?>445@68205BAO. X5:>@@5:B=>5 A>AB>O=85 8AB>G=8:0 40==KE. @5 2K1@0=> =8 >4=>3> ?>B>:0. |%0@0:B5@8AB8:8 40==>3> 8AB>G=8:0 40==KE =5 ?>445@6820NBAO. @@8Q<=8: 40==KE 1K; C40;Q=. DStream sinks are out of sync. l01>@ ?>B>:>2 40==>3> ?@8Q<=8:0 40==KE D8:A8@>20=. T>B>: ?@8Q<=8:0 40==KE C65 ACI5AB2C5B. D!>740=85 AM<?;0 1K;> >B<5=5=>. 8;;>:0B>@ AM<?;>2 ?CAB. P@8Q<=8: 40==KE C65 1K; >AB0=>2;5=. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. @>B>:8 ?@8Q<=8:0 =5 2K1@0=K. @@52KH5=0 4;8=0 <5B040==KE. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. L5:>@@5:B=K9 >?F8>=0;L=K9 M;5<5=B. P5 C40;>AL =09B8 <>4C;L @0AH8D@>2:8. (>45: =5 =0945=. T5 C40;>AL ?>4:;NG8BL M;5<5=BK 3@0D0. LTopology request is not supported. d040=K =525@=K5 2@5<5==K5 0B@81CBK 4;O 3@0D0. 0@0D A>45@68B ?5B;8. P5 7040= 45A:@8?B>@ 2>A?@>872545=8O. DBACBAB2C5B 45A:@8?B>@ ?>B>:0. @5A:@8?B>@ ?>B>:0 =5 2K1@0=. 4BACBAB2C5B 8AB>G=8:. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. P5 7040= 8AB>G=8: 2@5<5=8 4;O G0A>2. H!>AB>O=85 G0A>2 C65 CAB0=>2;5=>. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > H> > x> > > > T> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ @CJ EJ R R hR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Neispravno ime. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ,Neispravan indeks. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 P6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > @> > p> > > > L> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 8CJ EJ xR R `R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Nesprvny nzov. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. $Invalid index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 P6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > @> > p> > > > L> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 8CJ EJ xR R `R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Ogiltigt namn. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (Ogiltigt index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 |6 6 6 6 6 6 `6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d6 6 > > > > > > d> > > > 4> > > > `> > > > 8J 8J x:J AJ CJ EJ R R R R A B DBa_lama istei zaten yap1ld1. 8Ses 1k1_1 bitirilmedi. XMedia Foundation platformu ba_lat1lmad1. ,Tampon ok kk. (Geersiz istek. 8Geersiz ak1_ numaras1. 0Geersiz ortam tr. @Ba_ka giri_ kabul edilmiyor. 0Nesne ba_lat1lmad1. 4Temsil desteklenmiyor. dnerilen ortam trlerinde daha fazla tr yok. 4Desteklenmeyen hizmet. ,Beklenmeyen hata. Geersiz ad. $Geersiz tr. 0Invalid file format. (Geersiz dizin. 4Geeriz zaman damgas1. 0Desteklenmeyen _ema. HDesteklenmeyen bit ak1_ _emas1. @Desteklenmeyen zaman biimi. Trnek iin zaman damgas1 ayarlanmam1_. Drnek iin sre ayarlanmam1_. 4Geersiz ak1_ verisi. TGerek zamanl1 destek kullan1lam1yor. 0Desteklenmeyen oran. <Desteklenmeyen s1k1_t1rma. <Geri sarma desteklenmiyor. @Desteklenmeyen oran evrimi. <Oran dei_imi ne al1nd1. @Nesne veya deer bulunamad1. 4Deer kullan1lam1yor. 0Saat kullan1lam1yor. DBa_lama istei zaten yap1ld1. Loklu imzalayanlar desteklenmiyor. 4Zamanlay1c1 tek kald1. 8Durum dei_imi bekliyor. @Desteklenmeyen hal dei_imi. <Kurtar1lamaz hata olu_tu. Drnekte ok fazla tampon var. 0rnee yaz1lam1yor. ,Anahtar geersiz. 8Hatal1 ba_lang1 srm. 4Desteklenmeyen ba_l1k. (Geersiz konum. 0zellik bulunamad1. Hzellik trne izin verilmiyor. @zellik tr desteklenmiyor. zellik bo_. ,zellik bo_ deil. LVektr zelliine izin verilmiyor. 8Vektr zellii gerekli. 00_lem iptal edildi. HBit ak1_1nda arama yap1lam1yor. TGvenli modda platform devre d1_1d1r. 4Bit ak1_1 ayr1lam1yor. Kar_1l1kl1 d1_lama bayraklar1, kaynak zcsne geirildi. DBilinmeyen bit ak1_ uzunluu. @Geersiz i_ kuyruu dizini. Olay yok. `Desteklenmeyen ortam kayna1 durum evrimi. HOrtam ak1_1n1n sonuna ula_1ld1. @Shutdown() i_levi a1r1ld1. HOrtam ak1_1na sre ayarlanmam1_. POrtam biimi tan1nd1 ancak geersiz. 0zellik bulunamad1. 0zellik salt okunur. <zellie izin verilmiyor. @Ortam kayna1 ba_lat1lmad1. <Desteklenmeyen ortam tr. DOrtam kayna1 yanl1_ durumda. <Bir ortam ak1_1 seilmedi. \Desteklenmeyen ortam ak1_ karakteristii. 8Ak1_ 1k1_1 kald1r1ld1. 4Ak1_ 1k1_1 e_lenmedi. \Ortam 1k1_1n1n ak1_ 1k1_lar1 dzeltildi. <Ak1_ 1k1_1 zaten mevcut. Prnek konumland1rmas1 iptal edildi. @rnek konumland1r1c1s1 bo_. 81k1_ zaten durduruldu. `ASF dosya 1k1_1 iin bit oran1 bilinmiyor. D1k1_ iin bir ak1_ seilmedi. ,st veri ok uzun. T1k1_ taraf1ndan bir rnek i_lenmedi. X1k1_ iin gerekli stbilgi salanmam1_. ,Ek dm geersiz. 0zc bulunam1yor. ,Codec bulunamad1. PTopoloji dmlerine balan1lam1yor. HTopoloji istei desteklenmiyor. PGeersiz topoloji zaman zellikleri. <Topolojide dng bulundu. 8Sunum tan1mlay1c1s1 yok. 8Ak1_ tan1mlay1c1s1 yok. DAk1_ tan1mlay1c1s1 seilmedi. Kaynak yok. xTopoloji ykleyicisi 1k1_ etkinle_mesini desteklemiyor. LSaatin zaman kayna1 ayarlanmam1_. <Saat durumu zaten ayarl1. 6 6 HBJ BJ x6 6 6 6 6 6 \6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 L 6 6 T 6 6 d6 6 > > > > > > L> > > > $> > @> > > > > > D8J 8J :J AJ CJ EJ XR R tR R A B 00?8B 265 7@>1;5=>. 88EV4 =5 1C;> 7025@H5=>. d;0BD>@<0 Media Foundation =5 V=VFV0;V7>20=0. @ >7<V@ 1CD5@0 70=04B> <0;89. (52V@=89 70?8B. 452V@=89 =><5@ ?>B>:C. 052V@=89 B8? 40=8E. T2545==O 40=8E 1V;LH5 =5 ?@89<0TBLAO. <1'T:B =5 V=VFV0;V7>20=89. H@54AB02;5==O =5 ?V4B@8<CTBLAO. lV;LH5 B8?V2 40=8E C 70?@>?>=>20=><C A?8A:C =5<0T. 45?V4B@8<C20=0 A;C610. 05>GV:C20=0 ?><8;:0. $52V@=5 V<'O. $52V@=89 B8?. 452V@=89 D>@<0B D09;C. (52V@=89 V=45:A. 052V@=0 <VB:0 G0AC. 45?V4B@8<C20=0 AE5<0. L5?V4B@8<C20=89 B8? ?>B>:C 40=8E. @5?V4B@8<C20=89 D>@<0B G0AC. \'0A>20 ?>7=0G:0 4;O 7@07:0 =5 2AB0=>2;5=0. T"@820;VABL 4;O 281V@:8 =5 2AB0=>2;5=0. 052V@=V 40=V ?>B>:C. dV4B@8<:0 2 @568<V @50;L=>3> G0AC =54>ABC?=0. 45?V4B@8<C20=89 B5<?. D5?V4B@8<C20=5 ?@>@V46C20==O. 8 525@A =5 ?V4B@8<CTBLAO. L<V=0 H284:>ABV =5 ?V4B@8<CTBLAO. D5@5H:>460==O 7<V=8 H284:>ABV. H1'T:B 01> 7=0G5==O =5 7=0945=>. 0=0G5==O =54>ABC?=5. 4>48==8: =54>ABC?=89. 00?8B 265 7@>1;5=>. dV4B@8<:0 45:V;L:>E :>@8ABC20GV2 =5 =040TBLAO. 8The timer was orphaned. 8GV:CTBLAO 7<V=0 AB0=C. @5?V4B@8<C20=0 7<V=0 AB0=C. <8=8:;0 :@8B8G=0 ?><8;:0. L@07>: <0T 70=04B> 1030B> 1CD5@V2. <5<>6;82> 70?8A0B8 7@07>:. $52V@=89 :;NG. L5:>@5:B=0 25@AVO ?V4 G0A 70?CA:C. 85?V4B@8<C20=89 ?V4?8A. (52V@=0 ?>78FVO. 0B@81CB =5 7=0945=>. D54>72>;5=89 B8? 2;0AB82>ABV. L"8? 2;0AB82>ABV =5 ?V4B@8<CTBLAO. 0;0AB82VABL ?>@>6=O. 8;0AB82VABL =5 ?>@>6=O. L54>72>;5=0 25:B>@=0 2;0AB82VABL. L>B@51CTBLAO 25:B>@=0 2;0AB82VABL. 8?5@0FVO 1C;0 A:0A>20=0. 8>BV: =5 T ?>A;V4>2=8<. \;0BD>@<0 2V4:;NG5=0 2 157?5G=><C @568<V. H5<>6;82> @>7V1@0B8 ?>BV: 40=8E. l>=D;V:B=V ?@0?>@8 ?5@540=V 4> 28EV4=>W @57>;NFVW. 852V4><0 4>268=0 ?>B>:C. D52V@=89 V=45:A G5@38 70240=L. >4V9 =5<0T. L52V@=0 7<V=0 AB0=C 465@5;0 <54V0. @>AO3=CB> :V=FO <54V0?>B>:C. <C;> 28:;8:0=> Shutdown(). \"@820;>ABV 4;O <54V0?>B>:C =5 2AB0=>2;5=>. h$>@<0B <54V0 1C2 @>7?V7=0=89, 0;5 2V= =52V@=89. 8;0AB82VABL =5 7=0945=>. D;0AB82VABL ;8H5 4;O G8B0==O. 854>72>;5=0 2;0AB82VABL. D65@5;> <54V0 =5 70?CA:0TBLAO. D5?V4B@8<C20=89 D>@<0B <54V0. @52V@=89 AB0= 465@5;0 <54V0. <5 281@0=> ?>B>:V2 <54V0. `5?V4B@8<C20=V E0@0:B5@8AB8:8 465@5;0 <54V0. @8EV4 ?>B>:C 40=8E 2840;5=>. H>BV: 40=8E =5 A8=E@>=V7CTBLAO. x0?8A 28E>4C ?>B>:C 40=8E <54V028E>4C =5<>6;82> 7<V=8B8. D8EV4 ?>B>:C 40=8E 265 VA=CT. H84V;5==O 7@07:0 1C;> ?5@5@20=>. D >7?>4V;L=8: 7@07:V2 ?>@>6=V9. <8EV4 265 1C;> ?@8?8=8=>. X52V4><89 1VB@59B 4;O 282>4C D09;C ASF. P;O 282>4C =5 281@0=> ?>B>:V2 40=8E. D5B040=V 1C;8 70=04B> 4>238<8. \>4=V 7@07:8 =5 >1@>1;O;8AO @57C;LB0B0<8. |8EV4=V 40=V =5 1C;8 70157?5G5=V =5>1EV4=8<8 703>;>2:0<8. D5>1>2 O7:>289 2C7>; =52V@=89. H>4C;L @>7H8D@>2:8 =5 7=0945=>. 8>45: =5 1C;> 7=0945=>. X5 240;>AO ?V4:;NG8B8 B>?>;>3VG=V 2C7;8. P0?8B =0 B>?>;>3VN =5 ?V4B@8<CTBLAO. H52V@=V 0B@81CB8 G0AC B>?>;>3VW. @=0945=V ?5B;V 2 B>?>;>3VW. L5A:@8?B>@ ?@575=B0FVW 2V4ACB=V9. @5A:@8?B>@ ?>B>:C 2V4ACB=V9. D5A:@8?B>@ ?>B>:C =5 281@0=89. ,65@5;> 2V4ACB=T. p020=B06C20G B>?>;>3VW =5 ?V4B@8<CT 28EV4=89 A83=0;. `# 3>48==8:0 =5<0T ?@87=0G5=>3> 465@5;0 G0AC. L!B0BCA 3>48==8:0 265 2AB0=>2;5=>. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > H> > x> > > > T> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ @CJ EJ R R hR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. (Neveljavno ime. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. ,Neveljavno kazalo. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 |6 6 46 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 P 6 6 6 6 `> > > > > > L> > > > > > > > P> > > > D8J 8J :J AJ CJ EJ lR R dR R A B HPrad~ios u~klausa jau padaryta. @Rinktuvas nebuvo u~baigtas. XMedijos pagrindo platforma neinicijuota. ,Buferis per ma~as. 0Neteisinga u~klausa. @Neteisingas srauto numeris. <Neteisingas medijos tipas. @Daugiau /vedimo nepriimama. 8Objektas neinicijuotas. DReprezentavimas nepalaikomas. dDaugiau nra tips sikloms medijos tips sraae. 0Nepalaikoma tarnyba. (Netikta klaida. 0Neteisingas vardas. ,Neteisingas tipas. @Neteisingas failo formatas. 4Neteisingas indeksas. 4Neteisinga laiko ~yma. 0Nepalaikoma schema. HNepalaikomas baits srauto tipas. @Nepalaikomas laiko formatas. LLaiko ~yma nenustatyta elementui. DTrukm nenustatyta elementui. @Neteisingi srauto duomenys. PTikralaikis palaikymas neprieinamas. 0Nepalaikomas da~nis. 8Nepalaikomas retinimas. 8Apgr~imas nepalaikomas. HNepalaikoma da~nio moduliacija. PDa~nio pakeitimui u~kirstas kelias. @Objektas ar reikam nerasta. 0Reikam neprieinama. 8Laikrodis neprieinamas. HPrad~ios u~klausa jau padaryta. LDaugybiniai abonentai nepalaikomi. <Laikmatis buvo apleistas. @Bksenos perjimas laukiamas. HNepalaikomas bksenos perjimas. <.vyko nepataisoma klaida. HElementas turi per daug buferis. @. element negalima raayti. 0Raktas neteisingas. 8Bloga paleidimo versija. 4Nepalaikoma antraat. 0Neteisinga pozicija. 0Atributas nerastas. @Savybs tipas neleid~iamas. @Savybs tipas nepalaikomas. $Savyb tua ia. (Savyb netua ia. DVektorin savyb neleid~iama. 8Vektorin savyb bktina. 0Operacija nutraukta. @Baits srautas yra nuoseklus. XPlatforma iajungta saugioje veiksenoje. LNepavyko ianagrinti baits srauto. tNesuderinami ~ymos bitai perduoti aaltinio nustatymui. DNe~inomas baits srauto ilgis. LNeteisingas darbo eils indeksas. 8Nra pasiekiams /vykis. hNeteisingas medijos aaltinio bksenos perjimas. HPasiekta medijos srauto pabaiga. <Shutdown() buvo iakviesta. PMedijos srautui nenustatyta trukm. dMedijos formatas atpa~intas, bet neteisingas. (Savyb nerasta. 4Savyb tik skaitymui. 0Savyb neleid~iama. @Medijos aaltinis nepradtas. DNepalaikomas medijos formatas. XMedijos aaltinis neteisingoje bksenoje. XNepasirinktas n vienas medijos srautas. hNepalaikomos medijos aaltinio charakteristikos. LSrauto rinktuvas buvo paaalintas. @Srauto rinktuvai nesutampa. `Medijos rinktuvo srauto rinktuvai fiksuoti. HSrauto rinktuvas jau egzistuoja. HElemento paskyrimas nutrauktas. DElements skirstytuvas tua ias. <Rinktuvas jau sustabdytas. hPralaidumas buvo ne~inomas ASF failo rinktuvui. \Nepasirinktas n vienas srautas rinktuvui. 4Metaduomenys per ilgi. XRinktuvas neapdorojo n vieno elemento. lRinktuvui nebuvo pateiktos reikalingos antraats. DNebktinas mazgas neteisingas. DNepavyko rasti deaifratoriaus. ,Kodekas nerastas. PNepavyko sujungti topologijos mazgs. LTopologijos u~klausa nepalaikoma. XNeteisingi topologijos laiko atributai. @Aptikti ciklai topologijoje. <Trkksta pateikimo apraao. 4Trkksta srauto apraao. DSrauto apraaas nepasirinktas. ,Trkksta aaltinio. pTopologijos /klykl nepalaiko rinktuvs aktyvatoris. \Laikrodis neturi nustatyto laiko aaltinio. HLaikrod~io bksena jau nustatyta. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 06 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > 8> > l> > > > H> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ CJ EJ XR R LR R A B <PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. T . ( . $ . 4 . 0 . <No more input is accepted. 8 . @ . pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0 . 8 .  . $ . 0 . $ . 0 . 8 . HBytestream . @ . PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. , . < . 8 . 8Thinning . L . T . <Rate change was preempted. D . , . 4 . PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. D . L . T . @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. ( . 8 . 4 . $ . 8 . 8 . @ . $ . , . HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 0 . @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. @ bytestream . 8 . 4 . X . TEnd of media stream has been reached. 0Shutdown() . LMedia stream has no duration set. ` . 8 . 4 . , . @ . @ . H . HNo media streams were selected. L . 0 . DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @ . HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. @ . TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. < . H . < . DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. D . @ . 4 . , . 8 .  . hTopology loader does not support sink activates. < . H . 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 \6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6 6 6 > > L> > |> > > > X> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ DCJ EJ R R lR R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. 4El nome nun ye vlidu. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. $Invalid index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 ,6 6 6 6 l6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > > > L> > > > (> > t> > t> > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ CJ EJ TR R <R R xA B dPBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. !qHev T1z0 $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. !qHev"}_0 ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 L6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 > > <> > l> > > > H> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 4CJ EJ tR R \R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Invalid name. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. $Invalid index. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 H6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4> > p> > > > > > |> > > > > > > > \> > 8J 8J D:J AJ |CJ EJ R R R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. `Media Foundation plattformen er ikke lastet. 4For lite hurtigminne. 0Ugyldig foresprsel. 0Ugyldig strmnummer. ,Ugyldig mediatype. DIngen flere inndata akseptert. 4Objekt er ikke lastet. DRepresentasjonen stttes ikke. pIngen flere typer i listen av foresltte mediatyper. 8Tjenesten stttes ikke. $Uventet feil. $Ugyldig navn. $Ugyldig type. ,Ugyldig filformat. (Ugyldig indeks. ,Ugyldig tidspunkt. 4Skjemaet stttes ikke. @Unsupported bytestream type. <Tidsformatet stttes ikke. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. ,Ugyldig strmdata. PSanntidssttte er ikke tilgjengelig. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DFant ikke objekt eller verdi. @Verdi er ikke tilgjengelig. DKlokken er ikke tilgjengelig. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. TEn ugjenopprettelig feil har oppsttt. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. 0Nkkelen er ugyldig. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Ugyldig posisjon. 4Fant ikke egenskapen. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operasjonen ble avbrutt. @Bytestream is not seekable. TPlattformen er avsltt i sikkermodus. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. TMediastrmmen har ingen satt varighet. `Mediaformatet ble gjenkjent men er ugyldig. 4Fant ikke egenskapen. <Egenskapen kan kun leses. <Egenskapen er ikke tillat. @Mediakilden er ikke startet. @Mediaformatet stttes ikke. HMedia source is in wrong state. DIngen mediastrmmer ble valgt. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. ,Fant ikke kodeks. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. $Kilde mangler. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. 6 6 HBJ BJ 6 6 6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 6  6 6 |6 6 > > > > X> > > > > > d> > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ LCJ EJ R R R R @A B HRequisio inicial j foi feita. @Coletor no foi finalizado. TPlataforma de Mdias no inicializada. 4Buffer muito pequeno. 0Requisio invlida. @Nmero de segmento invlido. 8Tipo de mdia invlido. DEntradas no so mais aceitas. 8Objeto no inicializado. @Representao no suportada. hNenhum tipo restante na lista de tipos de mdia. 4Servio no suportado. (Erro inesperado. $Nome invlido. $Tipo invlido. @Formato de arquivo invlido. (ndice invlido. (Tempo invlido. 4Esquema no suportado. 0Tipo no suportado. HFormato de tempo no suportado. `Registro de tempo no setado para o exemplo. LSem durao setada para o exemplo. (Dados invlidos. TSuporte em tempo real no disponvel. 0Taxa no suportado. 0Tipo no suportado. 8Reverso no suportado. LTaxa de transmisso no suportada. DMudana de taxa foi preterida. HObjeto ou valor no encontrado. 4Valor no disponvel. 8Relgio no disponvel. HRequisio inicial j foi feita. TMltiplos assistentes no suportados. 0O timer est rfo. DTransio de estado pendente. DTroca de estado no suportado. DOcorreu um erro irrecupervel. @O Sample tem muitos buffers. 8Exemplo no gravvel. (Chave invlida. 8Verso de inicio errada. 0Tipo no suportado. ,Posio invlida. 8Atributo no encontrado. LTipo de propriedade no permitido. LTipo de propriedade no suportada. 8Propriedade est vazia. @Propriedade no est vazia. PVetor de Propriedade no permitido. HPropriedade do vetor necessria. 0Operao cancelada. DBytestream no pesquisvel. hPlataforma desabilitada em modo de segurana. TBytestream no pode ser interpretada. Parmetros mutuamente excludentes passados para o resolvedor de origem. PTamanho do bytestream desconhecido. Pndice da fila de trabalho invlido. <Nenhum evento disponvel. TTransio de estado de mdia invlido. $Fim da mdia. 8Desligar() foi chamado. \Stream de mdia no tem durao definida. dTipo da mdia foi reconhecido mas invlido. @Propriedade no encontrada. DPropriedade apenas de leitura. <Propriedade no permitida. DEntrada de mdia no iniciado. @Tipo de mdia no suportado. XEntrada de mdia est em estado errado. PNenhum stream de mdia selecionado. TCaracterstica de media no suportado. DColetor de fluxo foi removido. TColetor de fluxo fora de sincronismo. O conjunto de coletores de fluxo de coletor de mdia fixo. @Coletor de stream j existe. PA alocao de amostra foi cancelada. HAlocador de amostra est vazio. 8Coletor j esta parado. Taxa de bits desconhecida para o coletor de arquivos ASF. dNenhum stream foi selecionado para o coletor. 8Metadado muito longo. \Nenhum sample foi processado pelo coletor. `Coletor no recebeu o cabealho necessrio. 8Ponto opcional invlido. <Descritor no encontrado. 8Encoder no encontrado. dNo possvel conectar aos ns da topologia. LPedido de topologia no suportado. XAtributo de topologia de tempo invlido. DEncontrado loops na topologia. \A descrio da apresentao est faltando. PO descritor de stream est faltando. `O descritor de stream no est selecionado. 4Origem est faltando. xCarregador de topologia no suporta ativao do coletor. `Relgio no tem origem de tempo configurada. TEstado do relgio j foi configurado. 6 6 HBJ BJ `6 6 t6 6 L6 6 6 6 X6 6 6 6 6 6 x6 6 @6 6 6 6 > > > > > > (> > l> > > > > > > > > > L8J 8J h:J AJ CJ EJ T R R R R A B ]R^wYBl0 `l\*g[b0 <Media Foundation s^S\*gRYS0 Q:S*Y\0 BleHe0 AmpeϑeHe0 ZSO{|WeHe0  NcSfYeQ0 [a*gRYS0  N/ec͑U\:y0 (^ZSO{|WRh-Nl gvQN{|W0  N/ecv gR0 *gw0 eHe TW[0 {|WeHe0 eN\0 ,Shutdown() Qpe(u0 *gnZSOAm^0 ZSO > @> > p> > > > L> > > > > > > > > > 8J 8J :J AJ 8CJ EJ xR R `R R A B PBegin request has already been made. @Sink has not been finalized. dMedia Foundation platform is not initialized. 0Buffer is too small. (Invalid request. 4Invalid stream number. 0Invalid media type. <No more input is accepted. <Object is not initialized. HRepresentation is not supported. pNo more types in the list of suggested media types. 0Unsupported service. ,Unexpected error. $Nome invlido. $Invalid type. 0Invalid file format. (ndice invlido. ,Invalid timestamp. 0Unsupported scheme. @Unsupported bytestream type. 8Unsupported time format. PTimestamp is not set for the sample. HNo duration set for the sample. 0Invalid stream data. LRealtime support is not available. ,Unsupported rate. 4Unsupported thinning. @Reversing is not supported. @Unsupported rate transition. <Rate change was preempted. DObject or value wasn't found. 8Value is not available. 8Clock is not available. PBegin request has already been made. XMultiple subscribers are not supported. 8The timer was orphaned. @State transition is pending. DUnsupported state transition. DUnrecoverable error occurred. @Sample has too many buffers. 8Sample is not writable. (Key is invalid. 0Bad startup version. 0Unsupported caption. ,Invalid position. 8Attribute is not found. DProperty type is not allowed. HProperty type is not supported. ,Property is empty. 4Property is not empty. HVector property is not allowed. @Vector property is required. 8Operation was cancelled. @Bytestream is not seekable. LPlatform is disabled in safe mode. 8Cannot parse bytestream. pMutually exclusive flags passed to source resolver. <Unknown bytestream length. <Invalid work queue index. 0No events available. TInvalid media source state transition. TEnd of media stream has been reached. 4Shutdown() was called. LMedia stream has no duration set. `Media format was recognized but is invalid. 4Property wasn't found. 4Property is read-only. 8Property is not allowed. @Media source is not started. <Unsupported media format. HMedia source is in wrong state. HNo media streams were selected. \Unsupported media source characteristics. 8Stream sink was removed. DStream sinks are out of sync. TMedia sink stream sinks set is fixed. @Stream sink already exists. HSample allocation was canceled. <Sample allocator is empty. <Sink was already stopped. TBitrate was unknown for ASF file sink. TNo streams were selected for the sink. 4Metadata was too long. TNo samples were processed by the sink. `Sink was not provided with required headers. <Optional node is invalid. 4Cannot find decryptor. 0Codec was not found. DCannot connect topology nodes. LTopology request is not supported. LInvalid topology time attributes. 8Found loops in topology. PPresentation descriptor is missing. DStream descriptor is missing. LStream descriptor is not selected. ,Source is missing. hTopology loader does not support sink activates. DClock has no time source set. @Clock state was already set. fd53f474838491fa8415b25a588454443d4ee0.debug.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink TT$oxx ( p08oEo T ].c0 0 h@ @ qP P w""}00  0 0DP0P0LN>N>N>lO?P@<| |4<|